When is the birthday of Leonid. Leonid's name day in the church calendar

The name Leonid is a two-root name of ancient Greek origin. In ancient Hellas, it sounded like Leonidas (Λεωνίδας). Linguists claim that the name comes from the Greek words λέων - "lion" and είδος - "similar" and "descendant". It turns out that the meaning of the name Leonid is "a descendant of a lion" or "like a lion".

The name owes great popularity to Leonidas, the king of Sparta, the Greek city-state. It is with his name that the legend of 300 Spartans and the Battle of Thermopylae is associated.

The meaning of the name Leonid for a child

Leonid grows up as a cheerful and active boy. He is a kind and sociable child, and his sociability is combined with diplomacy even in childhood. The boy easily avoids conflicts and helps others in unpleasant situations. At the same time, Leonid tends to show strong masculine qualities from childhood, so he rarely shows his emotions to other people. He usually has many friends and comrades, as he is simply the embodiment of an ideal friend. Leonid is distinguished by honesty and devotion, which of course attracts people to him.

The boy usually learns well, in which his good innate abilities help him a lot. Leonid is easy to digest new information, and his memory allows him to remember quickly and for a long time. It is also worth noting the ability to impress others. This often helps Leonid if he came to the lesson unprepared. He usually has a good relationship with teachers, which of course allows a somewhat freer attitude to the study of the material.

Leonid's health is strong enough, but the boy is often prone to excessive vigilance. From an early age, Leonid shows increased attention to his own health, which often surprises those around him. It remains his feature and at an older age. With any oddities with health, he does not hesitate to go to the doctor. The boy is growing quite athletic, which of course has a positive effect on well-being. His passion for physical education will also accompany him all his life.

Short name Leonid

Lenya, Lenka, Leo, Leon, Lid.

Diminutive names

Leonidushka, Lenchik, Lenechka, Lenyushka, Leonchik, Lidushka.

Patronymic of children

Leonidovich and Leonidovna. A common form of folk abbreviation can be called patronymic Leonidich.

Name Leonid in English

In English, the name Leonid is spelled as Leonid.

Name Leonid for passport- LEONID.

Translation of the name Leonid into other languages

in Belarusian - Leanid
in Bulgarian - Leonid
in Greek - Λεωνίδας
Spanish - Leonidas
in Italian - Leonide
in Polish - Leonid
in Portuguese - Leonidas
in Serbian - Leonid
in Ukrainian - Leonid
in French - Léonide
in Czech - Leonid

Church name Leonid(in Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Leonid.

Characteristics of the name Leonid

An adult Leonid is distinguished by the ability to get along with people, a businesslike approach to life and reliability. Everything is the same as in childhood, Leonid easily finds a language with almost everyone. He knows how to build relationships even with the most difficult people. His ability to understand people often helps him out and helps in life. The same can be said about the business approach to problem solving. Sometimes it seems that Leonid can handle any problem, and this is not far from the truth. Well, his reliability is well-deserved respect from his friends and relatives.

All of the above positive qualities of Leonid are perfectly manifested in the work. The ability to negotiate is especially useful for his career. This makes Leonid an indispensable HR specialist. He also has excellent leadership qualities which makes it easy to take leadership positions. Leonid is no less successful in other industries, but life itself often pushes him up the career ladder.

Leonid builds family relationships with a serious approach. He is very picky about the everyday habits of his partner, so that the future wife will undergo a serious selection. At the same time, his courtship is quite elegant, which almost always reaches the goal. Leonid loves his children, so much so that if he is not stopped, he can spoil them. However, he is still quite strict with his family.

The secret of the name Leonid

The secret of Leonid can be called his ability to manipulate people. Moreover, this is not only a skill, but also one of the constantly used methods to achieve the goal. Leonid very subtly feels the motivation of others, so he can easily push a person to the "right" decision.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Wood- Cedar.

Plant- Rose hip.

Stone- Diamond.

The name Leonidas is of Greek origin and means "coming from a lion." It gives its owner strength of character, enthusiasm and optimism.

When is Leonid's name day celebrated?

Leonid celebrates his name day several times a year, and the saints who bore this name are considered his spiritual patrons. When does Leonid accept congratulations? this person falls on the following days: March 23, April 28 and 29, June 9 and 18, July 30, then August 21, September 12, 15 and 28, December 27.

The names are the martyrs Leonid of Corinth, Leonid of Egypt, Leonid of Ustnedum and others.

Leonid of Corinth (March 23, April 29)

Leonidas was one of the martyrs who died in Corinth in 258, during the reign of Decius. Beginning in 250, persecutions of Christians were carried out in the city. All believers who refused to renounce their beliefs accepted martyrdom.

