Kant's sayings about love. Great German Philosophers

Immanuel Kant, (1724–1804), German philosopher

For a man there is nothing more offensive than to call him a fool, for a woman - to say that she is ugly.

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.

There are some misconceptions that cannot be refuted. It is necessary to communicate to the deluded mind such knowledge that will enlighten it. Then delusions will disappear by themselves.

Morality must lie in character.

Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.

A person has a tendency to communicate with his own kind, because in this state he feels more like a man, that is, he feels the development of his natural inclinations. But he also has a strong desire to retire.

In disputes, a calm state of mind, combined with benevolence, is a sign of the presence of a certain force, as a result of which reason is confident in its victory.

Everything that is called decency is nothing more than a beautiful appearance.

Cunning is a mindset of very limited people and is very different from the mind it looks like.

Great ambition has long turned the prudent into madmen. It is human nature to observe moderation, not only for the sake of your health in the future, but also because of good health in the present.

Who fearfully cares about how not to lose life will never rejoice in it.

Beauty is something that belongs exclusively to taste.

Duty is respect for the right of another.

Some books would be much clearer if no effort was made to make them so clear.

Punishments given in a fit of anger fall short of the mark.

The significance of the moral law is so extensive that it is valid not only for people, but for all rational beings in general.

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger wonder and reverence, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.

Morality does not teach how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.

Ethics is the philosophy of good will, and not just good action.

To be refuted is nothing to fear; one should be afraid of another - to be misunderstood.

Happiness is not an ideal of the mind, but of the imagination.

Stubbornness has only the form of character, but not its content.

From such a crooked log as a man, nothing straight can be cut.

Man and in general every rational being exists as an end in itself.

When justice disappears, there is nothing left that could give value to people's lives.

Give a man everything he desires, and at that very moment he will feel that all this is not all.

The ability to raise reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashionableness, vanity will develop in them.

Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians.

Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?

Character consists in the ability to act according to principles.

In married life, a united couple should form, as it were, a single moral personality.

The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any admixture of aversion, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.

To appeal to courage is already half the same as to inspire it.

Everything we say must be true, but it does not follow that we are obliged to publicly state every truth.

All culture and art that adorn humanity, the best social order - these are all the fruits of unsociableness.

Genius is the talent for inventing that which cannot be taught or learned.

Stupidity is a vice and there is no cure for it.

Virtue denotes courage and bravery and therefore suggests an enemy.

Duty! You are an exalted, great word, there is nothing pleasant in you that would flatter people.

If you need to help science, then you should reveal the difficulties and even look for those that secretly interfere with it ...

The life of people devoted only to pleasure without reason and without morality has no value.

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.

When modesty disappears, there is nothing left that could give value to people's lives.

The color on our face gives us away when we lie, but it does not always serve as proof of a lie. We often blush at the shamelessness of someone who accuses us of something.

The beauty of an act lies primarily in the fact that it is performed easily and, as it were, without any tension.

Who got rid of excesses, he got rid of deprivation.

People would run from each other if they saw each other in complete frankness.

Moral value should be seen only in the fact that an act is performed out of a sense of duty.

The obligation towards oneself is that a person observes in himself human dignity.

Renunciation of one's inner conviction is a vile deed.

It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops.

Work - The best way Enjoying life.

Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.

Suffering is a stimulus to activity.

Ethics is the philosophy of persuasion.

Immanuel Kant - the founder of the German classical philosophy , standing on the verge of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. The name of Kant has long become a symbol of the very concept of philosophy, it is familiar to everyone and is associated with wisdom and knowledge.

This man led a quiet measured life. His personality and life represent an integral image, an example of an iron will, control of the mind over passions and base interests.

Immanuel Kant is known in philosophy for dividing the history of philosophy into two periods: the one that was before him, and the one that was formed as a result of understanding Kant's ideas. Biography of Immanuel Kant →

The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant became famous for his sayings and aphorisms, where he appears as a subtle observer of human nature, an ironic commentator on the weaknesses and virtues of people and a deep insight into the essence of the phenomena of everyday life.

The paradox of Kant's worldwide popularity and fame connected with how this man, whose main experience of life was mainly limited to the university audience, sitting at the table and reading books, managed to give us outstanding examples of worldly wisdom. "Do not accept favors that you can do without..."- said by a man who has penetrated deeply into our lives.


Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians.

A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world.

Education is an art, the application of which must be perfected by many generations.

