What is a cathedral and how is it different from a church? What does the word cathedral mean? What is the difference between a pulpit and a church?

There is probably no such person who has not read, or at least not heard, about the most famous cathedral in France - the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris Or Notre Dame de Paris. But this cathedral, which has a very interesting story, and is a prime example of a cathedral. But there are cathedrals not only in European countries. There are such cathedrals in Russia. There are not so many of them, but they are all widely known. it St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Kyiv, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir ... So what is different Cathedral from all other cathedrals?

The most important difference of a cathedral is that such a cathedral must have a pulpit. The pulpit (from the Latin word for "chair" or "throne") is the most honorable place in the temple, where there is a chair intended for the bishop. But sometimes this chair symbolizes not only a place of honor, but also a symbol of the power of the bishop. In our language, the name of the main cathedral of the diocese, the cathedral, came from the word "cathedral", but in the European language the word "cathedral" came from this word. That is, it turns out that every European cathedral is considered a cathedral.

The department has been around for a very long time. Back in the days of Christian catacombs and chapels, a special chair was always installed for the bishop during worship. In the future, the pulpit was located in the niche of the apse of the temple, that is, in a special semicircular recess of each Christian temple, and around the bishop there were chairs of other priests. This order was established by John the Theologian, who dreamed of just such an arrangement of the priests and the bishop during the service. But this word has another origin. The pulpit is the center of episcopal power. It is believed that bishops receive the chair from the apostles themselves.

However, today there is no single location of the pulpit in the temples. For example, in Russian cathedrals, the episcopal throne is located directly opposite the throne in a high place. AT Greek Church the pulpit is located on the choir, that is, in front of the iconostasis.

The status of "cathedral" is assigned once and for all. This rule applies not only in Russia, but also in all European countries. However, if the bishop decides that he needs another cathedral to hold the service, and this new cathedral is built, no one has the right to take away the title of the cathedral from the old building.

There is another feature of the cathedrals- they can be of any size, and the pulpit does not have to be permanently located in the cathedral building. It can be carried out only in those cases when the service will be conducted by the bishop. The rest of the time, such a portable pulpit can be in the most secluded place.

In addition to the actual cathedrals, there is also a so-cathedral.- a building in which there is a second pulpit, and a pro-cathedral - a building that temporarily performs the function of a cathedral.

The general stock of vocabulary (from the Greek Lexikos) is a complex of all the main semantic units of one language. The lexical meaning of a word reveals the generally accepted idea of ​​an object, property, action, feeling, abstract phenomenon, impact, event, and the like. In other words, it determines what this concept means in the mass consciousness. As soon as an unknown phenomenon gains clarity, specific signs, or an awareness of an object arises, people assign a name to it (a sound-letter shell), or rather, lexical meaning. After that, it enters the dictionary of definitions with the interpretation of the content.

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There are so many words and highly specialized terms in each language that it is simply unrealistic to know all their interpretations. AT modern world There are many thematic reference books, encyclopedias, thesauri, glossaries. Let's go over their varieties:

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In the Middle Ages, all Western Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic religion. Each congregation had its own church. These churches were grouped within areas called dioceses. Each diocese was under the jurisdiction of a bishop. The main church of the diocese had an episcopal throne - the pulpit. Translated from Latin, the name of such a church sounds like “cathedral church”.

Most cathedrals were built in the shape of a cross. The long part of the cross is the nave of the church, which serves to gather the worshipers. It is crossed, as it were, by the crossbar. At the "top" of the cross was an altar and a place for the choir. Domes in such churches were most often built over the intersection of two elongated spaces.

Cathedrals were built in almost all architectural styles. But most of the most famous cathedrals were built either in the Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, or Renaissance styles. Most of the most famous cathedrals, such as Notre Dame de Paris, were built in…

There are churches: parish, cemetery, house, cross (church at the bishop's or patriarch's house) and cathedral. The cathedral got its name because the service in it can be performed by the clergy of several churches (cathedral service). Cathedrals in diocesan cities or the main church in large monasteries are usually called cathedrals.

A temple (from the old Russian “mansions”, “chramina”) is an architectural structure (building) intended for worship and religious rites. A Christian temple is also called a "church".

The cathedral is usually called the main church of the city or monastery. Although local tradition may not adhere to this rule too strictly. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are three cathedrals: St. Isaac's, Kazansky and Smolny (not counting the cathedrals of city monasteries), and in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra there are two cathedrals: Assumption and Trinity. The church where the chair of the ruling bishop (bishop) is located is called the cathedral. AT…

A cathedral is usually called a Christian temple, which has a special status. As an example, a cathedral is a church that has an episcopal chair and is the main one in the district. As a rule, a bishop serves in a cathedral or cathedral.

Orthodoxy has always been famous for its magnificent churches. Since ancient times, the Slavs tried to build beautiful churches with golden domes and special painting of icons, which was often based on mosaics. It is enough to look at the temples of the Kiev-Pechersk and Pochaev Lavra. But temples with the status Cathedral. Not every temple received this status.

