What is the connection if you speak on a candle. How to get rid of the disease with the help of candle magic, attract love, luck, money? Black candles in magic, or why speak wax

A candlelight love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in a chosen one with the help of love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

Why is a candlelight spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the rite several times.

It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ceremony:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable.
  • Buy candles at the church shop. The most suitable time is Friday, in the first half of the day.
  • It's great if you manage to find red candles - they have the most powerful energy.

It is better to buy candles with a margin.

Love spell rules

There are some more rules that must be followed in order for the rite to work accurately:

  1. The spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight.
  2. All other light sources in the room must be turned off.
  3. Nobody should interfere with you. Make sure that household members or pets do not enter the room during the ritual.
  4. The room must be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the "correct" energy from circulating.
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubt prevents love magic from manifesting its power.
  6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your actions private.
  7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours.
  8. Do or on the new moon. At this time, the lunar energy is directed to creation.

Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

When does the spell not work?

A love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases, it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can interfere with the action of love magic:

  • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do a rite of passage. Please note that you must know exactly who put the spell on the man before you.
  • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
  • The bewitched person has a very strong positive energy. It can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate.

In other cases, the love spell should work.

Love spell for two candles

This is the most popular way to bewitch the chosen one. Making a spell is quite simple. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or whatever color you like.
  • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for a love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy regular food foil.
  • Stands for candles. It is best if they are also new and made of metal.
  • Safety pin. Also new.

Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the growing moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Lay the tablecloth on the table and use red crayon to draw a heart in its center.

Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

You do not need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Gather the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it has completely hardened, and use a pin to scratch out the names: yours and the one you need to bewitch.

After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure no one accidentally discovers the cache. The spell will take effect within three days.

Strong love spell on two twisted candles

About this love spell for two twisted church candles, those who did it leave good reviews. It is believed that this is love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of a love spell:

After that, the candles need to be lit, wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will take effect.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will bind the chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

The most "white" love spell

If you are afraid of the negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, abandon the traditional methods of love magic.

Ordinary female tricks will help to “bewitch” a man:

  • You always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked at least.
  • Do not get hung up on the chosen one: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies.
  • Do not impose, let the man take the initiative.
  • He needs to see that other men like you too - surround yourself with fans.

If you become a bright, interesting person, with a lot of things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.

Is there a more mysterious and mystical thing than a candle? In magic, it is not just a source of light, it is an indispensable powerful tool for most witchcraft rituals. Consider how a conspiracy is read on a candle, and what role it and its wick play in magical rites.

Candles and magic

The magical essence of candles has long been known, because these small lights are the "link" between the magician and the great power of fire. The candle itself is an energy recharge, thanks to which the goal of the ritual is achieved. The use of a candle as a magical ingredient is quite wide, it is used for:

  1. Predictions. A candle, like a sponge, is able to "absorb" information and transmit it. These qualities are possessed not only by a flame, but also by candle wax.
  2. Conspiracies. In this case, candles are used as an “amplifier” of the ritual and as a protection for the magician during the candle spell ritual. The volt doll, fashioned from candle wax, creates an invisible bond between the figurine itself and the person it represents.
  3. Removal of damage, evil eye, curses. In such rituals, a candle performs the function of a “destroyer” of negative influences.
  4. Wish Maker. Being the main "ingredient" of rituals for the fulfillment of desires, when burned, it gives energy, thanks to which the wish comes true.

There are two types of candles - wax, made from natural wax and chemical, which are based on various artificial components. Magic, like any ancient science, “does not approve” of everything “unnatural”, therefore it is better to use natural wax candles in witchcraft rituals. This does not mean that chemical candles are absolutely unsuitable for magical "manipulations", they are simply energetically weaker compared to natural ones. Another important element of a candle is its color. So:

  1. White, which is essentially yellow for natural candles, is considered neutral and suitable for all witchcraft rites.
  2. Black is the color of destruction, which is why a black candle is often used in rituals to get rid of something or someone.
  3. Violet color is able to speed up the ritual.
  4. Red is a strong symbol of passion and love, so it is usually used in love spells of love magic by conspiring with a red candle.
  5. Blue color is used in healing ceremonies.
  6. Green color "attracts" money and material values.
  7. Blue color activates the creative potential of a person.
  8. A yellow candle is used to force the victim to submit to someone else's will. Also, fortune tellers and fortune tellers often work with a yellow candle, looking into a person’s future.
  9. Orange color is used if you need to solve problems related to various property issues.
  10. Pink color "awakens" beauty and attractiveness.
  11. Brown color is used in rituals aimed at harmonizing family and interpersonal relationships.
  12. Gray is calming and helps to focus, which is why it is often used during meditation.

