When can a Muslim eat pork? Why Muslims don't eat pork and what happens if a Muslim eats pork

Muslim attitude towards pork
9 Reasons Why Muslims Don't Eat Pork
- Why Muslims are not allowed to eat pork according to the Koran?

Indeed, the prohibition against eating pig meat can be found in the Qur'an: “From what was revealed to me, I find it forbidden to eat only carrion, shed blood and pig meat, which (or which) is filthy, as well as unlawful meat of animals slaughtered not for the sake of Allah. But why this particular animal?

Therefore, the use of pork caused many severe poisonings, diseases and deaths. Naturally, people believed that these phenomena were much more deep meaning than a health hazard. If the body does not accept this meat, then it is diabolical. Consequently, pork was banned.

Almost any prohibition in religion can be justified scientifically. For example, the Jews have a ban on eating lobsters, crabs and crayfish. As is now known, the ptomaine cadaveric poison is present in the meat of these marine inhabitants. And the laws of kashrut forbid eating the meat of predators, since they are carnivorous, which means that there are a lot of toxins in their body.

9 Reasons Why Muslims Don't Eat Pork

For some, one answer is unequivocal - because religion prohibits it. But it makes sense to dwell in more detail on the dangers of eating pork and why world religions prohibit pig meat.

1) Prohibition in the Quran.
The prohibition on eating pork is given in the Holy Book four times with approximately the same text in different verses.

2) The pig is an unclean animal.
From time immemorial, the pig was considered an unclean animal: eating its own excrement, waste, often biting its offspring, it was not considered an animal suitable for performing religious rituals.

3) Pig meat is similar to human meat.
Human meat and pig meat are very similar in structure, there are a number of anatomical and biochemical parameters that are similar in humans and pigs. In addition, there are a number of medical contraindications to pork.

5) Pigs often get sick.
Pigs often get sick, and you can never be completely sure whether you eat the meat of a sick or a healthy animal, and as you know, in Islam it is forbidden to eat the meat of sick animals.

6) Pork is forbidden by all Abrahamic religions.
Christianity and Judaism also forbid eating pork. “And the pig, although it splits its hooves, but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you; you shall not eat their flesh, nor touch their carcasses” (Deuteronomy 14:8, Bible);

7) Pork leads to obesity and heart problems.
If you eat pork in a stressful state, then this contributes to obesity, and due to the high toxicity of this meat, heart problems arise.

8) "Pigs are people turned into animals by God."
There are several legends associated with eating pork. So, one of them says that a pig is a man cursed by God, and therefore eating it is a terrible sin. The second legend is similar to the first, and its essence lies in the fact that once God turned a girl into a pig, showing the miracle of reincarnation. Since that time, people have become afraid to eat pig meat, believing that it could be a man turned into an animal.

9) In one of the suras of the Qur'an it is said that Allah cursed the wicked and turned them into monkeys and pigs.
“Say: “O People of the Book! Do you bear malice towards us only because we believed in Allah, in what was sent down to us and what was sent down before, and in the fact that most of you are wicked?

Say: “Shall I tell you about those who will receive the worst reward from Allah? These are those whom Allah cursed, with whom He became angry and whom He turned into monkeys and pigs and who worshiped the tyrant. They will occupy an even worse place and go astray even more. direct way". (Quran, Sura 5:59-60)

- Why Muslims are not allowed to eat pork according to the Koran?

The word "Iman" means Arabic"faith" and is derived from a word with the meaning "security". So, in order to “live in safety”, one must fulfill the will of Allah and the Divine rules sent down by Him. The Holy Quran, revered by Muslims around the world, contains a categorical ban on eating pig meat. So, in the Koran there is an appeal to the believers, in which Allah forbids eating blood, carrion, animals killed not with the name of the Lord, as well as pork (for more details, see the Koran, 2: 172,173).

Muslims try to observe all the postulates of their religion, and therefore, in order to get closer to spiritual and bodily perfection, they try to eat only the purest and most wholesome food. The very concept of “purity” cannot be attributed to a pig.

