The image of the all-merciful Savior for which they pray. Three-meter icon

One of the manifestations of the "miraculous" icon is that a woman who has cheated on her husband at least once cannot see Jesus on the icon. Icon - the Image of the All-Merciful Savior. At first the icon belonged to monastery Borisoglebsk (the right bank of the modern Tutaev) and was placed in the dome (was the "sky") of the monastery ... In the 18th century, the icon of the Savior was taken by Metropolitan Arseny Matseevich to Rostov. After 40 years, she returned. Returning the icon from Rostov the Great, people carried it in their arms. In the place where they stopped to wash it from road dust, a healing spring gushed on the Kovat River ... All past centuries, a list of healings from the miraculous icon was kept. The image of the All-Merciful Savior is one of the most revered icons not only for a single Tutaev church, but for the entire Yaroslavl diocese. Breast image; right hand Jesus Christ is raised for blessing, in the left - the open Gospel. From time to time the icon has darkened greatly. According to legend, the icon was painted in the first third of the 15th century by St. Reverend Dionysius Glushitsky for wooden church princes Boris and Gleb. Initially, it was located in the dome, it was, as it were, the “sky” of the temple. Later it was moved to the chapel of Saints Boris and Gleb above royal doors, and in the 18th century, after renovation, they were placed in the main building of the temple. For many centuries of being in the temple, this image of the All-Merciful Savior was repeatedly glorified by miracles - the icon became miraculous. For this reason, lists were repeatedly made from her. One of them, created in Romanov, an important icon-painting center of the Volga region, is now in the Andrei Rublev Museum. In 1749, by order of Metropolitan Arseny of Rostov, the icon was taken from the cathedral to the bishop's house. And although in 1763 Arseniy was deprived of the rank of metropolitan for criticizing Catherine's policy, demoted to a monk and exiled to a monastery, the icon continued to remain in the metropolitan's chambers. Only almost half a century later, in 1798, the icon was returned to the Resurrection Cathedral. From Rostov to Borisoglebsk the image was carried in their arms. According to legend, three miles before Borisoglebsk, on the banks of the Kovat River, they decided to wash the image from road dust, and at this place they hammered a key, which is still revered as holy and healing. In memory of this event, prayers are performed near this place, and it is also customary to perform procession with the image of the Savior in the city on the tenth Sunday after Easter. Before late XIX century, the procession went only along the Borisoglebskaya side. After the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', it was established to make a procession along the left bank - on the last Sunday before the feast of Elijah the Prophet.

Icon of the All-Merciful Savior


It is located in the city of Tutaev (former Romanov-Borisoglebsk) in the Yaroslavl region. Breast image; the right hand of Jesus Christ is raised for blessing, in the left is the open Gospel. From time to time the icon has darkened greatly.

According to legend, the icon was painted in the first third of the 15th century by the holy reverend Dionysius Glushitsky for the wooden church of princes Boris and Gleb. Initially, it was located in the dome, it was, as it were, the “sky” of the temple. Later, it was moved to the chapel of Saints Boris and Gleb above the Royal Doors, and in the 18th century, after renovation, it was placed in the main building of the temple.

For many centuries of being in the temple, this image of the All-Merciful Savior was repeatedly glorified by miracles - the icon became miraculous. For this reason, lists were repeatedly made from her. One of them, created in Romanov, an important icon-painting center of the Volga region, is now in the Andrei Rublev Museum.

In 1749, by order of Metropolitan Arseny of Rostov, the icon was taken from the cathedral to the bishop's house. And although in 1763 Arseniy was deprived of the rank of metropolitan for criticizing Catherine's policy, demoted to a monk and exiled to a monastery, the icon continued to remain in the metropolitan's chambers. Only almost half a century later, in 1798, the icon was returned to the Resurrection Cathedral. From Rostov to Borisoglebsk the image was carried in their arms.

According to legend, three miles before Borisoglebsk, on the banks of the Kovat River, they decided to wash the image from road dust, and at this place they hammered a key, which is still revered as holy and healing. In memory of this event, prayers are performed near this place, and it is also customary to make a procession with the image of the Savior around the city on the tenth Sunday after Easter. Until the end of the 19th century, the procession went only along the Borisoglebskaya side. After the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', it was established to make a procession along the left bank - on the last Sunday before the feast of Elijah the Prophet.


