Birthday April 29 celebrity uy. Holy Christ's Resurrection

Taurus, especially this decade, are very susceptible to the opinion of the society around them. For them, there is nothing more terrible than public condemnation. At the same time, they often behave in a way that makes people feel negative about themselves. But this is more likely not from an evil and harmful character, but from the inability to correctly express one's thoughts. Their sense of humor does not always coincide with those around them, so sometimes a joke that seems sparkling to them can even be offensive to the interlocutor.

Despite this, the Taurus zodiac sign born on April 29 still manages to rehabilitate itself in the eyes of others with the help of its natural attractiveness. Basically, calves can like it. Very often among them there are womanizers and seductresses. Men can run after other people's skirts until the end of their days. As a rule, this happens because of their dependence on society.

Taurus get married and get married at an early age, because from childhood they have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow life should look right. And very often it happens not out of love. Hence the other problems.

They select satellites so that they have the most worthy status in society, but Taurus often forgets about what they really want. Sometimes, he is drawn to get out of the usual circle of what is allowed and indulge in all serious. In such cases, those born on April 29, the zodiac sign Taurus, can spend all their savings, commit rash and, at times, criminal acts.

But after a while, the mind takes over, and the calf begins to make amends for everything that he has done. Fortunately, people born on April 29, the zodiac sign Taurus, are unusually lucky, so the severe consequences carry them through. But Taurus still needs to think that you shouldn’t listen to others so much. First of all, you need to be yourself. Then there will be harmony in the soul and good health.

By the way, about health, all problems come from nerves, from unexpressed emotions. From the fact that those born on April 29 always drive all their difficulties inside, which come out in the form of neuroses, strokes, problems with the spine and stomach. The nervous system is their sore spot.

As for work and career, here their perseverance is to be envied. Born April 29 zodiac sign Taurus, incredibly diligent and responsible. If a calf promises you something, he will certainly fulfill it. They can be trusted. They learn quickly and memorize everything on the fly. Those born on this day are good friends who will always come to the rescue and help out on demand. Often friends become a priority for them family, because Taurus cannot refuse help. If this happens, the calves experience pangs of conscience, expressing their anger at their closest and dearest. Few people know their true face, even friends.

In clothes, people born on April 29 zodiac sign Taurus also try to splurge, dressing up in the latest fashion. But they may not give a damn about conventions if they notice that there are those who do not condemn them nearby. It can be incredibly difficult for Taurus to look one way, but in their souls to be completely different. Most often this leads to an internal conflict, but if there is still a person who can love the calf and see what he really is, or rather, you simply cannot find a friend.

Day of powerful image.

April 29 celebrity birthday- actor Alexei Komashko, actor Pavel Delong, actress Uma Thurman, tennis player Andre Agassi

The nature of Taurus born on April 29- Those born on April 29 have a clear idea of ​​what impression they make on others, as if they constantly carry a mirror with them and periodically look into it. Of course, when they first meet people, they try to present themselves in the best light.

Those born on April 29 highly appreciate a good opinion of themselves. This does not mean at all that people whose birthday is April 29 are not self-confident - as a rule, they are very clearly aware of who they are in this world and how to behave in a given situation. Thanks to the unsurpassed talent of reincarnation, they always manage to win favor from others and appear before them in the desired image. However, it cannot be said that they act invariably without losing, failures happen even to such lucky ones, always causing discomfort.

The vast majority of their actions are based, rather, not on the desire to lead, but on the desire to gain a foothold in one role or another, to gain a stable position in society. Accordingly, any changes in their own image are perceived by them extremely painfully, and it is sometimes difficult for others to perceive their new image. From time to time, those born on April 29 may feel as if they have become hostages of personal predictability, they want to take a risk, dare a spontaneous act, but something in themselves prevents this.

April 29 people are extremely reliable and responsible people. However, sometimes it becomes burdensome for them, especially if there is a desire to play or do innocent stupid things. It is at such moments that people whose birthday is April 29 can be in their own guise, throwing off the shackles of an annoying image. To friends and family who quietly share with them rare moments reincarnations born on April 29 are sincerely grateful. It happens that only one person is able to be really sensitive to an unexpected change in image, and his departure is always perceived by those born on April 29 as extremely painful.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is April 29th? They are very scrupulous about dress, manners, posture and even the timbre of the voice, adjusted to the last note. In addition, those born on April 29 are very picky about the image of others. The most extravagant personalities of those born on April 29 sometimes present themselves as completely indifferent to their appearance and may appear in public in old, shabby clothes, playing complete ease. If those born on April 29 dream of fame and luxury, they usually try to present themselves as a powerful person. However, if personal happiness prevails over ambition, there is much more sincerity in their image. Be that as it may, those born on this day should carefully consider their life priorities so that in the pursuit of dubious dividends they do not lose their personal individuality.

