What does the name Kapitolina mean for a girl. Kapitolina: history and meaning of the name

Today, the name Kapitolina is not very common among young people; more often it is worn by rare representatives of the older generation.

However, now the fashion for old names is returning, and this is a good reason to give your daughter an unusual, beautiful and memorable name.

What does it mean and where does it come from

The Capitol was the name of one of the hills on which Ancient Rome towered. This hill was central, here was one of the most important buildings - the Capitol, or the Capitoline Temple, in which the Senate met and popular meetings were held.

It is from the name of this majestic hill that woman's name Kapitolina. The ancient Romans associated it with words like "royal" and "exalted".

Did you know? In ancient Rome, it was not customary for girls to give proper names. In those days, a woman could only bear a generic name, for example, Kapitolina-from the genus Capitol, or Julia-from the genus Julius.

name day

Kapitolina celebrates her name day November 9(October 27 according to the old calendar). On this day, the Holy Martyr Capitolina of Cappadocia was beheaded in 304.

This woman belonged to a very rich and noble family, but faith in Christ was above all for her.

She distributed all her wealth to the poor, and set the slaves free, and appeared before the viceroy who judged her in pride in her faith, for which she received a death sentence.

Short and diminutive forms

Short forms name:

  • Mouth guard;
  • Cana;
  • Tolya;
  • Tola;
  • Tonya;
  • Lina.
Diminutive forms:
  • Capitoline;
  • Kapusha;
  • Kapochka;
  • Capule;
  • Kapitosha;
  • Kapitoshka;
  • Kaponka;
  • Tolenka;
  • Tonechka;
  • Linochka;
  • Linusya.

Traits and temperament

Kapitolina has a calm phlegmatic temperament. She is very diligent, prefers to spend time at home reading a book than playing active games with other children in the yard. The girl is obedient, respects her parents, does not contradict them. In studies, she is usually diligent, painstakingly performs all tasks, and is often an excellent student.

Since childhood, he has been distinguished by unprecedented seriousness. Able to listen carefully and make important decisions. Capitolina is not characterized by wastefulness and frivolity. That is why an adult Capa is often not happy - she goes too deep into the essence of things and is unable to accept failures easily.

Growing up, this woman lives thoroughly - she has far-reaching goals, a calm and firm disposition, an unshakable character. It would seem that she has mostly male features, but this is not entirely true.

Kapitolina is a very sincere person. She is sensitive to the family, cautious in making decisions, does not like haste. She has a purely feminine intuition and attentiveness.

Important! Kapitolina often sees the meaning of her life in being better than others.

High ambitions spur the girl to self-improvement, to achieve hard-to-reach goals, to overcome obstacles. And when the goal becomes achieved, she revels in her glory.
Despite her caution, this woman is still able to get into trouble and commit rash acts. However, in most cases, she is lucky and manages to get out of the water dry.

Studies, interests and career

Studying at the school and the University of Cape is easy. Possessing a logical mindset and the desire to achieve success, this girl gnaws at the granite of science with pleasure.

Capa's interests are quite varied. She is often endowed with musical abilities, so she can achieve success in this field, especially if she becomes a pianist.

In addition, the girl loves an active life and therefore enjoys playing sports. Gymnastics, swimming, hiking and outdoor activities are exactly what she needs. Sometimes the owner of this name is very fond of cooking, bringing ordinary cooking to the rank of art.

In moving up the career ladder, Kapitolina is as thorough as in her whole life. She often succeeds, as she walks straight towards her goal.

Leadership qualities allow this woman to realize herself as a good and talented leader. She scrupulously approaches the implementation of all tasks, trying to do her job as best as possible.

A logical sharp mind, the ability to use methods of analysis and synthesis, consistency in actions and organization of living space allow Kapitolina to successfully engage in such activities as:
  • jurisprudence;
  • criminalistics;
  • middle and top management;
  • banking;
  • teaching;
  • scientific activity.

Friendship and relationships in the company

The sincerity of the owner of this name is manifested in her extreme devotion to people. She is a true friend, she maintains relationships with her friends for many years, and sometimes for a lifetime.

Important! Patience and the ability to listen make Capu a good conversationalist.

She is helpful, will always come to the rescue and help another person in trouble even when it is not profitable for her. Moreover, he never expects gratitude or reward for his kindness, acting completely disinterestedly.