Push. Today I saw Sadalsky in LiveJournal. It was very tense for everyone to crawl under the icon. Nothing, bent - not broken. Pride seized the commentators exorbitant.

The icon of the All-Merciful Savior belongs to the type of the icon of the Almighty. On such icons, he appears as the Judge, the central image of the Lord. The first image of the Almighty is dated approximately to the middle of the XII century. Jesus Christ appears in full growth. His gaze is sad and full of sorrow, but does not condemn. The first appearance of this icon was in the spiritual upsurge of the people in Rus'. The icon has miraculous properties, so many copies have been made from the face of the Lord. On such icons, Jesus Christ is depicted both in full growth or sitting, and from the waist or chest.

The most famous list in this style is the icon of the All-Merciful Savior in Tutaev - the chest image of Christ, on which he holds an open Gospel in his left hand, and raised his right hand in a blessing gesture. On other copies from the original image of the Almighty, sometimes the scroll replaces the book.

The glorified icon appeared presumably at the beginning of the 15th century for the church of the Russian princes Boris and Gleb, sons of the great Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The icon painter Dionysius Glushitsky worked on the shrine. Initially, the icon was located in the dome of the temple, it could be seen only by looking at the "sky". The dimensions of the icon are impressive: 2.78 m wide and 3.20 m high. Therefore, it was a worthy decoration of the dome. The exact weight of the icon is unknown, but at least 30 men are needed to carry it, and at the same time, everyone will feel the weight of the icon. Every year they make a procession with the icon, for this they use a special metal frame, in order to make it convenient to carry the shrine.

The icon was not for long in the chapel of Saints Boris and Gleb. It was only in the 18th century that the image ended up in the main hall of the church. But he didn't rest long. In 1749, the shrine was transferred to the bishop's house at the behest of Metropolitan Arseny. In 1798, the image was taken on foot, carrying it in her arms, to the Resurrection Cathedral, where it is kept to this day. So the icon ended up in Tutaev, until 1918 it was called Romanov-Borisoglebsk. In our time, along the path of the image, on one of the banks of the Kovat River, where it was washed from dust and dirt that had settled along the road, a holy key beats, possessing healing properties. Every year on the tenth Sunday after Easter, people go to the procession. This event is a real holiday: the icon of the All-Merciful Savior is solemnly carried out of the Resurrection Cathedral, and the procession accompanies it on its way through the whole city. Such a tradition has existed for many years, even centuries, it seems that time has no power over the shrines and the faith of people.

The icon of the Savior in Tutaev began to darken over time, this is due to the fact that earlier the icons were finished with a layer of sunflower oil to fix the colors. This icon is the only one in the Resurrection Cathedral, from which the oil layer has not been removed. But the face of the Lord is well read from the icon and, it seems, looks into the soul, exposing it and freeing it. The metal frame, which is used in the procession, has a special device so that men can lean it on their shoulders and carry the icon in this way. There are arches in the frame so that believers can pass under the face of God while walking or stopping. As in the old days, the icon is carried uncovered, even in rain and bad weather.

Above the head of the Savior is a golden crown, which can rightly be called a work of art. The crown is decorated with chased patterns. Centuries later, the work of the master has not been erased and is still pleasing to the eye.

The meaning of the miraculous icon of the All-Merciful Savior

People often come to the icon to ask for health for the body and spirit. Diseases of the bones and joints miraculously recede, but not only with these problems they turn to God through this icon. The most important thing is that they do not pray to the icon, but to the Lord, and you need to ask him. The icon has repeatedly shown miraculous properties. An interesting manifestation of the divine powers of the icon is that a wife, even once betraying her husband, will not distinguish the Lord on the icon.

The icon under which they crawl

"Crawl through" - this word may seem completely inappropriate and even rude to someone when it comes to shrines. But it is used for a reason, it can be replaced by the word "crawl", but then the fact that the action of "crawl" is carried out by the believer on his knees and with a prayer on his lips will escape the eye. That is why one of the churches of the Resurrection Cathedral became famous as the church in Tutaev, where they crawl under the icon.

In the icon case, a small hole was made under the icon - a special window through which believers need to crawl.

Believers crawl under the icon of the Savior, you need to do this on your knees, reading a prayer

The custom has existed for more than a century, and during this time, marks from the knees of the parishioners lay on the floor through the hole.

