Pochaev's mothers. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God: meaning, what helps

There are many icons in the world Mother of God. Some of them managed to survive, and some did not reach our time. There are also images that are considered miraculous and many people come to the temple specifically to pray for help. One of these icons is the Pochaev icon, which has been helping and illuminating many parishioners for centuries.

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Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, what helps?

The history of the emergence of the Pochaev icon originated in the sixteenth century. When Metropolitan Neophyte passed through the city of Pochaev. In this city, he was greeted with joy by the nobles and, as a token of gratitude, they presented him with an icon. After that, he became a patriarch. And the donated image became famous for the fact that performed great miracles.

For many years she lay in the house of Christians, and after the first healing took place. Then the owner of the icon decided to transfer it to the monastery, and since then it has become the property of the Orthodox people. After the owner of the icon died, her relatives decided to return it to themselves. But in the new house, the image of happiness did not bring. Therefore, she was given back to the monastery. A few decades later given to the Catholics. Pope Clement then placed on it a robe of gold.

A century later, the property was returned in Orthodox Church . Now this is the property of the Lavra and every Saturday it is sung over it, thereby recalling the healing of a blind girl.

What does the Pochaev icon mean?

A distinctive feature of the image is the face of the Savior and the Virgin, on which there is a footprint. The foot is a memory of visiting the Queen of Heaven herself. Lavra Pochaevskaya located on the mountain of the same name. Then she was empty and one day two monks saw her. The Mother of God stood there, crowned with a crown. The maiden held a scepter in her hand. And the flame, despite the fact that emanated from it, did not burn. The vision soon ceased, but her trace remained. So that typo filled with water.

From that place, the monks began to build a mountain, on which today there are sixteen temples. After that, the Assumption Church appeared there, and later the Cathedral was erected. The original image was made on a linden board, like other icons. They painted the icon with oil paints. A thin silver stripe is applied on top, and it is lost below. But it was quickly replaced with a pearl riza. The salary looks unusual, which resembles a star, which is decorated with rays.

Where is the image of the Pochaev Mother of God?

The miraculous icon of Pochaev is located in the temple above the gate. Early in the morning, even when it is dark, it is lowered to the desired level. It hangs on silk ribbons and is guarded by a monk on duty. Everyone who passes the service comes to the icon. The temple also has a healing spring, which was opened by the Mother of God. The spring can be found behind the fence. It is allowed in the temple to venerate the image of the foot. And you can get water from a novice.

Pochaev Lavra with the original image of the Mother of God can be found in Western Ukraine. There lived a prayer book, where he lived for several hundred years. His holy relics are also kept in the temple. The first and second wars did not destroy the cathedral, and during the war it was never closed.

In addition to the Ukrainian monastery, you can meet the Pochaev Icon in the churches of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and many other regions of Russia and the former CIS countries.

Icon of the Mother of God - Pochaev Icon

The image of the Mother of God has several main types. The Pochaev icon also has distinctive characteristics. It can be recognized by the main features.

  1. Mother and baby face each other. This image is applicable to the disclosure of the concepts of love and mercy.
  2. The head of Mary is bowed towards the Son.
  3. The son hugs his mother with his left hand.
  4. The image is made with oil paints to the waist.

In the Pochaev icon, the Mother of God holds a kerchief in her right hand, which wraps around Jesus Christ. In addition, the icon has a precious salary, as it shines with gold around it.

There are some faces of saints on the image. Consider all possible options.

  1. The first martyr who was killed for Christian faith- This is Stefan.
  2. There are many famous Christians under the name Abramius, most likely it was he who crushed idols and united pagan tribes in Christianity.
  3. The prophet who was taken to heaven alive. He is a famous prophet, who is considered the patron of the pilot, paratroopers. He is also revered in Islam and Judaism.
  4. The first Florentine martyr is Mina.
  5. The first martyr Catherine, who consecrated herself to God in refusal to marry the Roman emperor.
  6. The Christian woman who was put to death along with her two sisters is Saint Irina.
  7. The saint who died with her whole family during the reign of Nero is Paraskeva.

Looking at the composition of the Mother of God and the Son, one might think that love is depicted. Everyone can take on this role. But in fact, it depicts the relationship between God and the soul. Therefore, if you look deeper into the icon, you can see a completely different context for this.

The meaning of the Pochaev icon and how to pray?

To date, about five hundred miracles are known that happened to believers who prayed before the image of the Mother of God and her son. Let's consider the brightest of them.

  1. The first miracle that happened in the temple of a noble family, where the icon was located. The man was blind from birth, he constantly prayed before the image of the Icon. It happened that in time he was healed and received his sight. After that, the icon was transferred to the temple so that it could help others.
  2. The monk was taken into Tatar captivity. He was in custody far from the monastery and was to be executed. He lamented and prayed to the Mother of God that he could see the walls of his native monastery. And suddenly the Mother of God transferred him to the Lavra, where he found himself among the festively dressed monks.
  3. There is a known case when the Turks captured Pochaiv and then the Mother of God appeared. She consecrated the city and the Turks lost their heads from fear and began to kill each other.
  4. In the seventeenth century, a son of a landowner died. His grandmother prayed all night before the icon of the Mother of God and asked that her grandson be returned. By morning, the grandson came to life and asked for food.
  5. At present, one of the last miracles that the icon has done is the healing of a deaf boy. The baby's grandmother took the icon to the hospital and left it in the ward. The prognosis for a cure was disappointing. But the next morning, the Mother of God healed him and he began to hear, he was immediately discharged.

God's icon: what is the meaning

When a person has problems that he cannot solve on his own, he cannot explain anything and becomes confused. But scientists recognize that not all miracles lend themselves to explanation. In order for the Mother of God to help, you need to learn how to pray correctly. Before Pochaev icon a lot of prayers sounded and many of them acted correctly. But how to pray for the image so that the Mother of God will help?

An important point when communicating with icons is to learn how to pray correctly, so that the Mother of God hears your requests through the icon.

  1. The image of God's mother and son has tremendous power. This image helps thousands of people. Right prayer is a heartfelt request.
  2. When praying, a person should not pray, but reflect on the wording of his request. Thus, he should not look at the request from the outside and in detail.
  3. You should not be distracted from the main thought, since you can repeatedly strengthen the prayer with your energy and the call of the heart.
  4. The main thing is to disconnect from everything that surrounds you and happens. You need to deeply feel your request and prayer.
  5. Prayer should come from the heart and convey your energy. Only in this case will there be a result from the help of the Pochaev mother, who helps everyone who comes to her with pure thoughts and strong faith.

Regardless of whether you go to the Pochaev Lavra to see the real image or embroider it yourself. The main thing is to say the prayer correctly, with all your heart. In case you decide to embroider an image, it is best for you to do it on the territory of the church and be in a peaceful state. You must be pure in heart and focus on your request throughout your work.

It is worth noting that it is possible to receive help from the Mother of God, since she performed five hundred miracles. But we must remember, only one thing - true believer can get help from heaven. Gain faith, can people who turn to God's powers for any help. Only they will help to be guided and protected.

Icon of Pochaev Mother of God


The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is widely revered both in the Orthodox and in Catholic Church. Its history is inextricably linked with the Pochaev Monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos (Ukraine), in which it has been staying for about 400 years. But even long before that, Pochaevskaya Mountain was marked by the grace of the Mother of God. Over 500 years ago, when the mountain was completely uninhabited, two monks came and settled in a small cave. They were the witnesses of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God.

