Love spell for complete submission. Love spell with the subordination of the will Conspiracy to subjugate a man

As is commonly believed, a person is a holistic person who has his own views on life, aspirations and desires. Unless, of course, we do not take into account henpecked husbands who live by the aspirations and wishes of their soul mates.

However, as it turned out, the will can be taken away not only from such a spineless spouse, but also from a completely adequate person. To do this, there are several effective methods that have shown a 100% result for more than a year.

Before telling about them, it is worthwhile to figure out why such a forced suppression of the personality is necessary? There can be many motives, but the most common among them are self-interest, love, rivalry and own tyranny. In the latter case, a person wants to be admired, dependent on him, worshiped, and so he does his dirty deeds.

Method one. Hypnosis suppresses the personality, that is, a person simply needs to be hypnotized, giving him a certain setting on a subconscious level. It can be any wish with selfish motives, which will be imprinted in the mind for a long time or forever, but in real life it will arise at an arbitrary level.

However, in order to use this method of personality suppression, one must himself possess a colossal skill in hypnosis, since a qualified specialist in this field is unlikely to agree to such insidious tricks.

Method two. There is simply a way to subdue the will of a person, but this requires taking advantage of his weaknesses. But how? As you know, a person perceives the world around him by means of his sense of smell, touch, hearing, taste and vision. This knowledge is worth using, because it speaks eloquently about all human weaknesses.

For example, perfumes with pheromones can turn your head and subdue someone else's will, beautiful words and flattering compliments can cause addiction, and gestures and facial expressions can make you fall in love for the rest of your life. As a rule, such tricks are used by scammers and gypsies, which, in principle, are one and the same. They affect all centers of perception and imperceptibly make premeditated adventures.

Method three. There is a special conspiracy to subjugate the will of another person. Before performing such a mystical rite, it is important to understand the seriousness and responsibility of your act, since such actions are a great sin. The consequences of the conspiracy are the most irreversible, and can negatively affect both the sorcerer and his unaware victim.

If, nevertheless, a final decision has been made, and the question of how to subdue a person is still relevant, then the ritual described below must be performed early in the morning at dawn all alone. It is necessary to light three wax candles at the same time, and then read the following words of the conspiracy: “The star conspired, the moon conspired, the sun conspired.

All the words I have uttered will be affirmed, consolidated, and yet they will be fulfilled. All my orders for the servant of God (name) are exact orders. Obedient child, I am obedient to God, and the servant of God (Name) will always be obedient for me. Thrice Amen." Such a mystical ritual works almost instantly, and the bewitched person will not even feel cardinal changes in his self-consciousness. But all the people around him can feel something wrong.

In any case, before subordinating the will of a person to yourself, it is important to be aware of all your actions, and also to understand what the consequences may be.

So there are plenty of ways to subjugate someone else's will, but perhaps the strongest of them is sincere love. as you know, you can follow your loved one, without looking back, even to the ends of the world.

Rituals and conspiracies to influence the personality

1. Get the hair of a person whose support you want to enlist or whom you want to see among your allies and companions. Place this hair in the bottom of a small cup or saucer. Place your own hair in the same cup. Light a candle and tilt it over the cup of hair so that drops of melted wax fall into it. Burn the whole candle in this way and keep the cup filled with wax in a secret place as a talisman for the success of your plans.

2. To make your business with your companion especially profitable, treat him to tea, and after he leaves your house or office, mix tea leaves from his and your cups, dry this mixture properly and pour it into a matchbox. When you meet again with the person you need, keep this box next to you. Such witchcraft will help you make a good deal, get a loan, or change your partner's mind in your favor.

