What excites a Capricorn. Joanna Woolfock's sexy horoscope is Capricorn

Love and Capricorn is a completely separate chapter. It seems that the very formulation of the question is not correct, so Capricorn seems far from love. The one who expects violent manifestations of passion from a lover who insists on his own, not prone to sentimental Capricorn, will suffer bitter disappointment. With Capricorn, you don't have to rack your brains to get into his secret - it just doesn't exist. Capricorn's strength lies elsewhere - in his integrity and perseverance. This is equally true for his psychology and for his approach to sex, which does not know half-heartedness. All or nothing is his motto.

It should be borne in mind that Capricorn needs time to build up. The feeling grows at a snail's pace. His love is peculiar and resembles the quiet expanse of a lake. He will not make spectacular gestures; rather, he will begin to plan ahead of time how to build a comfortable family nest. If we talk about the secret of love for people born under this sign, it lies in the fact that love and concern for securing the future are synonymous concepts. In a Capricorn marriage, constancy and homeliness are distinguished.

For a partner who is focused on life for his own pleasure, who is used to rushing towards the unknown, Capricorn's tireless worries about material well-being are boring. With Capricorn, the option of dating for one night does not work, because for him sex is not the main thing in life. He will never deviate from the path to the intended goal under the influence of feelings. It is no coincidence that the position of Capricorn in the zodiac circle is opposite to Cancer, its complete antipode.


This restrained woman is like a crystal of rare purity and beauty. She perfectly plays the role of an impregnable, cold beauty with a face frozen like a mask. In all her behavior, a clear desire to maintain a distance is read, a stranger cannot expect to establish contact with her quickly. Very slowly, she lets admirers closer to her, and there are never many of them. Such a girl is inherent in ambition, her requirements for a potential partner are overstated. Few people manage to reach the dazzling peak: for this you need to be a real hero. She likes fans from the breed of winners, but not loud-voiced, uncouth dorks. Even if she herself loves to flirt in the bedroom, she requires impeccable manners from others. Ambition is what makes up the inner spring of Capricorn women. They are ready for any sacrifice for the sake of a career.

And they expect the same return from a man who should have the same profession as them. The work absorbs them so much that, even when they come home, they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of discussing professional problems. Getting into an environment unfamiliar to them, they feel out of place. It cannot be said that the erotic beginning in Capricorn women splashes over the edge, but they clearly know what they want. A man who cannot give them what they want can get a settlement in no time: what's the point of continuing the relationship? A Capricorn woman has a huge sense of purpose. She can only be satisfied with an outstanding lover, because she needs

time to get fit. The partner requires patience and subtle flair. Among the applicants for her hand, preference is given to the owners of a thick wallet and those who have a solid position in society.

Celebrities born under this sign: Marlene Dietrich, Kate Moss, Diana Keaton, Christina Kaufman, Sade.

Sexual horoscope - Capricorn


What, in fact, should be understood by flirting in this case? The Capricorn man devotes a lot of time to work, his day is always clearly planned, and he also urgently needs to prepare a speech for the upcoming board meeting tomorrow. Meanwhile, he is all right with potency, he can satisfy any lady, but he does not have the slightest desire to waste his precious time on such nonsense as wooing with all these oohs and aahs. Life is too short to waste it on such trifles. What is the reason for such rigorism? Or maybe the declaration of such views is nothing more than a smoke screen for far-reaching ideas? It is unlikely that we will ever know about this, because outwardly Capricorn will not give himself away. Perhaps he has a fling with his secretary or personal assistant and enjoys spending time together after the end of the working day - who knows! One thing is clear: he will not do anything just like that, which means that this secretary or assistant, in his opinion, will be useful in the implementation of his plans.

So, if Capricorn starts flirting, it's no accident. He never forgets the benefits. Hence his special love for rich heirs and ladies who confidently make a career. What's the point of messing with those who were thrown to the sidelines of life. What, sounds tough? Yes, of course, but Capricorns have a constant lack of time, and sex, as we said, is not held in high esteem by them. Yes, given that most Capricorns are used to everything being the way, thoroughly, then the object for flirting, with which he does not associate any far-reaching plans, simply cannot inspire. It's time to post an ad: only serious offers will be considered. Now that you know that these are people who are always moving towards their goal, you yourself can easily decide if you have any chances to win the heart of Capricorn.

Celebrities born under the sign of Capricorn: Kevin Costner, Gerard Depardieu, Cary Grant, Henry Muskie, Anthony Hopkins.


Looking at Capricorn, you often catch yourself thinking that the need for sex is too low for them, or that they don’t even know what it means to want to at least relax a little. Indeed, there are many such Capricorns for whom work has overshadowed everything. To reach the sensitive strings of their soul, you need to have extraordinary patience. Knowing their specific erogenous zones can help you get them in the right frame of mind. And it is not difficult for you to achieve your goal, because it may well be that the knees of your chosen one until recently tightly squeezed the fingers of his boss or some nimble colleague. So Capricorn needs to think several times before deciding who to entrust his knee and especially the popliteal cavity. Otherwise, he himself will be amazed at what unexpected effect this little frivolity will produce.

Sexual horoscope - Capricorn


Here you need to think over everything again and measure your capabilities, because conquering the heart of Capricorn is the same as trying to melt the polar ice. Well, if you can’t help yourself, then go on the offensive by all the rules. Maybe he will accept your game for a short time, so that later, without a transition, abruptly cut it off and return to important matters. Therefore, be prepared for any development of events. And don't take his behavior as a personal insult. You must radiate self-confidence, it appeals to him.

Capricorn is a big conservative. If you have planned anything for this evening, you must convince Capricorn that everything will correspond to his ideas and tastes. For example, in no case should you jump into a car - you should do it slowly, as if spreading an atmosphere of sensuality: first one leg, covered with an openwork silk stocking, is brought in, then - just as slowly and with dignity - the other. Only God forbid you, rush headlong: by doing this you will only provoke a negative reaction of Capricorn and cause him prejudice. After all, what is important for Capricorn? He wants to carefully, in a calm atmosphere, look at who he will have to deal with. If you make sure that everything is at the highest level, then you have a good chance in the not so distant future to spend a night of love with Capricorn.


