Divination for St. Andrew in December. Soothsaying on Andrey: interesting ways of divination

The night of December 12-13, many are waiting for a reason. And all because on the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, you can find out about your fate. With great trepidation and even fear waiting unmarried girls this date, because fortune-telling on Andrei has a special power.

Fortune telling on Andrey on coffee grounds

After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and turn it up and down three times. Thickness will spread along the bottom, forming intricate shapes. They have to be guessed at.

The outline of the dog symbolizes friendship.
Forest is wealth.
Staircase - the achievement of the desired goal.
The cross is patience.
Wreath - glory.
The mill is a lie.
Rock - sadness, longing, loneliness.
The shadow of a man is a pleasant date.
The shadow of the house is a symbol of abundance.
Arable land is a good sign of fertility, shoots, success.
Meadow, field with grazing animals - the fulfillment of desires.
Church, bell tower - return home.
Deer - fast road.
Gate - the arrival of guests.
The mountain is a difficult life path.

Fortune telling on Andrei on tea thick

In order to correctly read the sign that will be formed from tea leaves, it is better to use a cup of a simple shape. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take a cup in left hand and loosen the tea - make three sharp turns of the cup clockwise. Turn the cup over and, holding it with the handle towards you, tilt it so that it is convenient to look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the pen is related directly to you, the rest - to strangers, but people you know. Tea grounds at the walls of the cup will predict the near future, at the bottom - the distant one.

The bottle is a health hazard.
Mountains - obstacles on life path.
Tree - getting rid of diseases, fulfillment of desires.
The key is to health, prosperity, wealth, happiness in love.
The road - two tracks or two rails - to close changes, if the lines are winding - the path is difficult.
The turn is associated with drastic changes in life.
One big star in the center of the cup is a warning: it's time to change the nature of the activity, otherwise trouble awaits.
The contours of the plane - to an unexpected journey.
Cross - trouble, suffering, anxiety, illness.
Coffin - sad news, loss, regret.
Circle - a happy event, marriage.
Two circles - disappointment.
The ruins are broken hopes.
Ball - ups and downs.
Staircase - takeoff in official and personal affairs.
The heart is a symbol of love.
Heart at the bottom of the cup - illness, heart attack loved one.
Arrow - bad news. If it flies away from you, you yourself can become a messenger of trouble for others.

Fortune telling on Andrei on wax

When the candle flares up, it is tilted over a bowl of water and the wax is allowed to drain. You can do this several times so that a sufficient amount of wax drops freezes in the water. The resulting intricate figures will suggest the future - they are taken out of the water and interpreted. If, in addition to several large figures, many small round figures have formed, this is for money. And big figures are judged by the associations they evoke. For those who do not rely on their imagination or are afraid of making a mistake, here is a hint.

Fan - difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or even liquidation of the enterprise.
Grapes - love, friendship, luck, prosperity.
Mushroom - life force, perseverance, longevity.
Dragon - "high flight", the fulfillment of hopes, the completion of work or the birth of a child.
Bell - news; symmetrical bell - good news, crooked or chipped - bad; several bells - alarm.
A leaf of a tree - envy, intrigues from others.
Monkey - a false friend, pretense, an ambiguous situation.
Pants - a fork in the road, a crossroads.
Apple is a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar the figure to a real apple, the better its value.
A crooked, shapeless apple can mean a temptation that is better not to succumb.
Egg - ancient symbol hidden, unrevealed. It can mean fears, fears, but it can also symbolize just the beginning of something new.

Divination for Andrew on burnt paper

It is burned in a dark room by the light of a candle. You need to look at the shadow that is obtained on the wall when burned. The reflection of the trait promises great trouble or temptation that will not lead to anything good. If you saw a cat, flirting and romantic interest are possible. Expect big changes in life if a shadow resembling a bird appears on the wall.

Divination for the betrothed

It is believed that if you see the same person twice - today and at Christmas time - the fortune-telling will come true. For him, the girl needs special preparation. To make it true, you can not eat anything meat, only bread and water. But the most important condition is that on this day all close relatives should be fed. Before and after divination, you need to be silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrey on the mirrors

It is assumed that people with strong nerves should guess here. Two mirrors are taken large and preferably of equal size, placed opposite each other, illuminated by two candles; it is best to hold the mirror against the illuminated wall mirror so that a long corridor illuminated by lights forms from the directed mirror in the wall. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two girls. On their part, it is required not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller and not to talk. And at the end of this corridor, the betrothed should appear; True, sometimes you have to watch for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed, but also all evil spirits, but the game is worth the candle!

dinner invitation

The girl covers the table with a tablecloth in an empty room, puts a spoon, puts a plate (knife and fork are not allowed) and says: “Betrothed-mummers, come to dinner with me.” Signs of the approach of the betrothed: the howling of the wind, blows on the windows and the door. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothes. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with a conversation. The girl should suddenly wake up and point-blank ask: “What is your name?”. The betrothed calls the name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment, the girl should say: “Chur, me!” - and the betrothed will disappear.