A conspiracy from enemies so that everything is your way

During the period of the growing moon, in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Kazan", light 5 church candles and, placing them on the table in the shape of a circle, read the plot:

The King of Heaven, the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim and all heavenly powers, He is worshiped by the prophets and disciples, so the boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, and all magistrates, my adversaries (names of people to whom you intend to contact with any matter) to me, the servant (e) of God (her) (your name). how the dark night will rejoice in the young bright Moon, and how the white light will rejoice in the Erasnoy Sun. so would rejoice at me, the servant (e) of God (her) (name), my parish kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, clerks and clerks, and motley authorities, all clerks, judges and all ranks people, my adversaries, and would look at me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), as at the Red Sun, and could not see enough of the soul, and body, and zealous heart, clear eyes, thought and thought. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. All kings and queens, princes and princesses, boyars and boyars, and all people in command, and my adversaries - (names) - all my sheep; I, the servant (a) of God (s), - the wolf; I will look with my clear eye and catch it, and I will take it in my hands, and I will throw it on the tooth, and I will bite it. All my words, be blessed, strong and strong, stronger and tougher than iron, and damask steel, and an oriental knife, and eagle's claws. The Kazan Mother of God sealed her seal with her golden ring. Always, now and forever. The castle is a stone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the candles burn out and go out, collect the rest of the wax, roll it into a ball and hide it.
When you go on business, put the ball in your pocket.

Rituals and conspiracies to influence the personality

1) In order for a person to change his mind and act in a way that is beneficial to you, hold his photographic card between your palms and walk around with it in a circle back to front, repeating these words:

Back to front, all the way around
you walk, you think
you will do everything in my favor,
everything as I say.

If you do not have a photographic card of the person you need, use a piece of paper on which write his name, patronymic and surname.

2) If you want to somehow influence a person, then prepare a witch's potion, wash their hands, and then touch with your hands (say hello to the hand, pat on the shoulder, etc.) of the one you need to influence. The potion is prepared as follows: throw into boiling water five pinches of dried and powdered stinging nettle leaves, three pinches of earth taken from a crossroads on foot, one black feather, a tuft of ginger cat hair, three pinches of black pepper, a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of honey . When the water has cooled, strain the infusion.

3) If your fate depends on the decisions made by any person, for example, your boss or official, write his name on a piece of paper nine times. Do this nine days in a row, using the same sheet, so that eventually eighty-one words are written on the paper. Roll the sheet with the inscriptions into a tube and put it in a bottle, which you fill to the top with sugar. Cork the bottle and keep it in your home.

4) Write on a piece of paper the name, patronymic and surname of the person whose decisions your fate depends on. Above these inscriptions write your full name and surname. Wrap this piece of paper around a long nail and tie them with red string to keep the paper from unfolding. Go to a deserted place and drive the "enchanted" nail into the ground there. Returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

5) To influence someone, write his name several times on a square piece of paper. It is necessary to write in a circle so that the beginning of the first word is connected to the end of the last. Take this paper in your hands, look at the center of the circle and imagine the face of the person you need, as well as your desire, which he must fulfill. Then, without looking away from the center of the circle, pierce it with a sewing needle: so that the needle enters the paper exactly halfway. Hide this talisman in a secluded place and keep it until your wish is fulfilled. After that, remove the needle from the paper, and tear the paper itself.

6) Take a sheet of paper and describe your aspirations and desires on it. Then burn this paper, collect all the ashes left after that, and add a small part of it to the drink or food of the one who decides your fate. If you are unable to do so, pour some of the resulting ash into his left shoe. If this is not possible, then pour out all the ashes where your benefactor usually spends time.

7) To have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on paper, burn it and rub the soles of your shoes with the resulting ashes. Instead of name paper, you can use a photographic card.

8) To influence a specific person, find a small flat stone and think that this is the same person. Write his name on the stone with waterproof ink or paint. Carry this stone with you and from time to time squeeze it in your left fist, imagining what your desires this person should fulfill. Be sure to do this immediately before meeting with the person you need.

9) Find a small flat stone and mentally imagine that this is the person on which your fate and your future somehow depend. Returning home and stepping over the threshold, throw a stone on the floor. Hitting it lightly with your left foot, roll it into the western corner of your house. Let the stone stay there until all your wishes are fulfilled.

10) In order to have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on a piece of paper, fold this paper three times and wear it under the insole of your left shoe. If you have a photographic card of this person, it is better to use it instead of a note.