Prayer read before the image of the Savior:

Good Humane, Most Merciful Lord, bearing our ailments and healing us with Your wounds. Before Your Majesty, we humbly pray to Thee: look, Merciful, on Your servants; and as if you healed the weakened in ancient times, so now, the Healer of the Good, visit Your servants with Your mercy and bounty, and heal our sinful disease. Turn our mental and bodily ailments into health, turn weaknesses into strength, sorrows into joy and sorrow into the consolation of change. Take away from us all despondency and oblivion, strengthen our mind and confirm in the hedgehog always learn from Your commandments; correct all our thoughts in order to do your good and perfect will, you are the healer of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to you forever and ever. Amen.

This time I want to tell you about the city of Tutaev, the sights of which cause a storm of emotions among travelers, judging by their reviews on the Internet. A particularly strong impression is made by Tutaev's Resurrection Cathedral and the icon under which they crawl. It sounds very unusual, intriguing ...

And I wanted to see everything with my own eyes! Therefore, we include this ancient city in our car route. And on a sunny summer day, we drive into Tutaev or Romanov-Borisoglebsk on the Volga by car.

The history of the city is not quite usual. Local residents are proud of their small homeland and say that the city was built on seven hills, seven springs and seven ravines. First, back in the 14th century, the city of Romanov arose on the left bank of the Volga, which was founded by Prince Roman Yaroslavsky.

Much later, about 100 years later, Borisoglebskaya Sloboda became famous on the right bank of the Russian river, where in the 17th century a fantastically luxurious church of the Resurrection of Christ was built of stone.

Later, by decree of Catherine the Great, the settlement became a city, which also had its own coat of arms.

And in 1822, these two cities merged into one: Romanov-Borisoglebsk. In fact, these are now two different cities on different banks of the Volga, only they have the same name.

But the bridge-crossing the river has never been, and is not. And no one knows when the crossing will be opened in Tutaev. For more information about modern methods of movement between the Volga banks, see the end of the article.

And the history of the renaming of Romanov-Borisoglebsk into Tutaev is not at all surprising. After the revolution of 1917, they decided to name the city by the name of some famous party leader. And in the end they settled on the name Tutaev. It was the name of a young Red Guard who died in a shootout with the White Guards.

But whatever the name, in Tutaev or in Romanov-Borisoglebsk, on the right bank of the Volga or on the left bank, as befits an old Russian city, there was and is now big number Orthodox churches.

Orthodox Rus'!

True, there was a time in the history of the city when it almost became the capital of Muslims. Ivan the Terrible, by his royal will, gave it into the possession of the Tatars. And in a very short time, there were as many mosques here as there were Orthodox churches. But Catherine the Great, who reigned on the throne a little later, took the situation into her own hands, put things in order in the center of Russia, and everything returned to its place: everything is as it should be in Orthodoxy.

And now only the Romanov sheep, which were bred at that time and precisely on the territory of Romanov, remind of the time of the Tatar dominance. Until now, fur products made from the wool of Romanov sheep are famous throughout Russia, and not only in Russia.

The main cathedral of Tutaev

On the left bank of the Volga, the Borisoglebsk side is adorned with the beautiful Resurrection Cathedral of Tutaev with a three-meter icon of the Savior, under which they crawl. The huge majestic and outwardly very elegant five-domed Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Tutaev rises on the main square of the city and is included in the list of attractions of the Golden Ring of Russia.

It was built in the middle of the 17th century on the site of a wooden church that had collapsed from time to time, consecrated in the name of Boris and Gleb, and is the rarest preserved example of Yaroslavl architecture of that period.

I can’t even believe that 7 thrones are consecrated in the temple! It is surprising that in Soviet times this cathedral was not closed and was able to keep all its valuables and shrines in their places.

Already entering the temple porch, you understand that something unusual and even fabulous awaits you inside.

And indeed it is! It is very beautiful inside - the walls, the vault are covered with numerous paintings, the plots of which are taken from the New and Old Testaments.

These are scenes from the life of Adam and Eve in paradise, the story of Jonah, Noah's ark, various historical plots. A huge fresco tells about the construction of the Tower of Babel.

Interesting internal organization temple. Most importantly, the interior of the cathedral is surrounded by a painted corridor, which is located along the perimeter. But in order to get into the church itself, you need to go through amazing vaulted doors.

