Prayer for toothache Islam. Prayer for healing from illness Islam Dua for a sore spot

Each of us faces illness. Illness is one of the main tests human life. Not always medicines and treatment helps to get rid of the disease. The following are general tips from the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) that contribute to recovery during illness. This does not mean that the sick person should not go to the doctor or take medicine, but also should not neglect the benefits and wisdom of the Sunnah of the Messenger (ﷺ):

First, avoid eating too much. Excessive eating will further worsen the physical condition and affect the spiritual side. Islam prescribed moderation in everything, this is especially important when the human body is so vulnerable. Do not go on a leash at your stomach, do not overdo it and follow the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): fill one third of the stomach, leaving one third for drinking and one third for air. And of course, avoid forbidden foods that are harmful to the body. In times of illness, give special preference to fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Secondly, include honey and black cumin in your diet, as stated in the Sunnah. The hadith says:

"Make black cumin a must for yourself, as it contains healing from all diseases except death."

Many experiments have confirmed that black cumin improves immunity, and the properties of black cumin lead to the cure of many diseases. In both products, one should also not forget about moderation in consumption. The Prophet (ﷺ) said about honey:

"There is no medicine better than honey syrup."

Scientists have proven that honey has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. It gives strength, strengthens the immune system, improves appetite, tones the nervous system and stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

And third, make dua. Healing from any disease comes only from Almighty Allah, and the Almighty made medicines and remedies the reason through which He sends healing, through the dua we ask the Almighty to heal us. To cure illness and physical ailment, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) did the following: put your hand on the place where it hurts and say three times "Bismillah" and read the following dua seven times:

“Auzu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa khaziru” - “I seek salvation from Allah and His power from what I feel and fear.”

He did as he was told and the pain stopped.

Keep the following tips in mind when experiencing pain and illness with the intention of gaining the pleasure of Allah by becoming closer to Him in your illness. Any ups and downs, joys and sorrows, happiness and difficulties are a test for a person and are created for one single purpose - to bring a person to Allah. Only Allah is the Almighty, the Giver and the Knower.

Religious reading: Islam prayer to the sick to help our readers.

Prayer for the sick

Translation: It does not matter, you will be cleansed with the permission of Allah.

Translation: I ask Allah the Great, the Lord of the great throne, to heal you.

These words should be pronounced seven times.


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said:


"Allahumma-gfir li, va-rham-ni wa alhyk-ni bi-r-Rafiki-l-A" la!

Translation: O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me and join me in high society."("Ar-Rafiq al-A" la. "Here we mean either Allah, one of whose names is the name "Rafiq", or angels, prophets, righteous people, etc.)

It is reported that shortly before his death, the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) began to dip his hands in a vessel of water, pass them over his face and say:

"La ilaha illa-Llahu, inna li-l-mauti la-sakyaratin!"

Translation: There is no god but Allah, indeed, troubles precede death!(AT this case we are talking about the physical and spiritual suffering of the dying, in other words, the agony.)

"La ilaha illa-llahu wa-llahu akbaru, la ilaha illa-llahu wahda-hu, la ilaha illa-llahu wahda-hu l-hamdu, la ilaha illa-llahu wa la haula wa la quwwata illa b-llahi!"

Translation: There is no god but Allah, Allah is great, there is no god but Allah alone, there is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner, there is no god but Allah, to Him belongs dominion. Praise be to him, there is no god but Allah, and no one has power and strength except Allah!

What dua to read for a speedy recovery?

I work as a volunteer in a hospital. Teach me some short dua that I could recite for Muslim patients to help them get well soon.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Your help to people in the hospital is a very valuable worship and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). May Allah accept your good deeds and keep them for future life. Amine.

what can you do to alleviate the condition of patients:

2. It was also the habit of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to read the following dua when visiting the sick:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أَذْهِبِ البَاسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا

Transliteration: “Allahumma rabbi-n-nas azhibil-bas, ishfihi wa antash-shafi, la shifa’a illa shifauk, shifaa la yugadiru sakama”

Translation: Oh Allah, Lord of people! Remove (from us) difficulties and heal him (the sick), for You are Healing. There is no healing but Yours, a healing that leaves no sickness (1).

3. It is also narrated in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recommended that the sick do the following:

ضَعْ يَدَكَ عَلَى الَّذِي تَأَلَّمَ مِنْ جَسَدِكَ، وَقُلْ بِاسْمِ اللهِ ثَلَاثًا، وَقُلْ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ

“Put your hand on the place where you feel pain, and say “Bismillah” three times, and then say seven times: “Auzubillahi wa kudratihi min sharri maa ajzu wa khazir” (2).

And Allah knows best.

Asim Patel, student at Darul-Ifta, Venda, South Africa.

Checked and approved by Mufti Ibrahim Desai

7 Ways to Heal with Prayer (Dua)

1. Blow (spit a little moisture) into your palms after reading the prayers and stroke the sore spot.

In a hadith narrated from Aisha ﺮﻀﻲﷲﻋﻨﻬﺎ, it is said: “Indeed, every night when the Prophet he went to bed, he read in both palms (connecting them in front of him) the surahs “Ikhlyas”, “Falyak” and “Nas” in turn, spat on them and, starting from head to toe, passed over his entire body, where his hand reached. He did this three times."(Imam al-Bukhari, No. 5017).