When dealing with Capricorn, it is contraindicated to rush. It is impossible to take it by storm. His coldish charm is unusually attractive, compared to other signs, he seems to be the most inaccessible. Sometimes you even catch yourself thinking that he is floating somewhere high, and sex and love itself do not exist for him. And there is nothing to be surprised at: the meaning of life is concentrated in a career for Capricorn. If he knows that tomorrow he should be in great shape, say, if he has an important business meeting ahead of him, it costs nothing for him to refuse the planned first night of love. If this has cooled your ardor, stop dating this shameless careerist. Let it scratch the back of your head a little. Of course, in this case, he will not change himself, but you can be sure: he will not let you out of sight. He is an experienced strategist and in matters of love will also act according to a carefully considered plan. He will not fall for the bait of emotion for the simple reason that he knows that it will not leave him.

If the long-awaited moment has finally come - Capricorn has crossed the threshold of your apartment and you have already prepared a delicious drink for him, you must take the next step - take a full bath of water. For many Capricorns, as a love prelude, it is a real pleasure to bathe together in a fragrant bath. This helps them relax and not rush to the upcoming event. Sex "quickly" causes them organic disgust, it seems to them degrading their dignity. For love, Capricorn needs a whole night, as they say, “from call to call”: Capricorn, who is famous for endurance, and in sex can be likened to a long-distance runner. Do not expect ardent declarations of love from him. His declaration of love is complete absorption in you. One should not, however, expect any revelations from Capricorn in regard to the technique of sex. If you're feeling out of shape, it's best to hold off on your first intimacy until you're sure you can handle the grueling "first night of love" marathon.


You are required to selflessly accompany this ambitious man in his fantastic pursuit of "higher and higher." With such attitudes in life, there is often no time left for intimate communication and affectionate words. The implementation of the goal requires the full dedication of forces, and Capricorn controls the success of his forward movement very tightly - his efforts must materialize in concrete results. If you want to pleasantly surprise your Capricorn and continue to like him, as at the dawn of your relationship, then you must testify to your desire to help him. Greet him with a friendly smile when he comes home after a day's work, take care of creating a calm, relaxing atmosphere. Capricorn needs a shelter purely for personal use. Play him his favorite classical music or "cool" jazz, and take your soul away by listening to "techno" or "house" when your other half is not at home. Capricorn loves the house - "a full bowl", although his puritanical inclinations are manifested here too. He makes the same demands on his partner: cold natures conceal more charm for him than the titans of passion. Capricorn needs a partner with whom he could appear in society and who would fit into the generally accepted framework.

Increased temperament is considered by him as a disadvantage, he does not see anything sexually attractive in this. However, a little dope is still required for your beloved Capricorn. "Good" sex, sex in the best traditions, even with a partner with whom he has been associated with years of marriage, will not lose his attractiveness for Capricorn. And if he regularly gets what he wants from a partner, what's the point in looking for the best?

Sexual horoscope - Capricorn



They willingly enter into flirting, as they are strong and very independent. There are no restrictions: even very open relationships with an erotic lining are acceptable. Aries simply does not have the patience to wait so long for an offer to get married.


Living in the same rhythm, these two can find their happiness together. The best doping in purely erotic terms than a cozy home and stability simply does not exist for them. Carnal pleasures also play an important role, and in their sexual life they do not chase after some frills. Experiments are not forbidden, but measure is important.

Capricorn Gemini

Noisy, never closing their mouths, the Gemini is hardly drawn to the role of an ideal companion for Capricorn. Sometimes they even bring their partner to exhaustion, although Capricorn does not have to be patient. It is possible that the sexual attraction of Capricorn for Gemini lies in the fact that he is remarkably able to remain silent, and this arouses curiosity.

Capricorn Cancer

Cancer feels the need for love and care and expects from a partner that he will listen to him when sadness finds on him. Capricorn at such a moment is away - on a business trip. And it is quite possible that this will happen more than once or twice, which touches Cancer to the core. Capricorn is not used to paying attention to such trifles and will be terribly surprised if Cancer for no reason goes to seek solace from someone else.

Capricorn Leo

The proud Leo is strongly attracted to the restrained Capricorn, his inaccessibility excites desire so much. With someone who knows how to hide his feelings so well, it is so tempting to have an affair without publicity. In sexual terms, there is complete understanding between them. And the endurance of Capricorn will enable Leo to enjoy "to the fullest."


At first glance, this union seems too sober, based only on reason. Do they even sleep together? But don't worry about it: they are perfect for each other, because the needs are very similar. They enjoy the rarely falling hours of leisure in complete peace, because tomorrow - again in battle: you have to make a career.


Capricorn enjoys the grace and elegance of Libra. He courts gallantly and never steps out of character. True, it is difficult for Capricorn to come to terms with the freedom-loving nature of Libra. Libra appreciates Capricorn's wealth and finds him very sexy.

Capricorn Scorpio

The virtues of Capricorn can only be appreciated by subtle connoisseurs - and Scorpio, without any doubt, belongs to those. His trained eye sees many outstanding qualities of Capricorn, first of all, character, and this is everything for the research nature of Scorpio. We are not talking about the fact that the coldish charm of Capricorn, the apparent insubordination of this celestial to earthly instincts is something completely peculiar. In a word, these two fit together.

Capricorn Sagittarius

It is quite possible to expect Capricorn to fall in love with this cute adventurer. With his mind, it doesn’t cost him anything to conquer the heart of Sagittarius: he easily reads in the soul of Sagittarius and knows what his philosophy of life is. And in bed, Capricorn knows which key to pick up for the restless Sagittarius, and he does not need patience and determination.


This attractive chilly couple seems to be unfamiliar with the madness of love. No one suspects how many hot nights they spent in each other's arms. But as soon as they get married, the routine immediately begins to corrode their relationship. Orgasm is guaranteed, as before, which, however, cannot be said about refined erotic fantasies.

Capricorn Aquarius

Capricorn sometimes gets the feeling that he has to deal with several partners at the same time, the nature of Aquarius is so restless and changeable. Capricorn must be clearly defined in everything, and Aquarius himself does not know what he wants. As a result, an abyss grows between them.


