She really wants a man. What men want: what should be the ideal woman

It would seem that the answer to the question of what kind of women men want lies on the surface - beautiful! But not everything is so simple. Beauty is a relative concept. Some people like curvy ones, some people like skinny ones. Moreover, a woman can be popular with men, but not for long. Why this happens, we have already told in the article.

But how to become truly desirable? What is the sexual attraction of a woman? How to behave in order to arouse interest in men? Let's talk about sex appeal, consider how to behave to attract a male.

Sex appeal in appearance

We have already said that beauty is a relative concept. But if nature has not rewarded you with long legs, a magnificent bust and an angelic face, this does not mean that you are ugly. The first and most important condition for your sex appeal is grooming!

Give yourself enough time to take care of yourself. Just remember that a well-groomed woman is not only makeup and manicure. It is also clean skin, healthy hair and teeth, properly selected clothes. Therefore, no rough elbows and heels, bitten nails, peeling varnish, worn heels and any other slovenliness.

So, you are well-groomed, tastefully dressed, which means you are beautiful. But even this is not enough. To become sexy, you need to remember what men are "led" to.

  • Lips. Not a bust, not an ass, not legs, but lips. Plump scarlet lips are the dream of all men! No need to reach fanaticism and run to a plastic surgeon. But you need to choose a good lipstick and gloss that will visually enlarge your lips. And learn to smile beautifully.
  • Teeth are the second component of a charming smile. They should be even and healthy. Therefore, going to the dentist is not a whim, but a necessity. And don't forget to whiten your teeth.
  • Appetizing forms. If you want to be sexy, then don't exhaust yourself with diets. A couple of extra pounds will add to your sex appeal. Get exercise. But not in order to lose weight, but to tighten and strengthen muscles.
  • Waist. There's nothing you can do about it here. If there is no waist, then you need to do it! And do not forget about the classic proportions: the waist is 70% of the hips.

Sexuality in behavior

  • First of all, learn to flirt! If a woman is cold and defiantly indifferent, then it is unlikely that she will arouse desire in a man. Light flirting is the key to male desire.
  • Try to be feminine. Do you know what kind of girls guys want? Gentle, defenseless, benevolent, affable. The ones that don't smoke and don't swear. Well, that's ideal. The ideal, of course, is unattainable, but it is necessary to strive for it.
  • Be sexually liberated. This is especially true for long-term intimate relationships. Therefore, discard conventions and invented taboos and experiment in bed. They want women who themselves know how to indulge in carnal pleasures with taste.

So any of us can become the woman of our dreams. And to better understand a man, read the article

Sociologists quite often conduct research on an issue that is very relevant today for many men. Is there an ideal that suits any, even a very capricious lady? It turns out, sociologists confirm, there is a big difference between the ideal that glossy magazines are now planting and what kind of men women want.

In fashion magazines, the emphasis is on the success of the car and the level of social status. AT real life women tend to appreciate the "breadwinners". So, what kind of man a woman wants is a rather subjective concept.

What kind of men women want: in search of the ideal

Articles and photographs in glossy magazines highlight four models that characterize the "ideal" male behavior: "technocrat", "master", "computer" and "businessman". Each representative of a certain category is forced to conform to a special style and a clear line of conduct.


Models of behavior "technocrat" most correspond to bureaucrats-managers, representatives of big business, military officers. "Technocrats" are men 45-50 years old, which means that the service in the lower ranks is behind them - they have gone through the career ladder from the first to the last step. Courageous generals, heads of state concerns, directors of universities can serve as examples of this type of men. In the family, such a man is a king and a god.

All humanists, scientists, people of art are representatives of the "Masters". They are unique and irreplaceable personalities, lone geniuses. The "master" is a man who has crossed the 30-year threshold, and their career, unlike the "technocrats" who consistently go to the goal, is completely different, artistic, in which ups and downs often occur. If "technocrats" are entirely people of the system, then "masters" are free people, free birds. Appearance"masters" are immediately recognizable - he is non-standard, so that everyone can understand: this person is not standing at the machine, he is busy creating works.


