What does a tattoo in the form of dice mean. rubik's cube tattoo

Absolutely any tattoo has its own meaning and its own history, dice is no exception. From time immemorial, bones symbolized randomness and variability, served as attributes of shamanic and witchcraft rites, during which, it was given great importance exactly how the dice will fall. By applying the image of dice, everyone puts their own, individual meaning into the tattoo, however, you need to know its generally accepted meaning.

Symbolism of the dice tattoo

In ancient Roman myths and legends ancient rome, dice were attributes of the three goddesses of attractiveness, and symbolized only everything joyful in human life. IN Christian religion, the bones were associated with the torments of Jesus. According to the legends, the legionnaires played them on the shroud of Christ, during his crucifixion.

At different times, people resorted to dice to resolve their doubts. The dice were thrown to help in choosing or making a decision, while the number 12 was considered the most successful, so you can often find a tattoo in the form of two dice with dropped sixes.

A tattoo with the image of dice has no special meaning in the prison world, therefore it is interpreted in a free form. Often, connoisseurs of extreme sports and random selection become owners of such images. Tattoos with dice can also symbolize: excitement, risk, fortune, lot, suffering of the Savior. Along with the image of a horseshoe, bones can also be a symbol of good luck and luck.

Being a fairly compact image, dice are applied to any part of the body and played with a variety of plots. In retro style, as a rule, dice are complemented by a variety of inscriptions, weapons, ribbons and flowers, while modern youth prefer to soften the composition with various caricatures.

Particular attention is paid to numerology when performing a tattoo. Most often, the dice depict points that add up to a lucky four. The number 4 is considered unlucky, symbolizing illness and death.

The meaning of the tattoo "dice" on the zone

A tattoo with dice in prison can be found in professional cheaters, whose vocation is to beat ordinary people in gambling.

For the most part, tattoos with dice symbolize good luck and fortune, but they should only be applied to people related to gambling and extreme hobbies.

Zariki tattoo means luck, volatility, fortune, risk, suffering, harmony, health, fun, joy, excitement.

Meaning of Zariki Tattoo

Zariks are called dice in the Caucasus and Central Asia. At all times, people have said that our life is like a game, and we are players in it, and only we can decide what will happen in the future.

A tattoo with the image of zariks is a vivid confirmation of this. People stuff themselves with dice to show that they perceive life as a game. Also, such a tattoo is preferred by gamblers, for whom zariks mean fortune, risk.

The owners of this tattoo believe that playing dice will bring them good luck not only in games, but also in life.

The meaning of dice goes deep into the past. In past centuries, zariks denoted the variability of life, its transience. They also believed that the bones are needed to make important decisions, so they served as a talisman for a person.

Even now, people get tattoos of zariks so that they serve as an amulet for good luck. There are those who look philosophically at the impermanence of life and, in confirmation of this, decorate their bodies with a pattern with dice.

Dice also symbolize the suffering of the Son of God. This is due to the crucifixion of Christ, because when he was crucified, the Roman soldiers cast lots in the form of dice in order to decide with their help who would get his clothes.

Stuffing with such a meaning, a person seeks to become closer to God, to know his future.

The meanings of zariks are also associated with Roman mythology. Dice were a symbol of the three Graces - the goddesses of fun, joy, attractiveness. So it’s quite possible to fill a tattoo with a pattern of zariks in order to make your life more joyful, bright, cheerful.

The sum of the numbers that will be displayed on playing dice. In numerology, the number "seven" symbolizes good luck, which means that it is worth depicting combinations whose sum will be equal to seven.

It must be remembered that the number "four" symbolizes death, failure, so it is better to refuse to depict four points on the edge of the cube. But the number "six" means harmony, luck, and health. Therefore, the most successful combination that will be depicted by a tattoo is “six” and “one”.

Zariki tattoo will look good if done in small sizes on the neck, shoulder, wrist. Most of all, dice are stuffed in the "new school" and "old school" genres.

This tattoo with the image of zariks is chosen by people who cannot live without excitement and risk. They try in every possible way to bring these criteria into their lives. Also, these people themselves are reckless and original, since the zariki tattoo is a very bright and aesthetic tattoo, despite the rather simple execution.

