Maple leaf symbol meaning. The maple leaf reveals its secrets

» welcomes all its readers! The maple leaf is a famous symbol of Canada. Resembling a five-pointed star, is related souls connected together. It is not for nothing that maple has recently been considered a symbol of peace and love, absorbing the energy potential of all mankind and distributing the acquired energy to everyone who comes into contact with it. Maple is a tree that helps insecure people gain self-confidence, gives peace of mind and inner strength. Also maple - symbol of the beginning of good luck, any undertakings, projects, ideas, career growth are also associated with maple. You will be amazed at how amazing this tree is in its properties.

Maple has a very gentle, soft energy, so the maple alley is a real bioenergy corridor. Walking along such an alley is extremely useful. accept the excess energy of a person, pacify anger, rage and make us self-possessed and balanced. Being an energetically neutral tree, maple is suitable for relieving stress and treating all kinds of diseases.

The maple leaf looks like a spread palm, and the five ends of the leaf symbolize the five senses. Using a maple leaf as an amulet, you can help your five senses open up and perceive the beauty of the world around you in a more multifaceted way. Slavs decorated houses with maple branches in Christian rituals. The maple leaf was often depicted on Easter eggs.

Elena: not only the beginning of good luck, but also a symbol of balance. For restless people, contact with maple will bring balance, endurance, relaxation, calmness, self-confidence. It can take a person's grievances, tearfulness, emotional outbursts, impatience, anxiety. Maple branches, leaves and seeds have long been used to scare away evil forces and protect human habitation from an unkind look. Jambs were made from this tree entrance doors, steps and railings of stairs, built bridges over rivers. If you, friends, are taking on some new business, be sure to take maple as your assistant. They are like Good friends caress with their invisible hands, envelop with a positive solar biofield.

Albert: Maple leaves are used in wishful rituals. It is necessary to find in the fall a clean, without damage, without yellow spots and green veins, a bright red maple leaf, wash it and dry it a little. Then, for example, about a loved one, some situation, mentally imagine that you are waiting for a meeting with this, and kiss the tips of the sheet. Place the sheet under the sofa or bed mattress. The magical effect of maple lasts throughout the year.

The fact that maple is a symbol of the beginning, we learned from the book Yulia Ulybina "Trees are healers" which we recommend to find and read.

Albert and Elena

In the material we will reveal the meaning, history and maple tattoo meaning, let's talk about the options for this pattern in a tattoo. For those who, before going to a tattoo parlor, are trying to look through as many different options as possible for a tattoo idea, after reading the material, we suggest visiting the following sections of our catalog:

  • Maple tattoo photo
  • Maple tattoo sketches

Maple tattoo meaning - information and photos of ready-made maple tattoos

The meaning, history and meaning of a maple tattoo

Before choosing any image for a tattoo, it is worth learning as much as possible about the meaning of the pattern that will adorn your body. This article will help you find out some of the meanings of the maple tattoo. Why not all? Because it is human nature to fantasize, and it is impossible to predict the desire of everyone.

Maple tattoo symbolism

The maple leaf looks very beautiful in the form of a tattoo. Both men and women can choose it as a drawing. And where the drawing will be on the body, everyone decides for himself. The meaning of a maple tattoo is interpreted almost the same, regardless of who decorates their body with a curly leaf, or the place on the body where the tattoo will be located. Even small details will give the image its uniqueness and originality.

Maple leaves are a symbol of perseverance and powerful force. After all, the tree itself does not bend from the wind and confidently endures frost and bad weather. Men with such a tattoo also convey the strong qualities of this mighty, unbending, majestic tree. For women, the meaning of a leaf with carved edges, as it were, absorbed all the features of a beloved and dear, but so far from her man.

Photo examples:

When the drawing on the body is made in the form of falling maple leaves, then the person shows his sadness and feelings of sadness from imminent separation.

Maple tattoo meaning

Although it is worth noting that in different countries The meaning of a maple tattoo can be interpreted in different ways.

In Celtic culture, for example, the maple leaf was a symbol of adversity and was also a source of inspiration for winning battles.

At Slavic peoples the maple tree was revered as sacred. The legends tell how people who experienced separation from a loved one and loved one turned into this beautiful tree, the leaves of which absorbed all their longing and anxiety.

Among the Poles, the application of such a pattern indicates a loss loved one who left the earthly world, and whom they will never see again. By this they show their pain from an irreparable loss.

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag has not gone unnoticed. Many military people wear a tattoo of this leaf. Thus, they express their patriotism and love for their country and people, they want a peaceful and peaceful life.

But not everything is so sad. In Asian countries, for example, the meaning of a maple tattoo carries emotional experiences, and for couples in love, this is an indication of faith in each other. A young man and a girl decorate their bodies with identical tattoos, thereby confirming the eternity of their feelings. His images are often applied to various pieces of furniture to emphasize how strong the family lives in this house, where love reigns, where they remain faithful and treat all family members with great respect.

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As a rule, the image of a maple carries sadness along with strength.

But, despite all the power of maple, it is characterized by experiences and sensuality. It will help overcome sadness, and its elegant green crown will increase joy and cheer you up.

Prepared by: karinacorneilla (Dybkalyuk Karina Sergeevna)

Prison tattoos and their meaning. Do you know what a prison tattoo means?

The fashion for decorating one's body through tattoos today has spread to all sectors of society, while earlier it was an advantage for people in the criminal world or the world of prisoners. This article will reveal the topic "Prison tattoos and their meaning."

A bit of history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their foundations. So, in Russia, this is actually the second power, which, of course, is an anti-system, an opponent of the current managers of the country. It will be interesting that this arrangement of things exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, it dates back to the 18th century, when the criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to be different and have their own designations, the thieves and the criminal world came up with their own language, which they borrowed partly from small merchants - ofen, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, of course, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of tattoos

Studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: regular drawings, which make it possible to distinguish a person of the highest levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can apply tattoos on the zone. Such an honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is porters. These are drawings that were made by prisoners on their own from various improvised means, by self-taught and not specialized craftsmen. And the third type of tattoo: impudent ones, which were stuffed as a certain shameful sign to the prisoner solely under duress. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy, who are convicted according to certain laws or did not follow the principles of the prison world.


So, we consider the topic "prison tattoos and their meaning" further. First of all, I would like to say that the prisoners could fill themselves with inscriptions of any type. But basically, these are not full phrases, but their shortened version, understandable only to the underworld, which was deciphered by capital letters. As an example, on the body of those who have served time, you can see the words “HORN”, which stands for the first letters of what is written: the state doomed them to slaves forever, “CALL” - know the thieves, they will teach very cool, “CAT” - the native inhabitant of the prison or “BREAD - I will keep love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of them may disappear due to their irrelevance (for example, inscriptions about Soviet power), while new ones appear from time to time.


