About two planetary catastrophes. "These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished with the Moon

Let's, pay attention to the existing difference in the spelling of names "Kashchey" And "KOschey". These are two completely different characters.

The sacred books of the Slavs in the old days were called "KOSHCHUN". These were wooden tablets tied together, on which unique knowledge was written. The one who kept this immortal legacy was called "KOshcheem".

From his books were passed down from generation to generation, but he was not immortal, as in fairy tales. His books were immortal.

IN a terrible villain, a heartless, cruel, but powerful sorcerer Koshcheya turned during the introduction of Christianity in Rus'. Then all the positive characters of the Slavic pantheon turned into negative ones. By the way, at that time the word appeared "blasphemy" which meant following the ancient pre-Christian customs.

About Kashchee in Rus' they have known since ancient times, he is depicted as a negative character, who is usually used in fairy tales and whose death is “in the egg”. The one with which all the acting characters of the fairy tale fight, even Baba Yaga herself - that's all KASHCHEY.

Let's take the first rune of writing the ancient Slavic word-image - the rune "Ka".

"Ka" means "to gather within oneself, union, union." For example, take a runic word-image "KARA". The ancient Slavs "Kara" meant something that did not radiate, blackened, ceased to shine. After all, she collected in herself all the "Ra" (radiance, sun).

There is information about Kashchei in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

“Their goal is to destroy the Souls of Human Children,
lest they ever reach
Light World of Rule and Heavenly Asgard,
home of the patron gods
Kind of Heavenly and Great Race.
As well as Heavenly Lands and Villages,
where your Holy Wise Ancestors find rest...

12 (76). On their gray skin
you will recognize the Foreign Enemies...
Their eyes are the color of darkness,
and they are bisexual
and can be a wife, like a husband [can change sex].
Each of them can be a father or mother ...
They paint their faces,
to be like Children of Men...
and never take off their garments,
lest their bestial nakedness be exposed…”

Who are the Kashchei?

Information for thought.

Kashcheii This race of humanoids aliens, which we call " Zeta Networks", "Greys", "Grace"

They live mainly in the star system Zeta in the constellation Reticuli - Reticuli. ( A binary star that lies about 39 light-years from the Solar System.)
Height 1.2 - 2 meters
Weight 30 - 40 kg.
Eyes large, oval, black
Hair missing
Skin rough gray texture

Gender - no visual sex organs
Reproduction possible cloning
Telepathic communication
Have a longitudinal section of the mouth; nose and ears are standard; a hand with four fingers, between which there are membranes; subtle body; large disproportionate head.
Among the gray there are a lot of isolated civilizations, both very highly spiritual, which have already left the worlds of physical density, and those that live in the physical and ethereal planes.

Information about them is so contradictory precisely for this reason.

In any case, this is the most common type of aliens on Earth now.

By and large, about the Zetas became widely known only after one of the gray groups entered into a cooperation contract with some earthly governments.

In exchange for alien technology, the Zetas were given permission to "abduct" humans in a limited manner.

Their original plan for coming to Earth consisted of the following: a group of volunteers from among the grays was to incarnate on Earth, be born in human form, and then, when they physical bodies grow up, they had to extract the necessary DNA fragments and cross species to improve the population Zeta Networks.

However, scientists Grace they did not take into account one circumstance: the embodied volunteers lowered their vibration to the level of the three-dimensional world

The civilization of the grays was on the verge of extinction, as their genetic experiments led to some defect in the structure of their DNA.

Basically, this problem arose due to an imbalance between the mind and emotions, which caused sterility and inability to procreate. To save their race from extinction Grace certain parts of earthlings' DNA were needed.

That is why since the middle of the last century, the grays began to openly abduct people, interbreed with them and grow hybrids of people-alien

The Zetas Prefer stay in their ships and rarely land on the surface of the Earth. It is difficult for them to withstand the earth's atmosphere and gravity.

If they experiment on people, they usually take them to the ships before examining, analyzing and extracting liquids, serving their selfish purposes.

The intention of these draconian Zetas- further enslavement of the human race and the use of people as slaves to develop the mineral resources of the planet. They themselves watch over the enslaved groups of people, staying safe in their ships and underground bases.

The legends and traditions of the Vedas remind us that about 111,812 years ago. The creatures of Kashchei (gray) captured one of the satellites of Midgard-Earth (planet Earth) the Moon - Lilith and made their nest on it.