Saint Leonid was one of the disciples of Kondrat, a deeply religious man who gathered hundreds of people around him in the desert not far from Corinth. When the Roman commander Jason arrived in the city to execute the followers of Jesus Christ, the young man, along with other novices, was martyred. This happened on the first day of the Easter holiday of 258. First, the martyrs were thrown into the water. But they did not drown, but got up and walked on its surface with their feet. Then the tormentors boarded the ship, caught up with the people, tied ropes around their necks, and nevertheless drowned them.

Leonid's name day is celebrated on March 23 and April 29. On this day, the church remembers him and other martyrs of Corinth.

The name day of Leonid according to the church calendar is June 18. Leonidas of Egypt

Martyr Leonidas comes from a noble Roman family. He was well built, handsome, and early years had true faith in the Lord. For this he later accepted the death of a martyr.

During the reign of Emperor Maximian (approximately from 305 to 311), the persecution and extermination of Christians continued. They were brutally tortured, forcing them to renounce their faith, and if this did not happen, people were killed. Among them was the martyr Leonidas.

He and other believers, among whom were Markian, Nicander, were seized and began to severely beat with rods. Then they threw me into a dungeon, didn't give me any water or food, and continued to torture me. The martyrs did not renounce their faith in the Lord, and one day an angel appeared to them, who healed their wounds. Upon learning of this, many pagans converted to Christianity.

The martyr reposed in prison from hunger and thirst on June 18. The place of his burial is unknown. On this day, the name day of Leonidas is celebrated. The Holy Church on June 18 commemorates the martyr Leonidas of Egypt.

Leonid Ustnedumsky (July 30)

Leonid Ustnedumsky was born in 1551 on the Yaroslavl land in a family of peasants. He grew up believing in the Lord and a literate person, his parents taught him to read as a child. Leonid led the usual life of a peasant, engaged in agriculture, attended church. But one day, at the age of 50, the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and told him to go to the Morzhevskaya Nikolaev hermitage, take the icon there Mother of God Hodegetria and transfer it to the Turin mountain, which is located on the Lusa River.

The elder considered himself unworthy of such a Divine revelation and did not go anywhere. But soon he took the monastic vows in the Arkhangelsk region. The Mother of God appeared to Leonid in a dream three more times, until he finally fulfilled her instructions.

Soon, in 1608, a church was erected on the indicated place in honor of the Entry into the Temple. Holy Mother of God. Later, the Hodegetria icon was transferred to it. The hieromonk died on July 30 (according to the new style), 1654. On this day, the name day of Leonidas is celebrated. Orthodox Church during the service on July 30, he remembers Hieromonk Leonid.

Saint Leonidas was born in the Peloponnese and served as director of the women's spiritual choir. During the persecution of Decius (c. 250), the choir continued to sing hymns and prayers of thanksgiving. While the rest of the Christians of the area were hiding and trying to avoid searches, the women led by Leonidas showed incredible courage, being the only ones who openly confessed Christian faith. All of them were arrested a few days before the Easter holiday in the city of Troezen in Argolis and taken to Corinth to the ruler Venust.

Sitting on a high throne, he promised Leonid fame and fortune if he agreed to sacrifice to the gods. Leonid answered calmly and with a smile: “I myself have long abandoned lies and am afraid only for you, because your delusions lead to eternal death.” The magistrate decided it was time to resort to torture. The saint said: “Since you want it, test my body with fire and make sure that when the corruptible flesh is damaged, my soul will remain unharmed and rejoice in its speedy release from the bonds that bind it to mortal existence.”

Then the virgins were brought to the ruler. He tried to convince them that the master had agreed to make a pagan sacrifice. Without being deceived, they answered: “We, too, from the bottom of our hearts will sacrifice to our Lord Jesus Christ!” Seeing that he could not convince them, he ordered the Christian women to be imprisoned.

Calling Leonid again, the magistrate insisted on obedience to the sovereign. Leonid was unshakable: “Everything that the Ruler of heaven and earth commands, I fulfill with reverence. But what the emperors order, I do only if it is right, if not, I do not consider myself obliged to obey! In anger, the ruler ordered that he be skinned alive and burned on his sides with torches.

At this very moment, he resumed the interrogation of the seven virgins and asked if they were of the same origin as Leonidas. “Although we are of different origin and gender, we are united in faith and way of life,” came the answer. “You will be subjected to the same torment as his,” Venust announced. The executioners immediately began to carry out his order. However, the torturers could not achieve anything from them either. The saints only said: “We are Christians and are ready to endure any suffering for Christ!” Therefore, the magistrate decided to throw Leonidas and his students into the sea.