Prisoners may use their entire body. So, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which seems very important to many prisoners, is the stars on their knees, they are also commonly called "stars of lawlessness." Their variations are different, but the meaning is always the same: "I will never kneel before anyone." This is a freedom-loving tattoo, to which the convicts say that they are rebellious and independent, no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to fill this picture, such an honor must be earned by “correct behavior” from the point of view of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. If a person has such a tattoo, but he gave a slack, they can simply cut it off with skin from the knees of a delinquent criminal. Also, the prisoners were very fond of putting various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still consider themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a police officer's epaulette, pierced with a dagger, meant "the urine of the cops", but did not define the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

Tattoos on arms and shoulders

It is also worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos on the arms. So, the first of them is an epaulette, which is placed on the shoulders. They were worn by people who, according to the laws of thieves, distinguished themselves well, this is a sign for certain services to the community. It is very difficult to deserve such a tattoo, but it raised the prisoner to a certain level in the criminal hierarchy. The subclavian stars were also important, which deciphered ambiguously: they could mean both a thief in law and a “denier”, a person who opposes prison orders. Pickpockets applied drawings in the form of beetles to the hands. You could also write the word "BEETLE", which meant "I wish you successful thefts." Next, it is worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos "spider", "cat with a key", "bat". The spider also denoted a person from the world of thieves (sometimes a drug addict). If the spider crawls up its web, this means that the person will continue to steal, but if it goes down, “tied up with theft.” Burglar thieves drew cats with keys on their hands. Well, another symbol of the thief was Lenin, or rather his profile, which could be drawn on the shoulder or on the chest. Everything comes from the decoding of the word: "VOR" - the Leader of the October Revolution. Night thieves drew bats on their bodies.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special drawings that can be used to determine the status of a person who was in prison. So, the most important drawings on the fingers are rings. There are a huge number of them here, but some of them may seem very similar to an unknowing person, in fact they distinguish people from completely different criminal castes. Drawings on the index finger right hand distinguish the train thief who commits thefts on the road, special drawings can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses. So, for example, a black triangle indicates that a person is particularly cruel. Thieves in law, special criminals, repeat offenders put drawings on their middle fingers. People are respected in the criminal environment, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, this can also distinguish a specialist in a certain field or an expert. A rhombus in a square on the ring finger distinguishes a criminal of the lower stratum, who is considered low for certain actions, can be forced into sodomy, that is, “lowered”. If a person is corrected, the rhombus can be shaded, which will indicate that the person was punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on the middle finger is forcibly applied to those persons who are commonly called "stuffed", that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. For such a tattoo, you can suffer severe punishment not only in the zone, but already in the wild. In special schools, guys can tattoo themselves in the form of a diamond, in the upper corner of which there is a dot, and at the bottom - a cross. This means authority among adolescents, one of the highest in the adolescent hierarchy. This is not a complete list of finger tattoos, there are a huge number of them for each member in the criminal and prison environment.


Considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners inflict drawings with religious meaning. So what do they mean? mother of God, applied mainly to the back or chest, can mean a talisman against some kind of evil, or that a person has taken the path of a criminal too early, even at a young age. Of great importance is the stuffed church on the body of the criminal. So, the number of domes means the number of walkers per zone or the number of years spent in prison. Criminal authorities applied crucifixes of various sizes to their bodies, this distinguished a prisoner of the highest criminal hierarchy, and it is a great honor to deserve such a tattoo. Prisoners could also stuff bells for themselves. This meant that the person served his entire term in the zone, that is, “from bell to bell.” They could also draw monks who write. It meant a scribbler thief who could scribble any letter with no problem, or it meant a person who skillfully worked with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. So, great importance have dots stuffed on the prisoner's body. What could they mean? The five-point tattoo is very popular, four points along the edges indicate the prison walls, and the fifth, in the center, the prisoner himself. They stuffed it mainly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that the person had visited the zone. Just three full dots can mean a person who enjoys leading a life of crime and perceives himself as a bandit. If the person who filled such a tattoo is religious, it can mean the Holy Trinity.

A tear

Considering further the meanings of prison tattoos, one cannot fail to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this drawing is mainly of European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: a person received a term for violating the law, that is, he simply ended up in places of detention. Second: the tear symbolizes the killer. If it is not painted over, this may mean an attempted murder or that a friend of a prisoner has died and retribution will follow.

About love

The prison meaning of the rose tattoo will seem interesting to many. So, this is the ruined youth of the seated one. And since it is a flower of love, it is not difficult to guess what else a rose can mean. So, if it is drawn next to a dagger, it means blood for treason. Furry thieves, that is, those who are imprisoned for rape, can simply stuff their hearts on themselves. The one who vowed to avenge the abused love will draw on himself a heart pierced by one or two daggers.

Animals and birds

The prison meaning of the wolf tattoo is very interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's breath, a cop's cover. Distinguishes people who hate the servants of order and are ready to deal with them at any time. If a prisoner stuffs a tiger on his body, this means that he is angry at everyone, especially at the authorities. It can also distinguish a person who is very cruel and evil. The painted cat is a symbol of thieves. If he also has a bow with him, this means that the person sold himself to the cops, for which he can be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the world of prisoners. The profile of a bull denotes a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. Also, this picture distinguishes a cruel person who quickly becomes enraged. What does a scorpion tattoo mean? The meaning of prison has several various options. So, it can simply denote the sign of the zodiac, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can identify a former commando. If the claws of a scorpion are open, then the person was a participant in hostilities (which is welcome in the zone). The scorpion is also stuffed by those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn at gunpoint, this means a person who participated in the hostilities in Chechnya.

Other drawings

The masks stuffed on the prisoner's body indicate the mood of the person himself before and during his release (joy and sadness). Pirates are stuffed by people who are in jail for robbery. A joker or cards are drawn on the body by gambling people who have fallen into the zone for the same reason. A knife in the neck will tell others that a person cut someone, while a swastika or Nazi symbols are stuffed by those who do not agree with the modern government.

What does the wedge-leaf tattoo on the arm mean?

Julia Gerashchenko

Maple leaf - means autumn (China, Japan). Lovers emblem.
Maple leaf (MAPLE) (applied to the brush). Meanings: a) a young, novice criminal; b) abbreviations - "I swear by the cops E.. With a knife", "I swear to love him (her) forever".
Found this on two different sites.

