What does salt mean as a lining. What is spoilage with salt

Salt is a multifaceted magical material, with the help of which damage is not only removed, but also applied. However, this type of spoilage is not as popular as removing spoilage with salt, since it absorbs all negativity very strongly and quickly.

How to check for damage

Carrying out the ritual of removing corruption unreasonably, you can harm your energy health. Checking for spoilage is also carried out using salt.

Salt is very good at diagnosing negativity.

On a clear night, closer to 24:00, take a well-washed frying pan and a packet of salt. Put the pan on the stove and heat it up, then throw a handful of salt on it with your left hand, which you heat up for about 20 minutes, asking out loud if you have an enemy and if he did damage to you or wished evil.

If you do not notice anything strange, and the salt behaves calmly during incandescence, crackling slightly and turning a little yellow, then your suspicions are groundless. When the salt is smoked, explodes, lets out black smoke, then you definitely have a negative and you should think carefully about how to get rid of it. But first you need to get rid of this salt by pouring it out on the street under a tree, while looking at the sky, then turning to the right and counting the stars to 21, and asking the sky to return evil to the one who sent it to your head.

After completing the ritual, go to sleep and do not be surprised that you will be tormented by nightmares. By the way, in them you may dream of your enemy, who sent damage to you. In the morning it will become much easier for you, as the salt will partially absorb your negativity.

At the same time, the next day, try to communicate less, do not lend anything to anyone, under any pretext - categorically.

Saving the house with salt

Did you find needles, earth, cereals, salt or any other lining near the threshold? Then you definitely need to clean the house of negativity. Again, salt will help you with this! When it gets dark, pour salt on a saucer, light a church candle.

With a burning candle, cross the salt three times and say on it the desire to get rid of the evil that has been put on you. After that, you need to go around the perimeter of the whole house clockwise. At the same time, there should be silence. Better if no one is at home. If the household has nowhere to send, ask them not to make noise and not ask questions.

While walking around a house or apartment, throw a pinch of spelled salt in each corner, which must be left there until the morning so that it absorbs all the negativity overnight. At dawn, collect the salt with a broom, put it in a paper bag and take it as far from home as possible. The best option is to throw it into running water or under a tree.

Such a method is also good for preventive purposes.

After returning home, do a general cleaning, thoroughly washing the floors and finally protecting the front door with some kind of amulet.

Transferring spoilage to salt

Another way to get rid of damage is translation. First, you shift the damage to the salt, and then it goes to the one who picks it up. The ritual is performed on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon.

Salt is poured in a saucer, a photograph of a spoiled person is placed face up on it, and a handful of salt is still on it, stick a wax candle on top, which should be lit and read the plot:

“The graveyard is abandoned, there is a comfortable coffin in it, in this coffin the dead man rests, but he guards troubles with sins and blasphemy. Witchers go to that dead man along overgrown paths, but they ask him for blasphemy and throw it at people with evil. The dead man is blind and does not know that sinful deeds are being done through him, he sleeps, he is outliving his deadness. I will quietly tell this dead man my gloomy punishment, how the blasphemy has been sent to (name), corruption drives in vain into the coffin, eats the living eater, to live and live, not to see the light of day. The dead man will throw that bag of salt to me, without payment, he will give it to whom I will throw it - to look for a new black domino. What I say is to be. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to wait for the candle to burn out and wrap its remains together with salt in a scarf, tie it, leave it in a public place, saying:

“Whoever touches him will not leave, take everything from (name) and live with blasphemy. Amen".

Casting should be done before and after cleaning. Cleaning can be carried out several times in a row until the traces of damage completely disappear. For the ritual, ordinary food or sea salt is taken. A candle can be taken as a church candle or a simple wax candle, preferably a small one. So much salt is poured in the photo so that you can install a candle and it does not fall.

Spoilage using salt

Salt is spoken and sprinkled on the threshold of the enemy:

“I don’t pour salt - I put pain, I don’t give it away - I steal peace. Take away, damn it, peace (name), so that you get bored, get sick day and night, in the sun and in the moon. Let it be so!"

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Common signs of damage and evil eye

In the modern high-tech society, many people are faced with such a phenomenon as inducing damage or the evil eye. Often there is such a situation when one of the problems suddenly falls on a person: lack of money, troubles in the family, loneliness, poor health, but any attempts to correct the situation lead to nothing. Neither friends, nor doctors, nor psychotherapists can help. A person falls into a state of panic and despair, he sees a vicious circle of problems, a way out of which does not exist. In such a situation, a person does not realize that all these misfortunes happen to him not through his fault or circumstances, but because of a negative energy defeat.

