Is it possible to activate runes with menstrual blood. How to activate runes: basic techniques

Runic magic helps a person. In the implementation of plans, in work on their own character and way of life. Before applying Scandinavian or Old Russian signs, each symbol should be studied.

The final stage of a secret ritual that can attract love, money, stability and remove damage to the enemy is the activation of runic symbols.

Rune activation is the final stage of a secret ritual that can attract love, money, stability and remove damage to the enemy.

The power of runic symbols

An ancient symbol is used to divinate or create the reality that a person, in his own opinion, deserves. The dreams and hopes of the individual are limitless, and only reality can limit them.

The runic formula cannot be used for the sake of one's own momentary interests.

In order for the desire to mature, you need to give yourself a little time. It will be difficult to cancel the formula or becoming. Respect for runic magic is the key to success and security for every person.

What are stakes for? The combination of several strong signs at once will allow you to get a good result in the shortest possible time. Rune magic works and does not require anything in return, and nourished rituals will bring stability or permanent well-being into the house.

To apply any symbol, care is needed. Before drawing a rune, it must be understood. The study of Celtic or Scandinavian symbolism will require patience and faith that the familiar world can be larger and deeper to understand.

The choice of a rune is based on many factors, since different runic rows are designed for a single purpose. To determine the symbol according to the horoscope, you will need to consider the position of the heavenly bodies by date of birth. Such a rune characterizes the main qualities of a person, his strengths and weaknesses. The found symbol is used as an amulet or the most powerful amulet.

For divination, Futhark runes are used, which can reveal a whole picture of what is happening. Mistakes and actions of the past that affect a person's attitude in the present time will help the individual learn an invaluable lesson.

A rune that indicates a situation that is just happening will help you avoid threats and take advantage of fateful chances. Becoming the future is a hint and advice that can be neglected or used as the most powerful weapon.

Runes indicating fate will help you take advantage of fateful chances and avoid threats

How to understand rates?

Choosing is always difficult. The further outcome of the planned actions depends on the choice of the stav. If the study of runes is an uninteresting activity, then it is not worth taking up divination with the help of runic magic.

The stakes are not revealed immediately, it takes time and appropriate conditions to understand them. Runes can only be controlled with full awareness of one's own actions and actions. First, a beginner who was not previously familiar with ancient symbols should decide on goals.

Old Russian or Scandinavian signs are used for:

  • predictions for the near future;
  • clues to a situation that is already happening;
  • obtaining valuable information about the motives and feelings of other people;
  • love spell or lapel of a loved one;
  • protection from negative program sent by enemies;
  • creating a unique and individual amulet;
  • attracting all sorts of benefits;
  • inducing damage;
  • conspiracy for the whole family.

The type of runes that need to be studied depends on the chosen ritual. Any becoming Futhark is more sensual and deep in meaning. Runes for a horoscope always indicate significant character traits that will help a person find his life path. Runic magic can be used without serious consequences, if you are not afraid to ask experienced magicians for advice.

After a long study of the runes, a person makes a choice. He decides on a secret ritual and is armed with an unshakable faith in the favorable outcome of all magical action. Activating a symbol without knowing its nature is dangerous and improvident.

Each sign is powered by the element of nature, which will help unleash the potential of runic symbols applied to furniture or walls in the house, on one's own body or discreet things to protect the workspace in the office.

Correct symbol activation

How to quickly and efficiently activate runes? By themselves, drawings with ornate designations do not carry any energy. Runes do not work from a simple human touch. Magic, no matter how wild it may be, is always cautious.

The runes themselves do not carry any energy and do not work from a simple touch of a person, since they require activation

The main property of human nature is variability and suspiciousness, and therefore it is impossible to rely on the ardent desires of the individual. To himself, a man or woman should say: "I activate the power for which I am responsible." The fulfillment of a dream does not pass without consequences. Magic imposes responsibility for which a person must be prepared.

The order of performing the individual parts of the ritual is always simple, but in no case should you skip the individual stages of the ritual. First of all, a person prepares for fortune-telling or preparing an amulet mentally. Letting go of unnecessary anxieties and armed with a slightly exaggerated belief in ancient symbolism.

Before activating the rune, you should:

  1. Rune application. Translating a rune with errors is a waste of time, which can also do harm. If a person is unsure of the correctness of the stav, then you should look at the formulas on the Internet or in special literature. Complex staves are applied in stages, without missing a single line.
  2. CONSPIRACY. As soon as the rune receives a permanent "residence" it is necessary to utter special words of the conspiracy. An integral part of the ritual, which ensures the power supply of the rune, is carried out in complete seclusion without witnesses. Extra eyes and ears will only get in the way.
  3. Rune launch. It starts immediately, without wasting precious time. The speed of the rite determines the happiness of a person who has been damaged or evil eyed for a quick death.
  4. Activation. For the work of the Scandinavian or Old Russian sign, you need to use the natural elements. The choice of an activator depends on the capabilities and goals of a person.

Runes work as long as a person has enough strength to feed them. Runic or conspiracy magic always gives a chance to reverse the action of the rite. If a person changes his mind or decides that he can achieve his goals on his own, then he needs to deactivate the rune. The reverse rite involves fire or water, depending on the activator.

Proper activation is the key to success, because all the stages of the ceremony before the launch of the stakes are just preparation that makes no sense without choosing an activator. Everyone who is familiar with the runic formula or stav knows how important it is to pay due attention to the last stage of the secret ritual. Afraid ancient magic not worth it. She will initiate new successes, consolidate what has been achieved or protect the whole family from adversity.

Fire to activate runes

The element of Fire helps not only to reveal the power of the runes, but also to destroy their unstoppable power. There are two types of activation of ancient symbols.

A popular and simple method is to launch powerful signs through fire or touch, used at home and without the help of a magician.

This method is suitable for activating amulets or protective runic formulas.

  1. It is enough to hold a match near ancient sign or blow on it. A simple and affordable way is suitable for the quick work of runic signs. To cancel the work of the symbol, additional rituals will be required. The easiest way to make the rune work quickly and unconditionally is used by beginners and experienced magicians.
  2. The second method of activation is the burning of the magic sign. The destruction of the symbol, which starts a whole chain of events, occurs on the same day as the main part of the secret rite. The rune or attribute is burned on fire and the terms for which the sign must work are specified. It is important to calculate in advance what effect is needed and how long it will last. To cancel a rune with this type of activation, a complex cleaning will be required. A ritual that removes any magical action is a test for human energy. It can harm or destroy the life of the conspirator. They rarely resort to activating signs through burning, and only after a thorough study of ancient symbolism.
  3. To destroy a working sign, the element of Fire is used. She can charge the rune or completely neutralize it. The easiest way is to throw it into the fire. It is better to conduct the ceremony all alone, while no one sees or hears. Remove magic for various reasons. It is difficult for some to cope with the burden of responsibility, while others are unable to constantly fuel the conspiracy. To cancel the love spell, you will need to perform several rituals at once.

The element of Fire is used to destroy a working runic sign

The power that a person receives through a rite should not change him. Feeling power over another living being, a person can become confused. Lose your true bearings.

Practicing magicians say "if you become different, it is not magic that is to blame, but your own fears." Often a perfect rite affects not only the victim, but also the conspirator. Blame it on magic that can reveal the darkest secrets of the human soul.

How to make staves work?

It's impossible to make runes work. All a person can do is start working with them. Fruitful cooperation will guarantee the work of any perfect rituals.