Conspiracy for one candle

To return a husband or kindle love in the heart of the “object of passion”, you can make a love spell on a white or red candle, a black one will not work here. In addition to this "ingredient" you will need three new needles and a photograph of a man. Choose one of the nights of the lunar rise and make sure that no one can interfere with you. Cover the table with a red tablecloth and place a lighted candle in its center. Place a picture of your lover and a needle in front of the candle.

Now you need to focus and make a “challenge” of a man to conspire with a red love candle. Pick up his photo and look the guy in the eyes. Imagine him next to you, feel his warmth and smell. When the "contact" is established, take the first needle and stick it in the middle of the forehead of the man shown in the photograph, and say:

“As this needle enters, so thoughts about the Servant of God (your name) enter your mind.”

Then take the next needle and stick it right into the heart of the victim, continuing to read the plot:

“As this needle digs in, so it digs into your heart love for the Servant of God (your name).

And finally, stick the last third needle into the genital area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe man and say:

“As this needle pierces, so your desire for the Servant of God (your name) will pierce into your loins.”

Then take a burning candle and circle it around the plotted photo three times, making movements clockwise, while not forgetting to read the plot:

“My word is true, and my desire is strong. What is envisioned will come true. Amen".

Conspiracy for two candles

If a loved one has “cooled” towards you or simply doesn’t notice you, it’s time to make a love spell for two candles. To conduct it, you will need two thin white or red candles, a candlestick and a ritual knife. In the absence of a ritual knife, a new knife with a black handle can be used. Wait until the moon begins to grow, and choose a night that is convenient for you to conspire on a church candle. After the clock strikes twelve, you can begin to act.

On one candle, scratch the name of your loved one with a ritual knife, and on the second - your name. Then weave the candles together and say the words of a strong spell with which you can win the heart of a man:

“I do not weave wedding candles, I connect the fate of the Servant of God (the name of the man) with the fate of the Servant of God (the name of the woman).”

“I don’t light wedding candles, I ignite the fire of love in the heart of the Servant of God (name of the man) to the Servant of God (name of the woman).”

After that, put the twisted candles on the candlestick and, perceiving them as one burning candle, say:

“The candle burns and burns out, and the love of the Servant of God (the name of the man) for the Servant of God (the name of the woman) burns forever. May it be so".

There is no need to extinguish twisted candles - let them burn for as long as they need to burn out to the end, and in the morning their remains must be taken out of the house and buried under a young tree, expecting that the consequences of the ritual will be expected.

Three candle spell

There is another love spell with which you can arrange your "heart matters" to bewitch your loved one. In this rite, we are talking about three white candles that will need to be purchased for its implementation. You will also need one red candle, a full-length photograph of the victim, and White tablecloth. A conspiracy for three candles is read on full moon between twelve and three o'clock at night.

In the room where the ceremony will be held, there should be a table that you will need to cover with a white tablecloth or a piece of white cloth. Three white candles should be placed in the center of the table. They should stand in the form of a triangle with an acute angle to the north. Put a photograph of a man in the center of the triangle. The head of the person shown in the photo should be in front of the top of the triangle.

When all preparations are completed, light the candles, starting from the bottom right. In this case, you need to use ordinary matches. From the lower left candle, light the red candle. When the fire flares up and the wax begins to melt, put a few drops on the area between the eyebrows of the man shown in the photo and read a strong conspiracy:

“Your thoughts are about me, your mind is obedient to my will, love longing is in your soul.”

“I fill your heart with passion, I conjure love for me alone.”

And finally, you drip into the man's inguinal zone and pronounce the final words of a strong love conspiracy:

“I inflame your loins with lust, I command you to desire me alone. Amen".

