The evil spirit of Wendigo - what does it look like and where does it live? Wendigo (evil spirit) Wendigo is an evil spirit.

17.01.2015 - admin

The Algonquian peoples have legends about a creature that eats those who get lost in the forest. Everyone who disappeared without a trace was considered dead from the clutches of this monster. No one could even explain whether a wendigo has a body, or a wendigo only a spirit.
In every nation this monster was seen in its own way and under different names. But, according to the Indians, nevertheless, it is possible to collect an inventory of the monster.
They say that the wendigo is very thin, with dry skin that is very tight to the bones. The face is ash gray, and the eyes are very sunken. The monster looks like a skeleton. Wendigo is very tall, because, as if having eaten another victim, it grows to the height that the person who became food had. That is why the monster is constantly hungry. There is another version that it is translucent, icy. Others claim that his body has thick animal hair. The lips seem to be torn, blood flows from them, and the body smells like it is decomposing.
Wendigo evoked associations of winter, cold, hunger. It was said that the one who was greedy also became a wendigo. It was also believed that if a person ate another person, then he also turned into a wendigo, which always craves human meat. Therefore, cannibalism was strictly forbidden in the Algonquian tribes. If there is no way to satisfy hunger, then it is better to die than to eat a person.
No one could kill the wendigo, because it is very fast and strong, it can tear anyone. If a monster inflicts a wound, then it immediately heals, right before our eyes. It is believed that you need to get into his icy heart, and put the body on fire.
North American Indian tribes held a dance to reinforce the ban on cannibalism. The last time such a ceremony was near Lake Windigo in Minnesota.
Now in psychiatry they single out such a disease when a person really wants human meat, he does not pay anyone attention to ordinary food. Such a disease also occurred in Indian tribes, when a person began to believe that he was becoming a wendigo. He was treated by different shamans, if nothing helped, and the patient became aggressive, then he was killed.
There was such a case in one of the Canadian provinces. The hunter Swift Runner ate his wife and their five children to satisfy his hunger, although there was a point nearby where you could get food if some kind of emergency happened. The hunter was executed.
Another well-known case of wendigo psychosis occurred with an Indian. Jack Fiddler, leader and shaman of the Oji-Cree at the same time, killed people who suffered from this strange disease. For this, the leader and his brother Joseph were arrested in 1907. Jack committed suicide and Joseph died own death after three days in prison, without having time to find out that he had already been pardoned.

(chippeva) and some other Algonquian tribes spirit-eater. He lives in the north, lies in wait for people and attacks them. Initially perceived as a symbol of insatiable hunger, later it began to serve as a warning against any excesses of human behavior.

Based on the myth, these creatures are tall, with a lipless mouth and sharp teeth. Their bodies are translucent, consisting of ice, or animal, covered with thick hair. Despite the extreme thinness, wendigo are gluttonous. They lure their victims with a whistle that resembles the rustle of the wind. Wendigo stories can be divided into two categories. Some argue that the wendigo was created when a brave warrior sold his soul to ward off a threat from his tribe. When the threat was eliminated, he went into the thicket and has not been heard from since. According to other legends, the wendigo gradually lost its human appearance due to the use of black magic, multiplied by cannibalism. Be that as it may, the wendigo should be considered one of the most dangerous mythological creatures.

Wendigo does not look like Bigfoot, contrary to misconceptions. He is above normal human height, very thin build. Sometimes they are covered with matted white hair, while others describe them as completely bald. Usually they simply follow their prey, but sometimes they take a different approach, witnesses say that wendigo enjoy hunting. A lone traveler who finds himself in the forest begins to hear strange sounds. He looks around for the source - but sees nothing but a flicker of something moving too fast for the human eye to see. After a while, the flickering will subside, and the wendigo will probably roar quietly, because he likes active hunting. And when the traveler starts to run away in fear, the wendigo attacks. He is more powerful and strong like someone else.

He does not need to ambush his prey. He is faster and stronger than any human, however he enjoys his hunting games.

It is believed that the wendigo does not take conventional weapons, including bullets. Animals can only be killed with fire.

Mention in art

Wendigo is a negative character in the 2nd episode of the first season of the series Supernatural, the series is called Wendigo.

Wendigo is the main theme of the feature film "Cannibal" ("Ravenous").