In essence, the evil eye and damage are in many ways similar to each other. This is a negative impact on the biofield of the subject by the field of another subject. The symptoms of negative manifestations are also similar to each other, for this reason only a specialist in this field can diagnose the problem and distinguish one suggestion from another.

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, it should be understood that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when it is not possible to solve the problem by any means. Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. And you can’t even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

Signs of damage, how to recognize damage

Corruption is a kind of energy code that has a negative impact on a particular person, animal or other object, the purpose of this impact will be damage to health or death. Damage is induced through certain magical rituals, this is a thoughtful, meaningful action of a bioenergetic who uses his knowledge and strength. Such an energy strike never happens accidentally or unconsciously.

  1. Body temperature rises spontaneously without obvious symptoms of the disease. A little later, the temperature returns to normal. It doesn't happen again. This is the first signal that directly indicates damage.
  2. Vomiting or diarrhea, which occurs in the same way as an increase in body temperature, for no reason. After quickly pass.
  3. An obsessive panic fear of heights, darkness, closed spaces, or other incomprehensible phenomena in a person who has not previously suffered from such phobias.
  4. Shaking or chills without fever or illness.
  5. Chronic ailment that is not treated with special therapy. The presence of diseases that follow one after another.
  6. Misfortunes, troubles and bad luck that happen too often.
  7. A person constantly experiences mental anguish: bad forebodings, frequent nightmares in a dream, loses appetite, begins to panic and get nervous for no reason.
  8. Quite often, emotional experiences are difficult to describe, but a person experiences constant stress.
  9. Pain sensations in the whole body, aching bones, somehow an organ hurts.
  10. Almost constant irritability and anger at a loved one. Perhaps damage to separation is induced.
  11. Uncontrolled manifestations of aggression, when a person tries to commit suicide.
  12. Weight loss or vice versa, weight gain. This happens with a person who has undergone a ritual of spoilage for weight loss (fullness).
  13. It happens that a person has a strange voice in the brain. This is a clear sign of a serious slander, damage to death, age-old.

Signs of the evil eye, how to recognize the evil eye

The evil eye occurs as an involuntary strong energy-information impact on a person who has succumbed to strong negative emotions. The evil eye can bring every person with strong energy under the influence of feelings of envy, anger. The negative impact is transmitted with the help of a glance. People with a weakened eye are more likely to suffer from the evil eye. energy field. This happens during illness, severe fatigue, or under the influence of worries.

  1. There is a burning sensation in the eyes as from a third-party object. The eyes begin to watery and the fear of bright lighting manifests itself.
  2. Small troubles and ailments begin to occur one after another.
  3. There is a loss of strength, a feeling of drowsiness, heaviness in the body and sluggishness, a person is tormented by hiccups or yawning.
  4. There are unreasonable quarrels at home and at work.
  5. In the house, things and household appliances begin to break.
  6. The person suffers from insomnia.
  7. A persistent feeling of hunger or the opposite state is an unreasonable loss of appetite.
  8. Sexual impotence, infertility.
  9. A bad mood, everything falls out of hand, a person experiences irritability due to the feeling that nothing in life “does not stick”, apathy.

Corruption and salt - we reveal all the secrets and secrets of damage and the evil eye to the site

The evil eye and spoilage are quite common today. Even those who are skeptical of various magical rituals often feel their influence, often not understanding the reasons for their sudden failures. They suffer from unknown ailments, drink medicines and attribute their poor health to fatigue. Others, trying to keep negativity out of their lives, take care to protect themselves from negativity.

Salt has long been considered a magical substance that can protect and purify. Often it is still used as a talisman. It is believed that ill-wishers who are trying to send damage are very afraid of salt. Therefore, protection with salt - good way protect yourself from negativity. After all, it is not for nothing that our ancestors, going on a long journey, always took a handful of salt with them or used it in purification rites.

The magical properties of salt

Salt helps well in restoring lost strength, as well as tightening holes in astral bodies. To protect oneself from the influence of evil forces, in especially difficult situations, a handful of salt is thrown over the shoulder. Very often it is used during magical rites, the purpose of which is to remove damage or the evil eye. The most effective salt used for any witchcraft is Thursday salt. It is prepared on a clean Thursday by calcining ordinary table salt until it becomes black.

With the help of salt crystals, a ritual of purification of spatial and human energy-field structures is performed. Often, with its help, a rite of purification of a person’s home or his biofield is performed. Salt has long been revered in every home. Its absence in ancient times was considered a sign of poverty. To protect yourself and protect your home from bad energy, special conspiracies are often used. In addition, salt treatment, used in combination with other therapeutic measures in the fight against certain ailments, has proven itself well.

