What does the all-seeing eye mean and what can the amulet protect from? Eye - a symbol and a sign Where is the all-seeing eye.

The eye in a triangle is perhaps the most mysterious sign in culture. This symbol is shrouded in a halo of mystery, but, despite this, it is quite common in the outside world. Someone calls it Masonic, and someone is primordially Christian, but it is still impossible to reliably say where it came from in various cultures of the inhabitants of the Earth.

The riddle of different cultures

The history and meaning of the "All-Seeing Eye" symbol, as the symbol is sometimes called, has its roots far back in time. Repeatedly one-eyed sign, by which it is not possible to determine which particular organ of vision is depicted in the figure, right or left, found by researchers in cultures such as:

  • American;
  • Buddhist;
  • Egyptian;
  • Celtic;
  • German-Scandinavian.

The ancient inhabitants of America, the Indians believed and still believe that the triangle with an eye means the all-seeing eye of the supreme spirit, which vigilantly monitors all the deeds of people on earth. Buddhists believe that the triangle with an eye inside symbolizes enlightenment and divine light. It was from the followers of this religious orientation that the expression “third eye” came from, applied to enlightened people with various superpowers.

For example, in ancient Egypt, the meaning of an eye in a triangle had several interpretations. Basically, the symbol was considered the eye of the mighty Ra, the god of the Sun, and meant the following:

  • wisdom;
  • dexterity;
  • light;
  • concentration.

There is a similar symbolism as the eye of the god Horus, under whose patronage all the famous pharaohs of Egypt ruled the country. In this context, it was believed that the sign endows a person with wisdom, justice, spirituality and secret knowledge. By applying it to various objects, the priests believed that the eye of Horus would freely lead the owner to the afterlife.

The Celts considered the symbol to be the personification of the sun god and depicted him in places of worship of the Luminary. And in the German-Scandinavian mythology, the eye in the triangle symbolized the eye of Odin, the patron of wars and victories. It was also believed that this symbol helped sailors to set the right course and not go astray.

Freemasons and US dollar

In modern life, this mysterious symbol is considered a sign of the Masonic organization. The “masons”, who were the order of the Templars before their separation from the Christian church in the 16th century, chose the image of an eye in a triangle as their talisman. Members of a secret organization call it the symbol of the "Great Architect of the Universe", or the "Radiant Delta".

The creators of the lodge took the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” from the Gospel of John, and all members of the Freemasons organization, as the Illuminati are also called, or Freemasons have always been and remain Christians.

In the secret society itself, "Radiant Delta" means the following:

  • absolute knowledge;
  • the truth that cannot be hidden;
  • creator of the universe;
  • light conquering darkness.

Sometimes instead of an eye in an isosceles triangle, the Latin letter "G" is depicted, which is the first character in the English word "God", which means God in translation. If the center of the image speaks of the presence of a higher power that controls what is happening, then the sides of the geometric figure themselves give a digital value of 3, which is also very symbolic for the Illuminati, since 3 is the number of the Spirit.

An interesting fact is that the symbol of the "Radiant Delta" can be found on US dollars. There he is depicted above an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps. Some conspiracy theorists confidently assert that the eye and the Egyptian tomb appeared on the banknotes for a reason. The image is intended to influence people and contribute to the prosperity of the country that owns the currency.

On the dollar, the Illuminati symbol indicates the number of colonies that are part of the United States, and the fact that the pyramid is not completed indicates that the state has room to develop. The "all-seeing eye" at the top symbolizes control and world order, and the rays, in which the Masonic sign is depicted, show unlimited influence.

The inscription above the pyramid says that the activities of the state are legal and have received a blessing from higher powers. The words under the Egyptian structure on the banknote indicate that a new world order has come for many centuries to come.

Since the Freemasons themselves originate in Christianity, it can be confidently argued that the “All-Seeing Eye” can be fully considered a symbol of God. And the green color of this currency speaks of constantly renewing monetary energy, which ensures constant profit.

Christian symbol

It is noteworthy that an interesting ancient symbol is also found in Orthodoxy. An eye in a triangle can be found in ancient Christian churches and on the icons of saints. Since ancient times, positive qualities have been attributed to the image of antiquity and called the sign of God. In religion, it denotes the unsleeping eye of God and the Trinity, each of the sides of the triangle unites God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit.

There is even an icon that bears the very telling name "The All-Seeing Eye". It depicts Jesus Christ in the center, the Virgin Mary above him, and above the Mother of God the Creator himself in his three hypostases. In the rays departing from the center, where among the many eyes the son of God is depicted, there are the apostles, who wrote 4 books of the Gospel. And on the left and right, seraphim are usually depicted with parchment scrolls.

Quite often in the image there are rings of three colors, namely red, green and blue. Inside each of them are inscribed certain prayer words that have their own sacred meaning.

Such a rather unusual icon appeared by historical standards relatively recently, about 300 years ago. The image of the saints on it is designed to protect a person and remind him of the universal divine presence and intervention.

Decoration and amulet

A triangle with an eye inside can also be depicted on the body these days, many tattoo fans have decided to decorate their bodies with the All-Seeing Eye symbol. Such popularity of such a tattoo is explained by the mystical halo of mystery around the symbol of antiquity. Some of its owners claim that after applying the image to the body, their life has changed dramatically, and they began to feel more confident in various situations.

The symbol is considered a rather powerful talisman that will help in achieving the intended goal. However, experts warn that not everyone can endure its energy and, in particular, it is not recommended to place a figurine with the All-Seeing Eye or a picture with its image in the house. Best of all, such a composition is suitable for the office, and to help in the implementation of the plan, the owner of the sign should place it looking at the target.

Masonic-Christian symbols are also found on the emblems of various cities of the world. For example, a triangle with an eye inside can be seen in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the USA. In addition to the dollar, the image of the great eye is on the banknotes of Ukraine and Estonia.

Whatever the name of the symbol, its meaning still remains unsolved to the end. Researchers of antiquity are alarmed by the fact that initially, being a secret sign, in the modern world it has become widespread and recognizable.

Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg is one of the most interesting architectural structures of the northern capital. On its pediment is the Masonic symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Guests of the city and people who are little versed in the history of Orthodoxy and architecture often have a question, what is this symbol doing there? The answer is much closer than it seems. Let's figure out together how Masonic influences are combined with classical architecture and Orthodoxy.

Masonic trend in Russia

The Masonic movement came to the Russian Empire a little later than it originated in France - in the middle of the 18th century. According to some legends, Emperor Peter I was one of the founders of this movement in our country, but such theories have no actual evidence. Initially, the influence of Freemasons on Russian lands was carried out mainly by foreign members of society: diplomats, politicians who served in Russia. But already in the fifties of the 18th century, the first "Russian" lodge appeared under the leadership of Count Roman Vorontsov.

Initially a secret society for members of the upper classes, it quickly extended its indoctrination even to members of the ruling family. It is known that the emperors Peter III and Alexander I were in close contact with the Freemasons, while they were among the participants in the movement. Although initially the motives of Freemasonry seem quite peaceful (they preached morality, the principles of fraternal friendship and love), subsequently many members of society used their position to influence state processes.

Alexander I banned the activities of the "secret society" in the Russian Empire. This was no coincidence, since all of his entourage (advisers and people who made decisions about the fate of the state) were Freemasons. In 1822, 11 years after the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, the emperor issued his decree forbidding secret societies to operate on the territory of the country.

The meaning of the Eye in Orthodoxy

Before talking about architectural solutions for the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, let's deal with the symbol itself. It is a mistake to assume that the famous eye in the triangle is the brainchild of Masonic fantasy. It is known that Masons actively borrowed their symbols from many sources. Christianity was no exception.