In any team, this woman becomes a leader, manages group processes and enjoys authority. But she does not like to have fun in a big company, preferring sincere conversation to noisy entertainment.

Personal relationships and family life

In her personal life, Kapu cannot be called very lucky. Despite the fact that she marries for love, before she meets a man close to her, she will have to try many fickle relationships.

Kapitolina's inconstancy is due not to a passionate temperament, but to a certain selectivity in relationships, because she believes that marriage should be solid, concluded with an ideal the right person. And in order to find such a person, sometimes you need to try many other options.

Even during the dating period, this girl's relationship is difficult. She is used to thinking rationally, so the sensual side is unfamiliar to her. She rushes between different lines of behavior - either she is extremely restrained and pragmatic, or she gives vent to emotions and feelings.

Ultimately, Capa still meets a congenial man, whom he marries. But also family life it presents a problem for her - it is difficult for her to understand the irrationality of the family institution. She is not ready to give all her time and ambitions to building a family hearth.

Important! Kapitolina's life is stuffy, and her life aspirations always exceed the role of wife and mother.

Quite often, her family life ends in divorce. However, a woman accepts a break in relations easily and rationally, perceiving it as freedom of action and an opportunity for self-realization.

If the owner of the name becomes a mother, then she brings up her children strictly. However, it gives them the opportunity to get a good education and start a brilliant career. Usually her children, following the example of their mother, also achieve success in their professional activities.

As for the sexual side of the relationship, Capa is rather cold and conservative. Intimacy is of little interest to her. Usually a man needs to show some ingenuity and perseverance in order to awaken in Capitolina at least some response to passion.

Compatibility with male names

Capitolina, like any other name, has compatibility and incompatibility with male names. An alliance with a man whose name matches harmoniously can be stronger, more responsive and reliable than an alliance with a person with an incompatible name.


Harmonious relations with Capa can develop with:

  • Alfred;
  • Daniel;
  • Nikon;
  • Timothy;
  • Tikhon;
  • Trofim.


The most fragile will be an alliance with:

  • Alexey;
  • Vadim;
  • Vladislav;
  • Igor;
  • Semyon;

Did you know? It turns out that Cristiano Ronaldo is a double name, not a first and last name, and the second part appeared thanks to the football player's father, who was a fan of Ronald Reagan.

The meaning of all letters in the name and numerology

If you decipher the name of Kapitolin letter by letter, then each letter will have the following meaning:

  • "TO"- insightful nature, seeing the essence of things, but able to keep other people's secrets. Possesses fortitude and endurance, is often guided in life by the measure of "all or nothing";
  • "BUT"- this letter symbolizes the beginning. Gives a person a desire for new beginnings and an increased need for comfort - both physical and psychological;
  • "P"- a person is prone to generalizations and cognizes the world in its entirety. He has a lot of ideas and has stable points of view. Take care of your appearance;
  • "AND"- the letter speaks of increased vulnerability and sensitivity of a person. He has a subtle spiritual nature, is extremely romantic, and sometimes hides the whole storm of feelings behind an external screen of practicality;
  • "T"- the letter symbolizes the cross and serves as a reminder to a person that life is finite, and you should not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Indicates intuitiveness and sensitivity, creativity;
  • "O"- a symbol of the completion of the universe. He speaks of deep feelings and a certain predestination of a person’s life, for which it is sometimes enough for him to listen to his intuition in order to understand his destiny;
  • "L"- the letter serves as a reminder that the life of the owner has a purpose that must be found. It testifies to a sense of beauty, endowing a person with artistry, talents and a subtle perception of beauty;
  • "AND"- the value is given above;
  • "N"- an indicator of a sharp and critical mind, filtering incoming information, as well as a sign of protest against generally accepted irrational rules and norms;
  • "BUT"- see above.
In numerology, the number of the name Kapitolin is - 7 .
The owners of the number 7 are usually extremely talented, philosophical, insightful and thoughtful. These are people of science and art. They can be excellent teachers and teachers. "Sevens" are sincere and responsive to other people. They understand the interlocutor well and are able to listen carefully.

In life, the carriers of this number show extreme seriousness and restraint, have self-esteem. They do not like stupidity, tomfoolery and frivolity.

Important! People with a spirit number of 7 see the meaning of life in some non-material area, and money for them is not a measure of happiness.


