Black magic and strong conspiracies of corruption in it. How to spoil insanity and its consequences How people are driven to insanity

Bring before madness

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Bring before madness

Terrible and stupid word - "psychiatric hospital". To admit that he was in a psychiatric hospital is just as embarrassing as in a venereal dispensary. But is a disease of the nervous system something shameful? Yes, because there are a lot of stupid myths and anecdotes associated with psychiatric illnesses. The inmate of the psychiatric hospital behaves strangely, inadequately. He is "crazy", "fool", "crazy". But this disease is a tragedy, the cause of which is often parents.

I happened to be a patient in a "psychiatric hospital", but I'm not ashamed of it at all. Because I got there with a diagnosis of fatigue neurosis, that is, I overstrained my nervous system so much that I had to treat it. But also because it is one of the most poignant experiences of my life, because being in a ward with barred windows has become one of my most powerful life lessons. I learned about the "other" life as much as I could not have done anywhere else. For example, I realized that the "psychiatric hospital" is a refuge not only for alcoholics, perverts and drug addicts.

A psychiatric hospital is called a house of sorrow - a surprisingly accurate definition. I still remember many of my unfortunate neighbors. I'll only tell you about one.

Kostya was a child prodigy, and the only child in the family. Both mother and father doted on him, especially since the boy turned out to have absolute pitch and generally excellent abilities. He grasped everything on the fly, read a lot and varied, and it was not necessary to force him to study. His father was a music school teacher, so the future of the five-year-old Kostya, one might say, had no options. In addition to a regular school, the kid studied at the music school in two specialties at once - violin and piano. At the age of seven, the baby's working day lasted 12 hours, and he did not even have time for a night's sleep.

In the second grade, he became lethargic, indifferent, began to study worse, but his father saw his son as the future Paganini and believed that his son was eating away at "just laziness." Once, as a punishment, the father locked the boy in the bathroom, and he lost consciousness. Doctors prescribed the child complete rest.

For almost two months, an eight-year-old boy could only lie on the couch and play. He played like this: he barked, imitating a puppy. When the baby recovered, the mother convinced the father to release his son at least from the violin: at the sight of the instrument, Kostya began to cry. The father agreed, but forbade his son to do anything other than music. At the piano, the boy's father seated by force. The matter ended with the fact that, in spite of everything, Kostya flatly refused to continue studying music.

However, it didn't end. At the age of 17, Kostya was sent for examination to psychiatrists: he had long been registered with the police, getting into various unpleasant stories in the company of guys who were much younger than him. Experts concluded: the boy was deprived of childhood, the father suppressed the initiative and independence of the boy so much that he, making up for lost time, became completely weak-willed. And that's why he obeyed even his younger comrades, easily fell under the bad influence of those with whom he played. The young man's reactions were slow, there was no will. Typical, according to peers, "brake". With the help of a complex set of exercises, Kostya was "restored" for a long time, then sent to a sanatorium. I don't know anything more about him.

This case is extreme, one might say, clinical. But in it, as in any extreme, many will be able to find familiar features of their own behavior. The cases are probably not so acute, but therefore no less painful for the child.

