The most intelligent women among the signs of the zodiac. The most intelligent women of the zodiac signs The most intelligent and beautiful women in history

December 28, 2016 14:51

By Fabiosa

There is an opinion that a wise woman is a woman with unlimited patience. Her wisdom is determined by the degree of "convenience" for a man. And really, why not glorify a woman who does not show her bad mood, always gentle, helpful and sacrifices her priorities for the benefit of her husband? Her happiness lies in the success of her husband, children, and anyone but her own. But we are sure that sacrifice has nothing to do with intelligence or wisdom. After all, a smart woman is, first of all, self-sufficient.

Here are 10 qualities inherent in smart women.

1. She's not obsessed with men

Of course, there were, are and will be men in her life. But her world doesn't revolve around them. She understands that relationships with the opposite sex are an important, but far from the only component of her happiness. She has hobbies, friends and work. She values ​​herself and does not consider that she will take place as a woman only when she meets "that one."

2. She is honest with herself.

A smart woman understands that the bitter truth is better than naive fantasies. Therefore, she does not find ridiculous excuses for either herself or her man. If he does not call, then she is not interested in him. End. Dot. Excuses about great aunt's illness and emergency meeting at 12 at night are best left for someone else. A smart woman doesn't wear pink glasses.

3. She doesn't put on drama.

A smart woman is open in the manifestations of her emotions. When she rejoices, she rejoices with all her heart. When he is sad, he does not hide it either. However, a smart woman does not play drama, do not wind herself up and revel in her grief, especially in public. She understands that if she really suffers next to a man, then this is not her man. And the theater of one actor is useless to her.

4. She is perceptive

She feels lies and is well versed in people, so it is very difficult to deceive her. She is open and ready to offer her help in difficult situation. She is not envious and is ready to share your joy with you. Therefore, it is very easy to communicate and be friends with her.

5. She found her own style

She does not follow current trends and does not go to extremes. She found herself and her style a long time ago. Crazy experiments are not for her, because she knows what suits her and what does not. A smart woman understands that she cannot please everyone, and does not strive for this. Perhaps that is why it always and everywhere looks appropriate.

6. She's principled

Life has taught her that sometimes you need to compromise and give in. However, there are things in which it is fundamental. And then she can no longer be bribed, persuaded or intimidated. This does not mean at all that she is adamant in everything. Her opinion may change over time, but she herself decides how to live, and no reproaches and threats are important to her.

7. She knows how to forgive

A smart woman understands that perfect people do not exist. Everyone can make mistakes, so if you are sincerely repentant, she will forgive and never remind you of your wrongdoing.

8. She lives in the present

A smart woman takes out only experience from the past. She does not torment herself with endless unspoken dialogues and thoughts about what could have been if ... She understands that only those who live entirely in the present will never regret the past.

9. She lives in harmony with herself

Such a woman understands her body and listens to it. She won't party at the club until the morning if she knows she has to go to work in the morning. She loves her body and does not allow anyone to dictate to her how it should look.

10. She remains a woman

Despite all my experience and life wisdom she is still a woman. She loves flowers, gatherings with friends and other small pleasures of life. She is not shy about crying on sad films, enjoying the little things and loving the woman in herself. She always remains herself, and therefore she is beautiful at any age!

Being a smart woman does not mean conforming to some set of qualities. Everyone has their own path and their life goals. Therefore, it is very important to accept yourself and develop as you see fit. After all, only when you find yourself and love, in your life there will be no envy, doubts and disappointments.

Female beauty is a very subjective concept and, of course, it changes depending on the time.

For example, once Cleopatra was considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, and modern men believe that she is far from the standard of female attractiveness. But modern girls would definitely not have liked men from antiquity, who considered thinness a sign of a diseased organism.

The editors of The Only One have collected for you the 6 most beautiful women of their time to show how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale beauty has changed.


Cleopatra drove thousands of men crazy of her time, and her beauty is still legendary. In addition, she knew how to present herself and was very fond of sex.

The main beauty secret of the Egyptian queen was daily donkey milk baths. And her love for her state and devotion to her people are worthy of respect.

Ninon de Lanclos

Ninon de Lanclos was born in 1620. She was the most popular courtesan in France, who not only knew what men needed, but was also very educated, intelligent and always wanted to be independent.

In addition, she had incredible beauty. During the night with her, the men were ready to part with any money, and if there was no money, they left Ninon family jewels. Thanks to her example (after all, in those days, women could not even go to libraries), many girls thought that they wanted to be educated.

Ann Bolein

Anne Boleyn was not only considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, but also really influenced the course of history.