In ancient times and today, the status of a cathedral is received by those temples where the bishop's chair is located and hierarchal worship is constantly performed in them. Also, a temple can become a cathedral, which is located in a big city (without an episcopal chair), in a monastery. Such a main temple of a certain city or monastery will be called a cathedral. If there is a bishop's chair, then the prefix cathedral is added to the word cathedral. The most famous cathedrals of Ukraine are: Assumption Cathedral Kiev Pechersk Lavra, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Yalta, St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Holy Assumption Cathedral of Pochaev Lavra.

The status of a cathedral is given with the blessing of the reigning bishop once and for all time.

How is a cathedral chosen?

The question arises: "By what criteria is it determined that a temple can become a cathedral?" There are several criteria. First, as already mentioned above, a temple becomes a cathedral, where there is an episcopal chair. Secondly, Sunday services, especially festive services, are performed by a council of priests, who, as a rule, are no less than twelve.

This symbolic number means the twelve apostles. Since the bishop is the image of Christ, then he, like Christ, must be surrounded by twelve apostles. By the way, in some cathedrals the bishop's pulpit stands, permanently, in the middle part of the church. The cathedra is a special construction, which is an elevation in the form of a square, on which the bishop is located during certain moments of worship. Basically, such an episcopal chair is portable. It is placed in the temple only for the time of the bishop's service. At the end of the service, she climbs up and stands somewhere in the direction of the temple, so as not to interfere with people. It should be noted that in recent times there are episcopal chairs in small churches, where only two or three priests serve. Apparently, this is due to the fact that at present there is a tendency to increase the number of the episcopate of the Church.

The Cathedral always gathers many parishioners and pilgrims for prayer. This is not surprising. When a temple feast is celebrated, not only the priests of the diocese, but also many bishops from other departments come to the cathedral

A religious building is called a cathedral when the bishop's chair is located there, that is, it is the main temple of the diocese.

What does the word "cathedral" mean?

The word "cathedral" has remained with us from the ancient Slavic word meaning congress or meeting.

  • Usually the cathedral is called the main temple in the city.
  • At least three priests hold services every day in the cathedral.
  • Supreme clerics can also serve here: a patriarch, a bishop, a bishop.
  • Cathedrals have a large territory, so many parishioners and spiritual ministers gather in them to serve.
  • They are also designed for the fact that worship services will be held in them during the holidays.

What is a "cathedral"

Cathedrals are divided into monastic and cathedral. The cathedral is the church where the chair of the current bishop is located. In such a place, many representatives of the clergy gather. In the main churches there is a pulpit, that is, an elevation where the bishop conducts services.

How is a cathedral different from a church?

The word "church" comes from Greek and means "house of the Lord". The church has an altar and a prayer room - a meal.

According to another version, the status of the church is assigned for the number of aisles, that is, domes with a cross. A temple can have up to thirteen of them, while a church has only one. And usually in such churches only one priest conducts the liturgy.

Summing up, the main difference between a cathedral and a church is the presence of a bishop's chair and focus on a large number of clergy.

Cathedrals in different directions of Christianity

The three main branches of Christianity are Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Historically, these directions differ both in interpretation and views, and in the construction of churches.


The Orthodox Church has three parts:

  1. Altar;
  2. Naos (or middle part under the dome);
  3. Porch (entrance inside).

At the same time, in Orthodox churches, the altar is covered with an iconostasis. Also one of the main differences is the architectural form of the domes. If Catholics built buildings in the Gothic style, then Orthodox churches and temples have light colors, rounded domes.


As mentioned above, catholic churches built in the Gothic style, that is, they are of a large scale, built of dark stone, great detail, sharp towers stretch upward, betraying an awesome look. During the construction, Catholics tried to emphasize how much God rises above people. Also inside there are benches and the parishioners listen to the service while sitting.


The architecture of Protestant buildings is dominated by minimalism and conciseness. Their interesting feature is that local culture can be woven into this style. For example, in the east, a Protestant church can be made in the form of a mosque, in the Baltic States it can be built in the form of a wooden frame.

The most famous Orthodox cathedrals

  1. The Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow, is especially popular with politicians and businessmen. It was rebuilt in 1997, restoring the cathedral of the 19th century.
  2. Basil's Cathedral (or Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God) is also located in Moscow on Red Square and is already considered its symbol. It was built in the middle of the 16th century, there are still disputes about its architect.
  3. Kazan Cathedral is located in St. Petersburg, on Nevsky Prospekt. He is not at all like the usual Orthodox Church because it is made in the Empire style. During Soviet times, it was made the Museum of Religion and Atheism, but in 200 it was again made a cathedral and re-consecrated.
  4. The Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir is known for being built before the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and before the construction of Moscow was considered the most important cathedral of Russia.
  5. The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was founded in 1165. The forms are simple and elegant. And although the temple cannot boast of special splendor, it is still quite appreciated by historians.

There are churches: parish, cemetery, house, cross (church at the bishop's or patriarch's house) and cathedral. The cathedral got its name because the service in it can be performed by the clergy of several churches (cathedral service). Cathedrals in diocesan cities or the main church in large monasteries are usually called cathedrals.