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You can live by convincing yourself that life is logical, prosaic and reasonable. First of all, reasonable. I am sure about that. I spent a lot of time on this question. I will never forget Mrs. Underwood's dying declaration: "As the number of variables increases, the axioms themselves do not change."
I really believe in it.
I think, therefore I exist. I have hair on my face, so I shave. My wife and child died in a car accident, so I pray. All this is absolutely logical and reasonable. We live in the best possible worlds so give me "Kent" in left hand, glass to the right, turn on "Starsky and Hutch" and listen to a melody full of harmony about the slow rotation of the universe. Logical and reasonable. Real and irrefutable, like Coca-Cola.
But every person has two faces: a merry fellow named Jekyll and his opposite - the gloomy Mr. Hyde, an ominous person on the other side of the mirror who has never heard of razors, prayers and the logic of the universe. You turn the mirror sideways and see your face reflected in it: half crazy, half meaningful. Astronomers call the line between light and shadow the terminator.
The reverse side says that the logic of the universe is the logic of a child in a cowboy suit, enjoying smearing a lollipop for a mile around him. This is the logic of napalm, paranoia, terrorist attacks, random carcinoma. This logic devours itself. She claims that life is a monkey on a branch, that life is hysterical and unpredictable, like a coin you toss to find out who pays for lunch.
I understand that for the time being you manage to ignore this reverse side. But still, you inevitably encounter it when a few brave guys decide to ride around Indiana, shooting at children along the way on bicycles. You run into her when your sister says she's going down to the department store for a minute, and there she is killed during an armed raid. You see Mr. Hyde's face when you hear your father reasoning about how to turn your mother's nose.
This is a roulette wheel. It doesn't matter how many numbers are on it. The principle of a small rolling ball never changes. Don't say it's crazy. This is the embodiment of composure and sanity.
And this fatality is not only around you. It is inside you, right now, growing and developing in the dark, like magic mushrooms. Call it the Thing in the Cellar. Call her driving force. I imagine her as my personal dinosaur, huge, slippery and crazy, floundering in the swamp of my subconscious and not knowing what to grab onto so as not to drown.

To destroy the enemy, an annoying rival, damage to death is done. To understand how damage can destroy a person, you need to know the following.

Corruption does not kill or maim anyone. Mortal damage deprives a person of natural and ecclesiastical protection, dooming him to death. It isolates from the necessary exchange of energy with the environment, depriving the nourishment of the beneficial energies of the cosmos and preventing the waste energy from being dumped into the earth.

Corruption forms a kind of energy shell-sarcophagus, in which a person simply dies ... himself. How exactly a person should die is specified in a special spell.

Types of damage

What are the types of damage:

  • damage to death;
  • damage to relationships;
  • damage to loneliness;
  • damage to business;
  • damage to disease;
  • damage to hair;
  • damage to failure;
  • runic corruption.

Quite often, a love spell turns into damage to love, and a lapel brings loneliness.

In order for corruption to bring the death of the enemy, you need to possess magic power and know the necessary rules of craftsmanship. Also, when inducing damage, you need to have protective amulets for yourself and your blood relatives so as not to suffer from a reverse strike. Otherwise, the induced damage to death will kill the customer himself or his loved ones. This should be known and always remembered.

One of the most common types of damage is damage to a rival, to loneliness. Here the despair and anger of an abandoned woman knows no bounds! But if you think carefully, then black damage to death for a lovebird is not needed at all: it’s enough just to spoil her appearance.

Eat different types dirty rituals, in which a person becomes either funny to others (damage to the bzdeh), or very ugly. Throw fat from a pig to a woman: why not spoil your rival? Cover her body with scabs, pimples - and your husband himself will leave this poor fellow. Is it necessary to kill, desiring death?

To get rid of competitors in business, damage to death is also not needed. Damage to relationships between friends or damage to business can solve your problem. It will also help in cases with an opponent / rival. Spoiled the relationship between husband and mistress - and there is no union. Spoiled the business of an opponent - and greedy beauties will leave him. The seal of death is absolutely not needed, and a love spell can also be omitted.

To punish a traitor who cannot be forgiven, not a death spell will help, but simply damage to loneliness. As a result, all people will turn away from him, he will become invisible and uninteresting to others, a ghost person. Unlike a death spell, these rites close only certain areas of a person's life, but not life itself. He will live and suffer, and a love spell will not help.

Many ask the question of morality when inducing damage, and sometimes they even begin to feel sorry for the people they have spoiled. It should immediately be clarified: magic does not operate with moral issues, for it there is the concept of safety and expediency of the ritual performed. If, having done damage, you fall into regret and begin to repent, then you can simply die yourself from the return of your deeds. Damage to business or loneliness will leave the body of the enemy and return to its creator, who pulled her "by the ears" with his repentance.

