How to read the Mother of God correctly. The rule of reading prayer canons What is the Mother of God in a prayer book

The forms of veneration of saints are varied, each needs to offer up certain texts. You also need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in a special way, so you should immediately find out what the Theotokos is in a prayer book and what rules you need to follow when reading it.

Mother of God in the church hierarchy

For believers, the highest position of the Virgin in the religious hierarchy is obvious. She goes second behind God, above angels and saints. According to Orthodox teaching God is represented in 3 persons:

  • Father;
  • Holy Spirit.

The Virgin Mary became the mother of Jesus Christ after God's grace descended on her, an immaculate conception occurred. After 9 months, Christ appeared, combining the features of God and man.

The Mother of God was always by his side, sharing hardships and hardships, saw the suffering of Christ on the cross, death and resurrection. All this made it possible for her to understand the needs of people and help them.

After death Mother of God her veneration began, many icons streamed myrrh, today there are about 800 icons in front of which believers pray and receive what they ask for, miraculous help is expressed in numerous healings. The number of texts containing an appeal to the Most Pure Mother of God is great.

Types of prayers

Any person can pray before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, often they resort to her help:

  • to receive bodily healing;
  • to beg for a spouse, child;
  • ask for help in raising children;
  • find solace in sorrows;
  • solve difficult problems;
  • gain mutual understanding with loved ones;
  • improve your spiritual life;
  • understand your purpose.

All these petitions are expressed in various forms, one or another form should be chosen taking into account a number of circumstances. The most common forms:

  • a short prayerful sigh;
  • appeals in prayers in the morning and for the coming sleep;
  • prayer Virgin Mary, rejoice;
  • rule to the Mother of God - repetition of the above prayer 150 times;
  • prayer or penitential canon;
  • akathists read in front of various icons of the Mother of God in the temple and at home.

You can pray before the images of the Virgin Mary at home or in a church, each option has its own characteristics. There are also special chants - the Theotokos, which are universal in many respects.

For everyone church services chants dedicated to the Mother of God are heard, because her role in the salvation of the human race is enormous.

Hymn of the Theotokos at Divine Liturgy

Theotokion can be heard at the service, this is a special hymn dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. It can be performed in 3 different ways:

  • stichera - a text resembling a hymn, is pronounced along with the psalms from the book of the Psalter;
  • troparion - a short chant reflecting the essence of the church holiday;
  • sedal - when a chant is performed, it is allowed to sit.

Theotokos are usually used at the completion of the stichera, troparion or sedalen. You can read this text in all liturgical publications, except for the Gospel. You can hear the Theotokos at any service.

There is also a division into 4 groups when they are proclaimed:

  • on Sunday and on holidays - after the stichera;
  • on Sunday, as well as on holidays after the holiday troparion;
  • on weekdays - after stichera;
  • on weekdays - after the holiday troparia.

Usually they are at the end of the verse Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen, the Theotokos are divided by voice, their location is the end of the liturgical books (appendix).

An important group are the Mother of God dogmatists, there are 8 of them according to the number of voices, they set out in a concise form dogmas - immutable establishments concerning the Most Holy Theotokos.

Their presence means the exaltation of the role of the Blessed Virgin in the salvation of mankind, she is able to beg Christ to have mercy on sinners. The main idea is that Christ was incarnated from the virgin Mary through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

At the services of the Theotokos, dogmatists sound very beautiful, their place in worship is after the stichera On the Lord, the invocation during Sunday vespers.

Another variety is the Cross of the Mother of God, revealing the full depth of the suffering of the Virgin, when the Lord was on the cross, she passed everything through her heart. Time and place of prayers:

  • vespers on Tuesday, Thursday;
  • Wednesday, Friday morning.

At these services, the Lord's Cross is venerated, its greatness and the grief of the Mother of God are sung.

Dogmas of prayer books

Many believers who are just starting to carefully read the prayer book often stumble upon incomprehensible abbreviations there, which are separated by a comma or colon. These abbreviations are also present in liturgical books.


The purpose of their placement is that a long text takes up space, and abbreviations help to better adapt to reproducing them in the service of readers and singers. The most common abbreviations adopted in theological practice need to be known.

  • Glory, and Now it should be read like this:

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

In addition to prayer books, they are found in each of the 20 kathismas of the Psalter, dividing the kathisma into 3 parts.

  • Trisagion - 3 should be said:

Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

  • Trinity:

Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee.

  • When the Theotokos is written in the prayer book, it is necessary to pronounce:

Holy Mother of God save us.

Such a constant invocation of the Mother of God allows you to always be under her protection, makes it possible to make sure that her role is great, she saves people who even have serious sins. In the prayer book of inexperienced Christians, abbreviations can be misleading, but phrases should be pronounced in full.

The phrase “Holy Mother of God, save us” must be read not only during the rule, but also to call on the Virgin Mary for help with a short appeal whenever it’s hard, it’s not clear how to act in confusing situations.


Communion is the most important sacrament for an Orthodox Christian, in which he inexplicably enters into communion with Christ, taking into himself his body and blood, which are given at the liturgy in the form of bread and wine.

In order to receive these shrines with dignity, the believer needs to carefully prepare. In addition to fasting for 3 days, when it is forbidden to eat animal food, it is necessary to go to confession with a priest in the temple, where communion is supposed.

  • repentant to the Lord;
  • prayer to the Mother of God;
  • Guardian Angel.

Also, many read the penitential canon to the Most Holy Theotokos. Both canons direct the believer to the knowledge of spiritual wisdom, reveal to him biblical history whose events are still relevant today. The canon is built according to the same scheme: 9 songs, the first and last are dedicated to the Mother of God.

The first song of the prayer canon contains the recognition of one's sins, the presence of numerous passions, diseases of the soul and body, which only the Mother of God can heal. The final song of the prayer canon is a request to the Virgin Mary to bring joy, to enlighten a gloomy soul.

