The essence of karma, or why good people do not get along well. The concept of fate Why does a person have a difficult fate

Each of us has faced situations that perfectly fit the definition: “This is fate!”. More often than not, these situations develop unexpectedly. But it happens that we are preparing for something important for a long time, and when it happens, we think: “Yes, nothing can be done, this is fate!” But what do we mean by these words? Not everyone knows what is hidden under the concept of “fate”. But fate is not only a loved one or meeting an old friend, but much more. Many believe that completely relying on fate is not rational. But hasn't each of us, at least once in a lifetime, faced with the fact that he could not find another explanation for what happened other than to write off the situation as the tricks of a mythical "fate"?

Fate is feared (“you can’t escape fate”), it is consulted, it is despised, but there was hardly a person on Earth who sooner or later, even at some critical periods of his life, did not think about his happy or unhappy fate, about the purpose and meaning of life, fulfilled or unfulfilled.

The term “fate” is an invariable attribute of any religion, a synonym for mystical predestination life path person. It is firmly rooted in the people's worldview, in folklore, in the living folk language. religious faith into the divine destiny of a person's life, says that a person creates his own destiny. Fate, in mythology, in irrational philosophical systems, as well as in the philistine consciousness, is an unreasonable and incomprehensible predestination of events and actions of a person.

All explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language emphasize the common root of the words “fate” and “judgment”. So, for example, in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language by V. Dal, the word “fate” is not singled out separately, it is in a combination of words derived from the word “judgment”, and is interpreted as “judgment, trial, trial, and reprisal”. This origin of this term is not accidental: both the person himself and the people around him, speaking about fate, discuss, judge the results of the life path of the individual, evaluate his life.

The concept of "fate" is very ambiguous. The Academic Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language identifies the following main meanings: firstly, a coincidence, a spontaneous course of events that does not depend on the will of a person, luck, unexpected blows, destiny; secondly, share, fate, life path; thirdly, the history of the existence of something, the future of this object.

It is known that the Greek word “moira” itself, which denoted both fate and its arbiters - three moiras, literally translates as “share” that went to the participant in the feast at the table or when dividing the carcass of a dead animal. This interpretation completely coincides with one of the semantic meanings of the word “fate” in modern Russian.

Thinking about questions about his place in the world, about the boundaries of his freedom, a person can give three possible answers.

Firstly, all human actions are more or less rigidly predetermined in advance by some higher power located outside of us, which is called God, the fate of the world will, an absolute idea, and so on, or an unknowable law (logos) that has existed from time immemorial. In this case, a person does not have any freedom and turns out to be a toy, a puppet in the hands of a mysterious force, no matter how they call it.

Secondly, a person is completely free. His actions and deeds, starting from the simplest acts of everyday behavior and ending with the largest historical actions that decide the fate of countries and peoples, depend entirely on his own will. In this case, history is nothing more than a chain of events that cannot be foreseen.

In the first and second cases, a person is completely and completely in the power of fate. Only in the first case, fate appears in the form of a supra-world, mystical force (fatalism), and in the second it comes down to an unpredictable will of chance (voluntarism), because the will of the ruler, monarch, commander, and so on determines the course of world history. Absolute freedom is the complete negation of freedom.

Thirdly, the life of people and society as a whole is directed by some force independent of them, but a person is more or less able to know it and influence it.

Fate is predetermined by moira, but they enable the soul of the deceased to draw lots and thereby choose the path of their future life. But after this choice, the souls drink water from the river of Oblivion and stop remembering their past life and the choice they made. More than once in the course of his life a person experiences states when invisible threads pull him in one direction or the other.

The fate of a person is connected by thousands of threads with the fate of his people, and at the same time it is precisely his fate (and no one else's) individual fate. It depends and does not depend on the person. In the same historical situation, in the same social conditions, some people behave like heroes, while others behave like cowards.

1. The concept of fate

The question of what is fate people asked at all times. There is no specific answer to this question; a clear definition of the concept has also not been formulated. None of the existing theories or judgments about fate is an absolute truth, but is only Subjective opinion each person who give an answer to the question of what is destiny. Despite the subjectivity of the definitions of the concept of "fate", it is impossible to neglect the experience of mankind, accumulated over the centuries. Indeed, thanks to this experience, there are truths that do not require proof.

