Gods of Olympus list and description in brief. Coins "Olympic Games" and the great Opimpians of Russia

Religion played a major role in Everyday life ancient Greeks. The main gods were considered the younger generation of celestials, who defeated their predecessors, the titans, who personified the universal forces. After the victory, they settled on the sacred Mount Olympus. Only Hades, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, lived underground in his domain. The gods were immortal, but very similar to people - they were characterized by human features: they quarreled and reconciled, committed meanness and weaved intrigues, loved and cunning. A huge number of myths that have survived to this day, exciting and fascinating, are associated with the pantheon of Greek gods. Each god played his part, occupied certain place in a complex hierarchy and performed the function assigned to it.

The supreme god of the Greek pantheon is the king of all gods. He commanded thunder, lightning, the sky and the whole world. Son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Hades, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus had a difficult childhood - his father, the titan Kronos, fearing competition, devoured his children immediately after birth. However, thanks to his mother Rhea, Zeus managed to survive. Strengthened, Zeus threw his father from Olympus to Tartarus and received unlimited power over people and gods. He was very revered - the best sacrifices were brought to him. The life of every Greek from infancy was saturated with the praise of Zeus.

One of the three main gods of the ancient Greek pantheon. Son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Hades. He was subject to the water element, which he got after the victory over the titans. He personified courage and a quick temper - he could be appeased with generous gifts .. but not for long. The Greeks blamed it for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. He was the patron saint of fishermen and sailors. The invariable attribute of Poseidon was a trident - with it he could cause storms and break rocks.

Brother of Zeus and Poseidon, closing the top three most influential gods of the ancient Greek pantheon. Immediately after birth, he was swallowed by his father Kronos, but was subsequently released from the womb of the latter by Zeus. He ruled the underground kingdom of the dead, inhabited by the gloomy shadows of the dead and demons. One could only enter this kingdom - there was no turning back. One mention of Hades caused awe among the Greeks, because the touch of this invisible cold god meant death for a person. Fertility also depended on Hades, giving a harvest from the depths of the earth. He commanded the underground riches.

Wife and sister of Zeus. According to legend, they kept their marriage a secret for 300 years. The most powerful of all the goddesses of Olympus. The patroness of marriage and conjugal love. Protected mothers during childbirth. She was distinguished by her amazing beauty and ... monstrous character - she was vicious, cruel, quick-tempered and jealous, often sending misfortunes to the earth and people. Despite its character, it was revered by the ancient Greeks almost on a par with Zeus.

God of unjust war and bloodshed. Son of Zeus and Hera. Zeus hated his son and tolerated it only because of his close relationship. Ares was distinguished by cunning and treachery, starting a war only for the sake of bloodshed. He had an impulsive, irascible character. He was married to the goddess Aphrodite, from her he had eight children, to whom he was very attached. All images of Ares contain military paraphernalia: a shield, helmet, sword or spear, sometimes armor.

Daughter of Zeus and the goddess Dione. Goddess of love and beauty. Personifying love, she was a very unfaithful wife, easily falling in love with others. In addition, she was the embodiment of eternal spring, life and fertility. The cult of Aphrodite was very revered in Ancient Greece- magnificent temples were dedicated to her and great sacrifices were made. An invariable attribute of the goddess's attire was a magical belt (the belt of Venus), which made those who wore it unusually attractive.

Goddess of just war and wisdom. She was born from the head of Zeus .. without the participation of a woman. Born in full combat gear. Depicted as a virgin warrior. She patronized knowledge, crafts and arts, sciences and inventions. She is credited with inventing the flute. She was a favorite of the Greeks. Her images invariably accompanied the attributes (or at least one attribute) of a warrior: armor, spear, sword and shield.

Daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Goddess of fertility and agriculture. As a child, she repeated the fate of her brother Hades and was devoured by her father, but then she was saved by being taken out of his womb. She was the lover of her brother Zeus. From a relationship with him, she had a daughter, Persephone. According to legend, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, and Demeter wandered the earth for a long time in search of her daughter. During her wanderings, the land was struck by crop failure, which caused famine and death of people. People stopped bringing gifts to the gods, and Zeus ordered Hades to return the mother's daughter.

