Dream interpretation of tangerines a lot. I dreamed of tangerines and oranges - what is it for. Dreamed green tangerines

In Chinese Feng Shui, the mandarin is a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity.

And how can you interpret what tangerines dream of?

Let's say right away: in most cases, the interpretation of dreams about tangerines is the most favorable. There are only a few symbols in dreams associated with these fruits that have a negative meaning.

Positive interpretations

1. Seeing a lot of ripe, beautiful, fragrant citruses in a dream is a sign that unexpected and pleasant events await you soon. The joy of which you will share with family members and closest friends.

2. A dream about tangerines can be interpreted a little differently: soon wait for the arrival of a distant relative or friend whom you have not seen for a very long time. A visit promises you pleasant chores, joy and small gifts.

3. If in a dream you treat someone else with fruit, the dream book explains it this way: some of your actions will make others change their opinion of you, and only for the better.

4. If you dream that you are peeling a tangerine - the dream book says that soon you will learn something important that was previously hidden from you for some reason.

5. The dream book also claims that dreams about tangerines have the best meaning for women and lovers. Seeing juicy ripe fruits in a dream is an omen that you are loved, and the established relationship will be reliable and trusting.

6. If a woman dreams that she sees a lot of citruses on a tree, it means that she will soon become pregnant, and childbirth will be easy. A tree on which there are many flowers and emerging fruit ovaries is a symbol of the joy that her children will bring to a mother.

Negative interpretations

The dream book very rarely interprets the mandarin as a symbol of serious trouble. Some dreams about these fruits portend minor troubles that are easy to fix if you take a closer look at your actions.

1. If you dream that you eat this fruit, this is a hint that you are too gullible and may be deceived. The dream interpretation says that you should seriously reconsider the views on life that have developed by this time.

2. Seeing purchased tangerines in a dream, which suddenly turned out to be rotten, is also an unkind sign. Such a dream warns: you risk soon becoming a victim of betrayal or major deception, perhaps even from the side loved one.

3. If you dream that you, breaking a tangerine, splashed juice on yourself, beware. This is an occasion to think about whether all your actions are correct.

Otherwise, you run the risk of incurring quarrels with others and various troubles yourself.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

  • Buying selected, ripe, fragrant tangerines in a dream portends an increase in well-being and a new rise in old love.
  • If you take overripe, spoiled tangerines at a significant discount, such a dream speaks of the impending decline in your business and the search for other work and livelihood.
  • Trading tangerines privately means that inexhaustible energy and enterprise will eventually lead you to your cherished life goal.
  • Collecting tangerines means that you will have to be a nurse for a sick elderly person.
  • To see a tangerine tree with fruits - expect well-being and success in business.
  • To see a flowering tangerine tree: for a pregnant woman - the birth of a healthy child; to a young girl - a meeting with her fate; for a man - well-being in the family.
  • There are tangerines - you trust others too much, everything is not as smooth as it seems.
  • Treat a child with a tangerine - you will do an act that will change the attitude of the people around you towards you.
  • Breaking a tangerine and pouring its juice over it is a nuisance, the cause of which must be sought in your character, behavior and attitude towards other people.
  • Feel the smell of tangerines, reminiscent of the New Year holidays - you are tired of monotonous everyday life and want to have a good rest.
  • Buy tangerines that turned out to be rotten - beware of deception.

See interpretation: fruit

Eastern female dream book

  • If you dreamed that you bought tangerines, and they turned out to be rotten, beware of deception. A dream in which you smell tangerines (so reminiscent of the New Year holidays) indicates that you are tired of monotonous everyday life and want to have a good rest. The dream in which you eat tangerines sets you up for business.

Family dream book

  • If you dreamed of a tangerine, then soon your distant relative will unexpectedly come to visit you. If you ate tangerines in a dream, then you trust others too much. If a woman dreamed of a tangerine, this warns her that her husband is hiding something from her. Why is a tangerine dreaming - If you treated a child to a tangerine in a dream, then you will commit an act that will change the attitude of those around you. They broke a tangerine and poured juice over it in a dream - there may be trouble. Look for the reason in your character, behavior and attitude towards other people. If you dreamed of a tangerine tree with fruits, then well-being and success in business await you ahead. What does a tangerine dream about - For lovers, this dream of a tangerine promises harmonious relationships and mutual understanding. If a woman dreamed of a tangerine tree, this portends her pregnancy.

Modern dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were buying tangerines, and they turned out to be rotten, then in reality beware of deception. If in a dream you smell tangerines, reminiscent of the New Year holidays, then in real life You are tired of monotonous everyday life and want to have a good rest. The dream in which you eat tangerines sets you up for business.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • To dream about tangerines - for the arrival of relatives. How many tangerines, so many guests.

