Why don't they wash the dishes at night. Why should you never leave dirty dishes in the sink? Folk signs about the dangers of dirty dishes

All people know that it is impossible to leave unwashed dishes overnight, however, despite this rule, many of us systematically violate it. Therefore, it will be relevant to consider the question of why it is impossible to leave the dishes overnight.

Hygienic aspect

Despite the fact that we eat food from dishes that is harmless, and often useful for humans, it is strongly not recommended to leave it dirty after dinner, especially at night. The thing is that the remnants of food, which are probably present on the dishes, react with each other overnight, the process of decay begins. All this together, of course, leads to an unpleasant odor.

In addition, dried food is known to be very difficult to wash off. Yes, with the use of modern detergents, hot water, it is very difficult to wash such dishes by hand the next morning.

It is also important to understand that bacteria multiply in dirty dishes overnight, and even if you wash it to a visually clean state, it is quite possible that some microelements and microbes will remain on the surface.


In addition, the answer to the question of why it is impossible to leave unwashed dishes overnight can be a fairly common sign. Superstitious people claim that a systematic neglect of cleanliness, an unwillingness to wash dishes after dinner, can lead to monetary losses.

As people prone to superstition say, such actions can be perceived by the brownie as disrespect for him. Therefore, in the case of unwashed dishes, you can count on the occurrence of all sorts of troubles.

Of course, these are all ordinary superstitions, and the main aspect in this situation is that, first of all, dirty dishes left overnight are unhygienic and wrong. However, if you are among the superstitious people, such a sign will obviously not bother you, but will only help ensure that the dishes in your house will always be clean and will not expect “bathing procedures” only in the morning.

In addition, unwashed dishes left overnight are, after all, a terrible example for the younger generation. If there are small children in your house, they will not learn anything good from looking at such dishes. However, it also threatens with all sorts of diseases, because, as we noted above, during the night among the plates, cups, spoons and forks left to sour in the sink, microbes multiply that can affect the weakened, unformed immunity of the child.

There are many versions of why it is impossible to leave dirty dishes overnight in the sink. The most common of them are associated with folk signs and unsanitary conditions.

Folk omens

From ancient times it was believed that dirty dishes left overnight in the sink lead to quarrels and discord in the family. Dirty dishes attract evil spirits and evil spirits. According to the ancestors, evil spirits flock at night to refresh themselves, thereby affecting the subconscious of all family members, which led to scandals and abuse in the house.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers from a young age taught girls to keep order and cleanliness in the house. Because an untidy housewife always has a dirty and uncomfortable house, and comfort is an integral part of a strong marriage and good relationships.

unsanitary conditions

Dirty dishes left in the sink overnight can lead to a number of serious illnesses.

Such as:

  • stomach upset,
  • intestinal infections,
  • gingivitis,
  • stomatitis,
  • periodontitis,
  • periodontal disease.

And this is only a small part of what unwashed dishes left overnight can turn into. Germs on dirty dishes multiply at a tremendous rate and it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

Even after washing dishes in the morning, bacteria settle on the sink, dish sponges and continue to multiply. Then they again find themselves on the dishes and, accordingly, enter the body.

Unwashed dishes left overnight are the best breeding ground for cockroaches. They crawl out at night and feed on leftover food on dirty dishes. And as you know, cockroaches are carriers of severe diseases and infections.

Therefore, so that there is harmony, peace and tranquility in the house, there are no scandals and diseases - wash the dishes immediately after eating!

Some people are concerned about the question of why you should not leave dirty dishes overnight. This sign has been around for a very long time. People believe in it, so they try not to leave unwashed dishes. At the same time, few people think about the meaning of signs.

Disagreements can begin not only between spouses. There were times when all family members ceased to understand each other. Specialists in the interpretation of signs connected these events precisely with the fact that the hostess constantly left the dishes unwashed at night.

Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to believing in omens. Some of them have become so famous that they are observed in almost every family.

One of the most popular signs is the sign that unwashed dishes should not be left at night.