2. Spit (a little moisture) on the diseased organ (part of the body), after reading the prayers.

It is also reported from Aisha ﺮﻀﻲﷲﻋﻨﻬﺎ : “When one of the relatives of his family fell ill, the Prophet read "Al-Mivadtayn" ("al-Ihlyas", "al-Falyak", "an-Nas" - 114-112 suras) and spit (blew) on sore spot» (Imam Muslim, No. 2192).

You can read any other verses of the Quran, because it is all healing for people. Allah Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): "You say, Muhammad, that it (the Qur'an) is a true guide and a cure (from ignorance and those diseases that arise because of it) for those who believe"(Sura Fussilat, verse 44).

Also (meaning): “We reveal in the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers”(Sura Isra, verse 82).

3. Read and blow into the water (or spit), then drink and swim.

It is praiseworthy and very desirable if you can read all this on Zam-zam water. Because the Prophet ﷺ said: “Zamzam is a very blessed water. It is both food and drink for you, as well as healing from diseases.(Imam Muslim, No. 2473).

Another hadith says: "Zam-zam is a healing for one who uses it for this purpose".

4. Blow or spit on the olive oil, then smear the sore spot (parts of the body).

The Prophet ﷺ said: “You use olive oil for food and smear it on your body, verily, this oil (is obtained) from a blessed tree”(Imam at-Tirmidhi, No. 1851).

5. Read the prayers, putting your hand on the sore spot.

Once, the son of Abu al-As, Usman as-Thaqafi ﺮﻀﻲﷲﻋﻨﻬﻤﺎ, complained to the Prophet ﷺ: “Since I accepted Islam, illnesses have not ended in my body,” to which the Prophet ﷺ replied: "Put your hand on the sore spot and say three times," بسم الله » "Bismillah" and seven times

In another version (rivayat) it is said: "Put right hand on a sore spot and read seven times

A hadeeth narrated from Aisha ﺮﻀﻲﷲﻋﻨﻬﺎ says: “When any of us complained of pain, the Prophet rubbed this sore spot with his right hand and spoke

A self-medicating person should read the following:

6. Wipe the sore spot with earth along with saliva.

This is done in the following way: spit on forefinger, then hold it on the ground - drag it a little and anoint the sore spot with the resulting mixture, while saying the following:

This is the dua the Prophet ﷺ recited on the sick, as reported in the hadith narrated from Aisha.

7. Read prayers in both palms without spitting.

When Jabrail (peace be upon him) read prayers for the Prophet ﷺ, he read without spitting. A hadeeth narrated from Abu Said says: “O Muhammad ﷺ, did you complain (of pain)?” The Prophet ﷺ replied: “Yes, he complained.” Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) read the following dua without spitting:

According to the hadiths that have come down to us from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, it is allowed to blow and spit (after passing a little moisture on the hands or a diseased organ, on water, oil, etc.) before we read the suras or dua, you can not spit, in at the end or in the middle of reading, respectively.

From the book "Gardens of Health" by Muhammadkhabib Budunov

Translation by Khalimat Magomedova

Source:"As-salaam" - all-Russian spiritual and educational newspaper

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Islam for everyone!

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful.

All praise and thanks be to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear sister, we thank you for your trust. We call on Allah Almighty to illuminate our hearts for the truth and grant us blessings in this world and on the Day of Judgment. Amen.

Here are some duas that will help you in your prayer for the mercy of Allah for your healing and ultimately peace of mind:

Allahumma rabba al-nas adih al-be'sa ishfi vant al-shshafi laya shifaa illa shifauka shifa'an laya yugaaridu sak'aman.

O Allah, Lord of all people. Deliver me from misfortune and send healing, for there is no healing except Yours. Heal me so that there is no trace of the disease.

Asalu Allah al-ziim rabba al-arshi al-azim an yashfiyani.

I pray to Allah, God of the Mighty Throne, heal my affliction and give me relief.

In addition, read Surah Al-Fatihah as often as possible and blow on your hands, and then wipe your face and chest with them, praying to Allah to give you relief.

Prayer (dua) for healing

‏اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، مُذْهِبَ الْبَأْسِ

اشْفِي أَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شَافِيَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ

اشْفِي شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا‏

Allahumma, rabban-nas, muzhibal-ba’s, ishfi antash-shafi, la shafi illa anta, ishfi shifa’an la yugadiru sakama.

Lord, O Guardian of people! O eliminater of troubles (misfortunes; poverty and need) [for You this is not the slightest difficulty]! Heal, for You are the Healer. Only You heal [without a trace and completely]. Heal so that Your healing power hits the target [removes the root of the problem].

Dua for sickness and pain

1. To free someone from illness or pain in any part of the body, read Surah Fatiha 70 times, keeping your mouth near the forehead of the patient. This is a reliable way to cure any disease, except for a fatal one (through which death is prescribed for the patient).

2. The one who reads the Surah "Bees" once a month - Allah will give him deliverance from many diseases, especially from insanity.

3. To get rid of diseases, one should read Surah “Ya.Sin” as often as possible.

4. Write Sura "Muhammad" and keep it as a talisman on your body - and you will get rid of all diseases.

5. To relieve pain from any part of the body, keep the written sura "Alteration" on the body.

7. The land of Karbala is a cure for all diseases, as it has come in many hadiths. Get the earth of Karbala, add a little of it to water or food and drink or eat, and you will receive healing.

8. In "Zadu l-miad" it is narrated that the holy Prophet (S) recommended doing the following for healing from diseases and pains:

Collect spring spring water in the month of April;

Read the following suras 70 times over this water: “Fatiha”, “ayat ul-kursi”, “Ikhlas”, “Dawn”, “People”, “Unbelievers”, “Night of predestination”;

Then say 70 times: “Allahu akbar”, “la ilaha illa llah”, “allahumma sally ala muhammadin wa ali muhammad”;

Then drink this water for 7 days in the morning.