The Wendigo appears in the Heart of Ice episode of the television series Bloodlines.

The wendigo was mentioned in one of the episodes of the television series Charmed, but this creature was more like a werewolf.

Operates in the novel by Maria Galina "Small Wilderness".

Also mentioned in the 19th episode of the 4th season of the TV series "Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal" (the series is called "Wendigo").

Also mentioned in Marvel Comix's X-Men series (Wendigo character)

Mentioned in Episode 8, Season 1 of Fear As It Is.


1. Mythological dictionary / Ch.ed. E. M. Meletinsky - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990 - 672 p.

Links "Myths of the peoples of the world in Devil's Kulichki"

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According to ancient legends, a terrible monster that feeds on human flesh lives in the forests of the northern United States and central Canada. Indian tribes and today connect the disappearance of their hunters and ordinary tourists with the insatiable disposition of a monster called Wendigo. This creature can take the form of a man or an animal, change its voice in order to lure the traveler into the thicket. The first mention of the cannibal is found in manuscripts of the 17th century, compiled by missionaries from the words of Indian leaders.

What does a wendigo look like

Among the indigenous peoples of the North American continent, the image of the forest demon is associated with cold, hunger, and darkness. Descriptions appearance monsters may vary slightly, but they all agree on one thing: a wendigo is a supernatural evil creature that mercilessly cracks down on everyone who meets on its path.

In the view of the Algonquian Indians living in the Great Lakes region, the body of the monster is almost transparent, its skeleton and heart are made of ice. There are no fingers on the hands of the Wendigo, huge yellow fangs protrude from the lipless bloody mouth. The monster moves very quickly and silently, it is difficult to notice it until you come close.

Ojibwa hunters describe the appearance of the wendigo as follows: “This is a giant creature as tall as a tree. He has sharp teeth and long claws, glowing eyes and a huge tongue, his whole body is covered with matted hair. Where a wendigo passes, there are deep footprints filled with blood. His hissing breath can be heard for miles, and the stench emanating from his body resembles the smell of a decomposed corpse.

Monster habitats

The wendigo lives in dense forest thickets, where birds do not sing and animals do not live. The monster avoids bright light, so it hides in underground caves during the day or Since the wendigo is a demon of cold and darkness, the monster prefers to hunt its victims at dusk.

The man-eater knows his way around in the dark, knows every inch of his territory, and can change the weather with the help of black magic. It is extremely gluttonous and insatiable, but sometimes it stocks up by hanging pieces of human meat on the branches of trees, or burying them in holes dug with sharp claws. The evil monster also captures living people, locking the unfortunate in his lair in case of power outages.

Where do wendigo come from

One could not believe the legends. Indeed, from the point of view of a civilized person, who is the wendigo? Only fictional character, existing in the imagination of poorly educated Indians. But the fact is that there are a lot of these creatures, they say, they still appear today in the forest and mountainous regions of North America, capturing more and more new territories.

Wendigo are not born, they are made. The spirit of the wendigo can inhabit any person if he voluntarily or unwittingly violates the taboo of cannibalism. This happened more than once in the old days, when famine occurred in the villages of North American Indians, caused by crop failures or severe weather conditions. If one of the tribesmen, trying to save his life, ate another person, a terrible retribution followed - the body of the cannibal was overgrown with hair, the teeth turned into fangs. The wendigo who brought the curse upon himself was forced to go into the forest in order to continue to do his dark deeds.

The population of monsters also increased due to settlers, travelers, gold diggers, who were forced to eat the bodies of their comrades in extreme situations in order to avoid starvation. Who knows, perhaps even today similar cases occur, since the disappearances of tourists are recorded in the local forests from time to time.

Deal with the devil as an act of self-sacrifice

There is another, more noble version of the appearance of the wendigo. This happened during periods of protracted tribal wars. To protect his kind from mortal danger, one of the most courageous warriors entered into an agreement with the forest demons and took the form of a super-strong, invulnerable giant.

After defeating the enemies, the hero could not regain his human form and he joined the ranks of the evil cannibals. His former tribesmen began hunting for wendigo, because, having taken the form of a beast, he became very dangerous, sparing neither children, nor the elderly, nor women, in whose name he committed a heroic deed.