An equilateral triangle surrounded by rays of radiance is in fact an image, a symbol of Divine Omniscience. Speaking after the Bible, we can call it the Eye of the Lord over those who fear, which is spread over people who trust in Him. Initially, the tradition of this symbolism manifested itself in the Middle Ages in Byzantine iconography, and from the 17th century it spread more actively to Orthodoxy. The roots of the All-Seeing Eye go to the Holy Scriptures, respectively, they are natural for the Christian faith.

What does it mean for Christianity? Firstly, the very shape (triangle) refers us to one of the central Creeds - the Holy Trinity. Three sides, three angles - these are the three hypostases of God. The Eye itself has the following meaning: God, one in His three persons, monitors not only our earthly affairs. He sees much deeper, looking at our spiritual aspirations, plans and desires.

As we mentioned above, Masons actively borrowed symbols from other religious and philosophical movements. According to a common theory, the All-Seeing Eye came to them through the Knights Templar and the Western tradition of iconography. For Freemasons, it means the Supreme Architect of the Universe - and in no case is it unacceptable to identify him with God. So they designate the essence in which the members of the brotherhood believe, and for each it is its own. Many believe that for Masons this architect is the Devil. Thus, having taken the primordial Christian image, they perverted its meaning.

Kazan Cathedral and the All-Seeing Eye

Of course, if you know about the Christian roots of this symbolism, the question will no longer arise what the Masonic sign does on the building of such a large temple as the Kazan Cathedral. In the specific case, no Masonic conspiracies occurred, and the shining triangle on the side is not a symbol of world domination. At the same time, the history of the Kazan Cathedral does not become less interesting, and theories still surround this building. Lovers of mysterious meanings do not calm down to this day, trying to see in the construction of the temple confirmation of the active influence of Freemasonry on Russia.

The cathedral, erected in honor of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, is very atypical for Orthodox architecture. Andrei Voronikhin, the author of the project according to which the temple was erected, was inspired by the architecture of classicism. In particular, he wanted to repeat the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter. The elongated cruciform shape of the building, the abundance of columns, antique motifs in the external and internal decoration - all this is familiar to Catholic architecture, but not to Orthodoxy. For supporters of conspiracy theories, such decisions by the architect are another confirmation of their correctness. In addition to the icons familiar to us, there are a lot of statues with images of saints in the temple. This is also natural for the Italian Renaissance, but in the tradition of the Orthodox Slavs, the worship of statues never existed.

Another argument in favor of the "Masonic" roots of the Kazan Cathedral is the belonging of Count Alexander Stroganov, who initiated the construction of the temple, while leading this process, to the Great East of France. This is one of the largest Masonic organizations in the world, and the count himself was directly involved in its founding.

No documentary evidence of the "mysterious designs" of the Masons has been preserved. Finding out whether the conspiracy theorists are right will no longer be possible over the years. Kazan Cathedral remains one of the most beautiful churches in Russia and the central residence of the St. Petersburg diocese.

The All-Seeing Eye in Iconography

The most ancient images of a triangle with the Eye of God inscribed in it, known to us today, date back to the 6th century AD. This symbol was not very common in the Byzantine tradition of iconography, but still managed to convert to Orthodoxy. Initially, the image was present in the temple painting, while it was one of the elements of the under-dome space. Over time, the symbolism moved to the icon-painting boards.

The most famous icon with this element is called “The All-Seeing Eye”. In Orthodoxy, the attitude towards the icon is very ambiguous. Some theologians criticized, questioning the conformity of the icon to the Christian canons. Another famous icon, in which you can find elements identical to the “All-Seeing Eye”, is the “Burning Bush”. Compositionally, they are very similar, based on the motifs of a circle with four rays emanating from it.

Although allegorically, the Eye contains a deep Christian meaning, it has not gained wide popularity in Orthodox architecture and icon painting. It is precisely the ambiguous motives that connect him with Freemasonry that are to blame. When the activities of Freemasons were banned in Imperial Russia, the tradition of including this element in the decoration of temples gradually disappeared.

Where else is the All-Seeing Eye found in Russia

Seekers of interesting details linking the history of the Russian Empire with Masonic lodges should pay close attention to the architecture of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Renaissance, often found in the external design of buildings of that era.

In search of the Eye, be sure to visit St. Isaac's Cathedral in the northern capital. Here, a triangle with rays is one of the elements of the richly decorated setting of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

Moscow also could not do without the Eye. It meets us in the Andreevsky Hall of the Moscow Kremlin. The symbol covered with gold leaf is located directly above the throne, looking from its height not only at ordinary people, but also at the rulers of the Russian state.

Interesting Facts:

  • Architectural structures erected in honor of the victory of Russian troops over Napoleon in 1812, and medals, have a hidden symbolism of the Eye. This is not only the aforementioned Kazan Cathedral, which is the temple of Russia's military glory, but also the Alexander Column. On the front side of the pedestal under the column, the Eye is inscribed in a wreath of oak leaves.
  • The coat of arms of the city of Kushva in the Sverdlovsk region depicts the Eye against the background of a blue triangle. It is believed that this element was the brand of the workers of the Kushvinsky plant, while it was placed on all steel products that came out of its workshops.

Walking around St. Petersburg, pay more attention to the old buildings built in the spirit of classicism. Many of them (including the Stroganov Palace) hide the ambiguous symbolism of the God's Eye.

Many of us, no doubt, at least once in our lives held the US dollar in our hands, we often calculate our income and expenses in it and keep our savings. However, few people paid attention to what is depicted on the cherished banknotes, and thought about the meaning of these images. Meanwhile, if you look at the reverse side of a one-dollar bill, you can find a very curious thing: there is a pyramid with an eye in a triangle, “hovering” above it. The pyramid is located on the left and placed in a circle, and its top is truncated. The symbols MDCCLXXVI are written at the base of the pyramid. At the top of the composition is the inscription "Annuit Coeptis" and at the bottom of the ribbon you will read "Novus Ordo Seclorum".

Questions arise: what kind of pyramid is this, what does the eye on the dollar mean, what is the meaning of words and symbols, and what does the image of the pyramid do on the national currency of the United States of America, which are unlikely to have anything to do with Ancient Egypt? But there is no single interpretation of the drawings and inscriptions depicted on the reverse of the dollar, and two main versions can be distinguished: the official and the occult, which differ quite seriously from each other. In addition, the attention of researchers is attracted not only by the mysterious pyramid with an eye on the dollar, but also by a number of other images and inscriptions.

The official version of the decoding of images on the dollar

The image of a pyramid with a “floating” eye, enclosed in a circle, is part of the Great Seal of the United States, which is clearly written on the banknote: “The Great Seal of The United States”. What does the Great Seal of the United States mean in translation from English. On the right side of the banknote there is a bald eagle holding thirteen arrows and an olive branch. This bird is the national symbol of the United States and is also part of the Great Seal.

The modern design of the $1 note was approved during the Great Depression in 1935 under President Roosevelt.

Franklin Roosevelt and Henry Wallace initiated changes to the design of the banknote. Some researchers attribute the authorship of the design of this banknote to Sergei Macronovsky (an emigrant from Russia, Nikolai Roerich, who, according to the generally accepted opinion, was hiding under a pseudonym and was a famous mystic, artist and theosophist). Others believe that Roerich was not involved in the work on the bill, and the design was developed by Edward M. Wicks, an official from the Treasury Department. At the same time, it is worth pointing out that the Great Seal of the United States itself appeared long before the existence of all these people, namely in 1782. That is, they only decided to apply long-existing images of state symbols on a one-dollar bill, and did not invent them themselves.

The truncated pyramid on the dollar consists of thirteen levels, which represent the 13 states from which the United States was originally formed. The mysterious inscription MDCCLXXVI is in Roman numerals and is written in 1776. Many will immediately have a reasonable question about what this year means for the United States to be honored with placement on the bill. The answer is quite trivial: this year the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was adopted.