Innovation, high technology, virtual reality - that says it all. The creator of virtual worlds, almost an artist, would be a "master", but he gained wide recognition only in a narrow group of professionals.


These people became people (such a tautology), most often from Soviet times, when they were simple engineers with a salary of 150 rubles. Now they are in charge of some industrial facility. "Businessmen" with all their appearance demonstrate their incomparable solidity. This solidity is also inherent in the family of the "businessman" - all household members also demonstrate solidity and respectability.

Of course, the classification is not complete, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of men a woman who reads glossy magazines wants is quite reliable and plausible.

What kind of man does a woman need

How are male and female character traits distributed in a person? Of course, almost all people are characterized by the presence of both male and female characteristics.

To understand what kind of men women want, you need to take into account that there are no ideal people, each person is individual, including a man.

And women build an ideal from many components, often simply incompatible with each other. That is why it is so important to clearly highlight the feminine character traits in a man.

The most feminine woman is characterized by extreme weakness and sensuality, as well as the inability to counteract the hostile surrounding reality.

Such a woman is only capable of helplessly flapping her long eyelashes, which causes men to naturally desire to carry their chosen one in their arms, protect and protect. A courageous man, on the contrary, has a set of masculine qualities that radically distinguishes him from a woman.

These are, first of all, increased levels of strength, energy, aggressiveness, determination. Also, such men know how to survive difficulties without showing a look and without showing weakness. Such a man is a protector, explorer of new territories and earner.

Such a representative of the stronger sex is the masculine ideal for many women, it is such a chosen one that they describe when they try to find the answer to the question of what kind of man a woman needs.

In order to get even a little closer to this ideal, young people, making incredible efforts, pump up their muscles. Thus, at least the appearance will correspond to the image of the heroes beloved by women. But men think so, women think so, but the idea of ​​​​Superman is somewhat different.

Often this is a tall, handsome and wealthy young man who puts all his energy and aggression into a cause, which gives him the opportunity to succeed in his profession, behave confidently in society, but at the same time be somewhat closed and keep his distance. It seems that such a man is not capable of deep feelings, but this impression is deceptive.

True, there is a slightly different type of female ideal - an intellectual with glasses, who has a subtle and penetrating mind, or an artist who completely devotes himself to art. Fortunately, these more feminine ideals are much rarer.

After reading the above, we can conclude that the answer to the question of what kind of men women want is different for different representatives of the weaker sex. As for the vision of the ideal by a man, it is generally fundamentally different. In reality, most men generally fall short of either one or the other. Or maybe you should not strive for a chimera?

What kind of men do women prefer

The ideal of every woman is so multifaceted and seemingly unattainable, but at the same time it has quite natural features. This set of qualities predetermines the success of a man, which means his ability to choose a companion who can exactly meet his needs and make him truly happy. So what kind of men do women want.

The following list of maxims gives an exhaustive list of qualities that almost all representatives of the weaker sex pay attention to, collecting the image of an ideal life partner.

A real man should, no, simply must be:

Solid, not smudged;

Physically strong, tall;

For the brave:

Able to make decisions independently, responsible;

Having a sense of humor, not a bore;

Hardworking and active, constantly busy with something;

Easy to lift;

Charming, "understanding" a woman, forgiving her weaknesses. A little "daddy" for her. Such men are successful with women, but are more attached to their chosen one.

Know your worth. be proud;

Aggressive, sometimes, but not in relation to a woman;

Love a woman, groom her. To be something like a whole self-sufficient entity that has long figured out its feelings and self-esteem.

Such men are invulnerable, it is interesting for them to have women for their own pleasure and the pleasure of the chosen one;

Able to make a very scary face, a voice that terrifies, but at the same time not able to hit a woman;

Persistent, sometimes to the point of slight violence, but "understanding" a woman, which does not allow him to cross the boundaries of her unwillingness;

Not scandalous and capable, responding to attempts to make a scandal with a woman or calmly ignoring, or a sharp break in the brawler;

A lot of work, not refusing to do "women's work."

Knowing what to wear, independently shaping his wardrobe.