Aleksey Kazanskiy

7. Maple leaf (MAPLE) (applied to the brush). Meanings: a) a young, novice criminal; b) abbreviations - "I swear by the cops E.. With a knife", "I swear to love him (her) forever".

Z. Y.
Judging by the answers above - it sucks in the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work ...

It is known that the maple leaf is present on the flag of Canada, for the country it means national freedom, independence, but often the image of the leaf can be found on the human body. Most often, maple is a symbol of freedom, patriotism, loyalty to one's country, and this applies not only to Canadians.

What does a maple tattoo mean?

The leaf depicted on the Canadian flag has eleven endings. This symbolizes the armed forces, so often the tattoo is found among representatives of the Canadian army. Maple also adorns coats of arms educational institutions countries and is often depicted on national coins.

Maple is associated with one part of North America, but other countries of the world also know about this plant and attach special importance to it. He personifies:

  • in the east - the unity of lovers (even often engraved at the head of the beds);
  • among the ancient Slavs - a shrine (many fairy tales had a plot about the transformation of a person into a maple tree, formerly called sycamore);
  • among the Serbs - a symbol of truth (according to legend, if an unfortunate or offended person touched a tree, it dried up; if a righteous, honest or innocently convicted person touched it, the maple was covered with green leaves);
  • among the Poles - a sign of those who had gone to another world (it was believed that maple, if a coffin was made from it, drove away evil spirits and the devil from the dead);
  • among the Celts - fortitude, the will to live, invincibility; a symbol that gives strength to solve problems on different life fronts;
  • among Ukrainians, fallen maple leaves personified parting with a loved one.

Maple itself is a very strong, hardy, perennial plant. He is not afraid of storms, frost, wind, heat. For this reason, many people today seek to get a tattoo. maple leaf as a sign of the qualities mentioned above inherent in them. It is believed that even in the absence of such qualities, the person who made the tattoo acquires them from the tree.

Modern interpretation of the tattoo

The modern idea of ​​a perennial plant has preserved the traditions of ancient times, but also put in a little of its own thoughts. Of course, maple reminds many of autumn - the time of the year when it gets colder, the night lasts longer, and animals look for places for a comfortable wintering. Also, the plant personifies the taming of earthly passions. It happens that novice prisoners get maple tattoos, although this is already rare.

There are frequent cases when loving man and a woman make a tattoo in the form of a maple leaf. There is an unspoken decoding of the abbreviation "MAPLE" - "I swear to love her (him) forever." The maple leaf tattoo looks spectacular on the body of men and women, and the owner puts into it the meaning that is closer to him.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons for the popularity of such a symbol as the maple leaf. No wonder our ancestors endowed it with mystical properties.

Did you know that maple was often used by our ancestors in rituals for the feast of the Trinity, on God's Body and other revered days? Houses, gates were decorated with leaves, they were used as a talisman. What is so special about maple leaves, why have they been used as symbols for so long?

Why is the maple leaf a symbol of Canada?

Many wonder why maple is considered the symbol of Canada, because it grows not only in this country. This opinion is only partly true - on this emblem sugar maple appears. It grows only in North America, being source of world-famous maple syrup and sugar.

Maple syrup is a favorite treat around the world.

Of no small importance is the fact that it is in Canada that those who came there Europeans saw maple for the first time in their lives. A tree under 40 meters high with a lush crown, from which bright red leaves beautifully fall, could not help but be remembered.

Then the Europeans realized that you can not just admire the tree, but also make a profit with it. The experience of the local Indians showed that an excellent syrup can be made from maple sap extracted in early spring. Over time with Yrop has taken pride of place in the recipe of Canadian cuisine.

In the 19th century, the enterprising population, seeing such a success of the product among fellow citizens, decided export his. Until now, the production of maple syrup is considered advantageous component of Canadian foreign policy. And about 20 festivals dedicated to this delicacy are organized annually!

There is a legend, according to which the maple leaf became a symbol of Canada thanks to the visit of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. The locals were extremely enthusiastic and decided to meet the guest of honor with their symbols. As a result, Scottish migrants brought branches of thistles, English - roses. And only the children of migrants who were already born in Canada had nothing to take. Then the idea came to take maple leaves.

Maple syrup is rightfully considered the national product of Canada.

What does the maple leaf on the flag and the $5 coin of Canada mean?

Flag Canada as it is now appeared in 1965. But the maple leaf as an emblem existed even earlier - from the 19th century on coins and stamps.

As for the flag, initially it featured as many as three sheets. However, later they tested the flag in a wind tunnel, where it became clear that least of all, when exposed to air currents, the image of one 11-terminal sheet is distorted.

The 11 pinnacles of the emblem carry no meaning.

IMPORTANT: As for the red color, many people mistakenly think that this gamut is also in this case associated with autumn. In fact, red is the national color in the UK. And this is logical, since Canada is formally considered a constitutional monarchy. White is the color of France.

Why the maple leaf? Very simple: as we wrote above, Canadians are proud to have such a tree. They also count the maple leaf symbol of the unity of the nation.

The emblem is also immortalized on the coin. Moreover, such a coin is considered one of the most popular in the world. The size of such a coin is 1/10 oz, which corresponds to 5 Canadian dollars. She is produced since 1982.

The meaning of the maple leaf on the coin is the same as on the flag - the personification of goodness, peace and pride in their country.

Maple leaf on a coin of Canada

The meaning of a maple leaf on a piece of jewelry

It is believed that a person who puts on a decoration in the form of a maple leaf will certainly must find kindred spirits among those around him. Maple seems to absorb energy in order to then distribute it to those who are nearby. Our ancestors considered it for a reason symbol of love.

Energy by this tree gentle, soft, conducive to finding a person calm. If you always carry the maple leaf symbol with you, you will soon notice that you have acquired confidence, inner strength, balance.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that such a symbol-amulet takes on all the negativity that a person may be exposed to. It protects from emotional explosions, frees from the heaviness that can settle in the soul.

If you are on the path to something new, then getting a maple leaf jewelry is the first step along this path. After all, the maple leaf will attract good luck to you in business, will contribute to career growth. Perhaps you are completely unexpected understand how best to express yourself.

Our ancestors believed that the five-pointed maple leaf symbolizes five human senses. And if you wear a similar sheet on yourself, you can contribute, as they believed, full disclosure of these feelings. Why not use the experience of previous generations? After all, it may well be that life really will play new colors, a the world will become perceived more positively.