After the King of England Henry the Eighth saw her, he sent Anna letters, gifts and offers to become his mistress. But Anna did not agree to this role - she wanted to be his wife.

As a result, the girl achieved her goal, and in order to divorce his first wife, Henry had to change the religion of the entire state. And after marriage, Anna led an active political activity and fought for women's rights.

Veronica Franco

Veronica Franco is a famous Venetian courtesan and Renaissance poet. She was rich, educated and talented, and also associated with famous politicians, poets and artists.

It is worth noting that in Venice, women did not have access to education, and it was the courtesans who were the most educated of the fair sex. Veronica was seriously fond of literature and wrote beautiful poems.

Mata Hari

Mata Hari (real name - Margareta Gertrud Zelle) is a well-known oriental dancer in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. When the girl was 18, she married Captain Rudolph McLeod. The family moved to the island of Java.

Family life turned out to be hell and Margareta tried to take her mind off it by learning Indonesian dances. As a result, the couple divorced and, left without money, family and support, the girl went to Paris and began a dancing career. She proved that every girl should be able to support herself and not depend on a man.

In addition, Mata Hari was a German spy.

Liane de Pugy

Liane de Pougy was the most famous and coveted French courtesan of the last decades of the 19th century. She was so liberated and firmly believed that a woman can enjoy sex (and life in general) that she excited the minds of not only men, but also women.

Interesting: at the beginning of the 20th century, no one thought about the female orgasm.

It is also interesting that Liana was a supporter of the naturalness of women: she wore comfortable clothes, used a minimum of makeup and did not like pathos.

Ladies love to compete not only in beauty and charm. It is important for them to be even smarter than their rivals. Astrologers identify five smart female zodiac signs.

Even if you are not on the list, this does not mean that you have no chance of earning the title of a smart woman. The mind is not only erudition, but also wisdom, because it is important to be able to look at your life mistakes from the right angle, benefiting even from failures. Stupidity is repeating your mistakes and exaggerating your achievements.

Aries Woman

A woman born under this Sign is always one step ahead of her competitors. These representatives of the fair sex take their strength of mind. They are smart enough not to give up just like that. Them leadership skills are an indicator of a special mind. Aries are resistant to stress, to overwork.

Another indicator of the mind of Aries women is their unique thinking, completely devoid of stereotypes. This is what makes them smart, first of all, in the eyes of men who adore originality of views. These ladies may be devoid of erudition and wisdom, but the uniqueness of their thinking will never let them down.

Leo Woman

Female lions are smart because they are experienced. Absolutely every life lesson they take into service. If these women or girls have close friends, then they absorb their mistakes like a sponge. Lions also have pronounced leadership qualities, which make them seem even smarter.

"Lionesses" are very good at making contact with other women and men. They are characterized by some male character traits, which makes them smarter in the eyes of the stronger sex. Leo women love to be in the company of men, and if they don’t, then at least they know how to behave and how not to be boring.

Capricorn Woman

Girls and women born under the Sign of Capricorn are extremely well-read and intellectually developed. Their undisguised and obvious craving for knowledge is visible from afar. They may not be too wise in life due to an extremely narrow circle of friends, but sometimes their level of thinking just goes off scale.

Calmness and self-control are two character traits that can best describe ladies born under this Sign. Loud and annoying people always give the impression of narrow-minded personalities. Capricorn women are the direct opposite of male stereotypes about a free and self-sufficient woman.

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius women are smart and have a great sense of humor, which helps them gather the brightest people around them. Aquarians of the fair sex are very inventive and erudite. They like to expand their knowledge base, so you rarely meet a stupid lady of this Zodiac Sign.

They are also very creative. What makes them unique is not the genius of ideas, but the speed of their generation. Women born under this sign can demonstrate excellent memory, curiosity. As for men, Aquarians find a common language with them, perhaps the fastest.

Scorpio Woman

Women of this Sign have an incredibly strong sixth sense, which helps them almost always break out into intellectual leaders. These ladies always try to think first and then do something, so they are ranked among the smartest women. There is almost no impulsiveness in them, just like the desire to let things take their course. Scorpios always finish what they start.

Scorpios are not after quantity, but after quality. This applies to business as well as love. Men respect Scorpio women because they see them as faithful life partners who understand the importance of pure relationships. Another plus in the piggy bank of women of this Sign is diplomacy. Scorpios, like no one else, know how to take revenge beautifully, which also creates an aura of high intelligence and endurance around them.