Able to restrain their own impulses to talk about work;

Those who know how to organize holidays and make surprises, who remember every significant date in their life together.

a good cook;

Respectful to his woman, slightly jealous and proud that he chose the right soul mate.

All of the above may not be inherent in a man who is pointed at when trying to answer the question of what an ideal man should be. The main thing is that he should be good in bed. And in this aspect, the tastes of women are so different that it would take a whole textbook on sexology to describe them ...

What kind of men do all women want?

All women, however, like men, are inherent in being big owners! This is precisely the reason why all women, when asked about which men are better, answer - those who belong (naturally, conditionally) to them.

When a man is yours, he really becomes the most wonderful, the most dear, the most beloved. Nevertheless, every woman, subconsciously, and often consciously, is able to determine for herself several criteria that play a decisive role when choosing a companion.

And almost all women these criteria are the same. So, which men are better, according to the majority of the fairer sex?

If a woman is married, then she will most likely say that the main thing for her is that her husband loves children, and, of course, herself. Perhaps this state of affairs is surprising, but at the same time the reality is just that.

But single girls (young women), answering the question about the qualities that a man attractive to her should have, is not so simple - the answer is stretched and turns into a kind of list.

According to the young charmer, a man should be smart, handsome, worthy, strong, moderately wealthy, developing ... the list of virtues can be continued indefinitely. It is worth noting that often, dreaming, girls forget about the most important thing - love. But love is the main thing. These are the men women really want.

Unfortunately, many relationship problems arise because there is a significant contrast between what each gender thinks about what the opposite sex wants from them and what the opposite sex really wants. In particular, women, being more emotional beings, often feel resentment and anger towards men. Well, how not to be offended: you try for him, you try, but he is still unhappy! Well, just complete hopelessness!

And the man, as it turns out, doesn’t pay much attention to our efforts, because for him it’s not at all what we think is important. Therefore, he cannot appreciate our efforts, and therefore it seems to him that our image is far from ideal. So what do men want from women, what do they want to find in each of us? Let's look at the male vision of the ideal woman.

What do men want from women?

Now we will try to reveal to you what men think on this or that occasion. In addition, we will show you how to act correctly in each case in order to give a man exactly what he wants, and this will help you create a great relationship.

  1. Honest and open communication is the highest priority for men

    They want a woman not to be cunning and not resort to vague hints, but to speak directly and frankly. They want a woman not to beat around the bush, but confidently ask if she needs something. They want a woman to respect the truth and not distort the facts. And men also dream of seeing next to them a woman who would treat them without being too critical and who would be able to take care of preserving not only her own, but also their personal dignity when communicating. Unfortunately, most often women act exactly the opposite.

    It seems to us that men like it when we are silent about our needs and do not ask for anything. We are afraid to show that we need something, we are afraid to show our feelings. It is better to scold once again than to praise or say how much he means to us. How, after all, a man can use our weakness in order to take over us ... And how we can criticize every word and action of a man, believing that only we know how everything should really be! But it is precisely this behavior that turns men off the most.

    Advice for women: everyone likes to be talked to simply, frankly and without any criticism. But men want it especially strongly. One of better ways attract a man and build with him a good relationship is to learn to calmly talk to him about your needs and respect his personality. And never, under any circumstances, infringe on his male pride!

  2. Men always want to deal with a self-sufficient and self-confident woman.

    Any man wants a woman to choose him among others only for his personal qualities, and not be guided by an attempt to escape need and despair with his help. Any male partner, no less than us women, wants to be loved and desired. It is very important for a man that a woman herself be an active and independent person who has her own interests, friends and social circle.

    It seems to us, women, that a man should like it when we completely dissolve in him. All deeds and thoughts are only about him and only for his sake ... And at the same time, the man does not appreciate the minutes spent together at all - he would rather go to the TV or to his friends. And if you try to impose your company on him, he will look for a reason to run away from us as far as possible. Yes, not so. A man is quite capable of appreciating the time spent with a woman.

    But at the same time, he wants to see in his half not a reflection of himself, but a full-fledged personality, interesting person. And he will not want to run away from you if he knows exactly what you need and that you appreciate and respect him as an interesting person too.

