Tarot card meanings: location. Suit of Cups, Rider-Waite deck

PAGE. Page - courteous, helpful; somewhat pampered (effeminate) boy; with an expression of diligence and attentiveness, he contemplates the fish rising from the goblet to look at him.
Direct position:
DIGITAL MEANINGS: A suave young man forced to render services, with whom the Querent will have a connection; diligent young man; news, message; petition, reflection, meditation; also these funds directed to the management of the enterprise.
Reverse position:
REVERSE VALUES: addiction, inclination, attachment, temptation (seduction), deceit, cunning.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Venus in the 1st house as an occasion for reconciliation, or in the 5th house as the pleasure of the game.
Jack of Cups
Like the other three jacks, the Jack of Cups represents a certain impulse, push, chance. AT this case it may be an invitation to participate in a pleasant cause or a gesture of love and reconciliation. One way or another, it is an initiative coming from others that appeals to our feelings, and we accept it with joy and gratitude. The card represents the beginning of the world after a quarrel or conflict, sympathy shown to us in difficult times, and sometimes someone's spiritual outburst, which turns into love for us. This impulse, as a rule, is pure and sincere, and only if other cards say otherwise, it should be treated with caution.
THE PAGE OF CUPS symbolizes a persistent person, greedy for knowledge. This person is very serious about everything that happens around. He is thoughtful and thoughtful. Possibly very sensitive. Often this card indicates a person with a poetic mindset, or a person prone to meditation, contemplation, practicing one way or another of spiritual self-improvement.
Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, planets Venus and Neptune.
Usually this is a person who is loyal to you. He is always ready to offer you his help and services when it comes to a particular task. This person is very hardworking, diligent, it is quite possible to rely on him.
Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces and Venus in Virgo.
The inverted PAGE OF CUPS indicates a distracted person, incapable of concentration, perseverance, hard and monotonous work. Or, on the contrary, this person is overly concentrated on one thing and is a fan of it. An inverted PAGE OF CUPS may indicate a person with oddities, with some kind of deviation. His social position can sometimes be uncertain. In an extreme case, this card can symbolize an ordinary vulgar person, very far from spirituality.
If the card means action.
A. Direct card
The emotion, the feeling represented by the subsequent cards, is fully formed and ready for its expression. It's just a matter of expressing them. If it comes to intuition, certain forms of foresight, then the PAGE OF CUPS can symbolize confirmation of assumptions based on premonitions.
B. Inverted card
There is a tendency to look upside down

The Page of Cups has one interesting feature- a fish peeks out of his goblet. Waite himself believed that the fish embodies the thoughts of the Page of Cups, which have taken shape. There is, however, an opinion that the stable phraseological unit “drink like a fish” can be applied to the Page of Cups.

Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin in the book "Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot" introduce a parallel between the Page of Cups and the image of Falstaff, a character in Shakespeare's play "Henry IV". Let me remind you that we see the image of the aged Falstaff on the map of 9 Cups.

And if you indulge in completely violent fantasies, then you can see an allusion to the miracle of Christ with the loaves and fishes. But no one knows for sure what the fish in the Page of Cups cup really means.

Describing the card, Waite mentions that the Page of Cups is "a bit feminine". In my opinion, this is not at all obvious.


  • News
  • Attachment
  • Innocence
  • Love
  • naivety
  • Romanticism

Key Ideas

  • The world after the quarrel
  • Conflict resolution
  • Inability to focus on one
  • Intuition

Basic meaning

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In the meaning of the Page of Cups (Cups) tarot card, Waite plays on the classic perception of the page as a servant. He describes the map as young man ready to serve almost anyone and everyone. The second classical understanding of the Page of Cups, connected with news, is also reflected in Waite: news, messages, news.

The Rider-Waite meaning of the Page of Cups reversed tarot card is described as taste, inclination, affection, seduction and deceit.

The modern meanings of the Page of Cups are very different from Waite's. Today, the Page of Cups is perceived as an indication of a romantic relationship, falling in love, tenderness, sentimentality. In this regard, it is quite close to the Jester card from the Major Arcana.

