Simoron for love and marriage. Simoron rituals for love

Magic is so different! If earlier they used to tell fortunes secretly, hiding from prying eyes, fearing to be exposed, now there are other, open and joyful rituals. They are called the incomprehensible word "simorons". Telling fortunes with this sparkling magic is a lot of fun! And interestingly, it helps because it is cleaner than ancient witchcraft. You are still unfamiliar Then let's figure it out: what is it, how does it work, why does it help?

What are simorons for love based on?

In order for the ritual to bring an absolute result, to lead to the fulfillment of the plan, you need to understand what energy it acts on. Say it's not interesting? But after all, it is necessary to know the basic rules in any business, so as not to be a monkey, but to act meaningfully. The simoron technique is simple and easy, which is why, by the way, it is so popular with people of different ages. Magic works on the own energy of the one who practices it. Each of us has an aura. Its capacity is individual and changeable. If a person is in joy or euphoria, the aura increases many times over. When it falls into despondency, it shrinks almost to the size of the physical body. In order for the ritual for love to be effective, you should pump your field with positive emotions as much as possible. This is the basic Simoron principle. It was discovered in the last century. Made by real scientists. Exploring the human psyche, they stumbled upon a phenomenon. It turns out that almost all ordinary desires are fulfilled for lovers, all roads open before them, few people around dare to spoil their mood. Some even said that feelings take a person to another dimension. While scientists were arguing, modern wizards decided to use their accidental discovery. They came up with Simoron rituals. There are many of them, and not all of them are aimed at attracting love. There are funny rituals for good luck, money, success. But today we will talk about the most important feeling for a person - mutual love.

Simoron: rituals

Below we will consider specific rituals, and now, in order not to repeat ourselves, we will describe how to prepare for their implementation. When do we spell love? People resort to magic in moments of weakness, uncertainty, confusion. This is the time when everything around seems hostile, the achievement of a dream is impossible, the mood is darker than clouds, and so on. It is clear that the aura is not ready for simoron. If you do not correct the situation, then it is not worth telling fortune. Get even more disappointed. First you need to prepare your field for magic. You need to pump it with positive emotions. It is proposed to do this in a way that is convenient for the wizard. Some people like comedies, others get a drive from music, others read jokes. The ritual for love in simoron is permissible, unlike other magical schools, to be carried out by a group. Surprised? Everything fits into the above theory. When like-minded people support each other, their fields are combined into a small egregore. Everyone receives from it not a part, but all the power! It's incredible, but together we are stronger! To prepare for the ceremony, invite friends, have a party, tell funny stories, dance and sing. Energy will be in full swing. In principle, if you don’t want to share your plans with them, you don’t need to. Cheer up, fill the aura with positive energy, and then tell fortunes alone. Surely the meaning is clear. You should start magic in a very good, euphoric mood.

Ritual with red shorts

The simple magic of Simoron welcomes the most unusual techniques. You yourself will be able to develop them when imbued with the worldview of this magic. To begin with, let's describe a very famous ritual with the creative name "red shorts on a chandelier." It is considered so ancient that even the original recipe cannot be found. To bewitch, you need to buy beautiful, stylish, charming red thongs. You should choose an accessory that takes your breath away. Sparing money is strictly prohibited. You create your own destiny! Take your shopping home. Eat something sweet when the preparation phase is over. Take panties in your hands, fall or jump with a run on the sofa, while throwing underwear to the ceiling and shouting a magic spell. If you miss the first time, don't worry! You can repeat as much as you like, even all day. Say the spell loudly, cheerfully, rhythmically. He is like this: “Red shorts on a chandelier - honking to loneliness! cover, be unhappy forbidden! Come to me, my love, I'm signaling you with a beacon! So that you do not get lost, I attract with red color! When the panties are swaying merrily on the chandelier, walk around the room, shouting a plot at all windows and doors. Do not remove the signal beacon from the luminaire for several days. If you feel that the mood has deteriorated again, and despondency wins, repeat the ritual for love. Usually it quickly leads to the desired result.

Another ritual with red

Surely you know: in order for love to be mutual and happy, the young lady must have the third chakra activated. And its color is red. Therefore, objects from scarlet to burgundy automatically fill the aura with the appropriate energy, which attracts the opposite sex. It is proposed to use red stockings for this. Buy a couple of sexy accessories that you admire. Take a fragrant bath at home. Dry your body and dress in red stockings, put on beautiful shoes with high heels. You don't need to wear anything else. Walk around the room thinking about how love will enter your life. You need to imagine what emotions you will experience, how much happiness it will bring, and so on. Step importantly, like a bird. Then climb on the table, sit in So say: "The stork builds a nest - soon it will bring love!" Say the formula three times, cheerfully waving the “wings”. Then jump to the floor, imagining yourself as a bird in flight. At this moment, shout: “Love for (your name) flies!”. Remove the stockings and hang them on the back of the bed, throwing one on top of the other. It is necessary to depict how the legs of lovers are intertwined during passion. This rite can be performed daily until fate brings you the very one you were looking for. Rest assured, you won't have to wait long.

Ritual with men's accessories

This is a female ritual against loneliness. Yearning without a loved one? Why wait in the unknown? Start introducing it into your life, so to speak, "in pieces." This is done simply. Simoron recommends attracting love to start with ordinary things. Go to the store. There you can buy beautiful men's slippers. Choose wisely, don't be greedy. Please note that a young person depends on the type, price and quality of home shoes. For example, buy the cheapest ones, get yourself a drunkard who will drag money from home. Do you dream of such a thing? We need a solid, wealthy, kind and generous man. Therefore, slippers should be elegant, high-quality, expensive. If you want a merry fellow - pick up slippers with buboes or bells. If you want an oligarch - decorate them with rhinestones, imitating jewelry. And if you are attracted to athletes, you need shoes of the appropriate type. Generally speaking, I guess. What kind of slippers - such a husband will be, so Simoron teaches us about a man's love. But just acquiring a magical tool is not enough. It needs to be activated. Find a place for slippers in the hallway. Let it be honorable, so that it is clear that the owner will wear them. At midnight of the full moon, go out with slippers outside the threshold. Squat down. Put slippers on your hands. Stomp them towards your apartment, saying loudly: “I’m not going to my beloved for a day, I’m not too lazy to move mountains for her!”. When you get to the hallway, put your slippers on the prepared place. Soon the owner will appear and wear them. And again you will feel homesick, buy another toothbrush and other items of men's toilet for slippers.