To increase self-confidence, every lady should not just think that she is the smartest, but try to achieve this by any means. Intelligent and wise people have always had a special charisma and charm. It is impossible to find your place in life if you think stereotypically or just try to appear unique. Look for yourself, try to be self-sufficient and respect other people's opinions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2018 06:37

All signs of the Zodiac in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. ...

How often have you ended a relationship beating yourself up for not noticing something in time, or for wasting time on someone you immediately knew was not right for you? Looking at a few recent boyfriends, do you have much in common with their stories?You can talk as much as you like about what men have gone today, but the truth is that women have long been able to control the relationship process themselves.

Perhaps the following 10 tips will help you meet smarter next time:

You don't trust your first impression

The very first moment when you meet a person gives you a lot of the right emotions from the person, because you are not emotionally attached to him yet and look as objectively as possible. If he immediately impressed you as a womanizer, then it is better to stay away from him until his Don Juan charms affect you and overshadow your common sense.

You are not focused enough on your relationship with yourself

There is a lot of talk about this, but it's true: first you have to love yourself, so that later you can love another, so that this other loves and respects you. When you know your worth, you will not settle for less and worse for yourself. You should not waste your time, energy and feelings on a person who does not appreciate it and does not reciprocate.

You don't want to believe that not all dates lead to relationships.

If you expect every new guy to be your One and only, you are setting yourself up for inevitable disappointment. Rather, look at it as an opportunity to meet a new person and gain new experience, on the basis of which you will better understand who you need in life.

You are afraid to immediately ask a man serious questions

Of course, the first date should be easy and carefree, but on the 2nd or 3rd date, you should already clarify issues that are important to you. If he says that he just got divorced, or that he is not yet ready for children, and your goal is a husband and family, then you may well find out from him what kind of relationship he is looking for. Be honest about what you want so you don't waste time and beat yourself up about it later.

You stay in a relationship that leads nowhere, and so constantly

These constant messages with offers to meet for one evening, although you have never really met. The problem isn't with having so much fun, it's that it distracts you from finding a real relationship. If you need another level, don't settle for less.

You don't set your boundaries

You don't have to set rules in a relationship, but you do need to make it clear what you accept and what you don't. If someone crosses the line, then it is your job to let him know about it. No need to justify his bad behavior - it will not change anything.

You let your fantasy blind you

It kills romance. You just give yourself up to passion, the euphoria of love, wonderful fantasies that you forget to see a person properly, to see common values ​​and an objective perspective.

You rarely meet

First dates are non-binding. See point… Don't think that you will only date the right person. But how to find and recognize it? The more you date, the more you will understand what you need, the easier you will feel and the easier it will be for you to turn down the wrong people.

you hate men

Stop blaming everything on the fact that, they say, men are now extinct. Stop judging everyone by the few you've met or heard about. It's not fair. Good guys there is, and there is no need to treat them a priori as deceivers, womanizers and idiots.

You live from relationship to relationship

Many women think that their life is not complete if they are not dating anyone. And thus repel potential love from themselves. After all, there is nothing more attractive than happy woman who loves her life and is open to sharing it with those who deserve to be in it.

The standards of female beauty undergo changes over time. The most attractive female representatives, according to the public, do not have to have the parameters of podium stars. The place in the ranking is influenced not only by appearance, but also by popularity among the population, the presence of an army of fans and activities, thanks to which the beauty managed to become famous.

So, to your attention:

50 – Claudia Lynx

An Iranian-born actress based in Toronto. Removed from 3 years of age. In her image, toy designers created a doll.

49 - Candice Swanepoel

Supermodel from South Africa. The first angel of the world-famous Victoria's Secret lingerie company.

48 - Freida Pinto

Film actress from India. The film debut was the drama Slumdog Millionaire. Pinto actively fights for women's rights.

47 - Megan Fox

Actress, model from America, known for her roles in several parts of "Transformers" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".

46 - Letitia Casta

The top model comes from the French province. She started acting at the age of 15. Her image became the prototype of Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic.

45 - Nina Dobrev

Bulgarian by origin, Nina has achieved fame in Canada. Realizes herself as a singer, actress, fashion model.

44 - Mila Kunis

The American star was born in Chernivtsi (Ukraine). Nominated for Best Actress for Black Swan.

43 – Sandra Bullock

The actress has received worldwide recognition for many of her works. Winner of the prestigious Oscar. Donated $1 million to the Red Cross twice.

42 – Elise

Dancer and singer from Corsica. He is also fond of football and Thai boxing. The very first album, released in 2000, immediately became mega popular.