9. From Imam Sadiq (A) for healing from an illness, it was transmitted:

Buy 2 kg of wheat, put it on your chest and say:

Aллāхуммa иннӣ aсaлукa бисмикa ллaӟи иӟa сaaлaкa бихиль муżṫaрру кaшaфтa мā бихи мин żуррин вa мaкaнтa лaху фӣл aрżи вa джaАaлтaху ḣaлӣфaтaкa Аaлa ḣaльќикa aн туŝaллӣa Аaлa муḣaммaдин вa āли муḣaммaдин вa aхли бeйтихи вa aн туАaфиaни мин Аилляти.

“O Allah, I ask You in a name that is such that if the one who is oppressed asks You, You will remove from him what is in him from harm, and give him a place on earth, and make him Your caliph over Your creation, so that You blessed Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and healed me of my illness!”

Then straighten up, place the wheat in front of you and read the same dua again, then divide the wheat into 4 parts and give each part to the needy, then read this dua again.

10. In “Mafatihu l-najat” it is cited from Imam Sadiq (A) that the Prophet (S) said: “Whoever reads this dua 40 times after morning prayer“Allah, if He pleases, will heal him of any disease and remove his pain.” Here is the dua:

Bismami Llāhi rraḣmāni rraḣӣm alḣammu Llāhi defined aalmӣn ḣasbuna lāhu niama niamasu aLALAKA LLāhu ḣālikӣn lā

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best guardian. Blessed be Allah, the best of creators, and there is no strength and power except with Allah, the High, the Great!

So that the disease does not return, read this dua for three more days in the order as mentioned above.

11. According to "Safinat nnajat", Imam Sadiq (A) recommended to his son to read this dua as a remedy for any illness and pain:

Allākhumma shfini bi schifāika va dāvini bi davāika va Aāfini min balāika fa inni Aabduka va bnu Aabdik.

“O Allah, heal me with Your healing and heal me with Your healing, and give me well-being from Your trial, for I am Your servant and the son of Your servant!”

12. According to Imam Baqir (A), whoever suffers from some kind of illness will receive healing from it after this dua:

Bismi llāhi va billāhi ŝalla llāhu Aala rasūli llāhi wa ahli beitihi aAӯӟu bi Aizzati llāhi va udratihi Aala mā yashau min sharri mā ajid.

“In the name of Allah, and for the sake of Allah! May Allah bless the Messenger of Allah and the people of his family! I resort to the greatness of Allah and His power from what He wills from the evil that I see (in myself).

13. In "Safinatu nnajat" it is said that the holy Prophet (S) ordered Imam Ali (A) to read this dua from all diseases:

Allāhumma innī asaluka taAjīla Aāfiyatika va ŝabran baliyatika va ḣurudjan minad dunyā ilā raḣmātika.

“O Allah, I ask You to speed up my recovery and give me patience in Your trials and exit from the near world to Your mercy!”

14. In “Hilyatu l-muttakin” it was narrated from Imam Sadiq (A) that he ordered his companions to put their right hand on that part of the body that hurts and read the following dua three times:

Allāhu allāhu rabbi ḣaќќan lā ushriku bihi shay-an allāhumma anta lahā wa li kulli Aažīmatin fa farrijha Aanni.

“Allah, Allah is my Lord truly, I do not associate anyone with Him! O Allah, You have great power over this disease and over everything that is, so deliver me from it!

Bismi llāhi va billāhi kam min niAamati llāhi fi Airin sākinin va geyri sākinin Aala Aabdin shākirin va geyri shākirin.

Then say 3 times:

Allahhumma farrij Aanni kurbati va Aajjil Aafiyati va kshif żurri.

“In the name of Allah, and for the sake of Allah! How many bounties of Allah are in the veins of those who move and those who do not move, over grateful and ungrateful slaves!

Then say 3 times:

“O Allah, deliver me from my distress, hasten my recovery and remove my illness from me!”

16. Imam Sadiq (A) advised his companions to put their right hand on the diseased part of the body and read 82 verses of the sura “Transferred at night”:

وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاء وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلاَ يَزِيدُ الظَّالِمِينَ إَلاَّ خَسَاراً

Va nunazzilu minal Ŝurāni mā huva shifaun va raḣmatun lil mu'minģn va lā yazīdu žžālim²na illa ḣasāra.

“And We send down from the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but for the oppressors it only increases the loss.”

17. It is narrated in Misbah by Kafami that if a child is ill, then his mother can achieve his recovery by standing with her head bare in the open and reading the following dua:

Allahhumma rabbi anta aAṫaitanihi va anta vahabtanihi la. Allāhumma fajaalt hibataka l-yauma jadīdatan innaka ќādirun muќtadir.

“O Allah, my Lord, You gave me him (the child) and endowed me with him! O Allah, on this day grant me Your gifts again! Verily, You are the Almighty, the Strong!”

18. To heal from illness or pain, make a vow that if you recover, you will read 1400 or 14000 salavats as a gift to “Babu l-Khawaij” (“gates of requests”) to Imam Musa ibn Jafar Kazym (A).

19. For healing, Imam Sadiq (A) advised his companions to read Surah “Ikhlyas” 1000 times, and then ask Allah for the sake of Fatima Zahra (A), and then the disease will disappear.