Son of Zeus and Semele. The youngest of the inhabitants of Olympus. God of winemaking (he was credited with the invention of wine and beer), vegetation, the productive forces of nature, inspiration and religious ecstasy. The cult of Dionysus was distinguished by uncontrollable dancing, bewitching music and immoderate drunkenness. According to legend, Hera, the wife of Zeus, who hated illegitimate child thunderer, sent madness on Dionysus. He himself was credited with the ability to drive people crazy. Dionysus wandered all his life and even visited Hades, from where he rescued his mother Semele. Once every three years, the Greeks held Bacchic festivities in memory of the campaign of Dionysus against India.

Daughter of the Thunderer Zeus and the goddess Leto. She was born at the same time as her twin brother, the golden-haired Apollo. Virgin goddess of hunting, fertility, female chastity. The patroness of women in childbirth, bestowing happiness in marriage. Being a protector during childbirth, she was often depicted as having many breasts. In honor of her, a temple was built in Ephesus, which was one of the seven wonders of the world. Often depicted with a golden bow and a quiver over her shoulders.

God of fire, patron of blacksmiths. Son of Zeus and Hera, brother of Ares and Athena. However, the paternity of Zeus was questioned by the Greeks. Various versions have been put forward. One of them - the obstinate Hera gave birth to Hephaestus from her thigh without male participation, in revenge on Zeus for the birth of Athena. The child was born weak and lame. Hera refused him and threw him off Olympus into the sea. However, Hephaestus did not die and found shelter with the sea goddess Thetis. The thirst for revenge tormented Hephaestus, rejected by his parents, and in the end he had a chance to take revenge. Being a skilled blacksmith, he forged a golden throne of incredible beauty, which he sent as a gift to Olympus. The delighted Hera sat on him and immediately found herself bound by previously invisible fetters. No persuasion and even the order of Zeus had no effect on the blacksmith god - he refused to release his mother. Only Dionysus was able to cope with the shrew, having drunk him.

Son of Zeus and Pleiades Maya. God of trade, profit, eloquence, agility and athleticism. He patronized merchants, helping them to get generous profits. In addition, he was the patron of travelers, ambassadors, shepherds, astrologers and magicians. He also had another honorary function - he accompanied the souls of the dead to Hades. He was credited with the invention of writing and numbers. From infancy, Hermes was distinguished by a penchant for theft. According to legend, he even managed to steal the scepter from Zeus. He did it as a joke ... as a baby. The invariable attributes of Hermes were: a winged rod capable of reconciling enemies, a wide-brimmed hat and winged sandals.

The greatest and most powerful of the Greek gods, thunderer, son of Rhea (Earth) and Kronos (Time). Kronos mercilessly devoured all his children, fearing that they would rise up against him. Rhea saved Zeus, her sixth child, by letting Kronos swallow a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes instead of a baby. The matured Zeus forced his father to return the children he had swallowed and, together with them, entered into a struggle with Kronos and the Titans for power over the world.


The god of sunlight, the son of Zeus and Leto (Latona), was born on the island of Delos. The island was called luminous because of the golden flowers that covered it. According to legend, jealous Hera forbade her husband's beloved to set foot on solid ground. Summer, pursued by the dragon Python, sent by Hera, wandered the world. At the request of Zeus, Poseidon raised Delos (then called Asteria), stolen by Scylla and hidden in the waves, to the surface. Leto took refuge on a floating island, here she was able to safely give birth to twins - the golden-haired Apollo and his sister Artemis.

After that, huge pillars, rising from the depths of the sea, stopped the island, and it firmly took its place in the Aegean Sea. The palm tree under which Leto gave birth to her divine children became sacred. Apollo's arrows always hit the target. Apollo travels a lot, but always returns to his native island of Delos (modern Delos). Near Delphi, he killed the dragon - the monster of Python, who pursued his mother. In honor of this victory, the Delphic Temple, the main center of veneration for Apollo, was built.

The Delphic oracles had a huge impact on the course of Greek history. Apollo, who had the gift of foresight, endowed people with this property. He was also considered the god of harmony, spiritual activity and the arts, especially music and singing. He was often depicted with a lyre in his hands, received from Hermes. On Parnassus, he dances with nine muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Apollo was also revered as a deity guarding crops and herds, he was known as a god - the averter of troubles and the god of healing. The sacred tree of Apollo was laurel.


