Divine mission according to the sign of the zodiac. The life mission of each of the signs of the zodiac

Each person comes into this world with a special mission. But not everyone immediately understands their purpose. Maybe your zodiac sign will tell you the way ...


Be a leader and pioneer. Yes, brave Aries, you must lead people and at the same time always be able to take the first step, the most difficult one. You strive to reach maximum heights and on your difficult path should not be afraid of any changes.


To know life with all the ups and downs, and in the end achieve professional well-being. Dear Taurus, you must help others find positive side life. Your calmness, prudence and wisdom can become an example for many.


Learn to adapt to any environment. Geminis are created for socialization, establishing contacts, communication. And yet full of contradictions. Your task, dear Gemini, is to find these contradictions in yourself and come to a balance. All your life you will learn consistency in feelings, thoughts and actions.


Grow and gain wisdom. Gentle, sensitive Cancer, you must learn to understand your feelings and accept yourself as a person. And try to accept others as they are, without too much sentimentality.

a lion

Achieving fame and significance in society. Handsome Leo, you have a great mission to be a leader and protect those in need. And believe me, there are many of them in this mortal world.


Believe in yourself. All your life path, dear Virgo, is the path of self-improvement. Try to learn to control what is happening around you to maintain order and harmony.


Strive for self-knowledge and maximize yourself. Charming Libra, your main mission is to bring people together. You were created to give warmth and teach others to enjoy life, to see the beauty in every day.


Develop perseverance and willpower. Brave Scorpio, you have a lot of strength and courage in order to change the world for the better. You just have to learn to look danger straight in the face and not be afraid of anything.


Fight for justice. Your main mission, Sagittarius optimist, is to serve people. You are able to restore faith in yourself to every person who needs it.


Fighting and conquering peaks. Persistent Capricorn, you must learn to live in the real world and feel the responsibility that lies with you. You have a pronounced willpower, you just need to learn how to use it.


Achievement of high personal and social goals. An independent Aquarius is an innovator, you can simply work wonders in the real world. It is in your power to make the impossible possible.


Every person on earth has a specific mission. Some representatives fulfill their mission from the first days of their lives, while for someone it is necessary to wait for time to fulfill their mission. Astrology will tell you the right path for all the signs of the zodiac.


The main mission for the sign is to take a leading position and pave the way first. They have to lift people up and lead them along. And, as a rule, the first to move in the established direction. The personality of this sign should be confident in their abilities, boldly go towards change, and easily overcome new heights.


To feel all the ups and downs, overcoming obstacles, and in the end to achieve career satisfaction is the main mission of the sign. They should enjoy all the blessings of life, love nature and help others to attract positive energy in own life. And natural tranquility should only become a creative beginning for others to follow.


Their main purpose is to get used to any conditions, and adapt to them without any problems. Hopes are placed on signs in that they must find everywhere the right people and make contact with them. It is important for them to eradicate all disagreements with their personality in order to achieve the desired balance. But for all actions, it is not bad for representatives to be able to consistently express their thoughts and feelings.


It is important for signs to look for ways to develop and become wiser over the years. Until then, they will not understand themselves as a person until they begin to freely navigate in people, their feelings and desires. Representatives should show their sensitivity less in order to understand relationships and all earthly connections more.

a lion

To take a leading position and reap the laurels of glory is the main mission of the sign. But it is not enough to acquire significance in society, you need to learn how to help those who need it. And glory will come to the representatives as soon as they prove themselves to be the defenders of the weak and indecisive.


Self-improvement is the main purpose of the signs. And only faith in yourself and in your own strength will help them achieve the desired harmony. To do this, you just need to learn how to keep everything under control so that what is happening around you is in sight. And if there is no order, then their mission on earth has failed or not been fully completed.


Get to know the world around you and try to prove yourself in any area. And what is important for signs is to charge people with their ability to realize themselves for them. They will become a real teacher of beauty, who will show you how to enjoy life, get the most out of it and give warmth to everyone.


Persistently cultivating willpower and perseverance in oneself is the earthly mission of the sign. They are able to change all everyday life in better side as long as they have the strength to do so. These representatives always play with danger, face problems without fear and take risks at the first opportunity. Their energy potential sometimes goes off scale, but this is the whole essence of the representative.


Signs are true fighters for justice, and by this they only confirm their purpose. Throwing all their energy and time for the benefit of serving others is a sacred thing for them. These personalities will be able to convince any person of his abilities and capabilities if he needs constant support.


Overcoming difficulties and eternal struggle with obstacles. Signs have a great responsibility to learn to see real things. Their natural willpower is so high that they must motivate it with actions and nurture it with their own improvements.


The undeniable mission for the sign is to achieve goals and move constantly forward. Their imagination is able to create real masterpieces or come up with brilliant ideas. Everything that in the world may be impossible, they will turn into reality. And they can do it. Charity will only emphasize their desire to be useful and necessary.


The mission in the life of signs is to serve people and defend their interests. They do not need to appear worse than they really are. Or constantly represent a victim that everyone will regret. They themselves can provide support and become a support for those people who ask them for help or silently await their fate.