But, of course, the most important treasure of the Resurrection Cathedral is the icon of the All-Merciful Savior. It is known as an icon to crawl under in Tutaev. It is located on the left side of the temple, if you stand facing the altar. It is impossible not to notice it: it is so huge. Its exact size: 298 x 276 cm.

This miraculous icon in the 15th century by the Monk Dionysius Glushitsky. It was once the dome of an existing church. After the revolution, the Tutaevsky Savior Not Made by Hands was lost. But later it was found in a miraculous way: the women were washing clothes on the river and suddenly noticed that the board on which they stood had darkened, and the image began to show through there.

Now this icon, under which you need to crawl 3 times according to tradition, is located in the main Resurrection Cathedral of Tutaev. At the bottom there is a specially made “healing” hole, through which they crawl on their knees under the icon. The opening is not very wide, so someone who is a little thicker has a hard time. But we did it!

During this ceremony, when they crawl under the icon, believers pray for the elimination of pain in the legs, spine, and for the restoration of health. physical body and finding inner harmony.

It is very easy to pray in this amazing temple, which is very small inside, but spacious and homely, cozy.

From under the high dome, the Savior is also looking at you, surrounded by angels, archangels and other heavenly inhabitants,

and from the ancient iconostasis - the faces of the Virgin and numerous Christian saints.

If you go around the temple on the left and walk along the highway 200 meters along Yaroslavskaya Street, and then turn right along the path, towards the Volga, you can find yourself near the holy spring, consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (a map with the location of all the sights of Tutaev is at the end of the article) .

A wooden bathhouse was built nearby. Spring coordinates: 57.87569, 39.524.

We really wanted to plunge into this hot day in ice water holy spring, but could not wait for everyone to bathe. Therefore, we decided that the Volga waters on the city beach will give us no less pleasure.

Coordinates where you can swim in Tutaev: 57.87146, 39.54125. We didn't really like it there, though.

A modest temple with a life-giving icon

The no less revered miraculous icon “Addition of the Mind” is located in the Intercession Church of Tutaev.

According to legend, one man suffered from a serious illness, which manifested a weakening of the mind. Once, in a dream, he saw the Mother of God, who gave him advice: to write Her image. After the final writing of the “Addition of the Mind” icon, when the work was completed, the symptoms of the disease completely disappeared, and the person recovered.

Many believers, reading an akathist and a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos near her icon “Addition of the Mind”, ask the Queen of Heaven for help to study better, memorize faster, and pass exams well. They believe that this image Mother of God helps with nervous and mental disorders. And very often help comes!

Therefore, with great desire, we went to this temple together with my nephews, schoolchildren. They still have many years of schooling and other educational institutions. Yes, I still have a lot to learn in this life. 🙂

The Intercession Church itself is small, one-story. It is located on the Romanov side of Tutaev. Its thick walls indicate that it was planned to build a 2-storey church. Why the construction was not completed is unknown. Nearby is a very beautiful, rather high, bell tower. It is decorated with green tiles.

In the right part of the porch at the church, an ancient grave has been preserved. No one remembers who is buried in it. But as a sign of memory and respect, the grave is not demolished.

A small territory of the temple is well-groomed, there are beautiful flower beds and benches around, there is a well. How pleasant it was to wash and drink some water on a hot July day, and even pour a little down the collar of your companions. 😆

Church of the Intercession is open to the public every day from 9 am to 6 pm. On weekends and holidays services are held here:

  • mornings begin with confession at 8.30, then at 9 o'clock the Divine Liturgy is served;
  • Evening services begin at 5:00 pm.

Shining decorations of the Volga banks

Near Pokrovskaya is Tutaev's Trinity Church, which was built by visiting Moscow craftsmen in 1660, as well as the Spaso-Arkhangelskaya Church.

Holy Cross Cathedral - the most ancient temple the city of Tutaev on the Romanov side. It is famous for its multi-subject frescoes and murals, well preserved to this day from the 17th century.

Despite the fact that it is located on numerous earthen ramparts, its domes can hardly be seen among the tall trees.

The Kazan Transfiguration Church of Tutaev, Yaroslavl Region, was built in 1588, when the Mother of God appeared in a vision to one of the residents of Romanov and ordered her miraculous icon to be delivered to this very place.

