Magic textbook. What is a wizard

Esoteric science wizard

is an esoteric science created on the basis of the general cosmic principles of the existence of space and matter. She studies such phenomena of human existence as contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, manifestations of parallel worlds, Divine revelations and human superpowers.
Wizardry is an applied science. She has a number of energy keys that can change the existing reality. Vizardika studies how the energy-information exchange takes place in the human body and in nature, how one can communicate and interact with the unknown.
Wizards have different directions of development: cosmovizardics, psycho-wizards, hypnovizards, karmavizards, sexovizards, astrovizards, ethnovizards, business-wisards and others, affecting almost all spheres of human life. Our life is spent in constant interaction with each other, with ourselves and with the world around us. At the level of feelings, emotions, thoughts, images, we are constantly participating in the mechanism of interaction of the Universe, as we communicate with nature, animals, objects, other people, God, and phenomena.
Someone is limited to communication with wallets and saucepans, and someone also communicates with Extraterrestrial intelligence, spirits, energy of the Earth and Space. And even if a person interacts only at the everyday level, this does not mean that he is isolated and closed from the Cosmos. Interaction still occurs with the entire Universe, but only at a different level, semi-conscious, unconscious, informational and energetic. Each person is in constant communication with the inner and outer reality.
Each of us, as an inseparable part of the entire universe, during interaction with other living or inanimate objects, astral entities, with residents of other levels or parallel worlds, automatically exchanges his information. And in order not to gain negative information, communication at the highest energy level should be chosen especially carefully and carefully. Touching other worlds, another reality, other types of human existence allows us the desire for spiritual growth, the suppression of unbridled fears and base instincts, emotional and mental discipline, the correct implementation of ritual practices.
By using Vizardiki performed self-healing with the power of thought, a person comprehends himself as a part of the Universe through the mechanism of cosmic interaction, realizes the existing circumstances in a natural way, improves health. attracts good luck, helps to fully fulfill oneself. You can communicate with any creatures in almost any period of time and at any distance. And one should not overestimate one's own significance too much, since a person is just one species out of billions of creatures located in the infinite visible and invisible Cosmos.
G-d created not only us in his own image and likeness, but also all other creatures. Worshiping God, a person must be worthy of his world and in everything: an animal, a plant, a stone, and especially another person, to see the Divine.
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Vizardic Laws

1. During interaction with other forms of life or with people, we comprehend the Universe and develop.
2. All atoms in the Universe are connected to each other, so any information is instantly transferred to any distance and at any time.
3. Since we have the main place of Power in our head, any change in information entails a complete change in information.
4. Nature makes it possible to use its benefits in proportion to the corresponding efforts expended.
5. Nothing passes without a trace and does not disappear anywhere, everyone is responsible for their own destiny and their actions. As we work on ourselves, we get such a life.
6. Each of our actions must be carefully thought out. Random actions cannot be performed.
7. You need to control your thinking, because a thought, like an act, is an action.
8. Each of our external influences has consequences directed at us. This must be taken into account when preparing your action. Carry out external influences for the purpose of self-improvement.
9. Initially, each person is given the living conditions necessary for his self-improvement. Very often harmful and negative, in our opinion, factors are actually necessary for our internal growth.
10. We determine our own future by attracting certain situations with the frequency of our energy vibrations.
11. For everything that happens to us, we thank the universe and constantly increase our awareness.
12. Only teaching can lead us to true knowledge and freedom.

Speech circle for self-healing with the power of thought for every day

Morning appeal to the Sun:
Rejoice, God, illuminating the Earth, Ruler of Light, bringing fire! We stand on Your palms, before You, like Your fingers. We resound from Your volcanoes, praising You like Your sounds. We look from the top of Your head, recognizing You, as if Your glances. Those gifts that we bear for You, we give to You to take for ourselves, praising You. Lord and Master, our Heavenly Father, our Great God, for You is the life of any of us. For you alone. Touch your Light. Enter our world at sunrise. We are obedient servants. We are your children. We are Yours!
Appeal to the Earth:
Mother Gaia, who gave birth and raised us, floating in the ocean of stars and living at the behest of the heart, we bow to You, expressing our love and our helplessness before Your breath. All who have come before us have passed over You in the rays of their glory. All who come after us will bow to You and to us,
just as we bow to You and to those who bowed before us. Glory to Thee, caring and enchanting Goddess, amazing and surprising every moment with her beauty! We dissolve in the stream of Your incomprehensible truths, and lying down on You, we look into the sky to see our reflection in it.
We are your children. And You are our happiness. We are Yours!
Appeal to your family:
My family, reaching into the depths of eternity, rooted in the earth with its roots, and propping up the sky with its crown, I praise You, and accept the gift of merits. Your strength is in my breath. Your wisdom is in my movement. Your will is in my heart. I bow to my ancestors and pay homage. They lead me to God. They are my rays and torches that show the path of the stars. They are my helpers and mentors. They are me in the future. Teacher of my descendants, I kindle a flame; I carry my light in my breast, and my word. I honor nature, I give thanks. God dwells within me, and my family is marked by mercy. So be it, and it cannot be changed!
Appeal to the Teacher:
Glory to my Teacher, who gave me the way to God; who revealed to me a stream coming from Heaven and from the center of the Earth, forming my inner light. Glory to my Teacher, who explained to me the structure of the world; who showed me other worlds and their inhabitants; who initiated me into secret knowledge ancient; that changed my whole life. Glory to my true Teacher. Thanks be to Him and God! Let it be so!
Evening turning to the Sun:
The luminary, leaving until the morning, a meeting with You portends good luck. Tomorrow will bring warmth and blooming clouds. Your rays flashed like a red stripe and died out in the depths of the sea, and this day left with them to look at us next. What happened today are life lessons for which we are grateful. The experience received from You, our Lord, is beyond all rewards. We surrender to Your Will and accept our Destiny. We honor You and offer You gifts. Your Light, Great Father, is reflected at night from the eye of the Moon. You look at us from the height of your kingdom and see our path. Rejoice and come again! We are your children. We are Yours!