The penitential canon contains more repentant sighs, awareness of one's sinfulness, the only hope for the help of the Virgin. Sinners have a strong fear, but faith is great in the mercy of the Blessed Virgin, she can beg the Lord for the forgiveness of all sins.

In the first songs of the prayer and penitential canons there is the Theotokos - "Most Holy Theotokos, save us." Usually in prayer books it is written in full.

Canon is a series of sacred chants in honor of a saint or holiday. The canon usually consists of 9 songs. The 2nd ode is missing from the Correct Canons.

Each song, in turn, consists of an irmos and troparia. Irmos is the first verse of the song. According to the general rule, only irmos is read in combined canons first canon. For this reason, in the Correct Senior Canons, the irmos of the second canon (the Mother of God) is read at the end of the song at the place of the katavasia, and in the Correct Lesser Canons, the irmos of the second canon (to the Guardian Angel) is completely left.

Tropari- all subsequent verses of the song. The correct canons have 4-7 troparia each (we read them without connection). Before each troparion, a chant is pronounced corresponding to the canon being read:

Song of Jesus:"Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner (or us)."

Chant of the Mother of God:"Holy Mother of God, save us."

Chant to the Angel: "Angel of Christ, my guardian saints, save me, your sinful servant."

The penultimate troparion of the last (in our case, the second) canon has the chant: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (abbreviated Glory), and the last troparion (Mother of God) has a chant: And now and ever and forever and ever, amen (abbreviated as And now).

The order of reading the Correct Canons for each day

The correct canons are read in pairs, first senior canons Jesus and the Mother of God (by day), then small canons Mother of God and Angel (by day) in this combination:

Under Monday (starting from Sunday evening):

3-4) canon to the Theotokos “Water has passed ...” + canon to the Guardian Angel great.

Under Tuesday

1-2) the canon of Jesus + the canon of the Virgin Akathist;


1-2) canon of Jesus + canon of the Theotokos Hodegetria;

3-4) the canon of the Theotokos “The water has passed ...” + the small canon to the Guardian Angel.

Under Thursday:

1-2) the canon of Jesus + the canon of the Virgin Akathist;

3-4) the canon of the Theotokos “The water has passed ...” + the small canon to the Guardian Angel.

Under Friday:

1-2) the canon of Jesus + the canon of the Virgin Akathist;

3-4) the canon of the Theotokos “The water has passed ...” + the small canon to the Guardian Angel.

Under Saturday:

1-2) the canon of Jesus + the canon of the Virgin Akathist;

3-4) the canon of the Theotokos “The water has passed ...” + the small canon to the Guardian Angel.

Under Sunday:

1-2) Jesusu canon + canon Annunciation Virgin;

3-4) the canon of the Theotokos “The water has passed ...” + the small canon to the Guardian Angel.

Some Christians replace the canon of the Theotokos “Water Passed ...” with another canon of the Theotokos from the Companion of that day in Oktay.

In the Ural book, the canon of Jesus and the canon of the Mother of God are combined in finished form Akathist, as well as the canon of the Theotokos "The water passed" and the canon of the Guardian Angel small. These canons can be read on a row under Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The remaining three pairs of canons, read on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, the speaker must combine independently by analogy.

Scheme for reading the Correct Canons

Initial Prostrations and Prayers (before the Creed):

  • Seven-bow began
  • 3 bows to the waist; if several people pray, then these 3 bows are put only by the elder - praying)
  • 12 bows ( in the belt, only the last bow to the earth)
  • Prayer of the publican "God, merciful ..." ( 3 bows to the waist)
  • waist bow)
  • Having crossed ourselves, we read: “To the King of heaven…”
  • Trisagion ( 3 bows to the waist), and according to Our Father
  • waist bow
  • Lord have mercy (12 times)
  • Glory, and now
  • "Come, let's bow..." ( 3 bows to the waist)

Stichers to Jesus and the Mother of God (by day):

  • 3 verses to Jesus (beginning with “Jesus Presladkii ...”) with a chant to each “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner (or us)” ()
  • 3 stichera to the Theotokos with a chant for each "Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save us" ( on the first verse bow to the belt) by day:

If canon Akathist or Annunciation, then we read on the row “Council of the Eternal ...”

If canon Hodegetria, then look l. 47 rev. “We appease Thee, give birth to all ...” (or at your choice, sheet 48 rev. “Golden censer ...”)

  • Glory
  • 4th stichera of Jesusu (Mother of God) "Jesus giving birth ..."
  • And now
  • 4th hymn to the Theotokos by day:

If canon Akathist, then we read on the row “Mystery from the ages ...”

If canon Hodegetria, then look l. 48 rev. “Godly and All-Honorable…” (or another sheet 49 “Which is joy…”)

If canon Annunciation, then look l. 38 rev. "Sent to be..."

Canon of the Mother of God Akathist: on a row

Canon of the Mother of God Hodegetria: l. 49 rev.

Canon Annunciation Virgin: l. 39

In the canon of Jesus, each song begins with an irmos, in the canon of the Theotokos, with a chant and a troparion of the song. The irmos of the canon to the Theotokos is read at the end of the corresponding song at the site of the katavasia.

Song recitation scheme in Jesusu canon:

  • Irmos
  • 4 troparion (singing to Jesus → troparion; singing to Jesus → troparion; singing to Jesus → troparion; singing to the Theotokos → troparion of the Theotokos)

The scheme of reading the song in the canon of the Theotokos:

  • 4 troparion (singing to the Theotokos → troparion; singing to the Virgin → troparion; Glory → troparion; And now → troparion); some songs have 5 troparia
  • Katavasia (at the place of the katavasia, the irmos of the given (second) canon is sung)

* After the 1st verse in the 1st and 9th songs in each of the two canons: waist bow.

For the 3rd song:

  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Kontakion and ikos Jesusu “Jesus Savior, cleanse and save me…”
  • Wednesday: kondaki (two) and ikos to the Theotokos Hodegetria “Not imams for other help…” (fol. 53 – 53 rev.)
  • Sedalen Jesusu "Save my Jesus, even the prodigal salvation ..."
  • Glory, and now
  • Theotokos by day:

Under Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday we read on the row "Prayers of our slaves ..."

