Runic becoming to make the secret clear. Conspiracies to find out the truth

How to put runes on a photo so that the secret becomes clear?

Quote message velesovdom

Runes are special formulas that can help a person find what he has wanted for so long.

But you should understand that you need to do everything right. Therefore, this will be discussed below.

So, how should runes be applied and how is it generally done correctly?

It should be understood that much depends solely on the goal, as well as intentions. After all, there are runes that are used both for good deeds and in black magic.

Therefore, it is still necessary to set some priorities. So that the secret, finally, becomes obvious, you need to do everything right.

It should be noted that the runes are applied in various ways. It can be either an ordinary marker or nail polish.

How should the runes be applied so that the secret becomes clear, and reliable. IN this case a huge role is played by the predisposition of the person himself. Again, it is worth paying attention to associations, as well as other nuances.

In general, even an ordinary pen will do. It is important to understand that it is the mood of a person at the moment when he applies the runes that plays a big role. The success of the entire “operation” depends on this.

So what is the right way to apply runes?

We must first determine what all this is done for. You should choose the right material, it can be either ordinary paper or cardboard.

In many cases, you can apply runes as a tattoo, as well as transfer them simply to a photograph. It is the latter case that will be discussed today. After the material is chosen, it is worth deciding how to apply the runes.

As mentioned above, it can be a marker, pen, nail polish, and indeed anything. When these stages are over, you need to consider why all this is necessary at all. The runes will help to make the secret clear, but for a start it is still worth learning more about them. After all, such an influence can be attributed to light magic.

So what are runes?

It should be understood that they exist completely different. So, starting from black magic and ending with the most mundane and simple goals. What do the runes say about becoming?

Before applying them, it is worth deciding on the so-called strength. In other words, follow the set goal. After all, each of them has its own specific power, and you can’t do anything just like that. So, there are certain symbols that mean certain actions.

Therefore, the first step is to choose the signs themselves.

What to do then? Then the most interesting begins, so to speak. You need to take a photograph that depicts a person to whom that same “message” will be addressed. After that, a rune is selected and applied with a varnish, marker or pen. It is worth noting that the color of what everything will be applied also plays an important role.

Where can I find rune schemes and is it important to apply them correctly? Of course, you can't figure it out on your own. But here it is worth relying solely on personal preferences.

When everything is prepared, you can start applying. The main thing in this case is to properly set up your own self. Only in this way can you really achieve your goal. Despite the fact that the runes are considered quite strong, without Have a good mood they may not help.

So you have to work a little on self-hypnosis and a great desire to get something. Otherwise, it is unlikely to be able to get what you want.

In order for the applied rune to really bring the desired result, it is necessary that a person constantly carries it with him. This is the main secret. So, half of the success depends on the person himself. It’s definitely not worth relaxing in this, because we are talking about magic.

How to use runes Everyday life and is it necessary?

This question must be answered by each person for himself.

Because runes can have both positive and negative effects. This question should still be carefully considered and decided whether it makes sense to use any schemes or formulas.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the secret to become clear to the spiritual life of a believer.

For many centuries, our distant ancestors, not being able to be treated by doctors, turned to God, used special "prayers from corruption." And it really did help! Conspiracies, like prayers, are a kind of appeal to God. After all, when a person feels bad, he always turns to God, and God always helps him, the most important thing is to believe!

Conspiracies and prayers from corruption it's a special ritual! To do it, a person needs a strong faith in God and in himself. Today I want to teach you the most important conspiracies that you will need throughout your life. Before you read a conspiracy or prayer, you need to cleanse yourself and repent. We will clean up with the help of prayer. If you know "Our Father" read it, you can also read any prayer for repentance.

It's kind of a cleansing! Now I want to talk about a conspiracy from corruption, which is done in the morning. This is a kind of protection for the day. Before you wash, you need to whisper such a conspiracy.

Peter and Paul, chief apostles, close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with your robe imperishable from the evil of a person, from a dashing thought, from a black, from a black, from a white, from a Russian, from a priest, from a priest, from a black, from the black vestry, from the simple-haired girl, from her own thought, the servant of God (name), from her own thought. And to my words, the key and the lock. Always, now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I think this is not a complicated plot, learn by heart and read every day before washing. I also want to give you a conspiracy that will help you become successful in any endeavor and in any business. They read this prayer when they are about to start any work or business.