Vizardika - conspiracies in promoting the Teaching

I thank You, Lord, for Your Teaching, for Your Power that goes through it, and Your Knowledge. For Your understanding, and Your forgiveness, helping and giving me. For Your grace and Your skill.
For Your patience and Your protection, and for Your glory, and for Your joy. As a humble servant, I accept Your instructions and Your decrees. And I carry Your love, and Your warmth, and Your word in gratitude to You for Your prayer before Your whole world for Your Teaching.

Praise to the Lord G-d

Glory to my Lord, the All-Seeing and All-Hearing! Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent! Uniting people and nations, Raising to the Light from the depths of spiritual darkness, Creating and Helping his children. Glory!
Glory to my Lord, who has risen at the head of the angels and revives traditions and departed knowledge, who gathers power and gives eternal wisdom, who calls the souls of the chosen ones to help those who seek, who reveals earthly blessings for the spiritual and spiritual blessings for the earthly. Glory!
Glory to my Lord, the All-Elevating and All-Creating! Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omnipotent! Renewing and strengthening the body of the planet, Guiding the development of life, and Releasing all sins and illnesses, Freeing them from their presence and from all filth, Punishing enemies and Bringing justice. Glory!

Vizardica - conspiracies about spiritual growth

As much as there is sand in the deserts, so many are Your disciples and followers, Lord; as much water in the seas, so many of Your disciples and followers, Lord; how many stones are in the mountains, so many are Your disciples and followers, Lord; as many trees in the forests, so many of yours
disciples and followers, Lord; as there are many stars in the sky, so many are Your disciples and followers, Lord.
And I am Your disciple and follower, coming to You and leading me.
Give me strength for your ascent! Grant me knowledge and Your wisdom!
Open to me the way that my spirit will raise!
Thank the earth! Thank heaven! Thank God! Let it be so!

Vizardika - conspiracies about guidance

Open up, Lord! Come into my life, fill it with light and joy.
Let luck, for Your glory, look to me and stay.
Let me understand your destiny, and, following your path, find peace and balance.
Let me see You, and see myself, seeing through Your eyes. Let me hear You, and hear myself, hearing through Your ears. Let me know You and know myself, knowing through Your heart.
Let me be like You, bearers of Knowledge, like You.
Show yourself, Lord!

Vizardika - conspiracies about forgiveness

Lord, forgive me for everything. For offending someone; thought bad about someone; envied someone; and despised someone.
Forgive me for not hearing your promptings in time and for not accepting Your instructions. Forgive me for doubting Your wisdom and Your power. Forgive me for being weak and not worthy of Your participation.
But I strive, I try, I do, I improve, I follow Your path, which You have prepared for me. I am clumsy, helpless, slow, but I swear, Lord, I try my best, which You also give me.
I am completely in Your hands, Lord. I trust You with my body and soul, and I ask you to teach me to understand You. Shed your healing light on me, direct my steps in the direction you need. Accept my prayers and my petitions.
I bow before You, Lord, and wait for Your promptings in my life.
Glory to Thee! And may all people be in happiness and balance, in peace and peace. May disagreements and illnesses, anger and hatred, fear and betrayal disappear. Let Thy gardens flourish in the sons and daughters of men. May all my sins and mistakes be forgiven. May we enjoy love for each other and for everything around us. And let us pray to You and bow down to You, my Great Lord.
Yes, it will be so and cannot be changed.