In men, a maple leaf tattoo can have many interpretations. The embedded meaning depends on the place of residence of a person, his nationality and the corresponding mentality. In Russia, the drawing is often accompanied by the abbreviation K.L.Yo.N, whose meaning is: I Swear to Love Her Forever. Even today, it can often be found on men aged 30 and above, whose childhood and youth fell on an era with a high share of romance.

The maple leaf pattern is closely associated with Canada. In this case, its meaning is banal to the point. A man can be a former or active member of the Canadian army, a citizen of this country, a fan of the hockey team. Careful consideration should pay attention to the number of ends of the maple leaf. The classic Canadian version includes 11 of them. In other cases, the meaning of the tattoo may have a different meaning.

In men

A man who applied it to his hand or other parts of the body is very often a connoisseur of oriental traditions, especially if he also has an Asian appearance. In this region, a tattoo (tattoo) of a maple leaf has been associated with love since ancient times.

Up to the present time, it can often be observed on matrimonial beds. At the same time, the maple leaf symbolizes resilience and courage, following the example of the maple itself. With it, an Asian man demonstrates his will, the dominance of the spirit over the body and an unbending character.

The maple leaf had a similar meaning in Celtic symbolism. Here, his tattoo conveyed the individuality of the wearer, his tendency to defend his ego in the face of environment and circumstances.

Women's tattoo

In girls, the image of a maple leaf is most often associated with existing relationships or memories of a lover. It is not surprising that the tattoo closely intersects with male associations. In the female interpretation, a maple leaf means falling in love with a beautiful person, in which a slender body complements a rebellious disposition.

The features of his nature left their mark on the relationship, forcing the wearer of the tattoo to experience mixed feelings.

In them, the suffering from the indomitable nature of the companion was intertwined with the eternal female passion for a free and independent person.

In Russia, the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a maple leaf on a girl also reflects Slavic symbolism. In it, the maple leaf has always been associated with sadness. Relationships are in the past, and memories of them make a woman sad. To paraphrase a well-known saying: Maple - maple is knocked out - for guys, such a tattoo on a pretty girl is a direct guide to action.

In places of detention

On a person who has served a prison term, the image of a maple leaf can have a fundamentally different meaning. Most often, a tattoo (tattoo) symbolizes a former inhabitant of an educational colony for juvenile delinquents. Maple leaf demonstrates early isolation from home, as well as a conscious entry into a criminal path.

The abbreviation MAPLE in the prison tradition has an unambiguous decoding: I swear by the Cops E ... with a Knife. Its bearer is most often directly related to groups that deny the power of the prison administration and the regime of detention.

A common interpretation allows you to hide the true meaning, and during interrogations with a grin to explain the tattoo eternal love to the girl.

It is unlikely that any other area in forensic science has been given so little attention as the study of the symbolism of tattoos in those convicted of criminal offenses. But knowing the meaning of drawings, inscriptions, their traditional location on the body, a law enforcement officer can easily determine the propensity of previously convicted to certain types of criminal manifestations.

Unfortunately, tattoos have been used for a long time mainly for identification, identification. For example, in the early years of Soviet power, for these purposes, mandatory registration of tattoos from criminals was introduced. Meanwhile, tattoos contain broader information, they, as a rule, are close (by their symbolism, plot) to the criminal in spirit, in his specialization, in a particular criminal case, in the place that he occupies in the criminal hierarchy. If these drawings on the body are decoded, they can tell a lot about the tastes of their carriers, give out some biographical data. Often tattoos became the reason for arrests, but the passion for drawing, the desire to instill fear in others was always stronger than caution among the criminals. Deprived of their special signs, they would deny themselves many pleasures.

What is a tattoo? This is an artificial violation of the integrity of the skin with the help of piercing (cutting) instruments and the subsequent introduction of dyes into the skin in order to obtain persistent, non-disappearing patterns or other images.

The word "tattoo", as some researchers believe, comes from the Polynesian "tatu", which means "drawing", or from "Tiki" - the name of the Polynesian god, according to legend, who revealed the tattoo to the world. Other researchers believe that the word "tattoo" comes from the Javanese root "tau", corresponding to the Polynesian "tattoo" and translated as "wound", "wounded".

Dr. Hellstern in his work "Tattoos among criminals", speaking about the origin of the term "tattoo", claims that it was the navigator Cook who brought it from the island of Haiti, where local residents applied tattoos to mark members of their tribe as a sign of the onset of puberty, any special merit to the tribe, from superstition, etc.

From the literature it is known that the tattoo was often found among persons of the Catholic faith and was introduced by priests in order to prevent the transition of the flock to Mohammedanism: a tattoo in the form of a cross was applied to the body.

The first information about tattooing among Europeans, according to Professor Rikke, dates back to the beginning of the 18th century, when tattooed people began to appear at fairs, who showed their bodies for money. The name of the Albanian Alexandrinos is mentioned in the literature, who made a fortune on such sessions.

In 1890, the Frenchwoman "La Belle Irene" gained fame, who performed with her tattoo in public places, which was considered at that time a rare exotic spectacle.

Since then, the tattoo has spread very quickly, especially among sailors. She also entered the underworld.

The first to draw attention to the widespread use of tattoos among criminals and considered it as a manifestation of atavism and as a sign of morally defective people Lombroso. At present, the fallacy of such an interpretation is clear. A serious study of this issue showed that the original drawings of the criminals were imitative, simple and naive. Of interest was the process of tattooing. Over the years, tattoos began to be taken more seriously: those with a tattoo began to claim leadership, as they wore a symbol of a strong, hardy person on their bodies. Later, the tattoo for the criminal became a kind of secret language, a way of communicating with his own kind both at large and in prisons.

The development of the pictorial symbolism of the underworld took place gradually. Over time, the drawings were canonized or revised, reevaluated. The tattoo begins to carry an increasing semantic load and serves to convey the thoughts of the individual, designate his social attitudes and value orientations. For example, if a convict has six- or eight-pointed stars tattooed on his shoulders, this means that in places of deprivation of liberty he will join persons who are negatively disposed to internal regulations and will be an ardent objector to work. (According to the thieves' authorities, everyone involved in the negativity should have a special spirit. To test this spirit, special acceptance tests are carried out, called registration. Passed - get the opportunity among your own to occupy a certain high place, no - you have sunk and are already losing the right to wear the above-named stars.) When a hand squeezing a knife is tattooed on the leg, it is clear to those who know: this person was tried for hooliganism.

Further analysis of tattoos shows that stencils, that is, drawings on which tattoos are made, are constantly changing, so their unambiguous decoding is usually impossible. However, the generalization and study of several hundred stencils over a long period of time made it possible to isolate common features for similar cases, familiarization with which, in our opinion, will be a reliable basis for the appropriate orientation and training of law enforcement officers.