Lord, save and save me, a sinful slave (name). Lift me up in my work. Wrap yourself in your luck. Give me your strength, prudence. Delivered from me my enemies. Give me the power of God. Fight off enemies and enemies, My language is sculpted, my word is strong. Amen.

There are a lot of conspiracies and prayers, while I tell you the most important ones. With this prayer, you can protect yourself for a day, or maybe for a week, it depends on your spiritual strength. I have chosen the shortest ones for you so that you can memorize them. Then they will be with you. And remember, each of us has a great gift and strength that God has given us. Open it, believe, and love. May the Lord be with you.

And of course for the end! I want to give you some little advice. To make the day go better, you need to whisper these words:

Lord, save and save me, a sinful slave (name).

And never leave a holy book (Bible) open. And Always try to think only about the good. for our thoughts are material, therefore everything we think about is reflected in our daily life. And remember that only faith in God gives us strength and confidence in our lives!

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secret prayer

But you, when you pray, go into your closet, and having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

What is a secret? This is a confidential event hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about what others do not know, or about what we are afraid to tell someone. This shows our trust.

God rewards all of this CLEARLY. That is, you look at a person who is unremarkable, and then bam - and God raises him, the person becomes successful. By this the Lord shows that he has something secret, to which God answered openly.

For example (personal testimony): Every week I pray for certain people I ask God for them in secret. Only God knows about prayers. I do not include my friends, ministers, etc. in these prayers. I just pray to God. And for these prayers, He clearly repays: people experience miracles in finances, personal life, and health. People do not know why this is so, but I know what was first hidden from human eyes and then revealed by God.

All the secret becomes clear

Trust God, talk to him, develop the sacrament of your relationship. You will see very quickly that your secret prayers give results faster and more powerful than what you tell your friends, mentors, loved ones.

These personal prayers have power in spiritual world. And God promises to repay the sacrament, and to make everything secret clear. Close, sincere prayer is the most powerful in the world!

The most powerful prayer in the world

5 spheres, article The most powerful prayer in the world

Prayer is a sincere conversation with God, fellowship with Him. Which prayer has the greatest power and effect? Let's figure it out.

secret prayer

This principle of relationship with God was vividly revealed to me in Lately. It's called "Everything Hidden Becomes Revealed" - and it's taken from the Bible.

Let's first find out what is "secret", for what God wants and can repay a person? IN different translations“in secret” also means “in solitude with God”, “before the invisible God”.

What is a secret? This is a confidential event hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about what others do not know, or about what we are afraid to tell someone. This shows our trust.

Even if we take human relationships, we tell our secrets only to those whom we trust, who can give us valuable advice, who will not betray and will not trumpet our secrets to the whole world. God is not a traitor, he hides our secrets. And it reveals to the world not our secrets, but the answers to our deepest desires.

How can we practically communicate in secret with God?

Given the current age of acceleration, busyness, increased information?

  1. On the road, breaks, solitude, walks (and so on), mentally turn to God. Tell Him about everything that happens in your life, what you would like, what worries you, upsets you, what you would like to change. Do it anywhere and anytime (when possible). Never think about the negative, do not develop this thought. Better imagine how the Lord changes the situation.
  2. Set aside a time and a day in advance when you can talk to God. Run away from the hustle and bustle. God does not need your service, your gifts and offerings without your heart and participation. It's like in a family: you bring delicious food into the house, you can wash everything, do a service, repair, but you don't communicate with your loved ones, you ignore their opinion, their help to you. God is the same living Person who wants a personal relationship with you.
  3. Read His Word. God speaks through the Bible in person your heart and in your situation. You will receive wisdom and understanding of how and where to move on.

God rewards all of this CLEARLY. That is, you look at a person who is unremarkable, and then bam - and God raises him, the person becomes successful. By this the Lord shows that he has something secret, to which God answered openly.