All the inhabitants of the city participated in the construction of the new temple, and red bricks for the church were supplied by ships along the Volga. This temple is located on the very bank of the river, so it appears to both tourists and residents of the city in all its glory.

In Soviet times, a television studio, a brewery, and even a rescue station were located here. Currently, the temple is being restored, but very slowly, since all the work is carried out by the forces and at the expense of the parishioners exclusively.

And, of course, from the left bank of the Volga, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the entire right-bank Tutaev open in all its glory.

And on the Borisoglebskaya side there is a small, but very unusual Church of the Annunciation. Leaving this small Volga town, we drove past it.

This is the only pillarless church in Tutaev.

Museum - an excursion into the history of the city

Of course, ancient Romanov-Borisoglebsk is not only proud of Orthodox churches, there are other monuments, museums and thematic exhibitions in it. So you don't have to think long about what you can see in Tutaev.

For example, on Lunacharsky Street, 40-A, you will be welcome in the museum, which is called “Borisoglebskaya Side”. Except Monday, it is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm. All the exhibits there are divided into 5 themes, 5 expositions:

  • The Tsarskaya Sheep hall is dedicated to the Romanov breed of sheep, as well as other Tutaev brands: these are nails and lace, which the city was famous for.
  • “Klassen's Manufactory” will tell about the life of a merchant who opened his own factories for the production of linen products in the city.
  • The “Apartment of the Primer” is represented by a small classroom with wooden desks, textbooks from the last century, non-spill inkwells and many other things of the students of the not so distant past.
  • “Soviet Province” will tell about the life of the people of the Soviet era, about their joys and worries.
  • The exposition “And the saved world remembers” will tell about the famous natives of the city, about the heroes who defended their homeland on the military fronts.

Eh, Tutaev-gorodok

Everything is ambiguous

What is he, Tutaev? Very different! On the outskirts, it is a modern city with multi-storey buildings and the usual urban infrastructure: supermarkets, cafes, cinemas, fitness centers.

And along the banks of the Volga, he remained a provincial and very nice rural town. But, to be honest, the Romanov side made some dull impression.

Coming ashore, next to the pier, we were greeted by a monument to Ushakov and just wooden sculptures in the courtyard of one of the residential buildings.

We walked along Ushakov Street to the Church of the Intercession. Sometimes there were very nice and well-equipped wooden houses.

However, there were more dilapidated, but residential buildings along the road, with peeling walls and dirty windows. But ... with indispensable features of modern civilization - satellite dishes.

Here he is, modern Tutaev - a city of contrasts.

A bit unusual...

It will be very interesting to visit the open-air museum “Park of the Soviet Period – USSR” on the right bank of the city. A picturesque square with green spaces, sculptures of the Soviet era and an exhibition of retro cars, where gates with Soviet symbols lead, has long become a cozy place for citizens and guests to relax.

There is a really good atmosphere, fresh air and just very interesting! Come, admission is free!

And in the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, there is a factory for the production of bells: large and small, souvenir ones with inscriptions and drawings, and the most real ones! They say that there are only 4 such factories in our country, and Tutaevsky is famous for its pure-sounding products. So the Tutaev bells are in good standing!

Active rest - who is FOR?

On the outskirts of Tutaev, not very long ago, the Nikolina Gora ski resort was opened for outdoor activities for adults and kids. Two ski slopes are equipped here on the bulk slope, lifts are installed for people.

All the necessary equipment for skiing and subsequent recreation will be happy to provide you with a rental! Come, slides in Tutaev are waiting for you!

Where is it, how to get there

Tutaev is located in Yaroslavl Oblast Getting to it is pretty easy. But you need to pay a little more attention to planning this excursion than usual.

From Yaroslavl to Tutaev about 40 km, there are regular buses. From Rybinsk to Tutaev 50 km, trains do not run here, but buses run constantly.

The distance from Moscow to Tutaev is 300 kilometers. But there is no direct communication and is not expected in the near future.

You will have to get there with a change in Yaroslavl or go through Rybinsk. But for true travel lovers, this is not an obstacle, is it?

Crossing, crossing - left bank, right bank

And this topic should certainly be studied by every traveler planning a trip to Tutaev.

How to get over between the banks of the Volga: from the right bank of Tutaev to the left and back? In summer, this is not a particular problem - a ferry runs across the Volga.

It departs every hour from the river pier.