Then set fire to the charmed photograph from the flame of the upper candle, and when it burns out, collect the resulting ashes. Extinguish the red candle, and leave the white candles to burn until morning. In the morning, we take out the remnants of candles and ashes from the house and bury them in the ground or throw them into the river. You need to know that candles, magic, rituals and conspiracies, all this must be done strictly according to the rules so as not to harm.

Love conspiracy. Love conspiracy - a beautiful rite TWO CANDLES to attract love


Conspiracies for a candle, for love, money and luck.

Conspiracies for a church candle

In addition to love spells, there are other rituals in which candles are used. These are rituals aimed at cleansing the house of evil and removing damage, rituals for money, luck, health, and so on. For many of them, it is recommended to buy candles in the church. The fact is that conspiracies read on a consecrated church candle have more power, and therefore work better.

Home cleansing

With the help of a consecrated church candle, you can “cleanse” the house from evil and corruption. This is done in the following way. Light a church candle and take it to right hand, having previously protected yourself from getting melted wax on the skin. Slowly, step by step, go around all the rooms in the house. At the same time, pay special attention to the far corners and hard-to-reach places, pronouncing the words accompanying the conspiracy of the church candle.

Walking around the room, you need to repeat the following words:

“I burn all the bad with a candle, and I attract the good into the house.”

If you see that in some place of the apartment the candle began to smoke heavily, this means that a large clot of negative energy has gathered there or you need to look for a lining in this place. To remove all this, you need to sprinkle the “problem” place with consecrated water, and find and destroy the thrown thing. At the end of the cleansing ritual, in order to avoid negative consequences for yourself, be sure to throw away candle wax, take a shower and read prayers.

Conspiracy for well-being in the house

So that all your household members are alive and well, and all their affairs are always successful, buy a candle in the church and bring it home. At home, put it in the kitchen and light it whenever you cook. During cooking, a lit candle should be placed on the table and the conspiracy of the temple candle should be said:

“The red sun rose, the clear sky came out. A bird flies in that sky, grace proclaims to us. As she flaps her wing, so prosperity will come to the house. As she waves to others, happiness will enter our lives. The bird will lead the song - grief will leave us away.

Ritual to attract money

With the help of a church candle, you can attract wealth to the house. Go to the temple and buy a candle of any size. At the same time, do not take the change, but leave it as a gift to the church. At home, take a coin of any denomination and put a lit candle on it. Then, looking steadily at the fire, you need to say three times:

“I light a candle - I attract money to myself. My candle is burning brightly - wealth is pouring down on me. I look at the fire without interruption - I order the money to multiply. As conceived (la), so it will come true.

After reciting, extinguish the candles and take them out of the house, and put the charmed coin in your wallet and never be separated from it.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

Everyone knows that candles are a fairly popular magical tool for fulfilling desires. In this regard, consider a ritual with which you can carry out your plan, or at least get closer to your cherished goal. To carry it out, you will need church candle, blank paper and pencil. Light a candle and write your wish on paper.

The text of the note should be something like this: "I want to ...". And then describe what you want to achieve. At the end, add: "My wish come true." Then burn your notes in a candle fire and collect the ashes.

Then you act with the ashes depending on the text of your desire. If you want to achieve something, then the ashes must be scattered to the wind, and if you get rid of them, then destroy them by burying them in the ground or throwing them into the river. You do not need to extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end, and then take it out of the house. As for the time of the ritual, if you acquire something, then the Month should be growing, and if you get rid of something, it should be decreasing.


Like on your own make a remote love spell on a church candle at home, you will learn further. Important Rule for a successful love spell, only church candles :for the love spell of her husband and not married man must be red wax candle, for a man who has been married or is currently married yellow church candle . This is an important condition for a love spell aimed at inciting love that you will do to be sure to succeed. love spellworks at any distance from a loved one and will not require his participation in the ritual. Most often love spells are made on the full moon, new moon or on the growing moon, and rightly so. This time is considered the most suitable for magical rites of love magic. Do not under any circumstances read love spells on the waning moon - they will act like a cold, although there are several love spells that are used on the waning moon, but Maginya will tell about them later and indicate in the description that love spell can be read on any moon . To hold a magical a love spell that kindles love in the heart and soul of a loved one buy a candle of the desired color in advance only in the church (the church shop is not suitable, unlit candles may come across and then the love spell will not work), services are held in the church and the candles are lit automatically! Having bought a candle for a love spell, but don’t take the change, leave it with the words “for a common candle” - this is a “payback” so as not to take on the sin for turning to magic. Spell for love loved one using a church candle should take place at home, where you live. Make sure that there is no one at home except you, turn off all phones - there should be complete silence.