For example (personal testimony): Every week I pray for certain people, asking God for them in secret. Only God knows about prayers. I do not include my friends, ministers, etc. in these prayers. I just pray to God. And for these prayers, He clearly repays: people experience miracles in finances, personal life, and health. People do not know why this is so, but I know what was first hidden from human eyes and then revealed by God.

All the secret becomes clear

The Bible says that everything hidden is revealed. Make sure that in your secret life (when no one sees you) there is holiness and purity. Because nowhere is it written that God will reward only the good. What you sow is what you reap. But you sow in secret, but you reap openly.

This principle exists in nature too: no one sees a seed in the ground, but when it grows, everyone sees it. When a woman is pregnant, the fetus is hidden, and then it is born, and everything becomes clear.

Trust God, talk to him, develop the sacrament of your relationship. You will see very quickly that your secret prayers give results faster and more powerful than what you tell your friends, mentors, loved ones.

These personal prayers have power in the spirit world. And God promises to repay the sacrament, and to make everything secret clear. Close, sincere prayer is the most powerful in the world!

I believe that today you will already begin to practice this. Share your feelings and results in the comments! :)

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Dreams Come True!

“So that N’s feelings for me manifest themselves in a form that is understandable to me?” Or not?

Of course, specifying the activation method, validity period and “no harm. ” And, as I understand it, it’s better not to set a strict time frame, but before getting the result?

Can also be applied Ansuz. I found it here on the site, sometimes I use it, it clarifies a lot.

Get an answer to a question

write on hand and before going to bed, formulate the question you want to get an answer to. Write on the left hand if that is right-handed and on the right hand if left-handed

Somehow earlier Mairam advised me RF from Proserpina “See what is hidden”. So I didn’t have a chance to use it, but I put a daw. This position will suit you.

If we are not talking about the impact on the situation, but on the consciousness of a person - so that he understands, learns, “opens his eyes”, etc. -

tie can be used Kenaz-Pertr + Ansuz-Kenaz:

The second tie works with consciousness, therefore it is applied to the photo of the one who needs to know.

Mannaz is the kind of person who

Kenaz - will want me, desire me, have a strong sexual attraction to me,

Gebo - love me, and give me his love,

Wunjo - and this love will bring me joy and happiness.

works from 3 to 5 days, weeds out all unnecessary MCH, attracts the very one, the only one (author's comment)

applied as an experiment. appeared on the third day. Friend. for a number of good reasons for me, I myself do not go to a closer relationship. Our relationship is really very trusting, easy, we even dress in the same tone, without seeing each other, without saying a word. let go of the formula from sin away

to build relationships with this stave

jealousy is distrust. something caused such an attitude towards you or your girlfriends. think.

Yes, and we select the formulas intuitively + diagnostics

To make the secret clear by Banshi

on Wed 07 Jan 2015, 06:45

If we are not talking about the impact on the situation, but on the human mind - so that he understands, learns, "opens his eyes", etc. -

ligature Kenaz-Pertr + Ansuz-Kenaz can be used:

on Wed 20 May 2015, 12:27

on Sat 23 May 2015, 05:26

“Please tell me what kind of reservation,” we compose ourselves

“and how exactly to use the second becoming” is suitable for your case

“ For example, if you need a person to open his eyes to another person, and to what he is doing. ” The second becoming is suitable

on Sat 23 May 2015, 08:06

And is it possible to find out with his help who is doing the damage?

What is the best way to apply it?

on Sat 23 May 2015, 08:32

Napirmer, who broke or destroyed something?

And is it possible to find out with his help who is doing the damage? ” 1. Perth is a mystery

Kenazy - reveal the secret

Ansuz - disclosure through consciousness

With the help of 1 and 2, you can also use it for damage.


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And, of course, you should understand that prayer should not turn into a routine ritual. Only sincere, sincere prayer can be miraculous and powerful, in which every spoken word breathes with faith and love for God.

Leading. Boldenkov Dmitry.

The third group, led by Ekaterina Silaeva, discussed the topic:

Prayer is like talking to God

Prayer is a sincere conversation with God, fellowship with Him. Which prayer has the greatest power and effect? Let's figure it out.

