In the Optina Hermitage, they call for Eucharistic communion with the Latins. Due to the "dispute about the Catholics" in the Optina Hermitage, the Russian Orthodox Church MP is preparing to replace the governor

The issue of the dismissal of the long-term governor of the Optina Hermitage of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, Archimandrite Benedikt, is practically resolved, the patriarchy commission is working in the monastery, reports, citing its sources in the monastery, on December 5 "".

The reason for the scandal around Optina Pustyn was the sermon of Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin), who on November 13 called from the pulpit to joint prayers and services with Catholics, including the Eucharist. The hierodeacon presented a whole apologia for ecumenism, insisting that Catholics are the same Christians as the Orthodox, and division is the fruit of human weakness and church-political mistakes. At the same time, the text of the sermon was not agreed in advance with the hierarchy.

Later, by decision of the spiritual council of the monastery, Hierodeacon Lazarus was deprived of the right to wear monastic robes, banned from the priesthood and sent to obedience within his power. A printout of the hierodeacon's sermon was sent to the manager stauropegial monasteries, Chairman of the Synodal Department of the ROC MP for monasteries and monasticism, Archbishop Theognost.

However, Archbishop Theognost supported Hierodeacon Lazarus and ordered the viceroy and the spiritual council to reverse their decision. Then about. Benedict declared that in this case he could no longer continue to manage the monastery and wrote a petition for retirement. The overwhelming majority of the brethren signed a diplomatic petition addressed to Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) in support of the viceroy, which did not pedal the role of Archbishop Theognost, but simply contained a request to leave the viceroy in his current service.

Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin), who served in Optina for a number of years and is now the rector of the monastic compound in Moscow, is named as the most likely candidate for filling the position of vicegerent. In February 2016, after a meeting in Havana, Archimandrite Melchizedek spoke to the parishioners in the Moscow church of Optina Hermitage with a resonant sermon that “a good rumor has spread” that the Pope wants to repent and return to Orthodoxy.

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On the ecumenical sermon at the Optina Pustyn Monastery

The editors of the Holy Fire received from Orthodox priest a letter entitled "Preaching ecumenism in the monastery of Optina Pustyn" with a request for publication. The letter was signed by four pilgrims under the impression of a sermon heard during the Sunday service on November 13, delivered by a resident of the monastery of Optina Pustyn, Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin). Later on the official monastery page VKontakte there was "reliable information regarding this case” with a description of the actions of the monastery authorities.

We offer the text "Letter to the Editor" with a description of the situation and a commentary on it, posted on the website of Optina Pustyn.

Dear editors!

Today, on Sunday (11/13/2016), we made a pilgrimage to the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage (Kozelsk), arrived at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Mary of Egypt. The service was wonderful, reverent silence, and the singing of the fraternal kliros created a special prayerful, repentant mood.

At the end of the Liturgy, before the start of Holy Communion, a sermon began, delivered by Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin) of the monastery. Having said a few words about today's Gospel reading about the healing of the Gadarene demoniac, he then stated that our Lord Jesus Christ walked not only among the Jews, but also among people who were considered heretics; His love extended to all. And then the unfortunate preacher unexpectedly declared his attitude towards Catholics: that Catholics and Orthodox are Christians, that we are of the same faith, and Catholic Church- our sister.

The people began to talk in bewilderment. Several people left the temple. Some parishioners standing nearby suggested that they were reading the Epistle of the Patriarch...

Further, Father Lazar said that the reason for the division of the Church into Catholics and Orthodox was the unjust, non-canonical removal of Ignatius from the patriarchal see in 691 and the subsequent anathematization of him, as well as the elevation to the patriarchal see Orthodox Patriarch Photius... (Catholics supported Ignatius).

Much more was said about the Catholics, but Father Lazar ended his statements by stating the need not only for joint prayers with the Catholics, but also for joint services and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, so that they too would be illumined by the Grace of God, which is with the Orthodox.