11) If you need to appear before the eyes of the authorities, who are dissatisfied with something, or you want to submit some kind of petition and at the same time you have to communicate with an unfriendly person, on whose decision a lot can depend, you need to read the plot, while winding it on the left little finger red thread:

On all four sides I will bow,
with a conspiracy word from an important gentleman ... (first name, patronymic, if you know) I’ll start talking.
And how you lay ... (name) with your mother in the womb
and then you had no thoughts on me, no words, no speeches,
so now I am going to you, so that you have no thought, no words, no speeches against me.
You have a fierce fire in front of me, and I have strong water in front of you,
when your fierce heart is on fire, then I will fill your fierce heart with my strong water.
My words cannot be outwitted, my deeds cannot be redrawn, where I sat, sit there, determine all the needs.

After that, the thread from the finger must be removed and torn. Now you can safely go about your business.

12) If you have to communicate with high authorities, go to court for an answer, or just talk with an unfriendly person, on whose decision your fate may depend, say secret words on the tightly clenched fist of your left hand, so that your breath is felt with your fingers. The words should be:

The power of my words, the power of my deeds,
accumulate between my fingers,
cling one to one, multiply a hundredfold,
so that once at a time, once at a time, proceed to ... (name of the boss or judge),
so that he does not dare to think of me with his mind,
to say an evil word, to harm a black deed,
but he did everything from my deeds, spoke from my words, thought from my thoughts.

After finishing the plot, open your fist. Now, when you communicate with the person you need, clench your fist three times with force, as if stretching your hand. Try at this moment to feel the power of your conspiracy and feel confident and able to solve any problem.

13) To get the location of the person you need and enlist his support, as well as to persuade someone to your opinion or just have power over someone, draw a cross on your right hand with charcoal and say the secret words: “Terra, Mata, Ha” . Then wash off the image of the cross from the palm of your hand with cold water, but not from your memory and imagination. Feel the presence of this sign in the palm of your hand when you shake hands with the person you need or with all those over whom you want to have an advantage. At the moment of contact of hands, mentally repeat the words you already know. At the same time, you must mentally imagine and feel that your mark has passed from your palm to the palm of your “victim” and is imprinted there forever.

14) Write a spell on a piece of paper: "NOIN SAAT LEJOT FAT". Burn this paper, collect all the ash left after it and pour it into the ink. Also add a pinch of iron filings and a pinch of verbena to this ink. Now, if you write a petition addressed to this person with this ink, he will certainly fulfill it.

15) If you need some person, on whom the fulfillment of your requests or desires depends, to take your side, write a message addressed to him, in which you describe the essence of your needs or problems. Fold this letter in thirds and put a dried sprig of vervain or wormwood inside the paper. Light a candle and set fire to your letter from it. At the moment of burning the paper, imagine the face of the person to whom you wrote, and the occurrence of the event described in your letter. Burn the whole letter without a trace, collect all the ashes left after it and scatter it in the wind.

16) Before writing a love letter, lightly rub the paper with dry lavender herb. In order for the words you write to reach the heart of your chosen one, add a few drops of your blood to the ink. If you need to write a business message, then first rub the paper with dry thistle grass or juniper leaves. To make the words you write have greater power over the reader, add a few drops of dove's blood to the ink. And if what you wrote is somehow related to money, then add magnetic filings to the ink to make them more attractive.

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subordinate a person to your will, be it an enemy, lover or superiors.

In the article:

Omorochka - what is it

What's happened hassle? This is a distortion of perception, respectively, a troublemaker is a magical way of distorting a person's perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at making a person against his will do something important to you, or refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, the trouble can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous for you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening at his will, but in fact she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the rite.

Sending the right goals and thoughts to the victim can happen in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals involve only weakening the will of a person. This means that you personally have to negotiate with him, but it will be easy to get him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing the will of a person and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult, in order for the business to succeed, you need extreme concentration and serious magical preparation, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before conducting such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, relax in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But far from always there is such an opportunity, there are often situations when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to the study of the occult sciences, but remember that retribution can be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Usually these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the effect on the victim to nothing. If you need a long-term effect, you will have to repeat them very often. Far from always the stereotype of nightmarish troubles takes place, parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect the child from bad company.

Omorochka to inspire the right thoughts

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ceremony with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the opposite, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can bring such a mess on the enemy to achieve reconciliation or make him make the wrong decision, on the boss who treats you unfairly in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you need without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while being in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

I'm not going, I'm going to vedmedytsi, I'm filthy,
And before tebe (name), I’ll tell the filthy rich
(state the essence of the desire - what a person should do according to your plan)
I'm going to cherez more, I'll throw a poppy at the more,
What am I going to say - shob bulo everything is so,
I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,
And you, before mene, be a kind caress.