How to make a love spell on a church candle and cause strong love

Stand in front of the mirror and light the wick of the candle while reading the love spell:

I don't light a candle

And I light the soul and heart of the slave (name)
Strong love and molding like wax,
For me, slave (name), forever.

As the flame of these candles burns, so let the heart of the slave (name) burn,
From love to me, a slave (name) forever and ever.
I turn the love of the slave (name) to myself, I light it with a church candle.
Be with me at daytime and at night,
Turn the candle, the heart of the slave (name) to me alone.
I seal the word with a wax seal,
I conjure with a church candle.

After graduating read a love spell put out the candle and put it in a secluded place so that no one touches it. If everything is done correctly, love spell effect comes on the seventh day after the ceremony, and every day a man begins to feel more and more attracted to your person.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • This is the most powerful binary love spell of instant action. As soon as you twist 2 two candles together and read a love spell on them that will immediately begin to act, the man will immediately begin to pull towards you with huge force! It is almost impossible to remove this love spell and it is done only if you really love a person very much and he does not love you.

  • A strong love spell in the name of a person that you can do yourself by reading a love spell these days has not lost popularity. Knowing it, it is very easy to read a love spell by naming and bewitching a person to yourself. With the help of a love spell, you can quickly fall in love with any person. All that is required for a love spell is the knowledge of the name of a loved one! Today we will teach you how to make a strong love spell that you need to read on your own and even at home.

  • At the moment when it's raining, it's time to cast a defiant love spell strong love from another person. Even in the old days, it was noticed that love spells in bad weather have great power and if you cast a love spell on a loved one, he will instantly fall in love with the one who cast the love spell. If you need to bewitch your beloved man on your own, perform the following rite

  • A love spell that will instantly and forever bewitch a loved one who has caused a strong feeling and love in your heart. At the moment of strong experience, when "the soul is torn to pieces" and bitter and salty tears flow, the energy of a person is the strongest and a special spell has tremendous power. The love spell that is given below is just read at the moment when you, experiencing a feeling of love for a person, cried. The love spell words that you need to say to your tears are:

  • A strong love spell made on your own once and for all will bewitch your loved one and quickly instill a strong feeling of love in his heart. Immediately after the love spell, the beloved person on whom the love spell was made will begin to care for himself and will make sure that they pay attention to him and reciprocate. Despite the fact that a love spell has a strong effect, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not need magical objects, photos and candles, for a love spell

Magic attributes are used in magical actions for a reason. The candle plot is enhanced by simple or church wax of a certain color and origin. A conspiracy for three candles helps to return old feelings or find long-lost things, and a red candle conspiracy helps to resolve problems in your personal life. Any witchcraft with a candle radically changes a person's life.

Magic rituals for a candle

It is not difficult to find a conspiracy for a candle, but it will not be possible to correctly carry out a secret magical action without collecting the necessary attributes. With the help of magic, you can remove negativity from your home or workspace, drive away the misfortune sent by your enemies and get rid of the damage caused by your rival. Spells on fire or a burning candle must be used for your own good and believe in the forces to which the conspirator calls.

A candle for witchcraft is chosen by color and shape. Some magical actions will do without fire at all, while others will not work without a simple little thing. In order not to waste time and effort, a person must understand why a burning candle should be placed near him while casting a spell.

Often, items for conspiracies are brought from the temple. A visit to the church before casting spells will help ease the soul and receive the blessing of higher powers. A burning candle, the fire of which enhances the work of a complex magical action, must be sprinkled with holy water in the church. It is necessary to carry out a magical action and prepare attributes without unnecessary witnesses, without betraying one's own intentions. The easiest way to achieve the desired goals is to conduct a small ceremony on fire at home.

