Revelations to the people of the new time for the year. Revelation to the people of the new age


December 21, 2019- End of the Last Seventh Genesis! The removal of the Seventh (last) seal, namely: the compression-closing of time, followed by its complete stop and with all the ensuing (in a matter of months) consequences - the explosion of the sun and the final destruction of the material Earth.

As it is said in the writings-prophecies about the End of Earth Time:

"The whole earth will burn, and all its works will burn!"


12/21/2019- This day is the last! This date, according to the prophecies, ends the Last Seventh Genesis of Mankind. All subsequent as if months there is a corridor inter-(between)-times.


And in any of the following after 12/21/19 as if months all mankind, all people at the moment of this global light explosion will instantly "throw off" their bodies and become naked with their spirit.

This is the initial stage of the Transition of mankind from the Dense (material) World to the Spiritual World - the World of Timelessness, the World of God!..


(The Lord Isael-Jesusael - Christ of the Second Coming).

"The Earth will burn, and all its works will burn!"

"We will not all die, but we will all change!"

God. How much is hidden in this word. Only three letters, and such deep meaning. To all believers, without exception, the pronunciation of this word gives liberation to thoughts, while their opponents - atheists - the concept of God and everything connected with it, literally irritates.

One thing is clear: no one is right, because it is impossible to prove and disprove the existence of a Great Man. In the revelations to the people of the New Age for 2016, it is said that He exists, and only He can decide what the world will be like in the near future.

What are revelations? These are messages, dictations to the entire population of planet Earth. Believers know that they were written, if not by God himself, then by his direct followers. Atheists smash to smithereens, as they call it, "scribble" invented by "sick" people. Let's figure out together which side to choose.

What is said in the revelations?

Any revelation given to the people of the New Age in 2016 is aimed at reconciling the entire population of the planet. Strange as it may seem, these messages speak of war, that enmity splits people from within, devours them and thus puts invisible shackles on them. The war can be different: both fratricidal, and waged between countries, or informational. AT recent times there is too much talk about the latter type of war.

Also in the January revelations, specifically for the 11th, it was said that any wars lead to war with God, and this in itself threatens to fail. For he who goes against his Creator will not be happy. Following the message dated January 11, information about betrayal emerges in the dictation dated January 14, 2016. People are instructed that if they continue to behave like this, they will perish at the hands of their own.

Also, in the January revelations, a lot of attention is focused on the cohesion of Russians and the population of the whole world in general. Having avoided contention, you can easily step aside from any problems. This is what is read in the scriptures, though not directly.

The February revelations teach Russia to improve. If things have gone so far that there seems to be no way out, then you need not to get confused, but to pull yourself together with all your might. You need to improve yourself, because the fish, which is known to every second, rots from the head. Well, Motherland, for that matter, from the porch, so that you understand what we are getting at.

Naturally, the dictations of February 2016 did not disregard all the same wars. The messages speak of the fire that covers the entire planet. It is good that it is still unrealistic, because if it continues as it is now, then everything will end badly for everyone. And everyone will be to blame for this, there is no doubt about it. The revelations of February end with the fact that they say about an imminent victory, but you won’t get it if you don’t sacrifice something valuable. Loss is inevitable.

What will happen in the future?

Revelations to the people of the New Age for 2016, as indicated in the messages, give people the opportunity to see if they are blind. All human sins are exposed in the scriptures. The March dictations again focus on improvement, but they end with this message. But the previous (published before the final March revelation) instructions on people's behavior say that every person needs to believe in God, because only in this way can He hear his sons and daughters and their requests. And He will fulfill it if necessary, if they come from the heart and do not harbor malicious intent.

The dictations published in March predict the birth of a messenger who will lead all people in the future. They also say that the neighbors of the Earth are tired of watching what is happening on our planet. There will be a tragedy, but the end of it, which is very good, is positive.

In March, unlike previous months, there were many revelations, much more than in January and February. Fewer dictations were published in April, at the level of the first two months. And yet the main thing is not quantity, but quality. Even in these messages it is impossible not to notice what the Creator notes together with his disciples. They talk about pain and torment, answer the most important, in their opinion, questions of their followers, talk about the future and the past. The future is still coming towards us, but the past and all the bad things that were in it, sadly, will make us pay the bills.

Past and present - the basis for the future

May revelations to the people of the New Age for 2016 are just being published. Time will tell what else the May dictations will tell us. The dawn is already visible, and the Messiah lives in everyone. This is stated in the May writings.