Here it is also necessary to tell that Muslims practice the most humane method of slaughtering animals: they cut the throat of the animal with a very sharp knife (it is necessary to quickly cut the jugular vein and carotid arteries). This method guarantees not only clean meat (the blood is completely drained, and with it the dangerous uric acid), but also the quick death of the animal.

According to the Koran, life for a person is a priceless gift from God, and, accordingly, taking care of one's health is a direct duty of a believer. And Allah said: “Believers! Eat good things from those good food with which We have given you, and if you worship God, then give thanks to Him.”

The Prophet Muhammad also said that it is sinful to treat the two blessings, free time and health, carelessly. The former is intended for the performance of good deeds, and the health of a person is pleasing to Allah more than his illness. It has long been proven that pork is a harmful product (pork may contain helminths, which can be infected even after heat treatment, and the meat of this animal is difficult to digest), and in combination with the fact that it is almost impossible to completely bleed a killed pig, the meat of this animal can cause significant harm to human health.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Hello again, dear readers! Today I propose to find out why Muslims should not eat pork. This fact is known to everyone, but why it happens like this - people of other religions cannot say for sure.

The reason is not at all in taste preferences, but in religious characteristics.

All Muslim prohibitions are related to their religion of Islam. According to the Koran, all prescriptions must be observed in order to get closer to your god Allah, who imposed a ban on this meat.
Since ancient times, the pig has been considered an unclean animal. She eats her sewage and often gnaws her offspring.

The pig was not suitable for religious ceremonies. So in ancient times, the Phoenicians, Jews and Ethiopians believed. The Arabs did not keep pigs at all, since their meat was considered perishable, and the hot climate was contraindicated for it.

It was impossible to take it with you on a hike, as you could get fatal poisoning.

There is a legend in Islam that a pig was once a man who was cursed by God and turned into an animal.

In an appeal to believers in the Quran, there is a ban on eating, blood, carrion, pork and animals that were not killed with the name of God. Muslims try to comply with all postulates in order to get closer to spiritual and bodily perfection.
It is forbidden to eat any animal that has been killed by illegal means.

Also, do not eat the meat of sick or pregnant animals. In addition, you can not eat the meat of predators, animals that feed on carrion.

Also birds with claws. That is, you can not eat wolves, tigers, hawks, owls, dogs, cats, falcons and donkeys. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is considered a sin.

It is not permissible for even a small amount of a prohibited product to be present in food.
By the way, a believer can still eat a forbidden product, but only in case of starvation. It will also not be considered a sin if the meat was eaten in case of deception or coercion.

Religious reasons

Islam provides for a ban not only on eating pork, but also on the trade in such meat. The Torah of the Jews also has a ban on this product.

Interestingly, the pig is also called an unclean animal in the Bible, but Christians still consume this product for food.

Perhaps this is due to climatic conditions, since among Christians the pig has always been one of the main domestic animals, since it was possible to grow suitable feed.

Medical reasons

Muslims have not only a religious explanation for the refusal of pork, but also a more rational one from a medical point of view.

It turns out the rejection of pork is not such a bad thing, as it allows you to protect your body from various diseases.
Pork meat is very difficult and takes a long time to digest, which over time can also provoke the appearance of various diseases associated with the digestive system.
Those who frequently consume this type of meat may develop pustular lesions.
Particularly noteworthy are the studies of scientists proving that the meat of herbivores, when it enters the human body, undergoes hydrolysis, and then turns into human fat.

At the same time, pig fat does not transform into anything, but remains pork fat. In this case, there are difficulties with its utilization from the body, and glucose is also consumed in large quantities.

All this causes a feeling of hunger even with large reserves of fat.