How to choose a candle for rituals?

The first step is to choose the rite that will attract the necessary benefits. It will bring love, relationships or remove the impact from which a person suffers. After the choice is made, you need to decide on the candles. They will play a decisive role in future action. In no case should you take a large or small candle at random. Each step, preparation for the ceremony must be conscious and thoughtful, otherwise the person will not be able to achieve what he wants.

To perform magical actions, you must:

  1. A white natural candle should be chosen for serious witchcraft rites. The most universal color is used in cases where there are no clear recommendations about appearance there is no attribute for witchcraft. You can make charm candles on your own by melting a little purchased white wax.
  2. Yellow color is universal if it is necessary to attract profit or return a husband who has left the family. It is best to choose a yellow candle from church ones bought in advance. An attribute of this color is useful for love spells or for cleaning living space.
  3. Black candle. The color of destruction, annihilation, ruins. This attribute is used for dark rituals. Beginners should not resort to this kind of magic.
  4. Red candle. The scarlet color represents love, heart and cordial affection. Red attributes are suitable for attracting rituals or love spells. Red twisted candles are used to take a husband away from another woman or to return a lover to the family.
  5. The green candle has other purposes. This color will attract material wealth.
  6. With the help of a purple candle, you can speed up the entire ritual.

Making candles with your own hands or buying them in specialized stores - the choice is up to the person. Church attributes will enhance the rites for protection, but wax figurines can harm another person. Most rituals are performed with yellow or white candles.

candle prediction

Fire stores information and with the help of a candle, a person is able to find out how long it will last. difficult period and how to avoid the coming danger. Lighting a blue or green candle, a person sees not an easy future, but its most significant moments. Information comes to the magician through wax or fire. The candle serves as an adapter for the soothsayer. With a simple ritual, you can regain control of your own life.

On the night of the Full Moon, you should light a candle, pour holy water into a small vessel. Holding a candle over water, a person leaves an unusual wax trail. The figure that forms will predict the future. The easiest way to find out your own future from a candle is to use additional attributes - water or Tarot cards.

Magical action with mirrors will reveal the power of fire and see the probable future. To do this, you need to take two mirrors and make a mirror corridor. Illuminating the reflective surface with a candle, a woman sees the face or image of her future husband. After the ceremony, she says "I'm letting you go, I thank you for the future."

Rituals with a candle

They use an attribute of wax for conspiracies of varying complexity. What ritual is the simplest and most effective? With the help of a candle, a love spell is performed, and protective rites capable of destroying any negativity. Twisted wax bars will help enhance the effect of the entire ritual and protect the magician.

Rites do not pass without a trace, and consequences appear behind each magical action. Wax church attributes will help protect your own energy. Rites of any complexity are performed with candles brought from the temple. It is impossible to throw away such things, and after the conspiracy, it is better to save the cinders.

Remove Curse

The scariest and hardest magical ritual- inducing damage, can harm even a person with strong energy. For rituals, you need to choose a black or purple wax candle that brings destruction. In no case should wedding candles be used to remove damage, such actions have consequences.

Calling the enemy through magic is also carried out with candles on the night when the meadow is decreasing. For these purposes, any attributes that will enhance the ritual of a photo or personal item of an ill-wisher are suitable. The ritual is performed after sunset. Candles and things that belong to the enemy are placed on the table. The thing is sprinkled with wax, and the person says the spell:

"Whoever called for trouble will come to me."

Soon the enemy himself will repent and come to the threshold of the victim.

Home cleansing

Everything that surrounds a man or a woman is their world. Do own life the simplest purification rites will help to cleanse it of negativity better. Magic cleaning is a powerful ritual that literally sweeps any traces out of the house. dark magic. Cleansing is carried out with a white candle and salt.

All the furniture and floors in the house are washed with a concentrated saline solution. After cleaning, a person goes around the house with a lit candle, pronouncing the words of the prayer “Our Father”. Holy water is used to enhance the cleansing effect. Church candles will help remove damage if it is directed at a person’s living space. Strong rite not without protection. You can put magical protective blocks at any time of the year, for these purposes only one candle and church icons are useful. In each corner of the house, you need to say the words of a spell that will save the house from negativity:

“Go away trouble, bypass our gates. Return to the one who created you. Don't touch me, leave my family alone."

