Astrology and the art of divination magazine watch online. Astrology and the art of divination

American scientist John Nasbitt John Nasbitt, now working at the Chinese University of Nanjing (he previously taught at Harvard University, Harvard University and Moscow State University) published a book on the art of predicting the future.

Mind Set Book! Reset Your Thinking and See the Future contains recommendations on how you can abstract from the present and learn to identify trends that will drastically affect the future.

Nasbitt proposes to use 11 postulates...

1.1. Introduction to the issue

Modern scientists may be surprised to turn to astrology as a topic of dissertation research, since this doctrine in the minds of many people is associated with superstitions that have long outlived their time and have no future in the era of the triumph of scientific knowledge.

After all, astrology, as the famous historian of astrology of the late 19th century claimed. O. Boucher-Leclerc, - “this is faith that speaks the language of science, and this is science that is not able to confirm anything but faith ...

First I'll show you Jung's horoscope and then we'll talk about his ideas based on his horoscope: ...Ascendant in Aquarius, with Saturn, ruler of Aquarius, rising in the first house. This pretty much makes him a man of science.

It was associated with the principles of Aquarius... Saturn in the first house. But Jung is a Leo, he is not at all interested in those things that I have just told you about in connection with Saturn. Jung has the Sun in Leo, on the Descendant, square to Neptune. This is very...

Predictions have failed

“For soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants, 2001 proved to be another year of big failures,” says the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. This conclusion was made by the experts of the German Forum of Parapsychic Sciences after analyzing the predictions for the previous year.

One of the reasons for this assessment was that none of the parapsychologists predicted either the September 11 tragedy or the war in Afghanistan. None of them foresaw the recession in the German economy. Against...


At all times, man has experienced a burning curiosity about his future. He turned to all kinds of soothsayers, soothsayers and other seers.

It happened sometimes that the predictions came true, but most of them turned out to be false.

Predictions, of course, are piece goods, depending primarily on the talent of the seer, as well as on the period of time separating the event from the moment of its prediction. As a rule, the reliability of an event is inversely proportional to ...

The prediction of Putin's "death" in the autumn of 2005 in the stories of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.

Starting the story, I will make a reservation that I would prefer that this prediction did not come true. And I'd rather be wrong than right. Because I already know what comes next. This article was to become a small part of Pushkin's Great Message. But, apparently, in order for it not to be subjected to indifference and contempt, proof of its truth is necessary. Such evidence should be the prediction of “death ...

The art of flirting... And yet beauty is a terrible force! It's no secret that, seeing a half-naked girl in a miniskirt, many men go out of their way, if only the object of their desire would pay at least some attention to them.

And if a beauty asked a salivating representative of the stronger sex for something, then there is no doubt: he will do everything possible to please her, and without demanding any gratitude for this. Women are well aware of this male weakness, and therefore ...

We, professional astronomers, and amateur astronomers, often get involved in disputes about astrology. At the same time, unfortunately, it is not always possible to answer quite politely to those who take this ancient superstition seriously.

A year and a half ago, the press reported that under R. Reagan in the White House, the daily routine of actions was determined with indispensable consideration of the predictions of a certain astrologer from San Francisco. This emphasized attention and respect for astrology. Now with such a...

The art of divination.

Among the important uses of astrology is the art of divination. When consulting an astrologer, the client usually asks questions about his future. Astrologers have many ways to predict future events.
One of them is the compilation of a horary chart that reflects the moment of the present when a person asks a question. Horary astrology is based on the doctrine that there is a connection between the cosmos and human consciousness; therefore the position of the planets at the time the question is asked suggests the answer to it. This theory underlies such divination methods as i-ching, tarot, fortune-telling by cards.
Another method of prediction relies on the study of planetary transits. You (or an astrologer) use the ephemeris to determine the exact position of the planets in the future - say, next week or next month - and then compare these positions with data from your natal chart. Let's say Jupiter is at 27 Libra next week, and in your natal chart the Sun is at 27 Libra. This transit (called the natal sun transit of Jupiter) portends good luck in finances, activation of energy, courage in taking chances.
Another chart drawn to predict the future is called the solar revolution or solar return. This is the horoscope of the moment when the sun is in the same degree and sign as it was at the time of your birth. The solar revolution is compared with your birth chart, with the astrologer studying the aspects between the two charts. This method is useful for identifying trends in next year. You can also make up a lunar revolution or a lunar return when the moon is in the same angle and sign as it was when you were born. The lunar revolution predicts the trends of the upcoming month.
One of the most common prediction methods is the birth chart progression. There are several ways to progress a horoscope, but the most commonly used method is what can be called "day by year". This method of progression is based on the idea that there is a connection in human consciousness between the daily rotation of the earth around its axis and its annual rotation around the sun. According to this concept, the days following the birth reflect the internal development of the personality in the corresponding years. Astrologers also point to the biblical reference to this method of progression. In "numbers" (14:34) and the book of the prophet Ezekiel, we are talking about "a year for a day", in "genesis" (29:27) it is indicated that the week symbolically displays seven years.
In order to progress your horoscope, you must first draw up an accurate natal chart indicating the position of houses (their peaks) to the nearest degree and the position of the planets in signs to the nearest minute.
The next step is to decide which year in the future you are interested in. If, for example, you were born on May 1, 1950 and want to know about the year 1985, you must progress the birth chart 35 years ahead. Using the "day for the year" rule, you come to 35 days. The date that is 35 days after your birth is June 5, 1950. Now you make up perfectly new horoscope for June 5, 1950. This is your progress map.
You can compare your birth chart with a progressed chart, calculate new aspects of planets in a progressed chart, and between identical planets in two charts.
If, for example, your progressed Mars is in opposition to your natal Sun, 1985 could be a year of trouble and disease. If your progressed Venus trines your natal sun, you may be married in 1985.

Whatever method of divination is used, it is useful to remember that astrology is not divination or magic. Astrology does not guarantee anything. It only assesses the trends of the future, points to probable areas of success or failure. Its main task is to draw the attention of a person to his strengths so that he can use them in the best possible way.

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