Let's try to consider the concept of "fate" from different angles. So, this ambiguous term has several definitions.

Fate is:

purpose (ideal);

The totality of all events and circumstances that primarily affect the existence of a person, a people;

predetermination of events occurring in a person's life and actions committed by him;

rock, fate

· high power, which can be represented as nature or a deity.

Each person, depending on his experience, worldview, belonging to any culture and religion, chooses for himself one of the definitions and applies it in his life. However, it is interesting that the concept of "fate" at different times was understood in different ways.

For example, among the pagans of antiquity, fate was considered an incomprehensible predestination of events and actions of a person.

Fate for a pagan is fate, fate. A person is completely subordinate to fate, he becomes a slave to circumstances. You can’t get away from fate, you can’t change it, you can’t influence it, which means that you can only submit to fate, as the Stoics called for doing. The Orthodox religion does not recognize such an understanding of "fate", since this concept of fate absolutizes only one aspect - the aspect of unfreedom.

In science, fate is a random determination of events, that is, causality. Fate is not something inevitable, however, there are natural laws of the physical world that cannot be changed, whose actions cannot be avoided. For example, if a person is sick with an incurable disease, he will never be able to recover.

In contrast to the indicated options for fate, in religious consciousness there is the concept of fate, as a providence, providence. Not blind fate, not impersonal physical laws, but a wise and good creator governs a person's life. And in different religions these understandings have certain differences.

In most cases, the word fate is a sentence, something unchanging, predestined.

Each person goes through his life path, while life constantly teaches us something, and it is like a school in which our consciousness, from time to time, receives certain tasks. And at some stage these tasks become a little more difficult. But at school, until we pass a certain stage of education, we cannot move on, that is, if we have not mastered the first grade program, we cannot move to the second. So in life, in my opinion, there is a gradual development or movement forward.

You can often hear “such is fate”, in most cases it means that this is something irreparable, something eternal. In fact, fate is, rather, a kind of test given to a person so that he passes it, learns something. How they give the child to learn the multiplication table so that in the future he can solve more complex equations. After the lessons of fate, life goes on, only now a person has some knowledge, experience. This uro needs to be mastered in order to move on, and not be stuck in this lesson for life.

Life is a patient teacher, and even if we don't want to listen to it, it still tries to teach us. Her favorite method is to take away from us what we consider the most valuable and absolutely necessary, as well as to force us to do what is necessary, even if we don’t want to do it. You can draw such an analogy - as a mother takes a child by the hand and leads to school, even if he does not want it, so the Universe leads us and we have to do what we do not always want, but what will definitely come in handy in the future.

In fact, it does not matter at all what views or religion we adhere to, what matters is the truth that leads us to self-improvement.

Fate is life, fate is a natural sequence (chain) of events (situations) that make up a person's life. Regular, means subject to clear laws.

Fate comes in several forms:

1. Initial or destined

2. Implementable

3. Implemented.

The initial fate is the fate that was given at birth, all the initial data with which a person begins his life: time and place of birth, country, parents (together with parents - upbringing, financial situation, worldview), environment (who will influence the formation of a person as a person), astrological data that determine his predispositions (talents, qualities, weaknesses and shortcomings by birth, that is, strengths and weaknesses). It is advisable to analyze your initial destiny, everything given by birth, and know what your weaknesses (shortcomings) are, and what you can rely on in your life (strengths).

Realized destiny is what a person does in the present, his efforts here and now from day to day: what goals he sets, what decisions he makes, what actions he performs, what knowledge he receives, what qualities, and talents he forms and reveals in himself what shortcomings and weaknesses eliminates. And it depends on this what our realized destiny will be, whether we will be happy and successful or unhappy and poor, both spiritually and materially.