A temple (from the old Russian “mansions”, “chramina”) is an architectural structure (building) intended for worship and religious rites. A Christian temple is also called a "church".

The cathedral is usually called the main church of the city or monastery. Although local tradition may not adhere to this rule too strictly. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are three cathedrals: St. Isaac's, Kazansky and Smolny (not counting the cathedrals of city monasteries), and in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra there are two cathedrals: Assumption and Trinity. The church where the chair of the ruling bishop (bishop) is located is called the cathedral. AT Orthodox church be sure to highlight the altar, where the Altar is located, and the meal - a room for worshipers.

In the altar of the temple, on the Throne, the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated. In Orthodoxy, it is customary to call a chapel a small building (structure) intended for prayer. As a rule, chapels are erected in memory of events that are important for the heart of a believer. The difference between a chapel and a church is that the chapel does not have a Throne and the Liturgy is not performed there.

The word Cathedral comes from the Old Slavonic words: congress, assembly. This is usually the name of the main temple in the city or monastery. The cathedral is designed for the daily service of God by at least three priests. Divine services of higher clergy are also held here: the patriarch, the archbishop, the bishop. The significant size of the cathedral allows a large number of parishioners and clergy to gather in one place. Although the area of ​​the cathedral may not differ significantly from an ordinary parish church, it should be designed for the fact that mainly festive services will be performed by clergy from the staff of the temple.

Ideally, there should be 12 priests in addition to the rector - the image of Christ and the 12 Apostles. Cathedrals have their own gradation: monastic, cathedral. The church where the chair of the ruling bishop or bishop is located is called a cathedral. There are numerous clergy in cathedrals, in the main churches of the diocese, where there is a bishop's chair, which is a permanent elevation in the center of the church, where the bishop stands, conducting services.

The word Temple comes from the old Russian words: “mansions”, “chramina”. The temple is an architectural building or structure intended for the performance of worship and religious rites - the administration of a religious cult. A Christian temple is called a church. In an Orthodox church, an altar part, where the Throne is located, and a meal - a room for worshipers - are necessarily distinguished. In the altar part of the temple, on the Throne, the sacrament of the Eucharist is performed - a bloodless sacrifice.

In parish churches, in city churches - on a mandatory basis, there is a remote pulpit - usually a wooden square platform just in case the bishop serves. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that often the cathedral of the 2nd diocesan city can be quite small in size, rarely visited by the bishop, which together does not make it necessary to constantly stay in the center of the temple of the department, and there are 2-3 priests at best.

Mainly in monastery where monks often have holy orders, especially those who hold key positions - dean, ecclesiarch, sacristan, and others, as a rule, there is always a cathedral church. Ekklesia is a common name for a popular assembly in Ancient Greece. This term is often found in Greek Old Testament to signify the gathering of the chosen people before God. Especially when it comes to the gathering at Mount Sinai, where Israel received the tablets of the law and was established by God as His holy people. Calling themselves "Ekklesia", the first community of believers in Christ recognizes itself as the heir to this assembly. In it, God "calls" his people from all over the world. The term "Kyriake", from which "Kirche", "Church" and the Russian word Church originated.

The word "church" comes from the Greek word and in translation means the house of the Lord, God's house. Churches have at least an altar part oriented to the east and an adjoining room for worshipers - a meal. There are churches with a complex of interconnected spaces: the Chapel and the Aisle, the Crypt and the Refectory. Lutheran churches are called kirks or kirchs, Polish Catholic churches are called churches.

According to another version, the status of the church is determined by the chapel - a dome with a cross. The temple has three or five, seven or 11, 12, or even 13 domes, respectively, aisles. There is usually one priest in the church and he can serve only one liturgy. Even a second priest in the same chapel cannot serve the next liturgy on the same day. In churches where there are several chapels, you can serve as many liturgies per day as there are chapels, but by different priests. In addition, a cathedral can be called a church in which there are shrines. This, according to some judgments, is considered the main difference between a temple and a church and a cathedral.

In Orthodoxy, a chapel is a relatively small building, building or structure, attributed to or subordinate to any city or country church and intended for prayers. The chapel may be dedicated to any saint; Christian holiday; memorable event important to the heart of the believer. The chapel does not provide for an altar, but services may be held in or near it, but relatively infrequently. In the chapel there are no side chapels, the Throne, the Liturgy is not served.

Let's summarize. The main difference between a cathedral and a church and a temple is a special status once assigned to a church building due to some special situation, usually this is the main temple locality or a monastery. The status of the Council is not subject to revision. It makes no difference that when the bishop's chair is moved to another temple, he is given the title of Cathedral. Divine services are performed by a council (gathering) of the clergy, the staff consists of several priests.
The main difference between a temple and a church is the presence of an altar or altar in the temple.

In Christianity, a bloodless sacrifice, the Eucharist, was performed on the altar. The significance of the architecture of temples is wider than religious ideas and ritual functions. The decorative decoration and architecture of the temple reveals the idea of ​​the universe, is a place of solemn ceremonies and public gatherings. Temple buildings are usually located in the iconic and key points of the city - they give a difference to the architectural appearance and contribute to the strengthening of beliefs.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko

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