Freud's dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were buying tangerines, then you will be lucky in love. Trading tangerines in a dream - then inexhaustible energy and enterprise will eventually lead you to your cherished goal. Why is a tangerine dreaming - If you saw in a dream how you collect tangerines, then you will have to take care of a weak person. See also: what is the dream of an orange, what is the dream of a lemon, what is the dream of a pineapple.

French dream book

  • Mandarin - If you dreamed of a mandarin (tangerines), this means that soon your distant relative (relatives) will unexpectedly come to visit you from afar. What is the dream of Mandarin (Chinese dignitary) - Increase your knowledge.

Women's dream book

  • Mandarin - guests will come to you, perhaps even from afar, but always with good gifts.

Old Russian dream book

  • Mandarin - For the holiday, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Erotic dream book

  • Eat persimmons or oranges, tangerines. - portends illness.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why Mandarin dreams: Mandarin - Seeing tangerines in a dream - to guests from afar.

If you ate tangerines in a dream, this means that the situation is not as good as you think about it, and the reason for this state of affairs is your excessive gullibility. For a woman, a dream can mean that her husband does not tell her everything. They treated the child with a tangerine in a dream - it means that in reality people will begin to think about you differently, and some act of yours will become the reason. Having broken a tangerine, pouring juice over it is a dream of trouble, the root of which lies in your character, demeanor, attitude towards people.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Tangerines dream of the imminent arrival of relatives or very close friends from afar. Buying tangerines in a dream is a sign that circumstances will be in your favor. Sell ​​or scatter tangerines in a dream - to your illness or to the illness of a loved one. Planting a tangerine tree - to receive a long-awaited gift. Spoiled tangerines indicate a decline in your strength, and with them your financial affairs will also decline. Unripe tangerines dream that you will have to postpone the resolution of issues indefinitely.

Loff's dream book

Seeing tangerines in a dream in any form is always favorable. For a woman, a dream in which she eats tangerines, or looks at a flowering tangerine tree, or picks fruits from it, speaks of pregnancy, relatively easy childbirth and healthy children. If a person in love, be it a man or a woman, sees such a dream, then in life you will have a harmonious and rewarding relationship with the object of adoration.

Freud's dream book

Tangerines portend a rebirth of feelings for a former lover. It is possible that fate will give you another chance to build strong relationships. Rotten tangerines dream of the betrayal of a loved one, which you will learn about last. Feeling the smell of tangerine in a dream is a sign of your fatigue. You should think about how to fully relax and recuperate.

Bright orange tangerines usually remind us of winter and the bustle of the New Year holidays. What can these fruits dream of at another time of the year?

As most dream books assure, juicy tangerines in a dream signify only positive events- success in business or good news. But not in all cases, sleep is favorable, much depends on the smallest details of what you see.

The famous dream books, the interpretations of which are based on many years of experience, will help to correctly explain the meaning.

What does it mean when tangerines dream on a tree

The dream in which you saw a tangerine tree generously strewn with ripe fruits is usually auspicious. For married ladies, he can also warn the birth of a healthy heir.

Large fruits hanging on the branches predict success in the conceived business and the solution of accumulated problems. Lovers can interpret a dream as a sign of mutual understanding and harmony in relationships. Picking ripe fruits in a dream can be interpreted in different ways:

  • as a sign of children's well-being;
  • as a symbol of strengthening material wealth and a serene life.

If at this time you cannot find a way out of a difficult situation, then such a dream may portend a successful solution to all problems.

For a man, tangerine trees in a dream symbolize a prosperous family life and full wealth. dreamed tangerines hanging on dry branches- This is a sign of fading feelings or ending relationships.

Why dream a lot of tangerines

The Islamic dream book interprets dreaming of ripe tangerines as a sign of longevity and good health. If, moreover, you decide to eat fruit in a dream, your children will report good news.

The culinary dream book claims that many tangerines dream of visiting guests and having a good time. It is possible that distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time will decide to visit you.

Dry tangerines in a dream can be interpreted as a sign that you are too pessimistic about life. Green fruits warn that a family celebration should not be held at this time, the accumulated pressing problems require an immediate solution.

rotten fruits dream books are interpreted as a warning about a major family conflict, which will be quite difficult to resolve.

What does it mean to eat tangerines in a dream

According to the interpretation of the Modern Dream Book, eating sweet fruits in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are too trusting of people. Your excessive frankness can do a disservice. The family dream book interprets such a dream as harbinger of good news relating to your work or loved ones.

If in a dream you doused with tangerine juice, this is a sign of trouble, the cause of which will only be your unrestrained character and harsh manner of communicating with people. The psychological dream book explains the dream as a symbol of the fact that at this time all your thoughts are occupied with business matters.

The same dream book explains the citrus smell in a dream as a sign of exhaustion and the needs of the body for a long rest.