Protecting your home with salt

For any person, his own home is a place where he feels protected from bad weather, any troubles, meetings with unpleasant people and negative emotions. However, the negative impact can also penetrate here. And damage or magic spells do not always contribute to this. Ordinary misunderstandings and quarrels between family members are often the cause of negative energy in the home. It is aggravated by envy and unkind thoughts of visitors and guests.

The ritual of cleansing your home with salt must be performed if necessary. To find out, you need to put a frying pan on the fire, heat it up, and pouring a small amount of salt on it, “fry” it there, stirring occasionally, for 7-15 minutes. With a favorable atmosphere in the house, its color will not change (it can only turn slightly yellow). Crackling and the acquisition of a dark color of salt is a bad signal that requires urgent action.

For the ceremony, Thursday salt is required, which must be scattered in all corners of the dwelling and left overnight. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a simple rule - do not tell anyone about the upcoming ceremony. In the morning, the salt should be swept away with a slightly damp broom and thrown away from home. The ritual is performed several times with an interval of two days. Usually, at the end of it, the result becomes obvious.

Negative energy enters the house through the threshold. Therefore, salt on the threshold to protect the home is sprinkled in order to block bad energy way to enter the room. The easiest way is to pour an even strip of salt on this place. Thus, you can protect your home not only from the influence bad thoughts guests, but also from their own negativity. Effective method- hand-made amulet. It is a small canvas bag, inside which you need to pour a little thursday salt, sew up and hang on the top right of front door. After a year, the bag should be replaced with a new one.

Salt - protection from negativity

Salt must be blessed at Easter. This tool is popularly considered very effective in the fight against evil spirits. Previously, it was given to the family of a newborn child. And for babies, at baptism in the church, a small amount of holy salt in a bag was sewn up in the hem of their shirt. In dwellings where there was still an unbaptized child, holy salt was thrown directly at the window - this is how they protected the baby from the influence of evil spirits.

The tradition of welcoming newlyweds with bread and salt is very old. It is believed that in order for the life of young spouses to develop happily, salt for this should be taken only sacred. To grow a good harvest, when planting garden crops, it is advisable to pour a little salt into the first hole. It is also added to the mortar when laying the furnace. Due to this, the firewood in it burns for a very long time, warming the dwelling with its warmth.

It is very important that the salt used to combat negativity be prepared in Clean Thursday. To do this, after heating it well over high heat and waiting until it begins to “shoot”, the pan in which it was located must be removed from the heat and left to cool. After that, it must be sprinkled crosswise with holy water three times. With any type of spoilage, it can be taken orally in small portions. For example, if a child is affected by negative energy. You can learn about other ways to protect children from the evil eye from the article on our website. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information on how you can get rid of this type of damage as a love spell on your own.

Salt prepared on February 15, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, has the same power. However, if a person is sure that an evil spirit has settled in his house, and he does not have Thursday or Sretensky salt, you can use ordinary coarse table salt. It needs to be poured into a frying pan, sprinkled with holy water and “fry” for half an hour. After that, picking up a frying pan with hot salt, you need to take turns going around the rooms in the house. Usually such a procedure forces the evil spirits to leave the premises.

Salt as protection against spoilage

If a person began to notice that someone is trying to harm him through black magic, and he doesn’t have talismans to protect against it, you can make a special amulet yourself - a bag of salt. It has long been used by representatives of most peoples, because the ability of salt to effectively fight evil has been known for a very long time. For this you need:

  • sew a small bag that would be convenient to constantly carry in your pocket or bag;
  • read the conspiracy words on salt: “Salt-salt, guard from any grief, listen to me, keeping from damage. Protect and take away from hatred and misfortune!
  • fill the bag with charmed salt.

In order for the amulet to protect against negative energy, you can’t tell anyone about it. After all, if the ill-wisher in any way finds out about its presence, steals and spoils this amulet, he will very easily carry out his witchcraft plans. The above plot can also be slandered on the salt in the salt shaker on the kitchen table. After that, she will be able to absorb the evil that penetrates the dwelling. If the amulet suddenly deteriorated, for example, the bag was torn, and the salt crumbled, you should not panic. This indicates that he took the blow of negative energy, taking trouble away from his owner. In such cases, you need to quickly replace it with a new one.

Often, if a person did not manage to protect himself from damage in time and became his victim, he cannot get rid of the negative on his own. In such cases, you may need the help of a traditional healerwho will help remove damage in a short time. In such cases, it is important to contact a qualified specialist who has repeatedly helped people who find themselves in similar situations.