The name has the following talismans:

  • planet - Pluto, Mercury;
  • Zodiac sign - Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio;
  • color - orange, all variegated colors;
  • day - Wednesday;
  • totem animal - wasp, fox, stork, ibis, lark, nightingale;
  • totem plant - basil, chrysanthemum, valerian, walnut tree, jasmine;
  • stone - topaz, agate, emerald, jasper, sardonyx, porphyry, rock crystal;
  • metal - bismuth, mercury;
  • element - air.

Name in history

It's beautiful and rare name wore such famous women, how:

The rare female name Kapitolina can be a good gift for a girl if you want her to have considerable talents, to have an active life position, iron principles and strong willpower. Capitolins are usually successful in life and are able to realize themselves to the maximum.

Video: the meaning of the name Kapitolina

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The female name Kapitolina did not receive wide popularization. It came from the Roman generic name Capitolinus and translated into Russian means “Capitol”, “related to the Capitoline Hill”. This name was one of the seven hills of Ancient Rome. Also, the name is given such meanings as "sublime", "royal".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: agate, carnelian, amber
  • Color: white, orange
  • Wood: walnut
  • plant: valerian
  • Animal: ibis
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

In Orthodoxy, this name serves as an expression of the mental and spiritual state of the individual. It has a certain energy in it. The secret of the name Kapitolina is that its representative is endowed with a strong-willed and strong character. Such a woman is called "unsinkable." Such a characterization is not entirely fair, because the girl, in addition to firmness, reliability and determination, has such a quality as sincerity. She does not hide from personal problems, but is looking for ways to solve them correctly. The girl remembers her past, life experiences and tries not to repeat the mistakes.

Kapitolina does not catch success and happiness over the horizon, but is sure that they are hidden in herself, in personal actions, thoughts, essence. She knows how to forgive people and this gives her new strength. Ready to help in difficult situations, to share human grief and joy. A heightened sense of responsibility for one's actions makes such a person too strict and even boring. However, it is these qualities that attract people to her.

Kapitolina confidently, step by step, is moving towards her goal. She is able to consistently and calmly, without emotions and fanaticism, solve her own and other people's problems. She is respected and appreciated by her friends and colleagues. The flaw in the character of this woman is considered to be hypertrophied seriousness, which makes her outwardly gloomy and hides the natural qualities of a bright spiritual mood.

Interests and hobbies

The talent of an unsurpassed culinary specialist is not even a hobby, but a natural character trait of such a person. Kapitolina improves it so much that it makes her perceive it as an innate ability. She reaches the pinnacle of excellence in this matter, thanks to perseverance and consistency, holding together historical and culinary experience. It can be called a hobby only because the girl is engaged in it in her free time from other things.

Profession and business

Kapitolina knows how to equally successfully use the logical methods of analysis and synthesis. Passion for solving problems for proof gives her the opportunity to easily master legal skills, become a brilliant investigator, lawyer, forensic scientist. She is able to lead a large and complex team with different areas of activity. Such a woman finds satisfaction in the scientific and social work, teaching, technical professions, banking.


From the nature of Kapitolina receives good health. Her enemy is overwork and some gloomy perception of reality. She needs to communicate more with nature, get a pet or a bird, find time for long trips and change of impressions.

Sex and love

In intimate terms, Kapitolina cannot be called lucky. Having fallen in love, she loses her vigilance, becomes too trusting, changes the habit of in-depth analysis of what is happening and makes many mistakes. A girl with this name is trying to understand with her mind what sex and love mean in life. But such an occupation takes time and brings her only disappointment.

Family and marriage

Capitolina marries for love. But she is used to being critical of everything that happens, and she is also trying to reconsider family priorities. She has little creative space in the family circle. A woman needs scope, scale of action. Very often, such obstacles become the reason for the breakdown of marital relations. This is too independent a person, smart and practical, to make a problem out of this.

Kapitolina brings up children strictly. They receive an excellent education, but the concepts of family values, like those of their mother, remain blurred.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Kapitolin, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Capitolina - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color Capitolina Capitolina - orange
  • Auspicious tree - jasmine
  • Cherished plant Capitolina - chrysanthemum
  • The patron saint of the name of Kapitolin is a wasp
  • Stone-talisman of Kapitolina Kapitolina - jasper

What does the name Kapitolina mean?: born in the Capitol (the name of Kapitolina is of Latin origin).

The short meaning of the name Kapitolina: Kapa, ​​Kapusha, Tolya, Tonya, Lina.

