Sunset prayer how many rak'ahs. How to read midday prayer

It begins after the expiration of the time of zuhr and continues until the beginning of sunset. The afternoon prayer consists of only 4 fard rak'ahs. The one who has become an imam in prayer must read takbirs and some dhikrs aloud.

Four fard rak'ahs afternoon prayer

First rak'ah

Standing, make the intention (niyat) to perform prayer: "I intend for the sake of Allah to perform 4 rak'ahs of the fard of the afternoon (`Asr or Ikende) prayer". (Fig. 1) Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms facing Qibla, to ear level, touching earlobes with thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud), then place your right hand with the palm on left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb right hand the wrist of the left hand, and lower the hands folded in this way just below the navel (women put their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2) Standing in this position, read du'a Sana "Subhaanakya allahumma va bihamdika, va tabaarakyasmuka, va ta'alaya jadduka, va laya ilyayahe gairuk", then "Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" and then read Sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after sura al-Fatiha, we read another short sura or one long verse, for example, sura al-Kyausar "Inna a" taynakya l Kyausar. fasally li rabbika uanhar. inna shani akya huva l-abtar"(Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim" "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) After you speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya" "Allahu Akbar"

And again with words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(imam says aloud) Rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after sura al-Fatiha, we read another short sura or one long verse, for example, sura al-Ikhlas "Kul huva Allahu Ahad. Allahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa lam yuulad. Wa lam yakullahuu kufuvan ahad"(Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) After you speak "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud), perform sojd (bow to the earth). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose. In bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) get up from soot to a sitting position, after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
And again with words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) sink into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After pronounce "Allahu Akbar"(имам произносит вслух) поднимитесь с сажда в сидячее положение и читаете дуга Аттахият "Аттахиятy лилляхи вассалаватy ватайибяту. Ассалямy алейке аюyханнабийю ва рахматyллахи уа баракатyх. Ассалямy алейна ва галя гыйбадилляхи с-салихийн. Ашхадy алля илляха илляллах. Ва ашхадy анна Мухаммадан. Габдyху уа rasylyukh" . Then say "Allahu Akbar"(imam says aloud) go up to the third rak'ah.

Third rak'ah

speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" (Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) and make a hand "( waist bow). As you bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(imam says aloud) then speak "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) After you speak "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud), perform sojd (bow to the earth). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose. In bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) get up from soot to a sitting position, after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5) And again with words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) sink into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(imam says aloud) Rise from soot to the fourth rak'ah. (Fig. 6) Fourth rak'ah

speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyyakya nasta" yn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mustekim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" (Fig. 3)

Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam speaks aloud) and make a hand "(bow from the waist). In the bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"azim"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten the body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(the imam says aloud) then speak "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
After you speak "Allahu Akbar"(the imam pronounces aloud), perform sojd (bow to the earth). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose. In bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam pronounces aloud) rise from soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
And again with words "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says aloud) sink into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After pronounce "Allahu Akbar" Climb with SASHIT in a sitting position and read the attachis of attachis "Attahiti Lillyakhs vassalata Vatayibaty. Assalyami aleike Ayuyhananabiyu wa rahmatyllahi ua barakatyh. Assalam aleina wa gaybadili ilihiin. Ashkhadya illyakh illyakh. Then you read Salavat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama sallayaita ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahim-Majidum-Majid Hamidum "Then read du" and Rabbana "Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhirati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar". (Fig. 5)

Say the greeting: "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah"(the imam says aloud) with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

Raise your hand to make du "a "Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wa-l-ikram" This completes the prayer.

Ramadan is a generous month of fasting, prayers, good deeds, donations and cleansing from sins. We wrote a short guide to Ramadan earlier. During fasting, after night prayer and before dawn, believers read Tarawih prayer - a special prayer that is performed only in Ramadan and is sunnah. Tarawih should be read after the night prayer of Isha and before dawn, with the onset of which the time of Fajr comes. Usually in Ramadan, Muslims go to the mosque for group prayer, but this is not necessary, it is permissible to pray separately.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performed Tarawih prayer several times a month together with the first Muslims, he said:

“Whoever spends Ramadan with faith (by fasting and praying) and in anticipation of a reward, the minor sins committed earlier (except for grave ones) will be forgiven” (Narrated by Abu Hurairah, hadith Al-Bukhari 38, Muslim 760).

Origin of the name Taraweeh

Word Taraweeh(تراويح‎) translated from Arabic as "respite". It is derived from the singular Arabic word al-tarwih (الترويح), which means "rest". Namaz got this name because it lasts about 2 hours, but between every four rak'ahs, believers take breaks of 2-3 minutes to rest, during which they read tasbih (praise the Almighty) or istighfar (ask for forgiveness and repent).

Briefly about the Taraweeh prayer
Stage or action Description
8 or 20 rak'ahs Performed 2 rak'ahs 4 times or 10 times
Frequency of commission Daily throughout the month of Ramadan
The nature of the execution It is possible individually, but preferably in a jamaat with other believers
Intention Set out to perform the Tarawih Sunnah prayer, consisting of a given number of rak'ahs
1 juz per night During Tarawih, it is recommended to read 1/30 of the Qur'an
Break It is done between 4 rak'ahs, during which Allah is praised and remembered and short sermons are read.
Reward “Whoever prays in the month of Ramadan with faith and expectation of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 8901)
Other prayers Night prayer (Isha) is done before Tarawih, Vitr prayer - after it.

Taraweeh. How many rak'ahs should be done?

There are different opinions about the number of rak'ahs of the Tarawih prayer, and each opinion is based on the opinion of scholars who transmit hadiths.