The ferry transports both pedestrians and tourists, as well as vehicles. He reminded us of another crossing in the city of the Yaroslavl region, which we visited 2 days ago. There we moved to the opposite bank of the Volga along with our car.

In Tutaev, we decided to leave our car on the right bank and take a walk along the left bank of the city.

Ferry cost from an adult 27 rubles, for a child - 13.50 rubles. Here is the full schedule and price list for the transportation of cars and people in the summer of 2016.

Due to the fact that the flow of people who cross between the banks is very large, the ferry was very crowded. Plus a lot of cars that are very tightly parked to each other. Moreover, it was necessary to wait for the exact time of departure, standing in the sun, since there was very little space on the ferry in a small shade ...

In short, we did not like this type of transport. And it still needs to be taken into account that cattle were not transported with us. Although, this is a normal phenomenon for locals, since even in the price list of transportation there are special tariffs for this! 😆

Maybe weekdays aren't so bad. But we ended up in Tutaev for the celebration of the Romanov Sheep, so on Saturday the whole city moved with us to the left bank.

And so, on the way back, we decided to “test” an alternative way of crossing: a private cab. We took advantage of a kind of "minibus" - a motor boat. They carry people more often and faster, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Only 3 people are put in the boat, but if the passengers are small children, then four are allowed. The cost is 30 rubles per person. It's a little more expensive than the ferry, and children are charged full.

And just like that, freely, with a breeze, admiring the surrounding landscapes, we wonderfully got to the coast we needed, having received much more pleasure from such a minibus. 😀

True, in order to return to our car, which we left near the Resurrection Cathedral, we had to climb up the long city stairs in the very sun. When we went down to the embankment and the ferry, we somehow did not notice a huge number of steps. We overcame them very easily, admiring the opening views. The climb back up the hill was more memorable for us. 🙂

It is not easy for the inhabitants of Tutaev to move from coast to coast in winter. For some residents of the city, and the population of the city of Tutaev is more than 40 thousand people, it is a matter of survival. After all, many live on one bank of the Volga, and work on the other. So they have to travel by bus in winter for 2 hours through Rybinsk or Yaroslavl: in those cases when it is impossible to cross the ice.

Therefore, if you buy a ticket to Tutaev by bus or train, be sure to specify where you need to get in the city: to the Romanov side or to Tutaev Pravoberezhny. Because with all this confusion, it is quite possible to lose a lot of time and nerves here.

After all, if you need to go to Tutaev left bank, the former Romanov, then you can get there by bus Yaroslavl-Tutaev, the distance between cities is about 40 km. If you are going to Tutaev on the right bank of the Volga, where Borisoglebsk used to be, then the Yaroslavl-Rybinsk bus will take you there without any problems. Pay attention to this, it's important!

Routes of Romanovo-Borisoglebsk

Here are just a few of where to go and what you can see in Tutaev.

True, in 1 day it is impossible to bypass all these objects. We allocated only 1 day for an independent tour, and were able to see very few sights.

Our road trip was very busy. Early in the morning we left, where we spent several days exploring the city and its surroundings. After driving 60 kilometers we ended up in Tutaev. And in the evening, after 127 kilometers of the road, she was waiting for us.

You can find all the sights described in this article on the map of Tutaev (click "+" to zoom in).

Our walk along Tutaev took place on July 16, 2016. Other sights of the Yaroslavl region, where I managed to visit, are on this map.

The city of Tutaev does not live well, even despite the fact that many mansions are being built here now, and recently a whole block of elite housing has grown in the very center, which the people unpretentiously called "Santa Barbara". The fact is that the local engine plant went bankrupt, and, as a result of the deplorable state of the city-forming enterprise, social pessimism, street crime and ... dirt. Yes Yes! We have not proved that the lack of faith in a bright future leads to complete neglect of the rules of cleanliness of the place where you live.

Well, as for the mansions, everything is clear here without any economic theories: ordinary workers went bankrupt, and the owners probably became even richer.
while modern quarters have grown on the Borisoglebsk (right) side (well, "Santa Barbara" to boot), the Romanov (left) side has remained a charming provincial corner with many motifs inherent in such places, starting with the quiet disposition of the Romanovs and ending with a large number of ancient temples.

But the Borisoglebsk side also got something. There stands a real pearl of Russian spiritual architecture - the Resurrection Cathedral, in which for many years a truly amazing shrine - the icon of the Savior - has been kept.