Why dream of buying tangerines

If in a dream you buy tangerines from a merchant, this is generally a favorable sign. Dream Interpretation of Avadyaeva promises you good luck in love, in the near future your thoughts will be controlled by a romantic mood.

According to the Chinese dream book, the purchase of large fruits portends a strengthening financial well-being or the flare-up of extinguished feelings.

Buy dry tangerines in a dream dreams of finding a new job and unstable material condition. When the purchased fruits turned out to be rotten, dream books warn of a high probability of a major deception, which will entail significant losses.

If the fruits are unripe, this is a harbinger of discord in the family. Selling tangerines in a dream symbolizes business acumen and the desire to achieve your goal by all means.

I dreamed of tangerines and oranges - what is it for

If not only tangerines appeared in your dream, but also, first of all, this good health sign. The meaning of sleep is especially favorable if the fruits were on the tree.

Walking through the garden of tangerine and orange trees is usually a dream of recovery after a serious illness. Sometimes a dream portends favorable changes in life.

eat oranges in a dream, the Ukrainian dream book is interpreted as hard work that will not bring the expected results. By Modern dream book such a dream warns of a loved one's illness. For a girl, a dream in which she eats an orange warns of.

By English dream book eating an orange or tangerine in a gloomy environment symbolizes self-confidence and a positive attitude.

Collect tangerines in a dream

According to Loff's dream book, collect the fruits of a tangerine tree for a woman and the birth of a healthy baby. If a man in love sees such a dream, he will have a harmonious relationship with his chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife interprets picking tangerines as a sign that you have to take care of a sick person. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream portends a revival of feelings for a former lover. It is possible that fate will give you another chance to build strong relationships. The French dream book interprets picking tangerines as a sign of an imminent major acquisition.

Peel tangerines in a dream, which means

If in a dream you were peeling tangerines, then, as the dream book of Catherine the Great explains, in reality you will have to go through long expectations. And the dream book of the signs of the Zodiac sees in such a dream a warning about the insincerity of others. You should learn to recognize hypocrisy, which will help you avoid many disappointments along the way.

The dream book for girls interprets the peeling of tangerines as a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will accidentally find out someone else's secret, and it will be difficult for you to refrain from discussing it with others.

According to the Islamic dream book, a dream warns of a visit from distant relatives, and the more fruits you see, the longer the guests will stay.

See in a dream only tangerine peel dream of poverty. Miller's dream interpretation interprets the dream as a harbinger of a date with.

How the dream is explained in Miller's dream book

A dreaming tangerine tree portends well-being. If there were many fruits on it, you expected to be an undeniable success business and big profits.

If you saw on, a dream promises a girl an acquaintance with a man, which will lead to the creation of a family. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts the birth of a healthy child, for a man - material well-being.

eat tangerines in a dream can mean the dreamer's excessive credulity. It is possible that they will try to use your naivety for selfish purposes. For a woman, such a dream is a warning about her husband's deceit. Dividing a tangerine into slices and getting dirty with its juice is a dream of big trouble, the culprit of which will be you yourself.

Children's dream book

Why does a child dream of Mandarin, interpretation of sleep:

Mandarin - For the holiday, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why does Mandarin dream in night dreams?

Mandarin - Seeing tangerines in a dream - to guests from afar.

Culinary dream book

Mandarin dreams in a dream, why?

Mandarin - If you dreamed of a mandarin (tangerines), this means that soon your distant relative (relatives) will unexpectedly come to visit you from afar.

Mandarin (Chinese dignitary) - Increase your knowledge.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

To dream about tangerines - for the arrival of relatives. How many tangerines, so many guests.

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If Mandarin is dreaming, what is it for?

If you dreamed that you were buying tangerines, then you will be lucky in love.

Trading tangerines in a dream - then inexhaustible energy and enterprise will eventually lead you to your cherished goal.

tangerine - If you saw in a dream how you collect tangerines, then you will have to take care of a weak person.

See also: what is the dream of an orange, what is the dream of a lemon, what is the dream of a pineapple.

Big dream book

Why is Mandarin dreaming? Dream interpretation:

If you dreamed of a tangerine, then soon your distant relative will unexpectedly come to visit you.

If you ate tangerines in a dream, then you trust others too much.

If a woman dreamed of a tangerine, this warns her that her husband is hiding something from her.

tangerine - If you treated a child to a tangerine in a dream, then you will commit an act that will change the attitude of those around you.

They broke a tangerine and poured juice over it in a dream - there may be trouble. Look for the reason in your character, behavior and attitude towards other people.

If you dreamed of a tangerine tree with fruits, then well-being and success in business await you ahead.

tangerine - For lovers, this dream of a tangerine promises harmonious relationships and mutual understanding.

If a woman dreamed of a tangerine tree, this portends her pregnancy.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

M - to dream