What color is your name? Find out what it means. The name turns out to have a color

Since ancient times, each color has been given a certain meaning. Probably, there was a language of colors, understandable to all peoples at all times. The tones in which the world is colored have not only a psychological or emotional influence on us - they deeply affect our character. Names have exactly the same effect on us.

For a complete analysis, enter the name and patronymic:

Define name color

Description of color values

Scarlet- color value
People with names corresponding to the scarlet color, unbalanced, with a weak nervous system, unpredictable, achieve goals in any way, easily amenable to influence. They do not know how to correctly calculate their strength, make many mistakes, are not inclined to analyze the situation and often "step on the same rake" several times, because they do not know how to draw conclusions from their mistakes. They really need a sane person who will always be there, able to guide and suggest right decisions to predict their actions.

White- color value
A color that unites the entire palette of colors. The correspondence of a person's name to this color speaks of his wisdom, enlightenment, a high level of intuition and awareness of the world around him, and religiosity. Often people with such names become clergymen, righteous people, preachers. They are persistent in achieving the goal, they have their own views on life, on the world, talented, intelligent, tactful, capable in various fields of art. They do not set material well-being as an end in itself, easily part with money, willingly help others.

Blue- color value
The color of trust, harmony, tranquility, contentment. People with names associated with this color are self-confident, their natures are internal, protected. They are highly sensitive, receptive to other people's grief, spiritual, have healing abilities, sincere, trusting, deep natures, talented personalities.

Yellow- color value
It symbolizes vitality, the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with names corresponding to this color are firm in character, practical, gravitate towards the exact sciences and natural sciences. Even if they receive a humanitarian education, they often find their vocation in the economy, organizational activities, creativity, rationalization, scientific activity.

Green- color value
It is the color of balance, harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to green are cordial, sympathetic, very kind, indifferent to material values, but they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature, people - a kind of altruists. They try to help everyone, easily share material wealth, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have a lot of envious people, whom they manage not to notice. Green is the color of growth, upcoming changes and the birth of a new perception, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, take risks easily, take change for granted and know how to adapt to any circumstances. They often start from scratch and never lose. They are smart, practical, have an analytical mindset, energetic, infect others with their temperament, optimists, have sparkling wit. It is interesting to be around them, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people. They part with the offender easily and forever, but they don’t look for friends - they themselves appear, people are drawn to them like a magnet. Easy handling and wit seduce others.

Brown- color value
The nature of these people is difficult, with difficult fate. They are very kind, but too contradictory, unbalanced, and often explosive, in a fit of anger they sweep away everything in their path like a hurricane. Many have complications with law enforcement. They are hardworking, have "golden hands", good-natured, love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, always act at their own discretion.

Red- color value
The color of the energy that is the source life force, passions and desires, increased emotionality, physical activity and strength, determination and firmness of character. So, the artist Franz Marc in the painting "Three Horses" depicted horses in red. The artist deliberately chose this color in order to most accurately convey the meaning of what he intended. The red color excites, therefore, impresses the viewer. Rimbaud, who, as you know, devoted one of his poems to the meaning of flowers, believed that a woman dressed in red was highly sexual, that she was easily seduced. Red color corresponds to the elements of fire, choleric temperament, and in terms of time - modernity.
People whose names are associated with red are very restless, unbalanced, and in extreme situations - uncontrollable. They are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated, do not tolerate objections, do not know how to argue, they turn any dispute into a verbal skirmish. Such people are especially excitable when drunk, they can be cruel and even dangerous. They are difficult to build their personal lives, they are in several marriages, they do not get along well in the family, they are dictators in the house. Often in old age they are left alone, lost and unsatisfied. These people have an irresistible desire to be the first, unsurpassed, invincible, therefore, the largest number of professional athletes come out of their number. They are driven not by willpower, but by the desire to satisfy their painful pride. However, these people are extraordinarily talented, only the ways of their approval are somewhat extravagant, different from the usual, and therefore are perceived as indecent, shocking. They gravitate towards the exact sciences, mathematics and physics are easily given to them. However, it is difficult for them to achieve great success because of their temperament, excessive temper, and increased excitability. The personal life of women is especially difficult: they are powerful, unpredictable, highly dependent on the momentary mood, their actions are difficult to explain, impossible to predict. Such people are often not happy with themselves, they easily fall into depression, are prone to nervous breakdowns, and are disposed to quickly become addicted to alcohol and drug addiction. In a good mood - they are merry, they love a good joke, they know how to tell various stories in an interesting way, they are witty, cheerful, but one casually thrown word addressed to them is enough to cause them a flash of anger, irritability, causticity.
However, the character of these people strongly depends on their patronymics: in combination with soft patronymics (Mikhailovich (na), Alekseevich, Sergeevich, Ilyich, Vasilyevich) or neutral ones (Andreevich, Artyomovich, Valentinovich, Vitalievich, Nikitich), the character softens or becomes more balanced. And with solid patronymics (Nikolaevich (na), Dmitrievich, Anatolyevich, Voldemarovich, Arnoldovich, Alanovich), negative character traits are aggravated.

purple- color value
People with names associated with lilac, easily excitable, quick-tempered, vulnerable, have painful self-esteem. They often quarrel with loved ones, avid debaters, natures are contradictory, stubborn. Difficult people get along with people, often change jobs, are in several marriages, their personal life does not add up. They are responsible and obligatory, true to their ideals, take work seriously, but because of their nature, they do not stay in one place for a long time. Among such people there are many experimenters, innovators, innovators, scientific staff, reorganizers.

Crimson- color value
People with names whose sound range has the same vibrational wave as crimson have an unstable nervous system from early childhood. They can not stand loneliness, but at the same time it is difficult to get along with people. People born in December are especially difficult to communicate with: they are very quick-tempered, overly vulnerable. Among them there are many talented artists, mostly avant-garde artists.

Orange- color value
A color that reflects creative activity, nobility of thought, self-confidence of a person bearing a name that corresponds to this color. Such people are responsible, firm in making decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional, receptive, not always restrained.