Today, one must take into account the fact that convicts are not very eager to advertise the true meaning of their tattoos. As an example, you can take the profile picture of V. I. Lenin. It is unlikely that any of the uninitiated will come to mind that this is a symbol of thieves. And the explanation is simple: Lenin is the Leader of the October Revolution, the initial letters form the abbreviation VOR. The harmless female name of the IRA stands for: "I'm going to cut the asset." Or on the chest of repeat offenders you can very often find a picture: Madonna with a baby in her arms. The convicts themselves explain its meaning by homesickness, family and children. But the true meaning of this image is completely different: "Prison is a native home", "Child of prison".

The main motives for tattooing can be considered the following: - the unwritten law of accepting persons serving prison sentences into their environment; - personal self-affirmation in a certain group of convicts; - vanity, the desire to show one's significance, exclusivity, superiority over others; - imitation of more experienced, reputable criminals who already have tattoos; - a kind of reminder about the places of serving the sentence, solidarity ("sign of brotherhood") with one of the prisoners; - the romance of prison. Speaking about the castes of the underworld, especially about the bearers of tattooed symbols, one should not imagine the "thief in law" as a kind of comer from poor films about the times of the New Economic Policy - a golden fix, a speech peppered with fenya ... Today's "thief in law" is more educated and more cultured than his own born by the feeble imagination of the screenwriters and directors of their predecessors. He is in the midst of social processes, political events, his language is well suspended, less clogged with thieves' music. He is not a bad psychologist, interpreter, preacher, ideologist, who prefers to influence not by shouting, but by persuasion. Thief in law will never hit anyone. Why would he do this? For this, you can get an additional term in the colony. And then, for such purposes, a whole swarm of young, strong, stupid ones are always ready around him, who are ready for fire and water. Therefore, he himself behaves intelligently, sits down to play cards only with equals.

The classification of tattoos is an extremely difficult, thankless task, and it is safe to say that in the strict sense it is impossible. Attempts at different times, however, were made, but due to the incredible abundance and variety of motives for choosing drawings, the richness of their subjects, place and application technique, etc., etc., most researchers sooner or later reasonably abandoned this undertaking. Taking into account this experience, we are only trying to classify tattoos according to their pictorial and semantic content, and we are also driven by the desire that, based on our interpretation of a huge number of drawings-symbols, the reader of this book would have his own, informal, adapted to changes in reality, view of the considered question.

There were cases when crimes were solved with the help of tattoos. A tattooed composition - a pistol, a finca, cards, a bottle and a glass, a syringe - can have a double meaning: either testify to the addiction of its owner to an easy, fun life, or indicate - that's what is ruining us. The muzzle of a cat speaks of the caution of a thief. A rose on the shoulder means that its owner has come of age in the colony. The descriptions of these tattoos are taken from "the case of establishing the identity of the corpse of an unknown man who surfaced in the Klyazma River near the village of Bolshevo." After persistent research, the name was returned to the unknown. The men in uniform had done their last duty to him. It turned out that the whole simple biography of this forty-year-old man was depicted on his body. Having deciphered the tattoos, the investigator (we quote the materials of the case) suggested: "... The deceased first entered the colony at a minor age. Most likely for hooliganism. He stayed in it for about two years. He was prone to violating the regime. He was convicted of theft. side of cellmates. He served his sentence "from start to finish". Apparently, he was in a strict regime colony. At liberty, his beloved woman was waiting for him. He dreamed of freedom, was capable of escaping. He belonged to a thieves' group. In business, he is cautious. administration. Intends to continue to engage in criminal activities. He preferred easy prey through violence and threats ... "(Soviet Culture, 05/20/89). When the name of the deceased was later established, they were even surprised how exactly his real biography matched the one read by the investigator from the images on the body.

Tattoos calling for anti-social activities, anti-legal acts have existed since ancient times. For example, the shaking of two hands with the inscription "Union" surrounded by a garland of flowers is a tattoo of members of the criminal community of Southern France of the last century. Two capital Latin letters "T" and "L" - a symbol of thieves' gangs in Germany. The Madrid forensic magazine "Sallilas" wrote about the tattoos of Spanish criminals, in particular, murderers. There were similar tattoos in Tsarist Russia.

Today, special attention should be paid to persons with the following tattooed images: skull, crown- symbols of those striving for power; crown on the back- humiliation; tiger or another predator- rage, intransigence; snake(previously the highest degree in the hierarchy of the prison world); dagger, knife, sword, ax - revenge, threat, firmness, cruelty; key- keeping secrets; executioner- honor the law of thieves; Madonna- alienation; torch- friendship, brotherhood; stars- disobedience, etc.

But before moving on to an explanation of the tattoos that are most common among convicts, let's look at how they are applied. The simplest: two or three needles tied together on a stick or match are dipped in ink, and then they pierce the skin according to a pre-drawn pattern. (In the conditions of the pre-trial detention center, needles are replaced with wire from a mop, fastening brackets from notebooks that are sharpened against the wall. Soot mixed with sugar and ashes diluted in urine is used instead of carcass.) Sometimes colored pastes from ballpoint pens or crushed gunpowder come into play, which is rubbed into skin punctures.

The demand for a tattoo has given rise to a more advanced technique for applying it, more complex tools in the form of various stamps. The tattoo specialist puts the drawing on the board, and then drives needles or other piercing objects into it along the contour of the drawing. Such a stamp is applied to selected areas of the body, the skin is pierced with sharp pressure, and after that the dye is rubbed. A stamp can be used by a large number of people.

Currently, convicts use mechanical razors in a spring factory for tattooing. Such a device, working on the principle sewing machine, the tattoo is done much faster, comes out clearer, and optionally with halftones.

Self-tattooing is becoming less and less common. Usually it is left to others who can do it and who are well paid for it.

For convenience, we will divide tattoos into ornamental, professional, artistic, pornographic, historical, religious, symbolic and abbreviated tattoos. We repeat, in our book we will only talk about tattoos, knowledge of which can be used in the implementation of operational, preventive and other law enforcement activities.

Let's start with the simplest - dates (numbers). As a rule, they indicate the year of birth of a person, less often - the dates of condemnation, death of a loved one, meeting, love, separation, etc.