Sometime in 1340, one of them after ordinary prayer wanted to climb to the top of the mountain. And suddenly he saw the Mother of God, surrounded by flames and standing on a stone. He immediately called another hermit, who was also worthy to contemplate a wonderful vision. All this was seen by a shepherd named John Barefoot. He ran up the mountain, where he found both monks, and all three of them glorified God. On the stone where the Mother of God stood, the imprint of the right foot of the Most Pure One remained forever impressed. In this foot of the Mother of God there is still water, it never decreases and never overflows.

Pochaevska herselfi ukshe appeared in the monastery in the following way. In 1559, the Greek Metropolitan Neophyte went from Constantinople to Moscow for help. Passing through Volyn, he visited the noblewoman Anna Goyskaya, who lived on the estate of Orlya, not far from Pochaev. The “god-slaying” Goyskaya cordially received the distinguished guest and, as usual, showed him the deepest respect. In gratitude for her hospitality, Metropolitan Neophyte blessed her with an ancient icon of the Mother of God with the Eternal Child, which he brought with him from Constantinople and kept with him as a family shrine.

For thirty years, the icon received by Goyskaya stood in her castle chapel. But gradually, Goyskaya's family began to notice that some unusual light was coming from the icon. The servants informed the landowner about this, but for a long time she did not want to believe their stories, until, finally, she herself saw the icon “in great light” in a dream. Goyskaya then lit an inextinguishable lamp in front of her. When her lame brother Philip was healed from the icon, in 1597 she gave the icon to the monks who settled on Mount Pochaev. A church was erected on the rock in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God, and with it a monastery was created, for the maintenance of which Goyskaya gave funds. Since then, the icon has been called Pochaevskaya.

After the death of Goyskaya, Pochaev Mountain went to her nephew, a Lutheran and a hater of Orthodoxy, Andrei Firlei. He robbed the monastery and seized the icon, which he had kept at home for twenty years. One day he decided to mock an Orthodox shrine. Having called the guests, he dressed his wife in robes Orthodox priest, gave her a chalice in her hands, and she began to loudly shout blasphemy at the Mother of God and Her icons. But she was immediately punished. She began to torment evil spirit, and she was freed from a terrible illness only after her husband returned the Pochaev icon to the monastery.
Once a monk of the Pochaev Monastery was captured by the Tatars. Being in captivity, he recalled the Pochaev Monastery, its shrines, divine services, hymns. The monk especially grieved at the approach of the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and tearfully prayed to the Mother of God for deliverance from captivity. And so, through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, one day the walls of the dungeon disappeared, and the monk found himself at the walls of the Pochaev monastery.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobessky (1674-1696), regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vyshnevets, surrounding it from three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not provide any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev (Comm. 28 October).

The monks and laity prayed earnestly, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job. On the morning of July 23, at sunrise, the Tatars began to storm the monastery, and the abbot ordered the akathist of the Mother of God to be sung. With the first words of the Chosen Voivode, the Most Pure Theotokos Herself suddenly appeared above the temple with heavenly angels holding naked swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery. The Tatars mistook the heavenly host for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned back and wounded those who let them go. Horror seized the enemy. In a stampede, not dismantling their own, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some captives subsequently adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever. In memory of the deliverance of the Assumption Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege, a celebration was established in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God July 23 (August 5).

In 1721, Pochaev was occupied by the Uniates. However, even in this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle recorded 539 miracles from the glorified Orthodox shrine. During the reign of the Uniates, in the second half of the 18th century, for example, the Uniate Count Nikolai Pototsky became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra due to the following miraculous circumstance. Accusing his coachman that the enraged horses turned over the carriage, the count took out a pistol to kill him. The coachman, turning to Mount Pochaev, raised his hands and exclaimed: "Mother of God, revealed in the Pochaev icon, save me!" Pototsky tried several times to fire a pistol, which never betrayed him, but the weapon misfired. The coachman survived. Pototsky immediately went to the miraculous icon and decided to dedicate himself and all his property to the establishment of the monastery. With his funds, the Assumption Cathedral and the fraternal building were built.

In 1773, the faces of the infant Christ and the Virgin were crowned by two crowns of pure gold sent by Pope Clement XIV.
In 1831, when the union was destroyed, Pochaev went over to the Orthodox and was named the Pochaev Lavra. Catholics spread rumors that the miraculous icon, having left Pochaev, was transferred to the neighboring Dominican monastery, lying in Austria. But more and more healings denied these rumors. So, in 1832, the blind girl Anna Akimchukova came to Pochaev with her 70-year-old grandmother 200 miles away - from Kamenetz-Podolsk. After praying at the icon and washing her eyes with water from the foot of the Mother of God, she suddenly began to see. Her grandmother, who held onto the Uniatism, was struck by a miracle, immediately converted to Orthodoxy. In memory of this event, a weekly, on Saturdays, reading of the cathedral akathist in front of the miraculous icon was established.

In 1869, the icon was decorated with a golden riza studded with precious stones and inserted into a star-shaped kiot, the rays of which were lined with pearls and emeralds. The size of the icon is small - 30x23 cm. It is written in the ancient Byzantine script and belongs to the iconographic type "Tenderness". The image of the Mother of God is half-length. On the right hand is Her Eternal Infant, in the left is a robe covering the Infant. In addition, there are Greek inscriptions on the icon, and miniature images of saints in the margins: the prophet Elijah, Saint Mina, the First Martyr Stephen, the Monk Martyr Abraham, the Great Martyrs Catherine, Paraskeva and Irina.

In the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra, a large icon is kept, which is also called Pochaevskaya. It was arranged by the people of Kiev in memory of the deliverance of Kyiv from cholera in 1848 and is considered miraculous. On it below is the foot of the Mother of God. Icons of this type are called “stacked”, in contrast to those where there are faces of saints - “with the upcoming ones”.

About 300 miraculous icons with the image of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" are known.

During the Great Patriotic War, when Pochaev was occupied by the Nazis, the icon was hidden at home and saved by Archdeacon Stratonik (†1985), who served in the Pochaev Lavra for sixty years.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, a miraculous healing took place in the Pochaev Lavra of the nun Varvara, who had been paralyzed in both legs for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), moving with difficulty on crutches with the help of her companion, nun Maria. Having venerated the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately got to her feet. The crutches she left in the monastery still stand by the icon of the Holy Mother of God, testifying to the miracle that happened.


Dome of the main church

In 1991, the Uniates tried to seize the Pochaev Lavra. Buses with raiders have already left Lviv. The monks and laity, who came to the monastery at the call of the monastery bell, began to read akathists to the Mother of God and to the Monk Job of Pochaev in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God. The prayer went on all night. The buses never made it to the Lavra.

In Moscow, in the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Leftovo there is the miraculous Pochaev icon. It was brought to the temple in the 1930s.

The miraculous list of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God (the Pochaev Icon was in Moscow in 2001) is also in the Trinity Cathedral of St. Danilov Monastery.

The celebration of the icon takes place July 23/August 5 and September 8/21 .

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion, tone 5:
Before Your holy icon, the Lady, those who pray for healing are granted, the true knowledge of faith is accepted, and the Agarian invasions are repulsed. The same for us who fall to You, ask for forgiveness of sins, enlighten the thoughts of the piety of our hearts, and offer up a prayer to Your Son for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 1:
The source of healing and faith is the Orthodox affirmation of Your Pochaev icon, the Mother of God, appear, the same for us, flowing to her, from troubles and temptations of freedom, save Your laurel unscathed, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries standing and forgive Your prayer book for sins: if you wish, you can .