20. For healing, Imam Sadiq (A) advised to write verses of the Koran on a piece of paper, and then hang this piece of paper around the neck as a talisman. These verses (write in Arabic): "He endured at night", ayat 105; then “Beared by night”, verse 82; then "Imran's Family", ayat 144; then "Muhammad", verse 2; then Hosts, verse 40; then "Victory", verse 29; then "Rows", verse 6; then Thunder, verse 31.

Then also write in Arabic:

"The power belongs to Allah - the One, the Crusher."

When you hang these verses around your neck as a talisman, say:

Bismi llāhi maktubun Aala sāќil Aarsh

"In the name of Allah, which is written at the foot of the Throne."

21. For healing, Imam Reza (A) advised to write the following verses on separate sheets of paper, and then wrap them in a talisman and hang them around the neck. These verses: “Ta.Ha”, ayat 68; "Story", verse 25; "Heights", verse 54.

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please help my son steals money from me all the time and cheats all the time which dua will help

Assalamu alaikum sister, if he steals money from you, then you need to give him more lessons about Islam, that Allah sees everything, if there is fear from Allah in the heart of a child, he will not steal and lie!

Assalam walaikum. Please tell me about 2 kg of wheat, is it possible to use wheat groats, now who will use wheat?

Wa alaikum assalam! It is possible, but there are many other duas. If there are difficulties with just that, you can read others.

Assalamu alaikum brothers please help me what du "and I need to read when the intestines or stomach hurt very badly, I don’t know for sure well krch help for the sake of Allah I suffer I can’t sleep normally I move like an old man bent over and I also think that I experience these pains as a cleansing from sins I used to I did very bad things, I began to pray that Allah cleansed me of all sins I don’t know what else to say, Allah is great

And also 82 - from a stomach ulcer.

Assalam alaikum! I want to ask what exactly to read and what to do, I have a lot of acne on my face, I want to get rid of it, by the grace of Allah, I hope everything will pass, I want it faster, I can’t anymore, help my brother!

Wa alaikum assalam, brother! Read these duas. Also see a doctor.

Wa alaikum assalam. Say salavat.

"Allahumma sally Alya Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad" - this is dua salawat.

salam alaikum I would like to have a desire to walk again I am 13 years old and I have cerebral palsy what would you advise

Wa alaikum assalam. These duas should help you, insha Allah. Also read the dua "Jaushan Kabir" and the dua "Mashulul".

Assalam alaikum! Please tell me what dua to read so that the hair does not fall out? They fall hard. I do not know what to do. .. chronic course. .. already for 15 years. .

Wa alaikum assalam! Those duas that are given here.

Here are these duas plus Jaushan kabir (see there which parts help against these diseases): velikaya-bronya/

Wa alaikum assalam. Here are the duas.

“These ones.” Which ones, please tell me? With hepatitis. I hope there is no cirrhosis.

The duas above.

Assalam alaikum! Please tell me, my wife has a toothache at night, what kind of dua should be read at the same time?

Wa alaikum assalam! These are the duas plus those parts of Jaushan Kabir that help with toothache.

Assalam alaikum! I am already suffering like half a goal from a disease from which I can not be cured. The pains are so aching that you want to climb into the wall. I have trigeminal neuralgia (neuralgia). Please advise what prayers can help me? Is there anywhere else to go? Medicine only helps me temporarily.

Assalyamu alaikum! Tell me, is it possible to hang talismans in my opinion is it forbidden in Islam?

Wa alaikum assalam. Talisman - conditional name.

Assalamu Alaykum! Tell me what dua Allah answers. My child has blood cancer with watering cans, he is 4 years old.

Answer me please

Wa alaikum assalam! Read the duas that are here. May the Almighty help you!

Salem Aleykum! My mother is seriously ill, she cannot live and cannot die.

Bedsores are terrible, food through a tube. It hurts a lot. Please tell me what duas can alleviate her condition and what duas to ask Allah for forgiveness of sins for her.

Wa alaikum assalam! Here are the duas.

Assalamu Alaikum! I have a strong curvature of the spine 2-3 degree tell me if there is any dua that can completely cure me

Wa alaikum assalam! Read these duas and consult a doctor.

Each of us faces illness. Illness is one of the main tests of human life. Not always medicines and treatment helps to get rid of the disease. The following are general tips from the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that contribute to recovery during illness. This does not mean that the sick person should not go to the doctor or take medicine, but should not neglect the benefits and wisdom of the Sunnah of the Messenger (peace be upon him):

First, avoid eating too much. Excessive eating will further worsen the physical condition and affect the spiritual side. Islam prescribed moderation in everything, this is especially important when the human body is so vulnerable. Do not go on a leash at your stomach, do not overdo it and follow the advice of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): fill one third of the stomach, leaving one third for drinking and one third for air. And of course, avoid forbidden foods that are harmful to the body. In times of illness, give special preference to fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Secondly, include honey and black cumin in your diet, as stated in the sunnah. The hadith says: "Make black cumin obligatory for yourself, as it contains healing from all diseases, except death." Many experiments have confirmed that black cumin improves immunity, and the properties of black cumin lead to the cure of many diseases. In both products, one should also not forget about moderation in consumption. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said about honey: “There is no medicine better than honey syrup.” Scientists have proven that honey has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. It gives strength, strengthens the immune system, improves appetite, tones the nervous system and stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

And third, make dua. Healing from any disease comes only from Almighty Allah, and the Almighty made medicines and remedies the reason through which He sends healing, through the dua we ask the Almighty to heal us. To cure illness and physical ailment, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did the following: put your hand on the place where it hurts and say “Bismillah” three times and read the following dua seven times:

"Auzu billahi wa kudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa khaziru"

He did as he was told and the pain stopped.