Ashen- color value
This color can be considered "masculine". Basically, a man corresponds to the character of this color. They are difficult to get along in a team, in a family, they are repeatedly married, very squeamish, picky, petty, trust few people, suffer from doubts, and are unsure of themselves. At first glance, they seem spineless, but they are not. They have character, but they are unique. They are cunning, slippery, it is difficult to convict them of anything, to force them to confess, to drive them into a corner. They come out of any situation "dry", they can evade responsibility, slip out of any grasping hands. Such men cannot be twisted, forced to marry against their will. They do not like to be indebted to anyone, do not bind themselves with obligations, although they themselves willingly accept someone's help. Such people are difficult to communicate, insincere, cautious.

Pink- color value
The nature of such people is balanced, they are calm, restrained, skillfully conduct a conversation, give the opportunity to speak to the interlocutor, even if they do not agree with him. These people, free from prejudices, do not expect anything from others, they themselves try not to be indebted to someone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can afford such a liberty. More emotional are the people listed, born in January, March and July. They are more often irritable, do not tolerate injustice, protest against hypocrisy and lies. The character of such people strongly depends on their patronymics, therefore, their psychology should be considered in a complex: by name, patronymic and month of birth. People whose names are associated with pink are capable of compassion, purity and nobility of thoughts, deeds, love and beauty. This color is the color of self-sacrifice, the ability to bring love, purity, warmth and openness into the world.

Grey- color value
The color of incredulity, insecurity. People whose names correspond to this color are contradictory, not amenable to influence, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They are irreconcilable with injustice, they do not tolerate lies, they can break loose if they encounter dishonesty, uncleanliness in relationships, and hypocrisy. In their personal lives they are not too happy, they are in several marriages. With dishonorable people, communication is immediately severed, but friends are betrayed to self-forgetfulness.

Blue- color value
The color of calmness, wisdom, contemplation. People with names corresponding to this color are loyal friends, loyal to loved ones, their ideas and principles. They are somewhat secretive and overly restrained in the manifestation of feelings, have a developed sense of duty and responsibility. However, in communication they are difficult, distrustful, it is difficult to converge with people, it is not easy to build family relationships, do not find a common language with loved ones, are strict with them and demanding. Such people have the ability to divination, are able to foresee the future, are capable of telepathy, are gifted in the field of philosophy, psychology, and the humanities. The principledness of these people prevents them from being happy in their personal lives, but they know how to make friends. They are stable, solid, practical.

Lilac- color value
They are very secretive, internal, distrustful, laconic, patient, enduring the vicissitudes of fate. On their way of life there are many difficulties, but this does not harden them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are disposed to depression, but they know how to get out of them, do not grumble at fate, do not lose optimism. People with such names, having patronymics Nikolaevich (na), Dmitrievich, Arnoldovich, Stanislavovich, or those who were born in December, March, May, are picky, boring, women are grumpy.

Dark red- color value
People whose names correspond to this color are restless, energetic, love to travel, so they choose a job that is associated with business trips. They are very stubborn and difficult to communicate, although without communication they cannot imagine their existence, cannot stand criticism of any kind, and do not tolerate comments. Their life is difficult, they are constantly in wait for the vicissitudes of fate. But it is difficult to meet more persistent and assertive people than they are. They stoically endure all failures, are unusually purposeful and will certainly achieve their goal. In addition, such people are the driving layer of any team, they are good organizers, they help those who are close to them to make a career. They infect others with their energy and optimism, although they often quarrel with everyone over trifles.

Violet- color value
The color of the spiritual strength of a person who bears a name corresponding in vibration to such a color. These people are able to penetrate the essence of human nature, live for others, are committed to high ideals, and have great opportunities for spiritual growth. However, they are sensitive, prone to various forms of love experiences, extravagant in choosing a betrothed, nature is subtle, amorous. Women - devoted wives, are able to take as their husbands a miserable, outcast man - a hopeless drunkard, for example, instill in him faith in himself, in the future. They tend to be compassionate and sympathetic. However, such people themselves are rarely happy in their personal lives, often remain mentally alone, not understood by relatives. Men are very vulnerable, sensual, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. They suffer from painful explanations after quarrels with loved ones, they cannot stand any extraneous pathogens, irritants. They are very hardy, easily adapt to new conditions, changes in life, are friendly with people, always rush to help their loved ones.

Black- color value
They are with a difficult fate, difficult to communicate, stubborn, quick-tempered, unpredictable in a fit of anger. Their personal life is complicated, men often have conflicts with law enforcement agencies. These people are fair, kind, sympathetic, but they defend justice with the help of force. Society does not always accept them as they are, tries to correct them, influence the psyche, which hurts and hardens the bearers of these names. Such people need human warmth, attention, participation and love.

From the point of view of esotericism, all our names are “painted” in one color or another. People with red names are energetic and decisive, yellow - romantic and jealous, green - balanced and harmonious. What color is your name?


The names associated with red are Arkady, Vladislav, Artem, Makar, Semyon, Stanislav, Alexandra, Alina, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Oksana, Praskovya, Tatyana, Emma.

Red is the color of energy, passion, desire, physical activity and strength, determination and firmness of character. People whose names are associated with the color red are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated and turn any dispute into a verbal skirmish. They are unpredictable, domineering, often dictators in the house.


Pink names include: Valentin, Anatoly, Rodion, Maxim, Rostislav, Venus, Valentina, Zinaida, Barbara, Karina, Nina.

Pink is the color of optimism. People with pink names are calm, restrained, correct. These people are self-sufficient and independent, do not expect anything from others and themselves try not to be indebted to someone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can afford such a liberty. Women are capable of compassion, love and nobility. Men do not tolerate injustice, protest against hypocrisy and lies, but often do not complete the work they have begun.


Names "painted" in orange: Nazar, Pavel, Prokhor, Angelica, Svetlana, Rimma, Galina.

Orange color reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible, firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. But sometimes they are too emotional and not always restrained.