Fortune telling on Andrei for a dream

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: "Narrowed-mummer, comb my head." The betrothed appears in a dream and combs his hair. They take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink." The betrothed appears in a dream and serves to drink. They put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream in a dream.” The betrothed dreams in a dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling on Andrey on the king of diamonds

At night, put the King of Diamonds card under your pillow and think of a specific person. In the morning you will know what he thinks of you.

Fortune telling on Andrey in the name

Girls gather and go outside. Here everyone asks about the name of the first man they met - his name will be the name of the betrothed.

Write on paper the names of the people you are interested in, put the leaves around. Lower the needle and thread into the middle of the circle. Hold the needle by the thread so that it stands freely on the table. In the direction of which name the needle will swing and stop - this is your destiny.

Fortune telling on Andrei on the ring

Players take turns rolling the ring across the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married. And this guy is on a long journey.

It was the Night on Andrei from time immemorial that was considered magical and interested many girls. She can reveal the secrets of the future and give answers to the most secret questions.

On the day of St. Andrew the First-Called, as on the day of the Great Martyr Catherine, the girls wonder about their betrothed. Many of them, according to the established custom, observe fasting on the eve of the holiday and generally pray to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called for the gift of good grooms to them.

The most famous fortune-telling on the night of St. Andrew's Day

On the night of December 13, put under the pillow a bag with written on separate pieces of paper male names(11 names at your discretion, you can choose from friends, acquaintances, and leave one piece of paper blank).
On the morning of December 13, pull out one of the sheets. What name will fall out - that will be the name of your future husband. If you got a "dummy", then the name of the betrothed remains a mystery.

It is believed that the man who dreams of a girl on Andrei, on the night of December 13, will become her husband. Therefore, try to remember the one you see in a dream. And in order for the betrothed to dream for sure, before going to bed, be sure to think about the person who is dear to your heart.

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Fortune telling on Andrey on the betrothed

So, we tell you how to correctly guess at the betrothed.

Take a bowl of water and some ordinary sewing needles of any size, but not too large.
Tailor's pins with a ring are also suitable.
If you are really interested in marriage or just developing a relationship with a partner, you can take needles of different sizes and guess: let the smaller one be yours, and the larger one - the one you are wondering about.
We lubricate both needles properly with some kind of fat (it can also be a greasy cosmetic cream) and carefully place them on the surface of the water.

If you are in a "love triangle" or you are interested in relationships with several people, take several needles, preferably different ones. One will be yours, and for the rest, mentally “fix” those who interest you, and carefully, one by one, place on the surface of the water.

The needles left on the surface mean those who will remain next to you in the coming year. If any two needles connect, this means the union (possibly marriage) of those people on whom you made a wish. If the needles stick together along the entire length, this promises fruitful cooperation and true friendship. If the ends of the needles parted or the needles ended up on the surface of the water in different directions, then the connection between these people will weaken. And if the needles go to the bottom, perhaps friendship with these people will be interrupted next year.

If your needle sinks, it means that a new period will begin in your life, and not all old connections will be preserved. In the new year, you will have new worries, not those that seem so significant to you now, and other people may surround you. It may happen that all the needles sink. What does it mean? Nothing wrong. It’s just that you didn’t lubricate them enough, and fortune-telling needs to be repeated.

Fortune telling on the groom with water

Before going to bed, from 12 to 13, the girl must perform a ritual with water. It is necessary to pour the basin to the very top, take the lock, and lock it, saying: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.” Belief says that future spouse should dream of a girl after such a fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on the groom on the fence

You need to guess after sunset. The girl should walk along the fence, counting the stakes, and also saying: “Rich, poor, widower, bachelor.” On which word to stop, so will the groom.

Card reading

Before going to bed, you need to put four kings under the pillow with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers, dream me in a dream.” The groom will dream in the form of a king.