Advice for Taurus born April 29- Image is not everything. Regardless of age, have fun with the kids. Remember that the call of the heart is more important than the opinions of others. Be careful not to overdo it by influencing others.

The zodiac sign of people born on April 29 is Taurus. The sun on this day is usually at 10° Taurus. Behavior Type: Fixed. Astrological element: Earth. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on April 29

Character according to the horoscope

They pay great attention to the aesthetic side of things, therefore they are especially reverent about their appearance. It is very important for them what others think about them, and they listen very much to the opinions of others.

Usually they are well aware of who they are and what they want, but in particular - how to get what they want. They know how to pretend, and they do it so skillfully that others do not even distinguish whether they are wearing a mask at the moment or not.

It may seem that they are fake, but this is far from the case: they love when others appreciate them, so they change their behavior depending on the situation.

In fact, every mask they wear is one manifestation of their personality.

love according to the horoscope

They tend to work on every little thing, from voice, gestures and ending with habits. The only person who will be able to see different faces is the partner. In fact, only in a relationship in a couple can they be natural and show the best sides of his character.

Career by horoscope

Efficient workers who are often trusted to perform tasks that require a lot of responsibility. They prefer glory to luxury, but do not refuse a comfortable life.

April 29th Tarot Card: Popess

Figure name: High Priestess (Popes), Spring. Image of a figure: a woman with an important look sits in front of you, on her knees she has a book of knowledge. On the head is the papal tiara. The woman is wrapped in a cloak.

Symbol: the keeper of knowledge, giving it with love.

Meanings: fidelity, bride, nature, passivity, intuition, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Analogies: astrology: the moon is in the sign of Cancer; health: disorders in the lymphatic system; professions: psychologist, teacher, nun.

Planet of those born on April 29

Moon (2+9=11=1+1=2): The influence of the Moon makes those born under this sign very emotional and receptive natures. The moon is a symbol of sensitivity, quirkiness, variability, intuition, sensuality, memory, introversion, impressionability. The planet corresponds to childhood.

Birthday number April 29

Number 2: Indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 - individuals with pronounced sensitivity, need to be stimulated and protected. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 9: distinguishes innovators, revolutionaries, and various changes.


Migraine, neuralgia.


Cosmetologist, artist, architect.


Accuracy, methodicalness, calmness.


Inattention, daydreaming, seriousness.

On April 29, more than 600 babies were born famous people, many of which are world famous. Among them there are several dozens of Russian actors and musicians, athletes and politicians, as well as foreign stars who are known all over the planet. Who was born on April 29: Birthdays of stars and celebrities - in the material.

On April 29, 2017, the People's Artist of Russia turns 62. Popular love for the artist came after the release of the cult crime film "The meeting place cannot be changed, in which the actress played Manka-Bond, demonstrating a talent for transforming into sharp-character images. Larisa Ivanovna played one of the most striking roles in the films:" Sons of Bitches "," Wandering Stars", "A Woman for All" and "Tartuffe".

On April 29, the no less famous Russian actor also celebrates his birthday, who turns 32 in 2017. The popularity of the actor came after the release of the tape "Full Moon", which was followed by the series "Redhead" and "Russian Chocolate", which helped Kirill win the audience's love. In 2012, the artist played his first leading role. The audience saw Cyril in the image of Captain Bobrov in the film "Gloomy Sky".

On April 29, another talented artist celebrates her 56th birthday Russian actress, which entered the history of Russian cinema after playing in the comedy "Sportloto 82". One of the last works of the actress was the series "Margosha" and "Seraphim the Beautiful". Released in 2017 New film with Svetlana Amanova - "Anna Karenina", in which the actress got the role of Lydia Ivanovna.

On April 29, 1970, another Russian actor of Polish origin was born. He is known to the general public for his role in the film Schindler's List. The filmography of Pavel DeLong today includes several dozen paintings, among which are: "Death in shallow water", "Young wolves", "The Secret of Sagaly", "Marion from Faue", "Killer", ""The Dark Side of Venus", " Love and do...", "European tigers".

On April 29, 2017, the world-famous actress and model turns 47 years old. Popularity and fame came to the actress after her role in the film "Pulp Fiction", which made her one of the highest paid Hollywood stars - Uma Thurman's fees soared to $ 5 million. In the new century, the actress's career developed quite successfully - she played in the historical film "Vatel", in the drama "Golden Cup" and the film "Historical Blindness", for which Uma Thurman received the Golden Globe.

Psychology of feelings and emotions