Names yellow color: Vadim, Denis, Robert, Fedor, Akulina, Anna, Nadezhda, Nelly.

It is the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with a yellow name are firm in character, practical, gravitate towards the exact sciences and natural sciences. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, mathematics, physics, and medicine.


Names correspond to green color: Evgeny, Igor, Felix, Evgeniya, Natalya, Zoya, Julia, Inna.

It is the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. The owners of "green names" are cordial, sympathetic, kind, love nature. They try to help everyone. They have a lot of envious people whom the "greens" manage to ignore. They are not afraid of difficulties, they easily take risks, they know how to adapt to any circumstances. They are incredibly witty, next to them it is always interesting, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable - they can be offended even by simple indifference.

The following names are associated with blue: Arsen, Georgy, Gennady, Peter, Vitaly, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Nonna, Uliana, Maria.

Blue is the color of calmness, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are sensitive, sincere, calm and balanced, devoted to friends and their principles. Talented, stable, solid, practical, but secretive and restrained in the manifestation of feelings. Sometimes it is difficult to converge with people because of distrust, excessive severity and exactingness. Often they have the ability to divination, telepathy and healing.


The names associated with purple are: Alexander, Valery, Nikita, Timofey, Philip, Veronica, Victoria, Lydia, Maya, Regina, Taisiya, Faina.

These people are sensitive, amorous, extravagant. They have great opportunities for spiritual growth, they are able to penetrate the essence of human nature. Women are devoted wives, able to take a miserable, rejected man as their husband and instill in him faith in himself. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic.


The names associated with this esoteric color are: Svyatoslav, Victor, Vyacheslav, Edward, Elvira, Alice, Antonina, Margarita.

Such people are very secretive, distrustful, laconic, patient. On their way of life there are many difficulties, but this does not harden them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are disposed to depression, but they know how to get out of them, do not grumble at fate, do not lose optimism.


These names include: Grigory, Taras, Konstantin, Boris, Gordey, Timur, Yakov, Leo, Kira, Claudia, Raisa, Lyudmila, Arina.

The nature of these people is not easy. They are contradictory and unbalanced. Hardworking, good-natured, love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, often act in their own way. In a fit of anger, they can sweep away everything that stands in their way. Often they are cruel. In fact, these people simply need human warmth, increased attention, and participation.

Gray names include: German, Demyan, Sergey, Tikhon, Gleb, Xenia, Larisa, Tamara, Lina.

This is the color of incredulity, insecurity. The owners of "gray" names are contradictory, stubborn, not amenable to influence, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They do not put up with injustice, they do not tolerate lies. Relatives are betrayed to self-forgetfulness.

They are difficult to get along in a team, picky, petty, trust few people. Often unsure of themselves, tormented by doubts. At first glance, they seem spineless, but this is far from the case.

The following names are associated with white: Gabriel, Jan, Yuri, Ivan, Anton, Alevtina, Lilia, Anastasia, Olga.

A symbol of purity and innocence, truthfulness and clarity, white color gives people wisdom, sincerity, selflessness. The owners of such names are persistent in achieving the goal, talented, intelligent, tactful.

Each of the primary colors of the spectrum corresponds to a certain wavelength: violet - the shortest, red - the longest. Therefore, for a physicist, there is an inextricable link between sound and color; the combination of short and long waves is what causes the vibrations, or sounds, that we hear.

The name is nothing more than a series of deaf and sonorous sounds that make up the original "melody" and together a unique color scheme.

Sounding names correspond to the six main colors. Three main ones: blue, yellow and red. And three components: green, purple and orange.

We say "Maria" - we represent the sky-blue color, "Mikhail" - red, "Peter" - yellow. Blue color traditionally symbolizes the soul; purple - body; green and yellow - mind, mind, reason; red and orange - passions and feelings.

Names are divided into simple and complex.

Simple ones correspond to the primary colors: blue, yellow and red. For example, Leonid - blue, Dmitry - yellow, Semyon - red.

Complex - compound colors: purple, green and orange. For example, Valery - purple, that is, folded from blue and red, Philip - green (blue plus yellow), Pavel - orange (yellow plus red).

Since ancient times, each color has been given a certain meaning. There is a language of flowers, understandable to all nations at all times. The colors in which we perceive the world not only have an external emotional impact on us - they deeply affect our character. Now let's describe - which color corresponds to which character:

Red is the color of life, symbolizing activity and energy, strength and determination, love and anger. From the red color in the human aura comes the whole spectrum of passions - from low to sublime. It corresponds to the most difficult road of life - the road of love and anger, ups and downs.

Children with "red" names are exceptionally open, amazingly active, difficult to educate and do not fit well into the usual ideas of parents and teachers. When they become adults, they, having high efficiency and purposefulness, either achieve outstanding success in life, or die and fall, not realizing their potential.

Let's call the names of the red color: Abram, Avvakum, August, Averyan (Averky), Agapia, Agnes, Adam, Azariy, Akim, Alan, Alevtina, Alexandra, Alina, Alice, Alla, Albina, Anastasia, Anzhey, Angela, Anfisa, Apollo, Aristarkh, Arkady, Arnold, Arkhip, Arsen (Arseny), Askold, Boris, Valeria, Barbara, Varlam (Varlaam), Benjamin, Veronica, Vlas, Vsevolod, Harry, Eve, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Zoya, Diana, Karina, Kira, Cyril, Lada, Maya, Natalya, Regina, Faina, Semyon, Stanislav, Yuri.

Pink is the color of optimism (red diluted with white), the color of girls and women, personifying refinement, love-pity, tenderness, weakness, timidity, sentimentality.

This color improves mood, calms and relaxes, stimulates sleep and appetite, promotes daydreaming and develops the imagination.

Pink carriers:

Anastasia, Asya, Daria, Eva, Zosim, Iya, Mikhailina, Oksana, Polina.