Fortune telling on Andrey: Ringing of keys

The girls hung the keys outside the window, and then doomed themselves to painful expectations. After some time (from midnight to dawn), the keys began to move, at which point the girl had to quickly ask the name of the groom. According to old legends, the goblin or the devil answered the girl.

Fortune telling on a betrothed with a frying pan

You need to put the frying pan under your mom's bed, but in a way that she doesn't know it. What to do next? Before going to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” And in the morning you need to ask your mother what she dreamed about. If in a dream she fed some guy pancakes, ask him to describe his appearance. He is your future fiance.

Fortune telling on Andrei: Church noise

Divination can be done if the night is clear and moonlit. When it gets dark, you need to go to the doors of the locked church ... and listen carefully. According to the old legend, you can hear two sounds: wedding - for the wedding, funeral singing - for death.

Andrew's Day: Water and Straw

You need to pour water into a plate, put a few straws on it (in the form of a bridge), put it under your bed. If at night you dream of a man who will take you across the bridge, try to remember him. He is your future husband.

On this feast of St. Andrey, all divination has magical power. But it all depends on you, how much you will believe in them. By your faith, your future will be revealed to you! Do not forget also to congratulate all Andreev on their name day on December 13

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December 13 is the Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. People say that on the night of Andrew (from December 12 to 13), mystical things happen that can reveal the secret of the future. Fortune telling on Andrei can answer many questions: will you get married, who will become your betrothed, when will the wedding take place, will you be happy in marriage, and the like.

Whether to guess or not to guess

Folk traditions of divination are forgotten, losing their form and content. But on the night of December 13, many girls want to look into their future. However, it should be understood that during fortune-telling a person makes a choice: he gives up his will, relying on the decision of signs or a fortune teller. And the more often he does this, the more he gets used to looking for a way out of a difficult situation on his own, and the more more people becomes weak and dependent.

Besides, divination is a sin against the first commandment of God.

The church is unambiguously against fortune-telling. It is a sin. Because with the man through supposedly magical rituals manipulations are being carried out with his future, which is known, as we know, only to God. Such tricks with the Creator looking into the future, as history shows, do not bode well. Therefore, divination has nothing to do with church holidays and traditions, their roots are in paganism,
- explained the priest Michael Leda.

According to him, today more and more shows are being made from fortune telling, that is, it is turning into another way to have fun. After all, many establishments on this day offer to try to tell fortunes on their fate.

"Divination, in whatever form it is carried out, is a sin," the priest emphasized.

Traditions of divination for Andrew

Why are they guessing at Andrey

On Andrei, December 13, young men and women looked at each other during parties. After Epiphany, the season of winter weddings began, so it was quite possible to meet your love at parties on Andrey.

It is not surprising that girls on St. Andrew's day tell fortunes about their betrothed. This is a kind of rehearsal before fortune-telling at Christmas time (Christmas Eve). It is believed that if a girl twice - both on this day and at Christmas time - sees the same guy, the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. But even for divination you need to prepare!

What not to do before divination

If you are going to know your future this night, then you cannot eat anything meat, only bread and water. But the most important condition is that on this day all close relatives are fed. Guessing only girls or women. Before and after divination, you need to be silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrey: what not to do before fortune telling

There are many ways to predict your fate. And if you still decide to guess at Andrey, read the material on how this can be done at home.

Divination on dumplings

Girls sculpted dumplings or pies from yeast dough. The girls carried water for the test by mouth, and the guys made them laugh at that time. Each girl sculpted her own special dumpling, after which they were put in a row and the nearest pet was called. Whose dumpling or pie the pet eats, that girl will be the first to marry.

They believed that if a dog or a cat brought a dumpling into a corner, then the girl would get married and go far from home.

Divination with a chain

The girl stays alone in the room and takes in right hand gold or silver chain. Clutching the chain in a fist, the girl should focus on the issue that interests her most. This may be a question about the future of the groom, and the number of children. Having clearly imagined what exactly she is interested in, the girl throws the chain on the table and looks at the figure that has come out.

How to guess on Andrey using a chain

There are different interpretations of the figures, the most popular of which are:
- circle: in the future there will be a situation, for the unraveling of which a lot of effort will have to be made;
- oval: a difficult situation, but will not require special losses;
- flat line: success and the most auspicious time to make your dreams come true;
- snake: you should be careful and not trust the people around you,
- tangled knot: expect intrigues;
- triangle: a sign of good luck in business;
- a butterfly or a bow: for dates, love, and, possibly, a wedding;
- a chain formed into some letter: wait for a new romance with a person whose name begins with this letter.