Occult interpretation of the symbolism of the dollar bill

The second version of the decoding of the images on the reverse of a one-dollar bill is much more interesting and mysterious for the townsfolk. It proceeds from the assumption that Masonic symbolism and the “magic” of the number 13 are used here. So, the symbol of the priests of Ancient Egypt - a truncated pyramid, according to some supporters of the occult theory, reflects the so-called crowd-elite model of society, and the eye at the top personifies the deity Masons. His eye, which sees and knows everything, rises above the world, being the "invisible ruler." Under the eye is society - a set of bricks that together make up a stable pyramid.

The pyramid under consideration consists of a magical number of tiers - thirteen, and each of the bricks represents a separate state or people with their currency. The geometric figure symbolizes a kind of incompleteness of humanity without an imperious “top”. "Annuit Coeptis", according to the translation of occult researchers, means "blessed by the Almighty", and its meaning is interpreted as the right of the "chosen" class to rule the world in accordance with the will of the Almighty. Who exactly is the Almighty is not specified. Some even believe that Lucifer is meant. Three properties are very often attributed to the symbol "Eye": miracle, power and mystery.

  1. The secret is that we see the eye, but we do not see the person.
  2. Power is the omniscience and omniscience of the eye.
  3. The miracle is due to the fact that the eye is not part of the pyramid and hangs in the air above it.

It is believed that Freemasons profess a scheme for managing the world, which is a specific pyramid of knowledge. Its different levels receive a different system of knowledge and different degrees of disclosure of the truth. Supporters of the occult theory interpret the arrows in the left paw of the eagle in the image on the right side of the bill as a symbol of knowledge and strength. They are designed to pacify or even kill enemies in case of disobedience. At the same time, each of the arrows is presented to the researchers as a threat to each of the thirteen levels of "enslaved humanity."

The researchers also found an interesting composition in the inscriptions crowning the upper and lower parts of the pyramid. So, if we take the word Ordo located at the bottom (contains 4 letters) as a starting point and move further clockwise, we can find that each subsequent word is more than the previous one by exactly one letter: Novus - 5, Annuit - 6, Coeptis - 7 and Seclorum - 8, forming a kind of circle. Moreover, if we combine the letters M, A, S, O and N (you need to take one from each word), we will get the six-pointed star of David, but, according to supporters of the occult theory, at the same time, “it is easy to think of a pentagram from the text”, because the dollar represents a classic example of the encrypted symbol of the occultists. Namely, the number of words forms a pentagram, the number of letters creates a circle in which the pentacle is inscribed, and at the output - an image of a magic symbol in a hidden form.

However, to complete the picture, the pentagram lacks the well-known “number of the beast”. But the researchers find on the dollar and it. So, the top of an imaginary pentagon is a kind of pointer to the middle row, the number of stones in which is six, and the number of stones in the adjacent rows is the same. So, in three consecutive tiers of the pyramid (from the sixth to the eighth), the same number of stones is placed, equal to six, from which it is concluded that the creators of the image encrypted the number 666 in the center of the pyramid. The researchers do not forget to mention the fact that the width of the 1 dollar bill is 66.6 mm.

Occult Meaning: Coincidence or Fact

There is a kind of confrontation between two powerful theories that describe the meaning of the images on the reverse of the $1 bill. The most debatable is the question of what the eye in the triangle above the pyramid means. Interpretations are very varied.

Some theorists of symbolism attribute the "all-seeing eye" located in a triangle above the pyramid to Masonic designations, but this eye appeared much earlier than the Masonic lodge was formed. So, scientists discovered different versions of the symbol in the heritage of the ancient Egyptians. It is possible that the Freemasons could adopt the ancient Egyptian symbolism.

The phrase Annuit Coeptis is also controversial and can be translated as "time of beginning" (in which case it should be attributed to the Roman numerals at the base of the pyramid, which indicates the year of the creation of a new independent state - USA, 1776), or "he contributed to our undertakings" ( then it most likely refers to the soaring eye). It should not be ruled out that the authors could mean both meanings at once. In this case, there are doubts about the sacred meaning of this inscription. Novus Ordo Seclorum in most sources is translated as "new world order". This phrase can be interpreted both in an occult sense and in the context that with the formation of the United States, the world domination of England and its colonial system were significantly undermined.

Official interpretation of the image

It is worth noting that the official version of the interpretation of images and inscriptions on the reverse side of a one-dollar bill is based mainly on historical facts, and the occult theory, although it is stated quite harmoniously, does not even have single absolutely identical interpretations within itself, numerical matches with Masonic symbolism and numerology were found in mostly in encrypted form (although this is logical, if we assume that the occult theory is correct).

Proponents of the occult meaning of the symbolism on the dollar proceed from the initial message that the design of the one-dollar bill was presumably by the freemason Nicholas Roerich, but his role in this process is not an indisputable fact. We also note that people often like to attribute sacred meaning to very many phenomena and events in their lives.

Each version and each opinion has the right to exist (especially if they have a basis in the form of evidence), and the person decides for himself which one to accept. In this case, both the official version and the occult version may turn out to be true, even their mutual interweaving and simultaneous truth are possible.

An absolutely clear answer: "NOT TO US NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME" - and your name is "YAHWEH"; and you don’t have to be Holmes and Watson to just see the answer to the question - in whose interests was the war of 1812 - in the interests of YHWH-LIZARD, and this eye is exactly a lizard - the skin around it is covered in pimples and the eye itself with a membrane is not human. Do you see the webbing in your eye? Thus, the desired YHWH, whose name is "YHVE" (יהוה) Yahweh - Yhwh, in the Refectory Church of the Trotskyist-Sergius Lavrozavriy at the altar to the right, and to the left of the altar in the triangle is the word "OFEOS - SNAKE".

And here is the desired LIZARDSerpent - "NOT US NOT US, BUT YOUR NAME" - or, more likely, lizard-like aliens, through the chosen Ibrean top, who oversee our planet. http://www.zarubezhom.com/Images/SHLUCHIM3.jpg
- Fantastic? Here is the aphorism: "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones aere kept secret by public incredulity" Marshall McLuhan
"Only small secrets need to be guarded. Big secrets are kept by the disbelief of the crowd." - The first example is September 11, 2001.

The next medal - "For the Capture of Paris 1814" - the same eye in a triangle.

As you remember, the capture of Berlin in 1945 ended with its occupation, and the capture of Paris by the freemason Alexander the First ended in nothing. Why? Because the "eye in the triangle"!
As well as the capture of Berlin by Elizaveta Petrovna in 1762-63 is also nothing. Elizaveta Petrovna also has a medal with an eye in a triangle, which I will cite later. Elizaveta Petrovna, by the way, also after great successes and the capture of Berlin in the Seven Years' War, judging by the clinic, was successfully poisoned, after which Peter the Third and Catherine II brought from Germany (from a defeated country !!!) withdrew the troops. About the mysterious "Seven Years' War" not at all covered in Russian histriography: http://militera.lib.ru/h/archenholz/index.html In this war, Russia fought against England and Prussia!
And now look at another eye in the triangle: This is the medal for the coronation of Nicholas I:

At the Coronation of Alexander II. Painting

That is, these are all events supervised by English-speaking lizards. This is one of the assumptions on which Scientific Hebrewology is based - that beings that look like people have different origins - so different that you won’t even dream about it in a nightmare. This is why the Protestant theologian Darwind was so publicized with his theories of biology that all people, they say, are descended from one vegetarian monkey.

So, after the Russian troops, having defeated Napoleon in 1814, entered Paris, the attitude of England towards Russia changed dramatically. England no longer needed the presence of Russia at its borders. "The Moor has done his job, the Moor may die." Sudden death of Alexander in Taganrog with symptoms of poisoning. The most striking thing is that the personal doctor of Alexander the First was the English Jew James Wylie (from the book by Alexis Troubetzkoy "Imperial Legend. The Mysterious Disappearance of Tsar Alexander I. 2002.)", who is sold to the public as, they say, a "personal friend" of Alexander the First.