To be honest, with these words, there was a firm intention to leave the Temple and not return to the monastery, where such things are preached from the pulpit. There was a state of great shock. But the sermon did not end with these statements. It has also been said that Muslims also believe in God the Father, but in their language he is called "Allah"; moreover, they speak the Aramaic language that Christ spoke.

Count Demin ended his sermon with a call to follow Christ and the Apostles..., to communicate with all people, regardless of their faith.

In great embarrassment, we thought about the possibility of Communion after such a sermon. It was surprising that none of the fathers came out of the altar, did not stop Hierodeacon Lazarus. True, after his sermon, a rather sharp conversation was heard in the altar. As we were told later, a few weeks ago this same Father Lazar (Demin) tried to say something similar during his sermon, but the serving priest immediately went to the pulpit and gently corrected him.

Let us quote the words of Anatoly Potapov, the great elder of Optina Hermitage: “Due to the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will appear in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will be no experienced people on the thrones of hierarchs and in monasteries, skilled in spiritual life. From this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act with cunning, in order, if possible, to incline even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly distort the tradition of the Holy Fathers from the Holy Spirit - the teaching of the Church itself. The trickery of the enemy and his regulations will be noticed only by a few, the most skillful in the spiritual life. Heretics will take power over the Church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected. But the Lord will not leave His servants without protection and in ignorance. He said, "Know them by their fruits."

BUT Saint Ambrose Optinsky said: “The Roman Church ... since it does not keep holy the Catholic and Apostolic decrees, but deviated into innovations and wrong wisdom, it does not at all belong to the One, Holy and Apostolic Church ...” “Would it be prudent to seek unity with Catholics? Is it worth wondering at the imaginary zeal and imaginary self-sacrifice of these figures, that is, the Latin missionaries and sisters of mercy? They are trying not to convert and bring people to Christ, but to their dad.”

The question arises: are the statements we heard the official point of view of the monks of Optina Hermitage? If today we were presented with a private point of view of Father Lazar on the Sacred History and Holy Bible, then why should we listen to this from the pulpit of the monastery, which is the undoubted stronghold of faith in Russia? Why did none of the fathers of the monastery stop this wolf in sheep's clothing, and why did he preach heresy in the Holy Temple for 25 minutes? Is it still possible to come to this monastery for services, or is it already infected with the heresy of ecumenism?

Forgive me for such a chaotic letter, but our faith does not tolerate lukewarmness, and we must not remain silent about its betrayal.

r.B. Alexander, Nikolai, Elena, Igor.


In connection with the appearance and dissemination on the Internet of very contradictory information about the sermon of Hierodeacon Lazarus (Demin) on Sunday (11/13/16), we considered it necessary to temporarily fix this publication on the community wall.

Reliable information regarding this case is posted here, and will be updated if necessary.

The sermon of Hierodeacon Lazar shocked not only many pilgrims, but also the entire monastic brethren, who learned about it some time later. On seven pages, the hierodeacon expressed his personal opinion on how Orthodox Christians should treat other confessions and religions. Without going into a detailed presentation of his views, it must be said that the hierodeacon did not coordinate his sermon with anyone (although he was told the day before to submit the text of his sermon for consideration). Even though Hierodeacon Lazarus had previously noticed some oddities in some of his judgments, no one expected that everything was so neglected.

The actions of the monastery authorities at the present time are as follows:

Printout of the sermon Hierod. Lazarus was forwarded to Archbishop Theognost (chairman of the synodal department for monasteries and monasticism) at lunchtime (November 14).

In the evening (November 14) on this issue, Fr. the governor gathered the Spiritual Council, at which preliminary decisions were made: to deprive the hierod. Lazarus the right to wear monastic robes with a ban on priestly service. The duration of such a ban has not yet been determined, since much depends on the decision of Bishop Theognost. Deprive of the opportunity to continue to preach sermons in the monastery of Fr. Lazarus was decided unanimously.