Phrases. Usually these are assurances of love, spells, threats, complaints about fate, aphorisms representing the credo of a given individual. Here are some examples:

"If you do not know grief - love me!"
"Farewell and love me".
"They are tired of walking under escort."
(On foot.)
"Born for torment, I do not need happiness."
"Killing is not killing."
"Let them hate, as long as they are afraid."
"Virginity is a luxury"...
Quite often there are tattooed individual letters, abbreviations , which carry a kind of prison burden:
ELEPHANT - death by a cop from a knife, from an early age there are only misfortunes, etc .;
CAT - the native inhabitant of the prison, as one is difficult;
BLITS - take care of love and value freedom;
NINA - was not and will not be an activist;
BREAD - I will keep the only love;
JAPAN - I forgive insult, I will not betray, it's clear;
YACHT - I want you;
SOS - save from court, save from bitches ...
When deciphering many abbreviations, there are slang and obscene words.

It happens that such tattoos are applied to two faces at once, for example, when fraternizing: one the first two letters BR, the second - the remaining AT, so that when shaking hands you can read the whole word BRAT.

Here is the meaning of some tattoos of an aggressive nature, which are usually addressed to law enforcement officers, as well as convicts who, as they say, have embarked on the path of correction, departed from the "thieves' law", or women who have violated their loyalty:
- freedom and faith burned in the party fire. Apply to chest and shoulders.
2. . On the shoulder and forearm are illegally minded persons. According to our extremely scarce data, due to the secrecy of this category of criminals, they are capable of armed violence.
3., - "anarchist". Usually applied to the forearm, but can be found on other parts of the body.
4. - express disagreement with the slave laws, oppression and regime in the ITU. Tattooed on the forehead, eyelids and arms.
5. . Apply to the chest.
6. - tattoo of anti-Semites. Apply to different parts of the body.
7. - according to the unwritten law of the prison, a "thief in law" cannot be at large for more than a year. Apply to the stomach.
eight. . It occurs on the chest, shoulder and lateral surface of the lower leg.
9. . Apply under the arm.
ten. . These are peculiar insignia in the criminal environment, authorities in the prison hierarchy. Apply to one or both shoulders.
eleven. . It is applied to the chest, pubis, penis and other intimate parts of the body.
12. - symbols of female thieves. Apply to the temple area, between the breasts, on the fingers.
13. - a symbol of modern punks, solidarizing with the Nazis. Located on the chest between the collarbones. However, according to the British sociologist D. Hambridge in the book "Subculture, the meaning of style", the swastika used in punk style allegedly loses its original meaning and is used only as an attribute of modernity.
14. - a tattoo is observed in persons who profess Islam. It is applied on the lower part of the forearm and on the chest.
15. - "personal account ZK": the number of half-arcs - the number of convictions, crosses - the years for which the bearer of the "account" was deprived of liberty. Inside the open circle, the initials of the owner of the tattoo or the initial letters of the name of the place of punishment are affixed.
16. - revenge on traitors. Applied only on the chest.
17. - I suffer for my beliefs. Apply to both hands and feet.
18. - a symbol of negation. Apply to the forearm.
19, 21. - "before friends, the conscience is clear", "not capable of betrayal." Apply to the chest.
20. - community, clan. The number of petals corresponds to the number of members of a criminal group or persons tried in one criminal case. The petals may be initialed. The place of the tattoo is any visible part of the body. Often found in young people. A variation of the clan tattoo can be called a tattoo depicting the coat of arms of the USSR against the background of crossed bones. The initials of the members of the clan were affixed to the ribbons instead of the names of the republics. A similar "coat of arms", the meaning of which is clear only to the initiated, was tattooed by a "thief in law" who had been in prison for about forty years.
In addition to the indicated meanings, "chamomile" can serve as a symbol of fidelity to thieves' raspberry love (group).