See entire section

wizardas is one of the devil's aliases? and got the best answer

Answer from Lady Leo? Clear-eyed?[guru]
There is a concept of God in general. There are - about specific gods. But little is known about "God Vizardas, the Ancient Ruler of the World, the Father of the Gods, who allegedly left the Earth many millions of years ago to create worlds similar to ours in different parts Galaxies. About God, who allegedly returned to our planet to help His children: gods and people to find peace in the soul and restore balance lost due to the inability of the gods to control people and the inability of people to call on the gods for this help. There is a book on how to pray to this God, how to interact with Him, how to turn to Him for help, and how to ask Him to grant love and happiness.
Modern people are used to praying to relatively young gods: Buddha and Jesus, Yahweh and Ahuramazda, Allah and Krishna. Someone prays to Zeus and Hera, someone to Wotan - Odin, someone to Isis and Osiris. To what extent are the prayers of people heard by these gods? To what extent do they respond to people's requests to take part in their lives, how close and friendly are they to us? Everyone answers these questions differently, in their own way, based on their life experience, joy or pain. Satisfied and blissful are those whom these gods helped, who feel their love and feel their unity! But what about those who feel that they belong to another God? And there are many such people. They suffer from doubt, which begins with a complete denial of divine providence and ends with spiritual despair, the inability to find for themselves the only Source that was lost by their ancestors ... they suffer spiritually, but cannot find their roots, and therefore become either complete atheists or continue to worship gods who are alien to them. Why? Because it's easier, so familiar, familiar, so do many. Many, but not all! There are those who have found their God, who see real changes in life and health, turning to their Great Mentor and Patron, who pray to the Father of the gods, the One to whom the gods themselves pray, the Prime Creator and Creator of life, the God of the Universes, who has the Name - Vizardas.
These are people who see the future, build it and know about the approach of the Unity of Faith - the era of cosmic unity. These are those who aspire to eternal life not through self-restraint and denial of life, rejection of scientific achievements and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations, but through their own freedom and enjoyment from the very process of life. The result is important - the immortality of the soul, but it is achieved through a process! These are those who deny the psychology of slavery and consumerism, the unimportance of the material world, acquisitiveness and complaints, and recognize and preach the paramount importance of physical existence, the importance of physical being, and the ability to build one's happiness in the present! These are those who recognize the practical application of the fullness of spiritual experience to build their own destinies, and the destinies of the people around us in the midst of life itself, and choose an active life position, which allows you to influence different levels of being, not only material, but also subtle-material. These are those who understand their life as a means of serving God, who wants us to be happy and complete in this world, because, according to His Will, we are here! Who believes that the soul only benefits from the fact that the body enjoys all earthly blessings, and not vice versa, as other religions say. Who does not preach universal love, abstract and illusory, but truly loves those who walk alongside us through life. Who is ready for the sake of their relatives and friends to answer their enemies with all the strength and ruthlessness inherent in us, and not turn the other cheek to them for another slap. These are those who do not take on faith what other people say, but, using their mind, intuition, and, most importantly, experience, are convinced of the correctness or falsity of certain statements and beliefs, defining for themselves their picture of the world not from anyone -some words or from words scriptures but based on the culture and upbringing of your heart.
The teaching is called "vizardika". Vizardas is a cosmic wanderer, Ancestor of pure energy. He is son and father, and birth, space and time"...

"Choosing god - we choose fate." (Virgil)

Founder- Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich (shaman)

What is Vizardika is an esoteric science based on the general cosmic principles of the existence of matter and space. The scope of her study includes various phenomena of human existence, such as manifestations of parallel worlds, contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, human superpowers and Divine revelations.
Vizardics is an applied science and has a number of energy keys that can change the existing reality. It studies the energy-information exchange in nature and in the human body, ways of communication and interaction with the unknown.

Vizardic Laws:
1. Everything in the Universe is interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrating each other;
2. Man is one of the forms of life;
3. Interacting with other forms of life and people, we develop and comprehend the world;
4. There are no problems. There are only tasks that need to be solved, and attitudes towards them;
5. Fate is the conditions of life that can be changed;
6. There is neither good nor evil - there are energy-informational spectra;
7. Man proposes, but God disposes.

In Vizardik it is forbidden:
1. To kill a person not for the purpose of protection and self-defense;
2. Killing animals for purposes other than protection, self-defense or subsistence;
3. Robbery, robbery, theft, cruelty, deliberate infliction of physical mutilation not for the purpose of defense or self-defense;
4. Social and personal arrogance, malice, slander, meanness;
5. Spiritual and physical laziness;
6. Unwillingness to get an education and comprehend life;
7. Slave psychology and humility, imposing one's own stupidity on other people.

The main virtues of the Vizardiki man:
1. Be able to adapt, live and survive;
2. Be able to communicate and interact;
3. Be able to regulate mental and physiological processes;
4. Be able to wait, set goals, achieve them and enjoy new opportunities;
5. Be able to be aware of your actions and consciously change the perception of the world or worlds;
6. Engage in creativity, science, medicine or other socially useful deeds.

Vizardica Mage Rules:
1. Love yourself and feel and enjoy nature through this love;
2. Be responsible for all actions taken, i.e. build your own destiny, satisfying your needs as needed;
3. Track your state of consciousness, energy, physical body and, if necessary, correct this state by all available means: creativity, energies, rituals, physical exercises, communication;
4. To receive joy and pleasure from life, that is, to live according to the call of the heart, trying not to do what causes internal discomfort or tension;
5. Collaborate with external natural sources - spirits, energies, beings, talismans, maintaining the balance of intellectual activity and figurative-emotional thinking;
6. Always act and act in such a way as to have your own benefit: love, money, luck, help, social growth, knowledge, favors of other life forms, that is, to build karma.