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her Pochaevskaya:
To Thee, O Mother of God, we prayerfully flow, sinners, Thy wonders, holy laurel Revealed more pochaev, remembrance and of their contrite sins. Vems, Mistress, vems, as if it is not befitting to us, sinners, what to ask, only about the hedgehog of the Righteous Judge of our iniquity leave us. All of us endured in life, sorrows, and needs, and illnesses, as the fruits of our falls are vegetating to us, this God to allow our correction. The same, all this, with His truth and judgment, the Lord has brought upon His sinful servants, even in their sorrows to Your intercession, Most Pure, flowing and in tenderness of hearts to You cry out to You: our sins and iniquities, Good, do not remember, but more than all-honestly raise up Your hands , to Your Son and God, stand up, so that the cruelty that we have done will let us go, but for many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, but will not take away His grace, contributing to our salvation, from our souls. To her, the Lady, be the intercessor to our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look at our groaning, even in our troubles and sorrows before your miraculous image we lift up. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, affirm our hope, make us accept the sweetest gift of love. With this, O Most Pure One, with gifts, and not with diseases and sorrows, let our belly be raised to salvation, but, protecting our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us, the weak, from troubles that come upon us, and needs, and human slander, and unbearable diseases . Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, Lady, affirm Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Catholic Church to belittle, preserve the charters of the holy fathers unshakably forever and save all those who flow to You from the pit of perdition. Also bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith in the sinful passions of those who have destroyed the packs to true faith and repentance, and together with us, worshiping Your miraculous image, Your intercession will be confessed. Vouchsafe us, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, even in this belly to see the victory of truth with Your intercession, vouchsafe us grace-filled joy before our death to perceive, as anciently the inhabitants of Pochaev By Your appearance, the victors and educators of the Agarians showed Thou that we all with a grateful heart, together with the Angels, and prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, we will give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. A min.

Miraculous icons are one of the main assets Christendom. Help was granted to many believers through prayers in front of shrines, and news of the miracles revealed by icons continues to this day.

The Pochaev icon is one of the miraculous shrines most revered by believers. She is known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. An important historical episode is connected with the miraculous divine intervention that took place through prayer in front of the icon - the liberation of the Assumption Pochaev Lavra from the invaders.

History of the icon

The phenomenon of the miraculous power of the icon is inextricably linked with the history of the Pochaev Monastery. On the hill where the monastery is to this day, two monks settled in the distant fourteenth century. They lived there for some time, observing prayer rule and a strict fast, and one day one of the monks decided to ascend a little higher than the place where they stopped. Approaching the top of the mountain, he saw the Mother of God, surrounded by a fiery radiance. Not believing his eyes, he called his companion - and he also froze in amazement. The news of the miraculous phenomenon quickly spread to many surrounding cities. In the place where the Virgin Mary stood, an imprint of her foot appeared, filled with healing water.

The miniature spring does not dry up, despite the large number of pilgrims collecting water. According to numerous statements, the source is still filled with water. Near the source, the Pochaev monastery was built.

The icon itself was originally brought from Constantinople and presented as a gift to a noblewoman who lived on an estate not far from the Pochaev Monastery, Anna Goiska. It happened in the middle of the sixteenth century. Soon, the household members discovered that sometimes divine light emanated from the icon, and some time later, thanks to the icon, the mistress's brother was healed. The woman decided to present the holy image of the monastery, and it became her beautiful pearl.

Many disasters had to endure the Pochaev Lavra for several centuries of existence. But through prayers to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the Pochaev icon, the monastery overcame adversity and bad weather.

One of the most striking episodes and examples of the miraculous power of the icon is the liberation from the Turkish invaders, which took place in the 17th century. According to legend, after the abbot and the brethren read the prayer to the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary herself appeared above the monastery with the Heavenly host. The terrified opponents began to throw arrows into the sky, but the weapons came back and mortally wounded them. The siege was lifted.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Blessed Virgin to the waist, holding the Divine Infant in her right hand, and in her left hand clutching a veil, partially covering the Savior. The veil of the Mother of God symbolizes the divine protection that every believer can hope for even at the most difficult moment of his life. the savior raises right hand in a blessing gesture. Saints are depicted in miniatures along the edges of the icon. The original of the icon is enclosed in an elegant gilded frame.

Where is the icon

The oldest icon is kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Pochaev Lavra, in the Ukrainian city of Pochaev. Lists of icons, made with the utmost precision, can be found in many Russian churches and temples. You can bow to the shrine in the Moscow Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Leftovo, as well as the Trinity Cathedral of St. Danilov Monastery. The latter contains a copy of the icon, revered as miraculous.

What helps the Pochaev icon

The Pochaev icon is asked for protection, for the restoration of justice and an end to the war. Before the holy image of the Mother of God, they pray for healing from illnesses, for the health of relatives, for restoring mutual understanding and ending strife in the family, for protecting the house from thieves and fires.

Prayer before the Pochaev Icon

“We resort to the inexhaustible source of spiritual healing and faith, to Your miraculous icon, Queen of Heaven, imploring You: save us from troubles and temptations, save peace in the whole world, save us from sin. May Your mercy serve as a cover for us from evil, invaders and sorrows. We glorify you and give glory and worship to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Days of veneration of the icon

The celebration of the icon takes place annually on August 5 and September 21 according to the new style. These days are marked by a special divine service, and many pilgrims from all over the world flock to the Pochaev Monastery who want to bow to the miraculous shrine.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev will be an excellent protection for your home and family happiness. Pray sincerely, and your requests will surely be heard. We wish you peace of mind and strong faith. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2017 04:10

Icons in Orthodox world are of great importance and history, rooted in the deep past. Icon...

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known to all Slavic world: she is honored in Russia, in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other places. Along with the Orthodox, Christians of other confessions also come to worship the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The miraculous icon has been in the Pochaev Lavra, an ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, for about 400 years. (Information about the transfer of the icon to the Pochaev monastery was posted on September 8). The miracles that flow from the holy icon are numerous and are attested in the monastery books by the records of believers who prayed for deliverance from incurable ailments, deliverance from captivity and admonishment of sinners.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on July 23 was established in memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobessky (1674-1696), regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vyshnevets, surrounding it from three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not provide any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev (Comm. 28 October). The monks and laity prayed earnestly, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job. On the morning of July 23, at sunrise, the Tatars held the last council to storm the monastery, while the abbot ordered the akathist to be sung to the Mother of God. With the first words of the "Choose Governor" over the temple, the Most Pure Mother of God Herself suddenly appeared, "dissolving the white shining omophorion", with heavenly angels holding naked swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery. The Tatars mistook the heavenly host for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned back and wounded those who let them go. Horror seized the enemy. In a stampede, not dismantling their own, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some captives subsequently adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

In 1721, Pochaev was occupied by the Uniates. However, even in this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle recorded 539 miracles from the glorified Orthodox shrine. During the reign of the Uniates, in the second half of the 18th century, for example, the Uniate Count Nikolai Pototsky became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra due to the following miraculous circumstance. Accusing his coachman that the enraged horses turned over the carriage, the count took out a pistol to kill him. The coachman, turning to the Pochaev Hill, raised his hands up and exclaimed: "Mother of God, revealed in the Pochaev icon, save me!" Pototsky tried several times to fire a pistol, which never betrayed him, but the weapon misfired. The coachman survived. Pototsky immediately went to the miraculous icon and decided to dedicate himself and all his property to the establishment of the monastery. With his funds, the Assumption Cathedral and the fraternal building were built.