The choice of the element that will help reveal the forces depends on the rank of the symbols, on its purpose and power. If several characters add up to a single picture, you do not need to activate them separately. Without starting, no becoming, even the strongest one, will not work, but will be a simple pattern on a pebble or amulet.

Before the ritual, a person should put boundaries. How powerful can runes be, and what is their true power over the lives of other people. Caution in such a case does not hurt.

Terms of work of signs should be certain, with the set restrictions. The runes that were burned during the rite cannot work forever, so the end of their work is indicated during the conspiracy.

The conditions for the correct operation of the runes that the beginner activates:

  1. The reason for the early termination of the rune. The condition that stops the formula from working must be clear and precise. Such a stop rarely occurs, but it should be pronounced before becoming activated.
  2. Burning with gratitude. A special type of activation of the symbols of the druids, which includes a separate appeal to higher powers. Relying on their mercy, a person shifts part of the responsibility. Power over the stave no longer belongs to one person, it is divided. The formula stops working without the knowledge of the customer.
  3. To destroy the rune with gratitude, you will need a strong purge. You can carry out the reverse ritual with any magical attributes. With salt, holy water and cleansing stavas.
  4. Runes are applied to the photo. One of the most strong conspiracies is done through a photograph of the victim. The picture stores the energy of a person, and the runic symbols work while the customer hides the photo.
  5. Simple and complex runes help a person, become protection for him and an invisible hand leading to success. Druid signs work without additional rituals or are reinforced by external forces. It is not dangerous to use natural elements to activate the runic symbol. For these purposes, ordinary candles, matches or water will do.

To activate the runic symbol, you can use ordinary candles

People need confidence tomorrow. Faith in the quick resolution of complex issues, trust in everything that happens. Activating strong runes is a person's last chance to change their mind. Stop trying to harm another person. If the question of salvation own soul stands on an edge, you can’t pull with the activation of the stakes. Every day of delay can cost a life.

Rune destruction upon activation

If you do not burn the runes, but leave drawings on furniture or walls, then you should not worry about the reverse ritual. A person always has a choice. Continue magical effect or turn it around in the opposite direction. The return of spoilage is painful and can harm the customer. A person who wishes harm to others can protect himself with another rune.

Amulets, protective drawings, conspiracies with staves need to be activated.

A person touches the signs, and they immediately absorb his energy. The customer holds a match near the rune, and it immediately responds. Starting as easy as shelling pears, but being responsible for its actions is much more difficult

Do you want to change your life with the help of runes? better side? Do you want to achieve great success and do not know where to start? Then we recommend that you read the useful information.

In this article, you will learn how to activate runes using all the elements.

You will learn how to properly activate runic symbols with an example runic formula, get acquainted with safety precautions, learn useful information.

Why do you need to activate the runes?

To boost magical power the stave must necessarily carry out the rite of activation. In other words, bind the rune to yourself, endowing it with your energy.

Unfortunately, to this day there is no ancient information about how our ancestors performed a ritual to communicate with the gods. However, there are practical ways to activate, thanks to which you can independently activate the power of the stav.

How to activate rune formulas?

Important information: the activation process should take place in a calm environment, slowly with the arrangement. On the day of the ritual, you need to have good health and mood. Before the ritual, be sure to study the meaning and all the properties of the runes that you plan to activate. Also pay attention to becoming, what qualities it has and what symbols it contains.

General rules before activation

  1. The first thing to do is to transfer the runes correctly. After all, translated runes with an error will not bring benefits, but can only bring harm. Therefore, if you are completely unsure of the reliability of the stav, then it is better to read the information on the Internet more carefully, study the rules for writing formulas, read thematic literature.

    Remember that complex stav options must be applied carefully, without leaving lines.

  2. Second, conspire. If the rune has a permanent place of residence, you need to conspire in a room, in complete seclusion, without strangers.
  3. The third thing is to run the runes. After the conspiracy, you must immediately begin the ceremony.
  4. At the final stage, proceed to activation. To do this, you need the power of 4 elements.

Remember that the activation method depends on your goals and capabilities. How long do runes last? It depends on the strength of the owner himself. The main thing is not to be afraid of magical rituals.

After all, it is they who lay the prospect for success, consolidate positive results, and protect against negativity. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most reliable methods for activating runes.

How to activate runes with breath: the subtleties of the ritual

Activating runes with breath is easy. It is enough for you to close your eyelids, to form your goal. Then take a lot of oxygen into your lungs, mentally warm it up and exhale completely on your runic symbols.

Activating formulas with the power of fire: the subtleties of the ritual

Before you activate the runes with fire, you must first prepare her photograph or drawing. Then, you bring the object to the fire from the wax candle in such a way that the runes lightly touch the flame. Make sure that the runes do not ignite. Otherwise, the rite will not work.

Remember: if the ritual is performed correctly, a thin film should form in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe combination of runes, which can be seen in the light.

How to make runes work with blood?

Many are interested in the question of how to activate runes with blood. Why do it? This method is used only in a few cases. For example, when it is necessary to strengthen the connection between the runes and the owner, as well as for healing.

The essence of the ritual: take a toothpick, needle or knife. Blood in this ritual should be taken only from the ring fingers.

It is important to remember: sharp objects for the ritual must be new and clean. This prerequisite must be observed in order to avoid infection. So don't forget peroxide. When you prick your finger, take a toothpick and dip it into the blood. Circle all symbols with this blood substance.

How to activate runes with 4 elements?

You can turn on the power of runes by using 4 elements at the same time.

For the ritual, take the following components:

  • collection of dry herbs, consisting of chamomile, yarrow, ambergris and chamomile. With these herbs you will fumigate the room;
  • wax candles. Choose the color of the candles depending on the area of ​​​​activity for which you plan to conduct the ceremony. For example, for a career and business, green and red are suitable. For healing - blue. For building interpersonal relationships- green and pink;
  • regular salt. Just buy regular coarse salt, no additives;
  • water. Take a cup of water. Before the ceremony, she should stand in a glass for about 3 hours;
  • Small clapstick of natural fabric.

How to work with the elements?

  1. Air activation. One of the methods is described above. There is another way. You use the collection of herbs, set fire to them. Wait for smoke to appear in the room. Then you fumigate the runes and mentally visualize the end result.
  2. Ground activation. Take a new piece of fabric, wrap it around the runic formula.

    Then take it to the forest and bury it. After 30 minutes, you can tear off the runes.

  3. Water activation. Dip the runic formula into a cup of water, wrapping it with a cloth. After 30 minutes, take out the runes. This method is suitable for runes made of stone, wood or metal.
  4. How to activate runes with fire, read above in the article.

How to activate the power of runes on the body?

It all depends on the application material. If you have applied symbols with a regular pen, then the breath activation method will suit you. If the runes are wiped off, you can draw them again and repeat the activation ritual again.

How to turn on the power of a runic stav through meditation?

There are other rituals that do not require combinations. For this method, you just need to visualize the place where you would like to apply the symbols and mentally charge them.

Usually this method is used by people with a high level of intuition, who have developed imagination and spatial thinking. Indeed, in such a ritual one must be able to imagine the desired combination of runes, to feel their strength and depth, to be able to merge with the symbol for a while. The main thing in this process is not to overdo it.

An example of a ritual in which all 4 elements are involved

In this example, we will take a closer look at how to activate the power of a rune set using 4 elements. Accordingly, for the ritual, you must take the following items: a bowl of salt, a burning candle, a glass of water and a collection of herbal plants.