Arguments against pork

Here are some more arguments against eating this meat:

  1. The pig was considered an unclean animal by many peoples.
  2. Pig meat and human meat are in many ways similar in structure. There are certain biochemical and anatomical indicators that prove this similarity.
  3. Pigs often have the same diseases as humans. At the same time, many harmful microorganisms do not disappear even during heat treatment.
  4. This animal is often sick, and it is not always possible to say what kind of meat to eat. And according to the precepts of the Koran, one should not eat the meat of sick animals.
  5. It is pigs that suffer from such dangerous diseases for humans as swine flu or African plague. In addition, they are carriers of Japanese encephalitis.
  6. This animal has a complex urinary system, which can affect the meat, which produces a large amount of uric acid. And this component provides Negative influence on the body.

What can Muslims eat?

According to the canons of Islam, you can consume food that belongs to halal. This is the meat of poultry - turkeys, chickens, geese, and animals such as sheep, goats, cattle, horses and even camels.

At the same time, in some cases, eating horse meat is condemned. Forbidden meat or haram includes the meat of donkeys, dogs and cats.
In order for meat to become permitted, that is, to become halal, the rite of slaughter must be observed.

In this case, the maximum amount of blood should come out of the animal.
Eating wild but herbivorous animals, such as hares, wild cows or gazelles, may also be allowed.

It is also necessary to observe the correct rite of slaughter.
Most of the inhabitants of the sea are allowed to eat, as they are classified as halal. In this case, it is not necessary to observe the rite, as the Koran says.

Why Jews do not eat pork?

Now let's find out what is the history of the fact that such meat is not allowed to the Jews.
Kosher or Kashrut is a failure set of rules that are based on the laws and prohibitions of the Talmud and Torah.

At the same time, you can eat the meat of those animals that are ruminant and artiodactyls. Kosher forbids eating pork and hare, as hares have no hooves and pigs are not ruminants.
At the same time, not all Jews avoid pork, but only those who profess Judaism.

If you want to add something, then write in the comments. That's all I wanted to tell you today.

Until we meet again, dear fans of my blog!

There are many versions of why Muslims do not eat pork. The main one is the prohibition set forth in the Holy Scripture - the Quran. Muslims live according to his law, the only way they can get as close as possible to their god - Allah. Islam provides security not only for the soul, but also for the body. Therefore, you need to eat quality food.

Why are Muslims not allowed to eat pork?

The main response to refraining from eating pet meat is to ban religion. The Qur'an mentions why it is forbidden to eat pork in Islam, is given 4 times and is repeated in almost one text. For them, this is a sacred number that Muslims hold sacred. But the prohibition has a deeper meaning. It is determined by the following facts:

  1. A pig is an unclean animal that eats waste and is not suitable for religious rituals.
  2. Pork is similar in meat structure and biochemical parameters to human.
  3. Pigs often get sick and not all harmful microorganisms die during heat treatment.
  4. Pigs are people cursed by God, and it is a sin to eat such meat.

Why is pork a dirty animal among Muslims?

Islam allows you to eat quality food. This is a profound wisdom that is noted in the Qur'an. It defines why pork is forbidden in Islam. holy scripture a person is allowed everything useful that does not reflect badly on his health. Pork is considered dirty meat in Islam. This pet is an omnivore that feeds on a variety of waste. disgust and appearance, which rarely remains attractive.

Conducted laboratory tests confirmed the presence of pathogens in meat that do not die during heat treatment. The Qur'an forbids the eating of animals that have not been killed by the will of God. Modern Muslims do not eat pork, they follow the postulates of religion, which spiritually and bodily brings them closer to perfection. Allah has determined that human life is a gift from God, and every believer should take care of his health.

What happens if a Muslim eats pork?

The Quran clearly defines all prohibitions. They concern not only nutrition, but also. Some non-Christians do not know why Muslims do not eat pork, and they deliberately serve a forbidden dish to the guest, disguised with other products. Unlawful food negatively affects the spiritual life. But if a Muslim ate pork, what should he do in this case, will it cause the wrath of Allah?