Dedication - you will need paper, a pen, candles (any color except black), incense, a new knife, spring water, gifts and offerings (sweets, bread, cereals, cookies, milk and beer) to God. The rite of passage is performed facing east at any time of day, on the full or growing moon. Come up with a name for yourself in advance, take a shower, place candles in the form of a five-pointed star right in front of you. Light them, starting from the top of the figure, burn incense. Take paper and pen. Write your magical name on it, saying it out loud. Burn this paper, and break the handle in half. Take a knife in your hands and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn right and do the same. Repeat your drawing, turning to the right once more, and thus again, turning clockwise around its axis, seal the whole room with this magical symbol.
Holding a gift to God in your hands, say:
Sunrise sounds like song of song.
Blessed Vizardas.
The sun shares its joy with us.
Blessed Vizardas.
The wind bows to the mountains.
Blessed Vizardas.
The sea listens to the beat of the heart.
Blessed Vizardica.
People believe in their destiny.
Blessed Vizardas.
We must open our soul.
Blessed Vizardas.
Time knows its limits.
Blessed Vizardas.
Our world is full of wonders.
Blessed Vizardas.
May luck find us.
Blessed Vizardas.
Man declares: I am!
Blessed be the Lord Vizardas.
Put the gift aside, burn another incense and read the Creed:
I believe in the harmony of nature and in its love, and in the power of the Earth, which has nurtured and educated us. Yves human mind capable of accomplishments and knowledge of the world, and its improvement. And in ancient god, the God of Gods, the Father of Fathers, the Ancestor of the Ancestors, the Creator of the Universes, the Patron of Time, the Creator of Life, the Only Supreme, Recognized and Superior-God Vizardas. For the sake of us, people, and our happiness, Returning from wanderings, and His children - famous gods Who enlightened and reassured them, and gave them each their place. According to the merits of the Rewarder and Distributor.
The gods could not make people happy, give them what they ask for and deserve. We couldn't see beauty. Failed to maintain their importance.
They forgave where there should be no forgiveness. They punished where it was possible to forgive. Were far from people in difficult times. They did not hear the prayers addressed to them. They ignored requests. They fought among themselves. allowed to destroy temples. Cultivate fear. Humiliate and maim. Worship money. Laugh at the prophets. Diseases were not healed. They encouraged war. They didn't stop the violence. Good people picked up early. The bad ones were allowed to live long. They did a lot of things until Vizardas came along.
I confess His faith, and I bear His power, and now I live by Him, and enjoy.
I believe in the rebirth of the Spirit. I believe in the kingdom of Light, the awakening of people from sleep and their return to their roots and origins.
I bow to my Lord, I praise my Lord. One He is now the Master. Forever and ever.
I fall for Him. I create my eternity. My heart is open.
The world is changing, it makes me happy. Let it be.
Khantaa ular.
Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine on your mental screen a Red or Yellow Sun with rays coming from it and say:
“Your strength and greatness will save many. Will help me!"
Wait a few minutes and start reading the mage's oath:
I, (name), embark on the Path of spiritual self-improvement and comprehension of truths.
I am fully aware of the responsibility that falls on my shoulders, but I firmly decided (a) to do this, and my desire is adamant.
I swear to treat the person who taught me everything with respect and gratitude!
I dedicate myself to the great Cause and declare my readiness to face the Force face to face.
I open my heart and go out to meet the rising sun.
I swear to be worthy of the knowledge I have received and to use the opportunities given to me for the sake of my personal benefit and the benefit of all mankind.
I swear to make every effort to strengthen and spread the Tradition.
Help me with this, Wizardas, and my Higher Self!
From now on and forever! Khantaa ular!
When all the candles and incense burn out, the rite can be considered completed.
Put your magic items in a safe place. They can be useful to you in other magical rites and rituals. Take food meant for spirits outside, put it under a tree, or give it to homeless animals. A gift to God or put in a prominent place in the room, or hide until the next ritual.

from the book by Estrin, A. M.

Only you should know your magical name. That is why you cannot use your passport name.

The initiation ritual is performed facing east at any time of the day to the full or growing moon.

If you have the opportunity to spend it in nature, in the open air, by the fire, then be sure to do it, but if this is not possible, perform the ritual in an urban setting. The quality of the initiation will not change in any way, only the strength of your subjective sensations will change!

So, take a shower and retire to a room. After making sure that no one will interfere with you, and no one can distract you from your business, and you have enough time to perform the ritual, place candles in the form of a five-pointed star right in front of you. Light them, starting from the top of the figure, burn incense. Take paper and pen. Write your magical name on it, saying it out loud. Burn this paper and break the pen in half.

Take a knife in your hands and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn right and do the same. Repeat your drawing by turning to the right once more, and thus again turning clockwise around its axis, sealing the entire room with this magical symbol.

Holding a gift to God in your hands, say:

Sunrise sounds like song of song.

Blessed Vizardas.

The sun shares its joy with us.

Blessed Vizardas.

The wind bows to the mountains.

Blessed Vizardas.

The sea listens to the beat of the heart.

Blessed Vizardica.

People believe in their destiny.

Blessed Vizardas.

We must open our soul.

Blessed Vizardas.

Time knows its limits.

Blessed Vizardas.

Our world is full of wonders.

Blessed Vizardas.

May luck find us.

Blessed Vizardas.

Man declares: I am!

Blessed be the Lord Vizardas.

Put the gift aside, burn another incense and read the Creed:

I believe in the harmony of nature and in its love, and in the power of the Earth, which has nurtured and educated us. And in the human mind, capable of accomplishments and knowledge of the world, and its improvement. And in the ancient God, the God of gods, the Father of Fathers, the Progenitor of the progenitors, the Creator of the Universes, the Patron of time, the Creator of life, the Only Highest, Recognized and Superior - God Vizardas. For the sake of us, people, and our happiness, Returning from wanderings, and His children - the famous gods Who enlightened and reassured them, and gave them, each his own place. According to the merits of the Rewarder and Distributor.

The gods could not make people happy, give them what they ask for and deserve. We couldn't see beauty. Failed to maintain their importance.

They forgave where there should be no forgiveness. They punished where it was possible to forgive. Were far from people in difficult times. They did not hear the prayers addressed to them. They ignored requests. They fought among themselves. allowed to destroy temples. Cultivate fear. Humiliate and maim. Worship money. Laugh at the prophets. Diseases were not healed. They encouraged war. They didn't stop the violence. Good people were taken early. The bad ones were allowed to live long. They did a lot of things until Vizardas came along.

I confess His faith, and I bear His power, and now I live by Him, and enjoy.