Before proceeding with the ceremony, be sure to wash all the vessels. Use only new items with clean energy. Place herbs and aroma sticks on a vertical stand. And place the symbols in the following order: fire in the left corner of the table; air to the right, earth to the near left, and near right to water. Place a runic set in the center. Just use the new runes.

How the ritual is performed

  1. Prepare a clean room where there will be no strangers and pets.
  2. Put your phone on silent and take it to another room. Close the room.
  3. Charge all elements. To do this, you will need to touch each of the 4 elements in turn and light from a candle or incense.
  4. Then say the following phrase:

    I ask the help of all the elements to help me.

    All words must be pronounced clearly and loudly.

  5. Spread the runes in the center. Perform the layout in the following order: 3 rows of 8 runes in each. You start the very first row from left to right: Fehu, Uruz, Turisaz, Ansuz. 2nd row: Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa, Elvaz, Pertro, Algiz, Soulu. Third row: Tivaz, Berkano, Eyvaz, Manaz, Laguz, Ingvaz, Dagaz, Otala. But you place the rune of Odin in the 4th row in the center.
  6. Pay close attention to the runes. Proceed to activation in turn, starting with Fehu. Take the rune, say the name. Then lower the rune into a glass of salt and say the following words: "I activate the power of the Fehu runes with the energy of the earth." Say the same phrases for each element. Then, bring the runes to a burning candle, to incense, and sprinkle with water.
  7. Take the runes with your left hand and say the following phrase: “The Fehu rune is activated by the power of my breath. Fehu, help me, become mine." Then blow it over your right shoulder. Repeat the last manipulation three times. Then you can put the rune in a bag.
  8. All manipulations are repeated with other runes.
  9. Press the bag with runic symbols to your chest, close your eyes and mentally imagine how the runes merge together with you.
  10. At the end of the ceremony, do not forget to say words of gratitude to all the elements. Thank for their help and energy, rune activation.
  11. Extinguish candles with your fingers, and herbal plants with water.
  12. Do not forget to remove all the items that you used in the ceremony immediately. Don't leave it for another day.
  13. After the ritual, you can not give or give runes to anyone. Otherwise, you will lose trust and character arrangement.

All elements participate in this ritual. Now the runes belong only to you, and you can work with them. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with important tips that will be useful to you for the ceremony:

Do not pour out or throw away the used water and salt, it is better to take it to the forest and leave it near the tree.

During the ritual, you cannot leave the room, so make sure that all the necessary items are in the right place in advance.

After the ceremony, for 2 days, put the bag with runes under the pillow. Thus, your assistants will energize even more.

You should not perform such rituals during a period of poor health, if you have just suffered a strong emotional shock. It is best to activate the runes in complete calm and in a good mood.

Safety precautions for working with runic symbols

Before working with runes, it is imperative to know the safety precautions, to study all the pitfalls:

  1. Before working with symbols, carefully read the transcripts, study the meaning.
  2. It is forbidden to thoughtlessly draw runic symbols without goals. After all, this is not just a drawing.
  3. Do not depict runic symbols upside down. Otherwise, you will attract trouble and other failures into your life.
  4. Do not write runes without goals and specific tasks.
  5. During the period of work with runes, you must be in good shape, confident and calm. Otherwise, you will run into failure. Your energy field may be affected.
  6. So that your energy space is not affected, you must work in a quiet, comfortable environment without strangers and animals. You should concentrate all your attention on the rite and the runes.
  7. Working with runes, try to develop your energy, use your strength wisely. Use your energy wisely, direct it to the right place, then you will not get tired quickly.


How to activate runes, runic becoming, formula through fire

Runic magic helps a person. In the implementation of plans, in work on their own character and way of life. Before applying Scandinavian or Old Russian signs, each symbol should be studied.

The final stage of a secret ritual that can attract love, money, stability and remove damage to the enemy is the activation of runic symbols.

Rune activation is the final stage of a secret ritual that can attract love, money, stability and remove damage to the enemy.

The power of runic symbols

An ancient symbol is used to divinate or create the reality that a person, in his own opinion, deserves. The dreams and hopes of the individual are limitless, and only reality can limit them.

The runic formula cannot be used for the sake of one's own momentary interests.

In order for the desire to mature, you need to give yourself a little time. It will be difficult to cancel the formula or becoming. Respect for runic magic is the key to success and security for every person.

What are stakes for? The combination of several strong signs at once will allow you to get a good result in the shortest possible time. Rune magic works and does not require anything in return, and nourished rituals will bring stability or permanent well-being into the house.

To apply any symbol, care is needed. Before drawing a rune, it must be understood. The study of Celtic or Scandinavian symbolism will require patience and faith that the familiar world can be larger and deeper to understand.

The choice of a rune is based on many factors, since different runic rows are designed for a single purpose. To determine the symbol according to the horoscope, you will need to consider the position of the heavenly bodies by date of birth. Such a rune characterizes the main qualities of a person, his strengths and weaknesses. The found symbol is used as an amulet or the most powerful amulet.

For divination, Futhark runes are used, which can reveal a whole picture of what is happening. Mistakes and actions of the past that affect a person's attitude in the present time will help the individual learn an invaluable lesson.

A rune that indicates a situation that is just happening will help you avoid threats and take advantage of fateful chances. Becoming the future is a hint and advice that can be neglected or used as the most powerful weapon.

Runes indicating fate will help you take advantage of fateful chances and avoid threats

How to understand rates?

Choosing is always difficult. The further outcome of the planned actions depends on the choice of the stav. If the study of runes is an uninteresting activity, then it is not worth taking up divination with the help of runic magic.

The stakes are not revealed immediately, it takes time and appropriate conditions to understand them. Runes can only be controlled with full awareness of one's own actions and actions. First, a beginner who was not previously familiar with ancient symbols should decide on goals.

Old Russian or Scandinavian signs are used for:

  • predictions for the near future;
  • clues to a situation that is already happening;
  • obtaining valuable information about the motives and feelings of other people;
  • love spell or lapel of a loved one;
  • protection from a negative program sent by enemies;
  • creating a unique and individual amulet;
  • attracting all sorts of benefits;
  • inducing damage;
  • conspiracy for the whole family.

The type of runes that need to be studied depends on the chosen ritual. Any becoming Futhark is more sensual and deep in meaning. Runes for a horoscope always indicate significant character traits that will help a person find his life path. Runic magic can be used without serious consequences, if you are not afraid to ask experienced magicians for advice.

After a long study of the runes, a person makes a choice. He decides on a secret ritual and is armed with an unshakable faith in the favorable outcome of all magical action. Activating a symbol without knowing its nature is dangerous and improvident.

Each sign is powered by the element of nature, which will help unleash the potential of runic symbols applied to furniture or walls in the house, on one's own body or discreet things to protect the workspace in the office.

Correct symbol activation

How to quickly and efficiently activate runes? By themselves, drawings with ornate designations do not carry any energy. Runes do not work from a simple human touch. Magic, no matter how wild it may be, is always cautious.

The runes themselves do not carry any energy and do not work from a simple touch of a person, since they require activation

The main property of human nature is variability and suspiciousness, and therefore it is impossible to rely on the ardent desires of the individual. To himself, a man or woman should say: "I activate the power for which I am responsible." The fulfillment of a dream does not pass without consequences. Magic imposes responsibility for which a person must be prepared.