Cuffs for all occasions

It is possible to use a mischief not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following rite, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also ways, and indeed affect any aspect of a person’s life. In order to confuse thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road, does not come to any place - it is advisable to take a lace from his shoes. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown tape, you can take a new shoelace.

The length of the lace is approximately the size of a person's foot, the threads for messing up thoughts and the head are approximately the same as the girth of the head. You cannot measure such threads and ribbons on yourself, you will have to do it “by eye”. Well, if there is hair of the victim - so witchcraft will work better. If you manage to get a person's hair, they need to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable conspiracy of confusion or another that is excellent in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or lace. Knots should be confusing, their whole construction should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to bypass you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It is worth learning in advance a few of these words that are spoken in a whisper or to oneself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Salt toby and water, smoking a slip,
toad on the shoulders, schob about me ne mala ty rechi.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of the boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on a bastard, I drive a bastard.
I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

Omorochka on the enemy

There are troubles for all occasions, including rituals that can be. If you can't deal with the enemy without witchcraft, try to take away his mind so that he cannot compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly out of them. When it boils, say jelly:

I will remember your business with jelly,
Bold, bold and bold.
How Yegory fought, won,
So I will crush the enemy, the slave (name),
I will destroy his case.
Kissel, kissel,
Cook all day.
Get up, boil
Fix my case.
I'm first, the enemy is behind me.
My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third must be drunk at sunset, and what remains - at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days, and repeat the ceremony. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. The days are counted down at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can bring confusion to the enemy in order to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, however, no attributes are needed to read it:

Find, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, look away 33 times. Morbid leprosy, eat purity of thoughts, give a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Mischief, taking away the strength of the enemy instantly

There are special troubles that take away the strength of the enemy instantly. No need to be scared, this is not about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy applies only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read nine times, on the photo of the enemy or with the visualization of his image. A candle should burn in the room, preferably black. But if there is no such candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and the time of day:

Twisted, grabbed, suffered
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, snags
With a roar, a whistle,
Leshy laughter, eagle scream.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit the ribs, foamed in the heart,
Roar in the throat, in the chest with claws,
It swirled, splashed a yellow-muddy wave into the eyes
Burning sparks.
Yellow around, dark around
Fog around, burning around,
It's light all around, no zgi around ...
Saliva burns drunker than wine,
It burns and chokes, it silences thoughts.
Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.
Laughter grin - a yellow snake,
Curls in rings, ripples in the eyes,
He pulled his forehead with a tight tourniquet,
Heart sucks, soul gnaws,
His back is cold, his ears are buzzing.
Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This trick takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if you are so disliked that they are ready to spend for the sake of revenge.

Love bug for a man

Love trouble for a man or a woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that she evokes feelings, like, or passion, like black. Submission to one's will cannot cause any love feelings. But it’s quite possible to persuade people to give gifts or make them close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To remedy this situation, braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. The rite, unfortunately, is only suitable for owners of long hair that can really be braided. On the fourth day, you need to wake up at three in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with these words:

hair on the head,
in my hand I have my scythe, in my teeth I have my mind.
Whatever I say
thus showing her intelligence.
How people listen to church bells
so let my husband listen to my words all the time.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. And even if you carry complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, hassle It's about changing people's perceptions in their favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than it actually is. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

All women are stupid
They have bad manners
On all the dresses are curly,
I entered, peacock,
Red girl.
Led a look -
Gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my favorite (name) is the best!

Such conspiracies work great on holidays and corporate parties, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

Mischief - how to get the victim to do something

It is quite possible to force the victim to do something with the help of a goof. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen once again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not so.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not one by one, but all 40!
I turn your eyes away
I confuse your consciousness
I wrap myself in a black web!
Like flies and mosquitoes to the web
stick firmly,
so my words-deeds-views
your will is being sedated!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How the earth absorbs water
so do my will!
The darkness fell on you
on each side and from any side!
Get lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, I twist, I twist,
do what I want!
In your eyes - blindness,
on your hands and feet - numbness,
to your will - my any command!
How I blow on your face,
so I'll break you right off!
Devil brothers, throw my fetters on (name), throw on, put on,
subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!
Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

How to remove a frostbite

The question of how to remove the mischief is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of her husband to a rival. Before you start removing the trouble, make sure that it is in it. In addition to quite material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the next method, induced by a rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. It is necessary to serve food and set the table, even if it is modest. For food before the arrival of the spouse, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only servant of God (name) legal wife. Let our quarrels be forgotten, let the slanders of others evaporate, and my husband's eyes be opened. We live together, and the lover of witchcraft does not work. Amen.