This principle of relationship with God has been vividly revealed to me lately. It's called "Everything Hidden Becomes Revealed" - and it's taken from the Bible.

Matt. 6:6 But when you pray, go into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

Let's first find out what is "secret", for what God wants and can repay a person? In various translations, “in secret” also means “in solitude with God,” “before the invisible God.”

What is a secret? This is a confidential event hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about what others do not know, or about what we are afraid to tell someone. This shows our trust.

Even if we take human relationships, we tell our secrets only to those whom we trust, who can give us valuable advice, who will not betray and will not trumpet our secrets to the whole world. God is not a traitor, he hides our secrets. And it reveals to the world not our secrets, but the answers to our deepest desires.

How can we practically communicate in secret with God?

Given the current age of acceleration, busyness, increased information?

On the road, breaks, solitude, walks (and so on), mentally turn to God. Tell Him about everything that happens in your life, what you would like, what worries you, upsets you, what you would like to change. Do it anywhere and anytime (when possible). Never think about the negative, do not develop this thought. Better imagine how the Lord changes the situation.

Set aside a time and a day in advance when you can talk to God. Run away from the hustle and bustle. God does not need your service, your gifts and offerings without your heart and participation. It's like in a family: you bring delicious food into the house, you can wash everything, do a service, repair, but you don't communicate with your loved ones, you ignore their opinion, their help to you. God is the same living Person who wants a personal relationship with you.

Read His Word. God speaks through the Bible personally to your heart and your situation. You will receive wisdom and understanding of how and where to move on.

All the secret becomes clear

The Bible says that everything hidden is revealed. Make sure that in your secret life (when no one sees you) there is holiness and purity. Because nowhere is it written that God will reward only the good. What you sow is what you reap. But you sow in secret, but you reap openly.

This principle exists in nature too: no one sees a seed in the ground, but when it grows, everyone sees it. When a woman is pregnant, the fetus is hidden, and then it is born, and everything becomes clear.

Leading. Boldenkov Dmitry.

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The author can download the certificate of publication of this material in the "Achievements" section of his website.

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Using these magical tips, you can not only improve sleep and get rid of ill-wishers, but also protect yourself from deception, as well as protect your most intimate secrets.

Sleep to adjust:

If during sleep you often see nightmares, wake up in a sweat or with a strong heartbeat (tachycardia), then try to solve this problem in this way.

Take three empty mayonnaise jars. Fill one to the top with sugar, the other with rock salt, and the third with water. On a jar of sugar, read a prayer three times "Our Father":

and over the one where the salt is, say a clear conspiracy:

"I salted the bad (a), salted (a), did not let (a) into my dream. My word is strong, and my conspiracy is strong. So be it!"

Do not read anything on the water, she herself "knows" what to do in this company.

Put the jars under the bed in the projection of your head so that there is water in the middle.

The result will be noticed almost immediately, but once the water has completely evaporated, your problem should be gone forever. Then flush the salt and sugar down the toilet or bury it in a deserted place.

Carrot Healing:

It will help with bad luck at work, vague anxiety, chronic insomnia, obesity, increased nervous excitability, heart neurosis.

To this end, you need to grate 50-60 g of fresh carrots in the morning and mix it with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, eat it on an empty stomach (you can have breakfast no earlier than 20 minutes later), while eating, sentence countless times: "OUM".

During lunch, eat raw carrots while reciting the same mantra.

1 hour before dinner, prepare carrot juice for yourself, at least 300 ml, pour 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil into it, start stirring, saying 7 times: "Let it be so!"

The course is at least 1 month.

Fast garter:

If your work activity is connected with the need for long-term movement on your feet (working as a postman, surveyor, or carrying goods home as a courier), then make a special amulet for yourself, which in the magical tradition is called a speedy garter.

To do this, at the dawn of the waxing moon, cut out two strips of red and white fabric. Put them together, and between them place three horsehairs, previously taken from the mane of a young stallion. Sew the strips together, saying: "By roundabout ways, by leaps and bounds on the way and at the crossroads, on the road and at the crossroads of the roads do not knock down, do not miss time, always fast, tirelessly be the one who wears this garter, the one who secret words pronounces."