P.S. According to some Optina fathers, the reason for such a radical behavior of Fr. Lazar was served by the actions of the "Optina zealots", who populated the surroundings of the monastery in abundance. Observing manifestations of their malice, sometimes bordering on outright stupidity, Fr. Lazarus, perhaps, too deviated in the opposite direction, which led him to a radical thought about some kind of "universal love", which, in his opinion, should serve as a counterbalance to Zealot hatred for people of a different faith. Thus, the phenomenon of Lazarus is a kind of reaction to the malice and stupidity of the Zealots, which puts him on a par with them, only with the opposite sign.

From the editors of "Holy Fire": According to the correct remark of one blogger, Hierodeacon Lazar did not say anything of his own - he only repeated what many ecumenists openly say, for example, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). And exactly the same words and in the same expressions. If a hierodeacon is prohibited from serving as a priest and wearing monastic robes only for words, then how should one treat metropolitans who put these words into action in front of everyone?

The Russian Orthodox Church is preparing a replacement for the abbot of the Optina Pustyn monastery

According to new information, received from Optina Pustyn, the question of the retirement of the governor, Archimandrite Venedikt, is practically resolved at the moment. According to reports, a group of patriarchal functionaries has already left for Optina in order to prepare this most important personnel decision on the spot.

Recall that one of the inhabitants of the monastery Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin) on Sunday, November 13, he delivered a sermon in which he called for joint prayers and worship with the papists, not excluding Divine Liturgy, after which the central sacrament of our Church is performed - the Holy Eucharist. Taking advantage of the fact that the priests at that time were in the altar of the temple Reverend Mary Egyptian (where the service took place), preparing to give communion to the people, the hierodeacon launched a whole apology for militant ecumenism, unequivocally emphasizing that Catholics are the same Christians as Orthodox, and division is the fruit of human weakness and church-political mistakes. At the same time, the text of the sermon was not agreed in advance with the hierarchy. What happened was extremely painfully perceived by the overwhelming majority of the brethren and pilgrims, since the wounds inflicted on him by unauthorized, bypassing the fullness of the Church and Bishops' Cathedral secretly prepared by the meeting in Havana between Patriarch Kirill and the leader of the Latin heretics, Pope Francis. The demarche of the hierodeacon was perceived by many as following in the wake of ecumenical politics recent years, which until recently did not have the character of frequent and massive actions of this kind.

By the decision of the spiritual council of the monastery, Hierodeacon Lazarus was deprived of the right to wear monastic robes, banned from the priesthood and sent to obedience within his power. A printout of the sermon of the hierodeacon was sent to the head of the stavropegial monasteries, chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism, Archbishop Theognost.

However, Archbishop Theognost supported Hierodeacon Lazarus and ordered the viceroy and the spiritual council to reverse their decision. Then about. Benedict declared that in this case he could no longer continue to manage the monastery and wrote a petition for retirement. The overwhelming majority of the brethren signed a diplomatic petition addressed to Patriarch Kirill in support of Fr. the viceroy, in which the role of Archbishop Theognostus was not pedaled, but simply contained a request to leave the viceroy in his current ministry.

However, apparently, this almost unanimous request of the inhabitants of the monastery will not be satisfied. As the most likely candidate for filling the post of governor, they name Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin), who for a number of years served in Optina, and now is the rector of the monastery in Moscow. In February 2016, after a meeting in Havana, Archimandrite Melchizedek spoke to the parishioners in a Moscow church with a resonant sermon that “a good rumor has spread” that the Pope wants to repent and return to Orthodoxy.

According to the insider information at our disposal, the "hero of the occasion" Hierodeacon Lazarus has been taking potent medications for a long time, whose action as a side effect can contribute to the development of serious mental deformities in the patient - a manic syndrome. Witnesses say that during the scandal he insisted on the correctness of his ecumenical views with a truly manic conviction.