Often, when inducing negative influences, runic damage to loneliness or another is used that does not require the operator to have magical power. In this case, you should be aware that runic damage requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as appropriate protection. Runes are applied to photographs of objects (people, things, housing) and give them the direction of action (loneliness, love spell, illness). This often includes offerings to the gods of death according to all the rules.

Sometimes several negative rites are combined and directed to the object one after the other. This also has a certain effect. They put a stamp on loneliness, destroy business and send diseases. Such a black wave can drive a person to madness. Sometimes they solve all problems with the help of a single rite: damage to paralysis. A person simply disappears from society and does not interfere with anyone.

You don’t need damage to relationships and loneliness, you don’t need a love spell on your beloved / beloved - there is no enemy and rival, he is bedridden. Whether this is humane or not is debatable. Often women take away other people's husbands through a love spell, without thinking about the humanity of their act. And if black damage to relationships does not help, an abandoned wife can perform a ceremony for paralysis. You need to think before you take the breadwinner from the family to your bed.

A very common type of punishment is damage to the victim's hair. No wonder old people still do not throw away their hair, but burn it. The connection of hair with the human body is very strong, and it does not stop even after a haircut or hair loss. Unlike blood, saliva and semen, hair does not deteriorate and can be stored for years. Black damage to the hair can be very different: for headaches, and for madness, and for a love spell, and for loneliness. Animal hair is also used for a variety of destructive rites.

Damage by photo

  1. photograph of the victim;
  2. black candles;
  3. new needles;
  4. black clothes;
  5. black tablecloth;
  6. yellow or red threads.

To destroy your enemy or deprive him of vitality, you can perform this ceremony. This is not a love spell and not damage to loneliness - this is black damage to death through torment. On the waning moon at midnight, you need to prepare for the ceremony: take out all the Christian symbols, lay a black tablecloth (or a piece of linen) on the table, place candles in candlesticks and put a photo of the victim.

There is a fairly simple way to piss off anyone, even the most stable person - just say one of these phrases. Find out what these phrases are, so as not to become a victim, or to use them for your own purposes!

Fists clench, blood rushes to the cheeks, tears come to the eyes, it becomes difficult to breathe ... What happened? After all, the remark, because of which all this is happening to us, was seemingly quite innocent, even friendly? And we blame ourselves even more because we can't explain our reaction. It seems to us that we have no right to such experiences. But if these reactions are repeated, most likely, we are dealing with a malicious manipulator. And most often such a manipulator turns out to be a psychopath - a person whose character is characterized by prudence, composure, ruthlessness and a thirst for power over people.


Of course, there are people who see too many hidden meanings in any situation. There is only one way to find out if there is manipulation hidden in this phrase - to evaluate in retrospect, to what extent your fears were justified.

Manipulators do things on purpose that make you feel on the verge of paranoia. For example, flirting with an ex in social networks in front of everyone. If you ask them about it, they will accuse you of making the situation too great importance. A month later, it turns out that they really cheated on you with the same person. The purpose of the manipulator is to make you doubt your intuition. To do this, they constantly throw various hints at you and make you anxious, in order to later accuse you of this very anxiety.


And yet you will soon find out that there is more drama around them than around anyone you know. Manipulators first put you above all, extolling your remarkably easy nature. But it won't last long because they get bored with everything. They are pathological liars, serial scammers and perpetual victims. And soon all these qualities begin to surface and lead you into terrible confusion.

Whenever you mention your concern or dissatisfaction, the manipulators will claim that this is the drama they hate to make you feel bad because you react to their ugly behavior. And they don't want to change their behavior.


Manipulators produce emotions in other people Yes, that's exactly what they do! Dousing you with a waterfall of praise and flattery, they soon stop paying attention to you to see how you react. And when you react, they will accuse you of being overly sensitive or demanding. They will insult, belittle and criticize you (usually as a joke, teasing), pushing your personal boundaries until you are outraged.

Then they will turn their own provoked backlash against you to make you look crazy. Manipulators are capable to make a person defenseless and insecure - for this they only need time.