Wednesday look l. 50 rev. "The prayer book is warm..."

Under Friday we read on a row of the cross-theotokos "Who is your intercession ..."

Under Sunday look l. 40 “Gabriel was sent…” → Glory, And now → l. 40 rev. "Gabriel from heaven..."

According to the 6th song:

  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Glory, and now
  • Akathist to the Theotokos, consisting of 13 kontakions and 12 ikos (at the end of the 1st icos "Angel of the intercessor ..." in place of the word "worship" bow to the earth; Kontakion 13th “Oh! All-singing Mati ... "we read three times With bows to the ground)
  • We repeat the ikos of the 1st “Angel of the intercessor…” (l. 21 rev.), then the kontakion of the 1st “To the Chosen Voivode…”
  • Prayer to the Theotokos (before prayer: chant to the Mother of God + bow from the waist; at the end of the prayer: bow to the earth)

* 13 kontakia and 12 ikos (the so-called akathist to the Theotokos) + a prayer to the Mother of God is read, including on Wednesday and Sunday, when the canons of the Hodegetria and the Annunciation are read. In this regard, the kontakion (two) and ikos of the Hodegetria canon are read after the 3rd ode - after the kontakion and ikos of Jesus, and the kontakion and ikos of the canon of the Annunciation are left due to the coincidence with the 1st kontakion and ikos of the akathist to the Theotokos.

According to the 9th song:

  • Prayer to Jesus (before prayer: sing to Jesus + bow from the waist; at the end of the prayer: bow to the earth)
  • Prayer to the Mother of God:

    If canon Akathist, then we do not read anything
    If canon Hodegetria, then look l. 56 "Holy Lady Lady..."
    If canon Annunciation, then look l. 46 rev. "To Thee more pure ..."

Then small canons are read - Mother of God "Water passed ..." and the Guardian Angel (by day):

Canon small: along

Canon great: l. 68 rev.

The canon to the Theotokos begins with the irmos, the canon to the Guardian Angel begins with the chorus and troparion of the song.

The irmos of the canon are not read to the Guardian Angel at the place of the katavasia, they remain completely unread here.

The scheme for reading the song in the canon of the Theotokos:

  • Irmos
  • 4 troparion (singing to the Virgin → troparion; singing to the Virgin → troparion; singing to the Virgin → troparion; singing to the Virgin → troparion)

The scheme for reading the song in the canon to the Guardian Angel:

  • 4 troparion (singing to the Angel → troparion; singing to the Angel → troparion; Glory → troparion; And now -→ troparion is theotokos); in the great canon 5-7 troparia

* After the 1st verse (To the Theotokos, Jesus, Angel) in the 1st and 9th songs of each of the two canons: waist bow.

* In canon Guardian Angel small in 1st and 9th songs before chant and troparion to the angel is read chant and troparion Jesus.

* In canon Guardian Angel great in 1st and 9th songs chant and troparion Jesus read after singing and troparion to the Angel.

For the 3rd song:

  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Kontakion and ikos to the Guardian Angel by day:

in canon small: along with "Appear to me mercifully ..."

in canon great:"O! To the representative of the non-warrior ... ”(l. 73)

  • Sedalen to the Guardian Angel in the canon small and great"From the love of the soul..."
  • Glory, and now
  • Sedalen is the Mother of God "Like the All-Immaculate..."

According to the 6th song:

  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Glory, and now
  • Kontakion and ikos to the Mother of God "Christian intercessor shameless ..."

According to the 9th song:

  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel for the day:

in canon small:"Angels of Christ Saints..."

in canon great:"Holy Angels are coming..."

(before prayer: sing to the Angel + bow from the waist; at the end of the prayer: bow to the earth)

After the completion of the small canons:

  • Worthy to eat bow to the earth)
  • Trisagion ( 3 bows to the waist), and according to Our Father
  • “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen" ( waist bow, if several people are praying, then only the elder - praying)
  • Releasing troparia and kontakia 4 read canons (those troparia and kontakia are read, which canons were read on a given day):

Tropari (two) to Jesus

Troparion to the Theotokos (by day), Hodegetria - two troparions

Troparion to the Guardian Angel (by day)

Kontakion to Jesus

Kontakion to the Guardian Angel (by day)

Kontakion to the Theotokos (daily)

  • Lord have mercy (40 times)
  • The most honest cherub ( waist bow)
  • Glory ( waist bow)
  • And now ( waist bow)
  • waist bow)
  • Vacation:

Under Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday:

Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Thy Mother, honest and glorious Her Praises


Hodegetria, and the holy Angels of our Guardians, and all the saints, have mercy and save us, for you are Good and Lover of mankind. Amen.

Under Sunday:

Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Thee Mother, honest and glorious Her Annunciation, and the holy Angels of our Guardians, and all the saints, have mercy and save us, as Good and Humanitarian. Amen.

  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Seven-bow began
  • Prayer of the publican "God, merciful ..." ( 3 bows to the waist)

The Rule of Prostrations During Great Lent

1. During Lent, prostrations directly in the canons remain unchanged.

2. Only individual waist bows in opening and opening prayers earthly small bows ( throwing).

3. Additionally, one earthly great bow is added after the prayer "To the King of heaven ...".

Thus, the initial and initial prayers during Great Lent are read as follows (changes highlighted in green):

Initial Prostrations and Prayers (before the Creed):

  • Seven-bow began ()
  • Prayer of the publican "God, merciful ..." ( 3 bows to the waist; if several people pray, then these 3 bows are put only by the elder - praying )
  • 12 bows ( throwing, only the last bow to the earth is great)
  • 5 prayers addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Prayer of the publican "God, merciful ..." ( 3 bows to the waist)
  • kissing pectoral cross, having first protected them with a prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, bless and sanctify, and save me by the power of Your Life-Giving Cross”
  • Having crossed ourselves, we say 3 times: “Glory to You, our God, glory to You, for all sorts of things”
  • “For the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen" ( waist bow)
  • Having crossed ourselves, we read: “To the King of heaven ...” ( great bow to the earth)
  • Trisagion ( 3 throws), and according to Our Father
  • “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen" ( waist bow; if several people are praying, then only the elder - the one who prays, bows)
  • Lord have mercy (12 times)
  • Glory, and now
  • "Come, let's bow..." ( 3 throws)
  • Psalm 50 "Have mercy on me, God ..."
  • Protecting ourselves with the sign of the cross, we say "I believe in one God ..."