Editing Amen. SU"

Some inhabitants of the Optina Hermitage. According to them, “contradictory” information is being circulated on the Internet about Hierodeacon Lazar’s calls to Eucharistic communion with the Latins. Allow me! And how controversial is it? Everyone has written the same thing. The people who were present at the "sermon" either shared what they had heard in their blogs, or addressed letters to the editors of publications. Further. If Father Lazar's "sermon" "shocked" the brethren, then why did he preach heresy from the pulpit for more than 20 minutes? The brethren from shock could not move and drive away the lecturer? Why didn't the clergy come out of the altar and stop the brother's possession? Afraid of SOMEONE? Whom? Whose thoughts were brought to the public, according to the words of the brethren, by the "strange" Lazarus? Whose "mouthpiece" was this man? Why was he behaving so casually? Probably felt someone's weighty hand behind his back?

Oh, I think that soon someone will again bring a portrait of the Pope to Optina and hang it in a red corner ... Lord, don't let it!

Yes, I also forgot one more thing: it says something about “zealots” ... Surely these names mean those who denounce the actions of crypto-Catholic Optinas and their idols, such as Patriarch Kirill and Metropolitan Hilarion, who are, in a sense, also the mouthpieces of a certain "old man" admirer of the Latins? By the way, it is those who are now trying to hide behind the back of this unfortunate Lazarus who are running a project on the Optina website, where they present to people all kinds of Latin heretics and schismatics as interpreters of the Bible. Zealots you say? No, not zealots, but Orthodox believers denouncing the Optina papal lobby.

Here is the "justifying" text (by the way, instead of pleading guilty for the brother, the authors of this article immediately began to make excuses, which, in fact, is somehow not monastic; in connection with this, the question arises: guys, aren't you of those who framed Lazarus?):

In connection with the appearance and dissemination on the Internet of very contradictory information about the sermon of Hierodeacon Lazarus (Demin) on Sunday (11/13/16), we considered it necessary to temporarily fix this publication on the community wall.

RELIABLE information regarding this case is posted here, and will be updated if necessary.

The sermon of Hierodeacon Lazar shocked not only many pilgrims, but also the entire monastic brethren, who learned about it some time later. On seven pages, the hierodeacon expressed HIS PERSONAL opinion on how Orthodox Christians should treat other confessions and religions. Without going into a detailed presentation of his views, it must be said that the hierodeacon did not coordinate his sermon with anyone (although he was told the day before to submit the text of his sermon for consideration). Even though Hierodeacon Lazarus had previously noticed some oddities in some of his judgments, no one expected that everything was so neglected.

The actions of the monastery authorities at the present time are as follows:

Printout of the sermon Hierod. Lazarus was forwarded to Archbishop Theognost (chairman of the synodal department for monasteries and monasticism) at lunchtime (November 14).
In the evening (November 14) on this issue, Fr. the governor gathered the Spiritual Council, at which preliminary decisions were made: to deprive the hierod. Lazarus the right to wear monastic robes with a ban on priestly service. The duration of such a ban has not yet been determined, since much depends on the decision of Bishop Theognost. Deprive of the opportunity to continue to preach sermons in the monastery of Fr. Lazarus was decided unanimously.

P.S. According to some Optina fathers, the reason for such a radical behavior of Fr. Lazarus was served by the actions of the "Optinsky zealots", who populated the surroundings of the monastery in abundance. Observing manifestations of their malice, sometimes bordering on outright stupidity, Fr. Lazarus, perhaps, too deviated in the opposite direction, which led him to a radical thought about some kind of "universal love", which, in his opinion, should serve as a counterbalance to Zealot hatred for people of a different faith. Thus, the phenomenon of Lazarus is a kind of reaction to the malice and stupidity of the Zealots, which puts him on a par with them, only with the opposite sign.

The editors of the Holy Fire received a letter from an Orthodox priest titled "Preaching Ecumenism at the Optina Pustyn Monastery" requesting publication. The letter was signed by four pilgrims under the impression of a sermon heard during the Sunday service on November 13, said by a resident of the monastery of Optina Pustyn Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin). Later on the official monastery page VKontakte appeared "reliable information regarding this case" with a description of the actions of the monastery authorities.

We offer the text "Letter to the Editor" with a description of the situation and a commentary on it, posted on the website of Optina Pustyn.

Dear editors!

