What does a dice tattoo mean. Zariki tattoo

Absolutely any tattoo has its own meaning and its own history, dice- not an exception. From time immemorial, bones symbolized randomness and variability, served as attributes of shamanic and witchcraft rites, during which, it was given great importance exactly how the dice will fall. By applying the image of dice, everyone puts their own, individual meaning into the tattoo, however, you need to know its generally accepted meaning.

Symbolism of the dice tattoo

In ancient Roman myths and legends ancient rome, dice were attributes of the three goddesses of attractiveness, and symbolized only everything joyful in human life. IN Christian religion, the bones were associated with the torments of Jesus. According to the legends, the legionnaires played them on the shroud of Christ, during his crucifixion.

At different times, people resorted to dice to resolve their doubts. The dice were thrown to help in choosing or making a decision, while the number 12 was considered the most successful, so you can often find a tattoo in the form of two dice with dropped sixes.

A tattoo with the image of dice has no special meaning in the prison world, therefore it is interpreted in a free form. Often, connoisseurs of extreme sports and random selection become owners of such images. Tattoos with dice can also symbolize: excitement, risk, fortune, lot, suffering of the Savior. Along with the image of a horseshoe, bones can also be a symbol of good luck and luck.

Being a fairly compact image, dice are applied to any part of the body and played with a variety of plots. In retro style, as a rule, dice are complemented by a variety of inscriptions, weapons, ribbons and flowers, while modern youth prefer to soften the composition with various caricatures.

Particular attention is paid to numerology when performing a tattoo. Most often, the dice depict points that add up to a lucky four. The number 4 is considered unlucky, symbolizing illness and death.

The meaning of the tattoo "dice" on the zone

A tattoo with dice in prison can be found in professional cheaters, whose vocation is to beat ordinary people in gambling.

For the most part, tattoos with dice symbolize good luck and fortune, but they should only be applied to people related to gambling and extreme hobbies.

“Our whole life is a game,” say people who tattoo themselves with dice. It is not surprising that such a tattoo has become a symbol of risk, gambling, and indifferent thoughts about the world. The meaning of the dice tattoo has not yet been fully determined, therefore it is interpreted relatively freely, and has the most intimate meaning only for the wearer himself.

Dice are a famous symbol of fortune., and for the sake of her smiles and guardianship, many players apply such a pattern. In antiquity, in Greco-Roman mythology, dice were an attribute of the "Three Graces", which were called the children of Venus and had an astrological aspect, and those who gambled belonged to them.

It is not surprising, but the dice tattoo found some meaning for its design in the Christian religion: “And they divided My garments among themselves, and they cast lots for my clothes.” This expression is directly related to the passions of Christ, and the famous story of His purple robe. After all, after the suffering death on the cross of the Savior, the soldiers who crucified him decided to take Jesus' clothes - purple, and in order to share who exactly she would get, the Roman soldiers threw dice. Therefore, through the centuries, dice became a symbol of the passions and sufferings of Christ..

In total, the casting of lots is mentioned seventy-seven times in Christian scripture. The lot served mainly for making important decisions and helped with the problem of choice. Thus, people wanted to know the will of God and sought to please Him. That is, the lot in some cases is in demand, when there is no solution, and each choice is correct. He can help you make the right choice.

Today, the meaning of the dice tattoo is best known as a recognized symbol of good luck along with symbols such as the four leaf clover, horseshoe, sphinxes and the eyes of Horus.. It is believed that a dice tattoo brings good luck in life and gambling, plus it is also beautiful and aesthetic, and belongs to the list of youth tattoos.

In the world of tattoos, almost every drawing has its own meaning. A person applying this or that image to his body can give it his own special meaning, but it is important to know about the universal interpretation of a tattoo. You don’t need to specially select a dice tattoo sketch, let your master draw it himself.

One of the most famous tattoos is dice. As a rule, such a tattoo consists of an image of two cubes with dots - “glasses”, with or without a varied background. Rarely, tetrahedrons, octahedrons and other figures are meant by dice: they are more related to the practical use in games or divination of some cultures (for example, the Mongols use tetrahedral rather than hexagonal dice during rituals).