The order of performing the individual parts of the ritual is always simple, but in no case should you skip the individual stages of the ritual. First of all, a person prepares for fortune-telling or preparing an amulet mentally. Letting go of unnecessary anxieties and armed with a slightly exaggerated belief in ancient symbolism.

Before activating the rune, you should:

  1. Rune application. Translating a rune with errors is a waste of time, which can also do harm. If a person is unsure of the correctness of the stav, then you should look at the formulas on the Internet or in special literature. Complex staves are applied in stages, without missing a single line.
  2. CONSPIRACY. As soon as the rune receives a permanent "residence" it is necessary to utter special words of the conspiracy. An integral part of the ritual, which ensures the power supply of the rune, is carried out in complete seclusion without witnesses. Extra eyes and ears will only get in the way.
  3. Rune launch. It starts immediately, without wasting precious time. The speed of the rite determines the happiness of a person who has been damaged or evil eyed for a quick death.
  4. Activation. For the work of the Scandinavian or Old Russian sign, you need to use the natural elements. The choice of an activator depends on the capabilities and goals of a person.

Runes work as long as a person has enough strength to feed them. Runic or conspiracy magic always gives a chance to reverse the action of the rite. If a person changes his mind or decides that he can achieve his goals on his own, then he needs to deactivate the rune. The reverse rite involves fire or water, depending on the activator.

Proper activation is the key to success, because all the stages of the ceremony before the launch of the stakes are just preparation that makes no sense without choosing an activator. Everyone who is familiar with the runic formula or stav knows how important it is to pay due attention to the last stage of the secret ritual. There is no need to be afraid of ancient magic. She will initiate new successes, consolidate what has been achieved or protect the whole family from adversity.

Fire to activate runes

The element of Fire helps not only to reveal the power of the runes, but also to destroy their unstoppable power. There are two types of activation of ancient symbols.

A popular and simple method is to launch powerful signs through fire or touch, used at home and without the help of a magician.

This method is suitable for activating amulets or protective runic formulas.

  1. It is enough to hold a match near the ancient sign or blow on it. A simple and affordable way is suitable for the quick work of runic signs. To cancel the work of the symbol, additional rituals will be required. The easiest way to make the rune work quickly and unconditionally is used by beginners and experienced magicians.
  2. The second method of activation is the burning of the magic sign. The destruction of the symbol, which starts a whole chain of events, occurs on the same day as the main part of the secret rite. The rune or attribute is burned on fire and the terms for which the sign must work are specified. It is important to calculate in advance what effect is needed and how long it will last. To cancel a rune with this type of activation, a complex cleaning will be required. A ritual that removes any magical action is a test for human energy. It can harm or destroy the life of the conspirator. They rarely resort to activating signs through burning, and only after a thorough study of ancient symbolism.
  3. To destroy a working sign, the element of Fire is used. She can charge the rune or completely neutralize it. The easiest way is to throw it into the fire. It is better to conduct the ceremony all alone, while no one sees or hears. Remove magic for various reasons. It is difficult for some to cope with the burden of responsibility, while others are unable to constantly fuel the conspiracy. To cancel the love spell, you will need to perform several rituals at once.

The element of Fire is used to destroy a working runic sign

The power that a person receives through a rite should not change him. Feeling power over another living being, a person can become confused. Lose your true bearings.

Practicing magicians say "if you become different, it is not magic that is to blame, but your own fears." Often a perfect rite affects not only the victim, but also the conspirator. Blame it on magic that can reveal the darkest secrets of the human soul.

How to make staves work?

It's impossible to make runes work. All a person can do is start working with them. Fruitful cooperation will guarantee the work of any perfect rituals.

The choice of the element that will help reveal the forces depends on the rank of the symbols, on its purpose and power. If several characters add up to a single picture, you do not need to activate them separately. Without starting, no becoming, even the strongest one, will not work, but will be a simple pattern on a pebble or amulet.

Before the ritual, a person should put boundaries. How powerful can runes be, and what is their true power over the lives of other people. Caution in such a case does not hurt.

Terms of work of signs should be certain, with the set restrictions. The runes that were burned during the rite cannot work forever, so the end of their work is indicated during the conspiracy.

The conditions for the correct operation of the runes that the beginner activates:

  1. The reason for the early termination of the rune. The condition that stops the formula from working must be clear and precise. Such a stop rarely occurs, but it should be pronounced before becoming activated.
  2. Burning with gratitude. A special type of activation of the symbols of the druids, which includes a separate appeal to higher powers. Relying on their mercy, a person shifts part of the responsibility. Power over the stave no longer belongs to one person, it is divided. The formula stops working without the knowledge of the customer.
  3. To destroy the rune with gratitude, you will need a strong purge. You can perform the reverse ritual with any magical attributes. With salt, holy water and cleansing stavas.
  4. Runes are applied to the photo. One of the most powerful conspiracies is done through a photo of the victim. The picture stores the energy of a person, and the runic symbols work while the customer hides the photo.
  5. Simple and complex runes help a person, become protection for him and an invisible hand leading to success. Druid signs work without additional rituals or are reinforced by external forces. It is not dangerous to use natural elements to activate the runic symbol. For these purposes, ordinary candles, matches or water will do.

To activate the runic symbol, you can use ordinary candles

People need confidence in the future. Faith in the quick resolution of complex issues, trust in everything that happens. Activating strong runes is a person's last chance to change their mind. Stop trying to harm another person. If the question of saving one's own soul is an edge, it is impossible to delay the activation of the staves. Every day of delay can cost a life.

Rune destruction upon activation

If you do not burn the runes, but leave drawings on furniture or walls, then you should not worry about the reverse ritual. A person always has a choice. Continue the magical effect or turn the deed in the opposite direction. The return of spoilage is painful and can harm the customer. A person who wishes harm to others can protect himself with another rune.

Amulets, protective drawings, conspiracies with staves need to be activated.

A person touches the signs, and they immediately absorb his energy. The customer holds a match near the rune, and it immediately responds. Starting as easy as shelling pears, but being responsible for its actions is much more difficult


Rune activation in graphic magic. Types and methods of activation

Rune activation is one of the important complex components of the magical process, part of the ritual that is included in working with runes in graphic magic.

In general, the activation of runes are actions aimed at "revitalizing, awakening" runic energies enclosed in each runic symbol.

It is necessary to set an energy message (charge) so that the runes, in turn, begin to fulfill the given intention and magic is turned on.

There is very little information about the rules for activating runes and the work of ancient magicians directly. And today we can use a very impressive experience and developments of modern practitioners who use graphic magic.

Types of rune activation

There are various types and ways of activating runes, first of all it depends on the goals and objectives. As already mentioned, to "revitalize" the runes and run magic, you need energy, an energy source.

And it can be, as an internal one - the personal strength of a runologist, including the use of genetic materials - blood, saliva, etc.

So is the external one - attracting the power of natural elements in various options and combinations, calling for help of Gods, spirits, magical creatures.

1. Activation of runes by elements

As you know, there are four elements - fire, water, air, earth. These are natural sources of power with which you can activate the runes. Activation can be carried out as one element, and four elements together.

The element of fire is perhaps the most "in demand" both in magic in general and in the activation of runes, including activation by burning. To activate the runes with fire, you need the flame of living fire to touch the symbols printed on the carrier.

You need to act very carefully in order to avoid a fire, however, this wish applies to absolutely all magical and non-magical actions using this element. I think that to "awakening" the runes with the help fire element the so-called activation or recharging of runes with a candle can also be attributed.

In this case, a lit candle is placed on the carrier and the energy of fire during the burning of the candle activates and feeds the runes.