Eating forbidden food may be out of ignorance. The person's faith will not change. A Muslim will not be deprived of the mercy of Allah. If he immediately knew that he had eaten pork, you need to clear the stomach. It is not always possible to determine what kind of meat a dish is prepared from. If a Muslim learned about the use of forbidden food after a while, he needs to repent and, by doing good deeds, earn forgiveness from God.

What part of pork can Muslims eat?

The prohibition may be violated if it is caused by extreme necessity. The Koran mentions when Muslims eat pork: for the sake of saving lives, if there is no other food, you can eat lean meat. Pork pulp, on which there is no fat, is suitable. The scripture does not say which part of the carcass is allowed to be consumed. Allah is merciful, he gave man a life to cherish. It is believed that salvation own life is a priority, so breaking the ban will not defile a Muslim and will not be considered a sin.

Can Muslims sell pork?

Religion strictly forbids not only eating meat. Pets may not be bred for business. The prohibition of pork in Islam is also imposed on the sale of meat. Muslims are defiled by touching a dirty animal, which is forbidden. If there is money for the proceeds of the product, they will not bring good luck. They cannot be spent even on the purchase of products.

February 4th, 2018

Everyone knows that Jews and Muslims do not eat pork, but few people thought about why they have such a routine. Usually it comes down to explaining that the pig is considered a dirty animal. But after all, at the time when religions were born, the rest of the cattle were not much cleaner! And the people themselves often lived in terrible unsanitary conditions.

What's the matter?

Kashrut or kosher is a set of strict food restrictions based on the laws of the Torah and the Talmud. Kosher allows you to eat the meat of only those animals that are both artiodactyls and ruminants - from sheep to giraffes.

However, kosher prohibits eating pork and hare, because pigs do not chew gum, and hares do not have hooves. There was also an explanation for the behavior of “semi-kosher” animals: in a dream, pigs supposedly proudly put out their “correct” hooves, but hide their faces, and hares, on the contrary, tuck their paws out of shame.

The meat of kosher animals must be prepared by a professional butcher, a shochet, who slaughters the cattle in one special movement, in no case piercing the meat or delaying the course of the knife. Shokhets go through a long training before taking up their duties.

There are a lot of meat cutting laws in the Jewish tradition: it is important not only the participation of the shochet in the slaughter of livestock, but also the check of the animal for illness, which is performed by the mashgiach, and the cleaning of the carcass by the menaker from fat and sinew, prohibited by the kosher. The use of seafood is also strictly regulated: they must have scales and fins, that is, shellfish and crustaceans are strictly prohibited.

Each housewife is obliged to sift flour to avoid getting worms into it and carefully inspect vegetables for fruits in search of larvae. The prohibition against eating insects gives only one exception: you can eat locusts (Lev. 11:22).

Kosher also forbids eating foods containing blood (therefore, meat is sprinkled with salt during cutting, which absorbs it), bird eggs with the same, blunt or sharp, ends (as a rule, birds of prey eggs have the same ends), and alcohol that is not made religious Jews subject to many special rules. It is strictly forbidden to "boil a kid in mother's milk", to mix milk with meat at one meal. However, it is hardly possible to check the kosherness of already prepared food by formal methods, and therefore this right is usually granted to a rabbi.

In addition, other peoples are tolerant of pigs, although these animals all over the world are equally fond of wallowing in the mud. So what's the catch then?

It turned out that even scientists were interested in this ban. They say that every food taboo in religion is easily explained in terms of common sense. This is not some whim of believing fanatics, but real precautions!

As an unclean animal, the pig is already mentioned in the Torah (9th century BC). The aversion to the pig among the Jews was so strong that instead of the word "pig" they often said "davar aher", literally - "another thing", that is, something that is better not even to be called by its own name.
The negative attitude of Jews and Muslims towards pigs is explained by the uncleanliness of these animals, devouring even their excrement, and by the fact that in a hot climate ptomaine quickly accumulates in their meat. However, Jewish scribes invariably emphasized that one should not look for any rational reasons here, the motivation of the Lord is hidden from man.