Before going to bed, the hostess must wash all the pots, plates, glasses, wipe them with a towel and put them in the closet. In the old days, people believed in this, and in almost every family, the accumulation of dirty dishes was considered unacceptable. At the same time, the interpreters of signs gave a very original explanation for such a belief. It was believed that dirty dishes attract demons and evil spirits. Leaving it in the sink or on the table, the hostess, as it were, calls dark forces to your house.

Some believe that it is at night that demons eat from dirty dishes. If you leave unwashed dishes overnight, then quarrels and troubles can begin in the family. First of all, this may affect marital relations. The husband of such a mistress can leave the family. However, this interpretation signs can be explained very simply. The hostess who constantly leaves unwashed dishes in the sink, as a rule, does not have a very clean house. It is not at all surprising if serious disagreements begin in her family and, in the end, the husband begins to pay attention to more economic representatives of the fair sex. After all, every normal man wants to see cleanliness and comfort in the house, and not mountains of unwashed dishes.

The sign that the dishes need to be washed in a timely manner is very useful. It is very useful for hostesses to believe in her.

At the same time, one can find a sign not only mystical, but also quite reasonable justification. Leaving dirty dishes and cups in the sink or even the dishwasher overnight can lead to cockroaches in your home. These insects crawl out of the cracks at night. If there are dirty dishes or products in the public domain in the kitchen, then very soon there will be a lot of them. It is quite difficult to get cockroaches out, so it is better to take measures to protect against the spread of such insects in the house or apartment.

According to interpreters, it is especially dangerous to leave a knife on a table or work surface overnight in the kitchen. Knives should always be put in place. Otherwise, it can lead to serious scandals in the family. It is believed that this provokes quarrels between spouses. In this case, for the most part, aggression will come from a man. In such a family, the husband may even begin to threaten his wife or use physical force.

To believe or not to believe in omens is everyone's business. However, following the well-known rule that the dishes must be washed every evening so as not to leave them unwashed at night is beneficial in all respects. This allows you to maintain comfort in the house, which contributes to the preservation good relations between spouses and is an excellent prevention from domestic quarrels.

Almost every housewife can admit that she periodically accumulates dirty dishes. You can't leave it in the sink overnight. At the same time, many people leave the dishes in the dishwasher and at the same time believe that the sign does not apply to such storage.

The sign of dirty dishes is considered very useful. Housewives who believe in her stop being lazy and always wash dishes during the day. This allows you to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen and is an excellent prevention against the appearance of midges and cockroaches.

There are many folk signs that have been known since ancient times. Many of them are related to the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, and therefore the signs associated with it promise to be blessed ...

The fact that unwashed dishes should not remain overnight in the sink, mothers remind their daughters all their lives, mothers-in-law - daughters-in-law, grandmothers - granddaughters. Why this is so important, you can hear different versions. Most of them are associated with superstitions and beliefs, but there are also rational explanations.

Folk signs about the dangers of dirty dishes

The fact that unwashed dishes left overnight will lead to discord between spouses has long been said to the daughters of the mother and mother-in-law, trying to accustom the young spouse to neatness. According to our ancestors, dirty dishes flock to dirty dishes at night, which, once in the house, affects the subconscious of its inhabitants, provoking them to scandals and quarrels. Such an explanation also has a somewhat rational basis: unwashed dishes can only be left overnight with a careless hostess who does not really care about the cleanliness of her home. The house of such a mistress is uncomfortable, so the likelihood that the marriage will break up is very high.

Rational explanation of the ban on unsanitary conditions

Unwashed dishes left in the sink overnight are a breeding ground for infection and germs. Remains of food on the plates undergo fermentation and decay processes, putrefactive microbes multiply rapidly and settle in the sink. Even after washing dishes in the morning, germs remain on the sink, settle on the dishcloth, then again on the dishes themselves. As a result, the occurrence of intestinal infections, digestive disorders, infectious diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis).

Psychological complexes