Yellow - the color of science, observation and analysis, symbolizes wealth, youth, dreams, fantasies, joy, envy and jealousy. Its shade - mustard - means sadness, longing, separation. Bright yellow intense tones evoke headache. People who are prone to depression perfectly perceive the yellow scale, which increases their vitality.

Children with "yellow" names are predisposed to creativity, loneliness, abstract thinking, as usual, freedom-loving, liberated, original and original personalities grow out of them.

Names in yellow are:

Augusta, Adam, Alice, Anna, Barbara, Varlam (Varlaam), Benjamin, Vera, Victor, Vlas, Denis, Dmitry, Karina, Christina, Lada, Mikhail, Nadezhda, Nora, Peter, Seraphim, Eleanor, Elvira, Emma.

Orange color means holiness and health and symbolizes energy, heat, ripeness, warmth, joy.

"Orange" children are less common than "yellow". They are easily excitable, but their energy often does not find a worthy application. Perceived constantly orange color becomes painfully intrusive, annoying and devastating.

Circle of names in orange:

Agnes, Akim, Alexandra, Alice, Alla, Albina, Angela, Arnold, Arkhip, Varvara, Vissarion, Vladlen, Vlas, Vsevolod, Inga, Gabriel, Camilla, Kira, Christina, Martha, Nonna, Nora, Rimma, Stanislav, Svyatoslav, Faina, Eleonora, Elvira, Emma, ​​Julia

Green is the color of health and spiritual tension, expressed in strong-willed activity, perseverance and strength of mind. People of this color strive for leadership and primacy, have strong views and beliefs, consider themselves carriers of immutable truths and high principles. They often annoy others with reasoning and boring moralizing.

The "green" child feels neglected and needs maternal help and love; it is necessary to develop the qualities of openness to people and interest in life. Pale green color symbolizes enthusiasm, subtlety of feelings and ambiguity of goals. This color belongs to typically childish infantile tones, and if, contrary to fashion, an adult prefers it, it means that he has retained childish character traits.

Names in green are:

August, Augusta, Agnes, Azariy, Akim, Alan, Alevtina, Alexandra, Alice, Alla, Alfred, Anastasia, Apollo, Aristarchus, Varlam (Varlaam), Vilen, Vitaly, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Grigory, Eva, Eugene, Catherine, Zhanna , Karina, Clara, Konstantin, Xenia (Oksana), Lada, Mirra, Natalia, Rimma, Seraphim.

Blue color symbolizes the cosmic spirit, spirituality, truth. People of this color walk the path of freedom. They are distinguished by carelessness, carelessness, optionality and a tendency to frequent lifestyle changes. Blueness gives a feeling of peace and at the same time constant newness and freshness.

Its carriers:

Akim, Alexandra, Albina, Apollo, Vasily, Benjamin, Veronica, Eva, Inga, Irina, Christina, Leonid, Love, Maria, Martha, Tamara, Emilia.

Blue color means wisdom, fidelity, passionlessness and calmness.

"Blue" children are wonderful, reliable friends, balanced and not fussy, they love to read and think, they are devoid of selfishness and are prone to self-sacrifice. Philosophers grow out of this type of people.

Names in blue:

Averyan (Averky), Avvakum, August, Abraham, Alevtina, Andrei, Angela, Anfisa, Arsen (Arseny), Bronislav, Barbara, Varlam (Varlaam), Benjamin, Veronica, Vissarion, Vilen, Vladlen, Vlas, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Harry , Gennady, George, Eva, Jeanne, Maya, Natalia, Nina, Olga, Roman, Elvira, Emilia.

People with blue-green names are distinguished by a serious disposition, have a strong will, are pedantic and principled in their work, and are attentive to their surroundings. They do not take risks without confidence in success and victory, they strive to avoid mistakes in life.

The "blue-green" child needs constant encouragement of his successes and achievements.

"Blue-green" names:

Igor, Sergei.

Violet color - night, mystery, mysticism, sadness, disaster, old age, eclipse. The purple road is the road of obscurity and self-sacrifice.

People with names corresponding to purple are very sensitive, easily excitable and vulnerable, and more than others need support and encouragement. They have a rich inner world. "Purple-yellow" people are artistic. "Purple" (purple, diluted with white) - weak, gentle, lonely, defenseless, self-contained, musical.

"Violet" names: Alexey, Alice, Alfred, Anatoly, Arnold, Bronislav, Valery, Veronika, Vilen, Vladlen, Clara, Christina, Maya, Raisa, Regina, Svetlana, Serafima.

Black is the color of darkness, gloom, mourning, death, hopelessness. The black road is the path of hard life trials and tribulations.

Names in black:

Agnes, Alan, Alla, Angela, Apollo, Athanasius, Veronica, Vladina, Gabriel, Gerasim, Zhanna, Inga, Lukyan, Nikolai.

White symbolizes purity, innocence, freshness and clarity. A person of this color strives to follow the path of truth, duty and honor.

Carrier of white color: Adam, Alevtina, Albina, Arnold, Varvara, Gabriel, Diana, Zhanna, Kalisa, Christina, Lukyan, Regina, Eleonora, Elvira.

White people are extremely rare.

Name and birthday color What color is your name? Color, in fact, like sound, is a vibration, and the name of a person is nothing but the order of sounds, which together constitute the original consonance.

Each name has its own specific color, and this has been known since ancient times, since a lot of attention was paid to choosing a name for a newborn and many factors were taken into account. The consonance of one or another name is the vibration of energies, which in turn have their own colors. The human body is designed in such a way that energy replenishment is vital for its normal functioning, and inevitably responds to color vibrations and adequately reacts to it.

Thus, having this or that name, a person attracts colors that feed the aspirations and character traits of the individual, which are reflected in his personality. To balance the inciting factors, you need a harmony of primary colors. As a result, the question arises: how to attract the right colors to yourself? what color is my name?

Each Name has its own set of colors, and is a kind of colored label, which corresponds to certain color characteristics. The connections of the letters of the name, consonances, words and colors have their own meaning, and the whole work of the famous American healer Lilian Bonds is dedicated to the theme of the color of the name.