Water activation involves the interaction of runes with the water element. This can be a simple one-time spraying with water, as well as finding runes in water for a certain time, and even freezing.

Attracting the element of air for activation is the fumigation of runes with the help of incense sticks or herbs. Sometimes wind energy is used directly, placing the runic formula (becoming) in a windy place or, if necessary, providing forced air flow.

To activate the runes of the earth element, their contact with the earth is necessary, which is often replaced by ordinary rock salt. Depending on the tasks, becoming sprinkled with earth (salt), in some cases the runes are buried for a certain time.

2. Activation of runes by burning

Rune activation by burning is a type of activation when the runes applied to the wearer are burned. This method is irreversible and is used for the complete fulfillment of a desire, if the practitioner does not intend to interrupt or make adjustments to the work of the runic stav.

It is necessary to emphasize this type of activation in runic slander, since very often carriers with runic works are deactivated by burning. Often the runes are written directly on the candle, this method is part of candle magic, where there is also activation by burning.

In part, wax castings can also be attributed to this type of activation, if, to enhance their effect, the runes are first applied to the wax, followed by its melting.

3. Activation of runes by blood, saliva, breath

Blood, saliva, breath, coupled with personal power, the practice is most often used both for activation and for indicating one's identification when creating magical artifacts, objects of power, protective amulets and talismans. Usually, to activate, it is enough to apply a few drops of blood or a little saliva to the symbols, or exhale it on the runes by taking in air.

This type of activation is not used in work for negative influences, damage.

4. Rune Activation with Intention and Visualization

Intention is the personal power and will of a person, with the help of which desires and goals are launched until the result is manifested in reality. Therefore, a practitioner who has the ability to form a strong intention simply needs to concentrate on the runic signs, set the program, and activation occurs.

Visualization is work with visual images, which, together with intention, helps in the implementation of plans and tasks. If you have good visualization abilities and a strong intention, then in certain circumstances and conditions, the runes can be mentally imagined, and they begin to act.

5. Activating runes with the help of the Gods

Calling on the Gods, spirits, magical creatures, we ask for their help, in other words, energy in the implementation of our plans. These are already ritual actions, part of ritual magic with its own mandatory rules and conditions.


Rune activation

So, you have decided to practice runic art. You bought yourself a runic set, well prepared theoretically. But what's next? What steps need to be taken to start working with them? Any experienced runologist will tell you that you need to activate them first. And only after that you can start practicing.

What is rune activation? What is it for? Any person who is interested in runes and wants to work with them buys a rune set. But before you start using them for their intended purpose, it must be charged, activated, as it were. Otherwise, the runes will not work as they should.

Rune activation is therefore one of those rituals that a beginner in the runic art is introduced to. In this case, the process of unification of human energy with runes takes place. This contributes to a better understanding of the runes. After all, behind all these signs is a certain element, a certain deity. This is a whole small world with its own characteristics.

And you need to know it in order to be able to use it.

Rune Activation Ritual

Now we will learn how to properly activate the rune set. To do this, you first need to put objects on the table that will personify the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

Accordingly, it will be a bowl of salt (large), a burning candle, incense and a vessel of water. All vessels must be thoroughly washed before the ritual. Use a new wax candle for the ritual, that is, energetically clean.

As for incense and incense sticks, place them on a stand in an upright position. The symbols of the elements should be arranged as follows: in the far left corner of the table - Fire, in the far right - Air, in the near left - Earth, in the near right - Water.

And the center of the table will be for the runic set. It must be new. In no case do not use other people's runes. They should only be yours.

To perform the ritual, make sure that no one is in the room: no other people, no pets. Turn off your phone (or at least put it on silent mode). In general, it is better to close the room from the inside. So the ritual begins. It is necessary to recharge the energy of all four elements.

To do this, you need to touch each of the symbols in turn or light it (candle, incense). At the same time, say the phrase: “I call on the element (Earth, Fire, Air, Water) to help me in this circle.” Your words should be loud and clear. Now it's time to lay out the runes of the Elder Futhark in the center of the table.

Moreover, the layout should be as follows: three rows of eight runes each. The first row in turn from left to right will look like this: Fehu, Uruz, Turisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Vunyo. Second row: Hagalaz, Nautiz, Iza, Elvaz, Pertro, Algiz, Soulu. Third row: Tivaz, Berkano, Eyvaz, Manaz, Laguz, Ingvaz, Dagaz, Otala.

But the rune of Odin should be placed fourth in the center, below the other runes.

Now you need to focus on the runes, look at them carefully. After that, the activation of all runes begins in turn, starting with Fehu. To do this, we take the rune, pronounce its name (they need to be known by heart).

Then we lower it into a container with salt and at the same time we say the words: “I activate the Fehu rune with the energy of the Earth Element!”. We pronounce the same words (only with a change in the name of the element) when we hold the rune over the flame of a candle, when we bring it to incense, when we sprinkle water on it.

Now we take the rune in the left hand and say: “The Fehu rune is activated by my breath! Fehu, become mine and help me!” while blowing on her through right hand folded into a tube. The last step should be repeated three times. And only then the rune can be put in a bag.

All the same actions are performed with the rest of the runes, including the Odin rune, which lay at the very bottom. By the way, you can change the spoken words. The main thing is that their meaning does not change from this.

Now press the bag with runes to the area of ​​the sternum (heart), close your eyes and imagine that now you and the runes are one. It would be nice to say “thank you” to the elements for their energy, for their help in implementing the rune activation ritual.

You can extinguish a candle only with your fingers, extinguish incense with water. All items that took part in the ritual must be removed immediately. After such a ritual, the runeologist mentally must make a promise to himself to use the runes in accordance with all the rules, not to give or give his set to anyone.

Thus, you will betray your runic set. And this can be dangerous.

The whole ritual involves several forces at once. That is, the activation of runes by fire, water, air and earth occurs simultaneously, as well as the activation of runes by the breath of their owner.

This is all very symbolic: all forces have gathered to help the runeologist. But he himself is directly involved in this. Now your hands are untied. Now you can work with runes.

Now they are completely at your disposal.

Here are some tips that may come in handy during the ritual:

  • It is better not to pour out and throw away water and salt, but to take it to the forest. Just leave them under the tree.
  • It may happen that the candle or incense is over. In this case, simply put new ones. The main condition is that you cannot leave the room. Therefore, it is advisable to keep them at hand, for example, in the table.
  • After the ritual, take a bag of runes to bed (under the pillow) for a few more days. So your "helpers" will absorb energy.
  • The rune activation ritual cannot be performed if you are sick, feel unwell, are experiencing severe emotional stress or are worried for any reason, are nervous. It is better to activate the runes in complete calmness and in a good state of mind and body.
  • Some beginner runeologists are interested in what time of day it is better to perform the ritual. There is no fundamental difference here. But it is foolish to spend it early in the morning when you have not yet woken up. The same applies to the late evening, if your eyelids are already literally “sticking together”.

Some authors and experienced runeologists say that there is also the activation of runes by blood (it can be included at the end of the ritual described above). The meaning of this action is to unite a person with runes. After all, blood is a symbol of kinship, close connection, sacred unity.

Of course, whether or not to use this biological fluid is up to you. If you decide, then you will need to injure one of the fingers, squeeze out a few drops of blood. Of course, you don't need to smear runes with it. Enough to hold them over the blood. However, not all rune experts recommend the use of blood.

They consider it too theatrical, fake. Perhaps there is some truth in their words.