Let's decipher the most common tattoos found in men:
- “a woman pushed me to commit a crime”, “I will bypass the law”. It is applied to the chest, thigh, less often - to the forearm.
2. - a symbol of good luck and caution. It can be depicted with paws, in a hat or top hat, with a bow, etc. This is the thieves' suit of a person who is firmly and forever connected with the criminal world, prone to robbery, robbery, theft. If applied on the forearm, shoulder - "indigenous inhabitant of the prison" (abbreviation CAT), if under the arm - "prison - home", if on the legs - convicted of robbery, eternally convicted, if on the stomach - "thief".
3. - partnership in places of detention. Often found with the initials of the person in whose name the tattoo was made.
4. - "cormorant" (in jargon - a bully). It is applied on the calf of the leg, on the forearm.
5. - the leader of the thieves "suit". If the snake's head is raised - "began to steal, rob", if lowered - "tied up with theft" (very rare!).
6, 7. - a woman or love for a corrupt woman pushed for a crime, "he intends to avenge the evil done." Apply to the chest or front of the lower leg.
8. - a sign of friendship before a criminal record, "Kents at will." Apply to the hand, forearm.
9. - "revenge of the one who betrayed me." The number of logs is the received term of punishment. Apply to the thigh.
10. - 16 years old in an educational labor colony. Apply to the shoulder.
11. - 18 years old in an educational labor colony. Also applied to the shoulder.
12. - an oath of revenge. Apply to the top of the forearm.
13. - a touring thief.
14, 15. - prone to escape. Apply to the chest. If the eagle has a sheep in its claws, he committed a crime under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (rape).
16. - "prison is a native home", "child of prison". Apply to the chest.
17. - cartoon image of police officers. The wolf is sometimes in a police uniform, with shoulder straps, in a cap with a cockade. Apply to the abdomen, thigh.
18. - "everything in life is transient." Apply to the chest. Only authoritative convicts are allowed to wear a tattoo, because the thief in law worships two "saints" - "kiche" (prison) and the cross.
19. . Often tattooed at a minor age in special. Vocational school, special school, VTK. Apply between large and index fingers.
20. - "it was happiness, but the devil took it away." The owners of such a tattoo have a long criminal record for committing theft of state and public property. Apply to various parts of the body.
21. ("While I breathe, I hope"). Can be applied with a brush and under artistic tattoos-pictures.
22.- 17 years old in VTK. Apply to the shoulder.
23. - judged for hooliganism, met 18 years in prison. Apply to the shoulder and forearm. (The number of bars in the bars is the term of punishment.)
24. - for a long time was engaged in thefts, robberies, robberies; judge repeatedly; "professional criminal". Apply to the chest.
25. . The number of domes indicates the number of convictions or the term of punishment for a crime committed. It is applied on the thigh, on the calf of the leg, on the forearm. On the chest - only a church or a cathedral. Shackles - the right to a tattoo is acquired only by those who have a term of imprisonment of at least five years.
26. - judged for the murder of a woman or a relative. If one executioner is depicted - "respect the law of thieves." Apply to the chest or front of the thigh.
27. (Hercules, superman with a gun ...) - tattooed prone to sadism and impudent hooliganism. Persons with such a tattoo in places of deprivation of liberty are called "fighters". They commit reprisals against "guilty" prisoners and citizens at large. Apply to the shoulder or back.
28. - a sign of friends in places of detention. Apply to the hand, forearm or upper arm.
29. - "grin", negatively disposed towards employees of the police, the court, the prosecutor's office, the administration of correctional labor institutions, who have changed the thieves' traditions. It is applied to the chest, often next to the portrait of Lenin - the leader of the October Revolution, which also has a certain sign (abbreviation - VOR!). This tattoo was adopted from the underworld rockers. Came to us from the West from the movie "Hell's Angels".
30. - a characteristic tattoo of drug addicts or drug users. It is applied on the chest, shoulder, forearm, on the front of the thigh, between the thumb and forefinger.
31. - tattoo of drug addicts. A spider without a web is a "pinch". The tattoo is typical for thieves. Both are applied to the hand between the thumb and forefinger. In addition, the spider is applied to the left and right side neck, which means "pressed the regime", that is, he was repeatedly punished in places of deprivation of liberty for various violations of the regime of detention: punishment cells, PKT, was deprived of visits, etc.
32. - judged for hooliganism. It is applied to the shoulder, forearm, front of the thigh. (Tattoo of convicts who visited the Baltic ITUs.)
33. (in various combinations) - 1) "Mess" - "that's what is ruining us"; 2) "Decided to lead a criminal life." Apply to various parts of the body. Everyone is allowed in the criminal world.
34. . The wearer of this tattoo is hostile towards law enforcement agencies, persons who have broken with the criminal environment, as well as all employees of the ITU. Ready to rebuff encroaching on his dignity.
35. - a tattoo means a struggle for leadership among criminals. "Not burdened with an idea." "I'll take care of myself." Apply on the shoulder blades. The same meaning is for the fighting knights.
36. - "revenge on the prosecutor." The number of thorns on the wire (as in other tattoos) means the term received for the crime. Apply to various parts of the body.
37. - judged for robbery. Cruelty, antisocial orientation of interests, desires, aspirations. Apply to the shoulder, chest or forearm. Punks and rockers are tattooed on the chest.
38. - "thieves' cross". Thieves, authoritative among convicted thieves, impale him. The place of the tattoo is the chest, forearm, front of the thigh.
39. (options can be very different!) - denote a passive homosexual. The tattoo is applied by force or to the loser of cards, but sometimes at will. The place of the tattoo is only the back!
40. - "king of all stripes", a passive homosexual, a person engaged in all forms of debauchery. I'm weak-willed. The tattoo is rare (applied on the back), but which is known to most people who have been in prison. Persons with tattoos Nos. 39 and 40 are called "combs", "roosters" or "blue". These are the most offensive nicknames in prisons. A convict, even jokingly calling another convict by this nickname, may pay for it with his health or life.
41. - symbolizes a threat. In this tattoo, the main meaning is carried by the inscription on the knife. It usually has the name "IRA" on it. In fact, this is an abbreviation - "I'm going to cut an asset." Prone to sadism, negatively disposed towards persons who have embarked on the path of correction. Applied on the shoulder, on the chest. The earring is a symbol of thieves' luck.
42. - "I believe in the thieves' idea", "I will not change the law of thieves." Apply to the chest, front of the thighs.
43-46. etc. - professional tattoos of a pilot, sailor, etc. They are applied to various parts of the body, usually visible: arms, chest. A vertical cut on the cheek is a stigma that is imposed by criminals on the face of a comrade or informer who cheated on them.

"Beacons" of scammers (see dictionary of slang words and expressions):

a) chin stroking- "come to me";
b) hand shaking at chest level, reminiscent of shaking off dust - "don't come near";
in) placing fingers on forehead or shoulder- "Police nearby";
G) the sharper clenched his fingers into a fist and unclenched them- this means that he has a rigged card in his hands and you can go for broke;
e) if with a double click it "shakes off the dust" from the lapel of the jacket- "danger threatens";
f) if he clenched his fist - "cut with all the money";
g) embuzhur - moving the lips - a signal of danger.
To hide their names, almost all cheaters have nicknames derived from their last name, physical data, any shortcomings, character traits.

ALENKA - and you need to love her like an angel.
BARS - beat an asset, cut a branch.
BLITS - take care of love and appreciate freedom.
GOD - was condemned by the state; I will rob again; be careful, robber.
GODDESS - I will be proud and enjoy alone (koble tattoo).
BOSS - was convicted by a Soviet court.
WIMBL - come back, and it will be easier for me.
WINE - come back and stay forever.
WOLF - that's what love is; thief shortness of breath - cop cover.
GUTOLIST - lips are tired of talking about love and strong longing.
ZHNSSS - life will teach you to laugh through tears.
BEETLE - I wish you successful thefts.
ZEK - there's a convoy here.
EVIL - I will avenge all the frogs; the benediction of a beloved father.
IRA - I'm going to cut the asset.
IRKA-ENTER - and separation seems like hell if you are not around.
MAPLE - I swear to love her forever.
KLOT - I swear to love only you.
CAT - a native prisoner; who is he? as one is difficult.
KTYABN - like you, I will not find it anymore.
CUBA - when you leave - the pain is hellish.
SWANS - I will love him, even if he changes.
Leo - I love her forever.
LEMON - I'm tired of loving and suffering alone.
LBJ - I love more than life.
LORD - native children will take revenge on the cops; love one home
LOT - I love you alone.
LOTUS - I love you alone very much.
LTV - I love only will; love, comrade, will; the cop is your enemy.
MAGNET - sweetheart, and the eyes are tirelessly looking for you.
WORLD - I will be corrected by execution.
SKY - Do not be sad if you go alone.
SKY-ZYAVR - do not be sad if you are alone, know that I am always there.
NIHA - was not and will not be an activist.
WATER - one of my consolations is you; it's hard to get away from me.
PILOT - I remember and love only you.
PENGUIN - I'm sorry and don't be sad, you don't need to look for someone to blame.
POST - I'm sorry, father is such a fate.
RHYTHM - my joy and longing.
ROKZISM - Russia, drenched in the blood of convicts and tears of mothers.
RUBY - separation is already close and inevitable.
SATURN - you hear, but it is already impossible to stop loving you.
SWAT - freedom will return, and you?
SEPTEMBER - tell me if you need, then I'll be there.
ELEPHANT - with your beloved one forever; from an early age, only misfortunes; death by a frog from a knife.
SNOW - strongly like single eyes.
STON - with you there are only misfortunes.
TIND - you and no one else.
TIGER - prison - toy.
TOMSK - you alone touched my heart.
ACE - prison teaches the law; the prison is already familiar; prisoner.
TOHIS - you are very good and glorious.
TENIS - you are tenderness and tears,
MORNING - left the path of his own father.
BREAD - I will keep the only love.
CHRIST - if you want, I will give you joy and tears, do you hear?
TsLIBS - appreciate love and take care of freedom.
CHAMPAGNE - a joke, or maybe just a hell of a mockery, tell me how to appreciate it?
YUG - a young robber.
JAPAN - I forgive insults, not treason, okay?
YAKHONT - I want you alone forever.
YACHT - I want you.