Keep the following tips in mind when experiencing pain and illness with the intention of gaining the pleasure of Allah by becoming closer to Him in your illness. Any ups and downs, joys and sorrows, happiness and difficulties are a test for a person and are created for one single purpose - to bring a person to Allah. Only Allah is the Almighty, the Giver and the Knower.

Almighty Allah in the Qur'an gives his slaves a promise to accept their prayers. And moreover, it tells us to turn to Him with prayers in all cases of life. Most often, people need the help of Almighty Allah when they suffer various kinds of illnesses and ailments.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in such cases, first of all, looked for traditional methods of treatment, found a medicine and applied it. But along with traditional medicines, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) also appealed to Allah Almighty, asking Him for the treatment to have an effect.

It is narrated from the mother of the faithful ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that when the Prophet (ﷺ) conjured one of his family members from illness, he wiped the sore spot with his right hand and said:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أذْهِبِ البأسَ ، اشْفِ أنْتَ الشَّافِي، لا شِفاءَ إِلاَّ شِفاؤُكَ شِفاءً لا يغادر سقما

« Allahumma Rabba-n-nasi azhibi-l-basa, (and) shfi Anta-sh-shafi, la shifaa illa shifau-kya, shifaan la yugadiru sakaman»

« O Allah, Lord of people, remove this disease and heal! You are the healer and there is no healing except Your healing, (heal so that after this) there is no disease left! » (Bukhari, Muslim)

From Abu ‘Abdullah ‘Uthman bin Abul-‘As (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that he complained to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) about the pain in the body, and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him:

ضَعْ يَدَكَ على الَّذِي تألم مِنْ جَسَدِكَ، وَقُلْ: بِسْمِ اللَّهِ ثَلاثاً، وَقُلْ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ: أعُوذُ بِعِزَّةِ اللَّهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرّ ما أجِدُ وأُحاذِرُ

“Put your hand on (that place) of your body that hurts, and say three times: “Bi-smi-Llah” - “With the name of Allah”, after which say seven times:

« A‘uzu bi-‘izzati-Llahi wa kudrati-hi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhazir!» – « I resort to the protection of the omnipotence of Allah and His power from the evil of what I feel and what I fear! ” (Muslim)

It is also reported in the collection of hadiths of Ibn As-Sunni that one of the wives of the prophet (ﷺ) said:

دخلَ عليَّ رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقد خرجَ في أصبعي بثرة، فقال: عِنْدَكِ ذَرِيرَةٌ؟ فوضعها عليها وقال: قُولي: اللَّهُم مُصَغِّرَ الكَبِيرِ وَمُكَبِّرَ الصَّغِيرِ صَغِّرْ ما بِي، فطفئت

“Once the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came to me. Seeing that a pimple appeared on my finger, he said: “You have zarira (chopped stems of fragrant cane that was brought from India), apply it to this place and say:“ Allahumma, musaggyra-l-kabiri wa mukabbira-s-saghyri, saggyr ma bi» – « O Allah, who reduces the great and increases the small, reduce what I have ". I did so, and after a while the pimple disappeared.” (Ibn As-Sunni)

From all of the above, it follows that if we have diseases, ailments, or boils, pimples or abscesses appear on the body, then the first thing to do is to look for the medicines necessary to treat this disease.

Further, along with this, one should turn to Allah Almighty with prayers, asking Him for a speedy recovery. This combination of both treatments can lead to speedy recovery and receive rewards from Allah Almighty.

All about religion and faith - "Muslim prayer for healing from illness" with detailed description and photographs.

‏اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، مُذْهِبَ الْبَأْسِ

اشْفِي أَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شَافِيَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ

اشْفِي شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا‏

Allahumma, rabban-nas, muzhibal-ba’s, ishfi antash-shafi, la shafi illa anta, ishfi shifa’an la yugadiru sakama.

Lord, O Guardian of people! O eliminater of troubles (misfortunes; poverty and need) [for You this is not the slightest difficulty]! Heal, for You are the Healer. Only You heal [without a trace and completely]. Heal so that Your healing power hits the target [removes the root of the problem].

Muslim prayer for healing from illness

What duas to read for recovery?

“When grief strikes a person, he calls out to Us lying on his side, and sitting, and standing. When We deliver him from the misfortune, he passes away as if he had never called upon Us about the misfortune that befell him. This is how embellished for those who are extravagant what they do” (10:12).

The Holy Quran contains a huge blessing for a person, it heals the soul and body. And when a believer or his relatives fall ill, he undoubtedly seeks salvation from Allah Almighty and in His words.

The Almighty said: “We send down in the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but for the wrongdoers it does not add anything but loss” (17:82).

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) spoke about suras and duas that can reduce the disease and heal a person:

The hadith says: "Sura Al-Fatiha relieves all diseases except death."