Divination on cups

You need to take a few opaque cups. Spread bread, onion, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many guessers as there are cups. Each of those gathered in turn chooses a cup with their eyes closed. Onions - to tears, bread - to prosperity, a ring - to a wedding, water - pregnancy awaits you, salt - be careful, as trouble may await you in the near future. If you got a cup of sugar, fun will soon await you. Money - become rich.

Fortune telling on small things

By evening, young men and women gather, take a tray, pour various small things on it: some - a ring, some - a cufflink, some - an earring, some - a button, a coin, and the like. They cover the tray with a towel, sing, then shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags with their left hand one of the knick-knacks lying on it.

How to guess on Andrey on small things

It resembles something like a house lottery. The one who gets, for example, a coin will get rich, whoever gets a handkerchief will grieve in the new year, whoever gets the key will get a new home. And the one who gets the ring should roll it on the floor, while observing which way it rolls: if to the door, be in the coming year of the wedding.

Divination with matches

It was assumed fate and with the help of matches. Two matches were placed on a plate of water: one is a guy, ideally the one with whom the girl sympathizes; the second is the symbol of the girl herself. Then you need to blow on these matches: if they come together from the girl’s breath, then this is a sign that the conceived gentleman will become the groom.

Divination at the crossroads

The girls go out at midnight to the crossroads, each draws a circle, stands by him and begins to listen to the sounds of the street - if he hears joyful cries, laughter, songs - he will soon get married. But if a girl hears someone's quarrel, crying or lamentations - she should remain, according to popular belief, in girls.

dinner invitation

This method can be called strange and creepy. The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, makes it with dishes, except for a knife and a fork, and says: "Betrothed-mummers, come to dinner with me." Everyone goes out, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits.

A creepy way of divination for Andrey: an invitation to dinner

Signs of the approach of the betrothed: the howling of the wind, blows on windows and doors. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothes. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with a conversation.

The girl should suddenly wake up and point-blank ask: "What's your name?". The betrothed calls the name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment, the girl should say: "Chur, me!". The betrothed disappears.

Divination for a profession

They believed that it was possible to even learn from Andrei the professions of her future husband. To do this, the girls went to the river, collected silt from the bottom, brought it home and examined it. If a nail was found in the mud, the husband would be a blacksmith, if cod - a carpenter, sand - a bricklayer, and if nothing was found - a farmer.

Fortune telling on chicken feathers

Closer to midnight, the girl should put a chicken feather on the threshold and say: “There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, 4 eggs in each nest, 7 chickens in each egg, one of them - show yourself, let me know what to expect in the future! ". When someone opened the door, the chicken feather, caught in the air, either flew out the door or flew into the house. If you are married outside the door, in the house - you will sit in the girls for another year.

Is it possible to predict your future - to believe only you. However, in ancient times Andreevsky gatherings were associated not only with this. Gatherings on the night of December 13 are a fun and bright action, jokes and laughter, which embraces not only young people, but also the older generation. These are losses, jokes, pranks, mostly guys, which are allowed only on St. Andrew's Night.

Fortune telling and pranks on St. Andrew's night

One of the most important Orthodox holidays, is the feast of St. Andrew the First-Called. Night on Andrey has been considered magical from time immemorial. She can reveal the secrets of the future to girls and give answers to the most secret questions.

First of all, the fact that this is a traditional day of divination speaks about its pre-Christian origin. Until now, in Ukraine, on this day, girls are guessing. The date, December 13, according to the new style, is not tied at first glance to any natural phenomena.

St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called, one of the twelve apostles chosen by the Lord himself for the Gospel sermon, was born in the city of Vifsanda in Galilee (north-west shore of Lake Tivernad). Subsequently, he and his brother Simon (Peter) moved to the city of Capernaum on the shores of Lake Genisaret, fishing there for food.

From a young age, Saint Andrew was distinguished by his prayerful aspiration to God and became a disciple of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist. As the Gospel tells, the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was not only the first to follow the call of the Lord (why, in the tradition of the ancient Church, he was given the name "First-Called"), but he was also the first of the apostles, who brought to Christ his brother Simon, the future Apostle Peter .

After the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, witnessed by the Holy Apostle Andrew, he returned to Jerusalem. Here on the Day of Pentecost ("The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles"), together with other apostles and Holy Mother of God, the Apostle Andrew was filled with the Holy Spirit, where he received, like all the apostles, the gifts of healing, prophecy, as well as the opportunity to communicate on different languages.