Spell food - just for you and your husband. No one else should eat it. This is done three times. If your spouse still lives with you, it will be much easier to remove the trouble in this way. By the way, this simple ritual also removes all the troubles for beauty. If your husband's mistress used such witchcraft, it will be neutralized.

If you are wondering how to remove the trouble from the head, that is, one that is aimed at suggesting other people's thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a rite. Do it only on the waning moon. Well, if you manage to guess so that at this time there is a church holiday - the Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but a large one. For the ritual, you only need fish, absolutely any. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help me!
How does this fish fly around the scales,
So the mess with the servant of God (name) flies.
As it is impossible to make the mother earth to anyone,
No one can fool her,
So would the servant of God (name)
Don't ruin anyone
Not deed, not a word to cloud.
No one would dress him up in a mess,
The heart and mind will not cloud.
And who wants to spoil it,
Deed, word to cloud,
That my word will find
Peace and happiness will take him away.
For now, for eternity, for eternity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning, the fish can be cooked and eaten. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times, strong troubles are not removed from one time. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The rite also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, a frostbite can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for obeying one's will and even protection from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should know how to remove such slander.

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The subordination of the will of another person with the help of magic always occurs without his consent, therefore, it can lead to undesirable and even threatening consequences.

If you want to subdue your husband for selfish reasons, self-interest, or after being offended by him, you risk bitterly regretting your deed, because such a practice necessarily receives a karmic return that is several times greater than the deed. Moreover, the punishment will follow during the present life.

By completely subjugating someone else's will of a loved one, you will not only make him unhappy, but also receive full power and responsibility. You will have to make all decisions on your own, and you will also be solely responsible for mistakes. Nearby there will be a close person with whom it will be impossible to consult, depressed and having lost the joy of life's pleasures. After all, one of the most important components that affect male self-esteem is the ability to make decisions and take responsibility.

To achieve a husband's attentive attitude, his respect and obedience, you can use simpler and less radical methods. After all, love and care are important for any person, and it is important for a man to feel like a support in the family, those who are listened to and who they rely on. And if you provide a warm atmosphere in the house, be an attentive wife, caring for your chosen one, you can expect a response from most men.

In order to get your husband to fulfill his requests, it is easier to become a skilled diplomat in the family, allowing your “strong soul mate” to feel its importance and significance for you. In this case, the harmony of two principles will reign in the family - the male "Yang" and the female "Yin", complementing each other, and there will be no need to break someone else's will, mutually approved decisions will become the norm for the family.

A man, even subconsciously, will appreciate and cherish such relationships, cherish his beloved and listen to her words.

It is important to take care of yourself, to look attractive, not to repel your loved one by blackmailing you with intimacy, because the sexual energy caused by female attractiveness is a huge force that, with affectionate treatment, a man will direct to provide the object of adoration with maximum comfort in life, that is, he will listen to requests and wishes.

But there are situations when it is necessary to make a husband more attentive and make him listen to his wife in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the family. For example, if a loved one began to drink or began to pay all attention to another addiction, he squanders money insanely, taking it away from the family and leaving children without food. If someone began to set up a previously loving husband against the second “half” (for example, relatives or new selfish friends, not to mention the possibility of an affair on the side), or he faced difficulties, but pride overshadowed his mind and does not allow him to make an informed decision, - the wife may try to change the situation.

If the husband completely neglects your opinion and does not listen to advice, behaves rudely and inattentively, and you have done everything possible to change the situation, you can try the old village conspiracies to obey the will of your husband.