The martyrs were led along the coast, and Hariess sang like Miriam, the sister of Moses, after the Red Sea swallowed up the Pharaoh's army (see: Exodus 15:20). Her song was taken up by the companions: “I ran in the field, Lord, the army pursued me, Lord, and I did not deny You, Lord, save my soul!” On Holy Saturday they were put on a ship. There they continued to sing. When the ship sailed about 6 kilometers, stones were tied to their necks, their hands were tied behind their backs. First, they threw Leonidas into the sea. While the waves had not yet swallowed him up, the saint said: “Today I receive a second baptism for the purification of the inner man!” Then seven virgins were delivered to the waves.

Subsequently, their bodies were found by pious Christians on the coast, and big temple consecrated their burial place.

Compiled by Hieromonk Macarius of Simonopetra,
adapted Russian translation - Sretensky Monastery Publishing House

He was born in Novgorod region in the family of a simple rural worker. How Leonid lived for 50 of his years, we do not know. But what happened after is reflected in his life. At the age of 50, he was granted a vision, Saint Leonid was told to go to the Morzhevskaya Nikolaev Hermitage and take from there the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Hodegetria”, and then transfer it to Usolsky district, where he founded a temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”.

Leonid, not considering himself worthy of a miraculous phenomenon, did not dare to do what he was commanded, he goes to the Kozeozersky monastery, where he takes monasticism. This happened in 1603, he lived in this monastery for exactly a year, and then left for Solovki, where he worked in the monastery bakery for three years.

But the monk's dream was constantly repeated, when he was convinced that this was indeed God's command, Saint Leonid went to the river Luza, where he decided to settle in a hut, which he wove from brushwood. But the inhabitants expelled him from this place, then the monk left for Rostov, where he asked for blessings from Metropolitan Varlaam of Rostov to build a temple in the place indicated in the dream.

During the time of go-non-niya on christian (in the III century) one-on-bla-go-che-sti-wife, by the name of Ru-fi-na, be-zha-la from Ko-rin-fa to the mountains, spa-sa-yas from pre-sleep-to-va-ny. There she ro-di-la sy-na Ko-dra-ta and soon after the birth she died. The pro-thought-scrap of God-im-them the young-de-nets remained to live and was fed-len in a miraculous way: on him descended-ka-moose about-la-ko, pi- tav-his neck with sweet dew. The childhood and youthful years of the saint Ko-dra-ta passed in the wilderness. Being already an adult, he once met khri-sti-an, someone enlightened him with the light of the true faith. Co-drat you studied gra-mo-te, and later studied medical art and achieved great success in it. But more than anything, Ko-drat loved the desert silence and spent most of his time in the mountains, mo-lit-ve and bo-go-thought-liu. Many years later. In the desert, to the holy one often come-ho-di-whether his friends and after-to-wa-te-whether to listen to him on le-tion. Among them were Ki-pri-an, Di-o-ni-siy, Anekt, Pa-vel, Cri-s-kent and many others.

By order of go-ni-te-la hri-sti-an nothing-sti-vo-go De-kiya (249-251) in Ko-rinth arrived in-e-on-head-nick Eeyore -dream. The holy Ko-drat was captured together with his friends and thrown into the dark. On the do-pro-sah, Eeyore more often than ever spoke to Ko-dra-tu as the eldest in age. The saint courageously defended his faith in Christ Spa-si-te-la. Then they began to use him. Holy Ko-drat, in spite of nothing-lo-ve-che-sky stra-da-niya, found in himself the strength to support others, run away - giving them not to be afraid and firmly stand up for faith. Without getting from anyone from-re-che-niya, Eeyore at-ka-hall throw mu-che-no-kov on ras-ter-for-the-beasts. Animals do not tro-well-whether them. Holy ty-ty-for-whether for legs to ko-les-ni-tsam and vo-lo-chi-whether in the city, many from the crowd bro-sa-li in them stones. On-to-nets mu-che-no-kov attached-su-di-li to the mustache with a sword. In the place of the kaz-no saints in-pro-si-whether it’s a little time for mo-lit-you, and then one after the other became sub-ho -dit to pa-la-chu, bowing go-lo-woo before for-not-sen-ny sword.

The rest of the teachings of the holy Ko-dra-ta are also in the same way for Christ: Di-o-ni-siy (another) was for-ko- lot of knife-pulp; Vik-to-rin, Vik-tor and Ni-ki-for would be for-zh-in-time-fraction-le-na in a huge stone stu-pe; Claudia from-ru-bi-li ru-ki and no-gi; Di-o-dor himself threw himself into the bonfire, which was prepared for him; Se-ra-fi-he was decapitated; Pa-pia and Leo-no-yes drown-wee-li in the sea. Supporting our husbands, many holy wives also went to the mu-ki for Christ for Christ.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.

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