After the completion of the small canons:

  • Worthy to eat great bow to the earth)
  • Trisagion ( 3 throws), and according to Our Father
  • “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen" ( waist bow; if several people are praying, then only the elder - the one who prays, bows)
  • Dilutive troparia and kontakia of 4 read canons
  • Lord have mercy (40 times)
  • The most honest cherub ( throwing)
  • Glory ( throwing)
  • And now ( throwing)
  • Lord have mercy (twice), Lord bless ( throwing)
  • Vacation
  • Lord have mercy (three times)
  • Seven-bow began ( 6 bows to the belt are replaced by throws)
  • Prayer of the publican "God, merciful ..." ( 3 bows to the waist)

These changes apply to all days of the week, except Saturday, Sunday and holidays, when ordinary, belt, bows are relied upon. It's extreme general rule, which has its own characteristics and exceptions. You can find the charter of prostrations for every day in the church calendar.

Complete collection and description: Theotokion is what a prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

The Theotokos rule - read 150 times * Virgin Mary ... *:

Oh, our Most Merciful Lord! We all pray to Thee with great tears and groanings of the heart, strengthen our spirit on a fierce day. Give us strength to resist the wickedness of the Antichrist. And cancel from his fierce temptations. In the days of terrible perdition, do not leave us orphans, unite us into Your little flock, send us Your honest shepherds in those terrible days of persecution. Yes, with the Holy Gifts of Your Body and Blood, they will strengthen our heart and make us strong and fearless against the malice of the tormentor. Yes, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God! You know the weakness of human nature. Hide us from the fierce malice and deceit of the Antichrist, and may the hosts of Your Angels protect us. Amen.

Oh, Blessed Lady, our Lady, Virgin Mother of God! The highest angel and archangel and all creatures most honest! We ask and pray to Thee, Thy all-sinful servants: do not take away Your holy omophorion from the Diveyevo land! Do not expel us from Your holy inheritance, O All-merciful One, for our laziness and negligence! Help me to endure all the sorrows, sorrows, hardships, temptations and seductions of the near-coming Antichrist. May the Lord grant us, through your prayers, sincere and unshakable faith. Enlighten, Lady, our mind, so that we recognize the evil networks of the enemy, and do not fall into them out of ignorance. Oh, Blessed Lady, our Mother Abbess! Gather us, scattered little flock of Christ, together. Save the Orthodox monasticism of the last century of this century, save the sisters of the monastery of Thy holy inheritance and us all Orthodox Christians! Be yourself, Most Pure, our Savior and Nourisher! We put all our hope in You, Mother of God, save us under Your Roof!

Those. We read intensively for several days or a week, and then something happens and we quit. And it turns out that there is no system. And this phenomenon is rather not isolated, but massive. And the question arises, why do some manage to work in the system, smoothly, while others do not? What is the reason.

The fact is that the enemy of the human race especially avenges prayer. As Rev. Anatoly Optinsky that those who begin to struggle in the Jesus Prayer undergo strong temptations and many enemies, envious people, and haters appear. But the grace of God, of course, covers all this with competent work and perfect hope in God's help. As for the Psalter, it is a prayer of special power. And without going through a certain school of prayer, it is very difficult to approach the serious reading of the Psalter. On those people who intensively read the Psalter and even more so remember others, there comes a special scolding. And of course, without God's grace, one cannot stand here on one's own. In order for the reading of the Psalter to go well and, in general, to move forward confidently along the path of salvation, it is simply necessary to be under the Special Protection of the Queen of Heaven! Only with Her help can we stand and not break. We remember such a great role of the Queen of Heaven in the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh! And they did not break, but succeeded precisely thanks to their fervent prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. And these are not empty words. We apparently have many other similar examples that we can talk about and talk about.

The lessons of Orthodoxy: the Theotokos. What's this? Is he needed?

In Orthodoxy, the Virgin Mary is especially revered. It is believed that with her miraculous prayers to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos will save all Christians living on Earth.

Her image is depicted in many icons. On many of them, the saint is depicted with the baby Jesus in her arms. The mere miracle of the virgin birth of a girl already makes us believe in the great power of God's providence. The life of Mary is an example of meekness, humility for each of us.

Help of the Virgin

Many Orthodox celebrate the miraculous power of the Mother of God. She saves and protects believers.

  • The Virgin Mary is the patroness of all mothers.
  • She is able to cure various ailments, including infertility.
  • It is generally accepted that the image of the Mother of God saves believers from civil strife and wars.
  • The Virgin Mary promotes resolution in childbirth, teaching, and the upbringing of children.

Probably, there is no situation when the Most Holy Theotokos would not help Orthodox Christians.

Appeal to the Virgin Mary - theotokion. What's this?

How does the saint help believers? In the prayer book there is a special section of appeals to the Virgin. It is called "Mother of God". It is a collection of all prayers to the Blessed Mother of God. They are used to resolve problems in any life situations, starting with pregnancy and childbirth and ending with the commemoration of the dead.

So why prayer appeal to the Virgin Mary is called the Theotokos? What's this?

Theotokion is included in the mandatory composition of the reading of the liturgy ( morning service). The appeal to the Blessed Virgin is especially revered during the great Orthodox holidays. It is believed that with her prayers, the Mother of God protects all Christian churches and cathedrals and brings grace to believers.