From it they descended to Earth and terrorized the peoples who inhabited it.

And then the great Tarkh Dazhdbog, the patron of the Aryan clans, destroyed the Moon and destroyed the shelter of the Kashcheis with his own power.

This ancient feat Tarkha Dazhdboga, gives us Instruction - a Lesson that speaks of the need to expand their Bands of consciousness and frequencies , filling the heart with sincere Faith, Love and Joy. T when they open, in us - Gateways of Ancestral Memory.We will remember bequeathed to us "The Experience of Discrimination", which is up-to-date. Helping to bypass the traps created here on our Earth by alien matrices. ANDcontinue with Tarkh Dazhdbog the process of cleansing our planet and near-Earth space from all sorts of Kashchei, holding back the evolutionary Ascension of the Earth.

how did he destroy STRONG KOSHCHEEV,

that on the nearest moon were ...

Tarkh did not allow the insidious KOSHCHEYAM

To destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ...



Disappeared along with the moon in the half hour ...

But Midgard paid for freedom

Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood...

At the head THE FOREIGNERS FROM THE HELL STOOD KOSHCHEI, THE RULERS OF THE GRAY! It is also curious that Star Wars took place periodically, at certain intervals of time: “ ... after the expiration of the Svarog Circle and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life ... ". The Svarog Circle is nothing but the period of precession of the axis of Midgard-earth, and is equal to 25,920 years. Each Circle of Life equals 144 years, so Ninety-Nine Circles of Life equals 14256 years. And all together it is equal to 40176 years! According to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, only in the recent past there were three Star Wars between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. In addition, the arm of our Galaxy, in which the Solar System is located, during the rotation of our Milky Way Galaxy around its axis, and during its forward movement in our Universe, periodically falls into spaces controlled by the Dark Forces.

The time when the arm of our Galaxy is within the limits controlled by the Dark Forces, our ancestors called the Nights of Svarog. The Last Night of Svarog began in Summer 6498 from S.M.Z.Kh. (988 A.D.) and ended in Summer 7506 from S.M.Z.H. (1995-1996 AD). This means that our solar system has already left the boundaries of the Hellish World and is located in the border zone, which, in turn, means that the civilizations of the Light Forces will return to the solar system again, and Dark forces will try to prevent this, and will FOURTH STAR WAR! More precisely, it is already in full swing, but at a fundamentally different level, which NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!

Moreover, it is the Light Forces who use a fundamentally new level of Star Wars, while the Dark Forces, due to their evolutionary limitations, continue to wage war in the old way! Basically, the last FOURTH STAR WAR between Light and Dark Forces already WON BY LIGHT FORCES! On Midgard-land remained in power ONLY SERVANTS OF THE DARK FORCES ARE SERVANTS OF THE GRAY, who have lost the support of their space masters! However, that's another topic, but for now let's get back to RACE OF GRAY.

“These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in the half-hour ... But
Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood...”

The destruction of the moon Lely along with the bases of the Dark Forces, who were preparing the capture of Midgard-Earth. The dark ones wanted not to destroy, but to capture the planet. The first planetary catastrophe. The resettlement of the colonists who remained on Earth to the south, to the places now called Siberia, about 113,000 years ago. Creation of Great Asia. Belovodie. Construction of a new capital - Asgard of Iria. Continuation of the "Big Plan"...

The Light Forces were able to do on Midgard-Earth what had never been done before: they created such external conditions on the planet under which it became possible for people to move faster along the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension. This gave trained people the opportunity to acquire or activate such abilities, such properties and qualities that would allow them to appropriately influence objects and events, the reality of a cosmic scale, and, perhaps, acquire a noticeable advantage in the long-term confrontation between the Light and Dark Forces, and, possibly, , and win this endless war.

In order to truly go through the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension and acquire new possibilities for operating with reality, a rational being must live and act according to the principles of the Forces of Creation - Light Forces. Only in this case the Essence will develop and improve. Only in this case will the so-called. "evolutionary meat", which is the basis evolutionary development(for more on this, see the 2nd volume of the book by Nikolai Levashov "Essence and Mind")…

The Dark Forces could easily destroy Midgard-Earth, as they did with thousands of other inhabited planets. However, they aspired precisely to the capture of the Earth, in order to use the fruits of other people's labor in full accordance with their essence. After prolonged, unsuccessful direct assaults on the planet, they changed tactics drastically, most likely reconnaissance of something very important to their goals. Apparently, they enlightened that in our solar system created a unique complex of several inhabited planets and several moons near each of them. It is not only about Midgard- earth (our planet), but also about mars, And Dee, which is also called Phaeton. Scientists are now talking about the fact that Mars was once inhabited, almost without hiding, and the media are diligently spreading this “sensation” around the world. And about the fact that between Mars (the 4th planet) and Jupiter (today the 5th planet) there was another planet - deya- say the Slavic-Aryan Vedas ("Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The Book of Wisdom of Perun. First Circle, Santia 9, 71 p.).