Will the heightened emotional susceptibility of Pisces be enough to break through the barrier erected between themselves and those around them by the coldish and sober Capricorn? Pisces brilliantly cope with this task - and at the same time get untold pleasure! Pisces put their charms into play and lure Capricorn out of his hiding place. And Capricorn, in turn, gives Pisces a sense of security and stability when they begin to doubt their abilities.

Jasmine Rachlitz

Erogenous zones of the zodiac signs should be known to everyone! After all, to please a loved one is one of the most understandable and laudable desires. However, not everyone knows how to do this, especially if the partners know very little or are embarrassed to talk about intimate topics.

Knowing the sign of the Zodiac of your loved one, and having studied the erogenous zones of the signs of the Zodiac, you can surprise and deliver unearthly pleasure to your beloved or beloved.

In this article, we will look at the signs of the zodiac and what you need to do to make your partner enjoy.

Erogenous zones of Aries

The head and face are the areas with the most sensitive endings in Aries. Stroking her hair, touching curls, stroking her forehead, kissing her eyes, Aries' desire will only intensify.

You can start with simple strokes, which at the very beginning should be light and unobtrusive, and then you can move on to more intense and confident touches.

The earlobes are also erogenous zones for both men and women Aries. Biting your earlobes, licking them and even blowing, you will please your partner. This will greatly excite not only a man, but also a woman whose sign is Aries.

Aries ladies adore men with facial hair, because they can be furiously delighted with the touch of a beard. Soft male hair will add a little spice.

Cheeks are considered strong erogenous zones for Aries men. Aries men will be captivated by the touch of women's eyelashes on their cheeks. And if you finish such a touch with a kiss, then a hot night is guaranteed to you.

Erogenous zones of Taurus

The erogenous zones of the signs of the Zodiac Taurus are mainly concentrated in the neck. If you want to awaken the sensitivity of Taurus, then you should pay attention to the neck and throat. You can start the love game by stroking the base of the head. Slowly and unhurriedly move your fingertips over this area, plunging your fingers into the hair.

For a man, it will be a sensual moment to touch a tie if a woman gently touches the skin, and then kisses just above the collar. The Taurus woman will be delighted with light biting of the neck from the back.

At the beach, the usual application of cream on the back may be sufficient. After a few seconds, lights will flare up in the eyes of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

When starting a sexual game with Taurus, remember that everything should develop slowly and gradually. Forcing events and rushing is not worth it at all.

Erogenous zones of Gemini

The most sensitive areas of Gemini are palms, arms, shoulders, fingers. You can start sexual play with Gemini by simply taking his hand and running your finger in a circle in his palm. Already this cute and easy movement will make him a little excited.

Then you can start playing with the brush, making stroking movements. If you run your index finger along the inside of your hand, it can cause goose bumps. In more intimate moments, try kissing the inside of the elbow and licking each finger, which will delight your partner.

You can also run your tongue from the elbow to the armpit - this will cause a shiver of desire. Also a good start to a night of love is a shoulder massage, which often ends with a huge awakened desire.

The erogenous zones of the signs of the Zodiac Cancer are mainly concentrated in the lips. The most effective way to awaken the passion of Cancer will be a long, French kiss. And it will work with both women and men born under this sign. In this kiss, you can use lips, tongue, and teeth.

From a long and passionate kiss, Cancer will be delighted. After the kiss, you can pay attention to the chest, especially the nipples.

Men and women of this sign will appreciate stroking, light biting and even touching the nipples of the partner's genitals. So, a man, in order to excite a Cancer woman, can place his penis between her breasts. A woman will awaken passion if she touches her partner's nipples with her nipples.

Also, nipples can be twisted, pulled, clasped with lips. Any manipulations with this area will cause goosebumps.

Love games with Leo should only be started in a proper, regal setting. It could be a bedroom or a bathroom.

You can start rubbing the royal body from the back, since this particular area is considered very sensitive. You should linger on the lower back, and from it slowly move to the buttocks, and then return to the back.

Men may like the touch of female claws in the lumbar region. You can finish the game with your back with your tongue, drawing a thin line to the buttocks and biting your partner's skin.

Among the sexual positions to give preference is the following:

  • with a woman - when she is on top,
  • with a man - when he is behind.

It is these poses that will help Leo feel like a conqueror and king, which will only excite him even more.

For Virgo, the belly is considered to be the place from which touching desire arises. You can touch, stroke, kiss the entire area from the chest to the crotch.

A man will especially like light kisses that end with the touch of the girl's hair on the man's chest.

Women, on the other hand, can get excited about sharing a bath, when a fan walks through this area with a sponge and shower gel.

By the way, both men and women born under this sign will like to take a shower or bath together. This is associated with the desire to be always clean, and with a special sensitivity to water.

Representatives of this sign prefer to have sex in a standard position, when a partner can kiss on the lips.

In Libra, sensitive areas can be called the neck and buttocks. At the very beginning of the love game, you can accidentally touch your waist and pretend that you are removing something from your neck. This will push the partner to intimate thoughts.

You can start a kiss from the neck, adding spice and pulling your loved one by the waist. In moments of intimacy, you can stroke the buttocks, it is best to do this in a circular motion. You can also pinch this place a little, bite and pat - any touch will give Libra unearthly pleasure.

Women choose poses when the partner is behind and can put their hands on the buttocks. By the way, anal sex can become a huge discovery for her. Libra men love a little rough movement, when a woman hugs them tightly or helps to have sex by putting her hands on his buttocks.

The erogenous zone of Scorpio is the genitals. Any touch, even the most insignificant and light, will make a calm and balanced man passionate and frantic. And if you fix this touch with a pleasant whisper in your ear about how sexy he is, then Scorpio will not be able to resist.

This sign simply loves oral sex and any manipulation: kissing, sucking, licking will give him unearthly pleasure. With a Scorpio woman, everything is also very simple: using both fingers and tongue, cunnilingus will be simply delicious and bring her to a quick orgasm.

In Sagittarius, the lower back and hips, in particular the inner side of the thigh, are considered a sensual zone. With a Sagittarius woman, you can start a love game with hair: lightly stroking and sorting through her hair, you will give her relaxation. Then you can kiss her on the neck - this will make her eyes light up.