And he accompanied Alexander on his last trip to Taganrog - a general with a Jewish surname Dibich). The poisoning of Alexander I by English agents and the Masonic December rebellion in St. Petersburg were connected precisely with this change in England's attitude towards Russia. And in 1854, England generally attacked Petersburg from one, Admiral Napier, from the most massive landing operations of all times and peoples. Napier is a characteristic crypto-ibrae. Schnobel! and another picture Attack on Petersburg. Shelling of Sveaborg covering Petersburg:

The fact that documents about the sinister role of England, namely, the English Jewreonal in the fate of Russia have not yet been made public, only says that the English-speaking Jewreonal still holds control over Russia.
Here is the earliest "Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" of those that managed to get across Russia. 1728.
The collateral Elizaveta Petrovna was, in any case, the last. As you can see, on the medal

an absolutely clear hierarchy of power: at the very top is the "Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle", and below - the belongings of the Jewish authorities elected by the lizards, namely:
The crown of the Torah, the "scepter" and the "orb", which are actually "rimmonims" - two carved knobs that decorate the Torah scroll.

Medal for the Coronation of Catherine II in 1762:

Like the medal for the coronation of Nicholas I:

And like the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin, where the President of Russia was inaugurated

(1762 - this Sonya of Anhalt was only made queen, having brought her from Germany, defeated by Elizabeth Petrovna; and Catherine in Russian is neither boom-boom - German), - a clear "Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle", and "Crown of the Torah" - UNDER the Eye in the Triangle, and we will explain this in more detail below, - the Crown of the Torah UNDER (!) The eye in the Triangle - shows the order of the vertical of power.
On the medal of Catherine II in 1766 -

We already know the truncated pyramid, like on the dollar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:United_States_one_dollar_bill,_reverse.jpg
, only instead of an eye in a triangle - "Crown" - do not forget that this is a golden "CROWN OF THE TORAH"! - http://www.judaica.com.ua/treasure.php - On the other side is the monogram of Catherine II. - It's clear, whose protege is she? - Pyramids with Thor's Crown instead of the regular Lizard's Eye! The symbolism is all quite clear and unambiguous, you just need to see what to look at.
And here is another medal - the medal of Nicholas the First of 1849 "For the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania" The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle:

Pay special attention that here, together with the Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle, there is the Crown of the Torah as a symbol of the Jews, because the Torah is the Law given to the Jews from where? - Above! And who is on top? And on this medal the hierarchy of existence is clearly visible - THE EYE OF THE LIZARDS IN THE TRIANGLE HIGHER THAN THE CROWN OF THE TORAH! THAT IS HIGHER THAN THE JEWS! - Absolutely unambiguous value! So the lizards on Earth are not extinct? It turns out that all this is a little different, as we can visually imagine. Where the lizards have gone is unknown, but their "Eye", clearly in the hierarchy, is above the Crown of the Jewish Torah !!! This is of great importance for understanding. Don't you think - here is a fresh message http://www.vz.ru/news/2008/5/11/166908.print.html that someone is hard at work pushing a version of death, death, death, death .... lizards from some catastrophe, catastrophe, catastrophe .... - about 65 million years ago. And this is understandable, because those giant lizards are not on earth. But maybe there is no need to look for giant lizards now? A? Why then the Eye of the Lizard OVER the Jewish Torah??? And why do the epics of all nations feature the fight against Dragons?

You know, during this loss of time - a "black hole" in the history of the Earth in 65 million years between the disappearance of the lizards and the appearance of man, the lizards could not die, as we are assured by some very, very suspicious "PEOPLE" in this regard. Lizards had a lot of time - 65 million years against only 6 thousand years that human civilization exists - 10 million times (!) More time than humanity - more than enough to, let's say, - develop into higher intelligent beings , and, for example, generally teleport to another dimension and from there observe us with your own eye http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:United_States_one_dollar_bill%2C_reverse.jpg - and for some reason, the eye is sure to be "in a triangle", - if it has any specific physical meaning, - this triangle? Here is how Jewish astronomers explain it quite officially: http://news.mail.ru/society/1751688/print/ -

Let's get back to the medals. In addition, the medal
- our old acquaintance -- Which notice! It is important! This is symbolism, coding! Located below the Eye of the Lizard and below the Torah - this is the imperial vulture - a two-headed mutant - a two-headed mutant is the symbol of the Habsburgs (here are all the symbols of the Russian Habsburgs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapsburg) And another inscription that I can’t really understand read, but which could add clarity. I only parse the words: " --- understand --- and submit with us." I can't make out two words: the first and the third. Question: who should be understood and who should be obeyed? Klmu - it is very similar to the word god. Apparently these symbols, which are on the medal in ascending order of the hierarchy of power:

Medal of the Crimean War, one side of the medal with an eye in a triangle:

The medal also had three denominations: gold, silver and bronze. Then this method was used by Evreonal to reward athletes.
By the way, on the Russian medal of the Japanese War of 1905, there is also an "Eye in the Triangle". You yourself can find it in numismatics on the Internet.
But this medal -

few people know this story, although he was the heir to the throne - he was so well deleted from Russian history, cleaner than Ivan the Sixth Antonovich.
This is the eldest son of Alexander the Second, who was supposed to be the king, and not Alexander the Third - his brother Nicholas. And the bride was already engaged to him - the Danish Dagmar, that Dagmar, who successively passed from Nicholas to Alexander the Third. This is the eldest son of Alexander II - Nikolai. That's who was supposed to be Nicholas II! He is the full namesake of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Alexandrovich%2C_Tsarevich_of_Russia - The devil pulled Nikolai, go abroad - to Nice, suddenly he was there, suddenly, and to everyone's shock, he ate something then, and, as they say, according to the classification of the undertaker Bezenchuk from "12 chairs" - "gave oak" at the age of only 19 years. A minimum of information on it, and as always - all interested parties, according to official versions, they say - are dying themselves. What we see on the medal:

An eye in a triangle above the coffin. Means what? This means that the royal family, which ordered the medal, knew perfectly well who removed their son. And you know what's most amazing? On the other side of the coin, where the coffin is and on both sides of the "Eyes in the Triangle" - words, so it is clear to whom the words are addressed - it is written: "THIS WILL BE DONE" - which demonstrates the full awareness of the royal family, who removed their son. They, as they say, "do not even twitch."

We noticed that the "cross" on the medal in the hierarchy of symbols of power is generally UNDER the coffin! Everything is thought out! And below is the inscription: "He died in Nice on April 12, 1865." On the side of the portrait is written: "Blessed Sovereign Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich." And under this external inscription: "Born in St. Petersburg on September 8, 1845." And what is written there very small above the flower below is not to understand. - Here, and so, Watson, - one more victim of "Eye" among Russian sovereigns. It is not for nothing that in Rus' there is such an expression: "Jinx it."
Another medal is from the Turkish War of 1877-78. The “eye” itself is not visible, but golden rays are burning from behind the Orthodox cross and again the same appeal: “Not to us, not to us, but to your name.” Everyone remembers the name, I hope.

If you think that eyes are watching only Russia - no - the whole world. St. Stephen's Catholic Cathedral in Vienna.

"The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" in the Winter Palace of the Austrian Habsburgs in Vienna:

Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg:

And just think about the fact - why would it be necessary for the supposedly "Russian" government to keep in the most important hall of Russia - the St.

And why the Main Hall of Russia named after "Zhory"? Is that Dobrynya Nikitich? - It's like with Isak's Cathedral in St. Petersburg - no reasonable explanations. Walk - pray, bring money, don't ask anything. How and by whom it was built is none of your business.
Orthodox Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg:

And this is a chic "Eye in the Triangle" inside the same Kazan Cathedral:

And this is the eye of the "Lizard in the Triangle" above the Orthodox icon in the cathedral, of course, of Isaac in St. Petersburg:

the Orthodox got into lizard affairs up to their ears, of course, as victims.