Realized destiny is the destiny that a person has realized (lived), these are the results, the fruits of a person’s life, what he has done good, what is bad, what he has created or not created, what he has learned, how meaningfully he lived his life. Realized destiny is what a person gets in the end: how much happiness, how much suffering, all the spiritual and material benefits in life (what he deserves). It partly depends on the initial fate (what initial living conditions a person had), but to a greater extent it depends on the realized fate, that is, on what the person himself does in his life: what to learn, what goals he sets and achieves. As the saying goes, "Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself."

In practice, only a minority of successful people initially have excellent starting conditions, almost everything depends on what you personally do with your destiny. For example, Lomonosov was born in the wilderness in a village, but he achieved a lot. He showed incredible willpower, patience and commitment to his goals. And there are many such examples.

To achieve success, you need willpower, the desire to achieve goals, these forces are partly embedded in the initial fate, partly developed by the person himself.

Genetics is our destiny. Here we received black eyes from our parents - this is fate, we cannot replace them, except to insert glass ones. A man or a woman develops from an embryo, becomes a man - this is also fate. There are many factors that influence a person's life and make up what we call destiny. But fate is not a rigid necessity.

The cosmic influences that astrology deals with are not absolute, just like all other influences. We only know that at the moment of a person's birth, when he is most defenseless from the influence of the environment, some forces, influences and material flows that are still unknown to us act on him. He comes into this world from the womb of his mother, and all this falls upon him. But it does not collapse by chance, it is all due to something. In particular, this is due to the planets of our solar system. Their configuration, each time different, creates different types of film adaptation, and hence it matters when a person was born, in what astronomical period. True, in order to accurately calculate this, very complex and subtle calculations are needed, not at all those that are given in magazines. These are calculations simplified to the limit, made mainly for the amusement of people. Real scientific astrological calculation is much more complex. Kindness can be perceived and developed, but negativity must be overcome. So fate is not something that controls us, but something that we control, this is only our output, a starting position that can be independently developed and improved.

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What is fate? This is one of those questions that cannot be answered unambiguously. The existence of fate can neither be proved nor disproved by material facts or arguments.

Because the phenomenon of fate refers to spiritual development, and everything related to spirituality can be seen or felt only with the heart, spiritual vision.

Those who feel the divine spark, their higher self, at a certain stage of their spiritual development, face internal contradictions that can confuse and make erroneous judgments.

On the one hand, the heart speaks about the existence of the soul, higher goals, spiritual improvement, and on the other hand, the mind, its rational part, asks quite logical questions, the answers found to which are sometimes discouraging, bringing confusion to the soul.

Fate in most cases is associated with a certain general line of a person's life, in which everything is predetermined, everything that should happen, both good and bad, will surely come true. Even if a person wants to avoid some events, he cannot do this.

Given this, a completely logical question arises: “If fate really exists and cannot be changed, then what is the point in development?” After all, it turns out, no matter how hard you try, no matter how you improve, still nothing will change.

If you are destined to go through suffering or trials, you will not escape them. If you are meant to be someone, then you will be someone, even if you don't want to be. It turns out a paradox. The mind has driven itself into a dead end.

Paradox, mind trap

In a spiritual sense, a person who finds himself in such a trap of the mind begins to stagnate. Being in a confused state and not finding a solution for himself, he draws conclusions that slow down his spiritual growth, and may even push him onto the path of involution.

If I cannot change anything, then, in fact, my choice in this or that situation is unimportant, which means that I do not bear any responsibility for my actions and my life.

Such reasoning can lead a person to lead a life in a range of two extremes:

1. Start living life, indulge in all serious, indulge your instinctive nature. After all, no matter what I do, everything happens according to the plan of fate.

Any of my actions cannot be wrong, I can do whatever I please, because I cannot go beyond the boundaries destined for me by fate.

And this, in turn, means that the embodiment of any thoughts and desires is following my destiny, since I cannot accidentally think or wish about something.

2. Live life as a victim. In such a position, a person voluntarily deprives himself of spiritual strength, blocks his own will.

With such a worldview, life is presented to a person mainly as fate, as a series of unfavorable events that cannot be changed.

In order to somehow alleviate your suffering, you have to accept your difficult fate in the hope that in the future it will become a little easier.