The Holy Fathers noted that prayers addressed specifically to the Virgin Mary have special power. Therefore, it was decided to generalize them with the name of the Mother of God to indicate their great status. Currently, the meaning of the word has changed somewhat. Many ministers of temples call this definition simply an appeal to the Blessed Virgin.

How to read the Mother of God

The main prayer to the Virgin Mary is "Most Holy Mother of God, save us." It is customary to read it in all life situations. This prayer gives salvation in case of danger and protection in good luck.

The Theotokos is read during the liturgy after the Our Father. Its text is repeated at the same time in the amount of 33 times. Then the main appeal to the Mother of God is made at the beginning of each part of the service.

Prayer before the celebration of the sacrament of communion has special power. It is believed that it is during this period that the grace of God is imposed on the Christian. What is the Mother of God before Communion? The appeal to the Virgin Mary before the holy sacrament allows you to open the soul of the believer to God and forgive all his sins.

The Power of Prayer

The biography of the saint is considered an example for all Orthodox. Even during the life of the Mother of God, a prayer appeal to her saved believers from adversity and troubles. From the time after his death to the present day great maiden Mary does not cease to patronize Christians.

Almost every believer notes her help in the most difficult situations.

Your love for the Orthodox pure virgin more than once showed in the form of myrrh-streaming icons, miraculous healing from the belt of the Virgin, manifestations of grace during the celebration of Christmas, the Assumption and the entrance to the temple.

Will the Mother of God help

Many skeptics argue that a prayer appeal to a saint is nothing more than simply programming your thoughts and actions for certain actions. Their result will not be help from the Mother of God, but the logical outcome of their work. However, the holy fathers note that such a judgment is so superficial that it is not even taken into account. Help for Christians in prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary has been provided for over 2000 years. Such a duration of miraculous phenomena and millions of grateful Christians are the best proof of the power and influence of prayer.

We read the Mother of God at home

An Orthodox Christian does not have to constantly attend church services. You can make home prayers. Usually they are made in the morning after waking up and before going to bed.

Home Mother of God - what is it? Every Orthodox person in the place of residence should be equipped with a special corner for turning to God. Its central place is occupied by icons (of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy fathers).

Here you can turn to the Lord in prayer. In the same corner, the Mother of God is read. A burning candle or an icon lamp installed next to the icons can also serve as a symbol of faith. It is customary to turn to the Virgin Mary in prayer for yourself and your loved ones, also for the already deceased Orthodox Christians.

And yet, the Mother of God - what is it? This is a prayer that can help and provide any help to those who ask. Appeal to the Holy Virgin Mary through the Mother of God - one of better ways purification of the Christian soul.

In prayer books and liturgical books, some frequently used prayers and even small series of prayers are not given in full each time, but are indicated in abbreviated form. Such abbreviations - for example, the abbreviation "Glory, and now:" - are in almost all prayer books. This not only saves space, but is also very convenient for experienced reciters and singers. However, a novice prayer book can sometimes be confused by abbreviations that are not yet familiar to him. Therefore, we provide our readers with a list of the most commonly used abbreviations that can be found in prayer books.

There are many more abbreviations of this kind in liturgical books: they are designed for the reader to have a solid knowledge of a very wide range of prayers and chants. In the Church Slavonic tradition, the indicator of such an abbreviation is the colon (:) - it plays a role here similar to the role of the ellipsis (...) in modern Russian writing.

"Glory, and now :(or: “Glory: And now:”) - Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

"Glory:"- Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

"and now:"- Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Attention! In the Psalter, each of the kathismas - the twenty parts into which the Psalter is divided for reading - is divided into three parts, after each of which is usually written: "Glory:"(These parts are therefore called "Glories"). In this (and only this) case, the notation "Glory:" replaces the following prayers:

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (Three times)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Thou art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Reduction "Come, let's bow..." should read:

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow).

Instead of Bogorodichen we usually say: Holy Mother of God, save us, but instead Trinity : Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee, or Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Orthodox prayer Theotokos for the believer

Beginning Orthodox Christian having bought a prayer book, he can look into it and see many abbreviations. Not every prayer book contains explanations, and therefore one has to go to a priest or more experienced believing acquaintances for explanations. Among other abbreviations, you can often find the word Bogorodichen. What does it mean?

This is a short version of the phrase the Mother of God prayer, which means that in order in the place where it is written, a certain prayer addressed to the Mother of God should be read. AT prayer rules for the laity, this is usually the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos, save us. In liturgical practice, the word Bogorodichen means a hymn dedicated to the Queen of Heaven.

Theotokos dogmatist

People who came on Saturday evening to the service in Orthodox church, they often hear the exclamation of the reader on the kliros: the dogmatist is theotokos. Following this exclamation, the choir sings a short solemn hymn containing the praise of the Mother of God and at the same time glorifying the two principles of Her Son: divine and human.

In total, there are eight dogmatists of the Theotokos, they are also called dogmatists of eight tones, and they are sung only on the eve of great vespers. Sorrowful hymns dedicated to the weeping of the Mother of God at the Cross are called cross-theotokos.

Mother of God prayers for the Orthodox believer

All Orthodox prayers addressed to the Mother of God are commonly called Mother of God prayers. AT Orthodox Church there are a great many of them, since the Mother of God is very revered by believers, and it is customary to turn to Her in all important life situations, both in sorrowful and in joyful ones. The Blessed Virgin is glorified at all divine services, is remembered at all church holidays, as she showed by her example an example of true humility, obedience to the will of God, love for God and sympathy for people, despite the fact that she experienced a lot of grief.

Orthodox texts of the Mother of God prayers are read by the Orthodox in the morning and in the evening, before the start and at the end of any work. There are also especially solemn prayers for the Mother of God for home reading - akathists and canons. You can listen to akathists and canons in a recording, professionally performed by church choirs, as they are traditionally sung in a singsong voice.