Video: the meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups

Meaning in relationships

Open - closed card

The Page of Cups lives in the world of dreams, and therefore it can be perceived as a hole card. But at the same time he is very open, vulnerable, unprotected. And that makes him an open card.

Relationship Intensity

The Page of Cups indicates strong emotional experiences. This is a very intensive process, but it is not always visible from the outside.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the scenario “a small dog until old age is a puppy” plays out in the card. The Page of Cups easily gives control, does not pretend to be a leader. Does not seek to take responsibility and make decisions.

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Cups (Bowls) in relationships and love indicates falling in love. And often this is a one-sided relationship - unrequited love. The Page of Cups tends to idealize the object of love. Actually, this is common to all lovers. This is a natural and logical stage in the development love relationships. Problems begin if a person does not move on to the next stage, for example, to the Queen of Cups.

By itself, the Page of Cups card in a relationship indicates that people are in a kind of nirvana, cut off from reality, have weak ties with the material world. This existence usually lasts until the first serious crisis.

Combined with the Major Arcana

The Page of Cups combined with the Major Arcana
  • in combination with a card: Inharmonious combination. The conflict between mercy and the severity of the law
  • combined with the card: Ignoring objective reality leads to disaster
  • in combination with the card: Children's happiness and the happiness of children

Psychological condition

The Page of Cups card can indicate two emotional states. Firstly, it is happiness, and secondly, melancholy and sadness. It all depends on how the environment treats him. This is a very passive card. The Page of Cups does not act, it is itself the object of action. Forgotten book, drunk wine. "How will they love me?" (passive voice, passive verb: he was fired from work).

Combined with the suit of Wands

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Staves
  • combined with : Man out of place
  • combined with : Get stuck in your illusions
  • combined with : Protect your delusions

Significance in matters of health

The Page of Cups in matters of health can manifest itself in two ways. On the one hand, he points to a person prone to depression, alcohol abuse, suicide - the so-called "lunar" version of the Page of Cups. The "sunny" option speaks of a happy, cheerful, cheerful person who is in a psychologically comfortable situation.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Cups
  • combined with: Falling in love with a close relative
  • combined with : Leave to grow up
  • combined with : Big love

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Sufficiently stable situation, but not very positive for finances. You can only track its changes (and even then not all), but not manage. More precisely, command and control is extremely unlikely.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The Page of Cups is not associated with an increase in income. Rather indicates losses.

The Page of Cups is not focused on making money. But he has a way of getting small handouts: the ability to beg and arouse pity. You can use these abilities in any volunteer and charitable organizations, animal shelters. But it still won't bring in big profits.

General state of finances and trends

The meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups in finance suggests that the state of finances is none. No state. Between minus and zero. At best, everything will remain as it is.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The question of how pages can influence the increase in income is rhetorical. You can, of course, focus on the implementation of the most attractive features of pages, but this still has the most remote relation to business. However, let's call it: The Page of Cups is cute. Despite the fact that the lack of ambition and motivation, unwillingness to take responsibility and fear of making a mistake, cut at the root of any action in the financial field.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Swords
  • combined with : To act thoughtlessly under the influence of emotions
  • in conjunction with : Cunning, demonstrating false weakness
  • combined with : Painful experience of the collapse of illusions

The meaning of the card of the day The Page of Cups Tarot says the following: be carefree

Card of the day Caution

You are too trusting

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Pentacles
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The Page of Cups symbolizes a serious person striving for knowledge. He is thoughtful, thoughtful, sensitive, with developed intuition. He is a hardworking and reliable person. It can mean the culmination of feelings and confirmation of premonitions.

An inverted card means: vague foresight, an incomprehensible feeling, the need for clarification; showy personality.

Dragon Tarot deck

Arcana Description:

Page of Cups FANTE di COPPE

The white dragon admires the little girl.