All the messages written by God can be read avidly. The most interesting thing is that you can learn to live correctly on them. It is known that the one who neglects is stupid. If you own something and know about something, then share it with your neighbor. Love your enemy and do not enmity with him - try to reconcile. For love is salvation.

Great things for all mankind are yet to come. But they will not exist if there is no peace on Earth. Remember this always.

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For more than 10 years, the all-Russian Public Movement for Assistance has been operating in our country spiritual development population "For statehood and spiritual revival Holy Russia. We bring to your attention a small excerpt from the books (and there are already eleven of them today), which became the basis of the Movement, and brief reference about the man standing at its origins.


This Book is dictated by the Higher Cosmic Mind to a person chosen by Him in Russia

Writer's Foreword

In a leap year, which is a landmark for humanity, events often occur that change or outline changes in the life cycle of each of us living on Earth.

In a leap year, the foundation is laid for the future, invisible to us, but subject to the Almighty, the Heavenly Father.

In the autumn of 2004, quite unexpectedly for me, thoughts began to enter my consciousness, formed into texts on topics unfamiliar to me. These texts were transmitted within 4 months and formed this amazing Book, in which the Creator directly addresses us, people living on Earth at the beginning of the new millennium.

Everything that can be said about this Book is contained in its texts.

I just completed the preparation for publication and followed the instructions of the Creator, titled it "Revelations to the people of the New Age."

When preparing the texts for printing, on the recommendation of the Creator, His words were removed from them, which had a personal appeal to me and were connected with the process of my improvement.

The possibility of a more complete understanding of the World Order and contact with the Creator manifested itself in me after participating in a seminar conducted by (now deceased) Karelin Valentin Vladimirovich, for which he is greatly grateful and commemorated.


Maslov Leonid Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation. Author of more than 200 publications in foreign and Russian publications on solid state physics, as well as financial and banking technologies, member of the National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, member of the European Business Congress.

19.02.06. The purpose of man

1. The issue that we are discussing today is extremely important for Russians, and subsequently not only for Russians, but also for all people of the Earth, or the Material World.

2. I have spoken and continue to speak a lot about the mentality of a person, about the need for each person to fulfill his destiny. After all, the fulfillment of destiny is an individual path of a person to Spirituality, to Truth and to God.

3. This is the most important Task for all people, and all only because a person, every person, must mature for the formation of social relations that provide conditions for the improvement, development of each personality to the level of likeness of his Heavenly Father.

4. I continue to insist on turning each person's gaze inward, on understanding their role in the Material World and on understanding their role in Eternity.

5. Facilitating this understanding, I have already suggested and explained many times that life on Earth is a spark of Eternity that belongs to man, just as he belongs to Eternity.

6. Man must understand that everything seen here on Earth is only a hologram eternal life, and the curvature of it (life) here is the curvature of the path of man in Eternity.

7. One must not violate the Harmony of the Worlds, one must not violate the destiny of a person, because each person has his own individual path in Eternity, his role here on Earth is only a cast of a common role, the fulfillment of which is necessary so that the Great spectacle of the Worlds does not break.

8. Approaching the understanding of his role (believe me, not at all an extra) in Eternity, a person must realize the structure of the Worlds, My World Order and Harmony, and only after that come to the knowledge of Truth, the knowledge of God, and therefore, the knowledge of Eternity.

9. Illumination of human consciousness, understanding of one's path in Eternity will create the prerequisites for the organization on Earth of those very Divine social relations that for so long and so vainly for millennia man has tried and is trying to build on Earth.

10. These social relations, or state structure, there is a sample of the pen of people who, united, tried to create conditions for contractual relations that provide conditions for work, creativity and Spiritual growth.

11. It is so laid down by the nature of the Worlds, it is so written in My predestinations that the unification of people into a community according to national characteristics at the first stage of the formation of mankind contributed to the growth of individuality and the disclosure of My Gifts, or talents that are given to everyone (I repeat: to every person) at the time of birth, or rather, at the moment of transition from Spiritual World to the Material World.

12. Proceeding from this, a legitimate question arises: what kind of community should people have if each person is an individual and the Harmony of the World depends on each person?

13. Let's start with the fact that the Material World and all the Worlds are parts, harmonious parts of Eternity, which is of Divine origin.