Listen to the prayer of the Theotokos on video

Read the text of the Orthodox Mother of God prayer

Accept, Omnipotent, Most Pure Lady Mistress of the Theotokos, this honest gift, applied to You alone, from us, Your unworthy servants, chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth. For the sake of Thee, for the sake of Thee, the Lord of hosts be with us, and by Thee we know the Son of God, and we are made worthy of His holy body, and His most pure blood; the same, blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest cherubim and the most honest seraphim. And now, all-hymned, Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every advice of the evil one, and from every circumstance, and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil. But even to the end, by Your prayers, keep us uncondemned: as if by Your intercession and help we save; glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity to one God, and we send up all to the Creator, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Theotokion is what a prayer

Trinity Church with. Terbuny

I recommend to all my Orthodox readers to apply the Theotokos rule - this is very strong prayer! If your heart is heavy, any troubles have happened, read the Theotokos rule, and everything will be resolved. The Most Holy Theotokos will never leave those who call on her for help in trouble. The main thing is to pray with all your heart.

Always read "Theotokos", and then the Mother of God will always protect you from all temptations. Even when you go to the store or to any other public place, read "Theotokos", then there will be no temptations. To the one who reads this prayer, the Mother of God helps to move away from all temptations, otherwise there will certainly be temptations. And on the road, so that everything goes smoothly, read the “Virgin Mary”. If you have to face all sorts of surprises along the way, then don’t be afraid of anything, don’t worry, don’t worry, for “if I go down to hell, if You, Lord, are with me, my heart will not be afraid.” Wherever you are: at work, at home, in the hostel…. They swear there, scold, and you read the Jesus Prayer or “Theotokos”, and you will always be with the Lord, with the Mother of God. Don't be afraid! The Lord will not allow anything to harm you.

Saints of God - Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Sergei of Radonezh, Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky and others tell us that no matter how we call them, no matter how we glorify them, but a more perfect way is to call on the Mother of God in order to defeat all sinful inclinations. She is All-good, the first Helper in everything!

The Queen of Heaven herself gave people this rule in the 8th century, and it was once performed by all Christians, and then they forgot about it.

The Theotokos rule - read 150 times "Our Lady of the Virgin ...":

Schedule of services in the Tikhvin Church for the next month.

Learn more about the iconostasis of the Tikhvin Church.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed description icons of the Tikhvin Church, as well as learn more about the meaning of the iconostasis and the space of the temple from the article of our priest Anthony Lakirev.

What is God's purpose for the family? How close are we to it?

How should rights and responsibilities be distributed in the family? Are we treating our closest people right? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Come to the temple, participate in Divine services.

We will be glad to see you at the service in our church. Always remember the sacred words of the Gospel: “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 18, verse 20).

Do we all know about the Lord's Prayer received from Christ Himself?

Clarification and interpretation Lord's Prayer from Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh and Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann in this section.

At the service of readers are more than 1,500 books of the library of the Tikhvin Church.

The creations of the holy fathers, textbooks, fiction and children's literature, many rare publications and spiritual books are waiting for their readers in the library.


  • First time at the temple?
  • Sacraments
  • Prayers
    • The meaning of prayer
    • Symbol of faith
    • Lord's Prayer
    • Abbreviations in prayer
    • morning prayers
    • Evening prayers
    • Psalter
  • worship
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09:00 - Divine Liturgy.

  • February 27, 2017

Thoughts of the great

Let us unceasingly, day and night, with tears cast ourselves before the face of the goodness of God, may He cleanse our hearts from every evil thought, so that we can worthily walk the path of our calling and with clean hands bring Him the gifts of our service.


Abbreviations for prayers used in prayer books

In prayer books, some frequently used prayers and even small series of prayers are not given in full each time, but are indicated in abbreviated form. Such abbreviations - for example, the abbreviation "Glory, and now:" - are in almost all prayer books. This not only saves space, but is also very convenient for experienced reciters and singers. However, a novice prayer book can sometimes be confused by abbreviations that are not yet familiar to him. Therefore, we provide a list of the most commonly used abbreviations that can be found in prayer books.

Only in the case when indicated in the Psalter after each of the three parts of the kathisma

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. ( thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. ( thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. ( thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Thou art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Come, let us worship our King God. ( Bow)Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, the King of our God. ( Bow)Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. ( Bow).

Holy Mother of God, save us

Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Russian Orthodox Church Ilyinsky Deanery Moscow

This article contains: how to read the prayer of the Mother of God - the information is taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

In Orthodoxy, the Virgin Mary is especially revered. It is believed that with her miraculous prayers to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos will save all Christians living on Earth.

Her image is depicted in many icons. On many of them, the saint is depicted with the baby Jesus in her arms. The mere miracle of the virgin birth of a girl already makes us believe in the great power of God's providence. The life of Mary is an example of meekness, humility for each of us.

Help of the Virgin

Many Orthodox celebrate the miraculous power of the Mother of God. She saves and protects believers.

  • The Virgin Mary is the patroness of all mothers.
  • She is able to cure various ailments, including infertility.
  • It is generally accepted that the image of the Mother of God saves believers from civil strife and wars.
  • The Virgin Mary promotes resolution in childbirth, teaching, and the upbringing of children.

Probably, there is no situation when the Most Holy Theotokos would not help Orthodox Christians.

Appeal to the Virgin Mary - theotokion. What's this?

How does the saint help believers? In the prayer book there is a special section of appeals to the Virgin. It is called "Mother of God". It is a collection of all prayers to the Blessed Mother of God. They are used to resolve problems in any life situation, from pregnancy and childbirth to the commemoration of the dead.

So, why is a prayer appeal to the Virgin Mary called the Theotokos? What's this?

The Theotokos is included in the obligatory part of the reading of the liturgy (morning service). The appeal to the Blessed Virgin during the great Orthodox holidays is especially revered. It is believed that with her prayers, the Mother of God protects all Christian churches and cathedrals and brings grace to believers.

The Holy Fathers noted that prayers addressed specifically to the Virgin Mary have special power. Therefore, it was decided to generalize them with the name of the Mother of God to indicate their great status. Currently, the meaning of the word has changed somewhat. Many ministers of temples call this definition simply an appeal to the Blessed Virgin.