The presence of three moons near our Midgard-earth, two of which (Lelya and Month) were probably artificial objects, indicates that great importance was attached to the arrangement of a spatial oasis, which is our solar system. Our ancestors used resources and efforts to solve this problem that we cannot even imagine in our wildest fantasies. We simply do not yet know such numbers and values! And our ancestors - Slavic-Aryans - whom many unscrupulous and semi-literate scientists today call "wild", solved such problems and, for sure, not for the first time!

Why was Midgard-earth equipped with three moons at one time?

Of course, this is not just a whim, not sentimentality and not "love of art." This colossal technical task was properly calculated and brilliantly executed. The presence of each moon affects the speed of rotation of the planet, the dynamics of gravitational "waves" (the parameters of the continuous change in the total gravitational field of the planet and moons), the illumination of the planet, the stability of its internal processes, and much more, which we still do not even suspect today …

But most importantly - all these moons influenced the inhabitants of the earth! And the point here was not only the duration of the earth day, which is also very important for the speed of spiritual (evolutionary) development, but also the fact that the system of planets and moons was a gravitational anomaly, which to a certain extent influenced the dimensionality of the surrounding space. Perhaps this was done to minimize the external negative impact on the planet, which inevitably occurs periodically, as the Solar System moves in space along with our Galaxy. And if we take into account that appropriate equipment was probably installed inside the moons, which helped to neutralize the influence of the "Nights of Svarog" and other "troubles" of a similar type, it becomes even more clear what resources and forces were spent on organizing this process, which operated flawlessly for hundreds of years. thousand years...

It was all this, taken together, that did not allow the Dark Forces to achieve their goals by their usual methods. Then they went to the trick, came up with a new tactic.

Now, knowing all this information, it is already becoming clear what kind of new tactics the Dark Forces, the Princes of the Hell World, have come up with. When they realized that it would not be possible to capture Midgard head-on, and they realized What it ensures the stability of this oasis in Space, they began to destroy it gradually, step by step (in the same way as they will later destroy the colossal civilization of the Rus on Earth). The planets Deya and Mars were in more distant orbits and could well serve to protect Midgard from external attacks. That's why they were destroyed in the first place. Mars today is a lifeless piece of stone, and only the asteroid belt remains from Dei, the existence of which for some reason does not surprise our "scientists" ...

Then the Dark Ones took over our moons. To capture Midgard, they were able to create their secret base on the nearest moon - Lele. The calculation was simple: either they could capture the planet or, failing that, the moon would be destroyed or damaged. And so it happened. When the preparations for the capture of the planet were almost completed, the enemy base was discovered and immediately destroyed by Hierarch (god) Tarkh Perunovich. Apparently, the moon of Lelya was also an artificial object, like the moon of the Month, and the capture forces were located inside it, otherwise they would have been noticed long ago. Therefore, Tarkh had to urgently destroy the fighters of the Dark Ones along with the moon Lelei about 113,000 years ago (as of 2009). The occupation of Midgard-Earth was prevented, but the consequences of the destruction of the moon could not be avoided.

Lelya was a large space object, and its fragments began to fall on Midgard-Earth along a spiral, downward trajectory. As they entered the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, the fragments of the moon became heated from friction against the air and burned. But what did not burn out completely fell to the ground with a rain of hot stones - asteroids. The mass of the fallen fragments was so impressive that their fall caused a planetary catastrophe on Midgard. IN Slavic-Aryan Vedas this event is described as follows: "... for the moon was split into pieces, and an army of welders descended to Midgard ...". This caused the movement of lithospheric plates, volcanic eruptions, the appearance of giant tsunamis, a change in the planetary landscape and other natural disasters. Despite the very high level of technical development of the civilization of the people of the White Race and, accordingly, their terrestrial colony, many people, animals, birds, insects, plants died. The Vedas say this about it: “... A lot of people died at that time, Who did not have time to rise on whitemans, or go through the gates between the worlds and bury themselves in the Hall of the Bear ...”("Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The Book of Wisdom of Perun. Circle One, 71 p.). Daaria also perished - a large continent on which the terrestrial colony of the White Race was located. She slowly sank into the waters of the ocean, which we now call the Arctic.