Give me matter, and I will show you how the world should be formed from it.

Give a man everything he wants, and at the same moment he will feel that this is everything - not everything.

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger wonder and reverence, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.

Children should be brought up not for the present, but for the future, the best possible state of the human race.

They live the longest when they least care about prolonging life.

If someday a being of a higher order would take over our upbringing, then they would really see what can come out of a person.

If you ask the question whether we now live in an enlightened age, then the answer will be: no, but we live in an age of enlightenment.

If you punish a child for evil and reward for good, then he will do good for the sake of profit.

There are some misconceptions that cannot be refuted.

It is necessary to communicate to the deluded mind such knowledge that will enlighten it. Then delusions will disappear by themselves.

Have the courage to use your own mind.

When justice disappears, there is nothing left that could give value to people's lives.

Who fearfully takes care not to lose his life will never enjoy this life.

Love for life means love for truth.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good meal without music to music without a good meal.

Morality is not a teaching about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.

A wise man can change his mind, a fool never.

Punishments given in a fit of anger fall short of the mark. Children in this case look at them as consequences, and at themselves - as victims of the irritation of the one who punishes.

Do not treat others as a means to your ends.

Do not accept favors that you can do without.

Morality is in character.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.

Poetry is a play of the senses into which reason introduces a system.

Poetic creativity is the play of feeling, guided by reason, eloquence is the work of reason, animated by feeling.

Reason cannot contemplate anything, and the senses cannot think anything. Only from their combination can knowledge arise.

From the very day when a person first pronounces “I”, he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism irresistibly strives forward.

Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.

Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?

Only through education can a man become a man.

Respect is a tribute which we cannot refuse merit, whether we like it or not; we may not manifest it, but inwardly we cannot help but feel it.

The destiny of a woman is to rule, the destiny of a man is to reign, because passion rules, and the mind rules.

The ability to raise reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.

Character is the ability to act according to principles.

Cunning is a way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it looks like on the outside.

A person can become a person only through education. He is what education makes of him.

A person rarely thinks about darkness in the light, about trouble in happiness, about suffering in contentment, and, conversely, always thinks about light in darkness, about happiness in trouble, and about prosperity in poverty.

Children should be brought up not for the present, but for the future, the best possible state of the human race.

If you punish a child for evil and reward for good, then he will do good for the sake of profit.

Punishments given in a fit of anger fall short of the mark. Children in this case look at them as consequences, and at themselves - as victims of the irritation of the one who punishes.


Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger wonder and reverence, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.


They live the longest when they least care about prolonging life.

Who fearfully takes care not to lose his life will never enjoy this life.


Reason cannot contemplate anything, and the senses cannot think anything. Only from their combination can knowledge arise.


Intuition never fails the one who is ready for anything.


Love for life means love for truth.


Morality is not a teaching about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.


A wise man can change his mind; stupid - never.


A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world.

The science

Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians.


Morality is in character.


Only through education can a man become a man.


Act in such a way that the maxim of your action may become the basis of universal legislation.

Do not treat others as a means to your ends.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.


Poetry is a play of the senses into which reason introduces a system.


Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.


When justice disappears, there is nothing left that could give value to people's lives.


What we seek to resist is evil, and if we find our strength insufficient for this, it is an object of fear.


Poetic creativity is the play of feeling, guided by reason, eloquence is the work of reason, animated by feeling.


The desire to win the respect of others for something that does not constitute human dignity at all is vanity.


Respect is a tribute which we cannot refuse merit, whether we like it or not; we may not manifest it, but inwardly we cannot help but feel it.


Have the courage to use your own mind.

The ability to raise reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.


Stubbornness has only the form of character, but not its content.


Character is the ability to act according to principles.


Cunning is a way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it looks like on the outside.


Give a man everything he wants, and at the same moment he will feel that this is everything - not everything.

If someday a being of a higher order would take over our upbringing, then they would really see what can come out of a person.

A person rarely thinks about darkness in the light, about trouble in happiness, about suffering in contentment, and, conversely, always thinks about light in darkness, about happiness in trouble, and about prosperity in poverty.

A person is free if he must obey not another person, but the law.


From the very day when a person first pronounces “I”, he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism irresistibly strives forward.

on other topics

Give me matter, and I will show you how the world should be formed from it.

If you ask the question whether we now live in an enlightened age, then the answer will be: no, but we live in an age of enlightenment.