The icon not only impresses with its dimensions (2 meters 78 centimeters wide and 3 meters 20 centimeters high): it is miraculous. It is believed that the All-Merciful Savior helps with diseases of the bones and joints, but the point here is not at all in "medical indications." This is a praying icon, for those who understand, it has amazing energy.

The "main" face of the Savior is dark, barely distinguishable (one can only see that the face of the Savior is not formidable, but filled with sorrow, His right hand blesses, and His left holds the opened Gospel), and this is not surprising, because the icon is approximately 600 years old. By the way, no attempt has ever been made to weigh the icon over the centuries, it is simply believed that 30 men are needed to carry it, and each of them will feel a significant burden. To carry the All-Merciful Savior on a special stretcher, twice this number is needed. Opposite the icon is an ancient fresco depicting the Last Judgment. The paintings painted on the wall of the Resurrection Cathedral with the symbolic depiction of "unfaithful kingdoms", all earthly peoples, afterlife torments, sins and demons are considered the most convincing in all ancient Russian monumental painting. Perhaps that is why the Savior looks at us with sorrow... According to legend, the author of the All-Merciful Savior is the monk of the distant northern Glushitsky monastery Dionysius, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. He became famous not only for painting icons: he was also a skilled scribe, farrier and clothes maker.

The icon, the crown, and the entire Resurrection Cathedral have survived almost in their original form to this day. In addition, the cathedral was never closed and the service in it was not interrupted. This is a real mystery: under the communist regime, such valuables were always confiscated, big temples closed and, at best, the believers were left some small church on the outskirts. What happened?

And here's what happened. A rumor spread among the Bolsheviks that if anyone even tried to touch the All-Merciful Savior with bad intentions, he would immediately perish. Imagine: even atheists were afraid of Him! The preservation of the temple was also affected by the fact that the parish of the Resurrection Cathedral numbered one and a half thousand people and they were afraid to close it in order to avoid popular unrest.

Much earlier in the life of the Borisoglebskaya Sloboda there was another not too blessed period. After the capture of Kazan, Ivan the Terrible identified the Tatar murzas loyal to him with their lackeys for settlement in Romanov and Borisoglebskaya Sloboda. Tatars were not forbidden to keep their faith; they built their yards near the temples, the children during the service threw stones at believers, shot crosses with bows, dishonored and barked priests. But they did not dare to touch and blaspheme the Savior - they were afraid of Him like the devil incense. After, by the way, many of them crossed themselves, and the famous princely family of the Yusupovs came out of the "Romanov" Tatars.

To this day, once a year, the All-Merciful Savior goes on a great journey. He "goes" to visit the left bank, from Borisoglebsk to Romanov. The procession takes the whole day. After all, the Savior must bless every church of the Romanov side, of which there are six. There could have been eight, but two were destroyed at one time. Even the fact that you have to cross the Volga by ferry to the other side of the Volga does not interfere with the journey (there are no bridges across the great river in Tutaev).

Carrying the Savior for 7 hours is not easy work, but you are unlikely to expect complaints and lamentations from those who fulfill this obedience. For people, this work is a joy. In general, for Romanov, the procession with the All-Merciful Savior is a big holiday (on the side of Borisoglebsk, there is no such upsurge in people - most of the inhabitants follow the exotic spectacle with lazy surprise), the hostesses take water out to the street to give travelers a drink, and in the late afternoon in the Spaso fence - Tables are laid in the Arkhangelsk church and the Romanovites treat everyone (there are, by the way, several hundred people are recruited!) With a hearty dinner.

The Savior returns to his usual place, opposite doomsday, already in the evening, when the sun completes its daytime journey.

The All-Merciful Savior, by the way, is not the only miraculous icon of Romanov-Borisoglebsk. On the left bank, in the Church of the Intercession, there is an icon with the amazing name "Increasing the Mind". As the legend says, once upon a time (the date of painting the image is unknown) one icon painter went crazy and the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream, who insisted that he paint her image. The icon painter, having created the icon, was healed, and after the icon was placed in the temple, people suffering from various mental illnesses began to be healed from it. Mind Up also helps young people when they do not do well in their studies or fail to pass an exam.

Miracle? But after all, how many miracles - significant and small - occur in other Russian cities and villages! ..

M - to dream