The return of Pochaev to the bosom of Orthodoxy in 1832 was marked miraculous healing blind girl Anna Akimchukova, who came to worship shrines with her seventy-year-old grandmother 200 miles from Kremenets-Podolsk. In memory of these events, the archbishop of Volyn, Hieroarchimandrite of the Lavra Innokenty (1832-1840), established a weekly, on Saturdays, reading of the cathedral akathist in front of the miraculous icon. During the administration of the Lavra by Archimandrite Agafangel, Archbishop of Volyn (1866-1876), a special chapel was built in the choirs of the Holy Trinity Church in memory of the victory over the Tatars, consecrated on July 23, 1875.


The origin of this miraculously creative icon of Bo-go-ma-te-ri is inseparable, but connected with. On the mountain, where now the Assumption Po-cha-ev-skaya Lavra is located, in 1340 two foreigners settled down. One day, one of them, after mo-lit-you, went to the top of the mountain and suddenly saw Bo-go-ro-di-tsu, standing on a stone, words -but embraced by flames. He called another foreigner, someone who was also honored to contemplate the miraculous phenomenon. The third witness was the shepherd John Bosoy. Seeing an unusual light on the mountain, he climbed up on it and, together with the others, began to glorify God and His Pre-pure Mother.

After that, as yav-le-ni-disappeared-lo, on a stone, where I-la Bo-go-ro-di-tsa stood, remained from-pe-cha-tok Her great -howl stop-py. From-pe-cha-current this has been preserved to this day and is always full of water, somehow miraculously used cha-et ka-men. In-yes, in a hundred, it’s not osku-de-va-et, despite the fact that many-number-len-ny pa-lom-no-ki in a hundred-yan-but-half- nya-yut her co-su-dy for healing from ailments.

The very same Po-cha-ev-sky icon-on-God's Ma-te-ri appeared in the obi-te-whether in the following way. In 1559, mi-ro-po-lit Neo-fit from Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la, passing through Vo-lyn, who lived in the estate Or-la, not far from Po-cha-e-va, nobleman-ku An-nu Goy-sky. In the b-go-word-ve-tion, he left her a pri-ve-zen-ny from Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la iko-well Bo-go-ro-di-tsy. Soon, they began to forget that from the Po-cha-ev-skay icon of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy e-ho-dit si-i-nie. When, in 1597, the brother of An-na Philippe was before the icon, she re-da-la-times foreign-kam, se-liv-shim- Xia on Po-cha-ev-sky mountain.

After some time, on the rock, you would-build-e-on the church in honor of the Assumption of God-her Ma-te-ri, which became part of the on-stir-sko-th complex-sa. For its history, the Po-cha-ev-sky mo-na-styr pre-suffered a lot of disasters: it took lu-te-ra-na-mi, under- ver-gal-sya on-pa-de-nyu-tu-rock, pa-gave into the hands of uni-a-tov, but bla-go-da-rya for-steps-no-thing Bo- zhi-her Ma-te-ri all adversity would be pre-odo-le-na.

On the lists of the miraculously creative Po-cha-evskaya icon of the Pre-Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy often depict-bra-zha-yut stone with from -pe-chat-com stop-py God-she-her Ma-te-ri.


Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Pochaev Icon of Her, Tone 5

Пpед свято́ю Твое́ю ико́ною, Влады́чице,/ моля́щиися исцеле́ний сподобля́ются,/ ве́pы и́стинныя позна́ние пpие́млют/ и ага́pянская наше́ствия отpажа́ют./ Те́мже и нам, к Тебе́ пpипа́дающим,/ гpехо́в оставле́ние испpоси́,/ по́мыслы благоче́стия сеpдца́ на́ша пpосвети́,/ и к Сы́ну Твоему́ моли́тву exalt / / about the salvation of our souls.

Translation: In front of Your holy icon, Lady, those who pray are rewarded with healing, receive knowledge of the true faith and repel demonic attacks. Therefore, for us who fall to You, ask for forgiveness of sins, enlighten our hearts with thoughts and lift up a prayer to Your Son for the salvation of our souls.

John Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Pochaev Icon of Her, Tone 4

К Богоро́дице приле́жно ны́не притеце́м гре́шнии и смире́ннии, и припаде́м к ди́вному о́бразу Ея́, и́же на горе́ Поча́евстей: к нему́же уми́льно взира́юще и моля́щеся Цари́це Влады́чице из глубины́ душе́вныя вопие́м: О Пречу́дная Де́во, Ма́ти Го́спода Вы́шняго, от лет дре́вних избра́вшая оби́тель Поча́евскую в ме́сто His village! Establish our Fatherland in Orthodoxy and the world, and save all those who are coming and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, before Your Most Pure image with tears. Do not turn away Your servants: You are the only Hope of the imam.

Translation: Now let us diligently turn to the Theotokos, the sinners and the humble, and bow down to Her amazing image, which is on Mount Pochaevskaya, while looking at it with reverence and praying to the Empress Empress from the depths of our souls, we cry out: as the dwelling place of His! Establish the land of our Fatherland in Orthodoxy and the world, and save all those who are coming and praying to You with a humble soul and a contrite heart, before the most pure image with tears. Do not leave Your servants with nothing, for in You we have our only hope.

Kontakion of the Most Holy Theotokos before the Pochaev Icon of Her, Tone 1

Source of healings and faith Orthodox affirmation / Thy Pochaev icon, Mother of God, appear, / the same way we who flow to it, / from troubles and temptations of freedom, / save your lavra unharmed, / establish Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, / and the sinner pray Your // fir tree if you want, you can.

Translation: The source of healing and the power of the Orthodox faith was Your Pochaev icon, the Mother of God, therefore, free us, who come to her, from troubles, keep Your Lavra unharmed, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries and forgive the sins of all those who pray to You, because everything that You want , can.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her "Pochaevskaya"

To Thee, O Mother of God, we prayerfully flow, sinners, Thy miracles, manifested in the holy Lavra of Pochaev, remembrance also of our contrite sins. Vemy, Mistress, Vemy, as it is not befitting for us, sinners, to ask for anything, only about the Righteous Judge leave our iniquity to us. All that we endured in life, sorrow, and needs, and illnesses, like the fruits of our falls, we have vegetated, this God will allow us to correct us. The same all the shines and his ship, the Lord on the sowing of his own slaves, and in his pattern to your intercession, the pure, the chuke and in the tenderness of the heart, the blessings stand before your Son and God, may the cruelty of our deed be released to us, but for the many unfulfilled promises of ours he will not turn away his face from his servants, but will not take away his grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. Hey, Mistress, be an Intercessor to our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look at our groaning, even in our troubles and sorrows before Your miraculous image we offer up. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, affirm our hope, grant us the sweetest gift of love. With this, O most pure one, with gifts, and not with illnesses and sorrows, let our life be raised to salvation, but, protecting our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us, weak ones, from troubles that come upon us, and needs, and human slander, and unbearable diseases . Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, Lady, affirm the Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Church of the Apostles and the Cathedral to belittle, keep the statutes of the Holy Fathers unshakably forever and save all those who flow to You from the pit of perdition. Also, bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith in the sinful passions of those who have destroyed packs to true faith and repentance, and together with us, worshiping Your miraculous image, Your intercession will be confessed. Сподо́би у́бо нас, Пресвята́я Госпоже́ Богоро́дице, еще́ в животе́ сем побе́ду и́стины Твои́м заступле́нием узре́ти, сподо́би нас благода́тную ра́дость пре́жде кончи́ны на́шея восприя́ти, я́коже дре́вле насе́льники Поча́евския Твои́м явле́нием победи́тели и просвети́тели ага́рян показа́ла еси́, да вси мы благода́рным се́рдцем вку́пе со А́нгелы, и prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

divine services

Canons and Akathists

Canto 1

Irmos: Let us sing to the Lord, who led His people through the Red Sea, as if He alone was gloriously glorified.