As you understand, this planetary catastrophe did not happen instantly. Shards of the moon Lely fell on Midgard for several days or weeks. Then, for more than a decade and a half, Daaria plunged into the abyss. Some of the colonists managed to fly away on the Whitemans or go through the Star Gates (gates between worlds) and wait out the consequences of the disaster in the Hall of the Bear (the constellation Ursa Major), many managed to survive, remaining on Earth. In general, our planet and civilization at that time were saved from the invasion of the Dark Forces. The survivors and those who wished to return to Midgard to continue what they started had to start all over again. They had to move from Daaria, which was going under water, to another appropriate place on Midgard-Earth. And this place was Asia(Asia). Here is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas report about this:

... Great and mighty aces

began to move to Asia

from the sacred country of Daaria

in ancient and glorious times...

That ran to the east of the earth

from the Riphean Mountains and extended

beyond the sea of ​​H'Aryan,

and from the icy Daari Sea

to the greatest Himovat mountains...

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Source of Life, 7 p.

But what explanations does Nikolay Levashov give to this text of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in his book "Russia in False Mirrors"(volume 2, section 1.2):

“... The country of Asia lay to the east of the RIPEY MOUNTAINS, which, translated into modern Russian, means that it was located to the east of the Ural Mountains. In the east - beyond the limits of the H'ARIAN SEA (Lake Baikal) to the Pacific Ocean, in the south - to the greatest KHIMOVAT-GOR (Himalayas), and in the north - from the icy DAARIAN SEA (Arctic Ocean)! Great Asiya arose instead of Daaria, which had gone under water (Fig. 6). For many surviving colonists, Midgard-Earth has long become a home, because many and many generations of the first settlers were born on Midgard!..”

Today, most of the territory that was called Asia, we call Asia. At that time there was a good, warm climate, earth's axis had not yet been turned, and the living conditions were quite suitable. The resettled people began to develop territories along the Iriy (Irtysh) River, and they called themselves Ases ...

About 107,000 years ago, at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om, they began to build a new capital for themselves instead of the deceased - the city Asgard of Iria. Asgard translates as "City of the Gods". It was for a very long time the place of residence of the most powerful people on Earth - our great ancestors, who, in spite of everything, with all their might continued to implement the "Big Plan" of the Light Forces. This city was the main one in Asia for more than 100 thousand years and was never captured by enemies during its entire existence. At the beginning of the 16th century AD, it was destroyed by the hordes of the Dzhungars (these are the ancestors of today's Kalmyks) as a result of a long-term and multi-pass operation of the Dark Forces to neutralize its power protection. Now the city of Omsk is located on the site of Asgard Iriysky.

The destruction of the moon Leli and the planetary catastrophe that followed caused great damage to everything that the Light Forces had created on Midgard and in our Solar System. The protection of our planet became weaker, but still performed its functions. Yes, our ancestors did not have much choice. They came to Earth consciously, clearly knowing and understanding what awaits them during many subsequent incarnations on this planet. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that they selflessly continued to work on the implementation of the "Big Plan", being content with what they had. They understood too well what hopes were placed on them in this war for the future of the entire universe.

But the Black ones also understood a lot, and launched another cunning attack on our planet...
Next will follow:
Previous records:

  1. And further:

Oh, by the way, don't go far, let's make friends?

4. The first planetary catastrophe

Page 1

“These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in the half-hour ... But
Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood...”

The destruction of the moon Lely along with the bases of the Dark Forces, who were preparing the capture of Midgard-Earth. The dark ones wanted not to destroy, but to capture the planet. The first planetary catastrophe. The resettlement of the colonists who remained on Earth to the south, to the places now called Siberia, about 113,000 years ago. Creation of Great Asia. Belovodie. Construction of a new capital - Asgard of Iria. Continuation of the "Big Plan"...

The Light Forces were able to do on Midgard-Earth what had never been done before: they created such external conditions on the planet under which it became possible for people to move faster along the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension. This gave trained people the opportunity to acquire or activate such abilities, such properties and qualities that would allow them to appropriately influence objects and events, the reality of a cosmic scale, and, perhaps, acquire a noticeable advantage in the long-term confrontation between the Light and Dark Forces, and, possibly, , and win this endless war.