Voluntary transformation into a monster

The Indians believe that any person who has expressed such a desire can become a monster. To do this, it is supposedly necessary to completely refuse food for several days or weeks, and when hunger becomes unbearable, go to the darkest forest thicket. Wendigo will definitely find a daredevil and, depending on his mood, either feast on an exhausted body, or turn a volunteer into his own kind.

There is also an opinion that some shamans, with an excessive passion for black magic, unwittingly or intentionally become wendigo. An evil spirit that has taken possession of the sorcerer drives the unfortunate man into the forest away from human eyes.

Is it possible to escape from the bloodthirsty monster?

Escape from the monster is almost impossible. The giant moves faster than the wind and can catch up with his prey in the blink of an eye. There is an opinion that the wendigo is similar to a zombie or a vampire, so it can easily be killed with a silver bullet or stabbed. Unfortunately, these methods do not work on an ogre.

The only way to prevent a wendigo attack is to start a fire. Therefore, the locals, going to the forest, always take a large supply of matches with them. A monster never approaches a burning fire. Surely there are other secret methods of destroying monsters, since both Indians and white settlers periodically came out to fight them.

Evil Forest Spirit Hunters

Wendigo (the demon of the forest) is known by several names - Windigo, Vitigo, Huitiko and Wi-Ti-Go, but each of them is translated in approximately the same way: "an evil spirit devouring human flesh."

At the dawn of the development of the North American continent, many settlers took the stories of the Indians about the Wendigo quite seriously. Moreover, there was every reason for it. From time to time, people who went hunting disappeared, and a wandering monster was seen more than once in the forests of Northern Minnesota. It is said that single individuals of bloody monsters still live here, and in the period from 1800 to 1920 there were especially many of them.

Individual daredevils declared a real war on the giants, calling themselves professional wendigo hunters. The most eminent fighter against cannibals, Jack Fidler, according to his own statement, managed to destroy fourteen wendigo. He neutralized the last of them, being already an 87-year-old old man.

In 1907, Fidler, along with his son, was put on trial for the murder. Without denying their guilt, the hunters said that they could not have done otherwise, since the unfortunate woman was seized by "wendigo fever." In a short time, the woman would turn into a monster, endangering the lives of a large number of people.

Symptoms of Infection with Wendigo Fever

No matter how terrible and bloodthirsty the wendigo was, in some cases, after meeting with him, people managed to survive. But just as the transformation into vampires occurs, a person bitten by a forest monster began to gradually take on the appearance of a monster. First of all, the psyche suffered. The unfortunate man was tormented by hallucinations and nightmares.

Wendigo psychosis could also occur without contact with the monster, for example, against the background of prolonged starvation. The man was overcome by the fear of becoming a cannibal, it began to seem that no food could satisfy his hunger, except for human meat. And although these symptoms were usually false, in the Indian tribes such an obsessed person was put to death.

What does a person feel when turning into a wendigo

Before becoming a monster, an infected with "wendigo fever" begins to smell a strange smell, his body shakes from severe chills, every night he is afraid to sleep, fearing a recurrence of nightmares. Then the unfortunate person develops unbearable pain in the legs, the feet burn as if scorched by fire. In the end, having got rid of clothes and shoes, the future monster runs into the forest, where his final transformation takes place.

How it was possible to capture the feelings of werewolves remains a mystery. Obviously, having turned into a monster, a person would not describe the subtleties of the process to former fellow tribesmen or comrades. Probably, films about wendigo played an important role in the appearance of this information, many of which have been filmed both in the past and in the present century. Among the most popular films on this topic are Larry Fessenden's Wendigo (2001) and the horror film The Blair Witch Project from the Other World, released by the independent American film studio in 1999.

Wendigo syndrome as a mental illness

An ancient Indian legend is reflected in the definition of the modern medical term "Wendigo psychosis". Some experts find the existence of such a disease highly controversial, while others believe that with certain changes in the psyche, the patient has an intense desire to taste human flesh and fear of becoming a cannibal.

Exposure to this psychosis is observed only among the Indian population living in the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States. The disease usually develops in winter in people who have been isolated by heavy snow for a long time.

Initial symptoms are expressed by lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Subsequently, the person develops the illusion of becoming a monster. Surprisingly, the frequency of wendigo psychosis declined sharply in the 20th century, when they began to actively join Western culture.