I believe in the rebirth of the Spirit. I believe in the kingdom of Light, the awakening of people from sleep and their return to their roots and origins.

I bow to my Lord, I praise my Lord. One He is now the Master. Forever and ever.

I fall for Him. I create my eternity. My heart is open.

The world is changing, it makes me happy. Let it be.

Khantaa ular.

Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine on your mental screen the Red or Yellow Sun with rays coming from it and say: “Your strength and greatness will save many. Will help me!"

I, (name), embark on the Path of spiritual self-improvement and comprehension of truths.

I am fully aware of the responsibility that falls on my shoulders, but I firmly decided (a) to do this, and my desire is adamant.

I swear to treat the person who taught me everything with respect and gratitude!

I dedicate myself to the great Cause and declare my readiness to face the Force face to face.

I open my heart and go out to meet the rising sun.

I swear to be worthy of the knowledge received, and to use the opportunities given to me for the sake of my personal benefit and the benefit of all mankind.

I swear to make every effort to strengthen and spread the Tradition.

Help me with this, Wizardas, and my Higher Self!

From now on and forever! Khantaa ular!

When all the candles and incense burn out, the ritual can be considered complete.

Put your magic items in a safe place. They may be useful to you in other magical rituals. Take food meant for spirits outside, put it under a tree, or give it to homeless animals. A gift to God or put in a prominent place in the room, or hide until the next ritual.

In the future, it will give you additional strength and energy during your magical operations. This gift is good to take with you to the Places of Power if you ever have such trips.

Magic lives in the person himself, but magic does not belong to the person. This is a given that exists! This must be well understood and understood. And then your work will bear ripe fruits, and life will give joy and light!

The True School of Magic is your life, and you hold the textbook of magic in your hands. In it, I will give you a series of magical tools that you can use to shape your life, relationships, circumstances, direct your creative endeavors, and guide your career growth. Thanks to your own will, spiritual efforts, external energy, cosmic channels, which I will teach you to open and use them correctly, you will achieve results that you did not even dare to dream of! Sincere service to Vizardas, multiplied by your own desire for happiness, will give you what you have been looking for all your life! What you aspired to and what you wanted with all your soul and body!

Now everything is in your hands! Take responsibility for your life and act boldly! But remember: everything takes time! Global changes in life take some time, so be patient and reasonable! “Do not wave your sword” in vain, but build a strategy for your victories! Form the tactics of your dizzying success! Everything else will follow...

In general, nothing complicated. Good luck to all of us!

The basis of magic

The basis of the foundations of magic is the magician's ability to interact with external energy-information sources: energies, channels, creatures, gods. Without this interaction there is no magic, only psychology or self-deception. The influence of external structures, systems, other forms of life and the volitional efforts of the magician - this is magic! In other words, magic is the obligatory cooperation of the essence, the consciousness of the magician with the external consciousness or energy! Where can one feel such an influence, feel it most acutely and clearly? Of course in Places of Power! There it manifests itself most actively and realistically! We can say that a real magician is formed in the Places of Power! There are many examples of this: Jesus with his meditation in the desert, Muhammad in contemplation of the Hira gorge, Iriy in trance dances in Arkaim, Buddha in the shade of an ancient tree, etc. Each magician, prophet chose for his research his Place of Power, which was located somewhere then near his habitat, or he was looking for a magical Place specially in other parts. The bottom line is that only in the Place of Power did these people gain their superpowers, gain knowledge, and be saturated with incredible healing, spiritual energy! Each person has his own natural talents and abilities, some have more, some have less, and each of them, when interacting with the Place of Power, will open their own gifts and abilities. What exactly it will be, no one knows! It is almost impossible to predict this somehow, because each Place has its own individual characteristics that affect the individual characteristics of each person, and help him in what he deserves and what only he deserves! Some people begin to draw, others begin to heal, others write books. Everything is strictly individual and piece! Nature gives what it considers possible to give to a particular person! Moreover, the general level of energy rises for everyone, regardless of additional factors, and in addition to the dominant talent, others open up, for example, the ability to like or the ability to realize oneself in a dream.

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Conspiracy to heal a pet

Animals suffer just like people, they have no less diseases. But since we are all God's creations, we are able to alleviate the suffering of the animal, we are able to help the animal heal, and it does not matter at all whether it is homemade or not.

I look and I speak. I drive the disease. Get out of the living body, go to the dead, even on a stone, even on asphalt. The car will pass and crush you. Leave the disease, the animal (name) alone. It is a creation of God, and it should be healthy.

Khantaa ular.

Sign spell


Conspiracies are used to remove negative influences, the evil eye, damage, curses, vampirism and others; to enhance clean energy in the body; in all other cases when this or that assistance is needed.

Removing the evil eye

Human envy and the evil eye can cause a deterioration in relations in the family or between lovers. Evil and envious people so many. They will always find a reason for something to cling to. This conspiracy removes the evil eye, which can damage relationships.

A wax candle is lit and it says:

The fire will burn everything and save me from the evil eye.

Khantaa ular.

The candle should burn down to the end and go out on its own, so use a small candle in this work.

I also want to say that when protecting against the evil eye, pins and crosses help little. It is better to carry a sign spell or, in extreme cases, a small mirror with you. There will be more sense.

Removal of spoilage (1)

Corruptionit's even more scary magical effect than the evil eye. Because of damage, families collapse, people disperse, illness and suffering arise, destinies break. No psychological, religious or medicinal effect removes damage. Damage can only be removed by magical actions.