Let us sing of the Mother of God, faithfully, offering prayers to Her and worshiping Her miraculous image with faith and love.

Oh, Mistress, do not reject our wretched praise and do not disdain sinful poverty, but accept people who fall down, like a Good, Good Parent.

Mount Pochaevskaya, formerly dark and obscure, was likened by Your appearance, Lady, Sinai: there is a fire there, do not scorch the bush, You foreshadowed, here Itself, in the fires visible, Thou hast appeared as a Christian.

Blessed are your eyes, O Shepherd of the Sheep, Seeing the Lady on Mount Pochaev more and the parts of the Bethlehem shepherds were blessed. Even so, blessed are the Christians, who have not seen this, but bow down by faith to that place.

Give birth to Russia and from every tongue of faith, descending to the place of the appearance of the Lady, let us bow to Her miraculous image and weep for our sins, but we will rejoice in the mercy of the Lord.

Pillar of fire, Mistress, you are a monk and a shepherd, put the fire of jealousy into our souls, even keep the true faith, turn away from every heretical verb and tear away the sinful charm from our hearts.

Canto 3

Irmos: You are the strength of those who flow to You, O Lord, You are the Light of the darkened, and my spirit sings to You.

Sacred gift, hospitality bribes, Christ-loving Anna accepts Your icon, Lady, by the hand of the saint, from not even healing to her brother, born blind, having seen, this Pochaev monastery for the common good bestows.

We kiss the Pochaev Icon of the Most Pure Theotokos, faithfully, and bring repentance for our sins, health, and from the needs of deliverance, and in all good undertakings, we will ask for help from the Lady.

A beautiful flower on a blessed-leaved tree appeared the miraculous icon of the Mother of God on the holy mountain of Pochaevste: ask, be faithful, and it will be given to you, according to the word of Christ, a gift of mercy, your life needs.

Even temporary life needs it, oh, brethren, it is useful to eat a little, and this the Lord grants us, by the prayer of His Mother. Both those who endure more than these are blessed and reward with eternal joy in Heaven, grant us, Lady, pray.

The Pochayevsky Tserkov, the miraculous blind, is the Mother of God, covering your hiccups storing, unbearable entering the faithful help, oh, lord, earthly, and you will have to be sore, and you want to have a sovereign.

Ole of the madness of the iconoclasts, even your icon, the Lady, from the Pochaev monastery was taken captive and, betraying the reproach, the punishment of God abiye brought on you, but by the demonization of the ex-wife, the horror of many is kept.


The river, abundantly flowing, not accustomed to peace, below the stop from the flow of water is possible, so are Your prayers, Mistress, for the people, they do not cease, but the righteous keep from falling, but the fallen are raised to repentance. But to us, worshiping Your image, they give deep compunction and cry out to You with the Archangel and Elisabeth: Blessed are You in women, and Your womb is the Fruit of blessing.

Song 4

Irmos: Hear, O Lord, the mystery of Thy sight; understand Thy deeds and glorify Thy Divinity.

The hour and days I will come for the return of Your icon to the Pochaev monastery from the iconoclasts, who captured this one, rejoicing the venerable Job with the brothers, kissing that one; now, for every day and hour, the Christians who come to your monastery bear witness to the same joy and faith before her.

Az, a sinner, is enslaved by laziness, O Lady, the good God, I anger my sins with my sins, I dare to lift my eyes to Him, but I bow down to Your miraculous image, before Him repentant forgiveness from You, I pray, and I cry out: and me by Your intercession.

The food will turn into a stone-hearted and insane husband, even if he is not touched, stand in the Church of Pochaev and Thy shrines, Lady, bow down, miracles, from them the former, think and pray by faith, seeing the people?

See the former, healed before Your icon, Lady, blind and crippled, hear the former deafness and nemia, who exclaimed: there are heavenly ones, drinking water from Your foot, I am freed from demons. The same, accept my prayer, even from demonic passions to be freed and to behold the light of Christ's salvation.

He was captured in the prisons of the Turkic land, monk by Your power, Lady, brought in the air to Mount Pochaevskaya, moreover and me, in the bonds of passions, now, in the day of Your glory, from those freedom and face with faith and love.

To your miraculous ovyz, the lord, and water from your darling, leaned by the ailment of Yunoshi, the same, blind, and the mild of the young man, and the malevois. eyes.

Canto 5

Irmos: In the morning, we cry out to Thee: Lord, save us, for Thou art our God, unless You know no other.

And I am the most sinful of all those people, to Yours, the Lady, the icon of those who fall down, and even with all your faith you have surpassed me, both me, damned, do not reject from Your intercession, Thy merciful abyss with people.

As if you were merciful to all who call upon you, from afar you mentally bow to your icon, hear, and so a young man, at the prayer of his great-woman, you resurrected, and now, oh, Mistress, to everyone, from the end of the earth, we are praying.

Persh, the Lord, a lot of many people, on the holy Gorus, are flowing, you will get your worldly, the beliefs with the Little Minor, the righteousness and sinful, with the holy of alien, everything is likely to be inherent, and everything is inhabited, and everything is inhabited.

Why am I, sinner, worshiping the Most Pure Mother of God and promising to correct my life, I turn back to my previous sins? Alas for me! I am the worst food of the unfaithful Hagarians, who on Mount Pochaev brought repentance, having done good Christians?

And the people of the Hagarites of Turkstia, Thy holy abode, Mistress, besieger, and the arrows in You, who appeared in Heaven, let go of the bold, but these return to their heads, with a contrite heart, repenting and giving in to Thy power.

With the reverend Job in Heaven, You are seeing, Mistress, a confused and fleeing Hagarian, the monks of Pochaevstia sing a song to You worthy, thanks to the warmth with the saint.

Canto 6

Irmos: Give me a robe of light, clothe yourself with light, like a robe, O Many-merciful Christ our God.

Even from the Hagarites You, Mistress, in Heaven you saw, I asked each other: what is this terrible vision? And Ovie, turmoil in the past, killing each other, Ovie, we have received faith in our hearts, I demanded Baptism, but the monks have been through all my life, singing Your power.

Enrich the monks and worldly people with your intercession of believers, Mistress, with spiritual gifts, but enlighten and illumine the unfaithful, as if then the Hagarites, who did not know Christ, brought you to the knowledge of Him.

Preserve the memory of Your intercession, Lady of Hagar, having returned to the Turkic land, and betrayed the memory of Your appearance with your children. How much more so for us, Christians, your miracles, on Mount Pochaev, the former, should be remembered?

Mentally crouching in Your image, falling into a deep well, a husband from an undoubted death was saved and, unharmed from the depths, would be raised, Your preaching mercy.

I would like to imitate the faith of the people saved by You, O Lady, I would also like to improve Your intercession in my life, but for the multitude of my sins, my faith becomes impoverished. Strengthen this, O Lady, crying out: I believe, help my unbelief.