Capitol Angel Day: The name Kapitolina celebrates a name day once a year: November 9 (October 27) - St. Martyr Kapitolina, after suffering for Christ, was beheaded in 304.

Signs of the name Kapitolina: If by the day of Capitolina the snow falls on the damp ground and does not melt, then in the spring snowdrops will bloom early and together.

Characteristics of the name Kapitolina

Positive features: Kapitolina is distinguished by balance, thoroughness, striving for consistency, a logical mindset and purposefulness. She is very patient and has an "iron" willpower. At the same time, the name Kapitolina is very sensual, although she tries to hide her emotions behind restraint. Feelings from this only become deeper. This will perfectly help her soften her straightforwardness in communication and maintain the warmth of family relationships.

Negative Traits: Sometimes Capitolina is hindered by some seriousness and excessive straightforwardness, which makes her stricter than necessary. In general, an overly serious attitude to life, and even coupled with a depth of feelings, often overshadows Kapitolina's perception of the world around her and creates a feeling of hopelessness.

The nature of the name Kapitolina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Kapitolina? Little Capitolina is charming and obedient, she plays with pets for hours, dreaming of becoming a veterinarian, a zoo worker or even an animal tamer. The name of Kapitolin can be negotiated on a fair basis. In dealing with her, try to allow as little emotion as possible and do not try to put pressure on her. Nothing good will come of this, just ruin your relationship with Kaptolina. But, having talked heart to heart with her, you can find softness and responsiveness in her kind heart.

Kapitolina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Innocent, Heraclius, Kapiton, Leonid, Nikon, Polycarp, Sebastian, Sylvester, Trofim, Khariton is favorable. Complicated relations of the name are likely with Anufry, Victor, Vilen, Gennady, Evdokim, Yermil, Merkul, Mitrofan, Peacock, Sazon, Terenty.

Love and marriage: a girl named Kapitolina is a wonderful housewife, devoted wife and loving mother. Any family storms will break about her poise and patience. First of all, Kapitolina will have to tame her own passions: she is amorous, capricious, commands several admirers at once, and it is possible that she will reject - also immediately! - everyone. When a husband appears, strong and brave as a tiger, she will love him passionately, occasionally arranging scenes of jealousy with noisy reconciliation.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Kapitolina is a sincere, strong and patient person. She can surely succeed in life, make good career and even become a good leader. The name Kapitolina can most fully show her qualities in the field of pedagogy or teaching, accounting, as a nurse or social worker.

Business and career: Capitolina usually does not experience financial difficulties, but rarely reaches the heights of prosperity. Her style is a slow forward movement, not a jerk.

Health and energy

Health and Talents: By nature, Capitolina is in good health, but in adulthood, bouts of indigestion or heart problems are likely.

The fate of Capitolina in history

What does the name Kapitolina mean for women's fate?

  1. Kapitolina Lazarenko is a famous Soviet pop singer in the 50s.
  2. Capitolina Cerellia, an educated Roman woman who had a thorough knowledge of philosophy and other sciences, was friendly with Cicero and had some influence on him.
  3. St. Capitolina the martyr - after terrible tortures for devotion to the faith of Christ, she was beheaded in 304.

This Latin female name is not very common now, and in the middle of the 20th century there were quite a few women named like that. It translates as "born on the Capitol" - the most famous of the seven hills of Rome. Accordingly, the meaning of the name Kapitolina implies such a characteristic as “royal”. Indeed, this is a very strong-willed woman with a decisive character.

It combines the male mindset and female intuition. Therefore, the meaning of the name Kapitolina for a child is manifested in leadership qualities visible since childhood. Her independence, desire to achieve her goals lead to the fact that Kapochka at an early age does not give up anything halfway. He studies well at school, likes to stand out from the peer group, participates in amateur performances. The meaning of the name Kapitolina for a girl is also manifested in the fact that she is characterized by foresight and caution.

This restrained little girl prefers to spend time reading books instead of lisping with her mother. In games, she prefers to set the rules herself, and quite strict ones. The rest of the guys do not like such frames, so they sometimes shun Kapochka.

At the same time, the interpretation of the name implies that the girl is very tolerant when communicating, shows warmth, always helps, without demanding any reward for this, which makes her a wonderful friend.