    Advice for women: men want the same thing as women: to have a reliable and interesting partner next to them. And if you want to build a strong and vibrant relationship, then try to live a full life, develop your inner world and treat your partner with warmth and respect.

  3. Men always want a relationship without manipulation

    They do not tolerate manipulation of any kind. They don't want to guess their partner's thoughts or try to interpret any signals. They don't want to be forced to move faster in a relationship if they aren't ready for it already. They do not want to be deceived and get something from them by fraudulent means. Men don't want to play games they don't know the rules of. Women think that men themselves do not want much, and therefore the needs of others are incomprehensible to them.

    And the only way to get what you want from them and satisfy your needs is to influence a man through manipulation. As it often seems to us, a man does not understand that relationships need to be developed, and we just want to push him to the next step!

    Advice for women: people do not tolerate manipulation of any kind, and men are incredibly angry when they are tried to be controlled. If you want to build a good foundation for your relationship, learn to be tolerant of your partner's wants and needs.

  4. Men always want emotional stability and personal responsibility in a woman.

    Guys want to have such a woman nearby who knows how to laugh at herself and treats life with humor. They do not like hysterics, they like women who are able to show courage and mental strength. This does not mean that a woman should be masculine; she may well be fragile and defenseless, but at the same time she must be emotionally stable.

    Men appreciate the woman who is responsible for her personal development and emotional experiences. It seems to us that men, communicating with us, think only about how to have a good time. It also seems to us that men are only interested in our external data, and in any case they will give preference to a young girl with a model appearance.

    But this is not all that men want from a woman. Of course, they will always turn their heads after beautiful girl, but when choosing a mate, they will give preference to a woman who is emotionally mature, kind, loving and capable of support.

    Tip for women: Emotional maturity does not mean the absence of emotions. It means being able to deal with your emotions. If you want to arouse sympathy in a man, then learn to control yourself and manage your feelings and their expression.

  5. Men always want to see loyalty and devotion in a woman.

    It's an absolute must for a healthy relationship, and it's probably the most important thing a man wants from the woman he loves. Relationships get stronger when a guy has confidence that his beloved will not flirt with everyone in a row, but will give all her attention to him alone. He will appreciate a woman who is able to fully commit to building a relationship with him.

    Many define commitment as being loyal and willing to work on relationships—even when things aren't going well. It seems to women that all men want only sex, and they are only interested in the development of relationships until intimacy occurs. Like, what else do you want if you have already achieved your main goal? It seems to us that men cannot be trusted, they are always ready to change; so why should we remain faithful?

    Many of us are sure that when even the slightest discord occurs in a relationship, men run away from us without looking back.

    Advice for women: betrayal will never be justified. Good news for those women who have come to terms with the myth that all men cheat: infidelity and deceit are just as unpleasant for men as they are for us women. It is not necessary to consider all men thoughtless males; they are able to appreciate good relationships and will protect them from unnecessary shocks. They, too, have an idea of ​​how to build a great relationship, and they too understand that loyalty is the main ingredient in such a relationship.

  6. Men always want to see a woman next to them who understands how much he needs praise and encouragement.

    Many women treat a man in such a way as if they are deliberately trying to hurt his ego as much as possible, making him feel inadequate. Guys would rather be praised as much as possible, recognized that they are doing everything right and flawlessly, and constantly let them know that they are wonderful guys who are simply impossible not to love and appreciate.

    And we are confident that men do not need us or our praise at all. It seems to us that men do not care about things that are incredibly important to us, and we begin to nag them, instead of encouraging their every step towards solving our problems. And where there is no recognition, insults are born more easily.

    Tip for women: Don't be afraid to spoil and spoil your boyfriend with praise. Do not think that he will eventually turn up his nose and begin to believe that you are not worthy of him. This is not true. Unfortunately, women who understand the importance of recognition of merit for every man are very rare. Therefore, he will especially appreciate you for what you see and encourage his virtues, achievements and successes. Yes, he will simply blow dust off you for it!

    What most men want most is recognition and gratitude from women. If you learn to turn a blind eye to minor flaws, see the good, and praise more often, then you will master one of the most powerful tools for building strong relationships.