Most of these rituals are quite simple to perform, they do not require much effort or special complex preparations. But since ancient times, such conspiracies have helped many wives to be good keepers of the hearth, to maintain peace and understanding in the family. Such conspiracies have been practiced for many years, passed down in families from generation to generation - from mother or grandmother to daughters and granddaughters. They are effective and the effect comes quickly, despite all the apparent simplicity of the text of the conspiracy.

When the situation becomes threatening for the existence of the family, sometimes the wife has to do everything to save her. In this situation, weak conspiracies are allowed that will force the husband to change his attitude towards his wife, begin to listen to her advice and lead, behave more restrained, attentively and accommodatingly.

When performing any of the rituals listed below, you should strongly believe in the result and concentrate as much as possible on the process. It is important that no one (even the closest people) find out about your actions. Otherwise, the magic won't work.

Clothes, and especially underwear, as well as things that come into contact with human skin, interact directly with his energy. Therefore, many conspiracies are made on the worn unwashed things of the husband, or on those that he will definitely put on after a magical effect on them.

From frequent scandals and quarrels

You need a worn, unwashed shirt that your spouse recently took off. After the ritual, the shirt will need to be well hidden. Her sleeves must be tied tightly in a knot, saying to the knot:

“Let this knot hold the sleeves, and I will be above the spouse (husband's name) head. Amen!"

This conspiracy will save you from scandals, make your husband more accommodating.

Conspiracy for men's underpants

This ritual can not only make the spouse more accommodating and attentive to his wife, but also help maintain love feelings, because it is to some extent a love spell.

A conspiracy for men's underpants is done on one of the days of the week with a "male" name - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, during the growth of the moon. In the evening, when the night luminary is in the sky, you should become so that the Moon fully illuminates you and the specified item of clothing. "Showing" men's underpants to the Moon, you need to say the following words:

“So that I don’t argue, but the servant of God (husband’s name) loved me more. When you see my face, you don’t want to argue like that, but you just want to obey me and listen to me. You see your love in me, you don’t want to argue with me at all. You take care of me, that's where the energy goes. As a flower blooms in spring, tender, so your love field of conspiracy for me blooms and blooms in lush color, you fulfill all my whims.

The next day, the husband must put on the charmed underpants.

For dirty, worn things

The husband's worn underwear should be collected in a separate container - for example, a basket or a bag. After the ritual, in order for it to work, it is necessary to give out these already clean, washed things in such a way that every day the husband puts on at least one charmed piece of clothing.

Above the collected dirty things, you need to say the following words:

“I wash off your dirt, I command you. I am in front of you, you are behind me. And whoever speaks against me, your legs will not walk. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then things can be washed. The ritual must be repeated every week.

Conspiracies for water

Water has a strong accumulating property of any energy. Therefore, it is often used for magical rituals. The spouse must definitely drink the charmed water.

First option

The wife needs to wake up early in the morning and drink a glass of clean water before starting the ritual. The same glass must be prepared for a conspiracy. Filling it with clean water, they read a conspiracy on it:

“My husband, you hear my God's conspiracy. I want to make you obedient for myself, for this I turn my love into this water. If you want, contradict everyone around, but you listen to me. Was mine and for my soul become. I need your obedience for harmony, not for evil. As water in a glass is clear, not cloudy, as it stands calmly, so let my dear one listen to me with love. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise. Amen".

As soon as the spouse wakes up, you need to ensure that he drinks this water to the bottom. While he is drinking, you need to say in your mind: “I speak to you, beloved, for love and obedience.”

Second option

This ritual must be repeated every week, on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, you should prepare a drink on the charmed water that the husband will drink. Conspiracy text:

“The bottom stone is silent, does not say anything, it is submissive to my will, will henceforth live in captivity. So my husband would submit to me, a slave, and would not break out from under my will. I am food for him, I am water, may my will be in everything forever. And whoever interrupts my conspiracy will have thorns in his eyelashes, a pip will go on his tongue. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is required that the husband drink three cups of a drink made from this water.

An effective pie plot

No wonder there is a tradition of a wedding loaf at a wedding. Fresh pastries can help you establish harmony in your family.

Even if the husband does not really like sweets, he still prefers some delicious pastries. Treat him to a sweet pie with the filling that he loves the most, after talking about your culinary creation.