The plot is read on a piece of matter, which is then burned

At the top of the hill, in the very middle, a stone woman stands dug in to the waist. Baba looks to the north and speaks evil.

Climb (name) on the hill and shut the woman's mouth with a rag. Wipe the poison from her lips and burn the spoiled rag. When the woman becomes silent, and you (name) will live in a good way.

Khantaa ular.

Removal of spoilage (2)

The fox is walking through the forest. Looks around. In front of her is a bear. The fox ran away. I wanted to hunt, but I almost became a victim myself. So people with the heads of animals think that they are hunting, but they themselves turn out to be helpless and cowardly.

You have to go where there is no bear.

Khantaa ular.

Corruption protection

The plot is read facing east in sunny weather. You need to clap your hands loudly three times and say:

I live, I live, I live happy. I used to be happy and will continue to be.

God rewarded me with health, God rewarded me with love, God rewarded me with wealth. He gave it to me, and no one can take it away from me. Everything will remain with me, and even several times more will be added, and whoever wants to take it away will lose it himself.

Khantaa ular.

From vampirism

Vampirisma very weak magical effect, but over time it can bring a lot of problems and troubles if it is not removed

You can’t take a big stone in your hands, you can’t lift it, you can only have a small one. Look at it and throw it away. This stone was called (name the enemy). He will lie far away and not touch anyone, and (name) will live well and calmly.

I myself will be easy and joyful, because I helped a person to overcome misfortune.

Khantaa ular.

Removal of all negative influences

The conspiracy removes all negative influences from a person: damage, evil eye, curse, someone else's mind control and others

My Lord, come down from heaven to help (name). The trouble has overtaken him and does not allow him to get up and move on. Evil spirits have covered him with their nets and carry him in their claws.

Take, my Lord, from them (name). Let him feel human again and feel the love in his heart. May health return to him, and the spirit of good luck sit on his shoulder. Take (name) under your protection. Help him live.

To me, who called you, Vizardas, grant health and strength.

Blessed be my family and my cause.

Khantaa ular.

Photo negative removal

This conspiracy will also remove all negative effects, only from a photograph

Your life, depicted in the photograph, is consecrated by the sun. The energy of the God of Earth and Sky sanctifies your path, depicted in front of me. Your body, listening to me, is filled with the power of the great elements.

Evil eyes go to unknown distances, damage goes to dashing swamps, diseases go under huge stones.

Make peace with those with whom you quarreled. Forgive those who were unfair. Apologize to those you wrongfully offended. Be merciful and blameless. Go through life easily and freely. And you will have good luck and fulfillment of desires.

The star above you is your beacon. your heart is her reflection. Love the world you created. Be a worthy son of your family. Let everything be so, and be fulfilled.

Khantaa ular.

To escape from the captivity of past sins (1)

The conspiracy cleanses karma. Frees the soul from hard feelings. In practice, this conspiracy is in its power analogous to the process of repentance and communion, but in a different form, simple and reliable, without intermediaries.

My God, watching over my life, unravel the fetters on my feet, let me move easily and freely. Remove dark connections from my head and burn those who hinder me in my development.

Mercilessly punish my enemies who are trying to stop my cultivation, and give me the strength to comprehend the universe through my own transformation. Surround me with your blue light so that I can have clear bearings on my spiritual path. And let it be as I ask. I ask for your active participation in my life.

Khantaa ular.

To escape from the captivity of past sins (2)

The plot is for cleaning. Cleansing of consciousness, subconsciousness and biofield. It will touch on problems and fears, as well as the impact on you from other people. Everything will be decided and removed

I light a candle, incense, arrange offerings to the spirits.

Come, eat and help me cope with my problems, protect me from evil inside and outside, get rid of doubts and internal complexes that prevent me from being happy.

I feel influence from outside. What is this? Why is this happening? Is it my imagination, fueled by my fear, or a real influence from outside?

Let my fear become not mine and go away. I take it off myself, like dust particles or a thread from clothes. I throw out my fear and forget about it.

Now I am protected from my own fears and complexes that allow other people to influence my condition, my life, my energy. I stop inducing myself and find balance and harmony.

I am fully prepared to fight the external enemy because I have defeated the internal enemy.

I am filled with love and happiness, and this is enough to protect myself from any outside influences.

My condition is stable, and my energy is renewed and strengthened. My mind burns with the bright light of knowledge and truth.

I say to external influences: "No!" - let them break on my happiness and return back to those who wish me misfortune and misfortune.

This rule is correct. I feel good with myself and should not disturb my idyll.

Let it be so.

Khantaa ular.

From robbery and theft (1)

I close my conspiracy (name) from any loss: from robbery, robbery, theft, attack.

There is protection on all sides. The edge of the blade cuts bandits, thieves, deceivers, corrupt officials, tax officials, bailiffs and all others claiming property (name).

My conspiracy is secure. No one can overcome it, do not re-speak it, do not destroy it.

Said, delivered.

Khantaa ular.

From robbery and theft (2)

You have a shield, O Lord, for me!