Then, by lot, the countries were divided among the apostles for prophecy, the conversion of barbarians and pagans to Christ. The Apostle Andrew got the countries lying along the shores of the Black and Marmara Seas (the territories of the current countries of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria). Among others, in which St. Andrew preached, were the current territories of Ukraine ("Great Scythia").

It was he who brought Christianity to Kievan Rus. Since then, in Rus', Andrew the First-Called has been one of the most revered saints, her patron.

Returning to Greece after his apostolic wanderings, the Apostle Andrew was persecuted and condemned to death on the cross. According to legend, he refused to accept death on the same cross on which Jesus Christ suffered, and demanded crucifixion on an oblique cross. Since then, the oblique cross has been called St. Andrew's.


On the day of St. Andrew, as on the day of the great martyr Catherine, the girls wonder about their betrothed. Many of them, according to the established custom, on the eve of the day of the Apostle Andrew, observe fasting and generally pray to him to bestow them with good suitors.

Divination for marriage

Divination with a shoe (shoe).

This is the most famous and widespread type of divination. So our great-great-grandmothers in the villages guessed. It is done like this. The girls take off the shoes from their left foot and throw them over the gate, while observing which way the sock will fall. If the sock turns out to be turned back to the gate from where it was thrown, - the girl will live another year at home, not get married, if in some other direction - to be betrothed in the new year.

Divination at the crossroads at midnight

Girls on Christmas night go to the crossroads and, each guessing about their future groom, draw a circle, and standing in it, "listen to the neighborhood": if they hear laughter and singing, it means they will get married soon, if they hear crying, swearing, lamentations - sit shed tears in the girls.

Divination on the water

On a moonlit night, they go to the river and look into the hole: the one who marries will see her betrothed; which to sit in the girls - only hears a knock from the water.

Fortune telling at the church

In the old days, girls went to church at night to eavesdrop. At night, of course, there is no service. But they say that some beauties heard either wedding singing or funeral lamentation. Depending on what she heard, the girl made a conclusion: whether she would marry or become very ill.

Fortune telling on water and a candle

Behind the porch of the house (on the balcony) put a tub of water. After midnight, the girl needs to take a candle, break a crust of ice in a tub, dip the candle into water to the very bottom, enter the house with the words: “Do not pout, scorching fires, from the ant brazier, but the wax candle will ignite in front of the wonderful image of the Savior!” By how soon a candle is lit from a burning lamp in front of a home icon, you can find out whether you will be betrothed, whether you will soon hold a wedding candle at the wedding.

Divination with straw

They throw straws into the ceiling: how much sticks to the ceiling, so big will be the family to which they will give the girl.

Fortune telling on chicken feathers

Closer to midnight, the girl should put a chicken feather on the threshold. And say: "There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, in each nest there are 4 eggs, in each egg there are 7 chickens, one of them - show yourself, let me know what to expect in the future!" When someone opened the door, the chicken feather, caught in the air, either flew out the door or flew into the house. If at the door - to be married, into the house - to sit in the girls for another year.

Divination on the ring

Players take turns rolling the ring across the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married. And the guy is - to a long journey. The ring is also secretly passed from hand to hand, and the driver must guess who has it. Remember our childhood, a similar game "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!".

Divination for the future

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and turn it up and down three times. Thickness will spread along the bottom, forming intricate shapes. They have to be guessed at.
The outline of the dog symbolizes friendship.
Forest wealth.
Staircase-achievement of the desired goal.
Wreath - glory.
The mill is a lie.
Cliff - sadness, longing, loneliness.
The shadow of a man is a pleasant date.
The shadow of the house is a symbol of abundance.
Arable land is a good sign of fertility, shoots, success
Meadow, field with grazing animals - the fulfillment of desires.
Church, bell tower - homecoming
Deer - fast road
Gate - arrival of guests
Mountain - a difficult life path

Fortune telling on tea thick

In order to correctly read the sign that will be formed from tea leaves, it is better to use a cup of a simple shape. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup in your left hand and shake the tea - make three sharp turns of the cup clockwise. Turn the cup over and, holding it with the handle towards you, tilt it so that it is convenient to look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the handle is related directly to you, the rest - to strangers, but people you know. Tea grounds at the walls of the cup will predict the near future, at the bottom - the distant one.