Message to the Chief Distributor

Each of us deep down is sure that his fate depends on the decision of the Lord (Higher powers, the Universe, and so on, depending on the worldview). Simorons for love exploit this conviction. Despite the playful form, their mechanism is very deep. When a person in the service needs something from the boss, he writes a statement. So why not ask the Chief Master of Fates to pay attention to you? Take a piece of expensive paper. Print a nice frame on it. You can’t write an appeal to the Universe on a notebook piece of paper! Everything needs to look solid and dignified. Buy a new magic pen. To acquire a magical attribute should only be in high spirits. It must be golden. Choose a beautiful, inlaid pen and call it magical. On the prepared sheet, write: “To the chief manager of husbands! From (full name and surname). Below in the middle of the sheet: "Statement". Further, from the red line, the text: “I ask you to urgently provide me with a spouse who meets the following requirements: (list your dreams in detail).” Back off a little. Put a date, sign this important document. Now you have to change. Put on a nice suit (preferably men's). Tie a tie around your neck. Sit at the table on the other side. With another pen in the upper corner, write: "Urgent to satisfy!". Place the statement with the resolution in a beautiful box. If the "performers" forget about him, repeat the love ritual. Complain to the Chief Steward for the sluggishness of his subordinates. Again, prepare a beautiful sheet for the message, get a magic pen, compose a text that will catch the boss. And don't forget the resolution. She is an important element of the ritual. If possible, ask a close friend to help. Let him play the role of the Chief Steward, impose a resolution on the appeal. Then hold a post-work meeting.

How to bewitch a person

We have so far considered common simorons for love. They are designed to get rid of loneliness. If there is a contender for the hand and heart, but does not show interest in marriage, then other rituals should be practiced. Previously, witches brewed witchcraft potion. Why are we worse? Simoron for the love of a particular person is the same love spell, but not black, but very sincere, bright and cheerful. It is recommended to find the oldest book in the house. If you don't have one, buy it at a bookstore. Write in it the recipe for any soup that you are best at. You need to prepare the potion in complete solitude, not forgetting to season it with your euphoric mood. Strip naked, tie an apron and get started. Put a book with an "old" recipe next to it. How can you create a magical dish without it? When you're done, treat the groom. If you can't call him home, don't despair. Eat some soup for yourself. Say this: “A spoon for (name of a young man)!”. You can come up with affectionate nicknames for him every time, so as not to repeat the same thing. Put a photo of a guy next to you to make the ritual more authentic. If you don't know how to cook, it doesn't matter either. Then cook compote. This is a very simple thing, everyone can do it. However, be sure to comply with all of the above conditions. And write down the recipe in a book, and put an apron on your naked body. Compote is good because it can be attributed to the victim of a love spell and treated. And it's easy to cook. Simoron men, by the way, like to cook mulled wine for their young lady. It also works well.

permanent magic

Do you know what attracts people to Simoron? Rituals can be performed continuously. To do this, you must always be in high spirits, which in itself has a positive effect on fate. To attract love, choose or buy yourself a beautiful cup. Let it have hearts or a bouquet of roses, a portrait of a loved one or a ship with scarlet sails. It is important that a happy cup is liked, gives rise to pleasant emotions in the heart. Exactly nine wheat (or rice) grains should be placed in this container. Also put a ring and a scarlet ribbon there, the length of which is eighteen centimeters. Place a cup next to your bed. When you are about to sleep, put the ring on your finger. Count the grains. Feel the tape. And at this time you yourself say: “The spouse is delayed on a business trip, he will return soon! I'll wait, but not for long! And repeat this every evening. Young people who are looking for simoron for a woman's love can also use this ritual. But not necessarily. For example, experienced Simoron residents offer guys to prepare and consume magic juice daily. Have you heard the expression "love-carrot"? It is familiar to everyone. We will use them. Make yourself a glass of carrot juice every day for breakfast. Think at this time about the one with whom you will live a happy life and wait for great-grandchildren. Then drink a magic potion, absorbing love power into the body. You will see, soon the young lady herself will want to get close.

How to return the lost love?

Cope with despair and force the traitor to come back - available to any wizard. Simoron also helps to return love. The main thing is to come up with the right ritual. Who do men value? Have you thought? Usually give them, so that the hostess was noble, and cooked like a goddess, and did not catch mice in bed. So, you should become ideal for a lost lover. But in Simoronian. To do this, put on the sexiest lingerie that is in the house (or buy). Place a bar of laundry soap in your bra. Place a pot on your head. Take a ladle in your hands or fishnet tights. Place a large basin in the center of the room. You need to climb into it with your feet, like in a boat. You will catch your husband with a ladle or a net. Let it be symbolized by a sheet of paper with a name rolled into a ball. Be sure to accompany your actions with comments. And when you catch the “husband”, shout harder: “Yeah, got caught!”. Repeat several times. Or you can roll up about ten balls and catch them all from the space of fate. Simoronians say that the choice of a place in the apartment for the ritual depends on where the traitor is now. If you went to your mother, tell fortunes in the kitchen, with your mistress - in the bedroom, with a friend - in the living room. A "fishing rod" is selected depending on his preferences. He likes to eat deliciously - a ladle is suitable, if sex is more important to him - use mesh tights.

How to come up with a ritual

  • identification of the problem;
  • search for analogies in everyday life;
  • inventing comic symbolism to interpret a well-known solution;
  • introducing humorous elements into the thoughtful mechanism.

The ritual should be fun, but not completely illogical. It is necessary to link its stages with real actions in life, as, for example, in the case of a statement to the Chief Steward. Such papers are written by many people on various occasions. Simoronians take ready-made solutions from life and create a ritual out of them. And the important thing is that it works! When creating new rituals, they use personal experience. And he is special for everyone. Therefore, so many things have already been invented. People do not hide magic from others, like ancient magicians. They share their methods and developments with like-minded people. They are trying to make improvements. The process gains strength and does not fade over time. It gives people the opportunity to show creativity, their individuality and creativity. And this is the way of the development of the soul, achieving the desired harmony, self-respect.


Fun magic is very popular these days. It solves problems and allows a person to develop imagination. This is a creative activity that everyone misses in the modern bustle. One has only to start conjuring, and it is already impossible to stop a person. So this is interesting and incendiary! Life is changing right before our eyes. And what is the reason for this, magic or good mood - is unknown. And does it matter? The main thing is that the modern wizard himself is happy and pleases those around him, infecting with vitality and optimism. Don't believe? Have you tried to lead at least one Simoron ritual?