Today, on Sunday (11/13/2016), we made a pilgrimage to the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage (Kozelsk), arrived at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Mary of Egypt. The service was wonderful, reverent silence, and the singing of the fraternal kliros created a special prayerful, repentant mood.

At the end of the Liturgy, before the start of Holy Communion, a sermon began, delivered by Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin) of the monastery. Having said a few words about today's Gospel reading about the healing of the Gadarene demoniac, he then stated that our Lord Jesus Christ walked not only among the Jews, but also among people who were considered heretics; His love extended to all. And then the unfortunate preacher unexpectedly declared his attitude towards Catholics: that Catholics and Orthodox are Christians, that we are of the same faith, and the Catholic Church is our sister.

The people began to talk in bewilderment. Several people left the temple. Some parishioners standing nearby suggested that they were reading the Epistle of the Patriarch...

Further, Father Lazar said that the reason for the division of the Church into Catholics and Orthodox was the unjust, non-canonical removal of Ignatius from the patriarchal see in 691 and his subsequent anathematization, as well as the elevation of the Orthodox Patriarch Photius to the patriarchal see... (Catholics supported Ignatius).

Much more was said about the Catholics, but Father Lazar ended his statements by stating the need not only for joint prayers with the Catholics, but also for joint services and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, so that they too would be illumined by the Grace of God, which is with the Orthodox.

To be honest, with these words, there was a firm intention to leave the Temple and not return to the monastery, where such things are preached from the pulpit. There was a state of great shock. But the sermon did not end with these statements. It has also been said that Muslims also believe in God the Father, but in their language he is called "Allah"; moreover, they speak the Aramaic language that Christ spoke.

Count Demin ended his sermon with a call to follow Christ and the Apostles..., to communicate with all people, regardless of their faith.

In great embarrassment, we thought about the possibility of Communion after such a sermon. It was surprising that none of the fathers came out of the altar, did not stop Hierodeacon Lazarus. True, after his sermon, a rather sharp conversation was heard in the altar. As we were told later, a few weeks ago this same Father Lazar (Demin) tried to say something similar during his sermon, but the serving priest immediately went to the pulpit and gently corrected him.

Let us quote the words of Anatoly Potapov, the great elder of Optina Hermitage: “Due to the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will appear in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will be no experienced people on the thrones of hierarchs and in monasteries, skilled in spiritual life. From this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act with cunning, in order, if possible, to incline even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about the Theotokos, but will imperceptibly distort the tradition of the Holy Fathers from the Holy Spirit - the teaching of the Church itself. The trickery of the enemy and his regulations will be noticed only by a few, the most skillful in the spiritual life. Heretics will take power over the Church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected. But the Lord will not leave His servants without protection and in ignorance. He said, "Know them by their fruits."

And the Monk Ambrose of Optina said: “The Roman Church ... since it does not keep holy the Catholic and Apostolic decrees, but has strayed into innovations and wrong philosophies, it does not at all belong to the One, Holy and Apostolic Church ...” “Is it prudent would seek unity with the Catholics? Is it worth wondering at the imaginary zeal and imaginary self-sacrifice of these figures, that is, the Latin missionaries and sisters of mercy? They are trying not to convert and bring people to Christ, but to their dad.”

The question arises: are the statements we heard the official point of view of the monks of Optina Hermitage? If today we were presented with Father Lazar's private point of view on Holy History and Holy Scripture, then why should we listen to this from the ambo of the monastery, which is an undoubted stronghold of faith in Russia? Why did none of the fathers of the monastery stop this wolf in sheep's clothing, and why did he preach heresy in the Holy Temple for 25 minutes? Is it still possible to come to this monastery for services, or is it already infected with the heresy of ecumenism?

Forgive me for such a chaotic letter, but our faith does not tolerate lukewarmness, and we must not remain silent about its betrayal.

r.B. Alexander, Nikolai, Elena, Igor.


In connection with the appearance and dissemination on the Internet of very contradictory information about the sermon of Hierodeacon Lazarus (Demin) on Sunday (11/13/16), we considered it necessary to temporarily fix this publication on the community wall.