The bottle is a health hazard.
Mountains are obstacles on the path of life.
Tree - getting rid of diseases, fulfillment of desires.
The key is to health, prosperity, wealth, happiness in love.
The road - two tracks or two rails - to close changes, if the lines are winding - the path is difficult.
The turn is associated with drastic changes in life.
One big star in the center of the cup is a warning: it's time to change the nature of the activity, otherwise trouble awaits.
The contours of the plane - to an unexpected journey.
Cross - trouble, suffering, anxiety, illness.
Coffin - sad news, loss, regret.
Circle - a happy event, marriage.
Two circles - disappointment.
Ruins - broken hopes.
Ball - ups and downs.
Staircase - takeoff in official and personal affairs.
The heart is a symbol of love.
The heart at the bottom of the cup is a disease, a heart attack in a loved one.
Arrow - bad news. If it flies from you, you yourself can become a messenger of trouble for others.

Divination on wax

When the candle flares up, it is tilted over a bowl of water and the wax is allowed to drain. You can do this several times so that a sufficient amount of wax drops freezes in the water. The resulting intricate figures will tell the future - they are taken out of the water and interpreted. If, in addition to several large figures, many small round figures have formed, this is for money. And big figures are judged by the associations they evoke. For those who do not rely on their imagination or are afraid of making a mistake, here is a hint.

Fan - difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or even liquidation of the enterprise.
Grapes - love, friendship, luck, prosperity.
Mushroom - vitality, perseverance, longevity.
The dragon is a "high flight", the fulfillment of hopes, the completion of labor or the birth of a child.
Bell - to lead; symmetrical bell - good news, crooked or chipped - bad; several bells - alarm.
Leaf of a tree - envy, intrigues from others.
Monkey - a false friend, pretense, an ambiguous situation.
Pants - a fork in the road, a crossroads.
Apple is a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar the figure to a real apple, the better its value.
A crooked, shapeless apple can mean a temptation that is better not to succumb.
The egg is an ancient symbol of the hidden, unmanifested. It can mean fears, fears, but it can also symbolize just the beginning of something new.

Divination by the book

It is best to take a book of spiritual content, for example, the "Bible" or "Psalter"; without opening it, guess the page number and the line above or below, then open it and read in a hidden place. They interpret what they read in accordance with what the fortuneteller is most interested in (wealth, travel, marriage, health, etc.).

Divination on burnt paper

It is burned in a dark room by the light of a candle. You need to look at the shadow that turns out on the wall when burning paper. The reflection of the trait promises great trouble or temptation that will not lead to anything good. If you saw a cat, flirting and a romantic interest are possible. Expect big changes in life if a shadow resembling a bird appears on the wall.

Divination on the ashes

Burn a crumpled sheet of paper on a plate. Light a candle and determine your fate by the shadow formed by the ashes. If the outlines of the castle appear, the buildings - for the wedding.

Fortune telling on straw

This is a very ancient divination. On Christmas Eve, under the tablecloth, which covered the festive table, they put hay or straw - a memory of the manger of the infant Christ. Exactly at midnight, they pulled out a straw: long - the year will be successful, fruitful, short - unproductive. Well, the girls here were also wondering about their fate: a green stalk would stretch out from under the tablecloth, which means that love and an early wedding awaited her, and if she got a blackened one, she would sit all the century in girls.

Divination on cups

You need to take a few opaque cups. Spread bread, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many fortunetellers as there are cups. Each of those gathered in turn chooses a cup with their eyes closed.

Onions - to tears, bread - to prosperity, a ring - to a wedding, water - a stable position awaits you, salt - be careful: trouble may befall you in the near future. If you got a cup of sugar, fun awaits you soon. Money - become rich.

Divination on small objects

In the evening, young men and women gather, take a tray, pour on it someone - a ring, someone - a cufflink, someone - an earring, someone - a button, a coin, and other small things. They cover the tray with a towel, sing a well-known melody over it, then shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags one of the little things lying on it with their left hand. It resembles something like a house lottery. The one who gets, for example, a coin - "gets rich", who gets a handkerchief - will grieve in the new year, who gets the key - will get a new home. And the one who gets the ring must roll it on the floor, while observing which way it rolls: if to the door, be in the coming year of the wedding.

Divination on things

Girls and guys gather at someone's in the evening, sit down at the table. They collect cufflinks, rings, earrings from everyone and put it all under the dish, mixed with slices of bread. Cover the dish with a towel on top. Then the participants sing the "following" song. For example, the glory of bread and salt. Then each in turn, blindly, putting his hand under the dish, takes out the first object that comes across. If a girl got a male item (and a guy got a female item), you have to wait for an imminent wedding. The ransom of someone else's object threatens with a kiss.