“Once upon a time, a group of Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were on a journey on behalf of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The night caught them on the territory of one of the Arab tribes, and the travelers asked for shelter from the owners, but were refused. At this time, the head of the tribe was stung by a scorpion. Members of this tribe tried to heal him on their own, but in vain. Some of them offered to turn to strangers for help. The Bedouins came to the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) and said: “O wayfarers, our leader has been stung by a scorpion and we have no antidote, do you have something for the sting?” The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) replied: “We have an antidote, but we will not help you until you accept us. They agreed to receive the travelers (may Allah be pleased with them). After one of the companions read الحمد لله رب العالمين, the leader of the tribe came to his senses in front of everyone and began to walk. As a sign of gratitude, the leader ordered to give the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) a flock of sheep. Taking the reward, some of them said: "We must divide the herd between us." And the one who read Surah al-Fatiha said to them: “Do not do this until we come to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and tell him what happened. Let's hear what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has to say." When they returned to Medina and told the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about everything. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked the one who read the Surah al-Fatiha: “How did you know that you can heal with it?” Then, smiling, he said: “You did everything right, make me a share too!”

  1. The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “If you feel pain, then lay your hand on that place and say this dua:

"Bismillahi aguzu bi gizzat-ilahi wa kudratihi min sharri ma ajidu min wajagi haza."

Translation: In the name of Allah, relying on the greatness and power of Allah, I seek protection from Him from this disease and its threat, which has fallen to my lot.

  1. “Azhib il bas, Rabbil nnas, vashfi anta al Shaafi la shifa’a illa shifaau-ka shifa-en la yughadiru sakama.”

Translation: Eliminate harm, O Lord of men, and heal it, for You are the healer, and there is no cure except Your cure, a cure that leaves no disease behind.

It was narrated from Aisha that when one of them was sick, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) rubbed his right hand and said this dua.

  1. The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) advised reading the following dua for headaches:

“Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim. Bismillah il-kareem. Wa aguzu billah il-gazim min sharri kuli girki narin wa min sharri harr in-nar.”

Translation: With the name of the merciful and merciful Allah, with the name of the generous Allah. I am looking for His protection from the threats that are fraught with illnesses and ailments, as well as from the flames of the underworld.

  1. When Uthman bin Abi al-Asa al-Saqafi complained to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about the pain in his body that had tormented him since he converted to Islam, He (peace be upon him) advised him: “Put your hand on the place where hurts, and say three times: "Bismi-Lah" (With the name of Allah!), And then seven times:
  2. "A'uzu bi-Llahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ukhaziru."

Translation: I resort to Allah and His power from the evil of what I feel and what I fear!) Narrated by Muslim.

  1. When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came to a sick person or a sick person was brought to him, he said:

“Azkhibil-basa rabba-nnasi, wa-shfi Anta ash-Shafi, la shifaa illa shifauka, shifaan la yug’adir saqaman.”

Translation: Heal his sickness, Lord of men, and heal him, for You are the Healer, and there is no healing except Your healing, the healing that does not leave the sickness.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) read the last two chapters of the Qur'an, spitting on himself, during the illness from which he died. “And when the disease intensified, I read these surahs over him, spit on his hands and rubbed him with them for blessing.”

Muammar said: “I asked al-Zuhra: How did he do this? He said: He spat on his hands and rubbed his face with them.

“Whatever disease Allah sends, He surely sends healing from it.” And our duty is to strive for a cure and find ways to heal. Our body is an amanat given to us by the Almighty, and we must take proper care of it, strive to keep it healthy, and in case of illness, look for different ways of healing. And, of course, do not forget about the sincere dua to the Almighty with a request to heal our diseases.

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    What Muslim prayers heal from illness?

    What Muslim prayers heal from illness?

    1. None heal. Contact your doctor.
  • hamanei poems in arabic, the right way.

    We send down in the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers (Quran 17:82).

    Call on Allah, being sure that you will receive an answer, and know that Allah does not accept a prayer that comes from a distracted and careless heart.

  • Everything and also everything christian prayers, only this disease is not yet known to science. Maybe it's called common sense?
  • On their website, I personally read that some suras from the Koran heal. From illness, one sura, from thieves, another sura. Go to Islam. ru and search.

    (in another narration it is given: Wipe your foreheads with the hand of Muhammad). Anyone who hides this will not be successful.

    Then write on clean dishes Al-Fatiha, the first four verses of Sura Korov, ayat al-Kursi and the two following verses, the last verses of Surah Korov from the words: To Allah belongs what is in heaven, and what is on earth, until end. Next, write the first and last 10 verses of Surah Al-Imran, also the first verse of Surah An-Nisa, Surah Al-Maida, Surah Al-Anam, the 1st and 54th verses of Surah Al-Araf, the 81st verse of Surah Yunus, The 69th verse of Surah Taha, 10 verses of Surah As-Safat and the last three surahs of the Qur'an.

    After that, you should wash off the written clean water three times, sprinkle water on your face, then perform ablution, the same as you do for prayer, but you need to perform ablution for prayer in order to be in ablution before you perform ablution with this water. Then pour this water on your head, chest and back, but do not wash yourself with it. Then perform a prayer in two rak'ahs, after which turn to Allah with a prayer for healing and continue this procedure for three days.

  • The living God heals the disease through the sincere prayer of man.
  • there is a book of medicine of the prophet (s.a.s.)
  • I am like former Muslim I testify that Muslim prayers did not help me, I read for a long time and they read to me. They helped me in the Orthodox Church, confessed and took communion and recovered.
  • The passes of magicians, the conspiracies of healers, the whisper of a hypnotist and prayers are suspiciously similar in their mechanism of action.

    Dua for sickness and pain

    1. To free someone from illness or pain in any part of the body, read Surah Fatiha 70 times, keeping your mouth near the forehead of the patient. This is a reliable way to cure any disease, except for a fatal one (through which death is prescribed for the patient).