The direct position of the Page of Cups card:

attractiveness of youth.

original values cards coming with a deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

The direct position of the Page of Cups card:

Page of Cups - A sensitive and dreamy person, a little superficial at times. Future news related to the realm of feelings.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

PAGE. Page - courteous, helpful; somewhat pampered effeminate boy; with an expression of diligence and attentiveness, he contemplates the fish rising from the goblet to look at him.

The direct position of the Page of Cups card:

Divinatory Meanings: A suave young man forced to render services, with whom the Querent will have a connection; diligent young man; news, message; petition, reflection, meditation; also these funds directed to the management of the enterprise.

Reverse position of the Page of Cups card:

Reverse meanings: addiction, inclination, affection, temptation, seduction, deceit, cunning.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

The bird depicted in this card peeks out from what appears to be a cage. There is no door, and in fact the bars disappear. The lattice was an illusion and this little bird is called by the grace and approval of other birds. She spreads her wings, ready for her first flight.

Direct position of the Page of Water card - Understanding:

Awakening a new understanding that the cage has always been open and the sky has always been open to exploration can make us feel insecure at first. That's fine, insecurity is natural, but don't let it obscure the opportunity for an experience of carelessness and adventure that comes with insecurity. This time move with freshness and tenderness. Feel the thrill inside. Spread your wings and be free.

Meaning of the card:

You have been released from the prison, from the cage, you can open your wings and the whole sky is yours. All stars, moon and sun belong to you. You can dissolve into the blue of the beyond... Just stop clinging to the cage, move out of the cage, and all the heavens are yours. Spread your wings and fly towards the sun like an eagle. In the inner sky, in the inner world, freedom is the highest value - everything else is secondary, even bliss, ecstasy. Thousands of flowers are growing, innumerable, but their appearance is made possible in the atmosphere of freedom.

Explanation: the area does not look only on one card, lay out three cards and bring them to a common denominator.

Ace of Cups- at a fountain, at a stream, at any source, or where people's emotions overflow, that is, at very emotional events

2 cups- a place designed for cozy communication (by the way, it doesn’t matter at all whether two people will be present at this communication or more, the main thing is that it be intimate communication, cozy), including a place for a date, as well as your own room, your own kitchen, "to sit for a coffee" or ""to have a glass of beer"

3 cups- a place where people who are concerned about the same problem gather, for example, a clinic, a bus stop, etc. Master classes, seminars, lectures, salons, workshops, places to help each other, christenings, weddings, discos, parties, in general, all places that can be attributed to the concept of "where they come together to solve some specific problems"

4 cups- places where you get bored and have to wait. For example, at the station (waiting for the train), at the airport (waiting for the plane), in line, as well as the toilet is also included here (there is also no place for entertainment, rather "sit and think")))))

5 cups- this is a cemetery (a lot of longing and sadness), hospices, memorials and in general, all places where people are very sad. But at the same time, also parks, gardens, cottages, beaches (where the river flows nearby) Always look at the other 2 cards so as not to miss: a place of sadness or a beach.

6 cups- those places where you have already been and where you are returning, including the parental home. Also a farm and places where there are flower beds, as well as creating bouquets or decorated with flowers, markets

7 cups- a bar with a choice of drinks, a supermarket, a party, a restaurant, sometimes places where we are in a lying position - on the bed, on the sofa, on the beach, on the operating table

8 cups- leaving the house, going somewhere you have not been before, looking for a place, outdoor activities, as well as a port, harbor, intermediate parking place

9 cups- drinking alone, a holiday that is done for one person (for example, an anniversary, birthday), also places where all inclusive, a buffet, places where there is everything you want (shops, hotels, for example), but also and meadows, groves.

10 cups- Beautiful places as well as places. where relatives come together for something: Leisure parks, cinemas, theaters, that is, where to have a good time together. Also those places where there are many beautiful emotions, for example, christenings, weddings, birthdays, etc.
Places that are associated with children - maternity hospitals, kindergartens, schools. And also where you can capture the moment - a photo studio, a photo shop, a magazine editorial office, etc.