Attracting money and good luck to the house

There are several simple rules, adhering to which you can attract not only good luck, but also financial well-being to your home:

  1. Under no circumstances should you lend salt or borrow it yourself. It is believed that in the first case, you can give away your luck, and in the second - to acquire someone else's energy, often negative.
  2. When having lunch with friends or acquaintances, it is impossible to transfer the salt shaker to another person, since in this way lack of money is attracted, and money luck on the contrary, it repels.
  3. In order for the long journey to be successful, before leaving, you need to put a salt shaker on the table.
  4. The salt container must be wooden. So way magical protection salt will be very strong and will help a person in his cleansing of negativity.
  5. To attract money into the house, it is advisable to leave a closed salt shaker on the kitchen table for the night. In addition to improving well-being, this will help cleanse the home of bad energy and protect its inhabitants from damage, evil eye or curse. You need to change the contents of the salt shaker once every three days. It is forbidden to eat it, because it contains a lot of negativity.

Any person can become a victim of black magic or the usual evil eye, regardless of age, gender, position in society and the amount of money in the wallet. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect yourself and your home from the influence of negative energy in advance.

In June of this year, a scandal broke out: in Ufa, a judge poured paths of salt throughout the hall right before the start of the trial. People were shocked, the photos got into the network, they were posted by many network news resources. It turns out that the woman drew circles for protection. The problem of using salt as an attribute of magical practices is already taking on some surreal proportions, and anyone can face this.

What do the victims of magical rites face. Salt itself as a seasoning cannot harm you. But a person cannot ignore someone else's malice, envy, desire to cause damage and make people suffer. Such stories always cause excitement, anxiety, fear. They take peace and strength. And this is outside any magical context, this is how the psychology of people works.

In the morning I went to work, I felt salt in my boots. I took them off, and there is salt. What could it be? I live with my mother-in-law, who conjures everything .

In my office, on the threshold under the rug, I found salt. What does it mean? What to do?

I work as an assistant chief accountant. My boss is retiring soon. It's been a couple of months since conflicts began with her. He's trying to get me out of office. Yesterday at home I found salt in my pocket. I am terrified! What to do? How to stay at work?

I recently found 2 torn packets of salt in front of the gate of my house. When the snow completely melted, I found 4 more packages, already old ones. Tin! What kind of people! It will all come back.

I found salt wrapped in a scarf under the mattress in the child's stroller! Prior to this, the daughter in the stroller did not want to sleep, she was very restless. In confusion, she took this handkerchief with her hands and unfolded it again from the beginning. Now I'm afraid what to expect?

I had a fight with a friend, we broke up. A month later, we met again at my house. The evening was unforgettable. I saw her off, I return home, I go into the kitchen and I feel like sand under my feet. All over the kitchen! I swept, considered. It turned out to be salt. But before the arrival of a friend, I cleaned up, the floors were clean. It turns out that she poured salt on the floor in the kitchen for me, but why???

All stories below are real, taken from open sources.

Why pour salt under the threshold, into bags, shoes and pockets, food

Lapels and strife. The most common reason that someone salted you is the jealousy and envy of less fortunate rivals in love. Abandoned wives, tired of waiting for the divorce of their mistress, envious girlfriends resort to a cheap way to return a man or just take revenge. This kind of information is now readily available. And the image of a modern witch with an iPhone seems romantic and attractive. The text of the conspiracy is read for salt, then they make a lining. So the “Idol-Idol” lapel is very popular (so that the rival of the man herself kicked out and did not fight for him). This is a slander for salt, which then needs to be thrown under the threshold. They do it on the night of the new moon, on the 29th lunar day. Experienced advise beginners: "Pour in as much as possible so that contact with salt is as dense as possible." They pour in such a way that a person must step on it: at the door of an apartment or entrance, near a car.

I read in the photo of a rival. I poured salt into her bag and shoes, there is no access to the threshold. Didn't see any major changes. I want to try another person.

On the new moon, I read on salt in a box, twirling it counterclockwise in front of me. Poured on a photo of a rival. A few days later she poured out under the apartment. The couple broke up about a month later. Who expelled whom or left himself, I do not know.

Tell me, please, if you do a quarrel with salt, is it possible to pour it into the opponent's pockets, personal belongings and shoes. There is access to her things, a car, we work together. Two years ago, she left him, gave birth, and now she is pulling back, manipulating the child. He is led to all this, but he tells me that everything has passed and he wants to be alone. I do not believe him, they began to communicate too closely. At work, I hear them constantly calling each other, whispering. I can feed her with this salt! Just rushing me completely to fill this lady with salt!

I go to work with my mother in the morning. I open the door, and there is salt! So neatly sprinkled on the doorstep. Mother did not let me go out, she did not step over. I went for a broom and a shovel. She swept everything on a scoop, went out into the street and poured everything under a tree. She threw out the scoop with the broom. At that time I was dating a married man, and my wife found out everything about me. I think she tried. But there didn't seem to be any changes, nothing bad happened.