14. I have said many times both in Revelations and in Interpretations that I am your Creator, Almighty and Most High, I also spoke about the fact that I created you in My own image, assuming your role as My helpers in Eternity.

15. The Material World is Divine and you (every person) are Divine in origin, because you are a part of Eternity and you must accept My World Order for this correspondence and be in Harmony with the Worlds, understanding your role and significance.

16. A simple and understandable question arises for you about what kind of power or what kind of social relations should be on Earth, in the Material World?

17. I have the same simple and unique answer: the power, or social structure, must also be Divine!

18. There can be no other power on Earth, in the Material World, except the Divine, since this Power is from Me.

19. This is My decision, which people must accept as the Truth!

20. All attempts of people to move away from this Truth, to build other forms of statehood on the basis of their own philosophical ideas, always ended very sadly.

21. And these attempts to establish independent power structures ended sadly only because people forgot their origin, forgot about Who created them and Who created the whole World around them.

22. You can't control what doesn't belong to you!

23. It is impossible to build social relations without taking into account the Divine origin of Everything and Everything, including life on Earth.

24. A person, as a part of Eternity, must obey the Canons of Eternity, and there is and will not be anything else for people!

25. Another thing is that I gave people the right to choose between Good and Evil, and here there is complete freedom of action both for an individual and for the whole society.

26. Therefore, the structure of the Russian state, which rises from the ashes as a renewed supranational block, if you like, an empire, is a Divine monarchy from Me and a people's council or people's initiative to form local authorities to implement national tasks.

27. Russia must show the world that nationality by blood in this Great country is not the most important thing, the unity of nationalities by Spirit is more important. The management of this multinational country can only be carried out by the Divine way, through the people whom I, your Creator, have chosen from your midst, as the most worthy people in the Spirit, ensuring the implementation of My Plans and destinations.

28. The essence of Russia, the essence of the Russian idea is Spirituality, the acceptance of My World Order, Truth and Me, the Creator, as necessary condition development of a multinational ethnic group in this Mediterranean territory, the territory of the never-setting sun!

29. This multinational ethnic group, which has been living on this vast land for centuries, has deep spiritual roots of the people, which is the Spiritual donor of all peoples and nationalities inhabiting the Earth.

30. Such a Spiritual kinship of the Russian peoples allows them to be the Great Nation of the Great Land of the Unsetting Sun, where all peoples and nationalities have the same opportunities to reveal their abilities to form a separate, but common Great Mosaic of the Spirituality of the Russian people!

31. Divine monarchy and the people's assembly (veche), people's initiative - this is the way to the creation of the statehood of Russia as the Spiritual leader of mankind, opening the way for other peoples to the World of the Future, to the World of Spirituality and Eternity!

25.02.06. Russia - the land of the never setting sun

1. … Speaking in general, it is really time “X” of general admonition and turn of people’s consciousness to Me, as to the last resort, for solving all human problems…

2. Russia, or Russian Federation, has gone through all the stages - from flourishing to falling and death, because the current state of Russian society cannot be called anything other than moral death, because the decline in morals continues, and not only continues, but also intensifies.

3. The decline of morals in this post-Soviet space is the forerunner of great transformations, it is the forerunner of the revival of the Russian state, but at the same time it is the state of the country that has experienced moral death, after which resurrection must come!

4. Russia, this vast Mediterranean country, which determines the level of Spirituality of the whole world, had to, like the Messiah, go through all the stages of life - from birth to death and subsequent resurrection!

5. What is happening to Russia, what is fate preparing for it, and what is the role of this country in “This World”?!

6. Russia has gone through all the historical stages of its development: from the people's council to the monarchy, from the monarchy to its denial, from the construction of a soulless society of universal pseudo-justice to the denial of the Spirituality of the individual and the denial of its role in the development of social relations.

7. The eternal contradictions between the interests of the individual and the interests of the state are bizarrely intertwined in the history of the Russian state.

8. Naming Russian state, I assume the Spiritual unity of the peoples and nationalities of this country, united around the Russians into a single ethnic group that inhabits the expanses of the country from sea to sea.

9. The Russian mentality, the Russian idea lies precisely in the tolerance on the part of the Russians to other peoples and their traditions, which, in turn, ensured the development of the cultures of these peoples while simultaneously adapting them to the culture and Spirituality of the Russian people.

10. From here the Russian people was formed and is a huge ethnic group of a single Spiritual understanding, common moral and ethical criteria for coexistence.