Orthodox icon "All-seeing eye":
- so if the Orthodox flock, due to their unscratched dullness and stupidity, are not in the know, then the shepherds are completely and perfectly in the know.
"The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" on the Orthodox Chesme Church in St. Petersburg - also like a pack of cherubs)

And this is the "Eye in the Triangle" at the base of the Alexander Pillar sung by Pushkin on Palace Square in St. Petersburg:

"The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" at the well-known Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg and Sapsonevsky:

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. On it is the "Eye in the Triangle", it's a pity the photo is from afar, but it's still visible, on its namesake - Isak's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, obviously, the humanoid aliens themselves, still with wings.

The Sklifosofsky Institute in Moscow, the former Sheremetevsky House - the Sheremetyevs, too, judging by the coat of arms, are not goyim

Trinity Church in Serebrenniki. Moscow:

And this is a triangle in the courtyard of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, from where the boy Mikhail Romanov was brought to reign

A photo from Kostroma shows one more piece of information about the Eyes in the Triangle connection with England: "Kostroma is the starting point of the Romanov dynasty. All the tsars visited our city and the Ipatiev Monastery for this. We had both Yeltsin and Putin, now they say Medved is going - you can see In Kostroma there is a very curious Church of the Resurrection on the Debre. one day, in a batch of paints sent from England in exchange for linen goods, the clerks of the merchant Kirill Isakov found a barrel of gold coins.The honest merchant reported the find to London, but from there they answered: let the gold go "to charitable deeds." Then Isakov in 1652 Mr.. built a church near his Volga pier, on the outskirts of the city.

So, apparently, it is no coincidence that on the portal of the gate of the church fence next to the Owl and the bird
SIRIN placed heraldic LION and UNICORN from English
royal coat of arms. "- I was told by a friend who was previously secretary of one of the district committees of the region -" back in Soviet times, every new British ambassador to the USSR
came to Kostroma and visited this temple. Leo and Sirin still exist - I saw it myself. I don't remember the unicorn. Maybe I will pass there: I will send a photo. In general, the temple stands out for its non-standard architecture and decoration. We don't have such people anymore." - That's it - about the connection of the "merchant Isakov" with England. This "church" must be leveled with the ground. You can see that the dark forces protect it and take care of it. These are satanic dens.
Mining Institute in St. Petersburg:

and here’s another funny info on it - they don’t have one without the other, where God is there and the threshold))) http://www.vladimirskysobor.ru/novosti/gornyj-institut?&forum_ext=1

Stunned and not get up - artificial island "New, mind you - Holland, in St. Petersburg:

In addition, the center of St. Petersburg is also in the form of a Masonic pyramid.

photo from Lviv - a monument to the "Eye of the Lizard", we now know WHO, in the center of modern Lviv:

Eye - and inside the Eye, another Alien symbol - a golden thorn - charm, and with taste: a fountain, an obelisk-rod - a golden thorn - the Eye.

Aachen Cathedral Germany

And this giant Eye is in the Vatican:

There are similar ones in Moscow too! I'll take pictures of them later.
it seems that the authorities are competing in front of the Invisible Collective Lizard, whose "Eye of the Lizard" no longer spares no expense in this matter. Lizoblyudy. Why do we need such a life under the Lizards? Everything is already clear. Here is our "Companion" made by my order there a photo designed "Names in Triangles", which are located in front of the altar of the Refectory Church (in which lizards in human form apparently eat). There, in front of the altar, there is a large hall for laying tables and, apparently, for the ritual eating of human flesh by "sarcophagi". Here, on the right of the altar of the Refectory Church of the Lavra, in a triangle, mind you, in Hebrew, the collective name of the Lizards "YHWH" is written.

And this is the "Triangle" in the Catholic Church - the name of the church - in the photo, the triangle with the name "YAHWEH" is located inside the iris of the "EYE" itself

In the same "Trotskyist-Sergius Lavra" - this terrarium, in the center there is an obelisk with a golden triangle:

"The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" on the Masonic apron of the American president who dropped the nuclear bombs.

Thus showing that the words of Christ, spoken to his murderers: "Now is your time and the power of darkness" (Luke 22:53) are relevant today.

I started this article with these words:

"Perhaps I will surprise someone now, but I have to say right away that all antagonism what we all see in the human community, especially in recent times, and which we conditionally call the confrontation between "good" and "evil", occurs solely because, What on a planetary scale exist and conflict two thinking systems !


Not alone!

Few people think about it, but it's true! And this is hidden key to understanding and understanding many mysteries of nature!

One thinking system(atheists, do not twist your lips, do not rush to write me down as a sectarian and stop reading this article!) is the omnipresent and all-encompassing mind of the Creator of all things, a drop of which is present in every person from the moment of his birth. Using the word intelligence people voluntarily or involuntarily, knowingly or unknowingly, designate it, divine mind. We will talk about this mysterious ubiquitous and all-encompassing thinking system a little later, and I think that everyone will be interested to know about my view of the structure of the Universe.

In the meantime, I invite the reader to just look at one historical artifact, one might even say - a rarity - very interesting medal, issued in Russia more than 200 years ago, in which the idea of ​​this ubiquitous and all-encompassing thinking system, which for some time it is customary to designate with one short word - God.

Here is a photo medals"In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812". Embossed on it symbolic image of the "all-seeing eye" of our invisible Creator, which is God and he Spirit, invisible, omnipresent, all-pervading and therefore all-seeing, cherishing everything.

I note that this medal was established not by some philosopher like me talking about two thinking systems, but Russian Emperor Alexander I in memory of the war of 1812 - on February 5, 1813, a decree was issued to award the participants in the liberation of the Russian land from Napoleon's invasion of the award medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812".

So, this was the beginning of my previous post, which can be read in full. .

The reaction to this article from readers was very different. It was not without derogatory criticism:

Yu Li: already disrespectful Anton, what are you selling us? What is this masonic satanic eye, This " all-seeing eye" and there is an eye invisible Creator of OUR, which is God???" Not ours, but YOURS! I don’t know about others, but certainly not mine! You have been preparing people for a long time to write this article! I read all your articles from and to ... We started for health, ended for the rest .Ugh!

For my part, the reaction to such words was appropriate:

Anton Blagin: obviously you didn't come here to learn something from me, and then to control me! "I read all your articles inside and out..." And so I disappointed you. Alas, I'm sorry!

Concerning "Masonic satanic eye", as you wrote, is it Masonic? Maybe the swastika, after it was used by Hitler, became Nazi, and did not remain Aryan, as it always was?

Note that on the dollar bill masonic eye appeared above the truncated pyramid only in 1936. And on the medal for the Patriotic War with Napoleon"God's eye" inside the triangle appeared 124 years earlier.

If I were offered to draw the one who sees and knows everything secret and obvious, I would probably draw exactly the same eye ("all-seeing eye"). And to be honest, I don’t care if the Masons use the same image in their work or not. Disappointed in me? Well, go in peace!

My rebuttal was followed by the following response from the same reader:

Yu Li: Anton Pavlovich, I learned a lot of new and interesting things from your articles, but your inconsistency has been very striking lately. I won’t be surprised, I won’t be surprised (!) If you write that Rusty (Chubais) is also working for the good of the country. The writer's pen will wash anyone and anything better than any detergent, you know. My intuition tells me that the True Supreme Being, who is alpha and omega, beginning and end, cannot be one-eyed. I don’t know how to describe it, like in that joke, I feel like a liter, but I can’t express it! Regarding all these video cameras, surveillance cameras, etc., I still have an association with the same eye. In general, this topic is endless. "And many false prophets will arise and deceive many."(Matthew 24.11), "Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is Christ, or there,don't believe. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."(Matthew 24:23-24). Health from the soul and clear Consciousness.