In men of this sign, the zones near the genitals are considered erogenous: you can easily stroke the very base of the leg by repeating the movements of the tongue. A slow but sure touch of the hips will delight him. You can also place his penis between the female thighs, simulating sexual intercourse - this will turn him on in earnest, but it will no longer be possible to stop.

With this sign, you can try rubbing warm oil on the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. You can finish such a massage with a light game of nails, both men and women will like it. As a rule, such massages cannot be completed.

Capricorns are most excited when a loved one caresses their navel, stomach, chest area. If a woman runs her nipples all over a man's torso, he will simply moan with passion. A Capricorn woman can be kissed on the navel or touched with the tip of her tongue to the bend of her knees.

You can start the love game with a light massage of the lower back: first, the palms should go, then the fingertips, and then you can use the tongue, which usually makes the partner or partner roll over and respond to the kiss.

The erogenous zones of the Aquarius zodiac signs are the calves and ankles. By touching these zones, you can stimulate the desire of Aquarius, excite and play with him. This applies to both women and men.

You can start by touching your ankle with your palm: pay attention to the reaction, this cannot be faked. With an Aquarius woman, one of the best positions will be when she is on her knees and her partner enters from behind. This position gives her the opportunity to connect her feet behind her partner's.

For a man, any poses in which a partner can touch his calves are suitable. Ideally, when he lies on his back, and the woman is on top, facing his feet, and she wraps her arms around his calves. In this position, you can use your nails a little, leaving a small love trail.

In Pisces, the most sensitive places are the arches of the legs and heels. By doing a light foot massage, you can greatly excite your partner. Stroking the heel with a feather, sucking each finger, gentle kisses are also perfect.

You can start with the ankle, running your fingers a few circles, then you can kiss easily and naturally.

It is not at all difficult to drive a man and a woman whose sign is Pisces crazy: for this you need to lick each finger, biting a little - this will awaken a great desire. You can surprise your partner with sex and gentle foreplay in the bathroom or in another place where there is water.

A woman will become very aroused if she is given the opportunity to play with her partner's penis. She will get turned on by arousing the person she loves. The Pisces man will get pleasure if you run your foot along his ankle.

Erogenous zones of the signs of the Zodiac – VIDEO

Sex brings out the best in Capricorn. He believes himself and will convince you that a person only then understands what true love is when he knows physical passion. Copulation for him is not an impulsive act. He plans sexual activity the same way he plans his life. In love, as in everything else, he has everything programmed. He demands that the woman knows what he likes and does not force him to take the first step or to strain too much. After all, you can't build a bridge on only one side. A woman must learn the little tricks that turn him on and surprise him with pleasure. And when he wants her, he expects her to meet him with desire and enthusiasm.

Capricorn is proud of his sexual power and ability to satisfy a woman and gives all the best at the same time to the end. He has the endurance of a marathon runner. And he will steadfastly hold on to the finish line.

A Capricorn man can, almost to the point of orgasm, pull his cock out, let a woman have a fellatio and still hold on until she squeals. Sex is a ritual, a release of pressure and stress, from which he is able to free himself only through sex.

If a woman interrupts sexual intercourse to change position or go to the bathroom for vaginal cream, he will not bother, but will masturbate, maintaining an erection until it returns.

The sexual act, he believes, should take place in comfortable conditions, on a neatly and cleanly made bed or in front of a fireplace on a bearskin, in twilight, to quiet music and with rare wines. However, don't tell him what to do or how to do it. Relax. He will pride himself on his ability to satisfy you. Let him know that you enjoy making love to him. This will encourage him to even greater feats.

He understands the “sexy waltz”: a slow striptease during a joint dance. Sensual movements excite him. When both of you are naked, he can carry you to bed or take you during the dance and continue moving in a slow rhythm, in each other's arms. If you are much shorter than him, he will lift you up, and you will wrap your legs around his waist, your arms will wrap around his neck - and let the music play, maestro.

Another erotic recipe that delights the Capricorn man with its surprise: a woman puts her breast nipple into the hole of his penis. He loves these and will love you for it.

One of the obsessions of the Capricorn man is to gag his sexual partner. The sight of a naked woman with a gag in his mouth makes him not too hidden desire to rape her.

Warning: You are taking a big risk by playing this game. It often leads to the stimulation of violence. Capricorn is able to become rude and hurt a woman. He will tear off your clothes, squeeze your breasts painfully, press you so that you cannot resist. The more effort you make to get rid of him, the more you will turn him on. Some women love it.

Such games can lead to extreme forms of sadism, such as bondage "exercises". He will throw the woman on the bed with her wrists and ankles bound and subject her to various forms of sexual abuse. Capricorns with obsessions have a strong connection between sexual emotions and cruelty.

Youthful insecurity in relationships with girls inclines Capricorn to masturbate, even to mutual masturbation with homosexuals. He may retain these habits as an adult. I have studied Capricorns for many years and have found that they are particularly prone to this kind of sexual deviance, such as natelism, when the penis moves between full buttocks and in various rhythms until the onset of orgasm. Some perfect this action by pausing to kiss and caress the buttocks.

Since he prides himself on his stamina, he can go far to enhance it. A favorite way is the so-called penis ring, made of leather or a special cord trimmed with gold thread. When he achieves an erection, he places a ring on the base of the penis, which enables him to maintain an erection for a long time. Sometimes he puts on a penis ring with protrusions that further stimulate the partner.

The key to understanding Capricorn's oddities is to realize that his absolute self-obsession tends to exclude any attention to his sexual partner.

If he encounters resistance, he is likely to use force.

Sexual life of other zodiac signs:


The sex life of a Capricorn man

How to excite a Capricorn man

Each woman, in whose bed several men have been, will confirm that lovers born under different signs of the zodiac react differently to caresses and tenderness. For example, even a light touch of female fingers on the genitals of a sophisticated Scorpio turns him into a real volcano, and in order to excite a romantic representative of the sign of Libra and gentle Pisces, you need to try very hard. Of course, every male womanizer knows well how and where to caress a woman born under different signs of the zodiac. But for those who do not have much sexual experience, we advise you to excite your loved ones, taking into account where their erogenous zones are located.