With the help of the researcher's method, it becomes possible to calculate your name color, date of birth and find out the lack of the missing color, which is so vital for the harmonious functioning of the body.

Name Color Chart:
Red 1 A and C b
Orange 2 BY T S
Yellow 3 V K U E
Green 4 G L F Yu
Blue 5 D M X Z
Blue 6 E H C
Violet 7 E O C
Pink 8 F R W
Golden 9 Z R Sh
From this table, you can determine the color of your name and number. It contains nine colors and their corresponding numbers and letters. So, write your name on a piece of paper (first and last name, full name, nickname, nickname, diminutive, then put down the corresponding numbers and sum them up. If the number is more than 10, add the numbers until you get a number less than 10. For example , if you got the number 123, then sum it up as follows: 1-2 + 3 = 6. We get the number 6, corresponding to the blue color.

Consider an example of defining a name color

Lillian = 4+1+4+1+1+6 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
So, the number of the name is 8, which corresponds to the color pink.
The next step is to determine which colors are missing from the name.
L = green; I = red; L = green; I = red; A = red; H = blue.

Now let's see how much each color is represented in the name.
Red - 3 Orange - 0
Yellow - 0 Green - 2
Blue - 0 Blue -1
Purple - 0 Pink - 0
Golden - 0

So, the considered name "Lillian" apparently lacks orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink, gold colors. The lack of energy of the missing colors can quite negatively affect the behavior and other factors in Everyday life, so it will be important to make up for the lack of the desired color - for example, the color of clothing.

The lack of certain colors in the name helps to understand why it is not always possible to get what you want from life. This influence extends to all levels of the organism's existence: physical, emotional and conscious. Therefore, dressing in clothes of the same color, it is not difficult to notice that there is some change in the mood of a person, but not always suitable for the right situation.
Date of birth color

Date of birth is another fixed moment of life. She also has her own special color, often matching the color of her name. If this is not the case in your case, consider whether the colors of the name and date of birth can be brought into line.
To determine the color of the date of birth, sum up the digits of its constituent numbers, remembering to sum each time up to a single number. Don't forget to add thousands to the year.
Suppose that the date of birth is January 1, 2004, i.e. 01/01/2004.
We get: 0+1+0+1+2+0+0+4 = 8, which corresponds to pink.
In a particular case, the combination of the color of the name and date of birth is ideal. We can also find out the color energy for each current day. This information will help us to choose the right colors of clothes, shoes, solve a Q-survey about the choice of jewelry, and even make a menu for the day.

The color of our clothes reveals more about us than we would like. Choosing clothes different colors and shades, we are most often guided by the criteria "like - do not like" and "suitable - not suitable." It happens that a person has “his own” color for a long time, with which he tries to surround himself, preferring it in clothes and furnishings of his home to all other colors. Such love exclusively for one color can speak of internal problems and contradictions.

Name Color Meaning

Name color red

Color Red is the color of energy, passion, desire, physical activity and strength, determination and firmness of character. People whose names are associated with red are very restless, and in extreme situations - uncontrollable.

They are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated and any dispute turns into a verbal skirmish. They are difficult to build their personal lives, are in several marriages, are dictators in the house. Often in old age they are left alone, lost and unsatisfied. The personal life of women is especially difficult: they are domineering, unpredictable, highly dependent on the momentary mood.

These people have an irresistible desire to be the first and unsurpassed, so many professional athletes come out of their number. These people are extraordinarily talented, only the ways of their approval are somewhat different from the usual ones, and therefore they are perceived as indecent, shocking. Such people are often not happy with themselves and easily fall into depression, are disposed to quickly become addicted to alcohol and drug addiction. IN good mood- they are merry fellows, they know how to win over the interlocutor, but one casually thrown word at their address is enough to cause a flash of anger and irritation in them. These names include:

Anatoly, Andrian, Arkady, Walter, Benjamin, Vitold, Vladislav, Dmitry, Donat, Cyril, Luka, Makar, Mark, Miroslav, Nikon, Plato, Semyon, Stanislav, Yakov.

Ada, Alexandra, Alina, Bella, Bertha, Valeria, Victoria, Vladislav, Eva, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Zemfira, Marietta, Nika, Oksana, Praskovya, Tatyana, Emma.
The scarlet color of the name

Color Scarlet- people whose name corresponds to the scarlet color, unbalanced, unpredictable, achieve their goals in any way, easily influenced. They do not know how to correctly calculate their strength, make many mistakes and often "step on the same rake" several times, because they do not know how to draw conclusions from their mistakes. They really need a sane person who will always be there, able to guide and predict their actions. This type of character includes:

Apollo, Boris, Efim, Zakhar, Karl, Nikanor, Radomir, Richard, Spartak, Erast, Yaroslav.

Evlania, Zarema, Lada, Leah.
Raspberry name color

Color Crimson- people whose name corresponds to the crimson color have an unstable nervous system since childhood. They can not stand loneliness, but at the same time it is difficult to get along with people. People born in December are especially difficult to communicate with: they are very quick-tempered, overly vulnerable. Among them there are many talented artists, mostly avant-garde artists. These names include:

Illarion, Maxim, Maryan, Rodion, Stepan

Aza, Ariadne, Zara, Matilda, Neonila, Yana.
Name color pink

Pink colour- The nature of such people is balanced, they are calm, restrained, skillfully conduct a conversation, give the opportunity to speak to the interlocutor, even if they do not agree with him. These people are free from prejudice, do not expect anything from others, they themselves try not to be indebted to someone. You rarely hear harsh words from them, although with close people they can afford such a liberty. More emotional are people born in January, March, July. They do not tolerate injustice, they protest against hypocrisy and lies. The character of such people is strongly dependent on their patronymics. These people are capable of compassion, purity and nobility, love and beauty. This color is the color of self-sacrifice, the ability to bring love, warmth and openness into the world. Names of this color include:

Valentin, Evstigney, Thomas

Aurora, Asya, Venus, Deborah, Sofia, Harita, Erna.
Burgundy name color

Color Burgundy- people with the color name "Bordeaux", restless, energetic, love to travel, so they choose a job that is associated with business trips. They are stubborn and difficult to communicate, although they cannot imagine their existence without communication, they cannot stand criticism of any kind. The vicissitudes of fate constantly lie in wait for them. But it is difficult to meet more persistent and assertive people than they are. They stoically endure all failures and certainly achieve their goal. Such people are driving force team, they are good organizers, help those who are close to them to make a career. They infect others with their energy and optimism. This type of character corresponds to people with names:

Witold, Vladimir, Gury, Kuzma, Plato.