Page of Cups- a swimming pool, a family celebration where there are children and a lot of emotions, a romantic place (for example, a coffee shop), a place where music sounds, as well as places where you can look at creativity: exhibitions, concerts. And one more of the meanings - baths, saunas, SPA salons

Knight of Cups- a place that is at a height, that is, where you need to climb (to the Eiffel Tower, to the top floor of a supermarket, etc.), also beautiful places surrounded by water, a place that you have long dreamed of (for example, you have long wanted to go to some country), graduation party, a place where they award. Sanatoriums, dispensaries and other places where they improve their health.

Queen of Cups- school office, those places where mostly only women gather ( Faculty of Philology will be held under this card, women's team), maternity hospital, antenatal clinic, women's house. Church and monastery.

King of Cups- a place where it is damp, a lot of moisture, an office of a massage therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.

Good news. A chance to build relationships, show your feelings, enjoy something (society, conversation, place). Creative imagination. Intuition. Inspiration. New creative projects. The conception of a child. A kind, educated, lively, artistic, sympathetic teenage child.

Use the offered chance, agree to a compromise or go for reconciliation.

Do not believe flattering praises and promises.

Map of the day
Today fate plays into your hands. Either you get emotional support who will support you, or in front of you new opportunities will open up that you didn't expect. Be open to them, accept the gift of fate when you suddenly receive a compliment, declare your love, or offer an honorable compromise in a difficult situation.

flipped card
Bad news. Expectations are not destined to come true. Problems with pregnancy. Lack of imagination. Wasted talent. Frivolity. Spoiled child. Infantilism. Selfishness. Whims. Laziness. Deception. Cunning. Drugs, alcohol.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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The page in the picture is looking at the fish.
Fish is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
The Page of Cups shows the creative potential waiting to be realized.
Perhaps you are discovering a new talent in yourself or starting to study a new subject.

This card also means that you must first love yourself in order to be able to love others.
The person this card represents is kind, loving and helpful.
The card shows that you are a receptive and artistic person who is now emotionally vulnerable and in need of love.

The danger here is an overactive imagination and a tendency to be in the clouds.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Page of Cups
  • Are your feelings unbridled?
  • eats you up heartache?
  • Do you live in an imaginary world?
  • Do you want to be carefree?
Key Ideas
Your creativity is waiting to be realized.

You will find a way to rise above suffering and frustration.
Life is not easy, it's unfair and sometimes ugly, and it's not right, but it's true.
You can moan about problems, or solve them.
Life acquires meaning only in the process of understanding and solving problems.

The only way to develop is to accept the challenge and prove yourself.
We learn and grow through the pain of hardship.
Problems are a source of suffering and disappointment, but also courage, joy of overcoming and wisdom.

Divination in half a minute
Steve is a fan of computer games.
This card appeared in his spread as a warning that he was spending too much time in the fictional world and not enough time in the real world.

There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that he likes computer games.
He just needs to make sure that he does some actions in the real world too, and if at times he forgets about reality, then games need to be pushed into the background.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The fish is a symbol of creative imagination.
Light pink and blue tones express the softness and tenderness of the suit of Cups.
New beginnings.
New relationships.
All Pages are messengers of news, and the Page of Cups heralds a birth, either the birth of a child or the emergence of a new situation.

This card predicts renewal on an emotional level after difficult period in life.
The Page of Cups is often depicted as carrying a bowl of water with a fish swimming in it, a symbol of creative imagination.
As soon as the Page looks at the bowl, the fish floats to the surface, indicating the birth of creative imagination and new life.

In the Tarot, Thoth Page is known as the Princess of Cups, who appears before us in a whirlwind of energy.

Pages of all stripes symbolize the presence of potential opportunities, and the Page of Cups - opportunities in the emotional sphere.

He points to the awakening of self-love, especially if we have been humiliated, and predicts the revival of our faith in ourselves, although it will take a certain period of time for this feeling to develop and strengthen.

The catalyst for this process can be the birth of a child or the establishment of a new relationship.
If the Page of Cups informs us about the appearance of a new person in our life, then he or she will most likely be a sincere, kind and charming person.