Valentine's Day is coming soon, which means that the conversation will be about love. If you are single and urgently want to start a family, Simoron for love and marriage will help you! I will introduce you to fun and effective rituals for attracting a man to life. For those who don’t know, simoron is a fun magic, a practice that cheerfully changes the space around from a big minus to a huge plus.

If you want to get married, do as I say and you will be happy (something tells me that I talk a lot and it's time to get down to business).

Simoron love rituals have been known for a long time, I didn’t invent anything new (and sometimes I want to), but it’s cool - they’ve been tested and they gave an excellent result. I want to remind again the main condition for the fulfillment of a desire: the rituals must be carried out cheerfully, with courage. Make a wish, and let it go to the Universe - let it work.

Simoron for love - rituals

Start with little things: let a new mug, plate appear in the house. Buy new bedding, and not just buy, but imagine sleeping with your lover on a bed made by him. And be happy that you got married.

New men's slippers should come to the house - choose the most beautiful ones and put them by the bed. Be sure to empty the shelf in the closet, and buy a couple of empty hangers. Everything in the apartment should say: "Welcome, my love!".

Do not leave the house without anointing your lips with honey - a lure for love. And now we begin to perform the magic rituals of simoron for love ...

New moon and full moon

Don't miss the incredibly important days. And when the new moon and full moon come, start acting weird. Put a pan on your head and a striped sock on your foot. Take a fork in your hand. Start jumping around the apartment shouting: "I'm a magnet for love in a striped sock and with a pot on my head." Well, after, eat dinner with a fork that you waved when you rode.

Get a cat: I wrote about the ritual and effectiveness. and extremely fast, you are not lazy, follow the link and read.

I recently read that... just don’t laugh ... you need to draw hearts on the pope with iodine and walk. I believe that this is the strongest ritual, but I have not tested it.

Sign "Married"

Hang a sign on the door with a calling inscription, only correctly: at the exit from the house. Now open the door with the utmost joy and step forward! Do not just go out, but tell for whom, and that you are fantastically happy, also tell. Only specifically - the Universe likes to fulfill clear orders, and it will do it faster.

Love is a carrot:

In the important business of Simoron for love, a modest vegetable is simply irreplaceable! Do you remember the expression "love is a carrot"? Do you think it was a waste of time? Girlfriends, running to the store for a valuable and healthy vegetable. Now carrots are a constant companion in meals. In the morning, a salad with carrots, in the afternoon - soup with the addition, and eat for dinner.

Really, use it wisely. You rub a carrot, and you yourself draw a picture of how you met love. And make a salad for your loved one. If you drink carrot juice, set a goal: “I’ll drink 5 liters of juice and meet the man of my dreams!”. By the way, carrots improve vision, and there are many other benefits.

Order for a prince

Incredibly useful wishes to formalize in writing. An official document will be obtained, and the Universe will certainly read it. Write a joking statement that you are on the wanted list! So write: "Urgently looking for my man!".

Write, starting from weight and height, list the desired character traits of the chosen one. You can mention the financial situation, the number of relatives and everything important. Put the paper in your bag and take it everywhere with you. Do not forget: princes are also looking for princesses, you must meet them fully armed - bring beauty on a regular basis.

Dare, then do not just write down wishes on a piece of paper, but go and advertise in the newspaper, hang at the bus stop “Looking for a prince! 30 years old, blond, drives a Mercedes, enjoys sports. Tell everyone you meet, I'm looking forward to seeing you! It doesn't matter where you place the ad, the main thing is that the Universe will hear. A contact phone number is not required.

Let's grow love

An incomparably pleasant ritual of Simoron for a new love. Buy flower seeds from the store and plant them in a pot. Choose those named on the topic of marriage: bride, desire, dream ... Do not hesitate, you will find many suitable flowers. The execution is up to you. Take care of the flower, cherish it. A flower grows - relationships will begin to grow, and then they will bloom.

Reconnect with an ex-lover

There are situations when it is really necessary. Ritual with tomatoes will help. Remember: "Love has passed, tomatoes withered." What we need. Plant a tomato seed in a pot - for seedlings. When the seedling grows a little, stop caring for it, let it wither. And only then get down to business: water, fertilize, talk and declare your love - reanimate. Nice ritual, right?

Semaphore on the balcony

The most famous simoron ritual for quick love. 100% guaranteed! Tried by hundreds of girls and it worked for everyone quickly and efficiently.
Semaphore of new love, let's become new red boots. There are no boots - replace with any shoes. By the way: replace with slippers, then the attracted man will be a homebody, keep in mind.

Take your boots, wash them, clean them and put on beauty. Tell the shoe what an important task they are entrusted with - let them imbue it. When you decide that they understood, proceed directly to the ritual.
Hang on the balcony, preferably high, so that it can be seen from afar, on a rope. And ... everything! Relax and wait for new acquaintances, meetings, dates, love. And as a crown - marriage.

If you are single, girlfriends, and have not met your loved one, do not despair! Today is a great opportunity to pity on your loved one and send an order to the Heavenly Chancellery. Not only the bulletin board and the newspaper are suitable for this, but my website is an extremely suitable place (remember, I said above that it would be nice to make an application in writing). Write announcements in the comments, do not be shy!

To facilitate the work of the Universe, be sure to indicate the qualities of the future chosen one. Do not be shy - height, weight and other signs. Describe clearly and clearly what you expect. For a specific request - a clear and quick answer!

Do not forget to thank the Heavenly Office for the fact that the wish came true, in the present tense, as if it actually happened. And so be it!

Love to you, my dears, I sincerely wish you to meet a man as soon as possible and get married. There are so many Simoron rituals for love that it is impossible to tell. You will find a few more in the video, but I promise that this is not the last story, stay tuned.

Are you unrequited in love? Is your man still hesitant to propose? Are you ready to go down the aisle, but you are still not sure that you are loved selflessly and to the grave? From this article you can find out magical Simoron rituals for the love of a man, using which you will find long-awaited happiness.

Do not get hung up on your prejudices, because this magic can hardly be called dangerous or black. This is more psychotraining than witchcraft. The attitude with which you get down to business is very important. You must firmly understand what exactly you want, and clearly imagine the man with whom you want to live a long life.

How to attract love?