11. Russians' rejection of any “isms” is their reaction to state machines for suppressing the initiative of individuals and their desire to build and improve social relations that take into account the interests of the individual.

12. In the understanding of a single spiritual ethnos, the state is a commonwealth of nations and nationalities, which primarily ensures the improvement and development of the individual, but for the sake of uniform and fair social relations.

13. This multinational ethnic group decided that the basis and goal of the state is to ensure harmonious relations in society, but not on the basis of obtaining material benefits, but for the improvement of individuals and their achievement of cooperation - on the basis of the Divine Principles.

14. Not for people, but for individuals who have accepted the Faith, My Canons, living according to My Canons for the sake of achieving the state of being in the Spirit, being in the Faith in order to know It, to know the Truth, and such state relations should be built.

15. The morality of social relations in a single state is determined by the Faith of the ethnic group, and moral relations depend on the ethnic group in the Faith, striving to cognize the Truth.

16. The Russian ethnos does not accept violence, but being God-bearing, it hastens the approach of the moment of rebirth, the resurrection of the country, just as Christ hastened the approach of death for the sake of resurrection on Golgotha.

17. Russia is the only country in the world that came to Calvary voluntarily for its own resurrection!

18. Therefore, Russia must rise up, resurrect renewed, having accepted the Divine path for itself as the only way of Resurrection, and having become spiritually enriched, accept the torments of previous centuries, as a necessity, as the fate of the God-bearing people, who accepted the torments of hell for the sake of the Resurrection.

19. The resurrection of Russia as a state of a new type is a transition to Divine power, there is a transition to a New Era, the Age of Aquarius, but most importantly, a transition to the Era of the Spirit!

20. Spirituality is and will be the motto of Russia for all time, and her martyrdom, her acceptance of the sins of the peoples of the world is the path of the People-Messiah, is the path of the Resurrection!

21. The statehood of Russia is the combination in one society of Divine governance, the Divine path and the people's initiative, the people's Veche for the realization of this Divine path, as the path to the heights of Spirituality, not only of an individual in the state, but of the state as a whole.

22. The recognition by the Russian people of My World Order and Me, as the Creator of Everything and Everything, is the recognition of their destiny as a God-bearing people, determining the path for all the peoples of the world to Eternity and to Eternity.

23. The Commonwealth of Spiritual people, recognizing the Divinity of the World in which they are, and the Divinity of Eternity ensures the development of the individual and ensures the creation of a statehood that creates conditions for the highest Harmony of the individual and the state of individuals!