It is worth mentioning that the ritual of activating the runes should not be neglected. It's not some useless fun. It's worth taking this seriously.

There are several varieties of rituals, but they have the same essence and purpose: to charge the runes with their own energy in order to feel them, so that they obey you and help you.

To perform this ritual, you need to prepare in advance:

  • Air. You will need a set of dried herbs. Chamomile, immortelle, frankincense or yarrow are commonly used.
  • Fire. You can't do without a regular candle. Its color depends on your desire. If you are looking to attract good luck, use a red candle. If you are concerned about health problems - blue. Pink is suitable for solving love issues. A white candle is considered universal.
  • Earth. Stock up on a pack of salt.
  • Water. And, of course, water will be needed in the ritual - this is an indispensable ingredient for almost any magical rite.

Lay out rune cards and all prepared items on the table.

The first step is activation with air element. Set the herbs on fire - let their aroma spread throughout the room. Pass smoke over each symbol and say:

"I will activate the sacred formula for my wish to come true."

The second stage is the activation by the element of Fire. First, light a candle. Raise the runes and hold over the flame. And make a similar disclaimer.

At the third stage, we use the power of the Earth. Pour a handful of salt on each rune sign, and direct all your thoughts to your plan.

The last fourth stage - the runes are activated with the help of the water element. On all objects and symbols, including drip with pre-prepared water. If you don't use all the water, you can water potted plants or trees in your garden with it.

Remember important rule:it is strictly forbidden to take water for the ceremony, which was consecrated in the church.

How to activate runes with breath

This is probably the easiest and most affordable way. Yes, and very fast too. It will suit any person, but remember the main thing - they use this technique only in.

How to activate runes with your own breath? Let's figure it out.

Place yourself on left palm rune, amulet or runic becoming and cover the top with your right hand. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale into the folded box of hands. Mentally visualize whatever you want to ask the symbols for.

If you have a desire, say a reservation during the procedure. For example, the following words are suitable:

“I activate the runes so that my body heals from the disease. I ask for protection from all evil spirits and other harmful entities.

Rune Activation with Blood

The following method is carried out in two cases:

  • to improve health and internal strength;
  • to seal the energy union of the runic set and its owner.

If you are going to use the runes for other purposes, it is better not to use blood activation - this is a very serious rite that has a number of consequences.

Prepare a sharp twig in advance (an ordinary toothpick or a pointed match will do). Also, you can not do without a knife, which will need to make a cut. Blood is taken from the ring finger. Professional runologists cut the wrist, but it’s better not to risk it - you can significantly damage the vein.

To protect yourself, wipe all items with alcohol.

This method will help those who want to know how to properly apply runes on photos and activate them. If you want to bring healing close person, then draw symbols on his photo and follow the instructions.

When you prick your finger and the first drop of blood appears, dip a wooden stick into it. And then describe a circle around the runes.

When the blood dries, you can wipe it off.

To enhance the magical effect, say the following phrase:

"I call on the runes to help me and offer them a sacrifice."

How to deactivate runes?

The deactivation procedure is almost identical - it also uses the natural power of the elements.

Most often, magicians perform a ritual with water - just hold the runic signs under a water jet. Actions are supplemented by a clause.

Earth deactivation occurs as follows: a rune or runic becoming buried underground. Over time, the energy of nature takes away the power of symbols and purifies them.

The fire element also cleanses everything in its path - hold the formula for a couple of minutes over burning flames.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Interesting on the topic:

Hello! In order for the runes to begin to be useful, they must be charged, given the right direction. Every person who wants to use ancient signs to achieve their goals should know how to activate runes.

How to connect with runes

In order for the ancient signs to work, it is necessary to activate, that is, to properly tune in to a specific person, to encourage them to act in the right direction.

Separate, or runic ligatures need to be activated only once. If these are protective amulets, then you will have to recharge them every 2 months.

The runic formula that has fulfilled its action must be thanked.

With signs applied to it to ward off misfortunes, it is also charged every 2 months.

The symbols on the body are subject to activation, which is carried out with each writing.

How to prepare for recharging

To set up runes for their further action, use 4 Elements.

  1. Prepare dry herbs or incense. It can be dried flowers of immortelle, yarrow, chamomile, sage, frankincense or ambergris.
  2. Buy white, red, green, blue candles. To attract money, good luck, success in business, you need a red or green candle. For healing - a candle of blue color, to harmonize personal life - pale green or pink.
  3. Large without additives.
  4. , standing in the house for 3 hours.
  5. A white cloth laid on the table, on which all the items for the action will lie.

Elemental Activation

Encouragement to action through Air.

  • Set fire to herbs or incense, then extinguish them to form smoke. You can set it on fire in a regular spoon.
  • Next, fumigate each rune or talisman with signs written on it.
  • Read the disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the runic formula with the element of Air, (for example) to attract wealth”

The continuation is written below.

  • The action is carried out in solitude.

Attracting the element of Fire:

  • Light it up.
  • Hold a rune or object on top of the flame for a few seconds.
  • To charge with fire, read the Disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the rune formula with the element of Fire to enhance, for example, my female (male) strength”

Attracting the elements of the Earth:

  • Sprinkle salt on runes or objects, directing your thoughts to your intention.
  • Read the disclaimer:

"I activate the Fehu rune for my rune set with the element of Earth"

  • Used salt should be poured under the tree.

Attracting the element of Water:

  • Spray plain tap water (no holy water) on objects or symbols.
  • Read the Disclaimer as in the previous examples.
  • With the remaining water, pour indoor flowers or pour it under a tree.
  • Don't forget to activate the symbol pouch!

Quick activation method

The most accessible way is breath!

  • Place the runic ligature or object on your left palm.
  • Fold your right hand into a tube.
  • Take a deep breath, concentrating on the intention.
  • Exhale through the palm folded into a tube.
  • The air should get on the object lying on the left palm.
  • If you wish, say the Disclaimer:

"I will activate the runic to protect my business (name) from the effects of any harmful forces and energies"

  • Can be loaded with ice. Pour water over a leaflet with a runic bundle and freeze, saying the words written above.

Secrets of Charging Symbols

  1. Only formulas or ligatures are activated by fire.
  2. Firecharge Danger: Cannot be returned even if you change your mind.
  3. Before charging, put an amulet or a bunch of runes under your pillow for 3 nights to understand if you really want the fulfillment of this desire.
  4. applied with a pen or oils on the body, actuate by breathing after each application. Draw them on the surface of the water in any container, reading the Clause. Sprinkle the inscription with water, then drink the water slowly.
  5. A simple way to give action to formulas is to write them on paper: on one side of the sheet, a ligature is written, and on the other side, the name, surname of the person for whom the work needs to be done. Then charging is carried out by applying one of the elements. A person must have a runic tie with him for 2 months, then thank and burn.
  6. Breathing - you can attract abundance, money, protect yourself and your home.

If neurosis or other unpleasant phenomena appear after activation, then the work has begun. After three days, the condition should return to normal.

Purification of the amulet

To have the power of protection, they must be periodically cleaned and charged. Many amulets are made of stone or metal.

The easiest way is to clean the protective item in running water. Substitute it under water and say:

“Water washes away the troubles and misfortunes taken by the amulet into itself, protecting me !!!”

After that, wipe it with a napkin, put it under the sun for about 30 minutes.