    2. The one who reads the Surah "Bees" once a month - Allah will give him deliverance from many diseases, especially from insanity.

    3. To get rid of diseases, one should read Surah “Ya.Sin” as often as possible.

    4. Write Sura "Muhammad" and keep it as a talisman on your body - and you will get rid of all diseases.

    5. To relieve pain from any part of the body, keep the written sura "Alteration" on the body.

    7. The land of Karbala is a cure for all diseases, as it has come in many hadiths. Get the earth of Karbala, add a little of it to water or food and drink or eat, and you will receive healing.

    8. In "Zadu l-miad" it is narrated that the holy Prophet (S) recommended doing the following for healing from diseases and pains:

    Collect spring spring water in the month of April;

    Read the following suras 70 times over this water: “Fatiha”, “ayat ul-kursi”, “Ikhlas”, “Dawn”, “People”, “Unbelievers”, “Night of predestination”;

    Then say 70 times: “Allahu akbar”, “la ilaha illa llah”, “allahumma sally ala muhammadin wa ali muhammad”;

    Then drink this water for 7 days in the morning.

    9. From Imam Sadiq (A) for healing from an illness, it was transmitted:

    Buy 2 kg of wheat, put it on your chest and say:

    Aллāхуммa иннӣ aсaлукa бисмикa ллaӟи иӟa сaaлaкa бихиль муżṫaрру кaшaфтa мā бихи мин żуррин вa мaкaнтa лaху фӣл aрżи вa джaАaлтaху ḣaлӣфaтaкa Аaлa ḣaльќикa aн туŝaллӣa Аaлa муḣaммaдин вa āли муḣaммaдин вa aхли бeйтихи вa aн туАaфиaни мин Аилляти.

    “O Allah, I ask You in a name that is such that if the one who is oppressed asks You, You will remove from him what is in him from harm, and give him a place on earth, and make him Your caliph over Your creation, so that You blessed Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and healed me of my illness!”

    Then straighten up, place the wheat in front of you and read the same dua again, then divide the wheat into 4 parts and give each part to the needy, then read this dua again.

    10. In “Mafatihu l-najat” it is cited from Imam Sadiq (A) that the Prophet (S) said: “Whoever reads this dua 40 times after the morning prayer - Allah, if He pleases, will heal him of any disease and remove him pain". Here is the dua:

    Bismami Llāhi rraḣmāni rraḣӣm alḣammu Llāhi defined aalmӣn ḣasbuna lāhu niama niamasu aLALAKA LLāhu ḣālikӣn lā

    “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best guardian. Blessed be Allah, the best of creators, and there is no strength and power except with Allah, the High, the Great!

    So that the disease does not return, read this dua for three more days in the order as mentioned above.

    11. According to "Safinat nnajat", Imam Sadiq (A) recommended to his son to read this dua as a remedy for any illness and pain:

    Allākhumma shfini bi schifāika va dāvini bi davāika va Aāfini min balāika fa inni Aabduka va bnu Aabdik.

    “O Allah, heal me with Your healing and heal me with Your healing, and give me well-being from Your trial, for I am Your servant and the son of Your servant!”

    12. According to Imam Baqir (A), whoever suffers from some kind of illness will receive healing from it after this dua:

    Bismi llāhi va billāhi ŝalla llāhu Aala rasūli llāhi wa ahli beitihi aAӯӟu bi Aizzati llāhi va udratihi Aala mā yashau min sharri mā ajid.

    “In the name of Allah, and for the sake of Allah! May Allah bless the Messenger of Allah and the people of his family! I resort to the greatness of Allah and His power from what He wills from the evil that I see (in myself).

    13. In "Safinatu nnajat" it is said that the holy Prophet (S) ordered Imam Ali (A) to read this dua from all diseases:

    Allāhumma innī asaluka taAjīla Aāfiyatika va ŝabran baliyatika va ḣurudjan minad dunyā ilā raḣmātika.

    “O Allah, I ask You to speed up my recovery and give me patience in Your trials and exit from the near world to Your mercy!”

    14. In “Hilyatu l-muttakin” it was narrated from Imam Sadiq (A) that he ordered his companions to put their right hand on that part of the body that hurts and read the following dua three times:

    Allāhu allāhu rabbi ḣaќќan lā ushriku bihi shay-an allāhumma anta lahā wa li kulli Aažīmatin fa farrijha Aanni.

    “Allah, Allah is my Lord truly, I do not associate anyone with Him! O Allah, You have great power over this disease and over everything that is, so deliver me from it!

    Bismi llāhi va billāhi kam min niAamati llāhi fi Airin sākinin va geyri sākinin Aala Aabdin shākirin va geyri shākirin.

    Then say 3 times:

    Allahhumma farrij Aanni kurbati va Aajjil Aafiyati va kshif żurri.

    “In the name of Allah, and for the sake of Allah! How many bounties of Allah are in the veins of those who move and those who do not move, over grateful and ungrateful slaves!

    Then say 3 times:

    “O Allah, deliver me from my distress, hasten my recovery and remove my illness from me!”

    16. Imam Sadiq (A) advised his companions to put their right hand on the diseased part of the body and read 82 verses of the sura “Transferred at night”:

    وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاء وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلاَ يَزِيدُ الظَّالِمِينَ إَلاَّ خَسَاراً

    Va nunazzilu minal Ŝurāni mā huva shifaun va raḣmatun lil mu'minģn va lā yazīdu žžālim²na illa ḣasāra.