Before you set off (to work), tie the amulet you made around the ankle of your left leg (with the white side inward) and say:

"Through this secret thing I will have good luck and ease on the road, both day and night."

Get rid of ill-wishers:

At noon in the middle of summer, needles are collected from a young pine tree. You need to stand facing the tree and say:

"Mother pine, I didn’t come by myself, a servant of God (name), to you for help. The Queen of Heaven visited me, sent me to you. Help me, servant of God (name), hide from an evil eye, from a false tale. Amen" .

As you say, collect as many pine needles as you have ill-wishers. Take them to a deserted place, kindle a fire there and say over the needles:

"My enemies, get away, get away from me. Do not scold me, do not reproach me, you have no power over me. Forever and ever. Amen."

Throw the needles into the fire one by one. Extinguish the fire, and spread the ashes at the first crossroads.

Give yourself confidence:

In this case, simple steps will help you.

Pour about 100 ml of spring or non-carbonated bottled mineral water and whisper into it 7 times:

"Help of Lady Water in me!",

Then inhale deeply into yourself air (preferably fresh) 12 times, on each exhalation saying:

"Help the Lord of Air in me!"

And, finally, take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the ground, bend down and additionally rest your palms on it, and then say three times:

"Help of Mother Earth in me!"

Carry out in the specified sequence. Now - go ahead, solve your most important task.

Getting rid of an obscure ailment:

Take three silk ribbons white, green and of blue color and immediately before going to bed with a blue ribbon across your forehead, tie around your head, place a green one on the body (approximately in its center), and wrap it around the axis with a white one: the buttocks are the sexual organ.

While doing so, say: "We both know from what, why and why."

In the morning, upon waking up, remove these tapes (if they slipped during sleep, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they are in contact with your body all night long) and get rid of them in any way convenient for you: burn, drown, bury.

Do this for three days in a row, starting on any Sunday.

Get rid of strange sounds:

If any are present in your home (for no apparent reason, rustling, sighs, rustles, creaks, etc.), then on the waning moon from sunset to the start of a new day, take a handful of coins (at least 12 pieces of any denomination) and put on 1-2-3 to every corner of your house (apartment), while exhaling saying:

"Redemption for all time. So ordered."

Those money should lie there for three days. Then collect them and buy food on them that could be fed to a stray dog ​​or cat.

This is what you must do if you will perform my ritual.

Avoid cheating:

This ritual is performed before making any deals, buying or selling an apartment, etc.

In troubled times, there are always a huge number of scammers. So that you, as they say, are not "cheated", do the following before a commercial operation.

Light up 3 church candles, saying:

"Lord, deliver me from the evil one."

Then moisten your ears with spring or well water and say a conspiracy 3 times:

"Not me, servant of God (name), I will listen to speeches. Angels are with me to help me from getting lost. Amen."

Then wash your face and rinse your eyes especially well, saying the plot 3 times:

"Foggy, deceitful, deceitful, have no use, the eye of the Lord is watching me. Amen."

After that, moisten the neck, also saying 3 times:

"Do not put on a collar, never harness me. The soul is with the body, the mind of the servant of God (name) in every business. Amen."

And at the end, drink some pure spring water, then say the plot:

"Lord, holy, Lord, right, save from the fog, the devil's deceit. Amen."

Extinguish the candles by crossing them three times, and put them away. After the end of the transaction, the candles are lit and allowed to burn out to the end.

To forget the trouble:

If in your life there was a certain episode that you would like to forget, but it just doesn’t work out, then do the suggested manipulations below.

At noon (approximately) on the waning moon, take a penny and attach it with the coat of arms for 1 minute to the center of the forehead ("third" eye) with the words:

"Woe-longing-sorrow, go to the money, but I'm not sad!" ,

then repeat the same thing, but this time fix the coin on the coccyx.

With the help of glue to the penny on both sides, glue 1 kopeck outward with coats of arms. While doing this, say:

"To you in submission, and to me in deliverance from grief-longing-sadness that the devils have pumped up."

At sunset on the same day, take a nickel with his "subordinates" to the intersection closest to your house and there with your left hand silently throw this design in front of you.