The beautiful young virgin Artemis, daughter of Zeus and Leto (Latona), twin sister of Apollo, was born on the island of Delos. Artemis was born first and immediately began to help her mother, taking Apollo in her arms. With a bow and quiver, with a spear in her hands, the huntress Artemis, accompanied by nymphs, spends time in the forests.

Artemis is the goddess of fertility, she takes care of everything that grows on earth. She patronizes domestic animals and wild animals. It was believed that she blesses the birth, wedding and marriage. However, this goddess had a decisive character, and woe was to the one who angered her. So, she sent a terrible boar to Calydon because the king Oinei, having gathered a rich harvest, sent gifts to all the gods except her. The goddess severely punished the hunter Actaeon, who accidentally spied on her ablution: she turned the young man into a deer, and he was torn to pieces by the dogs with which he and his friends hunted.

Hermes, the son of Zeus and the mountain nymph Maya, was born in a mountain cave. Only three hours old he killed a tortoise and fashioned a lyre from its shell. After that, he stole a herd of cows from Apollo. Zeus ordered them returned, but when Apollo drove the hidden flock out of the cave, Hermes played his lyre. The marvelous sounds made by this musical instrument captivated Apollo, and in exchange for the lyre, he gave Hermes his cows. Hermes from infancy was distinguished by extraordinary cunning and dexterity, so that he was even considered the patron of swindle. Hermes is the messenger of the gods, the patron of travelers. He is the mediator between gods and people. Hermes was honored by a traveler, and an orator, and a merchant, and even a thief. The messenger of the gods Hermes was depicted wearing golden winged sandals, with a staff in his hand.


God of vegetation, viticulture, winemaking and fun. Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele, daughter of the Theban king. On the advice of the jealous Hera, Semele asked Zeus to appear to her in all his glory. Zeus did just that, but the lightning of the thunderer incinerated Semele, and he barely managed to snatch the premature Dionysus from the flames that was born to her. Zeus sewed the baby into his thigh, and in due time opened the seams, and Dionysus was born. He went through many trials before he achieved fame. Dionysus gave people strength and joy. He went all over the world, from country to country, and he was constantly accompanied by a crowd of dancing and singing maenads and satyrs.

Pan is the son of Hermes and the nymph Dryopa. He was born with goat legs, horns and a long beard. Pan did not want to live on Olympus, but went to the mountains. There, among the forests, he tends his flocks and plays the sonorous flute. Pan is the god of the forest, fields, the god of shepherds, guarding the flocks. He is an indispensable companion of the god of wine Dionysus.


For the fact that he taught people to build houses and make fire, Zeus ordered the titan Prometheus to be chained to the top of the Caucasus with strong chains. Every day a huge eagle flew to him and pecked out the unfortunate liver. At the place of his torment, Prometheus met with Io, the daughter of the river god Ipach. Jealous Hera turned her into a cow guarded by stout-eyed Argus. Prometheus predicted to Io that she would give birth to Epaphus.

The curse of Zeus on Prometheus was removed by Hercules, who killed the eagle. And Prometheus received liberation by revealing to Zeus a great secret: the Thunderer should not marry the sea nymph Thetis, since fate is predetermined that, whoever Thetis' husband is, she will have a son from him who will be more powerful than his father. On the advice of Prometheus, Thetis was given as a wife to Peleus, and she gave birth to Achilles, one of the greatest heroes of Greece.

Hades - God is the ruler of the realm of the dead.

Antey- the hero of myths, a giant, the son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave her son strength, thanks to which no one could cope with him.

Apollo- the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man.

Ares- god of perfidious war, son of Zeus and Hera

Asclepius- the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis

Boreas- the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Nota. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.

Bacchus One of the names of Dionysus.

Helios (Helium ) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selena (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.

Hermes- the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most ambiguous Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence.

Hephaestus- the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron saint of artisans.

Hypnos- deity of sleep, son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.

Dionysus (Bacchus) - the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as a fat elderly man, or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head.

Zagreus God of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone.

Zeus- the supreme god, the king of gods and people.

Zephyr- god of the west wind.

Iacchus- the god of fertility.

Kronos - titan , the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus ..

Mom- the son of the goddess of the Night, the god of slander.

Morpheus- one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams.

Nereus- the son of Gaia and Pontus, meek sea god.

Note- the god of the south wind, depicted with a beard and wings.

Ocean - titan , son of Gaia and Uranus, brother and husband of Tethys and father of all the rivers of the world.