Often the effect of strife and lapels is not at all what was expected. I am writing to understand: salt does not solve anything.

I read 9 times "Black Forest, Old Swamp .." Then I lit a candle, however, a church one, but turned upside down. Carried under the threshold, ransom to the crossroads. At night it twisted so that I thought I would not wake up. It felt like a knife was cutting both inside and out. I understood that it was not right, but I couldn’t come up with anything “smarter” than “Our Father”. I read it 10 times, slowly let it go. Tell me, please, what am I doing wrong, what did I do wrong and what should I do in such cases? To be honest, it was very scary, not so much for myself as for the children.

I do quarrels all the time (with salt, cemetery, at the crossroads, horn, needles) in a decreasing phase. Damage to the opponent constantly, ice cold to her husband. It seems that the rival is sick, and they quarrel, but still together. And so 1.5 years. I have no idea how to get my husband back. What to do on the final break?

Damage to salt to take away peace and health. Such damage is considered a more complex ritual, since helpers, devils, are involved. They slander on salt and pour it into the enemy's food or under the threshold. Salt symbolizes pain. Done with a ransom.

At my eldest daughter, someone constantly pours salt in front of the gate into the yard. My daughter began to get sick: her legs are burning, her hands are getting heavy, her head hurts. We are sure that salt is for spoilage, for diseases.

I drove up to the house, from a distance I saw an unfamiliar woman. She peered through the gate and leaned over. I asked her what she needed. She says she was wrong. She opened the gate, saw 3 crosses painted with water and salt. The most disgusting thing is that I moved through these crosses. Scared. Shakes.

Damage to death. If quarrels, personal setbacks, anxiety, and constant illness don't seem like a big enough punishment, modern witches go to the end, performing rituals that bring death to the enemy. So for this serious curse, voodoo needs: a candle from a funeral, coal dust, salt, 70 needles. At midnight, you need to strip naked and perform ritual actions. Then all the remains are poured onto the threshold of the victim.

I found under my door, on a rug, ash mixed with salt and needles, it became very unpleasant and scary. We just collected it all and threw it away together with a rug and a broom and a dustpan. After I discovered this lining, 2 tragedies happened in our family. First, grandfather died, and three days later his cousin hanged himself.

IMPORTANT. Stay sane people. If spilled salt really could kill, then there would be no need for killers. The anxiety that occurs in such situations brings much more harm, it is she who deprives us of peace, can cause a heart attack, and pushes us to quarrels and conflicts. Few people have magical powers, and there are more mentally ill people every year.

Someone began to throw garbage under the door of my grandmother. Apparently, he wanted to scare. So we just put a light bulb with a motion sensor. Turns out it was a friend who did it. That night, she also came with a bucket of some filth. And when the light suddenly lit up, she was so frightened that she fell down with a crash. So she got caught.

Do not enter into resonance with the anxious expectations of trouble, remain strong and calm, and someone else's anger will not affect you. But if you want to enter into a magical war, then read the information on how to protect yourself from evil with the help of the same salt at the link.

There are many types of damage, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize an energy strike. Evil eyes and damage to salt are very popular in this area due to the unique properties of salt.

How to determine damage to salt

People who are far from esoteric practices are often at risk of the evil eye and damage. But to know for sure whether you have been jinxed or not, only minimal knowledge is needed. Spoilage for salt is a kind of so-called lining, when somewhere outside your home an ill-wisher spoke to various negative attitudes about a harmless-looking thing. Such an object is thrown either into the apartment itself or to its doors.

What is the dose of salt in the treatment?

Rather, if we do not know how to dose, we adhere to the principle: we act in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If we have a well-formed recipe, of course we stick to the recipes. The homemade sausages portal offers the following proportions.

In the American version of the mixture, 25% nitrite, in our country, according to the sausage portal 5-6%, which is much less. Therefore, if you are making a recipe from across the ocean, you will need to convert the salt. Every kitchen in the kitchen, experienced or beginner, is faced with unforeseen developments and requests. Thanks to fried utensils, there are many excuses to be found - since salt is different both in the crust and in nature. Let's say sea salt is softer than a lake, but you have to be very careful with rock salt because an extra pinch can seriously damage the food.

The lining can be anything - from a piece of cloth to the bones of birds. One of the most popular linings is salt. It can lie in a bag, or it can simply be scattered at the front door or even in the apartment. The danger of such a lining is that you may not recognize it and simply brush the salt off the table with your hand. And this should never be done.

If you still have the dish, don't panic. We bring you some kitchen tricks to help you fix the mistake. The easiest way to reduce the saltiness of the soup is to add a pack of rice. Store-bought on rice pads, or if you don't have one at home, place loose rice in cheesecloth, coat it, and place it in your soup. Rice absorbs excess salt.