● Everyone knows what he wants. However, astrologers believe that according to the Sign of the Zodiac, one can determine the life priorities of people and the important missions assigned to them by Heaven.


● Aries always want to be leaders - it's in their blood. For people born under this Sign, the priority is the movement towards a dream, universal recognition and authority. They like to be in the spotlight, so successful Aries often have to speak from the stands.


● These people want to achieve well-being in all areas of life, especially in finances. They love independence and money, but Taurus is not greedy, but rather prudent. So their mission is often to increase family capital.


● Gemini wants to find a balance in their feelings and actions all their lives. These people often make mistakes, but they never step on the same rake a second time. Their most important mission is harmony with themselves and the world, so they become excellent diplomats or translators, helping people understand each other.


● Cancers always strive to make their lives and the lives of their families better. This is expressed in all areas of life. Cancerians like to be wise. Astrologers advise adding here the ability to accept people as they are.


● Leos want to achieve their importance. For people who were born under the Sign of Leo, there are no barriers, but their selfishness almost never goes beyond morality and morality. Leos want a beautiful life and attention, and are also able to lead people.


● Calmness is important for Virgos. All their lives they try to find themselves - and some never manage to do it. They are looking for someone who will help them discover their talents. Virgos often become those who are not visible at first glance, but whose role cannot be overestimated - for example, costume designers for box office films, publishers of bestsellers.


● Libra does not have special goals to change the world - they just live and see only beautiful things around. The main mission of Libra is self-realization. They want to be happy more than others, so they succeed noticeably more often. Creativity often becomes their path.


● The missions of Scorpions are not completely clear to astrologers, and even the Scorpions themselves are not clear. Of course, this does not prevent them from being successful. Life for these people is like a game in which they play an important role. Therefore, they often become brilliant actors.


● Sagittarians are interested in exploring the world, communicating with people and gaining new knowledge, emotions, information and impressions. The main mission of these people is to live the way they want, so that no one dictates to them what to do. Independently and independently, they are able to come to amazing discoveries.


● Capricorns want to achieve universal attention to their person. They want high status, good financial situation and recognition. It doesn’t always work out for them, but their determination often helps Capricorns in this endeavor. Usually they become those who are at the helm in a common boat.


● A person born under this Sign wants to conquer as many peaks as possible. Aquarians make excellent social workers as they love to help those around them. They want to know absolutely everything and be absolutely everywhere, so journalism and any other direction in which you need to interact with people can become their paths.


● Self-realization is important to Pisces. Their mission, according to astrologers, is to learn to be indifferent to the world. The Pisces themselves do not know what they want, so their goal is to find out at any cost. Often they are focused on contemplation or inaction, but they are able to make a serious and quite tangible contribution to life.

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and in each of them put a seed human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift....
"To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you may have the honor of planting it. Every seed you plant will be multiplied many times in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, since everything you plant "will create more to be planted. You will be the first to infiltrate the soil of people's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea or explore it. Your life is action, and the only action I attribute to you is to begin to induce people to be conscious of My Creation. Good work I will give you a sense of Self Dignity."
And Oven quietly stepped back to his place.

"To you, Taurus, I give the power to build the seed into substance. Your work is very significant, requiring patience, since you must finish everything that has been started, or the seeds will be thrown into the wind. You must not doubt or change your mind in the middle, or rely on others in what I ask you to do. For this I give you the gift of the Force. Use it wisely."
And Taurus stepped back to his place.

"To you Gemini, I am giving unanswered questions so that you can bring everyone an understanding of what a person sees around him. You will never know why people speak or listen, but in your search for an answer you will find my gift of Knowledge."
And the Twins stepped back to their place.

"To you, Cancer, I attribute the task of teaching people about emotions. My idea is that you make them cry and laugh, so that everything they see and think about develops fullness from the inside. For this, I give you the gift of the Family, so that your fullness could multiply."
And Cancer stepped back into his place.

"To you, Leo, I give the job of showing My Creation in all its splendor to the world. But you must be careful about pride and always remember that this is My Creation, and not yours. For if you forget this, people will to despise you, There is much joy in the work that I give you, if only you will do it well. For this you must have the gift of Honor.
And Leo stepped back to his place.

“I ask you, Virgo, to examine all that man has done with My Creation. You must carefully consider his methods and remind him of his mistakes, so that through you My Creation can be perfected. To do this, I will grant you Purity of Thought ."
And the Virgin retreated to her place.

"To you, Libra, I give a mission of service so that a person can remember his duties towards other people, so that he can learn cooperation, as well as the ability to consider the other side of his actions. I will place you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love."
And Libra retreated into place.

"To you, Scorpio, I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of people, but I do not allow you to speak about what you have learned. You will be hurt many times by what you see, and in your pain you will turn away from You will forget Me, that it is not I, but the perversion of My Idea causes your pain, You will see so much in a person that you will recognize him as an animal, and you will fight his animal instincts in yourself so much that you will lose your way; but when you will finally come back to Me. Scorpio, I will have the highest gift of Purpose for you." br>And Scorpio stepped back.