To get started, get high-quality red shoes (preferably boots). You must love these shoes. Don't save! The more expensive and more beautiful the boots, the better you will get the groom. Bring the shoes into the house, unpack them and talk to them as if they were a real person. Tell the boots that they are now becoming a magnet for suitors, and hang them in a conspicuous place. Preferably so that they can be seen from the street.

A very effective Simoron ritual with red shorts. Funny and positive. It can be held in any month on the 11th day. To do this, you need to buy elegant red panties. Throw them on the chandelier (you only have three tries, if that doesn't work then don't try again this month). The panties will hang on the chandelier for exactly three days. Every time you look at them, you must imagine in detail the man of your dreams and your future with him. You should also voice these dreams at the moment when you throw your underwear on the chandelier, as well as stamp your foot three times and snap your fingers.

Rituals will be very effective if you fundamentally change your life and thinking. You must live as if your desire has already come true. For example, if you want to buy an apartment, don't think about it every five minutes. And choose things for your future home, consult with the masters in matters of repair, find out the prices for building materials.

The same goes for matters of love. Buy slippers for your future man, a toothbrush, learn how to cook some signature dishes that your spouse will definitely love. You can model life yourself. Do you want your loved one to play sports? Buy home exercise equipment and dumbbells, do it yourself and imagine how your loved one does it. Do you like musicians? Buy a guitar, violin, synthesizer - it already depends on your preferences. Imagine how he will play for you, compose songs. You can start learning how to play a musical instrument yourself.

What are the Simoron rituals for the love of an ideal man?

The beauty of these magical rituals is that with the help of them you can not only become loved and desired, but also win the love of a particular man. To do this, you must think through to the smallest detail the image of the one with whom you want to spend your whole life. You can’t get by with general phrases like “to love my mother”, “don’t beat”, “don’t drink”. Imagine his appearance: height, build, hair and eye color, head shape, arms, legs, abs, biceps or none.

Then think over all the character traits that your chosen one should have. Imagine his habits: this is how he puts his foot when he sits down, this is how he purses his lips when he thinks, this is how he looks when he jokes. Imagine his small but cute flaws: here he forgets to wash his cup after himself or sniffs funny in his sleep.

Imagine how happy you are when you walk together, watch movies, cook dinner. How he happily hurries home from work, and you try to set a chic table and always look beautiful. Imagine the atmosphere that reigns in your home. If you have given yourself the right attitude, prepared yourself mentally and presented everything in great detail, then you can proceed directly to the rituals.

Excellent working simoron rituals

  1. Betrothed, find yourself
  2. Print out a photo of the celebrity that most closely resembles your ideal lover (if there isn't one in real life). You need to take a lot of photos and spread them out everywhere you go. They should be in your organizers, in your desk, in your kitchen cabinets, under your pillow, at work. This Simoron ritual will hint to your fate that the narrowed one has long been found and appears on the horizon.

  3. For every white horse - a prince
  4. Get any horse: it can be a toy, a poster, a book with an image, a figurine. The love zone is located in the southwestern part of your apartment. It is there that you place the horse you have acquired. Then you can start attracting the prince. After all, you already have a horse, and that's half the battle. Now all that's left is to advertise. It can be verbal (for example, on the radio) or written (in the newspaper, on social networks, on bulletin boards in the city). The announcement may be a joke, but we will know that in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke. “Attention, a white horse has been found. Prince Charming, answer!" - write, indicate the phone number and wait. The text can be absolutely anything, but in this spirit.

  5. Mishka's wedding
  6. For this ceremony, you will need two teddy bears. Boy and girl. Sew wedding suits for them (while thinking about all the details of your future wedding). Next, you need to play a fictional wedding of two cubs, observing all the rituals and traditions. Think over the list and seating of guests, the script for the bride price, contests and the wedding ceremony. Then the newlyweds-bear cubs should be planted in the shade of a home flowerpot (the flower should have a female name).

  7. Embrace of a loved one
  8. For this ritual, you do not need to buy anything unusual. Enough blanket or blanket. Well, if it is a completely new thing. To conduct the ritual, you need to retire and tune in to a romantic mood. With your desire to love and be loved, you charge the blanket with special energy. First, charge yourself with gentle soft energy (you should feel how the warmth spreads throughout your body), then touch the blanket, transferring all your love to it. You will feel how your fingertips begin to tingle, and a pleasant shiver rises throughout your hand. Throw a blanket over your shoulders and imagine that your beloved is hugging you. Perform such a ritual every day and wait for your happiness. Some need two weeks for this, someone takes up to two or three months.

  9. Bouquet for the most desired
  10. You can attract love into your life by sending yourself flowers by ordering them via the Internet. Absolutely no one should know that you are performing this ritual. It's good if flowers are brought to you at work. Don't answer questions about who the giver is. Order a postcard with the bouquet with the words that you want to hear in your future life. This ritual will release positive energy that will fill your life and bring love into it.

  11. Love flower - peony
  12. A special property is attributed to this plant in the Simoron rituals, it is the peony that can attract love. Only it can not be bought or plucked from your own garden. It must be cut into someone else's flower beds, otherwise the magic will not work. Next, pour the petals with boiling water and let it brew. When the infusion has cooled to body temperature, they need to rinse their hair. Delicate aroma and love energy will attract your loved one into your life.

  13. Honeymoon
  14. If you already have a loved one, but the relationship with him went wrong and you feel that you are losing him, then do not despair. It is necessary to conduct a ritual to restore relations. Draw on the sheet where you would like to go or go together, write down the dates, and spread the name of the month with honey. In the calendar, also spread the name of the month with a thick layer of honey.

  15. Male vibes
  16. In order to attract a man, wear typical men's clothes with you. It can even be laces from men's shoes. Just remember that each item has its own purpose. Think over the image of your future chosen one. Depending on who you want to connect your life with, you will need to choose a thing. If this is a strong, self-confident, adventurous extreme, then you can purchase and carry a biker glove with you. If you want a man to be very smart and well-read, then carry a case or a man's eyeglass frame with you. If your financial situation is the most significant for you, then carry an expensive men's wallet with you. If you really want a man to be handsome, well-groomed, then buy a men's comb.

  17. Favorite Custom
  18. Take an A4 sheet. On the one hand, describe in detail how your loved one should look like. Describe the appearance in great detail, character traits, behaviors, habits. If you draw well, then on the other side of the sheet depict the ideal man. Fold the leaflet into four parts and always carry it with you. Take it out and read aloud several times a day.