As you understand, these extremes have nothing to do with spiritual development. Spiritual development involves a conscious choice and responsibility for one's actions.

The ability to make decisions yourself and be responsible for your actions, to be the center of your life and not shift responsibility to others is an indicator of the strength and spiritual maturity of a person.

The paradox itself is not something that reflects reality. It can also be imagined as a mental construction or thought form that contains a certain logic, a program like “if so, then only this way and nothing else.”

This construction is mentally quite rigid and inflexible, it does not allow to think more broadly and limits the human consciousness. In fact, it keeps the mind in its framework exactly as much as a person considers his judgments to be true and unshakable.

The properties of the paradox are widely used in theological schools to expand the consciousness of students. When the master traps the mind of the student with logic, there is a great opportunity to see their own limitations.

The independent resolution of the paradox is an indication that the student was able to go beyond his limiting logic, expanded his consciousness and climbed another step in spiritual evolution.

This kind of trap cannot be avoided, from time to time the mind will drive itself into a corner, you just need to remember that this is your understanding of the situation, and it is limited only by your life experience and state of consciousness.

There is a higher spiritual order in which there are no contradictions, you just need to go beyond your mental limitations, look at the problem with a broader spiritual view.

In order to fully understand what fate is and how a person is connected with it, let's turn to authoritative sources that explain this phenomenon.

What is destiny, definition in Sanskrit

In Sanskrit, fate is defined by the word karma, which in turn means:

  • any activity;
  • deeds;
  • the law of cause and effect.

According to the spiritual teachings about karma, a person's life is seen as a series of his actions. Moreover, each action performed by him, and it does not matter if it is a thought, a desire or a specific act, is both a cause for future and a consequence for previous actions and events.

That is, each perfect act gives rise to a chain of consequences, events, which in turn give rise to the following events. As you understand, good deeds activate favorable events, bad deeds bring a series of failures and upheavals to a person. There is a popular proverb on this topic, which reflects the essence of the law of cause and effect: "What you sow, you will reap."

Of course, such a question as the fate of man cannot be considered only in one physical plane. Given that a person is a multidimensional being and manifests itself in many dimensions and planes that are outside the physical reality, his evolution and spiritual development does not end with physical death.

Therefore, karma is not limited to one physical life. The law of cause and effect is universal, and it works in all planes of human existence, regardless of whether a person is incarnated at the moment on planet Earth or not.

Also, the teachings about karma (fate) affect some aspects human being beyond physical life and death. Man like spiritual being, goes through a chain of incarnations in physical reality for its evolution.

At the moment of death (at the end of the next incarnation), all good and bad deeds are summed up. Depending on the result obtained for a person, his future life, that is, the fate that he must live, go through his lessons and get rid of his karma.

In fact, how each of the people lives, in which country he was born, what character he has, what he does, what kind of parents he has, what diseases he is prone to, what kind of body he has and much more - all this is a consequence of previous incarnations, then is the destiny of man.

From the above two paragraphs, one might get the impression that the fate of a person is a series of programmed events that cannot be changed.

This is not entirely true. It must be remembered that every action gives rise to a chain of events, and the seeds of these events can germinate both in the current life and in future incarnations.

A couple of "cause - effect" are inseparable and uniquely defined, and a person cannot break this connection, because no one has canceled the laws of the universe.

But a person has freedom of choice, freedom of will, and this is his strength and the key to harmony and prosperity.

Spiritual teachings say that a person is a powerful being who is given freedom of choice.

Thanks to this freedom, a person can draw great spiritual power, or completely destroy himself, performing certain actions in accordance with his choice.

Therefore, spiritual teachers, knowing the truth, refuse to indulge the weaknesses of their students and call them to responsibility for their actions and their lives. Each person, being in any situation, has many options, what next step to take, he only needs to choose.

And accordingly, this choice will mean a specific action, which includes a series of events, and the person begins to reap the results of his choice. That is, in fact, the fate of a person can change depending on his choice and his actions.