The page can also portend the appearance in our life of a young man or girl with artistic inclinations, who are characterized by such qualities as the ability to love, thoughtfulness, impressionability and altruism.
Or these qualities may be in an embryonic state within ourselves, and the Page of Cups informs us of their readiness to manifest themselves.

All the qualities predicted by the Pages of different stripes need careful and caring education and development.

When the Page of Cups appears in your layout, it means that you are ready to revive the inner world of your emotions and manifest your best feelings.

To do this, it is necessary to carefully nurture the sprouts of your new feelings, because at this stage they are still very fragile.
Perhaps you are close to revealing hidden opportunities and talents in yourself in the field of spiritual development or art.

You are in harmony with your inner world and strive to develop your creative potential.
The Page of Cups indicates the need for reflection and contemplation.
You may want to take a new course of study, or you may develop new interests or hobbies that both fascinate and inspire you and bring you into contact with the world of the unconscious.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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The zealous and serious Page of Cups holds in right hand a huge goblet, holding it up in front of him.
He is a loyal and helpful person.
In his left hand he clutches his hat, a symbol of obedience.
Value for divination
A hardworking and determined person.

prone to contemplation.
Eager to offer services and make efforts to achieve a specific goal.
Helpful person.
Trustworthy worker.

Reversed value

Temporary distraction.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Page of Cups is a person who will do you an important service, perhaps news or the appearance of a newborn.

A young man, smartly dressed, stands in a relaxed pose and holds a goblet in one hand.

In some decks, he seems to be giving someone a goblet.
In other decks, he is clearly fascinated by the goblet, holding it in his hand and admiring it.
Often he smiles and almost always looks at the goblet.

inner meaning
A young man or woman, perhaps your son or daughter (or someone who matches this image), brother or sister (usually the younger ones).

A sensitive young person who has the qualities of his parents, but to a much lesser extent.
The appearance of this card in the layout indicates that there is a person with whom you are now connected and who will serve you in important service.

If this card does not represent certain person, then take it as news, the appearance of a new person, possibly a newborn.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: A sensitive young person, man or woman, closely related to you, such as a son or daughter, brother, sister, old friend or classmate, childhood love.

He or she can be of service to you.
Educated, educated young man.
News, news, the appearance of someone or something new.
The birth, either of a child, or of an idea or enterprise.

A promising start.
Reversed or Negative: Deception, temptation, false flattery, cheating.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The Page of Cups is a romantic dreamer, or a child, or a young person who has the qualities of the water signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): sympathetic, sensitive, approachable and charming.
Now you are occupied with voices from dreams, you listen to your own intuition and the unconscious.

You know how to listen, and for this reason friends often confide their sorrows to you.
You readily help others, care for them and show a sincere interest in both the process and its results.

You may be asked to keep something confidential.
Perhaps you are open to new love.
It could be a childhood crush, a first date, or a new feeling after the end of a long-term relationship.
You may be emotionally vulnerable or naive right now.

There is a tendency to idealize relationships or desire for a new romance.
You are able to bring joy and pleasure to the lives of others - your light heart, playfulness, friendliness and desire to be useful serve as their source.

Now you avoid conflicts and everything unpleasant and spread around you harmony and a sense of well-being.
Perhaps you are looking for advice or asking for compliments.
In some cases, the card speaks of outfits, cosmetics - or cosmetic improvements.

If you are learning something, it is most convenient for you to do it in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and passion, when your emotions are involved in the process of work.
If the card is interpreted as a message, then it can be an invitation to some event, a love letter, news of an engagement, marriage, pregnancy or the birth of a child.

If other cards support such an interpretation, then the Page of Cups speaks of childbearing.
It also means gossip and reading romance novels.
In addition, the Page of Cups can mean some kind of sensitive, loving and imaginative child.

Traditional meanings: a child or young person with blond hair.
Pupil, student.
Faithful, devoted.
Zeal, diligence.
Work, occupation.
Reflection, observation, reasoning, contemplation.