Dice is a symbol with several meanings. Already in ancient times, cubes with dots meant randomness, the momentary nature of being and the variability of life. But this meaning tends more towards a fatalistic outlook; at the same time, a dice tattoo symbolizes good luck.

It is believed that the number "seven" is the number of Fortune, therefore, it is very consistent to activate this meaning by applying dice with exactly the variation of points that would form a seven: six and one, three and four, etc.

In order to choose the desired variation, you need to get acquainted with the numerological tradition of your country in order to prevent unwanted interpretations: for example, in China, a dice falling on the edge with four points symbolizes misfortune and even death.

In the old school, the most famous tattoo style that arose back in the 19th century, dice is a traditional motif, which in its meaning goes back to risk, ardor, as well as the common “vice” of sailors (it is their tattoos that are the forerunners and examples of old school) - gambling .

In newschool, with its exaggeratedly bright colors and images from comics and cartoons, the meaning of the dice tattoo has not changed, but it has acquired a somewhat ironic and lightweight connotation, which corresponds to the peculiarities of the style itself.

As you know, many tattoos are inscribed in the system of the prison "language". Dice, on the contrary, have a free meaning, so such a pattern can be safely applied to any part of the body in various options and tattoo styles.

There are a lot of images in tattoo culture with ambiguous symbolism and intricate history. This article will tell about one of the most mysterious and controversial of them. We will try to find out the history of the origin and meaning of playing card tattoos, as well as find out the attitude to this symbol in modern society.

Secrets of history

The history of this “toolkit” for gambling is as confusing and mysterious as the meaning of the tattoo with playing cards. There are several completely different versions of the origin of the cards, and which one is actually true is still unknown.

Wisdom of the world on tablets

One version says that the first cards appeared in Ancient Egypt. It is believed that the priests, having learned the secrets of the universe, inflicted them in a symbolic form on 78 golden tablets, using them not for fun, but for occult rites. It was they who became the first tarot cards in history. Later 56 images, called “ Minor Arcana”, formed a deck of playing cards, and 22 tablets, “Major Arcana”, remained only as part of the Tarot deck. According to this hypothesis, maps came to Europe along with a lot of goods of Arab or gypsy merchants.

Games of the Eastern Aristocrats

The next version of the history of the emergence of the card deck tells us that this type of fun came to us from China, where court nobles, wanting to diversify their leisure time, found it interesting to draw allegorical images of plants, birds and animals on plates, and then use them in an impromptu game. Instead of paper cards, small wooden planks, ivory tablets, or even mussel shells were used, decorated with landscapes, flowers, and images of people. Such pictures were used not only for entertainment, but also for education. In addition, they differed in colors, and each color had its own separate symbolism:

  1. green(peaks) - energy of water, life force, both creative and destructive;
  2. yellow(tambourines) - renewal, power of fire, intelligence, business luck;
  3. red(hearts) - beauty, joy, pleasure, spirituality and mercy;
  4. blue(clubs) - disinterestedness, decency, simplicity.

Joy for the king

As for the third version, according to it, the court jester and painter Zhikomin Gringoner invented and painted the playing deck to console and entertain the insane King of France Charles VI, who went down in history with the nickname Charles the Mad. It was believed that playing cards helped him calm down during relapses. True, the set of pictures created by the artist had only 32 images, because there was no place for ladies in it. And already during the reign of the next monarch, Charles VII, the cards were improved, and then the now known “French deck” was formed.

The value of playing paraphernalia in a tattoo

"Whatever you interpret Voltaire - or Descartes,

The world to me is a deck of cards

Life is a bank: rock mosque, I play

And I apply the rules of the game to people.”

Mikhail Lermontov

Tattoos with cards in Lately have become quite popular, they can be observed in both men and girls. In the Renaissance, this integral attribute of gambling became the personification of the main human vices, even on the backs of the cards themselves, images of sins were applied in various variations. And what is the significance of tattoo playing cards acquired in our time?