Anton Blagin: Yu Li, yesterday you succeeded in bringing me out of my state of serenity. I was very indignant (probably, like the crystal lattice of a ruby ​​laser from the flash of a pump lamp) and this gave me the opportunity to make an important discovery (for myself naturally) related to with the cause of in society (including Masons) symbol of the all-seeing eye. As soon as I can devote time to this topic, I will definitely write a new article about it. As for "disturbers" like you who write sharply negative reviews, this is not the first time I am convinced that sometimes God himself sends them to me. So health and longevity to you!

Yu Li: yes, I wrote sharply and very negatively yesterday, sorry, of course, but you also wrote a harmless article about nature about the weather, and about satanic symbol(I affirm and will affirm!), which excites the minds of millions of people, and put it in a noble manner(so to speak). What should be the reaction? I could not pass by indifferently. I'm glad I inspired you, it's a pity that in this way. I look forward to new articles. I still know the truth! "Never draw conclusions about a person until you know the reasons for his actions." Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). Good luck!

While we were chatting with Yu Li in the comment thread, some lady wrote to him:

Na_Mila: right you wrote the symbol is satanic and there is nothing to discuss here. I, after reading this article, lost the gift of speech - from someone, but I did not expect such a focus from Blagin! He cannot be mistaken about this symbol (eyes in a triangle), I do not believe ... In general, this is strange.

Anton Blagin: why many people have such an opinion about this symbol, which was very popular in the Russian Empire several centuries ago, I understood after I read two publications on the Internet: Masonic eye. The secret government is no longer a myth.", .

The first of these publications begins with the words: "Masonic symbols are all over the world. The "all-seeing eye" is present in our lives in one way or another, and I'm going to prove it..."

The author of the second article went further and discovered connection Images "eyes" on a medal in 1812 with the reptilian theory . How he discovered this connection is shown in this picture from his article.

Well what can I say about all this?

First, it has been confirmed once again that "the sleep of reason produces monsters!"

Second: Masons as a secret society always was, is, and probably always will be. You can read about their goals and their organization .

Third: knowledge about nature That is, like nature itself (!), They cannot belong to someone personally or to any separate organization, even if it is a mafia. Knowledge of nature is common heritage! And because the guardians of this knowledge about nature (concealers) at some point in time turned out to be Freemasons, representatives of a secret organization, which always included only those in power, and homosexuals, does not mean anything!

If someone has a violent fantasy, watch an old Soviet cartoon "Stolen Sun"just in the subject, and even with a hint of a conspiracy theory about "reptilians" !

In this fairy tale Sun was stolen green crocodile!

Now let's talk about something serious and in an adult way, like educated people!

Symbols do exist. "satanic"! They are specially invented and filled with a negative meaning by representatives of the same secret organizations that today create more and more new ones for computers. viruses, trojans, and other man-made means of sabotage the human race.

I will not cite here any of the famous satanic symbols so as not to fill your article with negative energy. But I will say that in addition to evil, which always strives to destroy everything and everything, there is also creative good in the Universe! And there are symbols that reflect our positive reality or describe some real technical device or display the contents of some process.

For clarity, I will give a symbolic image of a radio tube, which is still used in the radio-electronic industry, as well as the lamp itself, so that it is clear what I am talking about. On the left is a graphic image of a triode lamp, on the right is its photograph, showing its real appearance.

As we see symbolic image has almost nothing in common with the real appearance of the radio tube, but exactly symbolic image reveals to us her inner being!

Which one information(inner essence) tells us (reveals) symbolic image of God, known as "eye in triangle" or "all-seeing eye"?

I have no doubt that people who understand the schematic representations of radio tubes and can distinguish "triode" from "pentode", perhaps in Russia, and in the world as a whole, are only 3-5%!

What can we say about people who really know what information is fraught with a symbol "eye in triangle"?!

I hope that after the publication of my article, there will be many such people!

I note that the craze of the Russian "elite" this symbolism everything started two and a half or three centuries ago, and it happened just like it happens with fashion - if jeans suddenly appeared, then everyone suddenly wanted to buy them at once! If some fashion designer sewed a beautiful hat, then thousands of people suddenly wanted to get the same hat!

With the symbol "eye in a triangle" happened a little differently than with fashion, but almost like that. The Russian elite was carried away by this symbol solely because at some point it was initiated into secret knowledge about the hidden forces of nature. Let me clarify: there was an initiation of the Russian elite: the emperor and his family, as well as the highest ranks of the Russian Orthodox Church, into some kind of top-secret secret knowledge, which in ancient times was supposed to be owned only by the specially elected, who considered themselves not just an elite, but chosen by God!

In ancient Egypt, which flourished several millennia BC, such specially chosen people were, as you know, the pharaoh and the priests. They owned this top-secret secret knowledge about the hidden forces of nature by virtue of his position.

I note that they also once had peculiar fashion- fashion for the construction of stone pyramids!

Now I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the symbolism, which was widely replicated in the Russian Empire a couple of centuries ago, "eye triangle"- this is not just some kind of triangle, it is symbolic pyramid image!

The Masonic design that appeared on the dollar bill in 1936 leaves no doubt that this "triangle with an eye" is an image of a pyramid.

The last photograph, taken inside the Kazan Church in St. Petersburg, captures the symbolic pyramid image with emanating from its center "Holy Spirit". In the place where pyramid usually depicted "all-seeing eye", the inscription "GOD".

And there was a fashion in Russia for this symbolism exactly after elite Europe and England has become be interested legacy of ancient Egypt - the same pyramids, constructed from many stone slabs and blocks.

Interest in the pyramids and the heritage of Ancient Egypt was at that time so great among the European elite that Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, even decided to conquer this country by force. For this, a well-armed army was equipped, and in 1798-1801 the famous Napoleonic campaign, which ended for the French very unsuccessfully. All that Napoleon achieved at that time was positive for France - his expedition collected and exported to Europe a huge number of historical monuments, and in 1798 the Institute of Egypt (Institut d "Égypte) was created, which marked the beginning of a large-scale plunder of the heritage of Ancient Egypt.

Napoleon later wrote about Egypt in his memoirs: "Egypt is one of the most beautiful and fertile countries in the world. It is the cradle of sciences and arts. There were the largest and most ancient monuments created by human hands".

The largest and most ancient monuments of Egypt are, of course, pyramids, huge stone structures.

I note that about their appointments all official media still distribute exclusively misinformation or a half-truth, which is also a lie, because no one from the highest echelon of the "world elite" wants secret knowledge, which has always been only property VIPs, made available to someone else.

In this regard, I want to remind the reader about the famous letter of the famous commander Alexander the Great to his teacher Aristotle. This letter captures the moment very well:

"Alexander to Arstotle wishes well! You did wrong by promulgating teachings intended only for oral teaching. How will we differ from other people if the very teachings on which we were brought up become common property? I would like to SUPERIOR OTHERS not so much power, how much KNOWLEDGE about higher subjects..(Plutarch. Selected Biographies. Vol. 2, p. 367).

Macedonsky wrote this letter to Aristotle when he learned that his teacher had written a manuscript expounding secret knowledge. Macedonsky was ambitious and young, and he did not want anyone else but him to gain the secret knowledge of the greatest rulers from the priest through the book he had written. That was the only reason why he reprimanded Aristotle in writing: “You have done wrong in promulgating the teaching intended only for oral teaching» .

Now is the time to recall the well-known historical fact that the teacher Aristotle, in turn, studied with the ancient Egyptian priests. And the ancient Egyptian priests, according to Diogenes Laertes, who lived around the 2nd - 3rd century AD, kept knowledge that goes back 49 thousand years to Alexander the Great.