All these magical techniques, ceremonies, rituals differ from the rest in that there is an opportunity to model your own future and create your own rules of the game. The realization that each of us can become a magician inspires and energizes. A positive attitude and confidence that you are now able to move mountains are provided to you. Most importantly, the Simoron rituals for the love of a man are very effective and do not require special material costs.

At the same time positive, but at the same time, they allow you to solve serious problems in a practically playful way (for example, they will help you arrange your personal life). Simoron for love and marriage - that's what we'll talk about in this article, learn how to quickly meet your soul mate and get married with the help of game magic.

In some cases, the Universe needs proof that you are really ready for a serious relationship and can let a man into your life. The following ritual is especially necessary for those representatives of the fair sex who live alone.

It is necessary to create in the dwelling such an atmosphere as if a man already lives in it. Get him a pair of slippers, put two pillows on the bed, get a second toothbrush, prepare two sets of dishes.

You can also buy for your "imaginary" betrothed something from men's cosmetics or perfumes, clothing, and so on - here fantasy will come to your aid, which can be connected to its fullest.

Simoron rituals for the love of a man

Rite of marriage

If you are a young girl who passionately wants to get married, we recommend that you use an easy, but no less effective way.

All you have to do is make an invitation to your wedding! How it's done? Elementary - a beautiful card-invitation to the wedding ceremony is purchased and signed, as if you are the bride.

The invitation might look like this:

Dear __________ (insert your name)!

I want to invite you to my wedding, which will take place in 2017!

To enhance the effect, shout your desire three times, and in addition, click your fingers and stamp your foot three times (the main thing is not to scare the neighbors). Leave the panties on the chandelier for at least three days.

Ritual "I love men"

The essence of the ritual is that you must sincerely love the masculine. This simple practice will help you a lot. Its duration is three weeks.

During the first week, you need to instill in yourself a sense of “love” for all the representatives of the stronger sex that will come across your path. Every time your eyes fall on a man (of any age), you need to concentrate and mentally say:

"I love this man."

If there are several men, then the manifestation of “love” must be addressed to each of them separately. Through this practice, you will learn to perceive men in a positive context.

The second week is a repeat of the first, but here the spoken phrase will change a little, now you need to think:

This man loves me!

And the third week will help you tune in to the wave of mutual love. Therefore, having spotted a man, repeat these words to yourself:

"I love this man and he also loves me."

How will this ritual help? It will program your subconscious in such a way that you can easily receive and give love. You will also send a positive message to the Universe about your readiness to meet your betrothed.

Ritual Simoron for love with perfume

It is performed only one day a year - on the feast of St., February 14th. This is an ideal time to harmonize with the world, as well as attract love vibes.

You will need to take a bottle of your favorite perfume, put it in front of you and try to fill it with the energy of love. Feel your love for these spirits, fill them with this feeling to the maximum.

Then gently stroke the bottle with the pads of your fingers, as if you were in front of your favorite little kitten. You should feel warmth and a slight tingle in your fingertips.

Then the phrase “Love is always with me!” is repeated three times.

You charged your perfume with the energy of love, now it has gained magical power. Every time you apply perfume, it will spread love vibes from you that will not go unnoticed by men.

The ritual of calling your beloved

To perform this rite, you need to stock up on such an arsenal of tools:

  • refractory dishes;
  • a box of matches;
  • twigs or a piece of paper to kindle a miniature fire.

Pour salt on a plate and level it, then lay out a kind of “well” or “hut” with the help of twigs or paper. Kindle the fire.

It is best to perform all actions in the yard, or at least open all the windows in the room, because the smoke from the laurel is highly toxic.

Take a bay leaf, put it on fire with the words:

“Laurel leaves that burn in the fire!
May my Love come to me!”

Then it is necessary to repeat the operation of burning the bay leaf a number of times, which is a multiple of three (you can limit yourself to three times). More repetitions can be fraught with poisoning by toxic laurel smoke.

In conclusion, be sure to thank the Higher Forces for the assistance provided and destroy all traces of the conflagration.

It is important that in all rituals always maintain sacred silence and not tell anyone about the actions taken. Otherwise, you can spoil the result (it may not come at all).

And, of course, sincerely believe in the power of magic, subject to these conditions, your soul mate will appear in your life very soon!

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:


To begin with, let go of the old, obsolete and unnecessary relationships for you. As the Chinese wise men used to say: if you want hot tea, pour the cold one out of the cup first!
It is very important, wanting to find love, not to get hung up on a specific, specific person! The wish will certainly come true as soon as you stop waiting for Him (Her).
A big mistake is to demand from the Matrix EXACTLY THAT object, thing or person. What is the goal, after all? To love and to be loved. Create a family. Enjoy the company of the opposite sex, etc.
This is what you need to tune in and simoronit - on the Goal (relationship), and not on the means of achieving it (a particular person).
The Universe has prepared for you exactly the person you need, you just need to let him appear, and not stomp your feet and capriciously poke your finger at a specific candidate.
Our Brain, limited by the Habitual Picture of the World, is not always able to immediately understand what will be best - it can only build from already familiar cubes! :)
Maybe this one will appear, or maybe another one, if this other one is much better than that one!
Or maybe you will have to conjure a little, in order to change yourself (your inner qualities, behavior style, attitude towards the opposite sex) and then, finally, One or That will appear and precisely Those relationships.
If you understand that you are fixated on a particular person and his face seems to you everywhere and you, like Margarita, are ready, stripped naked, to fly after him (her) on a broom even to the ends of the world, but for some reason your flights are not at all interesting, before you slander on Love, it is important to “let go” of the one who holds you tightly in this reality and does not allow you to jump into another.