In order to truly go through the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension and acquire new opportunities for operating with reality, a rational being must live and act according to the principles of the Forces of Creation - Light Forces. Only in this case the Essence will develop and improve. Only in this case will the so-called. "evolutionary meat", which is the basis of evolutionary development (for more details, see the 2nd volume of the book by Nikolai Levashov "Essence and Mind")…

The Dark Forces could easily destroy Midgard-Earth, as they did with thousands of other inhabited planets. However, they aspired precisely to the capture of the Earth, in order to use the fruits of other people's labor in full accordance with their essence. After prolonged, unsuccessful direct assaults on the planet, they changed tactics drastically, most likely reconnaissance of something very important to their goals. Apparently, they enlightened that in our solar system a unique complex of several inhabited planets and several moons near each of them was created. It is not only about Midgard- earth (our planet), but also about mars, And Dee, which is also called Phaeton. Scientists are now talking about the fact that Mars was once inhabited, almost without hiding, and the media are diligently spreading this “sensation” around the world. And about the fact that between Mars (the 4th planet) and Jupiter (today the 5th planet) there was another planet - deya- say the Vedas ("Vedas". The Book of Wisdom of Perun. First Circle, Santia 9, 71 p.).

The presence of three moons near our Midgard-earth, two of which (Lelya and Month) were probably artificial objects, indicates that great importance was attached to the arrangement of a spatial oasis, which is our solar system. Our ancestors used resources and efforts to solve this problem that we cannot even imagine in our wildest fantasies. We simply do not yet know such numbers and values! And our ancestors - Slavic-Aryans - whom many shameless and semi-literate scientists today call "wild", solved such problems and, for sure, not for the first time!

Why was Midgard-earth equipped with three moons at one time?

Of course, this is not just a whim, not sentimentality and not "love of art." This colossal technical task was properly calculated and brilliantly executed. The presence of each moon affects the speed of rotation of the planet, the dynamics of gravitational "waves" (the parameters of the continuous change in the total gravitational field of the planet and moons), the illumination of the planet, the stability of its internal processes, and much more, which we still do not even suspect today …

But most importantly, all these moons influenced the inhabitants of the earth! And the point here was not only the duration of the earth day, which is also very important for the speed of spiritual (evolutionary) development, but also the fact that the system of planets and moons was a gravitational anomaly, which to a certain extent influenced the dimensionality of the surrounding space. Perhaps this was done to minimize the external negative impact on the planet, which inevitably occurs periodically, as the Solar System moves in space along with our Galaxy. And if we take into account that appropriate equipment was probably installed inside the moons, which helped to neutralize the influence of the "Nights of Svarog" and other "troubles" of a similar type, it becomes even more clear what resources and forces were spent on organizing this process, which operated flawlessly for hundreds of years. thousand years...

It was all this, taken together, that did not allow the Dark Forces to achieve their goals by their usual methods. Then they went to the trick, came up with a new tactic.

Now, knowing all this information, it is already becoming clear what kind of new tactics the Dark Forces, the Princes of the Hell World, have come up with. When they realized that it would not be possible to capture Midgard head-on, and they realized What it ensures the stability of this oasis in Space, they began to destroy it gradually, step by step (in the same way as they will later destroy the colossal civilization of the Rus on Earth). The planets Deya and Mars were in more distant orbits and could well serve to protect Midgard from external attacks. That's why they were destroyed in the first place. Mars today is a lifeless piece of stone, and only the asteroid belt remains from Dei, the existence of which for some reason does not surprise our "scientists" ...

Then the Dark Ones took over our moons. To capture Midgard, they were able to create their secret base on the nearest moon - Lele. The calculation was simple: either they could capture the planet or, failing that, the moon would be destroyed or damaged. And so it happened. When the preparations for the capture of the planet were almost completed, the enemy base was discovered and immediately destroyed by Hierarch (god) Tarkh Perunovich. Apparently, the moon Lelya was also an artificial object, like the Moon Moon, and the capture forces were placed inside it, otherwise they would have been noticed long ago. Therefore, Tarkh had to urgently destroy the fighters of the Dark Ones along with the moon Lelei about 113,000 years ago (as of 2009). The occupation of Midgard-Earth was prevented, but the consequences of the destruction of the moon could not be avoided.