From the beginning of the ritual until its completion, observe absolute silence, except, of course, for the recitation of my spells.

Protect Secrets:

Each person has secrets that he keeps, as they say, like the apple of his eye. And, of course, he does not want other people to know about them. My magical advice will help with this.

When no one is in your home (office), light any candle and formulate the secret as short as possible on a clean piece of paper, writing it down in different colored ink (paste), following the rule: each word must be inscribed in a different color (a preposition is also considered a word) .

The order here is: the first word is black, the second is red, the third is blue, the fourth is green, and then, if necessary, return to black, then red, etc.

The mystery can be described by you and in one word - black.

When the text is ready, burn that sheet of paper, holding it in your hands and turning it counterclockwise, while saying:

"The secret will not become clear, the secret will not become clear, the secret will not become clear. Let it be so!" Collect ashes, dispel, wash hands. All.

Whisper for sickness:

Immediately before taking any dosage form, whisper to it 7 times:

"Go away, ailment, to the west, go to the east. Dilute in the north, stay in the south. Whisper. Teeth. Tongue. Castle."

Now you can take the medicine - its positive effect will increase significantly. Get well!

Before leaving:

If you have a trip ahead and you are worried about the safety of the house, take three pieces of birch and oak, walk with them throughout the house, cross the walls, ceilings, doors, windows, knock on all the doors, while spitting over your left shoulder.

Lastly, go to the kitchen, put bread on the windowsill, clean water in a bowl and chips with which they went around the house.

Read 3 times a plot from a thief and for the safety of the house:

" Brownie, master-father, I’m going on a long journey, I ask you to help me. Save our house from fire and fire, from a thief, from a dashing person, and from any ghost, from a black eye, from a green eye, from a gray eye, from a yellow eye. I lay you a treat and a torch for revenge. Truly!"

After that, you can safely go about your business.

Avoid Negativity:

If you accidentally or deliberately cross the road, staggering and using foul language, a person who, as a rule, has consumed alcohol, then for a purely preventive purpose, stop for a second, hide thumbs into fists and mentally (you can out loud if the situation allows) say:

"Not to me! Not to me! Not to me!!!" - and, as if nothing had happened, continue to go where you needed and needed. like this short tip so that there is no trouble.

Hidden words when lost:

To make it easier to survive the loss and it would turn out to be good for you, say:

*in case of loss of points - "Let it be good to those who find them";

*documents - "Lord, help me return and return" ;

*money - "To good, luck, well-being!";

*bags (bag, grocery bag, etc.) - "He will return a hundred times!

" And the main thing here is not to "kill yourself" with grief, then everything will get better for you very soon.

Weather and childbirth:

Revealed: the weather in which a person was born has a significant impact on his fate. So, if it was raining (snowing) that day, the baby is expecting good career; sun - a person in youth and adulthood will be very enterprising, he has a penchant for engaging in the occult; cloudy weather (and not that rain (snow), and not that the sun) - promises a creative nature, often ill, in constant search; if at the time of childbirth thunder rumbled, clairvoyant abilities awaken; those born at the end and at the beginning of the year live longer than those born in spring and summer.

Signs that choose us:

1. Transplanting indoor plant, broke the pot - to the disease; the transplanted flower did not start - to dramatic news; after transplantation, the plant stopped blooming - there is a negative in the dwelling, it must be cleaned.

2. Accidentally broke the decanter (jug) in which you store boiled water - to tears, to sad events; if you found a dead insect in it - to material loss.

3. They thought about someone, and that person met you or called you on the phone - you have paranormal abilities. And the more often such episodes happen in your life, the more confidently you can say that you are a psychic.

Don't start a new business if...

Anxiety and a certain uncertainty settled in the soul; your head hurts and you fix an arrhythmic heartbeat; you notice the flickering of "flies" before your eyes; on the eve they could not fall asleep for a long time, and at night they woke up for no reason; On this day, from the very morning, you quarreled with a person close to you and did not want to have breakfast.

In this case, do not rush to implement the intended (especially commercial or romantic direction), return to it on another day - when these signs disappear, but if they repeat, then forget about this goal or postpone it indefinitely.