How to let go?
Fixation on a specific person, or on a certain type of relationship, to be honest, you need something for it!
For example, in a relationship with him you play the role of the victim:"Ah, me! Poor sheep! Wow, how the heart beats .... Ah, this is Love ... Alena Sviridova sings and you sing along with her, hugging a pillow, pouring a glass of wine for yourself and your unfortunate girlfriend, who has been listening to how it is for an hour, to be unloved or lonely, or to endure His betrayals!
And in your suffering you are so unrealistically beautiful. These tears suit you so much, and a cigarette, and a scoundrel-bastard-who-is not worthy of you!
Kaifno? No?! Then tell yourself: I've played enough of this!! And choose another role!
And how do you the role of the creator? This is my favorite, for active girls!! :) He (a) does not reciprocate your feelings, well, or he answers sluggishly. (or even married or married!), but you do not give up, come up with more and more new ways how to win him (her).
First, a striptease on the table for his birthday, then fly to another city for a couple of hours with a bouquet of flowers to his mother, she should also be congratulated! Further - the musicians hired by you under his windows with a song: "Where are you, my light, wandering ...". The main verse, of course, is performed by you. A poster bought with the last money flaunts on the way to his work with a photo of him in swimming trunks and the inscription: “I liked it! :)
Honey, wait, where are you, everything is just beginning! I haven't climbed the fire escape through your window yet. I didn’t have time to write on the wall opposite the window of your hotel room in Krasnaya Polyana (where did you, naive, try to hide from me and thought I wouldn’t find you! ha ha!) how lucky I am with you! :))
Are you weak?
By the way, if you are a man and did all of the above for Her, and she, not appreciating your appearance at her place at 5 in the morning with flowers and the stuffed face of her new boyfriend, handed you over to the police, you can be congratulated! You are a super hero!
And society approves of your act very much! The country needs heroes!
Don't want to try on the role of a caring mother? Wipe him a drunken fool from the opelka, throw some money, warm him up, caress him, and put some goodies under a warm barrel? And how would he live without you, such a miserable one, not needed by anyone, will he disappear after all?: (Order of the mother of the Heroine - to the studio !!!
And yours, a young man, a girl, an unintelligent Gulena, will she disappear like that? And she has nothing to live on, and there is no one to go to, and what a difficult childhood she had! They didn’t teach her to love the poor thing, well, nothing, because you met her and now everything will be fine with her! Can you save it? ;)
I do not like? Ready to let go of this role or change?

Then thank her for those emotions, feelings that she gave you and change the rules of the game!
Also, if you are very fixated on a particular person or relationship type, you can do the following:
In the imagination, put his (her) image in a balloon, preferably yellow, sort of like separation. Inflate, tie, let go from the balcony, mentally saying goodbye to him (her), your unfulfilled expectations, those good and bad moments that connected you. And tell yourself that now you are ready for new, positive changes in your life and will wait for the gift of Fate, because there is such a sign: “A holy place is never empty!”

Simoron rituals for love
Love can:


Print ad: Looking for!

For example:
I am urgently looking for a man!
Wise. Calm. Knowing how to earn a living. Passionate about his work. Healthy. Showing initiative in developing relationships. Passionately wanting to start a family with a bunch of children and carry his wife in his arms. Height from 180, brown-eyed. Sharing my values ​​and passions. The owner of these qualities I undertake to cherish, cherish, feed at least once a day. N at least once a week to wear high heels and elastic stockings! About to build a family nest in accordance with fashionable design novelties, to entertain, amuse, take to seaside resorts!

We paste the announcement on the window from the side of the apartment, with the text on the street. Ladies or Cavaliers are more courageous, they can let airplanes with the text of the announcement out of the window or hand them out on the street with a phone number to the candidates they like


Universal materializer.

Purpose: Gives physical form to your wildest intent.

1. Any closed container: mystery box, clay teapot.

2. Batteries, always new. They feed the materializer with energy. We fix inside the teapot (or box).
3. The main components may change depending on what needs to be materialized.

For example:
A. Sexual component: men's shower gel,
b. Smart component: a book that is creepy smart
V. Sports component: three small models of cars (however, one will not be enough!). Racing cars to make the prince active and sporty.
Well, and an aesthetically attractive component: a photo of an elf of unearthly beauty from The Lord of the Rings ...
e. Cash component: 2000 bucks is enough!
The whole thing is to store in a teapot, a box, to dance a "clockwork" dance, to say a desire-intention in the present tense as many times as the prince should be. And put the box in a conspicuous place.

Also, you can compose Order:
Give the good girl Masha Prince her, according to this list of qualities: (further list the qualities). And the signature at the bottom of the Super Important Uncle. (Lord God, Medvedev, the head of your company or department for the materialization of desires).

Okay, while drinking, constantly offer toast:"For love!" "Let everyone find their love!"

Bathing in Love.
Write "Love" on the bath foam, you can write "Grooms" or whatever you want, what murmurs and bathe in it every day!

Drawing hearts on the line of fate.
On the palm of your hand on the line of fate, draw 2 hearts together with the Magic Pen!

write a fairy tale about your future love, which led to the wedding. How did you meet a young man, how did you confess your love to each other. Describe in detail how your lover proposed

Attract, lure, lure...

Can any come up with a lure and attach it to yourself.
Recipe from Natasha: Take different purring key chains, keys, hearts, letters and make yourself a lure "For love".
You just need to bring it to the mirror and solemnly announce what it was made for!
For this, I bought a magic set for children's creativity and designed it myself with letters and hearts! hooked to the bag! The child liked it, he asked me for a long time what I was doing and why, after which he asked and made a tempting keychain on his phone to attract fives! They say it's good if it crumbles in some crowded place! Everyone calls and gets to know each other. The main thing is that something remains from the old lure, and on the basis of the old one, we make a new lure!
Or here's another: we take a small heart made of paper or a red ribbon, smear it with glue, sprinkle with semolina and attach this simple device to the underwear of the magical Boo LOVE Coy !!! What does it mean - LOVE WILL BE!!!

And we read verses:
I love myself beloved,
I love with my love.
Beloved will admire
And cling to me with love!

magic shoes

You need to buy yourself magic shoes like Cinderella to attract love!
Buy yourself beautiful shoes with intention (to attract a loved one into your life). You need to dress them with intention too! Well, flaunt them wherever you want, better in a crowded place to be noticed!

Hearts drawn on the fifth point with iodine.

Also a very magical technique!
Draw hearts on the pope with iodine, you can use a mesh so that your loved one gets caught soon!

At one of my trainings, the beautiful Anzhelika decided to hang the hooks from her bra on their bulletin board to catch men from a chic cottage village, for bait, we are waiting for the result)

Attracting Love on the New Moon(can be any other evening)

A pan is put on the head and 1 striped sock on the right leg. A fork is taken in hand: Jumping around the apartment, say: “I am a magnet for love in a striped sock and with a saucepan on my head, I am a magnet for love, for health and wealth and for (specify who (several people can be)) After the ritual dance, eat dinner with the same fork, silently repeating the spell.
To attract love going out into the street, smeared with honey. (maybe lips)


You can catch Love in a colorful net of ribbons. Weave into the new moon, weaving into the network the desired qualities of the Beloved mixed with affectionate words that you will call HER, HIM.
We hang out at night on the street, during the day we carry it with us. And so 27 days.