A special case of the law of cause and effect

Simply put, if a person constantly abuses alcohol, then obviously, sooner or later his body will begin to hurt, and most likely he will reap the results of his actions in the form of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

If we further investigate this example, we can see that the problems of our hero do not end with the deterioration of health. Suppose he is married, has children and a job. Briefly, the consequences of choosing to abuse alcohol can be listed:

  1. Degradation occurs, a person turns 180⁰ and descends down the ladder of spiritual evolution. The personality of a person changes. Aggression, deceit, hatred and self-humiliation completely subdue human consciousness.
  2. Family destruction. Scandals and quarrels gradually destroy the well-being of all family members. In the end, all loved ones begin to suffer. The children hate the father, the wife hates the husband.
  3. Most likely, there is a dismissal from the place of work or a deterioration in relations with superiors and colleagues.
  4. Loss of friends. Divorce. Life in loneliness with a broken trough.

Here is an approximate scenario of events that happens with alcoholics. A number of questions arise:

  • Who is to blame in the life of this person that everything turned out this way, he himself, fate, fate, or someone else or something?
  • Could a person change his life if he knew in advance what his choice to abuse alcohol would lead to?
  • is it this person a victim of circumstances, or is he fully responsible for his decisions and actions?
  • What fate is prepared for this person, what will he have to understand, and what lessons need to be learned in the future life?

This example is not so simple and is, unfortunately, a common life drama.

If a person took responsibility for his actions and each time he wanted to drink, made the choice not to drink, then he would be able to change his fate already in the current life. And it is true. There are many life examples of this, when a person stopped drinking, and his life improved.

This is the law of cause and effect. There are no victims of circumstances, each of us is responsible for what happens in his life, how happy or unhappy he is.

In this sense, the formula for happiness is very simple: give up actions that destroy you, your life and make a choice towards actions that bring you harmony and well-being.

What to do if you know you need to change but can't do it

Not everything is so simple, many people can feel the wrongness of their actions and be aware of the negative consequences of their choice. But for certain reasons, they cannot refuse the wrong choice and step on the same rake again and again, getting burned over and over again.

This state of affairs makes a person suffer even more. But there are good things about it too. If a person has already begun to understand that he is doing something wrong and it needs to be changed, if a problem is visible, then it can be corrected.

Man is a multidimensional being, which consists not only of physical body, but there is also consciousness, mind, energy bodies and so on. And in order to change something in your life, you must take into account the principle of multidimensionality and interconnection.

If a person wants to stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs, refuse junk food, restore health, find Good work, start a family and the like, he will have to dive deep into his space and start looking for answers and working with them.

It will be necessary to change addictions, deal with your thoughts, realize false desires and goals, face your fears, remove energy blocks and much more.

For a positive result, you need to work in at least four planes:

As you understand, at the first stages it is almost impossible to carry out such work on your own. This requires outside help, the help of a competent person.

In evolutionary terms, everything in our life is organized reasonably, and there are people who are destined to provide such assistance.

This kind of help and support can be provided to you by:

  • Your parents, relatives, friends (provided that they have experience and positive results).
  • A spiritual guide you trust and feel connected to.
  • A person who knows how to properly provide psychological assistance.
  • Coach (personal trainer who will lead you to a certain result and achieve specific goals).

Of course, in order to do the right things, you also need to have willpower, wisdom, be able to see the right choice, and for this you need to know certain spiritual laws and follow them.

But who said that it is difficult or impossible? You just need to want to make a choice and learn these laws, and then make a choice again and start applying them in your life.

Is there a destiny or is it all an illusion of human perception

Well, whether there is a destiny or not, this question must be answered by a person to himself on his own. Because it is impossible to prove or disprove something that is not consistent with the worldview. Only the heart can tell if it's true or false.

If the answer is yes - “there is a fate, and it can be changed”, then, apparently, a person is ready to become the master of his life and take responsibility for his actions, thoughts, desires.

If the answer is no, this is also a choice for which you will have to bear responsibility.

For those who believe that a person has a destiny, and they are not satisfied with their lives, the question becomes relevant:

Is it possible to change your destiny and how to do it?

Yes and no. Some of it can be changed, some of it can't. Because in addition to fate, there is also a purpose.