Thunder and lightning will help:

If you have a good, in the sense of a very fast, psycho-physiological reaction, then during a thunderstorm, when you see lightning, you should formulate your desire as briefly as possible (only not a criminal one!), Which at that moment will come to your mind (homemade "blanks" does not work in this case).

Have time to say it out loud before the peals of thunder reach you, and then you need to be able to say in these short seconds: "Let it be so!" . Should be fulfilled.


Immediately before reading the whisper, you stand facing the east side, bow and, as you straighten up, say:

"I ask for Eastern help!",

Then bow to the west, and when after bowing you return to your natural upright position, say:

"I ask for help from the West!

Dal her, respectively, these words: " Need help from the south! And "I ask the help of the north!"

Do not move to a new apartment:

All 13th and 31st, all Mondays and Tuesdays on the waning moon, on sunny and lunar eclipses, on the days of receipt of wages (bonuses, fees, windfall profits, etc.), on the "critical" days of the hostess of the home, on the days of the death of your parents, and also on any day after sunset.

Avoid Trouble:

If you really have one planned, then so that she pardons or the damage is minimal, start as quickly as you can, in no case straying (otherwise the magic will not work), mentally count from 13 to zero, then say, looking in the direction of the threat :

"With what I congratulate myself!"

The effect will increase if you manage to do these manipulations twice. Then cross your arms into a "lock".

Magic against pain:

Try to remove pain in the muscles, the internal organ with the help of a short advice.

Lay on sore spot(coordinates of the location of the inflamed organ) right hand mentally saying:

"Therefore be here!",

place the left one on top and say three times: "Help the sky!"

Then imagine how an energy beam of orange or yellow color(similar to what a lit blowtorch simulates), which burns out the pain, and the products of its combustion come out in the form of a light smoking haze through the energy center corresponding to this organ.

The duration of the procedure is within 5-7 minutes.

Wart Spell: ...

I know a very effective spell against warts. It should be read before noon on the third day of the full moon 12 times. Pick up two threads - white and black. Start twisting them, saying:

“I don’t twist threads, I drive away a wart.”

When you read 7 times, then in these threads you need to tie 5 knots anywhere, continuing to pronounce the same text. Then, as it turns out, crumple the threads and throw them over the threshold of your home. Before the next new moon, the wart should disappear.

Whisper: ...

Whisper on a cabbage leaf. Whisper when detecting any seals in the mammary gland 7 times:

“What has come has gone, and what has gone has not come back. Let it be so!"

Then put about 1 tablespoon of raw grated red beet on a coarse grater on this sheet and fix this composition on the problem chest.

Spend 4 evenings in a row at night. In the morning, of course, rinse the gland with warm water. Procedures to carry out on the waning moon.

Wish Fulfillment: ...

If you sneeze three times in a row, then have time to make a modest, realistic wish - it will certainly come true ...


The ceremony can be carried out under one condition: your dream must be realistic, based on your capabilities, financial situation, ethics and aesthetics.

On the date of your birth (you must wait for the moon to be growing) at sunrise, light an orange or red candle and, holding it in your left hand, mentally or in a whisper (no one should hear you), formulate your dream, ending with the phrase:

“Lord, let the plan come true!”

Extinguish the candle with your fingers and hide it.

At noon, do the same, but with a blue or green candle. At sunset, repeat the manipulations, but this time with a black or white candle (in all cases, when choosing a color, trust your intuition).

You can burn candles anywhere, but so that no one bothers you. All day to observe a strict fast from sunrise to sunset, you can only drink water, it is not forbidden to add honey to it to taste.

If a kitten or a puppy strays to you on this day, take care of its future.

If you do everything as I wrote, then your cherished dream will come true, of course, if you take active steps for this.


To this end, certain prerequisites must be met.

1. Get a wooden stool in your home and eat only sitting on it.

2. Lay two sheets at the same time: the bottom one should be red, and the top one should be any. When it's time to change the linen, the bottom becomes the top, and under it spread the washed top. Do this until they wear out or until your personal issue is resolved.

3. Similarly, put two pillowcases on the pillow at the same time, and the second should be green, and the first - any. As necessary, change their places - to the "victorious" end..