Kapochka is beautiful, but in relationships with men she is not lucky right away. She's picky - that means the girl won't throw herself headlong into love relationship with someone you don't know well. He is afraid of mistakes, failures, but they often happen. It is easy to get acquainted with men, but often does not know how to behave if the young man is attractive to her. Therefore, she rushes to extremes: sometimes she is restrained to the point of stiffness, sets a clear distance, then abruptly changes course, becomes relaxed, noisy, emotional and easily agrees to intimacy.

Capricious, amorous, can play with the feelings of several fans at once. It is possible that under the influence of a minute he can immediately reject all of them. She does not always find her soul mate, so she can remain lonely. She does not attach much importance to sex, in this regard she is often conservative, very reserved. It is difficult for a man to awaken her sensuality, but subsequently she becomes very temperamental.

A family

Having married, the girl finds peace, becomes more permanent, emotionally stable. In marriage, she is patient, balanced, knows how to overcome any family storms. Becomes a wonderful hostess, devoted wife, loving caring mother. This means that household chores are not a problem for her, she loves order and maintains it.

The girl's chosen one must be strong, decisive, have qualities to match her, appreciate her touching affection, devotion. Such a spouse Kapitolina will love strongly, selflessly, arranging scenes of jealousy for him, followed by violent reconciliation. It is better if the husband is older and takes on his shoulders some of the household problems.

For this woman great importance has a family, kinship ties. He likes to cook, tries cooking new dishes, experiments. Often invites guests to showcase culinary talents, which happens with success. She is comfortable in a narrow circle of friends.

Business and career

A woman named like that has the qualities of a good, responsible leader. He often succeeds in his career. She is very consistent, patient, has great willpower - this means that Kapitolina will succeed even where there is little chance. However, excessive straightforwardness, seriousness make it somewhat stricter than necessary. Because of this, relationships with subordinates are not always good.

Whatever she undertakes, she performs thoroughly, attaching importance and taking seriously even minor details. Not subject to other people's influence, excellently manages a large team, influencing people with a strong character, encouraging them to act. Solves the most complex issues in such a way as to achieve the maximum benefit to the cause, and incur the minimum damage of all possible.

He will show himself well in pedagogical, teaching activities, can become an excellent accountant, nurse, social worker. In business, he prefers not a jerk, but a slow forward movement.

origin of the name Kapitolina

Opinions about the origin of the name Kapitolin are unanimous. Exploring where it came from, they point to Latin roots and associate it with the name of one of the hills ancient rome- The Capitol. It has long been considered the most honorable, famous area the eternal city. Therefore, the etymology of the name has such meanings as "royal", "sublime".

History knows the Roman Capitolina Cerellia, who had serious knowledge in philosophy and other sciences, was friends with Cicero and even influenced him a little. In Christianity, the martyr Capitolina of Cappadocia is revered, whose name became known after her death for the faith in 306. Her willpower, firmness, and determination confirm the mystery of the name.

Characteristics of the name Kapitolina

This is a determined, strong-willed, ambitious woman. The turn of her mind is such that she can simultaneously analyze the current situation, putting it on the shelves, and see it in its entirety. The characteristic of the name Kapitolin also implies prudence, caution, the ability to avoid an ambiguous position. If this happens, a woman easily finds a way out.

With a logical warehouse of character, purposefulness and willpower, Capa also has sensuality. Moreover, behind external restraint, feelings acquire great depth. This is a strong, patient, decisive, balanced, sincere woman.

However, considering the pros and cons of her character, one cannot ignore pride and pride. And straightforwardness can sometimes lead to careless actions. Many owners of this naming tend to be in the spotlight, not attaching importance to difficulties. Such women set big goals for themselves, and when they achieve them, they enjoy fame.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - jasper, emerald;
  • Name day - November 9;
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Scorpio, Gemini.

Notable people named Kapitolina

  • Kapitalina Lazarenko - Soviet and Russian singer;
  • Kapitolina Rumyantseva - artist, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists;
  • Kapitolina Delovaya (Victoria Lukyanova) - music critic, producer.

Name Kapitolina in different languages

The translation of the name Kapitolina into English, French, German, Spanish is the same. The naming is translated as Capitolina.

In Chinese - 酒店 In Japanese - カピトリーナ

Name Forms

  • Full name - Kapitolina;
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviated and other options - Kapitosha, Tosha, Capa, Kapochka, Kapulya, Lina;
  • Declension of the name - Kapitolina, Kapitolina;
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Kapitolina.
Psychology of bed relations