After a hundred and nine years, the ditch of Latin seductions swallowed up the Pochaev monastery, but by Your intercession, the Mother of God, the intercession of the same to the height of Orthodoxy is removed and the Lavra is called. Keep this unshakable in the Orthodox faith even until the hour of the second coming of your Son and God.

Kontakion, voice 1

The chocolate of the healing and beliefs of the Orthodox affirmation of your hilly icon, the Mother of God, come, are the same, to the nesting, from the blessings and the temptation of your own, the lavar is the unharmed, the ortime .


Воста́ните от гро́б ва́ших, и́ноцы поча́евстии, и рцы́те на́м: коли́ких чуде́с Пресвяты́я Богоро́дицы бы́сте зри́тели и свиде́тели, ка́ко ме́ртвии пред Тоя́ ико́ною воскреса́ху, ка́ко де́мони от му́чимых люде́й отбега́ху, ка́ко неду́жнии та́мо исцеля́хуся, ка́ко неве́рнии ​​ве́роваху, ка́ко хули́тели та́мо ка́яхуся? This marvelous being a man and an angel. But we, all of this who was and is still remembering, with fear and tenderness to the holy icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, we prayerfully bow down and say: oh, mercies abyss and good deeds treasure, forgive your sins, your prayer book, god.

Canto 7

Irmos: It came from Judah, the youths in Babylon sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, the fire of the furnace trampled, singing: Fathers God, blessed art thou.

I offer Akathist singing before Your icon, Most Pure, Orthodox people, when the monastery of the Pochaev Church is returned, then ask forgiveness of sins, but help us, praying to You, against enemies.

Pray to the people of the Orthodox souls, O Lady, and all together, for the return of Thy Lavra from the heretical captivity of those who labored, but to us, who come running to Thee, give unanimity and peace.

And now be merciful to our people, Lady, and grant peace, punishing the opposing enemies and adversaries.

Before Your icon, the Mother of God, returned to the Orthodox Christian, accept the faithful accustomed to healing: I have not expired for a single year from that day, already four miracles the Church of Christ glorified thou for the consolation of people.

Grant us of Heavenly Paradise, O Lady, Thy holy laurel, like an earthly paradise, revering and singing Thy mercy with warm faith.

Abraham the Lord saw the day from afar, and rejoiced, and lived in the expectation of that day; Seeing from afar Your Pochaev Church, a certain lame woman, and being filled with the hope of Your help, abie healed and, like a deer, perked up, hasten to Your abode.

Canto 8

Irmos: The King of Heaven, Whom the Angels sing to, praise and exalt unto all ages.

The Mother of God with the Monk Job appeared to the city of Kiev from the limits of the Urals to the woman who came and summoned to Mount Pochaevskaya, where she had suppressed her health, glorify Teach Your intercession.

Having washed his hair in the font of Siloamstey, the blind-born one receives sight by Christ's command; having washed itself from the water of the feet in the church of Pochaevste, the blind maiden was healed. Heal even our passionate blindness, O Lady, with water from the trace of Your footsteps, sprinkled with faith.

Seeing this maiden healed, her great-grandmother abies the seduction of the unitary denies and professes the Orthodox faith, affirm us in her, Thy servants, O Lady.

People of God, to Your mountain, Lady, flowing, they bring vows to the feat of the pious there, and help them to do their deeds, Mother of God.

Angels in Heaven unceasingly sing of Your glory, O Mother of God, but on earth, people do not stop flowing to Your intercession, even though they do not reject sighing, as if it is Good, moreover, at the place of Your appearance, hear those prayers.

The greatness of Your intercession is the power, O Lady, for the sake of him Your Son and God grants forgiveness to sinners, but to those who struggle, strength and consolation to the discouraged.

Song 9

Irmos: Truly the Theotokos, we confess You, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the Bodiless faces of Thee majestically.

The one -to -one one is not in the one -to -one, Christians on the priestly pursuan, but also from the purely sacred grade of Kiyev, the stooped faith, from sowing miraculous hiccups in the year of the rehabilitation, and the saint of it, in the holy, is the sake of it.

Save us in the coming summer, O Lady, from destruction and internecine strife, from smoothness and fiery inflammation, beyond the impoverished fortress of our souls, we are filled with despondency in troubles, unreasonable being.

The southern border of the Russian land preserves the Pochaev icon of the Lady and the holy Lavra of Her, like a diadem of the kingdom, and boasts of them; Both Seversky, in the city of Tobolstem, ask yourself the miraculous likeness of the Pochaev icon with the prayer of the monks.

The Russian land, O Lady, as Thy boundless footstool, from troubles and temptations, free and in piety preserve it until the end of the age.

Already shamelessly raised in a blasphemous voice in the midst of Christian living, do not leave, O Mother of God, Your servant to fall into those temptations, but unquestionably kindle faith in our hearts.

Now the time of the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos has come, multiplied by temptation, now the time of our sighing to Her. Oh brother! We sigh with all our hearts: Mistress! Help your people.

Kondak 1

To the chosen Voivode of the Christian clans and our country, the well-known Redeemer, we will bring laudatory songs, faithfully, to holy mountain Her gathered; But you, as if you have unspeakable mercy, O Lady Mother of God, do not reject our prayers, before your miraculous image, lifted up, but in tenderness of hearts we call Thee:

Ikos 1

Archangel Gabriel first "Rejoice!" I offer you, Mistress, when you proclaim the conception of the Son of God, according to your glorious Assumption, all the heavenly powers bring you praise in Heaven unceasingly; How else can we, sinners, dare to unite our own voices with the voices of the Bodiless? Both, Thy mercy to all penitents is remembrance, we open our mouth with fear and love, saying to the mother:

Rejoice, abyss of mercy; Rejoice, inexhaustible sea of ​​love.

Rejoice, good representative of the Christian kind; Rejoice, indestructible wall of the Pochaev monastery.

Rejoice, Orthodox people attracting with bonds of love to Mount Pochaev; Rejoice, you who drive away all sorrow from their souls.

Rejoice, even a miraculous image, like a star, guides us from Mount Pochaev; Rejoice, His prayers being offered up, passionate prayers will soon be reflected.

Rejoice, having consoled people with Your appearance on this mountain; Rejoice, leaving the trace of your foot on it to us.

Rejoice, eternal boldness of the faithful; Rejoice, good affirmation of those who hesitate.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 2

Seeing the hermits of pochaevstia and the simpleton John Barefoot, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared on a rock in a pillar of fire, the footprint of Her foot was kissed and water, where it flowed from the stone, sprinkling, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind, misunderstood about Your appearance, Mistress, seeking, in chinese hope, is affirmed, as if first from the Hagarians, after the heretics, the stronghold of Orthodoxy on Mount Pochaevstey was pleased to approve, for this sake, coming to Your holy temple, we fulfill our warm faith of the heart, saying:

Rejoice, affirmation of the true faith; Rejoice, wickedness is a clear denunciation.

Rejoice, ancient burning bush sinaisteus known; Rejoice, having appeared here as a Christian in a pillar of fire.

Rejoice, as in a burning cave, with the dew of salvation, Abraham's children foreshadow Thee; Rejoice, as with water from the trace of Your foot, the healing of Your grace preaches.

Rejoice, our land, devastated by the ancients from the Hagarites, who then comforted with Your appearance; Rejoice, and now encouraging with many banners praying here.

Rejoice, quick hearing of the penitent; Rejoice, help and refuge for those who labor.