Such a tattoo is more often stuffed by young people, because it is they who, due to their maximalism and recklessness, are prone to risk and excitement, and do not see their life without a constant release of adrenaline.

The Rubik's Cube is an ingenious puzzle that made a lasting impression in the 70s, and one of the best-selling toys to this day. Almost everyone in childhood tried to correctly assemble the cube. This iconic puzzle has become so popular that the Rubik's cube tattoo is becoming more and more common, although such a plot in tattoo art is still original.

The puzzle game that took the world by storm

Hungarian architecture teacher Erne Rubik patented his invention in 1975. Since then, many puzzles based on the Rubik's Cube have appeared: in addition to the traditional 3x3x3 variant, there are cubes with completely different amount elements: from 2x2x2 to 17x17x17, cubes with images on the faces, figures of other shapes that work on the same principle.

Initially, Rubik created a prototype puzzle in order to explain to his students the essence of three-dimensional objects. As a result, when the mechanism was already finally thought out, it was patented and named the “Magic Cube”, and a few years later received the Hungarian prize for the best invention and was recognized as the best toy in several European countries at once.

The puzzle became so popular that there was even a competition for its high-speed assembly - speed cubing.

What does the image of the Rubik's cube say?

Rubik's cube tattoo can have more than one meaning:

  • Mind and ingenuity. How to assemble a puzzle without these qualities? A person who has chosen such a tattoo wants to emphasize how extraordinary his mental abilities are.
  • Perseverance and perseverance. Remember when you first tried to solve a cube as a child? It turned out, of course, not immediately. This happens with many other and more important things in life: you have to be patient, to persevere towards your goal. A tattoo depicting a Rubik's cube suggests that its owner can boast of these qualities.
  • Rule of logic. The image of this iconic puzzle means that the mind takes precedence over the feelings. A person is looking for a logical explanation for everything and in most cases he finds it.
  • Finding a Life Path. If the Rubik's cube is made in a disassembled state, this means that the person has not yet found himself. Hundreds of roads are open before him, but he has not yet chosen the one he is ready to go on. Perhaps he froze in indecision.
  • Overcoming obstacles. A broken cube, in which several details are missing, symbolizes the complex life tasks that a person is forced to solve. Such an image may indicate that they are in principle unsolvable. A person looks at life with a certain amount of fatalism.
  • Inner harmony. A fully assembled puzzle indicates the achievement of a harmonious state, personal growth. A person with such a tattoo believes that he made the right choice in life and is on the right path.

Plots and styles

Naturally, the Rubik's cube must be colored, otherwise the whole essence of the image is lost. The plot of the tattoo can be completely different. For example, sometimes you can see works with a monkey trying to solve a puzzle, or a person who has a Rubik's cube instead of a head, which evokes associations with “porridge in the head”. Equations, inscriptions, decorative elements (roses, ribbons) are applied next to the cube. Most often, the shoulder or forearm is chosen for such work, but it all depends on the shape and size of the pattern. For example, if you plan to depict only one cube, such work will look good almost anywhere. Oblong-shaped tattoos, in addition to the arms, look great on the hips, calves or side.

The art of tattoo is very ancient. But it corresponds to the realities of the XXI century, so they often make tattoos depicting modern things. The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974, the essence of this mechanical puzzle is to collect a composition of their squares of the same color. This is not easy to do, you have to try.

In modern European tattoo culture, a tattoo depicting a Rubik's cube is quite common. The meaning of a Rubik's cube tattoo is the search for the meaning of life, the desire to comprehend everything that happens and the belief that not chaos reigns in the world, but logic and order.

The Rubik's cube tattoo is concise, but very versatile. A half-assembled cube indicates that a person is aware that he has not yet solved all his life tasks, has not realized all his goals. The Rubik's Cube, in which some details are missing, is a symbol of the unsolvability of life tasks, obstacles to life path that one has to overcome.

A tattoo with the image of a Rubik's cube looks very advantageous in color, in this case each of the indicated colors matters.

Rubik's cube tattoo video

And below are photos of tattoos depicting a Rubik's cube from different masters.

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