11/19/14. Saved, but missing

1. I deliberately begin today's Message with My last words spoken at the VETCHE, for the EXAM IS PASSED, but not by everyone, and I will have to go through the ranks of people (humanity) in order to determine for myself who is the Warrior of LIGHT, and who is the source of Darkness, not willing to understand that Neutrality has been restored, and restored now FOREVER!
2. Many will have to part with the illusion of their “spiritual power”, for only the one who understands that in this World (in the Space of the Universe) only FAITH is True and only Unconditional love and to distinguish a person of FAITH from a person of UNBELIEF, believe Me, it is not difficult at all, if only because I AM in the first, and now there is nothing in the second!
3. Therefore, the evil ones are the first ones I will have to ask, and ask in full, especially from those who are angry at God from one nest, for their nest is a hotbed of UNBELIEF, and most importantly, Spiritual ignorance, for they, hiding behind empty words, sow strife and unrighteousness in the Spirit, distorting My Words!
4. There comes a time when, in conditions of heightened feelings and, oddly enough, in conditions of undisguised desires, everything that they hid behind the guise of kindness and love will be revealed in people, and this duplicity will be terrible not so much for those around them as for them themselves, for it will be simply unbearably difficult to live in duplicity, open to all!
5. You can talk about anything, but the sight of the people of UNBELIEF from the inside will be terrible and nothing can be done about it, because I will simply have to show that behind the human UNBELIEF lies the hydra of IMPERFECTION low vibrations, which has no place in the Future and, most importantly, which must be destroyed without the right to the future, because the Dark will never become LIGHT!
6. People will have to see that IMPERFECTION sows only IMPERFECTION and the expression “the apple falls not far from the apple tree” turns out to be the Truth and one should not wait and waste such precious time on persuasion in conditions when Spiritual ignorance tries to deceive God, promising the Great return of what must be eliminated!
7. Believe Me, the chorus of UNBELIEF will be very loud, but pity for those who betrayed God (and I interpret their choice only in this way) cannot be shown, for “crocodile tears” should not relax those of you who have chosen the path to God, for you have been granted the Help of God Himself, or rather, the Father of the Absolute, and to be distracted by the cries of those who could not see God in themselves, you simply do not have the right, because the evolution of the Universe cannot be suspended because of those who are not God!
8. I am not escalating the situation, but those who chose their path to God at the VECHE and who agreed to ETERNAL SERVICE to God should know that the Great Purge of the ranks of those suffering from the Faith began, and began with those words of CONSENT that were heard at the VECHE on November 17 2014, because the Space of the Universe from that moment began to move, preparing the MIG or MOMENT OF TRUTH, which, as I told you many times, will divide the World into “BEFORE” and “AFTER”!
9. Everything began to move, because you have already touched the Pendulum of Fates and, without realizing it, ANNOUNCED: The Time of Changes has come! I was expecting your UNANIMOUS decision and, having heard it, I was confirmed in My opinion that IS those who have taken the Great RESPONSIBILITY not only for the Future of people (humanity), not only for the Future of the Planet, but also for the Future of the Universe, and this IS the Feat of the SPIRIT , which confirms that the World is SAVED!
10. I began this Message with the words that you will be saved, but you will not be numbered, and that IS the TRUTH, but I want to confirm that you will be many, because half-measures cannot pass into the Future either! And if we talk about the filling of the New Planet with people, then I must say that the “clients” of this Planet will be not only the manifested plans of people of UNBELIEF, but also those who have not decided “for whom” they are or “with whom”, but the time for reflection is finally gone and now they will have to think for several millennia about how ridiculous life has turned out in search of Mammon, and not at all the Spirit!
11. The selection of people into the Future began, and it began precisely from November 17, because there is no one else to wait, and those who go first predetermined the Future for those who are in the FAITH and who, without even understanding, still passed the difficult Exam for FAITH, sometimes not believing that God was revealed in them and, therefore, serving God now IS for them Eternal Providence!
12. I repeat: the Space has crossed the border of the Epochs, the World has crossed the Point of NO RETURN and now, having decided on the basis that was manifested after My EXAM at the VECHE, it can begin to form the Divine Monarchy, or the Power of God, on the Planet Holy Russia, for the Ecumenical Center evolution of Co-Knowledge of the Higher Cosmic Mind is already beginning to manifest itself with the UNITY of the Great WE, with the UNITY of the Free WILL of the God-men and the WILL of the Father of the Absolute!
13. My PLANS are beginning to come true, and, despite some doubt of the Warriors of LIGHT, they themselves must now determine the landmarks of what humanity has been dreaming of for many millennia, because thanks to the Hyperboreans-Rus I was able to finally determine the path of the New race - the race of God-men!
14. I expect from the Warriors of LIGHT the Providence of the God-People, for everything is finally decided and the Future of people is in their hands, therefore, all doubts that the Co-Creators sinned so much should be cast aside, because for the Warriors of LIGHT there should be no other mental images, except for the ONE mental image “RETURN ”, for this IS what you must form in the shortest possible time, and this time will determine when and who will reach the gates of PARADISE, where I will light the fire of the Great TRANSFORMATION in a short time waiting for you!
15. And if just recently I asked you not to rush things, because in a hurry a person, as a rule, makes many mistakes that are unacceptable for God-men, then today, after the EVE, I myself ask you to speed up your RETURN, for the time lost in empty chatter and in vain waiting, it is necessary to return Eternity!
16. The pace or rhythm that you have achieved in a difficult struggle with yourself can no longer be lost, and if your RHYTHM coincided with the Great RHYTHM of the Universe (and I can confirm this today), then, discarding the last doubts, open yourself to that Great Future, on which you proved your RIGHT!
17. Today you must understand and REALIZE completely that there will never be a return to the past! You have decided your fate and the fate of the Universe, which means that you deserve to take only the last two steps to the Olympus of the Gods, where I already kindle the LIGHT OF TRUTH, illuminating the last steps of those who have proven their RIGHT to be Where God Himself rules, and to be near with Me on an equal footing, confirming with yourself that there is no limit to the evolution of LOVE and the evolution of the Great Harmony of the Worlds!

Father Absolute, or Higher Cosmic Mind.

P - to dream