Protect me, your faithful servant, and my property from the encroachments of unworthy people. Block their way to me and my home. Hide my valuables and fortune from them. Protect me from attacks and robbery. I myself, Lord, never robbed anyone, did not steal, did not take away from the powerless his share and shelter. I have earned, Lord, Your favor, and I hope for Your protection, reliable and unrelenting. Twist - stir up those who want to take possession of my property. Deprive them of such a desire to steal and rob and take away their health from their physical bodies. Deprive them of their reason and ability to think. Direct them to sincere repentance and eternal torment from their hated sins. Make their hands, thieves and robbers, dry up, and their patrons lose their lives and power. Protect them, Lord, until the terrible, irreparable happened. Save them from sin, and save me from the loss of honestly acquired, acquired by me for me, my family, my relatives and my business. Give me a reliable guard, Lord, and provide your angels with appropriate instructions. Let them ripen day and night, carrying their watch around me, my home and office. I undertake to serve You, my God Vizardas, faithfully and repay You for Your care with my own diligent work in Your great honor. Your glory overshadows many and saves the faithful and clairvoyant, who serve You and deny other gods.

As the sky is stretched out above the earth, so is Your kingdom, invisible, but tangible, stretched out over Your servants and all others.

Khantaa ular.

Protection from car accidents

My friend is strong and reliable. My steel horse is healthy and strong. I will sit down and go where I need to, and everything will be fine with me, everything is wonderful.

I will go around all the obstacles, I will notice the interference, I will go around the dangers. My road is calm and smooth. Everything is according to the rules, humanly.

The traffic police do not see me, but other drivers see well. They see me, they see me. They give me an advantage and give way.

Easy and nice.

Khantaa ular.

For cleaning rooms (1)

Many problems in human life arise due to the energy pollution of the room. Energy contamination depends on the location of the apartment or house, in which city the housing is located, what historical or cultural heritage exists in a particular room; what kind of people were here and lived before; what they did, etc. All this leaves a very strong imprint, which does not always have the best effect on family, love, and relationships.

To cleanse the room of energy dirt and entities, a conspiracy is read. Information in the walls of houses is stored for a very long time and negatively affects residents.

Energy cleaning of the premises is carried out at least once a month, and serves necessary condition health and good luck, happiness and prosperity of all its inhabitants

This place is sacred. I open the opportunity for evil to leave voluntarily and seal the space on four sides with the word “kantan”.

On all four sides, top and bottom. Those who did not come out will burn in the fire of the Force.

I begin to pray for (name). Grant him (her), Lord Vizardas, happiness and prosperity, good luck and health!

May he (she) blossom in his soul and know no obstacles in anything. May all his/her wishes come true.

That is my word.

I bow before You and Your might, my God Vizardas! And for myself I ask for help in my work.

Khantaa ular.

For cleaning rooms (2)

From all corners, from all cracks, from all doors, from all windows, go evil from my apartment.

Leave forever and never come back. Here is a place for happiness, here is a place for health, here is a place for good luck, here is a place for love, not for you.

Get out of my apartment, get out of my life, get out of my way.

Let it be so.

Khantaa ular.

Protective plot against accidental danger

An angel will put out his wing towards the stone flying towards you, and the stone will not reach the goal.

An angel will throw a piece of ice towards the beast rushing at you, and the beast will stop and leave.

Towards the snake crawling towards you, the angel will say his word, and the snake will burn with its poison in this fire.

To anyone who wishes you (name) evil, who wants to bring harm, damage and injury, slander, deceive, humiliate and insult, the angel will put up his obstacle. Show impenetrable protection.

Whoever makes more than one attempt to harm you (name), an angel will gouge out his eyes and hang them out in the sun to dry. So that your restless opponent knows that it was not necessary to attack first, but to feel the Force and stop the attacks.

Let it be so!

Khantaa ular!

Protection in the most severe cases

The conspiracy is read when there is no longer hope for salvation and rectification of the situation

People go to monuments, lay flowers. They look at them from the pedestal, watching what is happening. Those who need it will be thanked, and those who will be driven away.

Monuments are the guards of the living, but sometimes they sleep soundly. I wake you up and say, protect (name) from arbitrariness. Stand up for him and raise an army. No one can cope with those who have already fallen, but were victorious.

Khantaa ular.

If they began to oppress

A conspiracy helps put people in their place. Not all people, unfortunately, understand in an amicable way, it is sometimes necessary to upset them. So what to do? They sit on their heads and their legs hang down

People have their own affairs, and (name) has his own. No one will take his case, and no one will take his place, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he tries, it will not work. It is not for people that everything is distributed and weighed, it is not for them to change this either. Be (name) in your place, prosper and rejoice.

Khantaa ular.

To put people in their place (1)

There is a house on the outskirts of the city. The house has nine floors. A sorcerer lives in this house. He can do everything. Ask him to help - he will help, but you will laugh at him, you will regret that you were born into the world. Know your place (name) and think what you are doing. You will have to cry bitterly, and your tears will not dry up.

Khantaa ular.

To put people in their place (2)

Every person with his own benefit. Every person has his own soul and his own interest. Everyone has their own business in this world. Everyone builds their plans in their own way. I don’t care what others do, what they think and what they plan, as long as they don’t interfere with me, don’t stand in my way.

I have an iron axe, I'll cut it down! I have a tight rope, I'll tie it! I have the power of witchcraft, damn it!

Don't get in my way, don't get in my way. Do not build obstacles in my life and stay healthy and healthy. And if you get in my way and block my interest, do not be offended.

I have the sky - my protector! I have the sun - my assistant! I have land - my ally!

Know your place, people are unkind! Know who you're messing with so you don't have to suffer! No one has yet left my Power and passed the chopping block. All were overtaken by mother-justice. No one regretted.

I'm always ready for a fight.

Khantaa ular.