Praskovya, Rosa.
Name color black

Black color- they are with a difficult fate, difficult to communicate, stubborn, quick-tempered, unpredictable in a fit of anger. Their personal life is complicated, men often have conflicts with law enforcement agencies. These people are fair, kind, sympathetic, but they defend justice with the help of force. Society does not always accept them as they are, tries to correct them, influence the psyche, which hurts and hardens the bearers of these names. These people are in dire need of human warmth, increased attention, participation and love. These include:

Gordey, Nikolai, Timur, Fedot.

Veronica, Melania.
White name color

White color- a color that unites the entire palette of colors. The correspondence of a person's name to this color speaks of his wisdom, enlightenment, high intuition, and religiosity. Often people with such names become clergymen, righteous people, preachers. They are persistent in achieving the goal, they have their own views on life. These people are talented, intelligent, tactful. They do not set material well-being as an end in itself, easily part with money, willingly help others. These names include:

Agathon, Albert, Arnold, Arthur, Gabriel, Heinrich, Rodoslav, Rual, Flor, Jan, Janus.

Alevtina, Dominika, Clara, Lilia, Patricia.

Name color orange

Orange color- a color that reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible, firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional, not always restrained. This type includes people with names:

Alfred, Harry, Yeremey, Kapiton, Nazar, Pavel, Prokhor, Rudolf, Socrates, Fadey.

Angela, Dora, Giselle, Camilla, Capitolina, Martha, Olga, Rimma, Julia.
name color yellow

Yellow color - symbolizes vitality, the color of intellect, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are firm in character, practical, gravitate towards the exact sciences and natural sciences. Even if they receive a humanitarian education, they often find their vocation in economics, innovation, and scientific activity. These names include:

Anton, Vadim, Victor, Vlas, Denis, Zinovy, Orest, Raphael, Robert, Seraphim, Ustin, Fedor, Filimon.

Anna, Valentina, Wanda, Vera, Vesta, Diana, Nadezhda, Nelly, Larisa, Melissa, Susanna.
Green color name

Green color - the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to green are cordial, sympathetic, kind, indifferent to material values, but they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature and people. They try to help everyone, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have a lot of envious people, whom they manage not to notice. Green is the color of growth, upcoming change, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, they easily take risks, they know how to adapt to any circumstances. They often start from scratch and never lose. They are smart, practical, have a sparkling wit. It is interesting to be around them, although not easy. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people. They part with offenders once and for all, but they don’t look for friends - they themselves appear, people are drawn to them like a magnet. This type includes people with names:

Aristarkh, Bogdan, Borislav, Vasily, Vitaly, Grigory, Dementy, Eugene, Elizar, Erofey, Igor, Casimir, Konstantin, Korney, Leonard, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Nester, Peter, Terenty, Felix.

Agnes, Anastasia, Bronislava, Juliet, Eugenia, Zinaida, Zoya, Karina, Cleopatra, Constance, Laura, Lyudmila, Marianna, Mirra, Natalia, Seraphim, Silva, Teresa.
Name color blue

Blue color - the color of trust, harmony, tranquility, contentment. These people are self-confident, nature is internal, protected. They are highly sensitive, receptive to other people's grief, spiritual, sincere, trusting, deep nature, talented personalities. They often have healing abilities. These names include:

Akim, Artem, Gleb, Daniel, Evdokim, Egor, Ephraim, Lazar, Leonid, Modest, Oleg, Savely, Sofron, Khariton, Edgar.

Viola, Violetta, Henrietta, Gloria, Irina, Christina, Lola, Lolita, Love, Marina, Maria, Maryana, Polina, Rada, Renata, Simone, Sophia, Christia, Evelina, Emilia.
Name color blue

Color Blue- the color of calmness, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are loyal friends, loyal to their loved ones, their ideas and principles. They are somewhat secretive and overly restrained in the manifestation of feelings. In communication, they are difficult, distrustful, it is difficult to converge with people, they find it difficult to find a common language with loved ones, they are too strict with them and demanding. Such people have the ability to divination, are able to foresee the future, are capable of telepathy. The principledness of these people prevents them from being happy in their personal lives, but they know how to make friends. They are stable, solid, practical. This type includes:

Avenir, Andrei, Andrian, Ambrose, Arsen, Askold, Boleslav, George, Gennady, Yevsey, Elisha, Siegfried, Lubomir, Paramon, Theophilus, Trofim, Christian, Yuri.

Vasilisa, Galina, Evdokia, Gisela, Isabella, Isidora, Magdalene, Nonna, Stephanie, Ulyana, Eurydice, Edita.
Lilac name color

Color Lilac- people whose names correspond to the lilac color are very secretive, distrustful, laconic, patient, steadfastly endure the vicissitudes of fate. On their way of life there are many difficulties, but this does not harden them. They are responsive and sympathetic, happy to help anyone who deserves their trust. They are disposed to depression, but they know how to get out of them, do not grumble at fate, do not lose optimism. People with such names, having patronymics Nikolaevich (na), Dmitrievich (na), Arnoldovich (na), Stanislavovich (na), or those who were born in December, March, May, are picky, boring, women are grumpy. These include:

Gerasim, David, Joseph, Svyatoslav.