Submissive songs. Not a single Christmastide could do without such fortune-telling. In a dish or bowl, the girls put their small things - a ring, a comb, an earring, a ribbon. Under a special song-prediction, without looking, these little things were taken out. "To whom it will come out - it will come true, to whom it will come true - it will not pass," they sang after the next verse.

Fortune telling on a glass and a ring

Pour into a glass of water in the evening, lower the ring and expose to frost. Before going to bed they bring a glass: how many tubercles there will be, so many sons, and how many holes - so many daughters.

Divination with spoons.

Spoons are placed in a tub of water according to the number of relatives, noting which is whose. Then shake the water. In the morning they look: if all the spoons are in a pile, then no one in the family will die during the year, and if someone is behind, it means that this particular family member dies that year.

Divination with a torch

If a girl wants to know about her future life, then on Christmas night she takes a birch torch in her hands, dips it in spring (well) water or in water from melted snow and lights it from the fire. If the torch lights up quickly and burns evenly, life will be long and calm, if the torch burns with crackling and flashes, the girl will be sad and sick in the year.

Fortune telling on a bowl of water

Take a bowl of water and some ordinary sewing needles of any size, but not too large. Tailor's pins with a ring are also suitable. If you are really interested in marriage or just developing a relationship with a partner, you can take needles of different sizes and guess: let the smaller one be yours, and the larger one - the one you are wondering about. Both needles are properly lubricated with some kind of fat (it can be a greasy cosmetic cream) and carefully placed on the surface of the water.

If you are in a "love triangle" or you are interested in relationships with several people, take several needles, preferably different ones. One will be yours, and for the rest, mentally "fix" those who interest you, and carefully, one by one, place on the surface of the water.

The needles left on the surface mean those who will remain next to you in the coming year. If any two needles connect, this means the union (possibly marriage) of those people on whom you made a wish. If the needles stick together along the entire length, this promises fruitful cooperation and true friendship. If the ends of the needles parted or the needles ended up on the surface of the water in different directions, then the connection between these people will weaken. And if the needles go to the bottom, perhaps friendship with these people will be interrupted next year.

If your needle sinks, it means that a new period will begin in your life, and not all old connections will be preserved. In the new year, you will have new worries, not those that seem so significant to you now, and other people may surround you.

It may happen that all the needles sink. What does it mean? Nothing wrong. It’s just that you didn’t lubricate them enough, and fortune-telling needs to be repeated.

Divination by the bulb

Want to know what the weather will be like each month next year? Cut the onion into twelve slices. Each slice is one month, from January to December. Now sprinkle the slices with salt and leave overnight. In the morning, look carefully at which slice the salt is wet and which is not. So determine which months of the new year will be rainy or snowy, and which ones will be dry.

Divination on coals

This is a fortune telling about the harvest. Smoldering embers are taken, each ember means some kind of crop: wheat, rye, oats, and which ember burned before, that indicated the most productive cereal in the coming year.

Divination on the steps

They count the steps, saying: widower, well done, etc., and, having reached the last one, they look at which word they stopped at.

love magic pages

Today the church honors the memory of Andrew the First-Called, one of the 12 apostles. He was the brother of the Apostle Peter and a disciple of Christ.

Andrew the First-Called was a fisherman and lived in the village of Capernaum. One day he heard the news that John the Baptist had come from the Judean desert, preaching the approach of the Kingdom of Heaven. Andrew went to the Jordan River, where he witnessed a real miracle. When John was baptizing people, a man appeared on the shore, whom everyone called Jesus of Nazareth. During the rite of baptism, the skies cleared over Christ and a snow-white dove sat on his head. Looking at this, Andrew realized that Jesus is exactly the person who knows the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. The future apostle called him a rabbi.

The next day, when the Savior passed by, Andrew and his brother Peter followed him. They were afraid to get too close to him and be the first to speak. Jesus saw the men following on his heels and asked what they wanted. The brothers asked Christ where he lives. To which he said: "Go and see everything."

A few days later, Andrei and Peter were fishing on the shore. Jesus came up to them and said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." And both youths left their nets and rushed after him. Andrew was the first of all to follow Jesus, for which he was called the First-Called.

Andrew saw many miracles when he became a disciple of Jesus. This is the miracle of the resurrection and ascension of the Savior to Heaven. One day Christ said to them, "John baptized people with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

On the day of Pentecost, when all the apostles gathered together, suddenly a noise was heard from the sky and tongues of fire appeared in the air. The apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in different languages. They were preparing for a great apostolic ministry.