Modern ideas about wendigo

And today, many seriously believe in the existence of an evil forest monster. It is reported that already in the new millennium, the wendigo was allegedly seen in the north-west of Ontario, near the city of Kenora. According to the testimonies of hunters, traveling traders and travelers, the monster often appears on the shores of the Forest Lake. According to legend, it is in these places that the lair of the evil cannibal is located. The town of Kenora has been given the unspoken title of the Wendigo Capital of the World.

They say, bloodthirsty monster almost five meters tall, it still roams the forests and prairies of the North American continent, terrifying not only local residents, but also visiting tourists. Despite all the efforts of the fighters against the monster, we have to admit: the wendigo cannot be killed, it is immortal.

This mythical creature was first mentioned by anthropologists studying the culture of the Algonquian tribes. In legends and stories, this character personifies hunger, cannibalism and poverty. The myths of the tribes describe several options for the birth of this creature.

Who is Wendigo?

According to one legend, the creature was born when a certain warrior went into the thicket, where he gradually lost his human appearance and subsequently began to engage in cannibalism. Therefore, the Wendigo is a cannibal, devouring those who live near its habitat. The Algonquian tribes believed that the creature comes at night, kidnaps a person and eats him in his lair. Stories about the Wendigo say that it is almost impossible to defeat the spirit. To do this, you need to find his lair and fight him.

What does a Wendigo look like?

According to anthropologists, the creature is a bit like a person. The Wendigo Spirit is large in stature, has a thin build, sharp teeth, and no lips. The character is often described as translucent, disappearing in the moonlight and never showing up on a sunny day. In a number of myths, the Wendigo demon has long hair that reaches the middle of the back, which looks greasy. He smells bad, he is surrounded by insects.

Where does the Wendigo live?

The creature lives in the jungle or forest thicket. His home is a cave or burrow, hidden in a secluded place where people rarely go. Wendigo is a nocturnal creature, it is chosen to hunt after midnight, when the inhabitants of the surrounding villages are fast asleep. He returns to his lair before dawn, where he spends the daytime hours. The evil spirit Wendigo has good hearing and is smart, so sneaking into his cave while he is sleeping is very difficult. The monster's lair is surrounded by traps it has created.

Is there a Wendigo?

Scientists say that in reality it is not. Wendigo (the demon of the forest), like the rest of the monsters from the legends, is just a fruit. Psychiatrists, anthropologists, historians and other experts unanimously say that there are several reasons for believing in the reality of a monster:

  1. Lack of education and explanation of what is happening around by mystical reasons.
  2. also called Wendigo syndrome.
  3. , in which even banal things and events are mistaken for monsters.

How to kill Wendigo?

It is very difficult to do this, but shamans say that there is a way to destroy the monster. According to the myths, it is necessary to hunt down the monster and find its lair in order to lure it into the sunlight, during the day it is more relaxed and less dangerous. Next, you should follow a few rules:

  1. The creature is afraid of silver and fire, so you need to use a torch and arrows, knives and axes made from the mentioned metal.
  2. You cannot kill a monster with one wound. He will only die when he is dismembered.
  3. It is necessary to use special amulets that the shaman will make. The number of these charms must be equal to 6, otherwise they will not work. A number of amulets are designed to give a person strength, the rest protect him from a monster.
  4. After the murder, the dismembered body should be sprinkled with salt and burned. The ashes will need to be scattered in the wind, carefully monitoring so that it does not settle in a hill.

A person who decides to get rid of a monster should be very careful. The fury of the Wendigo is what myths warn about, which say that a wounded but surviving beast will pursue its would-be killer for life, so it is very important to make sure that the creature has died, and not just seriously injured. The spirit is tenacious and can recover even after multiple deep wounds.

Wendigo - legends

There are three main myths that tell about the birth of this evil.

  1. According to one, a certain hunter sold his soul dark forces to save the tribe from extinction, so he turned into a monster and went into the forest.
  2. The second myth says that two comrades went into the thicket, where they got lost, they had almost no chance of salvation, and hunger tormented them more and more. One of the friends killed and ate the other and subsequently lost his human form.
  3. The last legend tells about the curse of the Wendigo, allegedly a certain shaman cast a spell on the hunter for greed and self-interest, which led to the starvation of fellow villagers.