It is posted here, and will be updated as necessary, authentic information about this case.

The sermon of Hierodeacon Lazar shocked not only many pilgrims, but also the entire monastic brethren, who learned about it some time later. On seven sheets the hierodeacon outlined my personal an opinion on how Orthodox Christians should treat other confessions and religions. Without going into a detailed presentation of his views, it must be said that the hierodeacon did not coordinate his sermon with anyone (although he was told the day before to submit the text of his sermon for consideration). Even though Hierodeacon Lazarus had previously noticed some oddities in some of his judgments, no one expected that everything was so neglected.

The actions of the monastery authorities at the present time are as follows:

Printout of the sermon Hierod. Lazarus was forwarded to Archbishop Theognost (chairman of the synodal department for monasteries and monasticism) at lunchtime (November 14).

In the evening (November 14) on this issue, Fr. the governor gathered the Spiritual Council, at which preliminary decisions were made: to deprive the hierod. Lazarus the right to wear monastic robes with a ban on priestly service. The duration of such a ban has not yet been determined, since much depends on the decision of Bishop Theognost. Deprive of the opportunity to continue to preach sermons in the monastery of Fr. Lazarus was decided unanimously.

P.S. According to some Optina fathers, the reason for such a radical behavior of Fr. Lazar was served by the actions of the "Optina zealots", who populated the surroundings of the monastery in abundance. Observing manifestations of their malice, sometimes bordering on outright stupidity, Fr. Lazarus, perhaps, too deviated in the opposite direction, which led him to a radical thought about some kind of "universal love", which, in his opinion, should serve as a counterbalance to Zealot hatred for people of a different faith. Thus, the phenomenon of Lazarus is a kind of reaction to the malice and stupidity of the Zealots, which puts him on a par with them, only with the opposite sign.

From the editor: According to the correct remark of one blogger, Hierodeacon Lazar did not say anything of his own - he only repeated what many ecumenists openly say, for example, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). And exactly the same words and in the same expressions. If a hierodeacon is prohibited from serving as a priest and wearing monastic robes only for words, then how should one treat metropolitans who put these words into action in front of everyone?

On the ecumenical sermon at the Optina Pustyn Monastery

The editors of the "Blessed Fire" received a letter from an Orthodox priest entitled "Preaching ecumenism in the monastery of Optina Pustyn" with a request for publication. The letter was signed by four pilgrims under the impression of a sermon heard during the Sunday service on November 13, delivered by a resident of the monastery of Optina Pustyn, Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin). Later, “reliable information regarding this case” appeared on the official monastic VKontakte page, describing the actions of the monastic authorities.

We offer the text "Letter to the Editor" with a description of the situation and a commentary on it, posted on the website of Optina Pustyn.

Dear editors!

Today, on Sunday (11/13/2016), we made a pilgrimage to the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage (Kozelsk), arrived at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Mary of Egypt. The service was wonderful, reverent silence, and the singing of the fraternal kliros created a special prayerful, repentant mood.

At the end of the Liturgy, before the start of Holy Communion, a sermon began, delivered by Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin) of the monastery. Having said a few words about today's Gospel reading about the healing of the Gadarene demoniac, he then stated that our Lord Jesus Christ walked not only among the Jews, but also among people who were considered heretics; His love extended to all. And then the unfortunate preacher unexpectedly declared his attitude towards Catholics: that Catholics and Orthodox are Christians, that we are of the same faith, and the Catholic Church is our sister.

The people began to talk in bewilderment. Several people left the temple. Some parishioners standing nearby suggested that they were reading the Epistle of the Patriarch...

Further, Father Lazar said that the reason for the division of the Church into Catholics and Orthodox was the unjust, non-canonical removal of Ignatius from the patriarchal see in 691 and his subsequent anathematization, as well as the elevation of the Orthodox Patriarch Photius to the patriarchal see ... (Catholics supported Ignatius).