And so, following the logic of this story, we ran into ancient egyptian pyramids, into a symbol of supreme power in the form "eyes in a triangle" and the notion of existence secret knowledge, the possession of which gives the specially chosen a gigantic advantage over others and the right to power.

Although we have already managed to reveal one secret, and it is beyond doubt that symbol of power as "eyes in a triangle" directly related to pyramids and, accordingly, with some kind of secret knowledge that the ancient Egyptian pyramids store in themselves.

In connection with our discovery, we can consider "pimples" on the medal inside the "triangle with an eye" is nothing more than a symbolic image stones from which are built pyramids in Egypt. An attempt to present these "pimples" like a crocodile "reptilian skin" nothing more than an attempt disinformation humanity "interested parties"!

It is also symbolic that this "eye in triangle" adorns a medal issued in the Russian Empire in honor of the expulsion by the Russian people from the Russian land of the commander Napoleon and his huge army who tried 14 years earlier conquer Egypt.

Given the fact that the war with Napoleon and his army was nationwide, initiated by God himself, who does not leave Russia without his guardianship, the Russian Emperor Alexander I ordered that on the commemorative medal there were words of thanksgiving to the Almighty: "NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME!"

This is where the same symbolism comes from in subsequent state medals issued in the Russian Empire. Pay close attention for symbols this medal (coming from within eye pyramids The light that is "Holy Spirit", falls on the royal crown and on the crowns of the double-headed eagle - a symbol of Russian power) and on the inscription on it: "For the pacification of Hungary and Transylvania. 1849. Understand, Gentiles, and submit. God is with us" . ("Understand, peoples, and submit. God is with us").

Well now I want to show you how disguised the truth about the pyramids and how hiding from the people associated with them secret knowledge, including today.

If you open Wikipedia or some other encyclopedia, you can read the following there:

"Word "pyramid"- Greek means polyhedron. According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scientists, this word comes from the name of the funeral cake of a pyramidal shape. A total of 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt..

At the same time, it is known that in the Greek language there is a word "πυρ" ("feast"), with which the two-root word begins "pyramid". Translated into Russian, the word "πυρ" ("feast") means "fire".

Don't you think that the two-root word "polyhedron", which is slipped to us by academic dictionaries and encyclopedias as a translation of the Greek two-root word "pyramid" somehow doesn't fit anymore?

And if "feast" This "fire" , then "the second root "mid" in a word "pyramid" what can mean?

In most languages ​​of the world "mid", "middle", "medium" means middle, the middle part of something, equally spaced from the border, edges, or from the beginning and end of something.

Thus, we have every reason to translate the word "pyramid" How "fire in the middle".

And to understand how "the fire in the middle is related to the 'eye in triangle' symbol, read my earlier article that I wrote back in 2013:


This is an ancient geometry textbook found in Thebes, the largest city of Ancient Egypt.

Nearly 4,000 years ago, it was copied by a scribe named Ahmes onto a 32 cm high and 199.5 cm wide papyrus scroll from an even older source.

This papyrus was discovered in 1858 and is often referred to as the Rhinda papyrus after its first owner.

In 1887 this papyrus was deciphered, translated and published by G. Robinson and K. Schute (London, The British Museum Press, 1987).

Most of this old manuscript is now in the British Museum in London, and the second part is in New York.

This is one of the two-meter-long pages of the Ahmes papyrus. Historians attribute the time of writing this "manual of arithmetic and geometry" to the period of the XII dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (1985 - 1795 BC).

As you can see, at a time when many peoples of the planet had only a spoken language, and writing was still in its infancy, exact sciences already existed in Ancient Egypt!

Ancient Egypt gained special fame thanks to the city of Alexandria, which had a large scientific library. It is known that it was founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BC during the reign of the king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus. This library was the largest in the ancient world and was more of an academy than an ordinary collection of books! Scientists lived and worked in it, engaged in both research and teaching.

Even if these figures are greatly exaggerated by the chroniclers, this does not detract from the very fact that Ancient Egypt was the center of world scientific thought.

Another important detail is curious - in ancient Egypt there were three types of writing - hieroglyphic, folk language (demotic) and cursive!

Unfortunately, almost all ancient manuscripts were destroyed by vandals. Only rare evidence of the once former power of the ancient human genius has survived to this day.

So, that was the bright side of ancient Egyptian history. Now let's look at her dark side.

Look at this scroll, very similar to an ancient Egyptian geometry textbook.

This is the holy book of the Jewish people - "Torah", about which the Jews say: "Torah is the law and, at the same time, this is a guide to life, received by Moses on Mount Sinai from the hands of God himself."

Here is an explanation from a modern preacher of Judaism who popularly explains to Jews what the Torah is.

"What is Torah? The written Torah (Torah shebihtav) is the five books of Moshe [Moses]. In any synagogue, Torah scrolls are kept - exact copies of the first scroll received by Moshe on Mount Sinai. In a sense, the Written Torah is the constitution of the Jewish people, but proclaimed not by people, but by God.

Oral Torah (Torah shebealpe), "which Moses received at Sinai and handed over to Yegh'oshua (read Yehoshua), Yegh'hoshua to the elders, the elders to the prophets, and the prophets to the men of the Great Assembly..." (Avot. 1:1 ), - explains Written. It contains “general rules according to which wise men can find the right solutions to constantly arising questions, based on what is said in the scripture briefly and in a hint” (Rabbe Joseph Albo). For example, the Torah forbids working on the Sabbath. But what is work in relation to the Sabbath? With the exception of a few references to activities such as collecting firewood, lighting a fire, cooking, the Written Torah does not go into detail.

The answer is in the Oral Torah. In the book of Dvarim (12:21) it is said: "... Slaughter (animals) from your herds and small livestock ... as I commanded you ..." But in the entire Pentateuch one cannot find instructions on how this should be done. The written Torah commands: "...And bind them (tefillin) as a sign on your hand, and they will be signs over your eyes..." (Shemot. 13:16). But how and from what to make tefillin, Scripture does not explain.

The written Torah prescribes the death penalty for certain crimes. What legal regulations and procedures must be followed before a death sentence is passed, what are the restrictions?

All these questions are answered by the Oral Torah. Eventually the Oral Torah was written down. First, the Mishnah was written down, then the Gmara, the purpose of which is an in-depth commentary on the Mishnah. The Mishnah and the Gmara together make up the Talmud.

Torah Written and Oral are a guide to life. Although the Torah is addressed primarily to the Jewish people, it contains instructions for all mankind. It covers every aspect of human existence..

The rules governing the ritual side of religion are only part of the whole complex of commandments. Torah laws cover the entire spectrum of individual and social behavior. It makes its judgment on such aspects of a person's life, which in other religions are usually considered to be related to the sphere of ethics and morality, or fall under the articles of civil and criminal codes.. Even in those parts of the Torah that are not directly related to law and law, spiritual ideals are constantly proclaimed and the subtleties of ethical and moral norms are explained.

The Torah (in the broad sense) includes, in addition, the books of the Prophets (Neviim) and writings (Ketuvim). They contain the teachings of the Prophets and record the history of the peoples of Israel over a period of seven centuries. They tell about the Divine revelation, which the Prophets were honored with, about their continuous struggle for the true faith against numerous false prophets * (which, for example, according to the Levites were Isaiah and Jesus Christ - comment A.B.), who tried to convince the Jewish people to deviate from the path indicated by the Almighty.

The inspired Psalms included in these books reflect the deepest religious experiences of man.

The five books of the Torah and the nineteen books of Neviim and Ketuvim are collectively called the Tanakh (an abbreviation of the words Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim).