Another variant of the problem is potatoes. Pour the road, unsweetened green potatoes into the soup, and wait about 5 minutes. and take it out of the pot. If you don't have rice or potatoes at home, flour will help. Like rice, put them in cheesecloth, apply it and place it in water. But this way of saving salt from salt has one drawback - flour soup is similar to raw. However, to reduce the saltiness you decide to use flour, the soup will clean it up if you put a meatbagger or crushed egg white in it, which you remember to take off.

If you have an ill-wisher who was in your house, and you felt bad or faced setbacks, try to find the charmed salt. Raise the rug at the front door - you will find something “interesting” there as well. In any case, the strange things found do not bring anything good.

Video: Removing spoilage by sound extraction

If you're planning on serving clean stock but unfortunately ended up drinking it, you can add pasta to crush the excess salt. Just don't boil the noodles, because then the broth will look cloudy. By the way, not the best solution is to dilute the broth with water. The bouillon will become too watery, it will lose its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. Or, if you have time, you can dilute it with a different, milder broth.

What is spoilage through salt

Reducing the amount of salt in the second course is a little trickier. This would be useful for cooking spells. To make sure you don't drink too much salt, spice it up with something acidic, sweet or tangy - acidity and sweetness "regulate" the saltiness.

Linings can have a different character.

  • This may be a conspiracy to passion when they want to separate lovers.
  • It can also be an evil eye or a conspiracy to illness, so that the victim suffers from poor health.
  • Often conspiracies and linings lead to banal failure and depression.

Damage pads are divided into various subspecies, the most common of which are magnets and vampires.

Removing, rolling out spoilage with an egg on your own: decoding

You can remove excess salt from the meat by treating it with a flour- or oil-based sauce. This will suppress the saltiness of the meat. By the way, only do this when the meat is thirsty or just before serving, not when it's done. How much can you adjust the situation to the noodle garnish offered to the grilled meat.

Well, if too much salt spilled into the meat pudding, freshly cooked rice would help. More about salt. If none of the above methods worked, the meat dish will have to say "judge". To avoid this, it's best to rub less meat into the meat, especially if you're preparing pizza, meat, duck, or split meats.

  • Damage magnet usually emits some kind of negative aura, gradually reducing the impact.
  • Corruption-vampire, on the other hand, feeds on the energy of a person, constantly intensifying. It must be found anyway.

Conclusion: if you are overtaken by failures, sudden problems with loved ones, poor health, causeless depression, look for salt or another lining in your house.

How to remove damage to trade: practical magic

Have you increased the amount of salt when preparing poultry dishes? Don't panic, because you will remove excess salt very simply: just remove the bone meat, prepare the sauce without salt and 5-10 minutes. cry in it. You can save a bird if you decide to string it with any vegetables. If you have sliced ​​a green chicken or turkey stick, you can easily remove the salty ones with milk or water.

Roasted buckwheat or any other grains are shaken to a sieve and washed with cold water. Let it work well, move the buckwheat to a small pot, add some warm water, add some oil and heat it over low heat until the liquid evaporates and the food is warm.

How to remove spoilage for salt

Why exactly salt? The answer is simple - this substance perfectly absorbs the negative. That is why, since ancient times, salt has not even borrowed from each other. It is an ideal object of conspiracy and, as a result, an ideal substance for lining. You can curse her without even resorting to special rituals. It is enough to sincerely wish evil and not be afraid of the opposite consequences. So even an inexperienced person in damage can easily bring such damage.

It's okay - just rinse them several times with cold water. If you multiply the salt by washing the dish, you can also raise the dish for a second life. Add freshly cooked rice and vegetables to the rinse and mix with part of the cheese plate. Save the vegetable stew, porridge, or puree if you use butter, egg white, flour, or sour cream. If this method is ineffective, the situation has not improved, place the vegetables of the same vegetable in a steamed vegetable stew, porridge or puree and mix well.

In the case of mashed potatoes in cheese, place it in the unsweetened porridge and mix thoroughly. And baked potatoes can be “reanimated” in two ways: sprinkle some sour cream and herbs with them, or fry fresh potatoes and mix them with fried potatoes.

If you find salt at home or near the front door, do not rush to panic, because there are excellent effective ways to block the salt evil eye. As experts say, under no circumstances should the pads be touched. In the case of salt, it is better to collect it with gloves, a broom and a newspaper. After everything is collected, throw away the broom and gloves along with the lining.

Removing excess salt from fish is more difficult because salt penetrates deeper into fish than meat. Fortunately, there are several ways out of these difficult situations. Make dinner with flour sauce, a savory side dish, or sour cream with lots of leaves, like parsley, dill, celery, onions, and soak up some salty cheese.