Much more was said about the Catholics, but Father Lazar ended his statements by stating the need not only for joint prayers with the Catholics, but also for joint services and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, so that they too would be illumined by the Grace of God, which is with the Orthodox.

To be honest, with these words, there was a firm intention to leave the Temple and not return to the monastery, where such things are preached from the pulpit. There was a state of great shock. But the sermon did not end with these statements. It has also been said that Muslims also believe in God the Father, but in their language he is called "Allah"; moreover, they speak the Aramaic language that Christ spoke.

Hierodeacon Fr. Lazarus calls to follow Christ and the Apostles... to communicate with all people, regardless of their faith.

In great embarrassment, we thought about the possibility of Communion after such a sermon. It was surprising that none of the fathers came out of the altar, did not stop Hierodeacon Lazarus. True, after his sermon, a rather sharp conversation was heard in the altar. As we were told later that a few weeks ago the same Fr. Lazar (Demin) tried to say something similar during his sermon, but the serving priest immediately went to the pulpit and gently corrected him.

Let us quote the words of Anatoly Potapov, the great elder of Optina Hermitage: “Due to the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will appear in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will be no experienced people on the thrones of hierarchs and in monasteries, skilled in spiritual life. From this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act with cunning, in order, if possible, to incline even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly distort the tradition of the Holy Fathers from the Holy Spirit - the teaching of the Church itself. The trickery of the enemy and his regulations will be noticed only by a few, the most skillful in the spiritual life. Heretics will take power over the Church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected. But the Lord will not leave His servants without protection and in ignorance. He said, "Know them by their fruits."

And the Monk Ambrose of Optina said: “The Roman Church ... since it does not keep holy the Catholic and Apostolic decrees, but deviated into innovations and wrong wisdom, it does not at all belong to the One, Holy and Apostolic Church ...” “Would it be prudent to seek unity with the Catholics ? Is it worth wondering at the imaginary zeal and imaginary self-sacrifice of these figures, that is, the Latin missionaries and sisters of mercy? They are trying not to convert and bring people to Christ, but to their dad.”

The question arises: are the statements we heard the official point of view of the monks of Optina Hermitage? If today we were presented with a private point of view of Fr. Lazarus on Sacred History and Sacred Scripture, then why should we listen to this from the ambo of the monastery, which is an undoubted stronghold of faith in Russia? Why did none of the fathers of the monastery stop this wolf in sheep's clothing, and why did he preach heresy in the Holy Temple for 25 minutes? Is it still possible to come to this monastery for services, or is it already infected with the heresy of ecumenism?

Forgive me for such a chaotic letter, but our faith does not tolerate lukewarmness, and we must not remain silent about its betrayal.

r.B. Alexander, Nikolai, Elena, Igor.

Optina Pustyn - official page in VK

In connection with the appearance and dissemination on the Internet of very contradictory information about the sermon of Hierodeacon Lazarus (Demin) on Sunday (11/13/16), we considered it necessary to temporarily fix this publication on the community wall.

RELIABLE information regarding this case is posted here, and will be updated if necessary.

The sermon of Hierodeacon Lazar shocked not only many pilgrims, but also the entire monastic brethren, who learned about it some time later. On seven pages, the hierodeacon expressed HIS PERSONAL opinion on how Orthodox Christians should treat other confessions and religions. Without going into a detailed presentation of his views, it must be said that the hierodeacon did not coordinate his sermon with anyone (although he was told the day before to submit the text of his sermon for consideration). Even though Hierodeacon Lazarus had previously noticed some oddities in some of his judgments, no one expected that everything was so neglected.

The actions of the monastery authorities at the present time are as follows:

Printout of the sermon Hierod. Lazarus was forwarded to Archbishop Theognost (chairman of the synodal department for monasteries and monasticism) at lunchtime (November 14).

In the evening (November 14) on this issue, Fr. the governor gathered the Spiritual Council, at which preliminary decisions were made: to deprive the hierod. Lazarus the right to wear monastic robes with a ban on priestly service. The duration of such a ban has not yet been determined, since much depends on the decision of Bishop Theognost. Deprive of the opportunity to continue to preach sermons in the monastery of Fr. Lazarus was decided unanimously.