To commemorate the dead

The foundation of any strong, healthy familythese are, first of all, ancestors, previous generations, whose blood flows in people living now. Familythis is the ancestral heritage, genetics, morality, culture, knowledge obtained through ancestral line. In order for the connection between ancestors and descendants to be reliable and for the ancestors to be satisfied, this conspiracy is read

My conspiracy from the heart and soul. My memory is fresh and keeps in itself the goodness of people who have gone to another world.

I remember those who were my relatives and friends during my lifetime, and now remain the same for me. Here and now I give them their due honors and praises. I apologize for the actions that did not bring joy and respect.

My time will come to move beyond the limits of possible existence, but while I am here, I live in such a way as to be happy and harmonious in all my manifestations, and I fulfill the laws of the existence of matter and information.

My soul is eternal. Eternal are the souls of those who have already gone into immortality and now help me from there in my life.

I remember them and love them as much as I can. I understand that now those people whom I loved during my lifetime are already different beings, but I still feel their help and support, whatever they may be.

Thank you my beloved friends and relatives. Be happy and calm as you climb the ladder of evolution in the places where you live. And I will develop here until my time comes to make the final transition. But I will not be afraid, because I know that you will meet me and help me adapt to my new quality as an immortal spirit.

I love and thank you. I remember and respect.

Let my conspiracy help you in your affairs, my relatives, and this will make it easier for me to go through life and comprehend the Universe.

Khantaa ular.

Sign spell


A group of conspiracies is aimed at ending or correcting "dying" relationships; to restore inner comfort after a divorce or separation; on the attenuation of feelings and love; to get rid of love, sex addiction.

Let go of old love and affection (1)

Pour warm water into a mug, pour sugar into it. Stir and say:

I mix sugar in water and it dissolves. (Name) in life (name) interferes. Let it also, like sugar, dissolve and not return.

I will pour sweet water so that life (name) is sweeter and happier.

Khantaa ular.

Pour out the water.

Let go of old love and affection (2)

My plot is inspired by the whisper of the wind, the sound of the wave, the hum of the earth. It is for me an assistant and a carrier of the Force, which gives me peace of mind and balance.

The woman I was dating was a breathtaking sight for me. I looked at her and my breathing quickened. My nerves were tense with bliss, and I received amazing impressions, emotions and sensations from communicating with her. I was pleased with her, and frankly happy for myself. Today is the day it all ended. My heart grew cold, and weariness filled my soul. My relationship with her ended. Our souls and bodies no longer recognize each other. Everything that I had with her stopped. I ceased to love her and rejoice in communication, and even began to feel the heaviness that fetters my actions and freedom.

I banish the remnants of feelings, I banish the remnants of emotions, I banish the remnants of desires!

Clean and cold steel is my name! Clean and cold steel - that's me!

Without the desire to offend and hurt, I ended all relations with (name) and completely freed myself from her spell. I share my coldness with her and cool her ardor and desire to communicate with me. I don't want to feel guilt, discomfort from communication (name), so I stopped our meetings completely.

Let (name) be happy and sweet with another man, and I go about my business and go my own way.

I know that I did the right thing and directed (name) along her path, and I myself moved to where my heart calls me and my mind tells me.

There are boundaries and distances between us. We build our happiness ourselves, each individually. The wind, water, earth and sky hear me.

Let it be so.

Khantaa ular.

Get rid of a boring lover

The plot is read when you began to get tired of some kind of relationship on the side, but the person continues to get you with his desires

Your eyes shine with lust, your hands curl in cobwebs. You keep me in your networks and do not let me move and breathe deeply. The pleasures that were at the beginning of acquaintance with you are gone. Only heaviness remains. I take off the burden in the form of you (name).

Get off, get off, get away! This is where our paths diverge. I'm on my own, you're on your own. I don't want to see you or hear you.

The veil fell from my eyes. Reason conquered passion.

Finished and forgotten.

Khantaa ular.

For divorce

The conspiracy is used to divorce a husband and wife. Unofficial marriage or official, it does not matter. The conspiracy will only work if these people have offended you very much in the past.

The plot is recited on a stone, which is then thrown over the shoulder

I will throw a stone under the feet of (name) so that he walks, stumbles, gets angry and swears. He took out his evil on his wife, forgave her nothing at all. To scold her constantly and reproach tirelessly! To curse her and drive her out of the house! May they part and never see each other again! They offended me painfully, and now the time has come for me to laugh.

I have no malice towards them, and no mercy. Done, done. Let me be lucky for this conspiracy, which they once took away from me. That's it! For the sake of justice.

Khantaa ular.

For parting

The conspiracy is used to cause artificial separation and eventually end all relationships. A conspiracy is indispensable in a situation where you feel that your child, friend, acquaintance, client has undergone severe erotic manipulation and has fallen into the net of a dishonest guy or greedy girl. The conspiracy makes the communication of "lovers" minimal, giving the injured party the opportunity to come to their senses and take everything no longer at face value

I will take fire in my hands. I will take in my hands a strong stick with a sharp edge and a stone word. I will put on reliable protection. I'll go to the cave where the snakes live. I will knock my stick on the ground three times. I will call on the king of snakes. I will tell him my request.

- Send your servants to (name) and to (name). Let them bite and sting. They do not regret and do not spare. Yes, let (name) and (name) snakes not see, but let them blame each other for their wounds. Not long their patience and love will suffice. Break up, break up. They will look at each other from a distance, maybe they will be disappointed. And if by fate they are destined to be, then let them converge again after a while.

I am honored for this conspiracy to be and save money. There is no sin on me, only benefit.

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