1. Aries. Both men and women of Aries are very fond of being gently stroked on the head, playing with hair. The most sensitive areas in Aries are the head, face and ears. Caressing them Aries can be brought to ecstasy. Biting lips, earlobes and kissing the eyes of Aries, you will understand how all this causes pleasant back spasms in him. In bed, Aries imagines himself as a participant in a combat battle and is set only to win. To get a powerful discharge from sex, he can specially inflame the situation. A banal quarrel can serve as an occasion for him to start intimate pleasures well. Aries women are crazy about kissing bearded men. The gentle tingling of the face with male hair gives them an incredible sensation of pleasure.

2. Taurus. If you have ever cared for a calf, then you probably know how these animals love to stretch their heads forward and close their eyes with bliss when their neck is stroked. So it is with Taurus, they get the highest pleasure when they are massaged in the neck and throat. Start gently stroking the Taurus with your fingers at the base of the head, then move on to kissing the neck.

Passionate kisses and light bites to the neck incredibly inflame the Taurus. But one should not expect quick reactions from representatives of this sign, they like to make love slowly and indulging in long preludes. If your goal is to seduce Taurus, then invite him to tie a tie. If he agrees, you will have a great opportunity to lightly touch his throat and gently stroke his neck with your fingers. In just a few minutes, you will feel how Taurus trembles with pleasure and the desire to be in the same bed with you.

3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that is new. Any experiments on the part of loved ones makes a strong impression on Gemini and causes enthusiastic shivers. All Geminis, regardless of gender, respond well to hand kisses. Carefully run your fingers along his arm, gently caress the fingertips and palms. Kissing the inside of the hands, each finger, sucking on them can cause pleasure in Gemini along the entire spine. As an experiment, try running your tongue along the inside of Gemini's arms, first to the elbow and then to the armpit. Such caresses will give him the highest pleasure and will cause him a reciprocal desire.

4. Cancer. Crayfish are very touchy and vulnerable, so they should not be shown tricks from the Kama Sutra. Be gentle and affectionate with them, tell them more words about love. They need it to get excited. Cancerians can experience an orgasm already during a passionate kiss, but they get the greatest pleasure when they are gently caressed on the chest. Caressing the chest area and biting the nipples cause a strong sexual desire in Cancers.

Surrendering to love pleasures, Cancers love to kiss long and passionately, using not only lips, but also teeth and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, don't miss the moment when he strips down to the waist. As if by chance, touch his chest with your fingers, and you will immediately notice how the hair on his body “stands on end”, which indicates that he wants you to continue caressing his body without stopping in the same place.

5. a lion. The king of beasts Leo will not wait for you to finally guess where his erogenous zones are. He will lie on his stomach and ask you to massage his back. This is where the feline nature of Leo is manifested, he loves to be scratched, stroked and massaged on his back. Whatever you do with Leo's back, everything will be to his liking. Kiss his back, gently stroke along the spine and lightly scratch with your nails. And if you put Leo in a bath and rub his back until his skin turns red, and kiss him passionately, biting his lower lip, then this proud predator will forever lose his head from passion and love for you.

6. Virgo. Virgo, compared to other signs of the zodiac, is quite cold, and therefore it is not at all easy to bring her to the temptation to “taste the forbidden fruit”. To melt the external coldness of the Virgo, kiss her first on the cheek. Virgos love to be kissed on the face. But don't forget to brush your teeth beforehand and take care of the freshness of your breath. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, so they completely relax only in the shower. Virgo likes it when a jet of water from the shower hits her stomach and perineum.

Excite her stroking the body from the crotch to the chest with a sponge, soap and warm water. To seduce a Virgo man, hug him from behind and run your fingernail across his belly from the front. This will cause him a strong desire, and you just have to invite him to the bathroom, turn on the aroma lamp and soft music. Very soon you will be surprised to find a passionate and fiery nature behind the outer cold shell of the Virgin.

7. Scales. A distinctive feature of the physique of Libra is rounded and attractive buttocks. This is the most highly active erogenous zone of Libra. If you want to please a Libra man, then learn how to dance a striptease. Libra loves to lie on silk sheets, drink expensive wine and enjoy beautiful buttocks. If, in intimate moments, you begin to massage their lower back, then Libra will receive the highest pleasure. Libra women get excited by playful pinching, patting and stroking the buttocks. Many Libras react positively to whipping and harsh palm slaps on the soft spot during lovemaking.

8. Scorpion. Be careful if you accidentally find yourself on the beach next to a Scorpio man walking around in tight swimming trunks. Even from the touch of the tissues of the swimming trunks to the genitals, Scorpio can become very excited. Nothing in the world gives Scorpio so much pleasure as gentle touches of female hands, lips or tongue to the head of his penis. A Scorpio woman is strongly aroused by gentle touches on her clitoris. Any manipulation of the genitals turns Scorpions into a volcano of passion, and they can even get excited by touching their legs to the genitals when they cross.

9. Sagittarius. In women and men of this sign, erogenous zones are located in different parts of the body. A Sagittarius woman will purr like a kitten if you comb her hair and stroke her head. Any manipulations with hair can ignite dormant passions in female Sagittarius. But to excite a Sagittarius man, you need to caress the inside of his thigh, from the groin to the knee. A light massage with fragrant oils, kisses and tongue touches from the knee to the crotch will delight him and make him forget about everything in the world.

10.Capricorn. Capricorn will not go to bed with just anyone. He must be sure that his partner really deserves his trust. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that after the first date, Capricorn will agree to have sex with you. You will have to take care of Capricorn for a long time and slowly bring him to the idea that he can no longer find a better lover than you. Convinced of this, Capricorn will show you what a hurricane force his passion can have. The erogenous zones of the Capricorn woman are the navel and bend of the knee, and the Capricorn man is driven crazy by caresses and stroking of the abdomen, chest, face and groin area. Capricorns of either sex are highly aroused by back massages and slow circular motions of the tongue around each vertebra.

11. Aquarius. Any posture during which you touch the calves and ankles of Aquarius will cause an immediate reaction from him. It is in these parts of the lower extremities that the erogenous zones of Aquarius are located. But Aquarians prefer to make love not in bed, but in water. Prepare a fragrant bath, light candles and stroke the feet and ankles of Aquarius, then gently run your tongue along the calves of the legs. Aquarius will not be able to remain indifferent to such caresses and will give you a lot of pleasant sensations.