Rejoice, and admonition to those who do not know; Rejoice, strengthening of the cowardly.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 3

You showed the power of special grace, O Lady, on Mount Pochaevstey, when the place of Your appearance for three hundred years miraculous icon You enriched yourself with your own, with the hand of St. Neophyte Hellenus, from the future Moscow, first bestowed upon the boyar Anna, then from her you received the Pochaev monastery, rejoicing people and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have in your house your icon, Lady, the noblewoman Anna and the healing from her to her blind-born brother Philip, having taken away, abie with the spirit of jealousy for Your glory, kindled and a monastery of stone in the name of Your Most Honorable Dormition, arranges a hermit of Pochaev, in it the miraculous image of Your worshiping calls sice:

Rejoice, rich treasure in your holy icon who taught us; Rejoice, thou who sanctified our land by the hands of the saint in the manner bestowed by Thy way.

Rejoice, turning away our souls from earthly wealth; Rejoice, teaching us to sing the Glory of God.

Rejoice, for your miracles are sighted, we admire our hearts to Heaven; rejoice, as if in your abode, as we are on the eve of paradise.

Rejoice, Orthodox people who consoled with Your icon; Rejoice, calling from all countries praying people to the Pochaev monastery.

Rejoice, through which faith is multiplied; Rejoice, Eyuzhe despondency will drive away.

Rejoice, eternal Joy of the monks of Pochaev; Rejoice, shameless Hope of worldly people.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 4

A storm of heretical fury rushing to Your holy abode, Lady, Your holy icon by the hand of the evil iconoclasts captivated and moved those to blaspheme, soon the wrath of God was restrained by the wrath of God, when the invisible power of the cold-free feasting blasphemers, like Artaxerxes and Herod, fell into an affliction and cast over the shrine Those who cursed at you and did not take away the singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the monks of repentance and all Orthodox people, as if Your holy icon, after seventy years of heretical captivity, returns to the holy monastery from the shamed blasphemers, abie has come out to meet her and crying out for joy, crying out to You:

Rejoice, Christian refuge; Rejoice, denunciation of heretics.

Rejoice, thou who did not completely deprive the monastery of Thy icon of Pochaev; Rejoice, thou who hast put to shame the blasphemy of the iconoclasts.

Rejoice, as you do not lose heart in troubles and teach us; rejoice, for you command us to believe in the justice of God.

Rejoice, Yeyuzhe Orthodoxy is established in our country; Rejoice, Yeyuzhe and the whole universe, the embodied Truth, was honored to receive.

Rejoice, imitating the patience of God; Rejoice, in patience your people affirm.

Rejoice, for Thy humility accepts consolation; Rejoice, for the haughty ones are humbled by Thee.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 5

The divine star appeared to those who seek salvation, O Mistress, leading these to the Sun of Truth, as if in Your earthly life about the people the intercessor to Your Son in Cana of Galilee appeared to you, so according to Your glorious departure to Heaven, prayers for the faithful, from the end of the earth bringing, lift up to your Son and here, on Mount Pochaevstey, heal many different things from Him by people crying out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 5

You see people, on Mount Pochaevskaya, as if in ancient, taco and in the last years flowing, many healings, given by You, in the desire to save their souls affirm and bring warm repentance to their sins, crying out to You:

Rejoice, enlightenment of the blind and healing of the lame; Rejoice, deliverance from the demons of the demons.

Rejoice, miraculously returning the captive monk to your abode in the air; Rejoice, resurrecting the baby Simeon through the prayer of the old woman.

Rejoice, for in these signs the power of your ancient miracles still appears to your people; rejoice, for healing from thy holy icon and in last days don't get bored.

Rejoice, all over the world, the source of healing from Your holy icons; Rejoice, enriching those who pray more than these with spiritual gifts.

Rejoice, O birth of Orthodoxy boast; Rejoice, help and lack of faith flow to Eyazhe.

Rejoice, earthly hope; Rejoice, rejoicing of heavenly ranks.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 6

Glory Preachers Blessed Virgin the Agarians appeared at the Pochaev monastery, having found and visions of the Most Pure Theotokos with the Monk Job, who did not first understand; Whenever the arrows fired from them, again rushing at her, abie understood the power of the Lady and brought repentance for her madness, crying out with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend Thy vision, Mistress, on Mount Pochaevstey, when the brethren of the monastery, strongly besieged by the Hagarites, with a great cry, prayer before Your holy icon and before the cancer of the Monk Job, when the brethren of the Hagarites, seeing this confused and fleeing, look, abie with joy sing to Thee:

Rejoice, our deliverer and salvation; Rejoice, eternal help of the Christian kind.

Rejoice, you who drove away the wicked enemies from your holy things; Rejoice, bringing them to repentance.

Rejoice, Eyazhe and the invisibility of our salvation, the enemies tremble; Rejoice, even the Holy Angels and the reposed righteous women bow down in Heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the Monk Job with Thee in prayer; Rejoice, having brought the Hagarites to Holy Baptism with Your vision.

Rejoice, for by thee you return the fear of death to the end; Rejoice, for for the sake of thee, for the sake of the Hagarians, the God-fearing foreigners appear here.

Rejoice, eternal expression of truth; Rejoice, good admonition to those who err.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 7

Wanting to kindle the desire of the eternal life in the hearts of Christians, Holy Mother of God He heals those who hurt with His miracles, casts out demons, frees the captives, resurrects the dead, but we all, having understood the power of God, will hate the earthly and take care of our souls, incessantly crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The monastery of Pochaev endured new and gravest misfortunes, when, together with the whole country, it was flattered from Orthodoxy into the possession of heretics in the past hundred and ten summers. Orthodox Christian vdana quickly, in the nuzhe of Orthodoxy, the monks, having come and the holy relics of the Monk Job from under the belly, took out, to the miraculous image of the Lady, I fell, saying:

Rejoice, defender of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, accuser of heretics.

Rejoice, thou who didst not leave thy dwelling to the end; Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God.

Rejoice, as by Your intercession the country of Volhynia has returned to Orthodoxy; Rejoice, for from the ancient years many heretics have been corrected by Your admonition.

Rejoice, calling on the faithful to Your holy Lavra for prayer; rejoice, and the unbelievers worship here Orthodox shrine teaching.

Rejoice, the righteous women and the righteous sing unceasingly; Rejoice, to Neizha and the fallen in repentance flow.

Rejoice, return of apostates to the faith; Rejoice, elevation of those who are seduced to the light of truth.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 8

We see a strange miracle about You, the Mother of God, if the bodily ailments of Your holy icon are healed by kissing and the water of Pochaev sprinkled, so the passions of the soul are taken away by the sight of Your sanctuary, faith is affirmed and our hearts are fulfilled, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

I was filled with sins, I was filled with worldly scattering and neglected my soul, both looking at Your holy icon, the Lady, and enlightenment from her by countless people who come here, seeing, I rush to the path of salvation and in the joy of my heart I sing to Thy Sitsa:

Rejoice, treasure of purity; rejoice, mercies abyss.

Rejoice, bringing forth prayers to Your Son for the faithful; Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners.

Rejoice, for you have escaped the despair of the sinful; Rejoice, for those who call on Your name from the fall of a strange riser.

Rejoice, shame on the iconoclastic heresy in the universe; Rejoice, Yeyuzhe the true faith of the Volyn country return.

Rejoice, raising souls to the feat of chastity; Rejoice, teaching forgiveness to offenders.