All of these myths have a similar feature. In each story, the participants were threatened with starvation, death from lack of food. The evil spirit Wendigo in all myths is a cannibal, devouring his fellow tribesmen and those whom he meets near the lair. It is believed that some parts of the stories could be a reality, cannibalism in difficult times for the tribes is a proven fact.

Films about Wendigo

Directors and screenwriters often turn to legends and film them. The theme of cannibalism and killing for the sake of survival also did not remain uncovered by them. In both pictures, the monsters have a different name, but their habits clearly indicate that we are talking about the mentioned character. The most famous series and films about Wendigo are:

  1. "Rage of the Wendigo"(1995, USA).
  2. "Wendigo"(2011, USA).
  3. "Dead Birds"(2013, Iceland).
  4. "Cannibal"(1999, Czech Republic, UK, USA).
  5. "The night was dark"(2014, USA).
  6. "The Last Winter"(2006, USA, Iceland).
  7. "The lone ranger"(2013, USA).
In a number of mystical series, you can also find a similar character. He is mentioned in the series:
  1. "Pines"(2015, USA).
  2. "Charmed"(1998 (season 1, episode 12), USA).
  3. "Supernatural"(2005 (season 1, episode 2), USA).
  4. "Grimm"(2011 (season 2, episode 11), USA).
  5. "Fear as it is"(2008 (season 1, episode 8), USA).
Fans of mysticism are advised to pay attention to books:
  1. "Wendigo" E. Blackwood.
  2. "Small Wilderness" M. Galina.
  3. "Wendigo, Demon of the Forest" E. Verkin.

- This is a creature that is dressed in a cape of white matted wool. It is taller than a human, its physique is incredibly skinny, the tips of the ears, fingers, nose and lips are sometimes missing. It can be completely bald or very shaggy. This is how the wendigo was imagined in the old days.

The Wendigo is the ice monster of the Algolkin tribes. This is a monster that in a former life was a man, and now satisfies his hunger with human flesh. However, it cannot be called an ordinary monster. He is the physical embodiment of the metaphysical spirit of winter Frost and Famine.

“If you find yourself in North America and get lost in the woods, the most important thing is not to make noise. Many people live on those lands, so you can always go to some kind of dwelling. And its owners will not let you die and will warm you. Just don't panic. Especially if, while in the forest, you begin to hear strange sounds. If you do not follow this advice and start making noise, nervously looking around, then you are lost. It will immediately seem that somewhere in the distance something flickers or quickly moves between the trees. So fast it's hard for the eye to follow. Time will pass and the flickering will disappear. And then a wendigo will bark loudly right at your ear. And only then will it become clear to you that it was just that he was getting close to you. And then, from fright, you will rush into the last race for yourself.

Essence of the Wendigo

In fact, the wendigo is an exceptional cannibal hunter. Who he is in the first place, it is extremely difficult to determine. On the one hand, there is one human in his diet. In preparation for the winter, he even prepares supplies by placing them in a small cauldron on tree branches. The preferred food for this creature is sweet baby fat and soft skin in women. In addition, he loves to feast on the fleshy parts of men and the fragile bones of the elderly.

On the other hand, it is well known that the wendigo can be like no other. He has beautiful fangs, the appearance of which is amazing. In addition, it is necessary to note the plectrum-claws. This creature has an absolute ear for music and excellent night vision, which remains very sharp in any weather. It is also necessary to note his excellent abilities for onomatopoeia and sound generation. He even has his own chorus of wolves and bears, ravens and eagles (with whom he shares some of his booty). The appropriate surroundings can be created by controlled atmospheric phenomena: from a light breeze to a strong snowstorm. Impressive, isn't it? We add that in order to enhance the emotional response, the wendigo during his concert can also use lighting effects. In particular, he has the power to cause darkness to fall an hour or two ahead of time.

The emergence of the legends of the Wendigo

All of the above is a wendigo. This creature is considered the curse of the North American continent.

No one knows how and where this creature came from. There are several main ones:

1. Heroic. In difficult times, in order to ward off the threat from the tribe, the strongest warrior of the spirit of the forest sacrifices his soul. As a result, he becomes a creepy monster, the sight of which can cause fear in anyone. After eliminating the threat to the tribe, the monster goes to the most deaf and dark thicket. There, his heart forever turns to stone, and the hero becomes a wendigo.