"I ask you, Sagittarius, to make people laugh, because amidst their misunderstanding of My Idea, they become bitter. Through laughter, you must give people hope, and through hope, turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives, even if only for moment, and you will recognize the restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Boundless Abundance, so that you can spread wide enough to reach every dark corner and bring light there."
And Sagittarius stepped back to his place.

“From you, Capricorn, I ask for hard work so that you can teach people to work. Your task is not easy, since you will feel all the efforts of a person on your shoulders: but for the sake of the yoke of your burden, I put the Responsibility of a person in your hands. "
And Capricorn stepped back into his place.

"To you, Aquarius, I give the idea of ​​​​the future so that a person can see other possibilities. You will experience the pain of loneliness, since I do not allow you to personify My Love. But in order to turn a person's eyes to new opportunities, I give you the gift of Freedom, so that in your freedom you could continue to serve humanity whenever it needed to."
And Aquarius stepped back to his place.

"To you Pisces, I give the most difficult task of all. I ask you to collect all the sadness of a person and return it to me. Your tears must ultimately be My tears. The sadness that you will absorb is the effect of a person's misunderstanding of My Idea, but you must give him compassion so that he can try again. For this most difficult of all tasks, I will give you the greatest of all gifts. You will be the only one of My twelve children who understands Me. But this gift of understanding is only for you, because when you try to hand it to a man, he won't listen to you."
And Pisces retreated to their place.

And then God said: "Each of you has a part of My Idea. You must not mistake this part for My whole Idea or want to exchange parts with each other. For each of you is complete, but you will not know this until you are all twelve." You will not be One, because then the integrity of my Idea will be revealed to each of you."
And the children left, each determined to do their best work in order to receive their gift. But none of them fully understood their task or their gift, and when they returned, puzzled, God said, "Each of you thinks other gifts are better. Therefore, I will allow you to change." For a moment, each child was elated, considering all the possibilities of their new mission. But God smiled and said, "You will come back to me repeatedly asking to be released from your mission, and each time I will agree to your request. You will go through countless incarnations before you complete the original mission that I prescribed for you." I am giving you an incalculable amount of time to do this, but only when it is done can you be with Me."

Every person on earth has a specific mission. Some representatives fulfill their mission from the first days of their lives, while for someone it is necessary to wait for time to fulfill their mission. Astrology will tell you the right path for all the signs of the zodiac.


The main mission for the sign is to take a leading position and pave the way first. They have to lift people up and lead them along. And, as a rule, the first to move in the established direction. The personality of this sign should be confident in their abilities, boldly go towards change, and easily overcome new heights.


To feel all the ups and downs, overcoming obstacles, and in the end to achieve career satisfaction is the main mission of the sign. They should enjoy all the blessings of life, love nature and help others to attract positive energy into their own lives. And natural tranquility should only become a creative beginning for others to follow.


Their main purpose is to get used to any conditions, and adapt to them without any problems. Hopes are pinned on signs that they must find the right people everywhere and establish contacts with them. It is important for them to eradicate all disagreements with their personality in order to achieve the desired balance. But for all actions, it is not bad for representatives to be able to consistently express their thoughts and feelings.


It is important for signs to look for ways to develop and become wiser over the years. Until then, they will not understand themselves as a person until they begin to freely navigate in people, their feelings and desires. Representatives should show their sensitivity less in order to understand relationships and all earthly connections more.

a lion

To take a leading position and reap the laurels of glory is the main mission of the sign. But it is not enough to acquire significance in society, you need to learn how to help those who need it. And glory will come to the representatives as soon as they prove themselves to be the defenders of the weak and indecisive.


Self-improvement is the main purpose of the signs. And only faith in yourself and in your own strength will help them achieve the desired harmony. To do this, you just need to learn how to keep everything under control so that what is happening around you is in sight. And if there is no order, then their mission on earth has failed or not been fully completed.


Get to know the world around you and try to prove yourself in any area. And what is important for signs is to charge people with their ability to realize themselves for them. They will become a real teacher of beauty, who will show you how to enjoy life, get the most out of it and give warmth to everyone.


Persistently cultivating willpower and perseverance in oneself is the earthly mission of the sign. They are able to change all everyday life for the better, if only they have enough strength for this. These representatives always play with danger, face problems without fear and take risks at the first opportunity. Their energy potential sometimes goes off scale, but this is the whole essence of the representative.


Signs are true fighters for justice, and by this they only confirm their purpose. Throwing all their energy and time for the benefit of serving others is a sacred thing for them. These personalities will be able to convince any person of his abilities and capabilities if he needs constant support.


Overcoming difficulties and eternal struggle with obstacles. Signs have a great responsibility to learn to see real things. Their natural willpower is so high that they must motivate it with actions and nurture it with their own improvements.


The undeniable mission for the sign is to achieve goals and move constantly forward. Their imagination is able to create real masterpieces or come up with brilliant ideas. Everything that in the world may be impossible, they will turn into reality. And they can do it. Charity will only emphasize their desire to be useful and necessary.


The mission in the life of signs is to serve people and defend their interests. They do not need to appear worse than they really are. Or constantly represent a victim that everyone will regret. They themselves can provide support and become a support for those people who ask them for help or silently await their fate.

Astrology | Feng Shui | Numerology