Anfisa, Leona, Louise, Stella, Ninel, Eliza, Elvira, Esther.

purple name color

Color Purple- the color of the spiritual strength of a person who bears a name corresponding in vibration to this color. These people are able to penetrate into the essence of human nature, live for others, are committed to high ideals, and have great opportunities for spiritual growth. However, they are sensitive, prone to various forms of love experiences, extravagant in choosing a betrothed, nature is subtle, amorous. Women are devoted wives, they are able to take a pitiful, rejected man as their husband, instill in him faith in himself, in the future. Prone to compassion and sympathy. However, such people themselves are rarely happy in their personal lives, often remain lonely, misunderstood. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. But they easily adapt to changes in life, are friendly with people, and always rush to help their loved ones. This type includes:

Avdey, Alexander, Alexei, Anfim, Athanasius, Benedict, Valery, William, Ivan, Klim, Nikita, Nikifor, Prokop, Samuel, Timothy, Philip.

Agatha, Agnia, Albina, Antonina, Glafira, Daria, Elena, Ilaria, Irma, Lydia, Maya, Naina, Nonna, Regina, Rufina, Taisia, Tamila, Faina.
name color brown

Brown color- the nature of these people is difficult, with a difficult fate. They are very kind, but too contradictory, unbalanced, and often explosive, in a fit of anger, like a hurricane, they sweep away everything in their path. Many have complications with law enforcement. They are hardworking, good-natured, love animals. However, they are wayward and proud, do not listen to the opinions of others, always act in their own way. This type includes:

Abram, Boniface, Horace, Ermak, Innokenty, Kondrat, Martin, Pahom, Roman, Taras, Tryphon.

Alice, Gertrude, Kira, Claudia, Olvia, Raisa, Roxana, Stanislav, Yuna, Yaroslav.
Ash color of the name

Color Ash- this color can be considered "masculine". Because it is men who correspond to the character of this color. They find it difficult to get along in a team, in a family, they are repeatedly married, very squeamish, picky, petty, trust few people. Often they are not self-confident and are tormented by doubts. At first glance, they seem spineless, but they are not. They have character, but they are unique. They are cunning and quirky, it is difficult to convict them of anything. They get out of any situation "dry" out of the water, they can evade responsibility. Such men cannot be forced to marry against their will. They do not like to be indebted to anyone, although they themselves willingly accept someone's help. Such people are often difficult and unpleasant to communicate with. This type includes:

Azariy, Anufry, Vincent, Ilya, Isaac, Leo, Moses, Nahum, Solomon.

name in gray

Color Gray- the color of incredulity, uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are pr-contradictory, not amenable to influence, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They are irreconcilable with injustice, they do not tolerate lies, they can break loose if they encounter dishonesty and hypocrisy. In their personal lives they are not too happy, they are in several marriages. Friends are devoted to self-forgetfulness. These people include:

Anisim, Vissarion German, Demyan, Ignat, Miron, Mikhey, Protas, Savva, Sevastyan, Severin, Sergey, Tikhon, Edward.

Greta, Isolde, Xenia, Nora, Sabina

Andrey Dementiev wrote:
The color of my name is blue.
The color of your name is ocher.
The sound of my name is strong.
The sound of your name is kind.


The color of your name is gray-blue

The color of your name is gray-blue.
And the same canopy
And the same light ash.
And the same black dome over fate
Immensely amazingly beautiful.
Every day we keep madness,
But time does not measure much.
Who with rock crystal is inseparable,
Tom for two hundred years and winters - the road.

The color of your name is gray-blue,
Hills and mountains, sleepy valleys.
Take the guitar
Sit with me, sing.
You and I have a similar long path.
The dew will wake you up, the cold will refresh you.
Cheerful light will give good spirits.
And the bird's whistle will bewitch,
And you will understand that everything
fell in love
Stanislav Prokhorenko

Colored our names

Imagine for a minute
That names have color...
Now, girlfriends, as if in jest,
I'll draw our portrait:

"Larisa" snow-white seagull
Above the turquoise wave
Soaring freely...Serene
Sky blue color..
Well, when in the autumn field
The cornflowers have already wilted,
Larisa's funny eyes
Reminds me of summer days!

Here is "Lydia" - gentle as poppies,
But any frontier will be defended,
Under an elegant beige dress
The passions of the color "khakki" are raging.
Will be able to demonstrate
She get black and white chic
Its simple, uncompromising,
Such a shy SOUL...

Two completely different "Elenas":
One like peach blossom
Well, the other one at the same time
All like raspberry sherbet...
Pale orange and scarlet
They argue with each other in them for an hour
Well, try to figure it out
Who is with you now!

It seems to you that with "Violetta"
Everything is clear without further ado -
purple baby,
Violet from the southern shores...
But only if Violetta
You manage to get angry
This shy violet
In a moment she will cease to be -
Purple skies before the storm
Your eyes will instantly fill up
You decide to offend Violet -
So you will not be happy with yourself!

Do you see the sea in the "Marina"?
You are mistaken, friends,
There is no blue there at all -
She's all emerald!
Like May greens in the window
Shines when the storm passes;
The dragonfly sparkles in the sun
Or mermaid eyes...

And "Sofya" whispers insinuatingly,
She's just gray
Like a downy shawl on the shoulders -
So weightless, but... HEAT
Deceptive, misty haze
Will mislead you
And then the old silver
By the light of torches it will shine!

The picture would be incomplete.
Without the festive and tender Nina:
Light green (but not green!)
Nina has color. In love with spring
He is all like the first leaves,
Like a bow in my daughter's hair...
The color of the light wings of an elf -
Without heaviness and without relief,
The same as Nina gentle
The color of affection, youth, hope...

So different, but TOGETHER
The palette contains one
Each has its place in it,
And yet we are ALL at the same time!