How to read the Mother of God

The main prayer to the Virgin Mary is "Most Holy Mother of God, save us." It is customary to read it in all life situations. This prayer gives salvation in case of danger and protection in good luck.

The Theotokos is read during the liturgy after the Our Father. Its text is repeated at the same time in the amount of 33 times. Then the main appeal to the Mother of God is made at the beginning of each part of the service.

Prayer before the celebration of the sacrament of communion has special power. It is believed that it is during this period that the grace of God is imposed on the Christian. What is the Mother of God before Communion? The appeal to the Virgin Mary before the holy sacrament allows you to open the soul of the believer to God and forgive all his sins.

The Power of Prayer

The biography of the saint is considered an example for all Orthodox. Even during the life of the Mother of God, a prayer appeal to her saved believers from adversity and troubles. In the period after her death and to this day, the great Virgin Mary has not ceased to patronize Christians.

Almost every believer notes her help in the most difficult situations.

The Most Pure Virgin showed her love for the Orthodox more than once in the form of the myrrh-streaming of icons, miraculous healing from the belt of the Virgin, manifestations of grace during the celebration of Christmas, the Assumption and entering the temple.

Will the Mother of God help

Many skeptics argue that a prayer appeal to a saint is nothing more than simply programming your thoughts and actions for certain actions. Their result will not be help from the Mother of God, but the logical outcome of their work. However, the holy fathers note that such a judgment is so superficial that it is not even taken into account. Help for Christians in prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary has been provided for over 2000 years. Such a duration of miraculous phenomena and millions of grateful Christians are the best proof of the power and influence of prayer.

We read the Mother of God at home

An Orthodox Christian does not have to constantly attend church services. You can make home prayers. Usually they are made in the morning after waking up and before going to bed.

Home Mother of God - what is it? Every Orthodox person in the place of residence should be equipped with a special corner for turning to God. Its central place is occupied by icons (of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy fathers).

Here you can turn to the Lord in prayer. In the same corner, the Mother of God is read. A burning candle or an icon lamp installed next to the icons can also serve as a symbol of faith. It is customary to turn to the Virgin Mary in prayer for yourself and your loved ones, also for the already deceased Orthodox Christians.

And yet, the Mother of God - what is it? This is a prayer that can help and provide any help to those who ask. Turning to the Holy Virgin Mary through the Mother of God is one of the best ways to cleanse the Christian soul.

Abbreviations for prayers used in prayer books

In prayer books and liturgical books, some frequently used prayers and even small series of prayers are not given in full each time, but are indicated in abbreviated form. Such abbreviations - for example, the abbreviation "Glory, and now:" - are in almost all prayer books. This not only saves space, but is also very convenient for experienced reciters and singers. However, a novice prayer book can sometimes be confused by abbreviations that are not yet familiar to him. Therefore, we provide our readers with a list of the most commonly used abbreviations that can be found in prayer books.

There are many more abbreviations of this kind in liturgical books: they are designed for the reader to have a solid knowledge of a very wide range of prayers and chants. In the Church Slavonic tradition, the indicator of such an abbreviation is the colon (:) - it plays a role here similar to the role of the ellipsis (...) in modern Russian writing.

"Glory, and now :(or: “Glory: And now:”) - Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

"Glory:"- Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

"and now:"- Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Attention! In the Psalter, each of the kathismas - the twenty parts into which the Psalter is divided for reading - is divided into three parts, after each of which is usually written: "Glory:"(These parts are therefore called "Glories"). In this (and only this) case, the notation "Glory:" replaces the following prayers:

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (Three times)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Thou art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Reduction "Come, let's bow..." should read:

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow).

Instead of Bogorodichen we usually say: Holy Mother of God, save us, but instead Trinity : Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee, or Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Orthodox prayer Theotokos for the believer

A novice Orthodox Christian, having bought a prayer book, can look into it and see many abbreviations. Not every prayer book contains explanations, and therefore one has to go to a priest or more experienced believing acquaintances for explanations. Among other abbreviations, you can often find the word Bogorodichen. What does it mean?

This is a short version of the phrase the Mother of God prayer, which means that in order in the place where it is written, a certain prayer addressed to the Mother of God should be read. In prayer rules for the laity, this is usually the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos, save us. In liturgical practice, the word Bogorodichen means a hymn dedicated to the Queen of Heaven.

Theotokos dogmatist

People who come to a service in an Orthodox church on Saturday evening often hear the exclamation of the reader on the kliros: the dogmatist is theotokos. Following this exclamation, the choir sings a short solemn hymn containing the praise of the Mother of God and at the same time glorifying the two principles of Her Son: divine and human.

In total, there are eight dogmatists of the Theotokos, they are also called dogmatists of eight tones, and they are sung only on the eve of great vespers. Sorrowful hymns dedicated to the weeping of the Mother of God at the Cross are called cross-theotokos.

Mother of God prayers for the Orthodox believer

All Orthodox prayers addressed to the Mother of God are commonly called Mother of God prayers. There are a great many of them in the Orthodox Church, since the Mother of God is very revered by believers, and it is customary to turn to Her in all important life situations, both mournful and joyful. The Blessed Virgin is glorified at all divine services, is remembered at all church holidays, as she showed by her example an example of true humility, obedience to the will of God, love for God and sympathy for people, despite the fact that she experienced a lot of grief.

Orthodox texts of the Mother of God prayers are read by the Orthodox in the morning and in the evening, before the start and at the end of any work. There are also especially solemn prayers for the Mother of God for home reading - akathists and canons. You can listen to akathists and canons in a recording, professionally performed by church choirs, as they are traditionally sung in a singsong voice.