However, the study of the Torah is not limited to the study of only the Holy Scriptures and the Talmud, but also includes acquaintance with the entire heritage of sages and rabbis accumulated over the centuries. Of course, the Torah itself provides that authoritative Jewish scholars will extract more and more grains of wisdom from it, develop and increase our heritage: “And do according to the word that they tell you ... And exactly do everything as they tell you. ..according to the law that they teach you, and according to the judgment that they pronounce, walk ... ”(Deut. 17:10,11). The Torah is the embodiment of the Jewish faith. It contains the conditions of union with the Almighty. She makes a Jew - a Jew». (Chaim Donin, "Being a Jew").

What the Torah teaches the Jews, we can learn from the Bible.

In this "textbook of Christians" its compilers considered it necessary to include a large fragment of the Jewish Torah, of which Rabbi Chaim Donin says that "The written Torah (Torah shebihtav) is the five books of Moses" .

For example, here are some of the laws by which the Jews must be guided to this day.

For what crimes does the Torah threaten Jews with death?

I will give just one example, but the most interesting and important evidence: “He who denies the law of Moses, with two or three witnesses, without mercy [is punished] by death” (Bible. To the Jews, 10: 28).

Don't you think, friends, what's under the guise world religion, which is called Judaism, we have some mafia sect?!

Go, kill, exterminate! - say "God-given laws." And if you do not want to embark on a criminal path, they will kill you without mercy!

The Jewish religion is wonderful, isn't it?!

known to be terrible jewish mafia appeared on our planet about three and a half thousand years ago, and this historical event turned out to be associated with the exit of a certain tribe (clan) from Ancient Egypt.

The Exodus of the Jews from Ancient Egypt was recorded in religious history with one remarkable phrase: “And he brought out [the Israelites] with silver and gold, and there was no sick person in their tribes. Egypt rejoiced at their departure; for fear came upon him from them.". (Bible. Psalm 104: 37-38).

Obviously, the ancient Egyptians had reason to be afraid of the Israelites. Some of their laws are worth something!

Let's take another look at the bright side of ancient Egyptian history.

Mathematics, geometry and perfect writing - this is not all that ancient scientists owned, for whom Ancient Egypt was the center of world science.

In those distant times, the question that worries most people today did not represent any secret for scientists - about the origin of life on earth.

The scientists of ancient Egypt were literally convinced that the life-giving and creative force of the universe is invisible luminous spirit of nature.

Their conviction was based on the knowledge that the invisible life-giving force of the Universe has the property to concentrate (intensify) in stone structures of a certain geometric shape. Including the pyramids. The proof of this is the very word "pyramid", which means "fire in the middle".

Pyro - translated from other Greek. πῦρ - fire, root mid - in most languages ​​​​of the world means middle, middle.

By the way, some modern scientists are also convinced of this, who dared to experimentally test the idea of ​​distant ancestors that the pyramids concentrate inside themselves some energy, "fire in the middle".

Relatively recently, Russian engineer Alexander Golod received permission from the competent authorities of the Russian Federation to build a small 44-meter pyramid in the suburbs. He erected it without a single nail on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway.

Even this model showed some unusual phenomena. For example, water during the experiment in the pyramid of Famine did not freeze, even if the air temperature dropped to -20 degrees Celsius! However, it was enough to sharply hit the container with water aged in the cold, so that it turned into ice in a matter of seconds!

So, did the ancients possess some kind of sacred knowledge about the essence of Nature, which today is inaccessible to modern science?!

And it means that the word "pyramid" means "fire inside" for a reason?! The proof, after all, is right there!

In addition, the described experience can always be double-checked!

Is it possible that the Holy Spirit is concentrated inside the pyramids, about which there are so many conversations in Christianity?! And which is represented by the symbol "eye in a triangle"?

Now let's look again at the dark side of ancient Egyptian history.

What is useful endured for yourself from ancient Egyptian science priests of Judaism, besides silver and gold?

When, after the Exodus from Ancient Egypt, they created a religion for the Jews, they included in it the sacred knowledge that they learned from the scientists who built the pyramids. Only they perverted him in a monstrous way!

The Jews gave the Jews an idea of ​​God! But what!

They portrayed him as a very evil force, with which, however, you can always negotiate if you appease her, they explained to the Jews. Here is the description of the God of the Jews, which is in the Torah: “God is a zealot who punishes children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generation”(Deut. 5:9).

Fire, namely fire, became in the religion of the Jews manifestation God's power, his spirit like breath fabulous fire-breathing dragon.

Because the Jewish-created religion was based on the principle "You - to us, we - to you" , then its most important component was ritual sacrifice to God. And the victims were supposed to certainly burn.

This pleases God! - said the priests of Judaism to the Jews.

The food of the fire is an offering to the Lord.

The smell of burnt meat is a fragrance for God!

I can illustrate what has been said with excerpts from that part of the Torah that turned out to be included in the Bible. Quoting Leviticus chapter 9:

1 On the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel

2 And he said unto Aaron, Take unto thee out of the oxen a bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, both without blemish, and present them before the Lord.

3 And say to the children of Israel, Take the goat for a sin offering, and the calf and the lamb, a year old, without blemish, for a burnt offering,

4 and an ox and a ram for a peace offering, to make a sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain offering mixed with oil, for today the Lord will appear to you.

5 And they brought what Moses commanded before the tabernacle of the meeting, and the whole congregation came and stood before the Lord.

6 And Moses said, This is what the Lord commanded you to do, and the glory of the Lord will appear to you.

7 And Moses said to Aaron, Come near to the altar and offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and the people, and make an offering from the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded.

8 And Aaron came to the altar and slaughtered the calf that was for him for a sin offering:

9 The sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he dipped his finger in the blood and laid it on the horns of the altar, and poured out the [remaining] blood at the foot of the altar,

10 And he burnt the fat, and the kidneys, and the omentum of the liver, from the sin offering, on the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses;

11 But the flesh and the skin he burned with fire outside the camp.

12 And he slaughtered the burnt offering, and the sons of Aaron offered him the blood; he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

13 And they offered him a burnt offering in pieces and the head, and he burned it on the altar,

14 And he washed the inward parts and the feet, and burned them with burnt offerings on the altar.

15 And he brought an offering from the people, and took from the people a goat for sin, and slaughtered it, and offered it as a sin offering, just like the first one.

16 And he offered a burnt offering, and offered it according to the ordinance.

17 And he brought the grain offering, and filled his hands with it, and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning burnt offering.

18 And he slaughtered the ox and the ram, which are from the people, for a peace offering; and the sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

19 [offered] and fat from an ox, and from a ram a fat tail, and [fat] covering [the insides], the kidneys and the omentum on the liver,

20 And they put the fat on his chest, and he burned the fat on the altar;

21 And Aaron brought his chest and right shoulder, shaking before the face of the Lord, as Moses commanded.

22 And Aaron lifted up his hands to the people, and blessed them, and came down, offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering.

23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting, and went out and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people:

24 And fire went out from the Lord, and burned the burnt offering and the fat on the altar; and saw all the people, and cried out for joy, and fell on his face.

Fire became for Jews including the important means of punishment tribesmen who violated this or that religious law. It turned out that this as if the Lord himself punishes them with his fire.

Here are two examples. "If anyone takes a wife and her mother, this is iniquity; on fire must burn him and them so that there is no iniquity between you"(Bible. Lev. 20:14). “If the daughter of a priest defiles herself with fornication, then she dishonors her father; fire must burn it" (Bible. Lev. 21: 9).

I think that now many will be very surprised when they find out what this is ritual sacrifice or like this Jews punished for their sins since ancient times it was called HOLOCAUST(from English holocaust, from other Greek ὁλοκαύστος - “ burnt offering»).

More in details This topic is covered by me in a separate work. "THE MOST EFFECTIVE FIGHT OF GOOD WITH EVIL IS THE FIGHT FOR THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD VIEW!".

You can read it , but you can download it as a file

Psychology of betrayal