Honesty, incorruptibility.
Caution, discretion.
Willingness to be useful or to render a service.

Reversed Page (or Princess) of Cups
The reversed Page of Cups may be afraid of or resistant to love, as well as denying their emotional vulnerability.

Sometimes this card indicates loss of innocence and loss of trust.
On the other hand, it could be a sexual experience, an obsession with boys or girls, or a need for constant confirmation that you are loved.

You may suffer from a strong attraction to someone or use seduction and flattery to win him over.
Perhaps you have become an over-the-top foppish and poofy, dressed in an evening suit when everyone around you is wearing jeans, or fell in love with a man from the bottom.

Also, the card can talk about hypersensitivity or feelings that have become too refined to function normally.
On the other hand, you can be completely devoid of romanticism or be rude and insensitive in the face of love and passion.

You may have made the decision that you will never be vulnerable again.
It is also possible that you have decided to leave the person or situation.
You may refuse to listen to advice, a story, or news.
There is a possibility that right now your intuition is trying to convey to you something that you do not want or cannot hear.

Perhaps you are under hypnosis, engrossed in communication with spirits and spirit guides, or overly carried away by séances, divination and fortune telling.
Maybe you've drifted headlong into daydreaming or falling in love, or retreated into a private inner kingdom populated by imaginary friends and slammed the door behind you.

Perhaps the card denotes a child who once tried to show love to someone in the past, but was rejected or ridiculed.
Such a person often hesitates, is easily influenced and very vulnerable.

On the inner plane, this means the ability to listen to your dreams, even when their imagery disturbs or frightens, as well as the ability to hear the voice of your inner child, love and comfort him.
In terms of health, the card means that you are wasting away from love and can even become seriously ill - nausea, fainting and indigestion are likely.

If interpreted as news, then this may be a letter with a message about the breakup of an engagement or relationship, the cancellation of an invitation or a social event.
Sentiment is at work now, not reason.
Spiritual messages and insights can be false.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, these are rituals of growing up, ending adolescence and gaining the status of a full member of the community.
In one tradition, the Page of Cups means "corn chrysalis", used in initiation rites and probably symbolizing the annual renewal of the fertile strength of the tribe.

Traditional inverted meanings: weak lad, easily succumbing to other people's influences.
Inclinations, inclinations, predispositions.
Attractiveness, taste, style.
Sympathy, passion, affection.

Heartache, jealousy, envy.
Charm, charm, seduction.
Invitation, consent.
To flatter, to suck up, to kowtow.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
This nice person appeared, and everything around seemed to be illuminated by sunlight.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
This card depicts a smartly dressed young man holding a goblet in one hand.

He admires the goblet and is clearly fascinated by it.
In some decks, this person seems to be giving someone a goblet, in others, he is trying to drink birds from it.
Almost always he is depicted smiling, and, unlike the Page of Swords, the Page of Cups is sympathetic.

It seems that this is clearly a friendly, kind and endearing personality.
The Page of Cups can symbolize both a boy and a girl.
But in both cases, this card characterizes a person "mature in his feelings.

Despite his youth, the Page of Cups is used to analyzing his own actions, and indeed everything that happens around him, so it will not be difficult for him to figure out his own desires and, if necessary, give advice to someone else, including the Questioner.

One way or another, the Page of Cups is able to radically change the life of the Questioner, to significantly affect it.
If the card does not describe a specific person, but speaks of a situation, then you should prepare to receive important news.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - L, number - 11, Correspondence zodiac sign- Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 41 hexagrams ("Decrease").
Card meaning
Direct position
As already mentioned, the Page of Cups can describe a young man (girl) associated with the Questioner by kindred feelings.

Sometimes this Arcana symbolizes a childhood friend.
Often the Page of Cups is identified with a newborn.
This person will positively affect the life of the Questioner.
At the same time, the Princess of Cups can personify a sweet young lady who will turn to the Questioner for help.