You need to make a pie with your own hands, and make a conspiracy on fresh pastries just taken out of the oven, saying the following phrase:

“Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain consent. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily ever after. So that my husband listens to me, loves, honors and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!"

It is imperative that the husband eat at least a piece. And if you like it, let it eat as much as you like.

Conspiracy to the Moon

Most of the conspiracies described must be repeated regularly in order for them to give results. These include the conspiracy to the moon, which should be pronounced every Thursday, looking at the star:

“Be my words strong, deeds - modeling. Amen. The horse is submissive with a collar, does not kick, does not bite, does not run. The reins direct him where to go. So I, God's servant (my name), throw my collar on someone who is dear to my heart. From now on, be my will in everything, your share in my royal power. Endure with a collar, humble yourself like a serf, submit to the master's will. Not all days, for all ages, for all God's times. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Today there are many different ways to understand how to subjugate people. The motives for such a desire are completely different, for example, someone does it solely because of their own selfish interests, others because of love or rivalry. Many people in the modern world love to be admired and worshiped by others, and therefore strive for submission.

How to completely subjugate a person very quickly?

Only a person with a strong will can cope with this task, otherwise there will be no result. If you do not want to use any torture and scare a person, then a more humane way will do. Everyone has five basic senses of perception of the surrounding world, and if you know how to act on them, you can take possession of a person. Ways to subdue a person to your will:

  1. Influence on touch. One of the ways to perceive the world around us is touch, and if you use this information, you can take possession of a person for a while. There is a similar trick with street thieves. They choose a victim, start talking non-stop, and at some point just touch the person. As a result, brain activity fails for a few seconds, and the victim has absolutely no control over his actions.
  2. Most often, it is the effect of hearing that is used to subjugate people. A vivid example is hypnosis or pickup. Correctly chosen words can lead any person into a state of clouding.
  3. If the sense of smell is well developed, then with the help of aromas you can completely subjugate a person, since smells have a direct effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Many use pheromones that provoke sexual arousal, and the brain cannot perceive the surrounding reality normally.
  4. Another effective method to take possession of a person is to influence vision. Again, in hypnosis, for example, different pendulums are used. You can also win over a person with the help of unobtrusive gestures and facial expressions.
  5. The last sense that can be affected is taste. There are certain natural components, as well as laboratory-derived variants that, once in the human body, can put him into a real trance.

How to subjugate a person with the help of magic?

Such rituals are considered black magic, and they must be used carefully, as there can be serious consequences. It is important to start work only with full faith in a positive result. There are many different rituals, and one of the most effective options is the Ring of Slavery ritual. It must be carried out on the waning moon. Buy a silver ring and thread a thread through it so that it dangles freely. After that, it is worth winding the thread 33 times and each time saying a conspiracy to subjugate a person, because, otherwise, there will be no result, but it sounds like this:

“As a thread is submissive, as a ring is submissive, what I want is what I do, so you (name) submit to my will, thirty-three passages, not a single departure, so you do not leave. With this ring I destroy your will, with this thread I turn you into a slave. Amen".

After that, you need to take a photo of the person you want to subjugate and put a ring on it. Insert a needle through it, and thread the free end of the thread into the eye. Then, to subjugate a person to your will with the help of magic, say these words:

“I defile with black blasphemy, your soul (name) in service to myself, the earthly years that have been counted, your body, your spirit is turned into a slave, if you show arrogance, then with a needle of evil in your heart, as people pray on their knees, so you are on your knees me if you leave if you desire, you will lose the path, as the thread left. Yes, you just walked around the ring, so you will become a slave, you will walk through the ring of slavery. Amen".

Read the plot nine times and leave everything until the next morning. After that, the needle must be stuck into any tree, and the thread should be thrown to a place where people often visit, or leave it at the crossroads. The ring must be hidden away from other eyes.

Consider another effective one that will help subjugate a person. It should be done early in the morning at dawn. It is important to be in the room all alone so that nothing interferes. It is worth simultaneously lighting three wax candles and saying the following conspiracy:

“The star conspired, the moon conspired, the sun conspired. All the words I have uttered will be affirmed, consolidated, and yet they will be fulfilled. All my orders for the servant of God (name) are exact orders. Obedient child, I am obedient to God, and the servant of God (Name) will always be obedient for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

M - to dream