Andrew went to the Eastern countries to preach the word of God. He dedicated in faith different nations and built everywhere christian churches. In the name of his Master, he was now able to perform miracles himself.

In Sinop, the preacher was stoned, but he remained unharmed and moved on. He passed the coast of the Black Sea, the Black Sea and the Crimea and climbed the Dnieper to the place where the city of Kyiv is now located. Andrew said: "On these mountains there will be a great city, in which many churches will be erected." He blessed the Kyiv mountains and erected a cross there.

Andrei reached the settlement of the Slavs, then returned to Rome and Thrace. The last settlement visited by the apostle was the city of Patras. Here the saint took martyrdom and was crucified on an oblique cross, which from that day is called St. Andrew's. Later, on the site of the crucifixion, the temple of St. Andrew the First-Called was erected - the largest in Greece.

Video: Andrew the First-Called

Day of St. Andrew the First-Called: traditions and customs

In Rus', the apostle was considered the patron of maritime art and family life, personified the masculine principle. It is customary to pray to his icon for:

  • conversion to the Christian faith;
  • success in maritime and military affairs;
  • defense of the motherland.

Girls turn to the saint with a request to give a good groom and help in the future to conclude happy marriage. In order to attract a rich and handsome betrothed, unmarried girls on the night of December 12-13 threw coins into a small window. The more you throw, the higher the chances of a successful marriage.

It was customary to bake kalita - a shortbread made of white dough, personifying the sun. Girls believed that kalita symbolizes a happy marriage. Each girl kneaded the dough, thinking at that moment about her beloved boyfriend. Honey and dried berries were added to the dough. A hole was made inside the cake so that it could be hung on a ribbon.

In the evening, the girls invited the boys to dinner. They were treated to pies, cabbage rolls and dumplings. After dinner, the beautiful half of society sang songs about love. The guys tried to bite off a piece from the gate hanging from the ceiling and, thus, go through the rite of passage into adulthood.

Healers and healers considered this day their holiday. They performed various healing and magical rites, and they had more than enough visitors on St. Andrew's Day. In some regions of the country, gifts were brought to healers in order to appease them so that they would not cause damage.

According to Carpathian beliefs, on the night of St. Andrew's Day, witches could deprive cows of milk. Therefore, the men burned ritual bonfires all night.

Day of St. Andrew the First-Called: signs

The peasants on this day made an ice hole and listened to the sound of water. If it was quiet, then the winter will be mild and warm. If the water boils and rustles, then there will be frosts, blizzards and storms.

Looked at the fire in the furnace:

  • red - to the cold;
  • white - to warming.

Other signs of St. Andrew's Day include:

  1. A clear and frosty day - to a rich harvest.
  2. The snow that fell on Andrei can lie until April.
  3. Coal spinning on a torch - to frost.
  4. If the cat is actively bathing, then the weather will be cold and clear.
  5. The clouds are moving fast and low - towards the cold.

Fortune telling on Andrey from December 12 to 13

It was customary to guess at Andrew the First-Called. Girls and boys gathered in an empty hut, where they had fun until midnight. Then the guys were sent home, and the girls started fortune-telling, of which there were quite a few types.

Divination with shoes was popular. The girl on the left foot took off her shoes and threw them over the gate. Where the toe of the shoe points, the betrothed lives in that region.

If St. Andrew's day fell on the full moon, then the girls went to the river and, looking into the hole, tried to see the face of their future husband.

It was believed that from December 12 to 13 you can call prophetic dream. This is especially true for people who cannot make a choice or do not know how to solve the problems that have arisen. For this, a simple ritual is performed. Before going to bed, you need to read a plot in a glass of water, after which you should drink some water.

"I was tormented by the problem,

Let sleep solve my dilemma.

In a dream I know the answer

Or get some good advice.

I know how to do

To not miss anything."

After reading the plot, go to bed. In a dream, the truth will be revealed to you.

Day of St. Andrew the First-Called: what not to do

The winter holiday cycle begins on December 13th. From St. Andrew the First-Called to Baptism, it is impossible to weave and spin. You can visit or invite guests to your home. Since the day falls on, the preparation of fish dishes, which are treated to households and guests, will be relevant.

Drinking vodka and other alcoholic beverages is not recommended. Also, you can not swear, swear and gossip. Try to spend the day in positive thoughts and prayer.

Video: what to do on Church holidays?

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