12. Fish. The sensitive area of ​​Pisces is the legs. Foot massage, gentle stroking of the back and lower back incredibly excite Pisces. Pisces men from such caresses become tireless and gentle lovers, and the Pisces woman is easily excited by rubbing her legs in her partner's crotch. Regardless of gender, all Pisces love warmth and the water surface.

So before making love with fish it is best to find a comfortable bathroom, swimming pool, a place on the beach or a warm bed next to a large aquarium. In such an environment, the excitability of Pisces is much increased and he will show you where heaven on earth is.

— See other articles of our psychologists on building relationships with other signs of the Zodiac"Psychology by horoscope"

How to excite a Capricorn man
The article discusses the most frequent erogenous zones in certain signs of the Zodiac.

How to Win a Capricorn Man

A man born under the sign of Capricorn is a reserved, serious, thorough person. He is practical, hardworking and distinguished by purposefulness. Many Capricorns give the impression of closed, not prone to powerful emotional outbursts of people. Most often, this is just a mask that hides a sensitive, vulnerable soul underneath. In fact, men of this zodiac sign are capable of deep affection and strong feelings. But they do not intend to demonstrate their vulnerability.

Such closeness creates a lot of difficulties for girls who are thinking about how to win a Capricorn man. Even if he is seriously carried away by some young lady, it is unlikely that this will be noticeable behind the external coldness. So try to figure out what's what ... Either they love you, or they just spend time. How to behave a girl in love with a Capricorn man? Patiently waiting for the moment when he deigns to offer his hand and heart? Or take the bull by the horns? And how do you make what you want happen?

The most important thing for a young lady who has fallen in love with a Capricorn guy is not to impose herself on him. Just make it clear that the young man is interesting for his exclusivity and intelligence. And then be patient and wait. If Capricorn stayed nearby, it means that we also attract him with something. However, you should not relax. Representatives of this sign show great demands on the one they choose for life. Most of them seek to find a practical, self-confident person who can be both a beloved woman, a friend, and an ally at the same time.

Capricorn is not attracted to exalted exalted persons. He needs a businesslike realist who is not afraid of everyday life and, if necessary, will take on any job. This man is annoyed by tearful sentimental young ladies who need help everywhere and everywhere. He bypasses impulsive, overly emotional, unbalanced, dependent and overly frank ladies. Only a calm, sensitive, courageous woman can claim the heart of Capricorn. It is also desirable that she has already achieved success in life, but at the same time does not boast of her achievements.

As for the appearance of the girl, she should not be too catchy. The Capricorn man values ​​intelligence and inner qualities much more. Spectacular sexy beauties, surrounded by a crowd of fans, repel him. Only noble simplicity and modesty, coupled with self-esteem and intelligence, can attract the attention of this cold-looking phlegmatic type. Therefore, if we are used to flirting recklessly, we leave this habit. Frivolous jumping Capricorns do not need. We learn restraint, gentleness, refinement. It is not easy if nature is restless. But the goal is achievable if the desire to be with Capricorn is great.

To interest a young man born under this sign, one must be a lady who is not inferior to him in anything, but not superior either. A necessary condition for attracting the attention of a Capricorn man is success in the professional field or the desire for them. He respects those who want to make a career, purposeful women who value themselves. If a young lady is ready to give up herself and her goal for the sake of love, she loses all meaning for Capricorn. He sees as a life partner only one that is able to be independent and self-sufficient always, under any circumstances.

These extraordinary demands are made by these men to the one that they want to see next to them. Are we exactly this type of woman or have we created a similar image with all our efforts and attracted the attention of Capricorn? Amazing! Now let's see how you need to behave in order to conquer it completely.

In order to settle in the heart of Capricorn for a long time, after meeting him, it is necessary to encourage the manifestation of his masculine qualities all the time. Let him do as he sees fit. Do not challenge the decisions of this man and criticize his actions. It won't lead to anything good. It would be better to express admiration for his choice in something and the ability to overcome any difficulties more often.

Even if you don’t really like the choice, and difficulties sometimes put Capricorn into a stupor. It's OK. The main thing is that he feels that he is supported. This is one of the most important moments of conquering Capricorn. After all, as we have already said, he is looking for a woman who will become both a friend and a comrade-in-arms.

At the same time, Capricorns should always be sincerely praised. They are very good at feeling falsehood and pretense and hate them with all their heart. Therefore, if we do not consider some of their deeds worthy, it is better to remain silent. Because Capricorn will certainly feel a lie, and he can be mortally offended by criticism. And then it will be very difficult to return its location. Well, we are all human after all, and humans make mistakes. And then, as you know, they learn from mistakes. Capricorn is a smart man, he knows how to draw conclusions. If he does something wrong, then he will fix it himself.

These are sincere, truthful people who don’t even fit in their heads that it is possible to live by different rules. And if Capricorn notices that a woman says one thing, thinks another, and does a third, he will immediately put an end to her. He needs to fully trust his chosen one in order to be able to fully open up to someone. Capricorn does not know how to show his feelings. This gives him considerable internal discomfort, which can only be eliminated by a partner who allows him to emotionally liberate himself.

In fact, Capricorns are versatile people. Therefore, it is desirable that we also be a sufficiently developed person in many respects. For interesting communication with a guy of this zodiac sign, you need to know and be able to do a lot. If this is not observed, we study, study and study again. We read all kinds of literature, master some skills, try to comprehend some sciences ... In a word, we try to become more perfect and developed. Otherwise, Capricorn will quickly lose interest in us.

In general, a man of this type needs an ambitious, economic woman with business acumen. At the same time, she must be quite sexy. I must say that you should not count on the fact that Capricorn can be bought with virtuoso sex. Yes, he will appreciate a good sex, but that's all. Only the one for which they have deep feelings really excites such men. Capricorns are not playboys who perceive the weaker sex as a set of amusing toys. They need a serious relationship.

When communicating with Capricorn, you should not complain about any problems. A man born under this sign does not tolerate whining and does not complain about any troubles. He tries to overcome life's obstacles on his own and experiences failures in silence. And he wants his life partner to behave the same way. Perhaps this is not quite the right approach to the weaker sex - women need to speak out when it's hard at heart. But such are Capricorns, what can you do! In the end, when it’s completely unbearable, you can complain to a girlfriend or relatives. And let the beloved remain in the dark. It will be better this way.