Olympians - supreme gods the younger generation of Greek gods, led by Zeus, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus.

Pan- the forest god, the son of Hermes and Dryopa, a goat-legged man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock.

Pluto- God underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike from him, who owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld.

Plutus- the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth.

Pont- one of the older Greek deities, the offspring of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.

Poseidon- one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, ruling over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth,
he commanded storms and earthquakes.

Proteus- sea deity, son of Poseidon, patron of seals. Possessed the gift of reincarnation and prophecy.

satires- goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility.

Thanatos- the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos.

Titans- the generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.

Typhon- a hundred-headed dragon, born of Gaia or a Hero. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily.

Triton- the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn.

Chaos- infinite empty space from which at the beginning of time arose ancient gods Greek religion - Nikta and Erebus.

Chthonic gods - deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. These included Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus, and Persephone.

cyclops - giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia.

Evre (Eur) god of the southeast wind.

aeolus- lord of the winds.

Erebus- the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of the Night.

Eros (Eros)- god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. AT ancient myths- a self-arisen force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows, accompanying his mother.

Ether- deity of the sky

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis- Goddess of hunting and nature.

Atropos- one of the three moira, cutting the thread of fate and cutting off human life.

Athena (Pallas, Parthenos) - the daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat weapons. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, goddess of just war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge.

Aphrodite (Kythera, Urania) - Goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Dione (according to another legend, she came out of the sea foam)

Hebe- daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of youth. Sister of Ares and Ilithyia. She served the Olympian gods at feasts.

Hecate- the goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, the patroness of sorcerers.

Hemera- the goddess of daylight, the personification of the day, born of Nikto and Erebus. Often identified with Eos.

Hera- the supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.

Hestia- Goddess of the hearth and fire.

Gaia- mother earth, mother of all gods and people.

Demitra- Goddess of fertility and agriculture.

Dryads- lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees.

Diana-goddess of the hunt

Ilithyia- patron goddess of childbirth.

Irida- winged goddess, assistant to Hera, messenger of the gods.

calliope- the muse of epic poetry and science.

Kera- demonic creatures, children of the goddess Nikta, bringing misfortune and death to people.

Clio- one of the nine muses, the muse of history.

Clotho ("spinner") - one of the moira, spinning the thread of human life.

Lachesis- one of the three moira sisters, who determines the fate of each person even before birth.

Summer- Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis.

Mayan- a mountain nymph, the eldest of the seven pleiades - the daughters of Atlanta, the beloved of Zeus, from whom Hermes was born to her.

Melpomene- muse of tragedy.

Metis- the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.

Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory.

moira- the goddess of fate, the daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Muses- patron goddess of the arts and sciences.

naiads- nymphs-guardians of waters.

Nemesis- the daughter of Nikta, the goddess, personifying fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins.

Nereids- fifty daughters of Nereus and the oceanides of Dorida, sea deities.

Nika- the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.

nymphs- the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.

Nikta- one of the first Greek deities, the goddess - the personification of the primordial Night

Orestiades- mountain nymphs.

Ory- the goddess of the seasons, tranquility and order, the daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Peyto- the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness.

Persephone- daughter of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death.

polyhymnia- the muse of serious hymn poetry.

Tethys- the daughter of Gaia and Uranus, the wife of the Ocean and the mother of the Nereids and Oceanids.

Rhea- the mother of the Olympian gods.

Sirens- female demons, half-woman half-birds, capable of changing the weather at sea.

Waist- muse of comedy.

Terpsichore- Muse of dance art.

Tisiphone- one of the Erinyes.

quiet- the goddess of fate and chance among the Greeks, companion of Persephone. She was depicted as a winged woman standing on a wheel and holding a cornucopia and ship's steering wheel in her hands.

Urania- one of the nine muses, the patroness of astronomy.

Themis- Titanide, goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira.

Charites- the goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life.

Eumenides- another hypostasis of the Erinyes, revered as goddesses of benevolence, preventing misfortunes.

Eris- daughter of Nikta, sister of Ares, goddess of discord.

Erinyes- goddesses of vengeance, creatures of the underworld, who punished injustice and crimes.

Erato- Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry.

Eos- Goddess of the dawn, sister of Helios and Selena. The Greeks called it "pink-fingered".

Euterpe- the muse of lyrical chanting. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.