    “And We send down from the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but for the oppressors it only increases the loss.”

    17. It is narrated in Misbah by Kafami that if a child is ill, then his mother can achieve his recovery by standing with her head bare in the open and reading the following dua:

    Allahhumma rabbi anta aAṫaitanihi va anta vahabtanihi la. Allāhumma fajaalt hibataka l-yauma jadīdatan innaka ќādirun muќtadir.

    “O Allah, my Lord, You gave me him (the child) and endowed me with him! O Allah, on this day grant me Your gifts again! Verily, You are the Almighty, the Strong!”

    18. To heal from illness or pain, make a vow that if you recover, you will read 1400 or 14000 salavats as a gift to “Babu l-Khawaij” (“gates of requests”) to Imam Musa ibn Jafar Kazym (A).

    19. For healing, Imam Sadiq (A) advised his companions to read Surah “Ikhlyas” 1000 times, and then ask Allah for the sake of Fatima Zahra (A), and then the disease will disappear.

    20. For healing, Imam Sadiq (A) advised to write verses of the Koran on a piece of paper, and then hang this piece of paper around the neck as a talisman. These verses (write in Arabic): "He endured at night", ayat 105; then “Beared by night”, verse 82; then "Imran's Family", ayat 144; then "Muhammad", verse 2; then Hosts, verse 40; then "Victory", verse 29; then "Rows", verse 6; then Thunder, verse 31.

    Then also write in Arabic:

    "The power belongs to Allah - the One, the Crusher."

    When you hang these verses around your neck as a talisman, say:

    Bismi llāhi maktubun Aala sāќil Aarsh

    "In the name of Allah, which is written at the foot of the Throne."

    21. For healing, Imam Reza (A) advised to write the following verses on separate sheets of paper, and then wrap them in a talisman and hang them around the neck. These verses: “Ta.Ha”, ayat 68; "Story", verse 25; "Heights", verse 54.

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    Spiritual conversation with Allah in the month of Shaban


    please help my son steals money from me all the time and cheats all the time which dua will help

    Assalamu alaikum sister, if he steals money from you, then you need to give him more lessons about Islam, that Allah sees everything, if there is fear from Allah in the heart of a child, he will not steal and lie!

    Assalam walaikum. Please tell me about 2 kg of wheat, is it possible to use wheat groats, now who will use wheat?

    Wa alaikum assalam! It is possible, but there are many other duas. If there are difficulties with just that, you can read others.

    Assalamu alaikum brothers please help me what du "and I need to read when the intestines or stomach hurt very badly, I don’t know for sure well krch help for the sake of Allah I suffer I can’t sleep normally I move like an old man bent over and I also think that I experience these pains as a cleansing from sins I used to I did very bad things, I began to pray that Allah cleansed me of all sins I don’t know what else to say, Allah is great

    And also 82 - from a stomach ulcer.

    Assalam alaikum! I want to ask what exactly to read and what to do, I have a lot of acne on my face, I want to get rid of it, by the grace of Allah, I hope everything will pass, I want it faster, I can’t anymore, help my brother!

    Wa alaikum assalam, brother! Read these duas. Also see a doctor.

    Wa alaikum assalam. Say salavat.

    "Allahumma sally Alya Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad" - this is dua salawat.

    salam alaikum I would like to have a desire to walk again I am 13 years old and I have cerebral palsy what would you advise

    Wa alaikum assalam. These duas should help you, insha Allah. Also read the dua "Jaushan Kabir" and the dua "Mashulul".

    Assalam alaikum! Please tell me what dua to read so that the hair does not fall out? They fall hard. I do not know what to do. .. chronic course. .. already for 15 years. .

    Wa alaikum assalam! Those duas that are given here.

    Here are these duas plus Jaushan kabir (see there which parts help against these diseases): velikaya-bronya/

    Wa alaikum assalam. Here are the duas.

    “These ones.” Which ones, please tell me? With hepatitis. I hope there is no cirrhosis.

    The duas above.

    Assalam alaikum! Please tell me, my wife has a toothache at night, what kind of dua should be read at the same time?

    Wa alaikum assalam! These are the duas plus those parts of Jaushan Kabir that help with toothache.

    Assalam alaikum! I am already suffering like half a goal from a disease from which I can not be cured. The pains are so aching that you want to climb into the wall. I have trigeminal neuralgia (neuralgia). Please advise what prayers can help me? Is there anywhere else to go? Medicine only helps me temporarily.

    Assalyamu alaikum! Tell me, is it possible to hang talismans in my opinion is it forbidden in Islam?

    Wa alaikum assalam. Talisman - conditional name.

    Assalamu Alaykum! Tell me which dua Allah answers. My child has blood cancer with watering cans and is 4 years old.

    Answer me please

    Wa alaikum assalam! Read the duas that are here. May the Almighty help you!

    Salem Aleykum! My mother is seriously ill, she cannot live and cannot die.

    Bedsores are terrible, food through a tube. It hurts a lot. Please tell me what duas can alleviate her condition and what duas to ask Allah for forgiveness of sins for her.

    Wa alaikum assalam! Here are the duas.

    on water 70 times fatiha kursi, etc. and as it is written here on water and give to drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day. listen to Surah Bakara 3 times a day for a course of at least 3 months. Rub this oil into the body 2 times a day. Prepare 5 liters of olive oil.

    Assalamu Alaikum! I have a strong curvature of the spine 2-3 degree tell me if there is any dua that can completely cure me

    Wa alaikum assalam! Read these duas and consult a doctor.

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