15th of November. During the evening service, the Spiritual Council gathered, to which Fr. Lazarus. It was originally intended to deprive Fr. Lazarus the right to wear monastic robes and to ban worship for an indefinite period. But at the very end, largely thanks to the paternal instructions of one of the fathers of the Council, Fr. Lazar relented and began to ask everyone for forgiveness. Father Lazarus was forbidden only to preach in the future, and they did not take off his mantle and cassock. Thank God it ended like this!

Probably, a text will be posted on the site a little later, which should explain the situation in more detail.

Optina Pustyn

Taken from the site "" and from the official page of Optina Pustyn in VK

In the photo: Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin), Optina monk, who became a source of ecumenical confusion

Not so long ago, a number of Orthodox media informed about the incident at the monastery of Optina Pustyn, where one of the inhabitants of the monastery Hierodeacon Lazar (Demin) on Sunday, November 13, he delivered a sermon in which he called for joint prayers and divine services with the papists, not excluding the Divine Liturgy, during which the central sacrament of our Church, the holy Eucharist, is celebrated. Taking advantage of the fact that the priests at that time were in the altar of the church of St. Mary of Egypt (where the service was taking place), preparing to give communion to the people, the hierodeacon launched a whole apology for militant ecumenism, unequivocally emphasizing that Catholics are the same Christians as Orthodox, and division - the fruit of human weakness and church-political mistakes. At the same time, the text of the sermon was not agreed in advance with the hierarchy. The incident was extremely painfully perceived by the overwhelming majority of the brethren and pilgrims, since the wounds inflicted on him by the unauthorized, bypassing the fullness of the church and the Council of Bishops, secretly prepared by the meeting of Patriarch Kirill and the leader of the Latin heretics, Pope Francis, had not yet healed on the body of the Church. The demarche of the hierodeacon was perceived by many as following in the wake of the ecumenical policy of recent years, which until recently did not yet have the character of frequent and massive actions of this kind.

Frankly, then, together with the entire Orthodox people, indignant at the actions of the presumptuous ecumenist, we rejoiced at the decisiveness of the spiritual council of Optina Hermitage and its vicar, Archimandrite Venedikt, who severely punished the militant modernist: he was deprived of the right to wear monastic robes, banned from the priesthood and directed to feasible obedience . A printout of the sermon of the hierodeacon was sent to the head of the stavropegial monasteries, chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism, Archbishop Theognost.

However, the stubborn ecumenist did not want to repent and he himself turned to Archbishop Theognost with self-justifications. According to sources close to the monastery, Archbishop Theognost allegedly supported Hierodeacon Lazarus and ordered the viceroy and the spiritual council to cancel their decision. Then about. Benedict declared that in this case he could no longer continue to manage the monastery and wrote a petition for retirement. To date, as we are told, it has not yet been satisfied, and a number of spiritually authoritative priests and ordinary monks from among the brethren have signed an appeal to the hierarchy in support of Fr. viceroy.

If this information is true, then, firstly, it means that the long-standing covert prophecies about the division of Optina, given by experienced elders, are coming true (they directly connected this division with the fact that Catholics would come to Optina and confidently associated this with the end of time). Secondly, it is possible that the notorious hierodeacon did not act entirely independently, but coordinated his provocative actions with one of his high patrons in the church environment. In this case, we are dealing with a classic provocation aimed at obtaining a pretext for squeezing out the most experienced, conservative-minded and authoritative confessors and priests from the monastery.

The information is being specified. We will closely monitor further developments.

Editing Amen.SU»

P.S. We managed to talk with direct witnesses of the whole story from among the brethren of Optina. In general, all of the above is true. An important clarification: a diplomatic petition addressed to Patriarch Kirill, in which the role of Archbishop Theognostus is not pedaled, with a request not to retire the vicar, Archimandrite Venedikt, was signed by almost all the inhabitants of the monastery.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)