If this Arcana speaks of a situation, then the Questioner should prepare to receive good news, to important changes in his life, to increase his family.
Sometimes this Arkan promises a person a meeting with his first love.

It can also symbolize a proposal to marry, but not made according to the classical canons.

Reversed position
In this case, the card will describe a meeting with a capricious young man (or girl) capable of flattery and betrayal.

Often this Arcana characterizes a person who can experience a deep feeling.
However, this person is not inclined to concentrate on one thing.
When describing the situation, one can assume deception, fraud, tricks on the part of other people.

The Page of Cups also warns that old habits and obligations can hinder the Inquirer's progress along the path of career growth or creative pursuits.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Page of Cups - very good map, personifying an emotionally mature person with a soft character, responsive, sensitive, with a rich imagination.
As a rule, the cases she takes on require a lot of effort, time and imagination, but they are interesting, and smaller ones are boring.

Symbolizes the birth of a creative idea or inspiring news.
In love affairs, however, one cannot rely on such a person: there are many interests in his life and it is difficult for him to focus on one thing.

Inverted - a person lives in a fictional world, an unsociable loner, tightly closed from others.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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PAGE. Page - courteous, helpful; somewhat pampered (effeminate) boy; with an expression of diligence and attentiveness, he contemplates the fish rising from the goblet to look at him.

Direct position: a suave young man forced to render services with whom the Querent will have a connection; diligent young man; news, message; petition, reflection, meditation; also these funds directed to the management of the enterprise.

Reverse position: addiction, inclination, affection, temptation (seduction), deceit, cunning.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Venus in the 1st house for reconciliation, or in the 5th house for the pleasure of play.
Jack of Cups Like the other three jacks, the Jack of Cups represents a certain impulse, push, chance.

In this case, it may be an invitation to participate in a pleasant deed or a gesture of love and reconciliation.
One way or another, it is an initiative coming from others that appeals to our feelings, and we accept it with joy and gratitude.

The card represents the beginning of the world after a quarrel or conflict, sympathy shown to us in difficult times, and sometimes someone's spiritual outburst, which turns into love for us.
This impulse, as a rule, is pure and sincere, and only if other cards say otherwise, it should be treated with caution.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The Page of Cups symbolizes a persistent person, greedy for knowledge.
This person is very serious about everything that happens around.
He is thoughtful and thoughtful.
Possibly very sensitive.

Often this card indicates a person with a poetic mindset, or a person prone to meditation, contemplation, practicing one way or another of spiritual self-improvement.
Direct position: Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, planets Venus and Neptune.

Usually this is a person who is loyal to you.
He is always ready to offer you his help and services when it comes to a particular task.
This person is very hardworking, diligent, it is quite possible to rely on him.

Reversed position: Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces and Venus in Virgo.
The inverted Page of Cups indicates a scattered person, incapable of concentration, perseverance, hard and monotonous work.

Or, on the contrary, this person is overly concentrated on one thing and is a fan of it.
An inverted Page of Cups may indicate a person with oddities, with some kind of deviation.
His social position can sometimes be uncertain.

In an extreme case, this card can symbolize an ordinary vulgar person, very far from spirituality.
If the card means action.
A. Straight Card The emotion, the feeling represented by the following cards, is fully formed and ready for expression.

It's just a matter of expressing them.
If it comes to intuition, certain forms of foresight, then the Page of Cups can symbolize confirmation of assumptions based on premonitions.
B. Reversed Card There is a tendency to view the reversed Page of Cups as the opposite of the upright.

Emotions are not conscious.
Everything is very shaky and foggy.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Also Herald, Page or Slave of Cups.
This is an actor by vocation, and often by profession.
He always feels "on stage".
A poet eager for public recognition, a charming swindler, generally a person with a rich imagination.

However, there is a danger that he will remain an amateur in all his activities, unable to concentrate on one thing.
He will have to endure many tests before he learns to properly evaluate himself.

In a direct position means the possibility of resolving any conflict, reconciliation.
Inverted: Also reconciliation, but short ("armed truce").
