How to understand that an ex-boyfriend loves you. How to know if your ex still loves you or not

Did it seem to you that he was never able to completely part with his ex and thinks about her too often? To understand if a man loves his ex, find out his real attitude towards her with the help of this list.

He communicates with her on social networks. It would seem, what is it? Just comments on her photo, sends clips and songs. After all, they are friends and generally broke up a long time ago. Yes, it is possible that they really broke up as friends and they still have a lot in common. Or maybe he can’t forget her in any way and seeks to continue communication?

He keeps her photographs. There are a whole bunch of folders on his computer that contain photos from shared travels, and on his desk is a box of Polaroids of them, happy and in love, captured at parties. There are two options: he doesn’t get around to sorting it all out, or he simply doesn’t want to part with his memories. I wonder why they are so dear to his heart?

He talks about her. And quite often. remembers some funny stories, for example. And it seems to always sound out of place ... The only question is, for what reason does all this come to his mind. It's strange that he can't let go of the past. Involuntarily think about whether a man loves ex-wife.

Her things are in the apartment. Not underwear, of course, but something less intimate. For example, dishes. Or souvenirs. If you and your man have already begun to live together, feel free to get rid of these items.

You have problems in bed. Often this may be due to his emotional difficulties, which, in turn, give rise to difficulties on another level.

He doesn't want to remember her at all. The other extreme is when he takes all the questions about the former with hostility. This may be a symptom of internal unresolved conflict and an indicator of suffering.

If at least three points seemed familiar to you, most likely, he really is not yet ready to part with thoughts about his ex. You should not throw a tantrum and make claims, this will definitely not make the situation better. Instead, try to relax and focus on your relationship without thinking that there is a third person in it. Remember that at the moment the man is right next to you. So you are his dream girl. Let the past be left behind.

And if a man understands that he loves ex girlfriend, and honestly told you about it, let him go. Sometimes this happens, and this does not mean at all that you are worse than her. It’s just that another one suits him, and you will still meet your happiness.

Meeting with a former lover or ex-lover can be different, it all depends on how the relationship ended, what it was like initially, etc.

Unfortunately or fortunately, during such meetings, not only insults are remembered, but also pleasant moments of these relations, regardless of what served as a break.

Experts say that such an unexpected meeting can not only help plunge into pleasant memories, but also lead a person into acute depression, which can occur due to the following factors:

The feeling is born again, but the beloved (oh) already has a wonderful family that he (she) is not going to lose.

During the meeting, there is a feeling of alienation and indifference. It is difficult for a person to understand how a former ardent love can cause indifference at the moment. There is a panic, a person is afraid that he will no longer be able to love and be loved.

Syndrome "return to the past." Subconsciously, there is a return to the time where old feelings. The danger of this syndrome is that a person forgets about reality, that he already has a family or a serious relationship, there is indifference to everything.

Former love has noticeably changed (she got older, got fatter, etc.). In this case, depression may be accompanied by the appearance of complexes. Such thoughts may arise as: “Is it really so old (a)”, “How could I (la) love this person”, “I probably don’t like anyone either”, etc. In this case, one should take into account the fact that over time, everyone's tastes change, and a different perception of the world arises.

A person may begin to blame himself for being the initiator of the rupture of this relationship.

Arises involuntarily comparative analysis former love and current partner. Idealizing a former lover (s), it may seem that the current partner is not so handsome, slim, etc.

How to behave when meeting with an ex-lover

Of course, as soon as an unexpected meeting took place, it is necessary to say hello and ask how he (she) is doing. This item must be completed, even if the meeting does not bring much pleasure. With this gesture, you show that you are a fairly mature and well-mannered person.

If the meeting is unbearable, and brings only negative emotions, you should just nod and walk past. It will also show the level of your upbringing.

For communication it is necessary to choose neutral topics. An increased interest in personal life can cause suspicion and unnecessary speculation of the former partner. It is also desirable to avoid direct answers to provocative questions.

If at the meeting there are such feelings as jealousy, anger, hatred, it is necessary to say goodbye and leave as soon as possible. Meeting with former love is not an easy task, and there is no need to endure the negative emotions caused by this meeting!

The main thing when meeting with a former partner is calmness. Even if an emotional storm boils inside, you need to control yourself and not show excitement or other emotions that have arisen.

It is undesirable to be interested in the personal life of the former partner. This can cause feelings of jealousy, anger, etc.

Also, you should not show signs of attention in relation to the former lover (oh). If he (she) has a family or a serious relationship, then there is a high probability of being rejected.

Don't reminisce about the past. These memories can inflame the situation and lead to confusion. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to discuss only topics relating to the present.

During the meeting, it is important to behave naturally. You should not think that if you correct all the character flaws that the former partner did not like, he will return to you. Sooner or later you will get tired of pretending to be someone you are not.

It is undesirable to hide your relationship with another person.

If any feelings arise after the meeting, it is highly undesirable to call, write SMS, or in any other way try to contact the former partner (of course, if this was not previously agreed). The feelings that have arisen are often short-term in nature, and can disappear in just a couple of days.

If the former partner is married, it is highly undesirable to show interest in his person. Remember that in such an act you can destroy someone's prosperous family life.

If the former love insists on a meeting, and you, to put it mildly, do not want the latter, you must refuse and not force yourself to such actions.

In no case should you remember past grievances.

Statistics say that in most cases, meeting with a former love does not bring pleasure. But be that as it may, it is necessary to behave with restraint, politely and confidently.


What's in the article: understands that if you are asking such a question, then most likely you have already understood this and just want extra confirmation of your conviction. Well, today we’ll talk about understanding that a man loves his ex.