Rejoice in the tenderness of our hearts; Rejoice, hope of our souls.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 9

All apostasy and heretical wanderings to the repentant people of the land of Volyn have been released, O Lady, and still a source of healing from Your miraculous icon, from the trace of Your foot on Mount Pochaevstey in the Orthodox Lavra Your people have opened, only if they bring repentance for their sins to God and about Your help without hesitation, they will cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitya of Thy glory appears to the Lady, blindness and chromia, healing from Your icon, returned by Orthodox people, having accepted, like a heretical wife of a certain sick person, to call on Thee to help and, after healing, confess and kiss the true faith, but we cry out to You:

Rejoice, supplication of the King of Heaven; Rejoice, earthly eternal intercession.

Rejoice, thou who didst turn away some ailment from Luther's delusions with healing; Rejoice, all the people who assured the truth of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, for for the sake of Orthodoxy, the people of Hagar have won so many times of seduction; rejoice, for for the sake of you and seduction from the Latins, you have embraced the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, all living prayerfully lift up their eyes to Neizha; Rejoice, Yuzhe and those who pray for the repose of the dead call for help.

Rejoice, and from worldly needs flowing to You, withdrawing; Rejoice, giving strength to those who endure more than all these needs.

Rejoice, help to the Christ-loving army in battle; Rejoice, good instruction against the militant demons.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 10

Wanting to save the Most Pure Theotokos, a very simple old woman, who was blinded by Latin and had a small grandson, enlightened by Orthodoxy, but blinded by bodily hair, she puts a good desire, hedgehog on the mountain of Pochaevst her miraculous image to worship, even if Abie miraculously heals the blind maiden and the Orthodox old woman teaches faith to confess, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The indestructible wall of true faith appeared to you, the Lady, for you, as if the ungodly heretics from glorifying you, like the True Mother of God, with stubbornness rejected, so Orthodoxy in the faith of your firmament abides and from the prayers that are unceasingly brought to you, they will never turn away, and for the sake of heretical they do not dare to accept the verb in their ears, but with a grateful heart they will not stop praising You, saying:

Rejoice, Christian joy and consolation; rejoice angelic rank glory and worship.

Rejoice, you turn us away from the flattering verb of heretics; Rejoice, by the remembrance of Thy mercies, our minds are lifted up to God.

Rejoice, holy Apostles to Thy Dormition in the air clouds; Rejoice, and sinful people on that day on Mount Pochaevskaya in thousands and tons for every summer.

Rejoice, even for the sake of Christians, the difficulty of the path, like a sweet repose, lift; rejoice, even for the sake of laziness and imitate them.

Rejoice, sometimes forgetting the sweetness of the world, helping Thy grace; Rejoice, terrifying, looking back with menacing dreams.

Rejoice, the best diadem in the Church of Christ; Rejoice, invincible shield of our country.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 11

Singing of thanksgiving about Your, Lady, blessings all over the world from Christians uplifted, like incense, unceasingly ascending to Heaven, thinking, and our wretched praises do not turn away You, we also pray the grace of repentance to grant You, with hope singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light of the belly of temporal and eternal life, hope appeared to you, Mistress, to a certain person in Bessarabia who had to die, but suddenly, after tasting water from the relic of Pochaev, to the health of the former, having seen his relatives, with fear and tenderness, you called out:

Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, hearing of those who mourn.

Rejoice, for by you the death that came has been driven away; Rejoice, for you have bestowed unfailing faith on us.

Rejoice, for the prediction of Gabriel is coming true before our eyes; rejoice, as from all generations, according to your word, now and forever you are blessed.

Rejoice, Mount Pochaev, as you have sanctified your place of residence; Rejoice, like the second Nazareth who revealed the thuja.

Rejoice, even though you turned away no one's hope; Rejoice, warmly accepting all prayers.

Rejoice, giving us health; Rejoice, leading us to salvation.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 12

The grace of healing and tenderness of prayer from Your Lady, the icon is exuded, but it will not be in vain for our souls, but for the sake of sin for the sake of petrified insensibility, fall, both, as if having the power to resurrect the dead, and awaken our spiritual deadness and illumine our hearts with a better thought, yes having hated the sinful charm, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles in the monastery of Pochaev, we pray to Thee, Lady, do not turn Your face away from our country, but also to all who come to Your holy mountain and seek mercy from You in a good petition, fulfill it, so that everyone will sing to Thy Sitsa:

Rejoice, propitiation of the all-righteous God; Rejoice, boldness of Christians to Christ.

Rejoice, thou who manifestest the triumph of faith in Thy Lavra; Rejoice, inflaming the hearts of men with love.

Rejoice, as people were honored to see such ancient miracles here; Rejoice, as this mountain, like the second Sinai, glorified in Christian countries.

Rejoice, God, who appeared on earth, who carried in your womb; Rejoice, people who lift up your prayer to God.

Rejoice, thou who didst leave thy icon as a preacher of salvation in thy dwelling; Rejoice, trace of your foot, healing water executable, glorifying miracles.

Rejoice, from heavenly heights to Your servants, looking down; Rejoice, instructing the faithful on good deeds.

Rejoice, praise of Pochaev and the whole world, hope and consolation.

Kondak 13

Oh, All-Singing Mother of Christ God, who has adopted all the generations of Christian love for Herself, worthy of praise to sing to You, we, sinners, are perplexed, both by Your love, conquering and to Your miraculous image of our eyes, we pray Thee: in our struggle and needs, do not leave Your children, intercession to Your warmth of the believers and to Your Son crying out: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the ikos 1st "Archangel Gabriel ..." and the kontakion of the 1st "Choose Voivode ...".


To Thee, oh Mother of God, we prayerfully flow, sinners, Thy miracles, manifested in the holy Lavra of Pochaev, remembrance also of our contrite sins. Vems, Mistress, vems, as if it is not befitting to us, sinners, what to ask, only about the hedgehog of the Righteous Judge of our iniquity leave us. All of us endured in life, sorrows, and needs, and illnesses, as the fruits of our falls are vegetating to us, this God to allow our correction. The same, all this, with His truth and judgment, the Lord has brought upon His sinful servants, even in their sorrows to Your intercession, Most Pure, flowing and in tenderness of hearts to You cry out to You: our sins and iniquities, Good, do not remember, but more than all-honestly raise up Your hands , to Your Son and God, stand up, so that the cruelty that we have done will let us go, but for many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, but will not take away His grace, contributing to our salvation, from our souls. To her, the Lady, be the intercessor to our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look at our groaning, even in our troubles and sorrows before your miraculous image we lift up. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, affirm our hope, make us accept the sweetest gift of love. With this, O Most Pure One, with gifts, and not with diseases and sorrows, let our belly be raised to salvation, but, protecting our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us, the weak, from troubles that come upon us, and needs, and human slander, and unbearable diseases . Grant peace and well-being to Christian life through Your intercession, Lady, affirm the Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Catholic Church to belittle, preserve the charters of the holy fathers unshakably forever and save all those who flow to You from the pit of perdition. Also bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith in the sinful passions of those who have destroyed the packs to true faith and repentance, and together with us, worshiping Your miraculous image, Your intercession will be confessed. Vouchsafe us, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, even in this belly to see the victory of truth with Your intercession, vouchsafe us grace-filled joy before our death to perceive, as anciently the inhabitants of Pochaev By Your appearance, the victors and educators of the Agarians showed Thou that we all with a grateful heart, together with the Angels, and prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, we will give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

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