Remove damage to Baptism

If there is cheese in the dash, keep it for 2-3 hours. in water. If you're multiplying salt with boiling noodles, don't despair. There are three ways to remove salinity.

  • Season the dish with fresh tomato sauce.
  • Drink another serving of pasta and mix with oatmeal.
  • Draw an egg in a cooked dish and fry in a pan - the egg will cure the salt.
Raw pickled cabbage is shaken in a sieve and turned over in cold water.

If the salt is in a bag or is some other complex structure, it should not be taken out under any circumstances. When wiping the surface from salt, choose a rag from the neutral category. It should not be someone else's thing, but just a rag.

Next you need destroy lining. To do this, we need a fire away from home. We kindle a fire, outline the area around it with salt. Salt is not only a good material for a curse, but also an excellent protective substance. All things, including the lining itself, are thrown into the fire. If something needs to be moved, then you do it only with a stick, burning it too. Take your clean salt with you from home. After you throw everything dirty and spoiled into the fire, cover the coals with your salt. This will save you from possible residual effects.

Be careful and always pay attention to foreign objects in and around the house, especially if you have enemies or enemies. Any depression, quarrels and illnesses can be the cause of the evil eye or lining, so check your home after the visit of not the most pleasant guests.

Good luck to you

Damage to salt is a variant of magic, divination, witchcraft and the evil eye, evil spells formally imposed on a material object, in this case salt. However, according to our idea, we see here a variant of sorcery, focused on an attempt to harm not the salt itself, but people or a specific person. Usually magicians and sorcerers seek to harm human health. Although, there may be options with an attempt to plunge a person into some kind of unfavorable, negative, painful, flawed, bad state. Therefore, although technically, spoilage is imposed on salt (natural, self-evaporated, ordinary cooking, sea, coarse, fine, powdered salt, salt powder), but according to the purpose, action, additional decoding should be done, clarification of the purpose of witchcraft. For example: damage to fullness, to closing roads, to menstruation, to fornication, can be implemented in this way, by a specific magical technology, the main subject of which should be the presence of salt. As a convenient magical "accumulator", ideally associated with a specific person. More rarely, the object of the adverse effects of magic is the salt itself. Which implies the deterioration of its qualities, the appearance of unusual properties, a hallucinogenic effect, an unpleasant smell, stench, stench, insolubility, emetic properties. There is another version of the evil eye “for salt” - this is a wish for a person to be afraid of salt, its appearance, or taste or smell. Theoretically, in rare cases, divination for salt can be "conditionally white." That is, the goal is not to deprive a person of health and attract negative states to him, but vice versa. As an option, attract to him a good personal life, success, health, money, happiness, wealth, fame. Or “distract” a person from systematic “bad activities”. Type of gambling, passion, irresistible painful cravings (wine, vodka, moonshine, alcohol, drugs, tobacco). But such options for damage to salt are already obviously exotic. Not so far, in fact, they go away from the negative influence and the actions of the magician, to remove damage to salt. In fact, these are not so different magical technologies, but rather "the other side of the coin."

It is believed that through magical technologies, the evil eye, it is several times easier to achieve a negative effect than to obtain a positive result. Such is the nature of the forces to which the sorcerer who makes damage refers. They initially act not as a neutral "technical" submissive side, but as an independent "player". Pursuing their own interests unknown to us. Roughly speaking, the magician and sorcerer, in this case, uses such a “tool”, which he can only partially control. And by itself, “a tool, strength, help of the spirit”, initially only know how to do evil to a person. Even if we call them "light". Therefore, in order to apply evil spells, white or black magic, the evil eye on salt in favor of people, one has to invent complex combinations, castling. Reducing to the redistribution of the negative consequences of damage to salt, among several people. Among which, one of the parties may be in some gain, at the expense of the victims. As the most popular simple method, a sorcerer, a sorcerer uses magic on salt, which removes damage, but does not destroy it (this is almost impossible), but transfers evil spells to other people. Random or pre-selected. As for the specific technology of divination for salt, in most ways the magician or sorcerer uses the existing dwelling, without changing it. However, to perform the ritual, runes, symbols, signs and other characteristic images can be applied to the salt of people. Often in the ritual of spoiling for salt, magical technology, passes, slander, conspiracy, divination, “prayer” are used. Together with wax, fire, candles, feather, needle, blade, coins, blood, mirror, millet, graveyard soil, sugar.