You can catch on your red underpants (if you want passionate love and a lot of sex), you can catch on pink ones if you are more focused on tender affection and serious relationships.

IN grow

Buy seeds or a plant and plant your love. Flowers will grow - love and relationships will grow, and then they will also bloom and smell!
And the choice of seeds: Astra "Bride", aster "Princely Bride", "Fountain of Desires", "Dream", "Magic Ball", all dwarfs can be bred in pots!

Come up with a sign or a few that will come to love and regularly perform them

If you step on your foot in the bus, a passionate admirer will appear.
10 times we saw kissing couples - for the imminent arrival of love.

Lost an umbrella - soon a loved one will appear with a car and an umbrella will no longer be needed!
Signs can be composed in the course of events.

Somehow, a knife flew onto the balcony to the famous simonist Lissy Mousse .. She decided:
Let the sign be like this: a knife for a happy meeting with the betrothed!
A knife that has flown onto a balcony should be poured abundantly with rainwater, then kept in the fresh air for several days. Early in the morning before sunrise, gently take it with your right hand, wrap it in red silk, and bring it into the house! Cross the threshold only with the right foot!
Put the knife on a dish, light two candles on the sides, pour sweet wine over it. Now this knife becomes magical! you can compose a verse (they collectively composed this verse on the forum, each wizard on a line!)
If marriage is unbearable
You take the magic knife
Cut your own cake
Do not eat until midnight, At midnight, as the clock strikes ..
Hang your panties on the balcony
Cut them into ribbons
Weave a net and eat a cake,
Attach a lantern to the net
Look into the distance!
In the net with a knife, rustle and dance a square dance
Beat the beat with your foot
Count the chimes
Once - I start dancing
Two - around the head
Three, my lantern burn!
Four- show up man in the apartment
Five, let's feast!
There are already six cakes
Seven-happiness is enough for everyone!
Eight favors do not ask!
Nine - we can do it ourselves
Ten - the moon shines in the sky
11.12 - it's time to get caught!
And I - the sun is clear - I will look out the window
Hey man got caught in the net!
Sing a wedding song!
(The final phrase should be sung loudly and solemnly. The caught husband, and before that the lantern (instead of the husband) should be gently wrapped in a net and put to bed. Carefully store the net. If the knife itself does not want to fly onto the balcony, throw it in any convenient place for the ritual !

Ritual Pants Red on the chandelier or on the window!
Buy beautiful red underpants (can be made with hearts, with beads, flowers), the main thing is to purr, and hang on the window with the intention (to attract love into your life)! It is even better to hang them from the outside. Periodically put on, wash and hang to dry again! It helps a lot to put panties on your head and dance to good music! This is a proven technique! Even long-forgotten love wakes up!
For dating on the Internet: - put on a monitor and turn on the Internet !!! All!! The result is guaranteed :)

P bring home

Simoronsky Slipper ritual for her husband.

On the new moon, you need to buy new men's slippers. Take the time to choose - you should like the slippers very much, you should see them and understand - this is it. No compromise!
(They say that one woman who wanted to get herself a husband bought cheap Chinese slippers on the market, so then they can’t get rid of the attention of a dubious type of type on the street. For better results, you can ride slippers in an expensive car for several days).
Slippers should be "infused" in the corridor for 3 days, do not allow anyone to wear them at this time.
After 3 days, at exactly midnight, get on all fours in the corridor, after opening the door ajar. Put your hands in slippers, while their socks should look inside the house. Now you need to stomp your hands in slippers 3 times and shout: “Narrowed-disguised, without bad habits, appear!”
Everyone, wait for someone to appear in your life soon.

Below is an example of the use of the ritual by one of the participants in the training:
Two years already, as I'm in free flight! From the first days of my free life (after 9 years of marriage), I didn’t do anything - I bought slippers first of all! She took them to exhibitions, cinemas, cafes, clubs. The Fairy Godmother drove them in her car for 3 weeks. Why, the first New Year after the divorce met one on one with these slippers! They drank a bottle of champagne, put them at the head of the table)))
After that, the suitors went in shoals! the first frame is right at the bus stop clung! Barely fought back.


You need to click on the street near unfamiliar handsome men.
You need to click 10 people! Better - 11 (1 control).
Moreover, not just click quietly, but approach with a serious look and ask, "Man (woman), let me click next to you?"
If the man agrees, click gracefully and say "Congratulations, now we are sure to be lucky in love." Options can be specified "To me and to you!", "To me with you", "To you with me", or each separately! But you will definitely be lucky!
All kinds of cautious and doubting calmly let go and wait for the next one.
Only voluntary sharing counts.
Remember what the snappers say.

Change your image

If, despite your active role in finding a marriage partner, you come across the wrong ones and not there, it may be time to change yourself or your way of acting in relation to the opposite sex in order to attract other partners!
Can be analyzed what qualities do you lack And Add them to items. Then carry with you items that embody these qualities.
For example:
Magic Hat from Fenya.
I decided to give my friend, a very businesslike girl, a magic hat for her birthday.
Crocheted from pink threads, with frills and ribbons.
Since this is a gift option, the size is not large, puppet.
Rules of use: carry with you to attract men who are ready to carry a woman in their arms

Canplay fairy tale I am the one that .. (next, we choose a role in which those qualities that we lack to attract the desired partner are compensated, well, or the one that just purrs)

For example, to attract proactive suitors who want to get married.
You are a princess frog, he is - as expected - Ivanushka. You put on everything green: a green skirt, a blouse, shorts, a hat, earrings, green boots or shoes. A couple of days you ride like this in public transport, well, or just appear in public. Like, here I am, frog-quack, waiting for my prince! On the 3rd day, you stage the arrival of the treasured arrow to your balcony. You can also compose a song and a frog dance and perform it with intention!
You can take any fairy tale with a happy ending, any character and the desired scenario.

To attract adult, responsible men with whom you can be a "little girl." (Good for changing the situation in cases where "little boys" come across in a relationship). walking" a new image, singing the Barbochka's song.

Ritual with horseradish. For ladies. (invented by the participants of one of the trainings of the Pope and the Beard)
We find a large horseradish root, 2 eggs, he is a kinder surprise and decorations for horseradish. We dress up the root, we tie the kinders.
We dip into the water and splash ourselves.
I sprinkle with a shitty spirit,
I appoint the queen of life
I inseminate all desires,
Let me live as you wish.
And to hell with it!