Conspiracy for one candle

You can conspire on a church candle both on holidays and on weekdays. Most effective conspiracy on a church candle is performed at night, so that no one sees and does not know what methods a person resorts to. A conspiracy for a church candle for strong affection needs only one attribute. Love magic is a separate type of witchcraft that cannot do without the power of fire. Rites for one or two candles is a love spell to return a loved one, magic to attract a soulmate.

Additional attributes that will make a conspiracy or love spell even stronger:

  • needles;
  • photograph of a lover;
  • wax figurines;
  • man's thing.

You need to use a red or purple candle for a love spell. A needle or other attribute enhances the love spell, but it is the fire that triggers the plot. The right moment for the ceremony for two candles is the days of the growing moon.

How to conduct a ritual?

The first step is to cover the table with a red tablecloth. A love spell on a loved one is not complete without scarlet attributes. Love magic is very symbolic. The fire symbolizes the flame of passion, and the red color symbolizes love. Strong conspiracy can only be read at night.

Lighting the wick, a woman should think about a man. It is necessary that the image of a loved one literally stands before your eyes. Calling a man is not difficult to make, but making him stay - for such a conspiracy, you need to give all your inner strength.

“As this needle enters, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) enters your mind about the Servant of God (your name). As this needle digs in, so love for the Servant of God (your name) will dig into your heart. As this needle pierces, so your desire for the Servant of God (your name) will pierce into your loins.

Every word must come from the heart, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. You can repeat the ritual no earlier than a month later, and it is better not to get rid of the charmed candle. A strong ceremony on a candle should not be carried out in poor health.

Ritual for three candles

A conspiracy for three candles is the simplest and at the same time effective. Conspiracies for a church candle, in addition to love spells, can improve your financial situation or get new position. Three twisted wax candles will attract well-being to the family. You can light the candle that was used for the ritual for a year until it burns out completely.

Rites for three church candles to attract well-being are carried out directly in the kitchen while cooking for the whole family. Each of the three prepared candles must be lit, and only then read the words of the conspiracy:

“The red sun rose, the clear sky came out. A bird flies in that sky, grace proclaims to us. As she flaps her wing, so prosperity will come to the house. As she waves to others, happiness will enter our lives. The bird will lead the song - grief will leave us away.

Reading words and candles energize food. The plot is repeated several times, and then the whole family needs to taste the charmed delicacy. You should not expect serious consequences from conspiracies using a candle, because any conspiracy on a candle as a love spell or magic spell for enrichment is safe even for a beginner.

Today, damage to a candle or the evil eye is quite common. This magical intervention can greatly harm a person, resulting in strife in the family, an apathetic state, serious illnesses, which sometimes lead to death. Magicians and sorcerers make dark slander over a lit candle. It is these witchcraft actions that damage human health. How is damage to a candle carried out, how to protect yourself from negativity? What should be guarded? How to remove damage or the evil eye with an ordinary or church candle?

Today, damage to a candle or the evil eye is a fairly common occurrence.

How to damage a church candle

With the help of a church candle, you can both get rid of damage and bring negativity to a person. A person who casts a spell with a candle from the church dooms his victim to serious suffering caused by serious illnesses. These diseases cannot be cured with medications. How is this type of damage done?

When there is a service in the temple, a specialist (sorcerer) puts a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person. After that, he gazes intently into the bright light of the flame and whispers a slander:

“As this candle burns out, so the body of the slave (name) will get sick, it will break, shiver, shake, it will suffer and toil. I will put out the candle, I will bring the pendulum hall to the slave (name). Key, lock, tongue, stone, amen."

Then the candle is turned over with the wick down and placed in the place where it originally stood.

In addition to this ritual, magicians also pull out candles set in health, extinguish them and break them into two parts, and cast strong spells over it. One of the most dangerous magical manipulations is a candle placed in the coffin of the deceased. It is impossible to get rid of this type of damage at home. In this situation, only a specialist specializing in white magic will help.