I found that this is possible if you carry with you the Multiplication Table, drawn up on a piece of cardboard in three columns: in the first information from 1x1 to 1x4, in the second from 1x5 to 1x7 and in the third from 1x8 to 1x10. The columns must be the same size (this can be achieved by varying the size of the numbers). Write in purple or blue ink (paste, felt-tip pen).

On the other side of this card should be the following values: in the first column from 1x11 to 1x14, in the second: 1x15 to 1x18 and in the third from 1x19 to 1x21. All columns must be the same horizontally and vertically. Write in red ink.

This table can be laminated.

. Time-tested whispers:

*Whisper at the cut as quickly as you can: "Evaporated. Started talking. Stopped. Let it be so!"

*To relieve pain faster, blow on the bruise and speak to it for about 30 - 40 seconds: "Bruise, bruise, go away, where your bride has been waiting for you."

* To heal a cut or bruise faster, lubricating it with medicine (bandaging), say: "What is beaten is forgotten. Amen."

*Bad mood? Read seven times on raw water "Our Father" and drink it.

* If your eyes are tired, whisper in your palms 12 times: "Let it be so!" and put them on your eyes.

* If for no reason your soul is sick, then light any candle, stand in front of the mirror and, making the sign of the cross on your reflection, say: "I am in God, God is in me!"

*For a small bleeding cut, blow on the area and speak for about 1 minute: "I drive away. I close. I sew up." At the same time, imagine how the wound is tightening.

* Entering the water, say: "Come in with water" (meaning that a person is 90% water), come out: "Going out with water." Then the element of Water will become your ally.

*Whisper on newly purchased shoes to last longer. Whisper three times separately: "Foot in a boot (shoe), boot (shoe) on me, I'm in you. Amen".

* If it seems to you (especially on the new moon and full moon) that someone is following you, then make the sign of the cross and say: "I am in God, God is in me."

* To stop the bleeding. Whisper at the exit, bending low over the cut, seven times: "Salt. Desert. Wind. Sun. Ford. Fire. Mercury. Let it be so!"

*On a small bleeding wound, blow and speak for about 40 - 50 seconds: "The current stops, the torn grows together, the painful evaporates. Amen."

*Before applying a piece of ice (cold compress) to the bruised area, whisper to it three times: "Agreed, agreed!"

Signs and tips of the magician:

Monday and Wednesday most bad days for washing hair.

You can not stomp your feet on your headdress - your head will hurt.

While eating, do not look in the mirror so as not to lose beauty.

Two cannot eat with one spoon, you can quarrel.

In order for hair to grow well, it must be cut on the growing moon.

Alms must be given only with the right hand.

When a person hiccups, for a cure it is necessary to say: "Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness." (Read 3 times without taking a breath).

To avoid choking on a fish bone, cross your legs while eating to left leg was at the bottom, and the right at the top.

There should be an odd number of bottles on the table. Empty bottles are immediately cleared from the table.

The dog is kissed on the face, and the cat is kissed on the fur.

The moon plays a huge role in human life. Our ancestors were well aware of the effects of moonlight on humans and used this knowledge for the benefit of themselves and their health.

You can’t say anything bad at night, especially for a young month.

Previously, infants were especially protected from the monthly light. In the house where infant, for a whole year at night they hung windows from moonlight or put dishes with water on the window. If moonlight fell on a child, then he had a stomach ache or an intestinal disorder.

In no case should you pour the water in which the child was bathed into the moonlight.

Not only children, but also adults will get sick if the moon shines on the sleeping person.

To make the meat juicy, it is advisable to slaughter animals for a full moon.

But wild boars, bulls, rams are single on the waning moon, so that the wound heals faster in the animal.

Any cutting, cutting, shearing will occur with less damage if they are done on a waning moon.

If you are preparing wood for construction, then do not cut it on a full moon - it will rot.

Pointing a finger for a month is a sin - the finger will dry out, and if you have shown it, bite it.

Try neither to sow nor plant on the third lunar quarter - everything will rot or go to the stake.

Do not look at a clear moon at night - this contributes to the weakening of vision.

P - to dream