  • Talisman for good luck. A tattoo in the form of a card is often identified with an amulet, a talisman that should help its wearer find a way out of any, even the most difficult, situation and achieve success in all endeavors.
  • Excitement, game with fate. The image of the card means that, perhaps, you are an avid player and a fan of visiting the casino at your leisure. Usually such people stuff the design on their hand, often combining it with an illustration of dice. By itself, a dice tattoo means that its owner is inclined to rely on fate, relies on the fact that Mrs. Fortune will be favorable to him.
  • Tarot cards are easier to interpret meaning as they usually each have their own unique meaning. But this does not mean at all that they should be stuffed simply because you liked the symbolism of one of them. Such an image on the skin is most often chosen only by people who have certain knowledge in the correct interpretation, because a simple layman does not know how such a picture can affect a person’s fate.

But still, it is worth saying that you choose the meaning of the pattern of the cards on your skin. It doesn’t matter at all what meaning this image has acquired in the course of history, because the main thing is that you get aesthetic pleasure when looking at your tattoo, so that it brings joy to you.

Ideas and styles

Old school is a classic for sketching with maps. In this style, both single cards and their combinations are stuffed in combination with dice, ribbons, flames and appropriate inscriptions.

No less suitable direction for such a tattoo will be the new school, which does not have any strict rules and restrictions in the technique of execution. In this style, you can develop the plot of your drawing as far as your imagination allows, and bright saturated colors and a wide black outline will make the work voluminous, catchy and even defiant. Cards in a composition with girls and jesters, skulls and blades, with playing chips, a horseshoe, stars or a four-leaf clover - all this can be played colorfully and in an original way in Newschool.

By the way, realistic scenes with playing cards look very impressive. They are often made in black and white or just dark colors to create a special atmosphere and convey the energy of the picture. You can find stunning illustrations of old or burning cards, depict them along with the symbol of death or theatrical masks in a variety of interpretations. It is also worth remembering tattoos depicting the Joker, a DC Comics character who holds a card in his hand - his distinguishing mark, and smiles with his crazy and genuinely fearful smile.

Zariki tattoo means luck, volatility, fortune, risk, suffering, harmony, health, fun, joy, excitement.

Meaning of Zariki Tattoo

Zariks are called dice in the Caucasus and Central Asia. At all times, people have said that our life is like a game, and we are players in it, and only we can decide what will happen in the future.

A tattoo with the image of zariks is a vivid confirmation of this. People stuff themselves with dice to show that they perceive life as a game. Also, such a tattoo is preferred by gamblers, for whom zariks mean fortune, risk.

The owners of this tattoo believe that playing dice will bring them good luck not only in games, but also in life.

The meaning of dice goes deep into the past. In past centuries, zariks denoted the variability of life, its transience. They also believed that the bones are needed to make important decisions, so they served as a talisman for a person.

Even now, people get tattoos of zariks so that they serve as an amulet for good luck. There are those who look philosophically at the impermanence of life and, in confirmation of this, decorate their bodies with a pattern with dice.

Dice also symbolize the suffering of the Son of God. This is due to the crucifixion of Christ, because when he was crucified, the Roman soldiers cast lots in the form of dice in order to decide with their help who would get his clothes.

Stuffing with such a meaning, a person seeks to become closer to God, to know his future.

The meanings of zariks are also associated with Roman mythology. Dice were a symbol of the three Graces - the goddesses of fun, joy, attractiveness. So it’s quite possible to fill a tattoo with a pattern of zariks in order to make your life more joyful, bright, cheerful.

The sum of the numbers that will be depicted on the dice is important. In numerology, the number "seven" symbolizes good luck, which means that it is worth depicting combinations whose sum will be equal to seven.

It must be remembered that the number "four" symbolizes death, failure, so it is better to refuse the image of four points on the edge of the cube. But the number "six" means harmony, luck, and health. Therefore, the most successful combination that will be depicted by a tattoo is “six” and “one”.

Zariki tattoo will look good if done in small sizes on the neck, shoulder, wrist. Most of all, dice are stuffed in the "new school" and "old school" genres.

This tattoo with the image of zariks is chosen by people who cannot live without excitement and risk. They try in every possible way to bring these criteria into their lives. Also, these people themselves are reckless and original, since the zariki tattoo is a very bright and aesthetic tattoo, despite the rather simple execution.

Such a tattoo is more often stuffed by young people, because it is they who, due to their maximalism and recklessness, are prone to risk and excitement, and do not see their life without a constant release of adrenaline.

Psychology of bed relations