Ethnographers believe that it's all about the features primitive beliefs, of which many taboos migrated to later formed religions. In one of the early religious systems, animal-deifying totemism, it is forbidden to pronounce the name and touch those animals that are considered the gods of the tribe.

Probably, among the Semitic peoples, the boar was once such a god. The cult of the beast-deity was supplanted by the cults of anthropomorphic gods, but ritual taboos "by inertia" continued to operate. For example, our ancestors could not call a bear by its real name - ber, and this “bear-because”, that is, “honey connoisseur”, took root. By the way, once the Slavs also had a ban on the use of bear meat.

It is worth saying that in Old Testament it is also written that one should not eat the meat of pigs, but how many Christians adhere to this prohibition?
The gastronomic preferences of Muslims are very limited. All food in Islam is divided into three groups: halal, makrooh and haram, which correlate with the Indian sattva, rajas and tamas, and of these, only halal is completely allowed to be consumed.

The Koran, like the Torah, is primarily a code of laws that determines the life of Muslims. The Qur'an forbids the eating of pork, carrion, wrongly slaughtered livestock (without mentioning the name of Allah), and blood (5:3). However, the violation of the prohibition, as is often emphasized in the Qur'an, is possible in extreme cases: "If someone, suffering from hunger, and not from a tendency to sin, is forced to eat the forbidden, then indeed Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

In addition, it is forbidden in Islam to kill animals for no reason, and some Muslim theologians believe that the profession of slaughtering is sinful. Halal rules are less strict than kosher laws: Muslims do not have a special person who slaughters cattle, and the slaughter rules themselves are also slightly different from Jewish ones. On the other hand, Islam forbids alcoholic beverages allowed by kosher.

For Christianity, the taboo of food is less common and strict, but the sacralization of food is also typical. It is forbidden to eat "idol sacrificed", that is, sacrificed by the pagans to the gods, foul eating, and also - during fasting - meat, milk, eggs, butter, fish and some other products.

The absence of significant food taboos is due to the fact that New Testament canceled those prohibitions that were prescribed in the Old, and coincided with the already listed Jewish laws. According to the teachings of Christ, food cannot defile a spiritual person: “Everything that is sold at the auction, eat without any research, for peace of mind; for the earth is the Lord, and what fills it” (1 Cor. 10:25-27).

Hinduism is characterized by the rejection of beef, due to the fact that the cow is a sacred animal. Many followers of this religion adhere to ahimsa - a doctrine that preaches non-violence, and, accordingly, a special vegetarian diet.

Followers of Jainism, another religion of India, even put special bandages on their mouths and sweep the road in front of them with a broom in order not to accidentally kill living beings. Needless to say, they do not eat them in any form. Hindus try not to eat rajasic foods that are overly savoury, like coffee or tea, and tamasic foods that are "tasteless, smelly, stale" like meat, garlic, or eggs.

The origins of kosher may lie in moral precepts. With proper slaughter, the animal dies almost painlessly. The taboo on eating blood can also be associated with considerations of humanity and the reluctance to shed blood as a symbol of the soul of God's creatures. The ban on eating birds of prey and their eggs is associated with the fear that the aggressiveness of predators will be transmitted to people. The Torah even says that before the great flood all people were vegetarians, but after the Lord gave them animals to eat.

Also interesting is the possible interpretation of the prohibition on mixing milk and meat, which subsequently evolved into a taboo on eating them at one meal: meat, as a symbol of death and murder, should not be mixed with a symbolic new life, that is, mother's milk that promotes growth. cubs. It is possible that this taboo also reflected early religious performances about the ban on boiling milk, since in them milk had a magical connection with its source, that is, it was part of the whole - a cow or a goat. Accordingly, boiling milk was likened to boiling it in the udder, which was supposed to harm the animal and deprive people of milk.