Pretend that everything is already there
View and measure wedding dresses, call registry offices, choose limousines, buy rings (you can buy jewelry)
Do you remember the Runaway Brides campaign by Osmopolitan magazine? When girls all in white wedding dresses ran through the streets in the absence of suitors?

So, the action has become insanely popular in all cities of Russia, because. within a year, all the runaway brides turned out to be married ladies!
One of the trainees says:
There was always such a situation. I was asked:
- When will you get married? Tired of me.
- Yes, in a year - I answer, in the summer, but I myself didn’t even have anyone in mind.
Bottom line: after 2 months I meet a man and marry him in the summer!

Visualize, meditate.

From Feng Shui - place images of peonies (for unmarried girls), images and figurines of paired animals, photographs of couples in love.

It is better to place in the South-West of the apartment or your room.

Bedding in pink and peach shades works great.

In general, paired items are always helpful (two toothbrushes, two towels, etc.)

The most feng shui talisman is a couple of mandarin ducks (carry with you, put in the southwest, communicate with them)

It is good to place in the southwestern sector, and also decorate the front door with the hieroglyph of double luck for love.

And we also know the universal law: what you give is what you get. So if you want love, give love! You can draw many symbols of double luck and give it to your friends, as well as talismans of love: ducks, paired angels, hearts, etc.

Full Moon Love Ritual

When the Sun starts to set, stand by the window, or on the balcony, practice a little inflating beautiful soap bubbles.
When you start to get huge, iridescent bubbles - mentally place yourself and your loved one in one of them, whom you don’t have yet, but whom you want to attract. Visualize your images together. And release the bubble to the moon.
When the Sun sets, the wind and the forces of nature will do their job, your message will be delivered.
You can release not one, but several of these bubbles for fidelity.

Technique for attracting a soul mate Vadim Zeland
For ladies.

Write a thought form on a piece of paper:
I am a very charming person. From me comes the inner light of charm, love and sex. I am a luminous being. I attract men to me. My man finds me.
Place a glass of water on this sheet. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot between your palms like a balloon. This is your energy. Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak consciously and with conviction this thought-form, imagining its meaning as far as possible. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized.
I have tested this technique many times with different thought forms. Works very hard.

Men should rewrite the text in their own way. Like that:

I am a very charming person. From me comes the inner light of charm, love and sex. I am a luminous being. Women like me, they want me. I find my soul mate.
And of course, any thought forms can be used. Compose them yourself - about what you are especially striving for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace "I attract to me ..." with "people like me", or "I have a good appearance, I look attractive, and every day I get better and better." You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts.
The particle "not" cannot be used. The thought-form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and directed towards one goal. If you have several goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water. For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow with another. Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other.
Why does this technique work?
Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure - its molecules are combined into clusters - conglomerates of particles that change their shape depending on external influences. That is why it is possible to record information in water, as on a magnetic tape - to “talk” it. Oddly enough, scientists learned about clusters much later than they launched the first ships into space. And grandmothers were aware of this for a long time and successfully put it into practice.
And if the thought form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing - it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is sent straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar.
A sheet of paper also has its own functions. First, when you do not just speak the thought form, but write it down, it acquires additional power. Secondly, even just one word pasted on a container of water charges the water with information embedded in the meaning of this word. The clusters that form in this case can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Famous experiments have shown that words such as "love you", "thank you", "hello" generate snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice. Why this happens, one can only wonder. You can't call it otherwise than by the providence of God. Of course, the main role here is played by the intention of the person who is aware of the word when he writes and sticks it on the container.
Finally, the energy in your hands amplifies and localizes the intent, causing the water to be charged quickly and effectively. The recorded information will spread throughout the body and set up the morphological biofield for the radiation of a given intention.

Feng Shui ritual to attract your soulmate

We take 4 peas, wrap them in paper and say the intention, put the bundle under the pillow. The next day, when it gets a little dark, we go out into the street and in any place you like (favorite park, favorite street, place) and scatter these peas on 4 sides


rituals gastronomic
Ritual in order to melt the heart of a loved one
It is addressed to those who are in separation or quarrel with a loved one, if there is a chill between you. And we will heat this chill, in the sense - melt it.

Drink of love.
Brew tea with bergamot in half with Sudanese rose petals (trade name Kra kade), let it brew - this will be tea leaves. Then pour this tea leaves into the decanter, pour sugar, cinnamon (preferably in sticks, but you can also ground), cardamom (again, you can ground, but better in grains), ginger (no difference dried or fresh), you can add raisins, then juice orange or lemon (harder with lemon, so do not pour a lot), a piece of this same orange or lemon - and pour boiling water over it all! All spices can be replaced with one bag of seasoning "For mulled wine".
Next, let the drink brew for an hour or more. If necessary, strain. Sugar to taste.
At the hour of the ritual, pour the Drink of Love into a glass and throw one pre-made heart out of ice (there are such ice molds, they are definitely sold in Ikea. A heart can be made not just from water, but from some red juice - grape juice will do (grapes are generally good for has a good effect on the cardiovascular system)
Throw a heart - and imagine that you are melting the icy heart of your loved one in the drink of your love. Drink with intent!

Love cocktail for girls (shared by The Princess and the Pea)

1. HONEY - to attract Love.
2. CARROT Juice - "Love-Carrot!"
3. Raisins - for amazing relationships. (well, and so that there was some kind of zest in me. To draw attention to me).
4. APPLE juice - for seduction, temptation, seduction, etc.
5.PYORE pelin eggs (2 pcs)
I'll lay two eggs, I'll meet a fellow soon!
6. Add CARDAMOM - its other name is "Magic Tree" It's the most.
7. PEPPER-for pen
8.ACCELERATE -- to speed things up
9. AND COGNAC. I like the military, so there must be stars. Asterisks are present in cognac (and indeed a noble drink)

Tornado all this potion for 27 seconds with a blender. And pour into a plastic cup that says "Dreams come true."

You can sing a song:
In the heat and cold burning,
A cocktail will help me
Find LOVE seething,
Be completely happy!

What are the ingredients in your recipe?
Create! Dare! Love!

While I was writing this article, 2 cabbage butterflies appeared in my kitchen. In the middle of winter :)

Here are the same, only on the refrigerator!

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)