Can be cleaned fire: pass the amulet over the candle flame several times from right to left, then in the opposite direction. Imagine how negative energy turns into smoke. For a deeper cleansing, say out loud:

“The flame burns the negativity, and all my misfortunes turn into smoke and disappear”

The candle will have to be thrown away.

If the sun is shining outside, then put your protector under its rays. So he is well charged with clean energy.

If you wear a charm in plain sight, then it will collect all the negative energy from strangers and reduce its protective function. Put it in salt, hold for 3 days. After the ritual is completed, the salt must be discarded. The room where the ritual was performed must be fumigated with sage smoke.

How do you know if it's cleared? If there is no negativity on it, then you will immediately feel incredible confidence in yourself. If such a sensation does not arise, the cleansing will have to be repeated, and then do not touch it for 24 hours.

When the moon comes out in the sky, put the object on the windowsill.

Read the following:

“I call on the mother moon, I call on her for help! Let him give strength to my amulet, for good and good deeds! I’ll look at the moon at night, I’ll thank her with my eyes!”

Proper deactivation of runes

It is important to know how to deactivate the runes correctly so that they do not bring trouble. If the runes are depicted on paper or a photo, then they must be burned with gratitude for the work done. If you put a photo with a formula on your page on your computer, then delete it with gratitude as well.

And best of all, in the reservation, indicate the specific duration of the tie or stav.

“The formula works without harm to the physical and mental health of me and my loved ones. I can undo this formula at any time."

In general, any action with the destruction of the runes stops their work.

Dear friends, you have learned even more about the effect of magic symbols. To use them or not to use them is up to you!

In the classics, the runes were carved on wooden planks - dies, which later also began to be called “stav”, “stafur”.
The tree was cut fresh, most often it was oak, pine - this is judging by the sources.
This is how several trees are usually chosen - birch gives reassurance and connection with ancestors, oak - the strength of the stave, ash nourishes information, gives stamina and strength to the stave (for attack), alder will prolong the action of the stave (strengthen it, for protection), pine - for protection, spruce - as a symbol of birth and death, mountain ash - active protection, willow - in female magic, to induce negativity, a symbol of sorrow, hawthorn - in love / lapel staves, heather - for cleansing, maintaining feelings, holly - a tree of balance, balance, apple tree - well-being, love, peace, etc.

Push: ask the tree to give you a branch for the plate, leave three coins (heel) in the hole at the roots, you can put a bun and stick a candle into it.
Then runes are cut on the die with a knife, blood is poured strictly into the groove, and the galdr spell is read, stipulating the action of the stav. It is usually read facing the North (or according to the type of deities and their place of residence relative to Midgard). For example, when invoking the Hel Force, look down and to the north.
The bones also proved to be good for runescripts, especially flat non-hollow ones - the jaw, shoulder blades, etc. Even stronger than the runes on the tree. It is best to take old bones, not fresh ones, so that the animal does not take revenge.

Important: in later Icelandic witchcraft, the finger from which the blood was taken, the day of the week, the position of the moon / lunar day, the number of runes in the stave matters. Much of this is purely individual.
For example, I would recommend doing treatment on the waning moon in order to get rid of the disease, for prosperity - on the rising. For damage - “moonless” (new moon) or an eclipse, again “black moon”, “blood moon”, etc.
A complex rite - on the full moon. But all people react differently to the lunar cycles, so I recommend choosing it yourself.

I recommend the finger for general strong witchcraft - the middle right one. For destruction - the left index.
Nasal septum - they take blood for victory and good luck.
Nose bridge - for protection, from chronic ailments associated with “obsession” and “loss of the soul”.
Again, it is now impossible to restore what exactly the fingers of the Scandinavians meant, but according to the classical versions of many traditions: left hand negative, right - positive, left-hand sidespiritual world, right - material.
Start from this.

In late Icelandic witchcraft, the role of blood was replaced by saliva. It can also be menstrual blood and male sperm (no matter how disgusting it may sound, but this is already used for love spells), even morning urine. But I think it's better to stop at blood and saliva.
The number of runes can be taken from numerology, or, for example, according to the principle odd - good, even - bad (as when buying
flowers =)). Again, everyone decides for himself.

2) Modern ways.


During the activation procedure, you must say out loud or to yourself: “I created this becoming, called ... for such and such ...” and preferably “I activate it through ... (flame, breath, spirits, the power of the gods, kind or ancestors - and other options). It is possible to power a taint by becoming at the expense of the strength of the enemy, so that he feeds it himself. But since this is his energy, he will be partially immune to it, so “weave in” another third-party recharge. Don't be afraid to talk, but don't talk too much. For example: “Let the enemy feed himself by becoming his strength and let it weaken him, and let him feed the power of the stave himself and ...”

Push: A slander is a way to put into words the actions of the runes. It can be anything, but it is better to be capacious, short and specific. That is, concise. You can use a visu or a skaldic spell. You can redo the classic conspiracy, which abound, or a chain mail spell (available online). When applied to paper, the slander can be written on the reverse side, you can even write it down with runes.

Push: Also, the activation of the rune with the name of all the runes in the band rune or runescript greatly specifies the action of the stav.
When charging runes for a mantle, it is important to say the following. For example, we take the Ansuz rune and say to it “Now you are the Ansuz rune, the rune of so-and-so, so-and-so meaning ...” That is, it is important to build a “bridge” between the rune and a specific plate with the rune.
It is also recommended to add a phrase at the end: “Without harm to me and my loved ones” or “Without harm to health”.
Also, phrases that concentrate your intention, like: “So be it!” (Scandinavian analogue (one of the options
pronunciation) “What a faith!”). Or “The gods heard, the spirits heard, the ancestors heard!” (The gods said, the spirits saw, the ancestors heard), or “The gods are witnesses of my witchcraft!” etc. etc. There are many options here.
You can also add the word “ALU” at the end (which by the way means “beer”, the sacred drink of any holiday) or another short word (better having a sacred meaning).

Activation methods.


a) Burn activation. AT this case we take a sheet of paper, put it on, stipulate it, drip it with our blood, burn it ... During the burning, information and the charge of the stav pass from the physical plane to the spiritual, so the stav begins to act.

b) Fire activation. Carefully carry the photo (with runes to the flame) over the flame of a candle (preferably wax), take it just above the flame, otherwise the photo may ignite completely. When activated correctly in this way, a thin shiny film should form in place of your runic f-ly, tie or stave, if you turn the photo towards the light, you will see how it shines.

Push: on the plate, I activate like this, I make a reservation, I pour cologne (alcohol, cheap), I set it on fire, I ask for a flame
for help, carcass. It is better, of course, to pour cologne into the grooves, but this is not always possible.
We leave the ashes in the fire, or we blow them in the wind if we burn them in other ways. If this influence is on a specific person, it flutters in his direction, where he is supposed to be.

c) Air activation. To activate becoming the power of air, putting your work in a smoking fire (to make such a fire, you need to gradually put raw (fresh) herbs or damp foliage into it. When your fire begins to smoke with a column of white smoke, then put your work into it, and let it be fumigated with this smoke and gradually decay to ashes.(They interact well with the elements of air air signs, pay attention to it)
From yourself: at home, you can take a sprig of dried herbs, light it and put it out (so that they smolder), and hold them under a stave with a slander to fumigate it with smoke.

d) Breath activation. It is necessary to take in more air into the lungs, warm it inside, close your eyes, formulate a thought, an idea for the work of the stav and, as it were, exhale this idea with air into the stav. You can breathe first on your hand, then attach this hand to the stav.

e) Candle activation. You made becoming, stipulated it. Put candles on it (I recommend tablets, that is, tea candles, round), repeat the reservation, leave it overnight. The number of candles is taken either from numerology or by the number of days in a week, for example, we turn to Odin and take 3 or 9 candles.

e) contact method. This is a fairly traditional way. Previously, most staves had to have direct contact with the object of influence, whether it be applying saliva to the hand for a handshake or embedding in a footprint.
When you do it for yourself, putting it under the pillow is also a kind of contact method, only the object is you (or the one to whom you are putting it).

g) Activation by intent. Intention - complex concept. This is the readiness to take action, a jerk, when you are already taking a step with one foot, but have not yet come. If you control your intention, then it is enough to “pass” it through becoming. The main thing is not to think, but to do. When you think, you doubt, you get distracted. Just don't think, just do it. Concentrate on creating a stav and on the result. Saying out loud will also help you not to think.