In addition, many African tribes still have prohibitions on any mixing of milk and meat, including in the human stomach, which can be explained by fear for the health of a cow - after all, one of its dead parts, meat, is mixed with live, milk, and the cow symbolically eats herself, as a result of which her milk is defiled. It is likely that the ban on mixing milk and meat manifested the alienation of two types of crops - agricultural and cattle-breeding, which competed with each other.

The ban on eating pork in Islam and Judaism was most likely a preventive sanitary and hygienic measure, because quickly perishable pork, in conditions ancient world, devoid of refrigerators and modern medicine, could become a deadly delicacy. In addition, the pig, with its promiscuous sexual and food habits and obvious love of dirt, gave rise to a symbolic identification with dirty, slovenly and sexually promiscuous people. Accordingly, the use of its meat for food could promise a person to acquire all of the above qualities. Sometimes a negative attitude towards pigs gave rise to curious cases: in the 18th century, some rabbis considered the tomato to be a pork fruit and forbade its consumption.

And the Indian ban on eating beef may be closely related to economic reasons: in India, cow dung was used for building and heating purposes, they were used as draft animals and gave milk, which made them more valuable than any other animals. So the image of a cow-nurse began to be sacralized, and in the 4th century AD. the ban on killing cows and bulls became official law.

The ban on bread and wine prepared by non-Jews refers to the desire of the Jews to consolidate fellow believers and prevent the assimilation of other peoples. Accordingly, at any festival organized by representatives of other religions, it will be very difficult for a Jew to keep kosher. IN modern cultures such socially determined reasons for the prohibition of food in Judaism or Islam play a major role in religious unity.


Which the prophet Muhammad "brought" is also called Magomed and Mohammed. The name has its own meaning, it seems to contain spiritual man, the name Muhammad "praised", "worthy of praise."

The Prophet Muhammad is especially revered in Islam, he is the last one to whom the revelations of Allah were available.

Muhammad is the prophet of Islam, but he was also a politician, the founder of the Muslim community. Muslims believe in all the prescriptions that contain holy book The Quran is a set of rules and revelations that Muhammad preached from the mouth of God (Allah) himself. Naturally, they honor the Koran and try to observe all its prohibitions so as not to anger Allah. One of these is a categorical ban on eating pork.

Revelations of the Quran

As it is said in the Qur'an, to use a believing person: "dead meat, blood, pork and what was slaughtered with the name of others, and not of Allah." There is also a note in the Qur'an that one who eats pork without his will will not be sinful, since he was forced to do this, and not he himself wanted to do so.

The ban on pig meat arose by no means by chance; during the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the world was shaken by epidemics of plague and cholera, diphtheria, brucellosis and other diseases that animals are also susceptible to, literally mowed down entire cities. It is believed that the pig is a dirty animal, eats pasture and excrement. Accordingly, animal meat may contain pathogenic bacteria that cause various diseases.

In addition, in such hot countries as Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, and other countries of the Islamic world, pork quickly deteriorated and became the cause of poisoning.

However, devout Muslims and Jews tend to explain the ban in a slightly different way: refusing to eat pork helps a person get closer to physical and spiritual perfection, to get away from the “grassroots” life that dirty animals lead.

Refusal is also a path of sacrifice, it is not as pronounced as in, but it occupies an equally important place in religious consciousness church/mosque follower. The ability to keep oneself within the prescribed rules, observe the prohibitions and commandments of the prophets, lead an ascetic lifestyle, sow goodness and mercy - this is a step into the arms of Allah.

I have another, not without meaning, version of the rejection of pork. They, based on medical research, say that pig blood cells are similar in structure and biological activity to human ones, organs have the same reproductive capacity as human ones. Not likening the "top divine creation”, even the Torah forbids Jews to eat its meat.

Medical views

WITH scientific point of view, pig meat is really more harmful than the meat of other animals. The fact is that pig fat cells, entering the human body, do not dissolve, but accumulate, thereby causing excess weight. But overweight is, perhaps, not the worst thing, accumulations in the body can cause the formation of a malignant tumor, lead to blockage of blood vessels, and early atherosclerosis.

Psychological complexes