The popularity of magical technologies in modern society, the desire to learn how to spoil salt, make an evil eye, how to identify signs, signs of witchcraft. Amulets, talismans for protection and removal of damage to salt. Search for specialists, independent methods, removal of the evil eye. Interest in questions of how to understand, learn, recognize witchcraft and evil spells. All this reflects, as in a mirror, and clearly characterizes the religiosity of modern man. Living, “in fact”, in the post-Christian space. According to the definition of the Catholic Church, these are "neo-pagan territories in need of missionary activity." Simply put, the dominant, mainstream religion of modern society is esotericism or the occult. From the point of view of the Christian Church, these are variants of neo-paganism. For non-Christians, people who profess (even if not quite consciously) esotericism, occultism or neo-paganism (we will not argue about private terms). Belief in witchcraft, magic, evil spells, horoscopes, palmistry, astrology, love spells, evil eye, curses, including damage to salt. It turns out not only confidence in the effectiveness of magical technologies for changing reality and causing harm. But BELIEF IN THE DAMAGE TO SALT, is, in itself, THE MAIN SUBJECT OF FAITH.

Salt has unique magical properties. With it, you can not only neutralize the negative impact, but also cause damage. Moreover, spoilage using salt is quite serious and effective.

Technically, it's not difficult to bring negativity to salt.

The main thing is to perform special rituals on it, speak evil wishes and send them to the addressee. Sorcerers place the charmed material on the threshold of the door of their victim, pour it into salt or food. Also, with charmed salt, rituals are performed on the lapel.

This strongest material absorbs not only negative energy, but also positive energy, which is why many healers use it in their magical practices.

How is spoilage caused by salt?

The words of the conspiracy are read over the salt: “I do not spill salt, I send pain and steal peace. The crafty devil, who took away calmness from the slave (name), so that (name) yearned, did not know either happiness or fun, so that ailments would not come off and endure all kinds of torment both day and night in the dark. May the deed be fulfilled.”

Salt rituals are considered one of the most ancient, and today urban magicians are increasingly resorting to them. This kind of damage, it is feasible to bring to everyone. For example, a malicious and envious neighbor, with a shift, can ruin the health and life of the whole family. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not take salt out of the hut unnecessarily and do not distribute it to your neighbors.

Salt can spoil a person's biofield, cast a spell on another, and make a completely innocent person suffer. Anyone, a curious child and even an animal, can suffer from such an impact in the family. Translations with the use of salt are classified as black magic.

Damage is shifted on any day, regardless of whether it is a growing moon or a waning one. Casting is carried out before cleaning and after it. Salt is poured into the saucer, a photo is placed on top of it, a photo is placed on the front side, salt is sprinkled on top and a thin wax candle is stuck in the middle, then a conspiracy to reduce damage is read.

The candle should burn out completely, the cinder remaining from the candle is wrapped in a handkerchief with salt and spilled out at the crossroads with the following words: “whoever touches it cannot escape trouble, pick it up with (name), live with blasphemy itself.”

The translation is enhanced if the ritual is performed in a cemetery. At night, salt can be dug up to the grave, and the next day it can be spent over it. magical ritual and read the messenger conspiracies.

If you found salt under your threshold, it means that someone tried to cast a spell on you. In no case should you touch the find with your hands.

In this case, it is advisable to sweep the salt with a broom onto a sheet of paper, take it out into the yard and douse it with fire. Holy water will help neutralize damage. To do this, drain the discovered salt with water, read the prayer “Our Father” and the prayer “Detention” three times.

Cleaning from spoilage

However, if you want to completely cleanse yourself and your home from the evil eye or damage, take a church candle and go around the entire apartment with it clockwise. During the ritual, a prayer is necessarily read from getting rid of evil spirits. In order to consolidate the ritual, put a pinch of salt in all corners of the rooms. Well, if it is consecrated in the church.

If you don’t have consecrated salt, you can consecrate the salt yourself by reading a prayer over it for the consecration of every thing. Salt should lie in the house until morning, by which time it will have time to absorb the negative. In the morning, collect it from the corners, wrap it in a sheet of paper, burn it or throw it into the river.

Salt can also be used to detect spoilage. This will require a package of salt and a frying pan. At midnight, sprinkle salt on a hot frying pan. Pour a little salt on it first, always with your left hand. Salt should be heated for about twenty minutes.

Mentally ask yourself if you have enemies and ill-wishers who have directed damage or jinxed at you.

If the salt crackles slightly, does not smoke, a sign that there is no damage to you. If it boils, smokes and gives out puffs of black smoke - someone brought black damage to you and wished evil. In this case, you need to collect it from the pan and pour it under the tree. At dawn, you should go to church, order a magpie and a prayer service for health, and defend a service in the temple.

Do not forget to confess and take communion as often as possible. If you systematically visit the temple, take communion, no evil "infection" will stick to you.

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