Now you know what men want from us women, and it will be easier for you to understand your partner and find a common language with him. But in order to really navigate the male preferences quite well, we will try to compile a list of the traits that men look for in their girlfriends. Let's summarize something from the above, consider new facts, build a coherent list - and we will know what we need to focus on!

10 traits that men want to see in their women

We want to make a reservation right away that this list is based on many years of research by a group of women psychologists from America. So what do men really look for in women?

  1. She has her own life - and this makes her interesting

    Dear ladies, this means that you must take care of yourself, have some interests and find time to chat with friends. Don't miss the opportunity to go on a trip or adventure, take the opportunity to experience the joy of life - from eating your favorite dessert to walking in the park on a sunny day. A woman who lives a full life and enjoys every day will not poison the existence of others, and a man understands this very well.

  2. She never takes the first step towards a relationship.

    This issue has always been subject to heated discussion, and it has not yet been possible to reach a true consensus. But observations of men suggest that they do not really like it when a woman begins to take the initiative and pursues a guy. Men are simply not programmed by nature to behave like prey. They prefer to hunt on their own.

  3. She is sexy without being vulgar and promiscuous

    This means that at the beginning of courtship, a woman should refrain from any statements and comments that are overtly sexual. But at the same time, a man will be very pleased if a woman flirts with him with the help of seemingly non-sexual fleeting touches. You can, for example, put your hand on his shoulder or even on his knee - but not for long. And you can touch his knees under the table with your little knee; This game will be to your liking.

  4. She's in no rush to have sex

    Yes, the sexual revolution has long thundered over the world, yes, a man always strives to quickly switch to sex. But if he intends to build a serious relationship, he will never rush his chosen one. Many women don't realize how much sex changes relationship dynamics. And if you jump into it too soon, it will significantly impoverish those relationships that could develop outside the bedroom. Therefore, psychologists advise to wait at least one month before having sexual intercourse with a new person. And the man will appreciate your intelligibility and in the future will be sure of your decency.

  5. She constantly shows concern for a man

    And it’s not at all necessary to do some grandiose things: for example, wash and starch his shirts every day or cook dinner every day, like in a restaurant. The bottom line is that you should be attentive even to the little things that will allow him to understand what you think of him, not forgetting his individual needs. He will do the same for you, trust me! Well, he cleaned the windshield of your car from ice in winter! Moreover, every morning and without any reminders. Would he have done this if he had not spared your tender hands?

  6. She must be her boyfriend's best inspiration

    Remember folk saying? The man, of course, is the head, and the woman is the neck, which supports this head and turns it in the right direction. Help him with advice, laugh at his jokes, help him express himself with better side. Of course, he will try to do the same for you.

  7. She never puts pressure on a man

    This is very important, we have already talked about it. Men are disgusted by any kind of pressure. This also applies to developing relationships. Guys don't like it when a woman tries to constantly keep her finger on the pulse of a relationship. They do not like to analyze what stage the feelings are at, they just like to enjoy them.

  8. She does not get into bad stories, because a decent woman will never commit bad deeds.

    You don't have to bother married men or those who already have girlfriends should not deceive anyone, should not let themselves be humiliated. If you respect yourself, then the man will respect you.

  9. She must share his outlook on life

    Although they say that opposites attract, any person will think twice before getting close to someone who is capable of words and deeds that are unacceptable to him.

  10. She knows that love is the biggest ingredient in the formula for a happy marriage.

    Some women are guided rather by selfish motives, building their relationship with a man, and are not at all interested in him as a person. But love includes a unique sense of spiritual comfort and the feeling that someone else's happiness is as important to you as your own. The desire to love and be loved is a basic human need, and men understand this just as much as we women!

We told you how to understand what a man wants from a woman whom he could love all his life. And it doesn’t matter if you are at the beginning of a relationship, or if you have been married for a long time; It is never too late to correct mistakes, if any. We, women, are naturally endowed with special wisdom that helps us smooth out sharp corners in relationships with men. This, by the way, is another quality for which men appreciate us. And now we know how to predict where these "corners" may arise!



Dating Psychology