  • Why partially yes and no?
  • What is the difference between destiny and destiny?

We will talk about this in the next article.

Harmony and prosperity to you!

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A person, while trading, catches himself, for example, fish for food or for sale. What is God Himself doing? As it is easy to guess, God provides for our immortal corrected souls.

God's providence does not limit human freedom

God's providence consists in this, that, speaking modern language, to create for a person during his earthly life such a program in which a person will be forced to improve all the time and come to God on his own, realizing that this is his salvation.

A person from the day of his birth on earth feels uncomfortable, or unhappy, or unfavorable, and therefore the goal of his life is always to gain good, happiness, an inner sense of satisfaction with what is happening. Since a person is a rather stupid and unreasonable creature, in order to achieve this simple goal, for some reason, he chooses a difficult path, guided by the herd-sheep instinct: "Everyone does it that way."

Which is easier to achieve spiritual peace: to accumulate wealth, build yourself an expensive house, buy an expensive car and amass a huge fortune, all the while fighting to preserve your capital, fighting off tax authorities and just bandits who want to get their hands on someone else's, or limit their own? needs with the usual average requirements for the goods of life?

For some reason modern man still believes that wealth is good. Although it is clearly seen that no material benefits bring peace of mind and happiness, but rather, on the contrary, they bring continuous problems. But a person out of his greed and pride, because in society it is customary to believe that rich means respected, decides to get involved in the struggle for wealth, while forgetting both sleep and food. And, of course, happiness never reaches.

God sees this and does not interfere with it, because He knows that it is necessary to give a person, like a small child, to play enough in his own firm, power, honor and respect. And when a person finally understands the stupidity of what he has done himself, then God will try to bring him closer to the right path to achieve the good.

Between Faith and Religious Fanaticism

It is possible that a person will again come up with a long and inefficient way of acquiring good, for example, he will hit religion, start going to church, believe in an idol god who needs to pray furiously night and day, and then he will give happiness instead of endless prayers . You cannot look at a person in such love of God without tears: a true champion of the faith opposes himself to all unbelievers and, according to his ideas, wrongly, to living people. Such a person, getting a job, says: "Look, I'm a believer." Thus, demanding a special attitude towards oneself as to a foreign, alien body.

The most offensive thing about such believers is that they really believe that they will be saved. and everyone else will die or go to hell. It turns out not at all in a Christian way, they will run away, which means they themselves will go to Paradise, like rats, and you, all the rest, are welcome to Hell for eternal torment. The realization of their righteousness and specialness leads these believers to a tragic outcome.In the church they know and for some reason say little about this phenomenon, which affects almost everyone. neophytes (this is the name of the newly come to the faith of the laity).

This phenomenon is terrible and consists in the fact that for such a stupid faith, when a person goes to church for a long time, approximately attends all services, pays tithe regularly (and so for ten years), God “punishes” him with the death of loved ones or a terrible illness, or other misfortunes such as loss of a job, business, etc. That's the result! Why do we need such faith? The clergy explain this by saying that, after a certain period, God wants to test whether a person is strong in faith. True, they forget that God already knows and sees, without testing, how perfect the inner world of man is. He is God, not man.

Attributing human properties to God was necessary for poorly educated people in order to begin to accustom them to faith and understanding of the universe. Then there were expressions like "God was angry, struck, deprived, punished ...". God does not test; He sees through and through everything. In the case of neophytes, God puts them again in the conditions of the initial state of grief and misfortune, because these “believers” became proud and began to consider themselves righteous, and exalted themselves above other people, considering themselves exceptional, especially pleasing to God and demanding special honors for this. In Church Tradition, this state is called falling into delusion , or opinion.

Why is the state of delusion dangerous?

In fact, the one who believes in delusion is guilty of the fall of a person who believes in delusion, of course, the evil one, who keeps whispering strongly and thoughtlessly to a believing Christian that God highly appreciates his feat and faith.

In addition, demons can appear to a believer in a dream and in reality in the form of angels and saints and fool a person if he is subject to conceit and is led to their tricks. In this case Heavenly Forces there is nothing left to do but lower the presumptuous believer from heaven to earth.