Arrive ce qu "il pourra (fr.) - Come what may.
A tout prix (fr.) - At any cost.
Audaces fortuna juvat (lat.) - Happiness accompanies the brave.

Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.
Buvons, chantons et aimons (fr.) - We drink, we sing and we love.

Cache ta vie (fr.) - Hide your life.
Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!
Cercando il vero (it.) - I am looking for truth.
Contra spem spero (lag.) - I hope without hope.
Croire a son etoile (fr.) - To believe in your star, that is, to hope for happiness.
Cum deo (lat.) - With God.

Da hin ich zu Hause (German) - Here I am at home.
Debellare superbos (lat.) - Suppress pride, recalcitrant.
Der Mensch, versuche die Gutter nicht (German) - Man, do not tempt the gods.
Dictum factum (lat.) - No sooner said than done.
Dieu et liberte (fr.) - God and freedom.
Dieu et mon drolt (fr.) - God and my right.
Due cose belle ha il mondo: Amore e Morte (it.) - Two phenomena are beautiful in the world: love and death.
Du sollst nicht erst den Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.

Eigenthum ist Fremdenthum (German) - Property is someone else's.
Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - An indication of fate.
Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to err.
Est quaedam flere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.
Ex voto (lat.) - By promise; by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember me!
Fatum (lat.) - Fate, rock.
Fecit (lat.) - Did, performed.
Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the deed.
Fortes fortuna adjuvat (lat.) - Fate helps the brave.
Fu... e non e! (it.) - Was ... and he is not!

Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.
Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know thyself.
Grace pour my! (fr.) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!
Guai chi la tocca (it.) - Woe to the one who touches it.
Gutta cavat lapidem (years.) - A drop hammers a stone.

Naes fac ut felix vivas (lat.) - Do this to live happily.
Help yourself (English) - Help yourself. (Take it yourself!)
Hoc est in votis (lat.) - That's what I want.
Homo homini lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.
Homo liber (lat.) - A free person.
Homo res sacra (lat.) - Man is a sacred thing.

I can not afford to keep a conscience (English) - I do not have the means to keep a conscience.
Ich habe gelebt und geliebt (German) - I lived and loved.
Ignoti nulla cupido (lat.) - What they don't know about, they don't want to.
Il faut oser avec une femme (fr.) - You have to be brave with a woman.
Il fine giustifica i mezzi (it.) - The end justifies the means.
In God we trust (English) - We trust in God.
In hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live with this hope.
In vino veritas (lat.) - Truth is in wine.

Joi d "amor (it.) - The joy of love.
Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero (lat.) - I swore by the tongue, but not by the thought.
Jus vitae ac necis (lat.) - The right to dispose of life and death.

Killing is no murder (English) - Killing is not murder.

La bourse ou la via (fr.) - Trick or treat.
La donna e mobile (it.) - A woman is fickle.
La via est un combat (fr.) - Life is a struggle.
Leben und leben lassen (German) - Live and let others live.
Le devoir avant tout (fr.) - Duty comes first.

Macht geht vor Recht (German) - Power is higher than right.
Magna res est amor (lat.) - The great thing is love.
Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.
Malum necessarium - necessarium (lat.) - Necessary evil - inevitable.
Memento mori (lat.) - Remember death!
Memento quod es homo (lat.) - Remember that you are a person.
Me quoque fata regunt (lat.) - I also obey rock.
Mortem effugere nemo potest (lat.) - No one will escape death.

Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.
Nil inultum remanebit (lat.) - Nothing will remain unavenged.
Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don't touch me.
Now or never (English) - Now or never.

Oderint, dum metuant (lat.) - Let them hate, if only they are afraid.
Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything with me.
Omnia vanitas (lat.) - Everything is vanity!

Pac "e gioja (it.) - Peace and joy.
Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.
Pisces natare oportet (lat.) - A fish needs to swim.
Potius sero quam nunquam (lat.) - Better late than never.
Procul negotiis (lat.) - Away with trouble.

Que femme veut - dieu le veut (fr.) - What a woman wants, God pleases.
Qui ne risque rien - n "a rien (fr.) - Who does not take risks - he has nothing.
Qui sine peccato est (lat.) - Who is without sin.
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.
Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem (lat.) - Whatever the ruler wants, it has the force of law.

Requiescit in pace (lat.) - Rest in peace.

Sans phrases (fr.) - No extra words.
Senza amare andare sul mare (it.) - Wandering the sea without love.
Senza dubbio (it.) - Without a doubt.
Sic itur ad astra (lat.) - So they go to the stars.
Sic volo (lat.) - So I want.
Silentium (lat.) Silence.
Sono nato libero - e voglio morire Libego! (it.) - I was born free - and I want to die free!
Souvent femme varie, Bien fol est gui s "y fie! (fr.) - A woman is often changeable, the one who believes in her is very stupid!
Struggle for life (English) - Struggle for life.
Supremum vale (lat.) - Forgive me for the last time.
Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.
Sweet is revenge (English) - Sweet is revenge.

That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.
Tous les moyens sotn bons (fr.) - All means are good.
Tout pour moi - rien par moi (fr.) - Everything for me - nothing from me.
Trahit sua quemque voluptas (lag.) - Everyone is attracted by his passion.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.

Ubi bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.
Unam in armis salutem (lat.) - The only salvation is in the struggle.

Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.
Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
Via sacra (lat.) - Holy path.
Virginity is a luxury (lat.) - Virginity is a luxury.
Vita sene libertate nlhil (lat.) - Life without freedom is nothing.
Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live means to fight.

Wait and see (eng.) - Let's wait and see.
Wann dich betrubt oh klag "es nlcht (German) - Do not complain when you are upset.
Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.
Weltkind (German) - Child of the world.

The page was conceived as an electronic version of Lev Milyanenkov's book "ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LAW: an encyclopedia of the underworld" (St. Petersburg; editors of the magazine "Ladies and Gentlemen"; 1992)
In addition to what you have read and seen above, the book contains chapters

Psychology of communication