Listen to the prayer of the Theotokos on video

Read the text of the Orthodox Mother of God prayer

Accept, Omnipotent, Most Pure Lady Mistress of the Theotokos, this honest gift, applied to You alone, from us, Your unworthy servants, chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth. For the sake of Thee, for the sake of Thee, the Lord of hosts be with us, and by Thee we know the Son of God, and we are made worthy of His holy body, and His most pure blood; the same, blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest cherubim and the most honest seraphim. And now, all-hymned, Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every advice of the evil one, and from every circumstance, and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil. But even to the end, by Your prayers, keep us uncondemned: as if by Your intercession and help we save; glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity to one God, and we send up all to the Creator, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

What is the Divine Rule?

More correctly, do it in one go. After each ten, the Our Father is pronounced and “ Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, who hope in Thee, let us not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by Thee: Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.” Then a troparion corresponding to one of the events in the life of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The rule itself is divided into 15 steps of 10 prayers, symbolizing key events in the life of the Virgin. Below, the schemes of the Theotokos rule will be considered in detail. If there is no time at all, then you can simply say the prayer of the Theotokos rule 150 times. Sometimes, in addition to the schemes of the Theotokos Rule, it is useful to additionally read the Theotokos 150 times continuously.

Only, if it is done correctly, it will be very tough and not at all easy. After all, it is necessary to pronounce it with maximum, one hundred percent, attention to every word of prayer. So that during all 150 prayers an extraneous thought will never break into your consciousness. It is very, very difficult and impossible for a beginner without much practice. As soon as an extraneous thought appears, you should not count this rosary bead and continue from the previous bead. And so every time. Thus, your Mother of God rule can stretch for several hours, or even for the whole day.

But, gradually, day by day, it will be easier for you to cope with the wandering of the mind and manage it. Remember that the enemy of human souls and his servants are afraid, like the fire of the Theotokos Prayer, and they will in every way interfere with your rule.

What to interfere with and how? To weaken the prayer with extraneous distracting thoughts, you can even fall into a dream for a while. Remember that all this is the machinations of demons, of which there are darkness around you. By showing perseverance and effort in the creation of the Theotokos Rule, you will be able to gradually defeat them all, so it is very important not to count the bead of the rosary if attention to prayer has weakened. In this case, the demons will be forced to retreat and leave you, because you react to every interference from them by lengthening the time of the Theotokos rule, which is detrimental to them.

How to read the prayer of the Mother of God

Trinity Church with. Terbuny

I recommend to all my Orthodox readers to apply the Theotokos Rule - this is a very powerful prayer! If your heart is heavy, any troubles have happened, read the Theotokos rule, and everything will be resolved. The Most Holy Theotokos will never leave those who call on her for help in trouble. The main thing is to pray with all your heart.

Always read "Theotokos", and then the Mother of God will always protect you from all temptations. Even when you go to the store or to any other public place, read "Theotokos", then there will be no temptations. To the one who reads this prayer, the Mother of God helps to move away from all temptations, otherwise there will certainly be temptations. And on the road, so that everything goes smoothly, read the “Virgin Mary”. If you have to face all sorts of surprises along the way, then don’t be afraid of anything, don’t worry, don’t worry, for “if I go down to hell, if You, Lord, are with me, my heart will not be afraid.” Wherever you are: at work, at home, in the hostel…. They swear there, scold, and you read the Jesus Prayer or “Theotokos”, and you will always be with the Lord, with the Mother of God. Don't be afraid! The Lord will not allow anything to harm you.

The saints of God - Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Sergei of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov and others - tell us that no matter how we call them, no matter how we glorify them, but a more perfect way is to call on the Mother of God in order to defeat all sinful inclinations . She is All-good, the first Helper in everything!

The Queen of Heaven herself gave people this rule in the 8th century, and it was once performed by all Christians, and then they forgot about it.

The Theotokos rule - read 150 times "Our Lady of the Virgin ...":


The word Bogorodichen in the prayer book often leads novice Christians into a stupor. Let's start with the etymology of the word Bogorodichen. Translated from Church Slavonic it means "belonging to the Mother of God". So Orthodox Christians call all prayers, canons and akathists addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos.

But in the prayer book, the Theotokos means the most common Orthodox prayer, containing at the same time a petition to the Queen of Heaven and to all the persons of the Holy Trinity: Most Holy Theotokos, save us, Lord, cleanse our sins, Master, forgive our iniquities, Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. The word Theotokos itself does not need to be read.

In addition to the Mother of God, the prayer book usually contains several more abbreviations. So, the word Trisagion means a prayer to the Holy Trinity, which is read before the beginning of any prayer rule: Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us, and when we see the abbreviation Glory, and now, we should say in full: Glory to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever, amen.

Why does a believer need a leather prayer book?

The Theotokos in the prayer book are not limited to the prayer mentioned above. For two thousand years of Christianity, the holy elders wrote a huge number of prayers addressed to the Mother of God. The veneration of the Mother of God dates back to the very first followers of Christ. Even during the lifetime of the Most Pure, the glory of Her spread throughout Christendom, although She herself did not want it and did not achieve it. But just as it is difficult to hide a lamp at night, so the light of grace emanating from the Mother of our Savior attracted people to itself. Church tradition tells that the Mother of God was unusually meek and humble, never offended or humiliated anyone, never spoke evil words to anyone. Everyone who came to Her with prayers, She accepted, despite fatigue and illness.

Therefore, even today, reading the Theotokos in the prayer book, we count on Her mercy and help. Some theologians write that the Mother of God is at the same time the Mother of all Christians, caring and loving, through whose prayers Her Son works real miracles. That is why there are so many Her in Orthodoxy miraculous icons, which is why the morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers for Communion necessarily contain so many prayers to the Mother of God. And some Orthodox prayer books even contain prayers to the Mother of God for every occasion of life - they are called prayer books for every need. Thus, the Theotokos in the prayer book is one of the most common prayers.

Where can I buy a leather prayer book?

The Orthodox prayer book is a book that helps Christians communicate with the Lord. As with any holy book, believers try to treat the prayer book with reverence and adorn it in every possible way. AT recent times In this regard, leather prayer books, distinguished by their beauty and good quality, gained great popularity.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)