It is useful to speak of this as a conclusion. "I don't, I did." That is, the words must express an already completed action.

h) Activation through visualization. In this way, you can not create becoming at all, not apply to the carrier. You imagine mentally becoming where it is needed. Mentally charge it and release it. Visualization must be directed correctly. You must submit an object for rendering. For example, if you need to influence a person, then imagine a burning standing on his body, if you need to help in court, mentally imagine a court or a situation that
brought there (as a static picture) - and draw mentally standing there. But it is best if you mentally, as it were, first hold the position and stipulate it to yourself, or use the same intention. And then release on target.

Push : you can also visualize a ready-made one, for example, you applied it to paper and imagined that it was on fire. So you give him extra strength.

i) Activation through meditation. You also need to be able to meditate on becoming. In this case, it is not just contemplation.
You feel becoming, he guides you, pulls you along, you follow him. And you feel how he invades the current situation and changes it. In this case, you, as it were, become a stav.

j) Through the connection. Any sign is also a source. Kind of a source of change. You can connect to it and use its energy to change the situation. For example, you need a certain energy that you do not have, but becoming it is both a source and a filter. How would you join him and pass your energy through him, so that becoming it will change it the way you need it. This method is similar to meditation.

k) Activation through photography. This method acts as a contact method, but instead of a specific object,
his photograph. This method is not as strong as open contact. Becoming can be applied to the photo and removed from a prominent
places. Can be placed on top of the subject's hair or cloth from their clothing (or any personal item)


Depending on the goals of the stav.
Paper, your body, die, bone, stone, leather, cardboard, other dense media.

Important: You can combine several methods, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Don't make it too complicated. If, when activated by your Personal Power, you feel weak, then on the one hand it is good - the process has begun, on the other - bad, there is not enough energy or you have given a lot to the stav. I advise you to use breathing techniques to gain energy before activation. For example, Holotropic Breathwork. It will also put you in a trance.

3) Ritual

Ritual methods of stave activation include, for example, the combination of sacrifice and stave activation.
For example, we take a rooster or a chicken, bring it to the gods, sacrificial blood should not touch the ground, you can take
glass and pour it into it. Then sprinkle this blood on becoming or pour it into the hollows of the runescript (if it is carved on a plate). This type of activation of the stav does several things at once: we have both an offering to the gods and blood for a die. Of course, here you need to be able to properly bring the animal so that it does not suffer, it is ready to go to the gods on its own, and its meat should be eaten no later than in a day. You can “speak” the animal, whisper to it what it should convey to the gods and what to ask for.

b) The way to activate the runes with all the elements (probably the most famous way) is also a kind of ritual. You can add more blood to 4 elements.

in) Through the altar If you have a ready-made altar, then it already has your energy and the energy of the forces with which you are working. It is enough to draw a standing, write a reservation on the reverse side and place it on the altar. Further becoming will start to work itself.

G) Through spirits. You make a stave and combine it with the summoning mini-ritual. For example, you know and work with certain spirits. Call them and ask them to charge and / or activate when they get to work. For example, you can do this. You take standing on a piece of paper, write a request on the back. On becoming, put a bun with a candle stuck in it. You can put a suitable Tarot card under it (I usually also put the High Priest Card, which builds a bridge between
the divine world and the human world). You can put offerings. Next, you call the spirits. Usually they are called by name, it is much more difficult to call without a name. say the request out loud. Leave overnight at the door or window, or on the altar.
In addition, you can also put defiant staves. You can also leave at the crossroads (but this is already dangerous).

e) Through fetches, tribal and other spirits. In this case, everything is similar, only as offerings you put what your spirits love more. If you call on your ancestors, then this is what they loved during their lifetime.

4) My ways.

a) Informational. this method originates from visualization and is suitable for "seers". For example, you made a becoming, stipulated it, then imagine that where the features of the runes go - a slot in space. For example, you are doing by becoming money. Knowing that the color of money is green or gold, you put this energy into the slot. Further, you must imagine how you can get this money and invest this information in the slot too. Then you “let go” becoming and it starts to work.

b) Through an independent source. If you are tired and you do not have the strength to activate becoming yourself. Can be done through an independent source. for example, you stipulated becoming and put a miniature Thor's Hammer on it, or under an idol. Any item of the Force will also work. It is best to leave a note with a request under the stav, or write it on reverse side. You can also put herbs, odorous mixtures and more.

There is another way to extend the action of the stav, if it is on the die. If the action died out before the scheduled time, once again stipulate it and grease it with olive oil. Or bear fat, if you have it.”

Many often ask the question of how to activate runes.

I will try in this topic to explain the principle of working with runes and the activation of runes.
Well, before you start working with runic magic, you need to develop a channel with runes when you feel that the runes can hear you, you can continue to work.

So for activation:

During my practice with runes, I can say for sure that runes are essentially an unpredictable tool, often the result comes quickly, sometimes for a long time everything depends on the intention, the strength of the master who works with runes, and of course on how the runic Gods understand you.
So here is the most simple and not difficult way to activate runes - activation by fire.

We put the runes on the photo, circle each rune with matches. some use candles for these purposes, but I often use matches at the very beginning of the hanging. We read to the gods. after that we ask, if your request is not too complicated, you can not disturb the Gods, so as not to disturb once again.

So we circled each formula with matches, after which we begin to breathe on it, as if inhaling air and energy into each rune and pronounce the intentions. And the deadline, TERM Negotiate for sure!!!

For example: This spell begins to operate from this hour and continues to operate for so many days ... In the name of the Great Odin, by the power of the runes .... we list the runes that we use, I conjure you ... we pronounce the intention .... THANK YOU FOR THAT THE REQUEST IS HEARD! and then we talk about the offering. that is, immediately say that I will take the offering to the gods at such a time, you can say that after the formula works or before that, take it.
After that, you can burn the runes again with matches, those who have the vision will see how the runes are implanted in the energy of a person, this comes with experience.
At the end of the ritual, you can say more Gods, you saw my work, give it strength ... and show a photo with the formula applied to all 4 cardinal points.

The offering can be: Wine, beer, dark or regular, coins, pancakes, cookies, sometimes your own blood. those who have been working with runes for a long time themselves understand what the gods want from them, that is, information about what to sacrifice goes on its own. As an inner voice says what to sacrifice this time.
regarding the activation of runes with blood, this method can be used in complex rituals, but for beginners, I would not recommend using your own blood, otherwise you can do things to your head.
I’ll also say never be stingy with offerings, otherwise the Gods can take much more from you than you gave them, sometimes it can be the loss of something valuable, money, jewelry, etc.

Psychology of deception