First opinion

Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, was asked how he prayed in Ramadan. She answered:

“The Messenger of Allah did not pray more than 11 rak'ahs neither in Ramadan nor in other months, he did four rak'ahs, and do not ask how well they lasted, then four more, do not ask how well they lasted, and after them three more." Then Aisha asked: “O Messenger of Allah, do you sleep before making witr?” and he answered her: “O Aisha, my eyes sleep, but my heart does not sleep” (Sunan Abi Daoud 40/1341).

According to this hadeeth, sunnah is prayer Tarawih of 8 rak'ahs(and 3 - witr), which are read two by two with breaks for rest. After reading the sura al Fatiha, in each rak'ah, any sura from the Koran is read. Muslims who know the Quran by heart read the entire holy book Koran. Resting between rakahs, they say Dhikr 33 times.

After the last rak'ah, they rest again, it is possible with their eyes closed, then they read three rak'ahs of al-Witr prayer.

Second opinion

Every night of Ramadan, according to the Sunnah, 20 rak'ahs of prayers are performed from dusk to dawn. The fact that the Prophet ﷺ and his companions sometimes performed the Taraweeh prayer in the mosque from 20 rak'ahs instead of 8, said Abdurahman ibn Abdul-Kari. He said that he came to the mosque with the second Caliph Umar. There they saw that the believers were praying in small groups. Caliph Umar said:

"It would be good to unite them for common prayer."

He appointed Ubey ibn Kiyab as imam, after which the believers performed a joint prayer of 20 rak'ahs. The ritual of reading twenty rak'ahs became a tradition during the time of the righteous caliph Umar and is recognized by most modern theologians.

Despite the differences in points of view regarding the number of rakahs in Tarawih prayer, there are no strict restrictions in this regard. This prayer is a sunnah of muakkad and deviation from the generally accepted amount is not a punishable violation. Believers make as many rak'ahs as is considered generally accepted in the jamaat. According to numerous hadiths, in the religion of Islam there is no difficulty for believers, respectively, excessive scrupulousness and excessive severity is not good.

Tarawih prayer. Video from the Islamic Cultural Center, Kiev

Taraweeh for women

Namaz Taraweeh for women is no different from men, they can pray at home or attend joint prayers in the mosque. Women are advised to use less incense (perfume) so as not to distract the worshipers. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“Do not forbid (women) to worship Allah in the mosque, but let them not come out too perfumed (sprayed with perfume)” (Sunan Abu Dawood 155/565).

What to do if Taraweeh is missed?

Namaz Tarawih does not apply to obligatory prayers, it is Sunnah. If the believer missed it, nothing needs to be reimbursed. Aisha said:

“The Messenger of Allah prayed Tarawih in the mosque along with other believers. On the second and third days, many people gathered there, but he did not go to the mosque, and in the morning he said that he saw how people gathered, but did not come, so that they would not consider it obligatory ”(Abu Daud 1373).

If a person begins to doubt the prayer, not being able to remember whether he performed three rak'ahs or four, then if these doubts are not a constant occurrence for a person, then he should perform the prayer again. To start the prayer again, it is best to give a greeting while sitting. Because according to the riyat of Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him!), The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “If any of you begin to doubt how many rak'ahs he performed in prayer, then let him perform prayer again."

If such forgetfulness comes to a person often, then he should complete the prayer, relying on what he is more confident in. If a person chooses between three and four rak'ahs, then let him prefer what he is more confident in, because if a person often succumbs to these doubts, then it will become difficult for him to repeat the prayer every time. On this issue, according to the narration of Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!), The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “If any of you begins to doubt the prayer, then let him find out the truth and finish the prayer ( relying on this truth). After that, let him give a greeting and bow to the earth twice.

According to the narration of Abu Sa'id (may Allah be pleased with him!), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said:

“If any of you begin to doubt whether he has performed three or four cancers” in prayer, then let him cast aside doubts and finish the prayer, relying on what he remembers exactly. Before greeting, let him perform two bow to the ground! If a person has performed five rak'ahs, then these two bows will intercede for him and his prayer. If he made the required number of rak'ahs, then these two bows will be the reason for the distance of the shaitan from this person.

Anyone who begins to doubt the number of perfect rak'ahs, and cannot come to any decision, let him take the minimum number of which he is sure. Because he will be sure of it. Let this person sit in each rakah in which he considers it necessary. So he will not miss the seat, which is fard or wajib. For example, if a person performs a prayer of four rak'ahs and does not remember whether he is now performing the first rak'ah or the second, then let him think over the question and continue according to this. If this does not lead to anything, then let him continue the prayer, believing that he has performed at least one rak'ah. However, since this may be the second rak'ah, he sits after it. Because sitting after the second rak'ah is wajib. Then he gets up and performs another rak'ah, after which he again performs sitting.

The proof that the minimum number of rak'ahs should be taken into account is as follows: according to the riyat of Abdurrahman ibn Auf (may Allah be pleased with him!), The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “If one of you forgets in prayer, and will not know whether he performed one rak'ah or two, then let him consider that he performed one; if he does not know whether he has committed two or three rak'ahs, then let him consider that he has committed two; if he does not know whether he has done three or four, then let him consider that he has done three, and then, before greeting, let him make two additional bows to the earth.

Rivayat cited by Ibn Majay even more clearly shows that “one should take as a basis what there is confidence in”: “If one of you doubts between one and two, then let him take one as a basis; if he doubts between two and three, then let him take two as a basis; if he doubts between three and four, then let him take three as a basis and let him finish the prayer, relying on this, and let fears remain with that which is greater. In the seat, let him make two bows to the earth before greeting.

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