41 - Ksenia Sukhinova

Model from Russia, born in Tyumen. Won 1st place in beauty contests in all-Russian and world beauty contests.

40 - Sofia Vergara

Model, TV presenter of Colombian origin. Received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

39 – Kate Middleton

The most popular person in the UK. Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William.

38 - Iris Mittenar

Model, winner of Miss France and Miss Universe 2016.

37 – Charlize Theron

Actress from America, producer originally from Africa. She won national love by participating in the films "Devil's Advocate", "Monster", "Hancock".

36 - Miranda Kerr

Supermodel from Sydney, who works a lot with famous brands from Europe and America. Twice included in the top ten richest models according to Forbes.

35 - Gisele Bündchen

Supermodel from Brazil, who previously dreamed of a professional sports career. Has a twin sister.

34 - Vera Brezhneva

33 - Olivia Wilde

Actress from New York, born in the family of a journalist and television producer. 4 times got into the hundred most bewitching women on the planet.

32 - Irina Shayk

The supermodel, originally from Chelyabinsk, has been working on the catwalks of Europe and the USA since 2005. Considered an icon of the fashion world.

31 – Margot Robbie

Australian film actress who gained fame after starring in popular TV series. For her role in "Empire" she was awarded the prize as the best debutante.

30 – Amanda Seyfried

Actress and singer from Pennsylvania. From the age of 11 she worked as a model, and she was invited to the first filming at the age of 15. She was nominated many times and won 6 times in authoritative film ratings.

29 - Natalia Vodianova

Supermodel from Russia, originally from Nizhny Novgorod. She started modeling at the age of 16. Natalia founded a charitable foundation called: "Naked Hearts".

28 - Anne Hathaway

Actress and producer from America. Winner of the Emmy, Oscar, and Golden Globe awards. She began to play in the theater as a child.

27 - Svetlana Khodchenkova

Moscow actress, debuted in the drama Bless the Woman. Has several awards for the best female role. I have experience in Hollywood films.

26 - Jessica Alba

The California actress started acting at the age of 13. Twice topped the lists of the most desirable beauties in the world.

25 - Stacy Keibler

An actress and model originally from Baltimore (USA), who devoted some time to performing at professional wrestling venues. She worked as a TV presenter for several years.

24 - Meryem Uzerli

The actress and model with Turkish and German roots became famous thanks to the Magnificent Age saga. Meryem founded her own cosmetics brand.

23 - Keira Knightley

The actress, twice nominated for an Oscar, was born in London. She played her first major role at the age of 16.

22 - Gal Gadot

Israeli movie star who starred in Hollywood blockbusters. The beauty represented her native country at the contest called "Miss Universe".

21 - Emma Stone

The beauty sunk into the hearts of the audience as a teenager, playing in the comedy "Excellent student of easy virtue." Today, the star has received numerous awards.

20 – Bar Refaeli

The top model of Israeli origin twice earned the title of the most fashionable and once - the most stylish girl.

19 – Aishwarya Rai

The sultry Indian beauty is a recognized standard of beauty. For her contribution to culture, she was awarded the Order of Arts and Literature.

18 - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

British supermodel who started her career at the age of 16 quite by accident.

17 - Cheryl Cole

16 - Magdalena Meltzage

Polish actress and model with an angelic appearance. She is the face of Loreal.

15 - Sienna Miller

Akrisa was born in New York, but spent her childhood in the UK. Succeeded in the modeling business.

14 - Christina Hendricks

The actress is called extravagant and self-confident. Appetizing forms do not fit into model parameters, but the hourglass figure has found many fans.

13 - Monica Bellucci

Born in the Italian provinces, Monica dreamed of being a lawyer. Everything changed her way of working part-time - as a model.

12 - Scarlett Johansson

In addition to a successful film career, Scarlett participates in the election campaigns of presidential candidates.

11 - Natalie Portman

Her family were from Jerusalem. The pseudonym Natalie took from her grandmother with Russian roots.

TOP - 10 most beautiful girls in the world

10 - Emilia Clarke

Friendly and self-confident, Emilia gained national fame thanks to the Game of Thrones series.

5 – Jessica Bill

She started her singing career and even performed in musicals, but successful screen tests at the age of 14 sealed her fate.

4 - Nicole Scherzinger

A bright pop singer and dancer, in which a mixture of Filipino, Hawaiian and Ukrainian blood flows.

3 - Jennifer Lopez

Growing up in a poor area of ​​the Bronx, the star has climbed to the highest levels of Olympus.

2 - Adriana Lima

Model from Brazil, the face of Maybelline. Many times topped the ranking of the most beautiful models in the world.

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