But first, a little warning: if you focus too much on the fact that he loves his former wife or girlfriend, in the end it will turn out that way. You will “pull” this situation to yourself, you will begin to behave nervously and at some moments unrestrainedly, which he will draw conclusions. Alas, not in your favor.

How to understand that a man loves his ex-wife?

If you are dealing with a divorced man - recently divorced - then understand the point. He will not be able to quickly forget about her. You should not think that, having met you, he realized that you are the very ideal, and the former is just a miser and headache which is best left in the past. Although he can say anything about her. And the more often, with resentment, the more likely it is that thoughts about her overwhelm. Especially if less than a month or six months have passed since the breakup.

Well, let's talk about how to understand that a man loves his ex-wife. As they say, let's go through the list:

Clear signs

You can understand that a man loves his ex-wife, at least by the fact that he still maintains communication with her. the site also realizes that here you can “justify” it in all conceivable and inconceivable ways, give facts like:

  • they have children in common
  • they decided to just be friends
  • they have common acquaintances and cannot so easily refuse the holidays of these acquaintances, etc.

In any case, all these are just excuses that give him the opportunity to see and communicate with her more often. Believe me, if you wish, even if you have a common child, he will be able to communicate only with the child, and practically not intersect with his wife. Only if you wish, we repeat.

It also happens: a man realized that he loves an ex-girlfriend

Yes, they might not even have been married in the past, they might not have lived together. Or lived, but, for example, in a civil marriage. And now the time comes when he "healed his wounds" from parting, being next to you, and realized that he wants to continue to build love with the former one.

Signs and "calls" of this circumstance are as follows:

  • he still communicates with her, visits pages on social networks and puts likes - yes, these are harmless virtual hearts, but you should be wary; perhaps the man realized that he loves his ex-girlfriend, who has now become inaccessible, has become prettier, has acquired her own interests and does not pay any attention to him - on purpose or simply because now he is not interested in her;
  • he talks with you a lot about her, returns to talking about their breakup, quarrels, talks about how and what she did, talks with rapture about shortcomings - know that your man loves his ex-girlfriend, only until he understands or does not want it to admit.

In addition, he may confuse you with her. Of course, it's not about the fact that he calls you by her name. This is the extreme degree of his disrespect. To endure and forgive this is not worth it in any case. Although it is most convenient for those guys who find the current girl with the same name as the former. He can make claims or be indignant at some of your behavior, saying that she did the same thing and he was angry with her for it. You should not be a "circus dog" and immediately change at the first request. Have pride!

The man realized that he loves his ex-girlfriend: what about you?

Yes, indeed, a man in the first time after a breakup, and even more so a divorce, needs to be taken care of. But if you delve into male psychology, during this period they need something like a "band-aid". Be sure that if you decide on a relationship with a recently divorced guy, you will fulfill just such a mission. And she herself must understand that the one whom he did not achieve for a long time and stubbornly will not stand on the highest pedestal. But of course, it's up to you to decide. And you can believe the statistics, according to which there are few men in the country and the world now. Believe me, this is far from true.

It seems that you and your ex-husband have already said everything to each other, and although this man was incredibly dear to you, everything was once a thing of the past and should remain there. You are gathering strength and intend to look only forward, building a new life and, possibly, new relationships. You only want peace. Suddenly.

Your ex starts calling you again, visits your page in social network, leaves comments, communicates with acquaintances and friends, asks them about you and is especially interested in whether you have a new fan or, possibly, a partner. What does it mean? Does your ex still love you and, realizing his own fatal mistake, wants to return. And what do you do in this situation? Does it make sense to take reciprocal steps towards?

How can you tell if an ex loves you?

- If everything that your ex does should only be in response to your requests, for example, he helps you move furniture or repairs your electrical wiring, finally, he calls in to pick you up to take you to the dacha, yes, anything, so if all this he does it only because you asked him to, then this does not mean anything at all. It is likely that your ex-husband just a fairly educated person and considers himself obliged to provide all possible assistance ex girlfriend or the wife.

- But if he himself shows such an initiative, and does not just show some curiosity in conversations with mutual friends, constantly calls and asks if everything is in order, if you need help fixing the plumbing or picking up bags from the store, then this already says about much. In any case, that your ex clearly does not want to disappear from your reality completely.

- Another unmistakable indicator is that your ex not only fully admits his mistakes, but also strives with all his might to correct them. It is possible that he even strives to win you over again, commits acts unusual for himself. And all this, regardless of who exactly was the initiator of your break. How to understand that the ex loves? See how willing he is to change in order for you to be together again. If this readiness is undeniable, then your ex really would really like to return.

- However, there are also such specimens who, having left one woman, for example, for the sake of another, and having failed to build relationships there that would suit them, understand that they were in the old place, in fact, not so bad. Then he reappears at your doorstep, sincerely considering himself a gift of fate, which you should meet with open arms. It is quite possible that you will do so, but just keep in mind that soon the same story will repeat itself again, then again and again. You definitely won’t be happy with such a person, and it will bring you a lot of suffering.

Help your ex make the first move

- If you understand that your ex loves, then, of course, you can sit and wait for him to finally decide on specific actions. I must say right away that you can wait a very, very long time. After all, it’s not enough for your ex to understand that he needs you, he also needs to step over his own pride and say directly about his desire to return, and this is very difficult. Perhaps you need to help him somehow?

- Of course, if a man does not talk about this topic at all, then this is also a warning sign. It is quite possible that he simply has not yet managed to understand himself, to finally determine his desires and simply behaves like a dog in the manger.

- If a man has already made unambiguous hints on this topic to you, then you do not need to start any games with him. If you want to reunite with your ex and you are sure that he loves you, then it is probably best to tell him directly about it. If you are still not able to forgive the offense that was caused to you, or if you no longer have any feelings, you should also not give a person false hope. Just be honest with him.

Dating Psychology