Of course, mistakes and misunderstandings happen in healthy couples. But manipulators deliberately arrange provocations. And when you react, they twist everything and accuse you (!) of getting it all wrong. Often they even deny having said anything.

This is called "gaslighting" - when you say or do something on purpose, then to accuse others of misunderstanding (or to completely deny that what they said or did they ever took place). In fact you perfectly understood what they said. They are just trying to make you doubt your sanity.


Labeling usually begins when everything is going downhill. From the manipulator's point of view, all of their ex-lovers, colleagues, and friends are insane, jealous, manic-depressive, drunk, or in love with them. It can be quite confusing when they start calling out to the same people that they previously rebuked before you. Then they dump you in the same "crazy" basket, continuing the endless cycle of idealization and devaluation that every unfortunate person who gets in their way falls into.

The only way to get out of this destructive dynamic is to stop all contact. No messages, calls, emails and friendship in social networks. Otherwise, you can be sure that they will do everything possible and impossible to drive you crazy.

The good news is that if a manipulator is trying to make you doubt your intuition, then it is causing him problems. Manipulators are trying psychologically destroy anyone who can threaten their illusion normal life in the world. So when they start playing "mind games" with you, it's an indirect compliment to your ability to notice when something is wrong with them.

Be careful with these phrases!

Jackson Mackenzie, co-founder of, an online community that supports victims of dealing with psychopaths and manipulators, has compiled five common phrases that manipulators use to undermine your independence.

1. You exaggerate everything.

Of course, we all sometimes attach too much importance to trifles. However, with manipulators, it turns out that in fact you are always right. Manipulators will do things on purpose that will make you feel paranoid. For example, flirt with the former in front of everyone, and then they will say that it seemed to you and you shouldn’t make an elephant out of a fly. And in a month it will turn out that it was with this former that you were cheated on.

The purpose of the manipulator is to make you doubt your own intuition and feel like a damn detective. They will constantly throw hints at you to make you feel anxious, and then they will blame you for it.

2. I hate drama

And at the same time, it is around manipulators that dramas are constantly played out. At first they will praise you and your wonderful character, but very soon they will get tired of it. Manipulators are pathological liars, serial scammers, and eternal victims. Manipulators are deliberately provocative and when you react, they accuse you of creating the drama they hate so much. You will feel guilty about reacting to their disgusting behavior.

3. You are too sensitive

The task of the manipulator is to provoke you to emotions. At first they will extol you and sing praises, and then they will suddenly turn on a hard ignore without warning or reason and will wait for your reaction. And when you react, they will accuse you of being too sensitive or demanding. They will insult, belittle and criticize you (usually as a joke, teasing), pushing your personal boundaries until you are outraged. And for your reaction they will accuse you of madness. Manipulators are able to make a person defenseless and insecure - for this they only need time.

4. You misunderstood me

Of course, in any pair there are misunderstandings and mistakes. But manipulators deliberately arrange provocations. And when you react, they turn everything upside down and accuse you of misunderstanding everything. Often they even deny that they said anything. This is called "gaslighting" - when they say or do something on purpose, then to accuse others of misunderstanding (or to completely deny that what they said or did they ever took place). Actually, you got it right. They are just trying to make you doubt your sanity.

5. You are out of your mind / drunk / jealous / crazy about me, etc.

Labeling is the manipulator's favorite tool. According to their data, all their colleagues, former lovers, friends are either crazy, or alcoholics, or jealous, and God knows who else is there. Do not hesitate - a label is already ready for you too. You will become just another in the endless cycle of idealization and devaluation that every unfortunate person who gets in their way falls into.

The only way to get out of this destructive relationship is to cut off all contact. No messages, calls, emails and friendship in social networks. Otherwise, you can be sure - they will do everything possible and impossible to drive you crazy.

The good news is that if a manipulator is trying to make you doubt your intuition, then it is causing him problems. Manipulators try to psychologically destroy anyone who might threaten their illusion of a normal life. Therefore, when they start playing “mind games” with you, consider that you have correctly noticed that something is wrong with them.

Psychology of feelings and emotions