In order to conquer Capricorn, you must have all the qualities described above. He will never offer his hand and heart to a girl who does not correspond to them in some way. This picky type will analyze everything she says and evaluate everything she does. He will check the financial situation of the young lady, and her state of health, and the social status of her relatives. Capricorn must make sure that the girl is driven by love, and not materialistic considerations. He must be confident in his future with this woman in order to be able to make plans and implement them.

And one moment. Capricorn only marries a girl whose intellectual abilities suit him. It is not enough to show your erudition in the first days of acquaintance, and then try to bind this man to yourself solely by his appearance and specific demeanor. No, the appearance of a young lady for Capricorn also, of course, matters. However, it is in the background after the intellect. To a beautiful, but narrow-minded lady, he will sooner or later grow cold.

Therefore, trying to conquer Capricorn, you will have to constantly work on your mental and spiritual development. By the way, this is a great option to outdo long-legged beauties for women who consider themselves not very pretty! When communicating with Capricorns, they will look much more attractive than any not very smart beauty, if they have a fairly high intelligence.

Conclusion: you can conquer Capricorn by showing him that we are stubborn, noble, ambitious, businesslike and have good brains. Then he will certainly wish to connect his fate with us and become a faithful companion of life for many years.

Many women, for unknown reasons, are quite skeptical about the zodiac sign of the man they are considering for a further relationship. In fact, this is another important factor that you definitely need to pay attention to. Let's take a closer look, How does a Capricorn man behave in love?, sexual relations, and what he needs most.

Immediately I would like to note that Capricorn men:

  • They set goals and always achieve them. In this case, the methods are not always loyal, the slogan “Achieve the goal by any means” applies here.
  • Persistent. They can convince a person of anything (ensure that he is on their side, even if it is not beneficial to the other side). Perseverance such people do not hold.
  • Pragmatic. They will always find "tools" to achieve their goals, no matter how complex and controversial they are.

All these behavioral factors are inherent in Capricorns in all areas of their activity, including love and relationships.

Since Capricorns prefer the "building" of their careers, personal life quite often fades into the background, but at the same time they do not lose the need for this.

With their calmness and confidence, such men can very easily attract the attention of any woman, and their wealth acts on the opposite sex as an aphrodisiac. Their reliability and firmness (in decisions, behavior and in life) gives a woman confidence in the future that she will be behind him, as if behind an impenetrable fortress.

Another feature of Capricorn men is that they "do not spray" on everyone, although they never lack female attention. They are too self-confident and overbearing to pay attention to every woman who shows herself in their direction.

Selectivity in relationships is their main strong point, it is not so easy to enter into a relationship with him, but if Capricorn has chosen a companion, then she can be sure that she simply cannot find more reliable support and protection. Such men are wealthy and do not allow their soul mate to work "by the sweat of their brow", they do everything possible so that their woman does not need anything.

For Capricorn to pay attention to a girl, she must be:

  • inaccessible
  • attractive
  • mysterious
  • elegant

Characteristics of a Capricorn man in love

Despite their independence (as it turns out, in most cases, it turns out to be imaginary), Capricorn men fall in love very quickly and become attached to a woman. The girl they have chosen can be sure that he will always be devoted to her, throughout the entire period of their relationship. To fall in love, Capricorn needs to make sure that a woman for him will become:

  • friend
  • life partner
  • object of sexual desire
  • someone he can trust completely

Outwardly confident Capricorn constantly doubts everyone and everything, and only the woman who will show and prove that he can trust her and rely on her in the most difficult moment of his life can win him over.

In love, Capricorn men prefer to endure any difficulties on their own and cope with them without outside help, no matter how difficult the situation is.

Capricorn would rather be alone than be with a "not quite perfect" woman. He can spend a lot of time searching for his happiness. In these cases, he is scrupulous and carefully considers, so to speak, all the facets and sides of the option that suits him.

Capricorn does not like to make mistakes, he is too pedantic, and therefore, if he made his soul mate a marriage proposal, he thought over his decision a million times, weighing the pros and cons. They are monogamous and most often marry only once.

Capricorn man married

The Capricorn man, as mentioned earlier, is pragmatic, and choosing a woman as his wife, he already knows that he can “blind” her, make her ideal for himself. Despite the fact that the Capricorn man gives himself entirely to his beloved, she also has a number of requirements that she must meet:

  • understanding
  • calmness
  • patience
  • stress resistance
  • true love

If a woman did not have any of these qualities initially, he will do everything, “bend” a woman, but he will ensure that all these qualities are inherent in her.

Being married to a woman, the Capricorn man becomes very jealous, although at an early stage of the relationship his possessiveness does not manifest itself so clearly. He gives warmth and love to his wife, but at the same time he will limit her in personal freedom, so his life partner should be ready for such a turn of events.

The behavior of a Capricorn man in love and marriage can be ambiguous:

  • gives everything of himself, but at the same time, demands the same in return
  • demands personal freedom, but does not give the same to his companion
  • does not tolerate selfishness in his direction, although he very often manifests himself in this way

The addiction to achieving goals very often prevents the Capricorn man from finding his other half at a young age. Being engaged in their career for a long time, they get married after 35.

Love and sex in the life of a Capricorn man

Despite tender manifestations in love, in sex such men are very rough and tough. They are turned on by inaccessible and bitchy natures, which is why a Capricorn woman must be multifaceted.

Sex and love are different things for them. They are very calm and endure difficulties with their heads held high, they keep a lot in themselves, so in sex they need to throw out all the accumulated emotions passionately and harshly.

It must be said that in sexual relationships, Capricorn men are ideal partners. They always care about the pleasure of their partner. It is this quality that attracts women in such men.

Choosing the ideal version of a woman as their wife, they do not have the need to “go to the left”, so a woman can be sure of him and his feelings.

With age, such men become even more attractive and sexy, so a woman must match her chosen one. To please a Capricorn man in sex, a woman must be:

  • daring
  • passionate
  • varied
  • not modest
  • don't be afraid to experiment

Reviews of women about Capricorn men in love unequivocal - they are the best lovers and sexually attractive objects.