To protect yourself from black witchcraft, wear a sacred cross on your body, visit holy places as often as possible, do not forget to pray!

Can damage be inflicted on a funeral candle

When a person dies, candles are lit in every house until the deceased is buried. Close people of the deceased put a candle not in a candlestick, but in an ordinary glass filled with wheat or salt. When the candle burns out, it is necessary to ensure that the cinders do not disappear. Burnt fragments are a real find for the magician. With the help of cinders, it is not difficult to damage a living person. This negative will carry a powerful, destructive force . This type of damage can bring death in a matter of months.

Burnt fragments of a church candle are a real find for the magician

It is forbidden to use a glass, grain or salt. After the funeral ceremony is over, these items must be buried away from home. By doing this, you will protect yourself from black magic.

Get rid of spoilage with wax candles

Some types of damage can be removed with the help of candles. Waking up early in the morning, go to the temple, get wax candles (three pieces). Arriving home, wait for the evening, light candles before going to bed and put them at the head of the bed. Covering your eyes, read the “Our Father”, then the prayer speech to the Life-Giving Cross:

“Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; like wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face loving God and signing the sign of the cross, and saying in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the strength of the devil, and gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away any adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

Then a prayer for healing:

“Lord, merciful, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, look kindly on Your servant (...), who is obsessed with illness, forgive him all his sins, expel the fever from his body and give him a long and prosperous life, so that he, together with us, would offer prayers of thanksgiving To you, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, Queen of heaven, by Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God's servant (...). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (...). Amen".

If the damage is strong, then the candles will crack and rush about. Once the flame has calmed down, put out the wax items. This ceremony must be carried out for at least three days. If the state of health has not improved, you can extend the procedure up to nine days. When you feel an improvement, take the candle ends, the container in which they were located and take them out into the street. Find a secluded spot and bury all items deep in the ground. Performing the rite, your heart must be pure, without anger and resentment. Only sincerity and faith in the Lord will help to cope with witchcraft.

Some types of damage can be removed with candles.

Getting rid of the evil eye

This rite can only be used by a baptized Christian. It is not difficult to perform it, it is only suitable for removing the evil eye, light damage or cleaning from negativity. Early in the morning on an empty stomach, visit a church or temple. Get a church candle, but you need to take it with your right hand. After that, draw a lit wax object around you, drawing cruciform outlines. All this time say the prayer "Our Father". If there is an evil eye, then the candle will crackle and smoke unnaturally. Black witchcraft along with the flame will leave your body and mind. Drawing crosses with fire, say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The sacred words must be read at least seven times.

Despite the simplicity of the ritual, the evil eye will disappear very quickly. The very next day you will feel light and protected. Recovery will follow faster if you order a prayer service in the temple for health.

This rite is able to get rid of the negative impact and the evil eye of people who truly believe in higher power. After sunset, draw warm water into a wide container, lower your legs. The liquid should cover only the ankles. Place a handful of ordinary coarse salt in your right hand and throw it into the water. Close your eyes, relax completely, do not think about the bad. All thoughts should be filled with positive. Imagine how salt takes away all witchcraft and negativity. After fifteen minutes have passed, take the sacred, lit candle in left hand. It should burn to the ground on its own. Until the whole candle burns out, the water can cool down, thereby freezing your feet. Therefore, you can use half a candle. The rite will not only remove the evil eye, but also cleanse the negative field that has formed near you.

Candle and salt will take away the negative forever

What type of damage can not cope with a church candle

White magicians and sorcerers are sure that some types of damage cannot be removed on their own. Not every magical effect a church candle can overcome. In what cases is the help of a specialist needed?

  • If a black magician has imposed a tough destructive program.
  • Candles will not help with a black love spell.
  • If an item was used to cast the spell.
  • When damaged to death.
  • With birth curses.

A church candle will cope with light damage, the evil eye, childish or adult fear. A candle in case of damage will not remove a serious, magical intervention. However, to provide psychological support to a wax object is within the power.

With a serious witchcraft action, it is better to contact an experienced specialist. If the rituals are performed independently, it is necessary to believe in the Lord and regularly ask him for help. In this situation, the candle is a conductor between you and higher powers.

Psychology of deception