Ada, Alexandra, Alina, Bella,
Berta, Valeria, Victoria, Eva, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Zemfira, Nika, Oksana, Tatiana, Emma, ​​Yana

The color of energy, hectic life, ardent desire, strength and determination. The mere sound of "red" names makes people take their owners, their decisions and intentions seriously. Such women are very easy to distinguish from the crowd: they instantly attract everyone's attention to themselves. Surrounding people either love such people, or are indignant at their mere presence, but there are definitely no indifferent people. "Red" is closely within the generally accepted framework, and they constantly test the boundaries of what is permitted. Passionate, a little wild lovers. A man will need to make a lot of efforts to satisfy their requests. They lose their temper very quickly, get annoyed over trifles and fall into a verbal skirmish. Often - domestic dictators. Red is also the color of danger, extreme conditions. For those who are surrounded by his aura, life path it is not easy, it is a road full of love, and anger, and rewards, and disappointment. Easily fall into various addictions - be vigilant!


~ PINK ~

Aurora, Sofia

If we take as a basis the fact that pink is red diluted with white and translate it into the language of psychology, it turns out that the hottest, sharp (scarlet) character traits of the owners of these names are constantly “cooled” by their “fluffy” environment. It is no coincidence that there is an expression in the language "to look at the world through pink glasses”, it is the best fit for these dreamy women with a rich imagination, who are sure that any of their desires must certainly be fulfilled. Pink is the color of irreparable optimists (there is not a single gram of cynicism in their character). These are sentimental and tender lovers. Next to such a woman, a man can relax, her smile alone can improve mood and relieve anxiety. But, at the same time, it is worth remembering about the vulnerable soul - it is very easy to offend her, and it is extremely difficult to calm the flow of tears.


Anna, Valentina, Vera, Vesta, Diana, Larisa, Melissa, Hope, Nelly

These names and their aura subconsciously inform people around us that we have a friendly, open, freedom-loving and cheerful person who brings love into this world. The warmest feelings are associated with yellow - such a person simply cannot but help another who is in trouble. Such women are really able to shine with happiness.

The weak point of the "yellow" is a long tongue, such women should not be trusted with secrets if you do not want them to become public knowledge soon. It is also the color of wealth and youth, envy and jealousy. Sometimes "yellow" begins to "bitter", which means that its owners quickly fall into depression and longing, especially associated with separation. Bright sunny women know how to impress men, but sometimes there are so many of them that it causes a headache.


Angela, Camilla, Martha, Olga, Rimma, Julia

Ripe, sultry, "in the very juice." They are easily excitable, and this energy overflows. If you see in front of you an extremely active person who cannot stop for a second - most likely, this is the same " a clockwork orange". They only dream of peace. The main thing is to direct the stormy desire and tireless movement of the "orange" in the right direction. For example, for the implementation of a new ambitious project, a startup. In the company of phlegmatic and slow people, such active women look too intrusive and aggressive, and their activity begins to annoy. It is important for them to enlist the support of like-minded people who are similar in temperament. Among other features - a powerful creative component, self-confidence, restraint and straightforwardness. Do you want to know about yourself an opinion "without embellishment"? Ask the "orange" who will immediately tell the whole truth without hesitation.


Agnes, Anastasia, Zinaida, Zoya, Karina, Lyudmila, Natalia, Serafima

The color of mother nature. That is why the metaphor of a strong and beautiful plant, a young tree that stubbornly reaches higher and higher towards the sky, despite the bad weather, will be quite appropriate. This is the color of fortitude, diligence; women who are patronized by green are not afraid to take risks and achieve their goals by all means. Young green? And it is true!

It seems that time has no power over them. It is not surprising that they have many envious women, whom the "greens" do not notice at all. They believe that jealousy is a weakness, and they try not to show this feeling under any circumstances. They conquer men not only thanks to their natural sense of smell, but also a sparkling sense of humor. And if they irritate others, it is only with their stubbornness and "reading notations", since they consider themselves carriers of immutable truths.

~ BLUE ~

Violetta, Gloria, Irina, Christina, Lolita, Love, Marina, Maria, Maryana, Polina, Simone, Sophia, Evelina, Emilia

The color of trust and peace. In difficult moments, it is enough to close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine a cloudless sky, a dreamy smile will appear on your lips, and peace in your heart. The owners of the "blue" name transmit spirituality and peace with every cell of their body. They seem to have some secret knowledge, the understanding of which is not available "for mere mortals." Another interpretation of this color is freedom. True, rather, in the meaning of carelessness, optionality, a constant change of one's own opinion. These women can be trusted, they are whole, protected, deep, sincere, gifted natures, they do not like to talk too much. They often have healing abilities.

Vasilisa, Galina, Evdokia, Nonna, Stefania, Ulyana

One of the wisest flowers in our selection. Bearers of "blue" names have an unusually high IQ. It is no coincidence that special, gifted children are usually called "indigo". These names tell others that their representatives are friendly and caring, they have a strong sense of empathy, they are completely devoid of selfishness, their heart is open to everyone. Prone to self-sacrifice. In addition to a flexible mind, they have a well-developed intuition, which they can trust 100%. These women perceive life "here and now", do not make long-term plans and realize how important it is to take the maximum from a favorable situation, because there may not be a second chance. Often they can be caught deep in thought about the fate of the world or their own destiny on earth. It is hard to converge with assertive people, they do not tolerate when they are driven into strict limits, condemned or criticized.


Agatha, Agnia, Albina, Antonina, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Maya, Regina, Taisia, Faina, Elvira

Mystery women. Violet color symbolizes mystery, surrounded by a mystical halo. These ladies are attracted to everything strange, unusual, unexpected, fantastic. They always strive to get to the bottom of the truth, to penetrate into the essence of things, to disassemble any situation “into molecules”. Very extravagant, which is manifested in their behavior, and in hobbies, and in appearance. At the same time, by nature they are modest, shy, easily suggestible, polite, well-mannered. Compared to most people, they have a much broader view of the world. Cosmopolitans who feel at home anywhere in the world. "Purple" women are difficult to break, they do not bend under any difficulties, they come out of any situation with their heads held high. They never descend to the level of gross insults and do not become personal. The most intense sphere of their life is intimate, they are very amorous, but at the same time, they often remain misunderstood by the opposite sex.

Psychology of communication