Capricorn man love compatibility

Let's figure out which zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn for a relationship:

  1. Pisces Woman

Capricorn men are passionate, but they need some time to understand how a woman suits them sexually; the Pisces woman, in turn, wants affectionate warmth in sex, so this tandem cannot be called ideal.

The defenselessness of such women attracts Capricorns, but their weakness only repels, which is why such couples usually do not stay with each other for long.

  1. Aquarius women

Capricorns are attracted to such women with their:

  • sophistication
  • with a charming look
  • sexuality

In sex, Aquarius women are in perfect harmony with Capricorn men, but family life can only work out if the Capricorn man fits into the ideal life of Aquarius, and the woman, in turn, does not limit Capricorn in her personal space.

  1. Capricorn woman

Usually similar signs of the zodiac in pairs do not bring anything positive, but not in a pair of Capricorns. They are pedantic, reasonable and passionate, they will always be interested in each other, in:

  • sex
  • love
  • relations
  • friendship
  • communication, etc.

They put sex as another item on their schedule, not because it should be, but because they believe that rest and entertainment should also be given time.

  1. Sagittarius woman

A pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn is a rather complicated relationship and not long-term. Although the Capricorn man is passionate, his pedantry often prevails, which oppresses the Sagittarius woman, who, in addition to passion in sex, needs conversations and discussions after him, to which Capricorn responds with loud snoring. In love, they also have different concepts and plans, so they, most often, simply do not go along the way.

  1. Scorpio women

Usually in such couples calmness, idyll and passion reign. They have the same goals, the same way to achieve, so they will find how not to get bored with each other.

  1. Libra Woman

The problems of such a couple begin with the first sex between them. They are completely unsuitable for each other in this regard, they have too different ideas about getting pleasure. It is these problems that prevent them from being together as a married couple.

  1. Virgo woman

Great for Capricorn, both for family life and sexually. Both are seemingly cold and inaccessible, but if they can see in each other the passion that boils inside them, they can become an ideal couple for many years.

  1. Leo woman

The wedge kicks out with a wedge - both are selfish and picky, but together Capricorn man and woman Leo are very good in every sense and plan.

  1. Cancer woman

Perfectly complement each other, "spur" and stimulate. An ideal tandem for a family. In sex, such a couple is also doing well, they understand each other without words.

  1. Gemini Woman

Despite the fact that it is difficult to build a family with Gemini, Capricorns find an approach to them, and Libra's changeability quite suits the strict, but loving variety, Capricorns.

  1. Taurus Woman

Capricorn falls in love with a Taurus woman very quickly, but if the chosen one does not immediately reciprocate, nothing good will come of this couple. In sex, they fit each other well, but you can’t call the ideal version of their relationship.

  1. Aries woman

The stubbornness of Aries and the pragmatism of Capricorn are not compatible, a man does not know what to expect from an Aries woman, which means that he will not be able to predict the future. Although they are sexually attracted to each other, such a couple can survive solely on sex, and then not for long.

How to win the love of a Capricorn man?

We have already found out who Capricorn is, now let's talk about what kind of woman such a man needs, and what she needs to do to win his love:

  1. To be seemingly inaccessible, but with close acquaintance - open
  2. Never lie to Capricorn, such behavior is unacceptable for them
  3. Learn to listen and admire him (all men love to be extolled on a pedestal of ideal)
  4. Always be different in your sexual life (dresses, whips, costumes - what Capricorn needs)
  5. Support Capricorns in everything, but not always agree with them, this interests the men of this zodiac sign

The Capricorn man is actually a very complex person, he has many various contradictions and doubts, although he looks like a very confident and accomplished person, not every woman will be able to withstand all the trials that she has to go through with Capricorn.

It is worth noting that Capricorn men love to test their women "for strength", so be prepared for checks and "competitions", although, despite the result, Capricorn men remain devoted to their other halves.

Video: Capricorn man - love horoscope 2017

Capricorns love to lead in all areas of life, including sexual relationships. Outwardly, they can be quite reserved and modest, but in bed they change and become passionate, inventive and very seductive lovers. But in fact, sexual relations for representatives of this zodiac sign are not the most important thing. After all, sex is just an opportunity to be closer to your loved one, to give him and yourself pleasure. They prefer rather long-term relationships, not welcoming fleeting hobbies. Capricorns are looking for faithful and obedient companions in life and make quite a lot of demands on them. They themselves feel comfortable only if they have complete freedom. Erotic massage, fine wine and scented candles are great for exciting people born under this sign of the Zodiac.

Capricorn Man

In life, a Capricorn man is very cheerful, does not accept problems and difficulties. Sexual relations for him are associated with emotional and psychological experiences, and pleasure is the highest joy. He receives full satisfaction from erotic experiences, in which he plunges very deeply. He is fond of his partner with all the passion he is capable of, so he will never pay attention to other women. If he is loved, then he is immensely happy, but if his love is unrequited, he will be in despair. A Capricorn man often hides his feelings, remaining rather introverted. Among Capricorns, there are a fairly large number of not very happy husbands and lovers due to the fact that these men cannot always open up towards their partner. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to be leaders in relationships, plan everything themselves and make all decisions. Capricorn himself will never submit or yield.

In sexual relationships, Capricorn male prefers positions 81, 8 and 36.

Capricorn Woman

A Capricorn woman does not know how to distinguish between sex and love - for her, the first is impossible without the second, and therefore she falls in love with each of her partners. Can be quite jealous and even aggressive, but never allows the same feelings towards herself. Starting with her easy, non-binding, flirting is almost useless. Family and children for a Capricorn woman is a necessity. Under the influence of falling in love, he often marries quite early, the chosen one must be polite, smart and brilliant. Representatives of this zodiac sign almost always remain faithful to their husbands, even after many years of marriage and with dissatisfaction in bed. A sense of responsibility does not allow fleeting hobbies. If he decides to cheat, he constantly feels guilty. The soul of such a woman is a mixture of responsibility and strong emotions. In bed, it can be very different, depending on the partner, mood and environment. If everything goes well, then the Capricorn woman is able to reach the highest peaks of pleasure. In bed, the most preferred positions are 67 and 108.

You can see the descriptions of the poses mentioned above in the Poses section of the Kamasutra. Also on the site published the book Kama Sutra - full text.