There are some misconceptions that cannot be refuted. It is necessary to communicate to the deluded mind such knowledge that will enlighten it. Then delusions will disappear by themselves.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good meal without music to music without a good meal.

The freedom to wave your arms ends at the tip of the other person's nose.

Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?

The destiny of a woman is to rule, the destiny of a man is to reign, because passion rules, and the mind rules.

Immanuel Kant was born on April 22, 1724, in the city of Königsberg, Prussia. German philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy. The author of the books - Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, Critique of Judgment, Fundamentals of the Metaphysics of Morality, Thoughts on the True Evaluation of Living Forces, etc. He died on February 12, 1804, in the city of Koenigsberg, Prussia.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Immanuel Kant

  • Morality is in character.
  • Have the courage to use your own mind.
  • Character is the ability to act according to principles.
  • Poetry is a play of the senses into which reason introduces a system.
  • A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world.
  • Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.
  • They live the longest when they least care about prolonging life.
  • Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians.
  • Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?
  • It seems to me that every husband prefers a good meal without music to music without a good meal.
  • Education is an art, the application of which must be perfected by many generations.
  • The ability to raise reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.
  • A person can become a person only through education. He is what education makes of him.
  • Give a man everything he wants, and at the same moment he will feel that this is everything - not everything.
  • If you punish a child for evil and reward for good, then he will do good for the sake of profit.
  • When justice disappears, there is nothing left to add value to people's lives.
  • Who fearfully takes care not to lose his life will never enjoy this life.
  • The destiny of a woman is to rule, the destiny of a man is to reign, because passion rules, and the mind rules.
  • Cunning is a way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it looks like on the outside.
  • Children should be brought up not for the present, but for the future, the best possible state of the human race.
  • If you ask the question whether we now live in an enlightened age, then the answer will be: no, but we live in an age of enlightenment.
  • Morality is not a teaching about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.
  • Reason cannot contemplate anything, and the senses cannot think anything. Only from their combination can knowledge arise.
  • If someday a being of a higher order would take over our upbringing, then they would really see what can come out of a person.
  • From the very day when a person first utters "I", he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism irresistibly strives forward.
  • Respect is a tribute which we cannot refuse merit, whether we like it or not; we may not manifest it, but inwardly we cannot help but feel it.
  • There are some misconceptions that cannot be refuted. It is necessary to communicate to the deluded mind such knowledge that will enlighten it. Then delusions will disappear by themselves.
  • Punishments given in a fit of anger fall short of the mark. Children in this case look at them as consequences, and at themselves - as victims of the irritation of the one who punishes.

Constantly trembling for his precious or worthless life, he will never take a deep breath of freedom, gaining all the joy of being.

Acting according to the dictates of the heart, be guided by reason and faith - your maximum will become the law for others.

Justice is not in vain considered a universal measure of life, the value of which invariably increases after the disappearance of justice. – Immanuel Kant

Women are distinguished by emotionality, cordiality and participation. By choosing the beautiful and rejecting the useful, ladies show their essence.

Society, the tendency to communicate sets people apart, then a person feels in demand when he is most fully realized. Using natural inclinations, you can get unique masterpieces that he will never create alone, without society.

Immanuel Kant: Sometimes we are ashamed of our friends, who also accuse us of treason, incompetence or ingratitude.

Ambition has become a litmus indicator of endurance and prudence.

Character is forged over the years, built by principles - fate moves along them, like milestones.

Man is insatiable - he will never be satisfied with what he has. It is constantly not enough for him - this is both valor and weakness.

Don't be a worm and no one will crush you. Become human.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes of Kant on the pages:

All people have a moral sense, a categorical imperative. Since this feeling does not always induce a person to actions that bring him earthly benefit, therefore, there must be some basis, some motivation for moral behavior that lies outside this world. All this necessarily requires the existence of immortality, a higher court and God.

Time is not something objective and real, it is not a substance, not an accident, not a relationship, but a subjective condition, by the nature of the human mind, necessary for the coordination of everything sensually perceived according to a certain law and pure contemplation.

Morality must lie in character.

Great ambition has long turned the prudent into madmen.

It is human nature to observe moderation, not only because of concern for your health in the future, but also because of the good health of the present.

Happiness is not an ideal of the mind, but of the imagination.

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.

The impossibility of seeing separates man from the world of things. The inability to hear separates a person from the world of people.

The ability to raise reasonable questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.

The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any admixture or aversion, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.

Women even make the male sex more refined.