Lelya was a large space object, and its fragments began to fall on Midgard-Earth along a spiral, downward trajectory. As they entered the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, the fragments of the moon became heated from friction against the air and burned. But what did not burn out completely fell to the ground in a rain of hot stones - asteroids. The mass of the fallen fragments was so impressive that their fall caused a planetary catastrophe on Midgard. IN The Slavic-Aryan Vedas describe this event as follows: "... for the moon was split into pieces, and an army of welders descended to Midgard ...". This caused the movement of lithospheric plates, volcanic eruptions, the appearance of giant tsunamis, a change in the planetary landscape and other natural disasters. Despite the very high level of technical development of the civilization of the people of the White Race and, accordingly, their terrestrial colony, many people, animals, birds, insects, plants died. The Vedas say this about it: “... A lot of people died at that time, Who did not have time to rise on whitemans, or go through the gates between the worlds and bury themselves in the Hall of the Bear ...”("Vedas". The Book of Wisdom of Perun. First Circle, 71 p.). Daaria also perished - a large continent on which the terrestrial colony of the White Race was located. She slowly sank into the waters of the ocean, which we now call the Arctic.

As you understand, this planetary catastrophe did not happen instantly. Shards of the moon Lely fell on Midgard for several days or weeks. Then, for more than a decade and a half, Daaria plunged into the abyss. Some of the colonists managed to fly away on the Whitemans or go through the Star Gates (gates between worlds) and wait out the consequences of the disaster in the Hall of the Bear (the constellation Ursa Major), many managed to survive, remaining on Earth. In general, our planet and civilization at that time were saved from the invasion of the Dark Forces. The survivors and those who wished to return to Midgard to continue what they started had to start all over again. They had to move from Daaria, which was sinking under water, to another suitable place on Midgard-Earth. And this place was Asia(Asia). Here is what the Vedas say about it:

... The great and mighty aces began to move to Asia from the sacred country of Daaria in ancient and glorious times ...
Which ran to the east of the earth from the Riphean Mountains and extended beyond the Kh'Aryan sea, and from the icy Daaryan sea to the greatest Himovat Mountains ...

"Vedas". Source of Life, 7 p.

But what explanations does Nikolay Levashov give to this text of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in his book "Russia in False Mirrors"(volume 2, section 1.2):

“... The country of Asia lay to the east of the RIPEY MOUNTAINS, which, translated into modern Russian, means that it was located to the east of the Ural Mountains. In the east - beyond the limits of the H'ARIAN SEA (Lake Baikal) to the Pacific Ocean, in the south - to the greatest KHIMOVAT-GOR (Himalayas), and in the north - from the icy DAARIAN SEA (Arctic Ocean)! Great Asiya arose instead of Daaria, which had gone under water (Fig. 6). For many surviving colonists, Midgard-Earth has long become a home, because many and many generations of the first settlers were born on Midgard!..”

Today, most of the territory that was called Asia, we call Asia. At that time there was a good, warm climate, the earth's axis was not yet turned, and the conditions for living were quite suitable. The resettled people began to develop territories along the Iriy (Irtysh) River, and they called themselves Ases ...

About 107,000 years ago, at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om, they began to build a new capital for themselves instead of the deceased - the city Asgard of Iria. Asgard translates as "City of the Gods". It was for a very long time the place of residence of the most powerful people on Earth - our great ancestors, who, in spite of everything, with all their might continued to implement the "Big Plan" of the Light Forces. This city was the main one in Asia for more than 100 thousand years and was never captured by enemies during its entire existence. At the beginning of the 16th century AD, it was destroyed by the hordes of the Dzhungars (these are the ancestors of today's Kalmyks) as a result of a long-term and multi-pass operation of the Dark Forces to neutralize its power protection. Now the city of Omsk is located on the site of Asgard Iriysky.

The destruction of the moon Leli and the planetary catastrophe that followed caused great damage to everything that the Light Forces had created on Midgard and in our Solar System. The protection of our planet became weaker, but still performed its functions. Yes, our ancestors did not have much choice. They came to Earth consciously, clearly knowing and understanding what awaits them during many subsequent incarnations on this planet. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that they selflessly continued to work on the implementation of the "Big Plan", being content with what they had. They understood too well what hopes were placed on them in this war for the future of the entire universe.

But the Black ones also understood a lot, and launched another cunning attack on our planet...

To destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ...




These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays,

Disappeared together with the moon in the half-hour ...

But Midgard paid for freedom,

Daaria hidden by the Great Flood…




12. (140). The waters of the moon, that flood created,

they fell to Earth from heaven like a rainbow,


and the army of SVAROZHICH descended to Midgard ...



From this passage we can conclude the following: Three Moons around Midgard were already after Deya was destroyed as a result of space wars, and one of the Moons of Dei Fatta was brought into the orbit of Midgard-Earth for greater stability and security.

The Vedas believe that Deya is Phaeton, the destruction of which led to the formation of an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. But, in the solar system there is another asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Neptune - the Kuiper belt. Moreover, judging by the size of the objects, it was formed much earlier than the asteroid belt after the destruction of Phaethon.

Why is there some contradiction to what we already know about the presence of two asteroid belts and what was described by the Vedas. This was best explained by B.V. Makov:

“It is through individuals of 384 brain genotypes that the True Control System of the Earth preserved the elements of approaching the truth about the “Created World”. Given the level of development of the mind in relation to each stage of the event chronoprocess, such information was presented more often in the object-esoteric worldview, or in demonic understanding, or in some particular forms of worldview, taking into account the territorial and functional endowment of the community of people, their “national” and geographical features. The Vedas were also people, the same applies to the forms of preserving information (with the help of people), but on tablets, scrolls, in the form of any artifacts, etc. - this is not the point. But they really were, in this regard, Russia has something to be proud of.

Periodically, from the side of the “True Earth Control System” there was a hidden information support of the everyday existence of this special genotype, this is the 384th genotype. Individuals of this special brain genotype were perceived by the Intervention System (Ebrovskoy) as the main material for “practical application” under the Program for the Development of Flesh Cell Energy Biogenesis, on which many experimental processes were basically tested. A separate functional-territorial allocation of the territory of Russia made it possible (unlike other territories) to retain with minimal distortion the brain of people of 384 genotypes. The most “capable” part of them were the Vedas. They and through them carried out energy-information transmission from the True Earth Control System in such a hidden form that could be brought to people at different stages of development. That is the whole trick of this understanding.” (B.V. Makov - answers to questions http://www.salvatorem.ru/?page_id=1074)

Tarkh destroyed the moon Lelya 111,814 years ago (as of 2008), and the Slavic-Aryan Vedas say that Tarkh did not allow Midgard to be destroyed, as Deya was destroyed. But the Koscheis were preparing the capture of Midgard-earth, and not destruction! Therefore, they needed to weaken the very civilization of Midgard “from within”… After Daaria went under water and the White Race settled in Midgard, a change began in the minds of people, outcasts began to appear, which were good material for controlling their consciousness.

What else did the destruction of Lely turn into for Midgard? Let's go back to SAW:

The Ancient Threads were destroyed,

That stretched to the distant Halls ...

and in the Interworld some of the connections were interrupted ...

The call of the many-sided was not heard,

Many Whitemars were lost in Svarga...,

before new Threads were born

and their call was heard from the Halls.

13.(141) . Many people died at that time,

who did not have time to climb the Whitemans,

or go through the Gates of the World

and bury in the Hall of the Bear...



The threads of the Halls are broken again,

so Needles of Heaven lost their color,

so that the needles shine again with flowers,

You, replace Irkama's Crystals.

Replace them with Tara Crystals...

And through the Zimun restore Threads...

There is a lot of important information in this passage: part of the cluster connections between the Worlds (Earth System) was interrupted, communication stopped. But, after some time, cluster connections were resumed by replacing Irkama crystals with Tara crystals (a generator based on other space structures), and the Dark Forces changed tactics. Note that Zimun is the constellation Ursa Minor. Hall of the Bear.

For some reason, the current Vedists The Hall of the Bear has turned into the constellation Ursa Major(in modern ideas, the Hall of Mokosh corresponds to the Constellation Ursa Major, and the Hall of Rada corresponds to the Constellation of Orion.), but in the forbidden book of N. Levashov, he called the constellation Mokosh another star cluster, now known as the Pleiades:

In the encyclopedia, this star cluster is called the Pleiades constellation. Suraya, Soraya (Arab. ثريا‎‎ - « Pleiades»).


3.(131). From those evil enemies

that the flowering lands turned into dust,

that the blood of innocent creatures was shed,

neither young nor old were spared anywhere...


Psychology of bed relations