Path choice

The Providence of God is precisely to make a person normal and good, i.e. suitable for further education in the next class of the universal school after the earth.People lament when they realize that they do not live individually, but as a herd, according to scenarios predetermined for them, with a predetermined fate and a series of trials, for example, a war or a flood, or a crashed plane. It has been noticed that those who are not destined to crash in an airplane according to the scenario and for whom God has not prepared this fate, are late for the plane, or one out of a hundred survives in a catastrophe, or something else happens according to the Will of God, but the person remains alive. What was conceived is similar to a computer game, where a person chooses turns and directions, and then everything goes according to the scenario of the person who invented the game.

Your task is to choose the right path and not try to become a Rockefeller, and then, on the right path - less problematic - make fewer sins and thus score fewer penalty points. In addition, positive points are also counted in this game for good and right deeds that you do without any calculation and intent, but just like that, because you cannot do otherwise. Good-looking deeds for which you expect to receive benefits and rewards, that is, not selfish, do not bring positive points in this game. If you borrowed money from a friend and thought that later he would borrow you, you have zero positive points. But if you borrowed and forgot to pick up, or thought that it was harder for him than for you, and did not begin to remind you of the debt, it means that you have come closer to God, even if only by three rubles.

Fortunetellers do not help, but harm!

Now, probably, the answer to the secret question becomes more understandable: why is it impossible to go to fortune-tellers and good grandmothers that conspiracies really help and cure some diseases?Imagine six billion people for whom it is necessary to write and select a test program, taking into account the ongoing changes and currents. And for their life path such a program is written (with different options for free choice). But then some kind of psychic appears, who, in order to earn money, through criminal profit, using the abilities that Satan clearly gave him, begins to interfere in the future of man. Firstly, he acts on the suggestion of demons, and secondly, he who asks for help becomes an accomplice and enters into communication with dark forces. Sooner or later, you will have to pay for this. Thirdly, man departs from God and His good intention.

How to come to terms with the death of babies?

The most active opponents of the existing world order often accuse God of cruelty. Especially they are not allowed to sleep peacefully when a baby dies. It seems to be quite sinless - and on you, such grief. Why doesn't God stop this?

The question is not easy, one can only assume some options. Perhaps, when the baby was still in the mother's womb, the situation according to the scenario of the lives of the people around him was the same, but in nine months everything could change. The actions of parents or relatives inevitably affected the future of the child, and it became meaningless for this baby to live. Moreover, the death of an infant can dramatically affect the lives of parents. Perhaps the experience of grief or the realization of their sinfulness will lead them to faith. And no one knows what could await this child in the future, if he was still born? Maybe God saved him from disaster.

The site provides an interesting fantastic observation: aliens of about our level of development have arrived on planet Earth and are watching the hospital. After examining some patients, the doctor sends them to a resort, while others are laid on the table and cut with a knife. It is difficult to understand immediately and from the outside, what is the matter here? So it is with the providence of God. God knows what each person needs to be cured of his particular spiritual illness or to prepare for eternal life.

It seems cruel, but if you look at it, then probably the death of the baby was the best outcome of events. Yes, and diseases, including severe ones, God gives for a reason. You noticed how good and kind a sick person often becomes, and before the illness he was so arrogant that it was impossible to talk to him. That is why in the church you can, of course, ask God for health, and for the speedy conversion of you or someone else to the faith, maybe God will decide to correct the disease. But, perhaps, God specifically gave the disease to correct the patient - then nothing. In a word, everything is the Will of God.

History of the Blind

The Bible also describes another case that sheds light on understanding the structure and essence of God's providence. Jesus Christ walked through one of the villages:

And as he passed, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: neither he nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might appear on him (John 9:1-3).

Further, Jesus healed this man from blindness and thus showed the people of this village and the disciples why this man lived all the time. It turns out that God showed him a miracle of healing. That's what.

Amazing! A man was born blind only because, according to the providence of God, Jesus will pass through the village and heal this person, for a clear example, living in this village.

Archpriest Vladimir Golovin tells about the action of God's Providence in a person's life:

Psychology of betrayal