If we could understand how a person thinks, that way of thinking that manifests itself through actions both internal and external, if we could penetrate his way of thinking so deeply as to understand his mechanisms, all his driving forces, even the most insignificant, and also, if we could understand what external causes act on these mechanisms, we could calculate the future behavior of this person with the accuracy of the ellipse of the Moon or the Sun, without ceasing to repeat that the person is free.

Beauty is something that belongs exclusively to taste.

The human mind is created in such a way that it can imagine expediency only as an action of a rational will.

The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any admixture or aversion, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.

Give me matter and I will show you how the world should be formed from it.

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashionableness, vanity will develop in them.

Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.

Give a man everything he desires, and at the same moment he will feel that all this is not all.

Poetry is a play of the senses into which reason introduces a system; eloquence is a matter of reason, which is enlivened by feeling.

For a man there is nothing more offensive than to call him a fool, for a woman - to say that she is ugly.

Who fearfully cares about how not to lose life will never rejoice in it.

About man, as a moral being, it is no longer possible to ask why he exists. His existence has in itself a higher end, to which, as far as he can, he can subordinate all nature.

Cunning is a way of thinking of very limited people and is very different from the mind that it looks like.

He who has given up excesses has got rid of deprivations.

Suffering is the stimulus for our activity, and, above all, in it we feel our life; without it there would be a state of lifelessness. Whom, finally, no positive suffering can induce to activity, to that negative suffering, i.e. boredom as the absence of sensations, which a person, accustomed to their change, notices in himself, trying to occupy his life impulse with something, often has such an effect that he feels compelled to do something to his own detriment rather than to do nothing.

People would run from each other if they saw each other in complete frankness.

Everything that is called decency is nothing more than a beautiful appearance.

The life of people devoted only to pleasure without reason and without morality has no value.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.

The spirit of trade, which sooner or later takes possession of every people, is what is incompatible with war.

Act according to that idea, according to which all the rules, by virtue of their own laws, must be coordinated into a single realm of ideas, which, in its implementation, would also be the realm of nature.

In married life, a united couple should form, as it were, a single moral personality.

One could pose the question: is he (man) a social animal by nature or a solitary and avoiding neighborhood? The last assumption seems to be the most probable.

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.

Children, especially girls, should be taught at an early age to spontaneous laughter, because the cheerful expression of the face is gradually reflected in the inner world and develops a disposition to cheerfulness, friendliness and favor to all.

The highest good is the unity of virtue and prosperity. Reason demands that this good be realized.

Deep loneliness is sublime, but it is somehow frightening.

Two things fill the soul with constantly new and growing wonder and reverence, and the more, the more often and more attentively reflection is engaged in them: the starry sky above me and the moral law in me. Both, as if covered with darkness or an abyss, located outside my horizon, I should not investigate, but only assume; I see them before me and connect them directly with the consciousness of my existence.

Every natural science contains as much truth as there are mathematicians.

The idea of ​​time does not arise from the senses, but is presupposed by them. Indeed, it is only by means of the idea of ​​time that one can imagine whether what acts on the senses is simultaneous or successive; the sequence does not generate the concept of time, but only points to it. The fact is that I do not understand what the word after means if it is not already preceded by the concept of time. For what happens one after the other is that which exists at different times, just as to exist together is to exist at the same time.

One and the same period of time, which for one kind of beings seems only a moment, for another may be a very long time, during which, due to the speed of action, a whole series of changes occurs.

Time is nothing but a form of inner feeling, i.e. contemplation of ourselves and our inner state. Indeed, time cannot be the definition of external phenomena: it does not belong to any appearance, nor to the position, etc.; on the contrary, it determines the relation of representations in our internal state.

In all objects - both external and internal - only with the help of the relation of time can the mind decide what is before, what is after, i.e. what is cause and what is effect.

For a man there is nothing more offensive than to call him a fool, for a woman - to say that she is ugly.

Duty! You are sublime, great word. This is precisely the great thing that elevates a person above himself.

It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops.

Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.

There are some misconceptions that cannot be refuted. It is necessary to communicate to the deluded mind such knowledge that will enlighten it. Then delusions will disappear by themselves.

Of all the forces subordinate state power, the power of money is perhaps the most reliable, and therefore the states will be forced (of course, not on moral grounds) to promote a noble peace.

In disputes, a calm state of mind, combined with benevolence, is a sign of the presence of a certain force, as a result of which reason is confident in its victory.

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