2. magical. There are beliefs that a shaman or sorcerer who is strongly addicted to black harmful magic becomes a wendigo. However, some make a reservation: to turn into a monster, the sorcerer must taste human flesh. We think that for those who want to become such a monster, this is not a very serious test.

The appearance of a strange smell acts as the first symptom of the transformation into a wendigo. Only a future monster can feel it. When this smell appears, a person often wakes up from nightmares. Further, burning pain occurs in a person in the legs and feet. Then she becomes so unbearable that she forces him to throw off all his clothes and head into the forest. Thus, not only sorcerers who violated tribal taboos turn into wendigo, but also those on whom the wendigo spell fell. Almost no one returns from the forest. Those who return will be destined to remain crazy forever.

3. infectious. It is generally accepted that any casual hunter can become a wendigo. Such a fate is destined for those who are unlucky in the night forest to encounter a real wendigo, whose body is pretty worn out. In this case, the traveler will be killed, and the wendigo will move into his body. After all, the wendigo is not only a monster, but also a spirit. He can also move into the body of a person if he falls asleep in the forest. However, even your own house will not save you from wendigo.

The penetration of the spirit into the human body is accompanied by severe nausea and pain. There is uncontrolled continuous vomiting, which lasts for several hours. Eventually, the person bleeds extensively and dies. At this time, his body is undergoing a monstrous transformation. The body begins to increase in volume, thick white fur appears on it. Strength and weight increase significantly, powerful fangs and sharp teeth, sharp claws appear. Only then is the body quickened by the evil spirit. But now this is not a man, but a bloodthirsty beast, known as a wendigo.

4. gastronomic. There are other stories about wendigo. For example, among the Indian tribes of North America, there are stories that are associated with the birth of wendigo ... “The harsh winter is usually mentioned in these stories. It also tells about a man who is cut off from the outside world. He has no food. Therefore, in an effort to survive, he first eats his family. Then it's the turn of his friends. But even despite this, he does not manage to survive, since all human beings are destroyed by the atrocities committed by him.

5. Voluntary. At any time, there will be individuals among people who themselves want to become wendigo. Such wishing usually begin with fasting. It lasts no more than three days. When this time expires, the person goes to the forest. There he offers his body to the wendigo. He can take it and use the body as a dwelling or food. However, sometimes the monster adopts such volunteers. Some time passes, and they are covered with hair, the eyes become huge and acquire yellow. They begin to develop a craving for human flesh. In addition, they discover various supernatural abilities. However, it should be noted that such wendigo are weaker.

Death of Wendigo

Killing a wendigo is difficult, but still possible. The ice nature of these creatures predetermined their fear of fire. Therefore, if you stopped in the forest for the night, you should always keep the fire burning. In advance, you need to take care of protective amulets that you can ask from local shamans. To protect your ears, you need to have headphones or earplugs with you. Silver is the surest defense against wendigo. If you shoot him with a silver bullet, the wound will heal quickly, but if you inflict a wound with a silver weapon, then the monster will have to suffer. Fire and silver are two things that hurt the wendigo. In some cases, it can even lead to his death.
But if you set out to kill the wendigo, then you need to act for sure. It should be remembered that, as a result of an unsuccessful attempt, the monster will pursue the failed killer everywhere until it is finished with him. Therefore, in order to avoid misfires, you need to prepare well. You should stock up on silver bullets and a silver-plated knife. You can take an ax, which can also be silver plated. In this case, it will be convenient to butcher the body of the wendigo. Some argue that the surest way to deal with him is to burn his body to the ground. At the same time, you need to make sure that his icy heart finally melted. Shamans advise being more pedantic about this:

After the monster is localized, a sharp silver object must be pierced through its body. For this purpose, you can use a stake, arrow or knife. An ax would work too. After that, you need to dismember the body so that it is possible to collect fragments of the ice heart. Put everything in any silver container. After that, the container with parts of the monster's heart must be buried in consecrated places such as a cemetery or some kind of tomb. The dismembered body of a wendigo must be sprinkled with salt, and then burned to the ground. The ashes must be scattered in the wind or hidden in different places located at a great distance from each other.

Psychology of bed relations