It causes genuine interest, intrigues and excites. It combines fictional and modern world. Many books have been written about him and many films have been made. The pantheon of the Greek gods is a real storehouse for studying the history, customs and life of Ancient Greece. What function did the celestials perform on the sacred Mount Olympus? What unthinkable power and authority were endowed with? This and much more will be discussed in our new divine article!

The pantheon, or simply a group of gods belonging to the same religion, consisted of a large number of celestials, each of which performed the assigned role and carried out its function. In their appearance and behavior, the gods and goddesses were similar to ordinary people. They experienced the same emotions and feelings, fell in love and quarreled, got angry and had mercy, deceived and spread gossip. But their main difference was immortality! Over time, the history of the relationship between the gods increasingly grew into myths. And this only increased interest and admiration for the ancient religion ...

Representatives of the younger generation of celestials in Ancient Hellas were considered the main gods. Once they took away the right to rule the world from the older generation (titans), who personified the elements of nature and universal forces. Having defeated the titans, the younger gods, led by Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus. We will talk about the 12 main Olympian gods and goddesses, their assistants and companions, who were worshiped by the Greeks!

The king of the gods and the main deity. The representative of the infinite sky, the lord of lightning and thunder. Zeus had unlimited power over both people and gods. The ancient Greeks honored and feared the Thunderer, appeasing him in every possible way with the best donations. Babies learned about Zeus even in the womb, and all misfortunes were attributed to the wrath of the greatest and all-powerful.

Brother of Zeus, ruler of the sea, rivers, lakes and oceans. He personified courage, stormy temper, quick-tempered character and unearthly strength. Being the patron saint of sailors, he could induce hunger, turn over and sink ships and decide the fate of fishermen in open waters. Poseidon is closely associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The brother of Poseidon and Zeus, to whom the entire underworld, the kingdom of the dead, obeyed. The only one who did not live on Olympus, but was rightfully considered the Olympic god. All the dead went to Hades. Although people were afraid to even pronounce the name of Hades, in ancient mythology he is presented as a cold, unshakable and indifferent god, whose decision must be unquestioningly carried out. In his dark kingdom with demons and shadows of the dead, where the sun's rays do not penetrate, you can only enter. There is no way back.

Aristocratic and refined, the god of healing, sunlight, spiritual purity and artistic beauty. Having become the patron of creativity, he is considered the head of 9 muses, as well as the father of the god of doctors Asclepius.

The most ancient god of roads and travel, the patron of trade and merchants. This celestial with wings on his heels was associated with a subtle mind, resourcefulness, cunning and an excellent knowledge of foreign languages.

The insidious god of war and fierce battles. The mighty warrior preferred massacres and waged war for the sake of war itself.

The patron saint of blacksmithing, pottery and other crafts associated with fire. Even in the era of ancient times, Hephaestus was associated with volcanic activity, roar and flame.

Wife of Zeus, patroness of marriage and conjugal love. The goddess was distinguished by jealousy, anger, cruelty and excessive severity. In a state of rage, she could bring terrible troubles to people.

The daughter of Zeus, the beautiful goddess of love, who easily fell in love with herself and fell in love herself. In her hands was concentrated a great power of love, pure and sincere, which she bestowed on gods and people.

Goddess of just war, wisdom, patroness of spiritual pursuits, art, agriculture and crafts. Athena Pallas was born from the head of Zeus in full uniform. Thanks to her, state life flows and cities are built. For her knowledge and intelligence among the pantheon of Greek gods, she was the most respected and authoritative celestial.

The patroness of agriculture and the goddess of fertility. She is the guardian of life, who taught a person peasant labor. She fills the barns and restocks. Demeter is the embodiment of the primeval energy of creativity, the great mother that gives birth to all living things.


Goddess of forests and hunting, sister of Apollo. The patroness of vegetation and fertility. The virginity of the goddess is closely related to the idea of ​​birth and sexual relations.

In addition to the 12 main Olympic gods among the Greek celestials there were many no less significant and authoritative names.

God of winemaking and all natural forces that make a person happy.

Morpheus. Everyone was in his arms. Greek god of dreams, son of Hypnos, the god of sleep. Morpheus knew how to take any form, accurately copy the voice and appear to people in dreams.

The son of Aphrodite and concurrently the god of love. A cute boy with a quiver and a bow accurately throws arrows at people, which kindle indestructible love in the hearts of gods and people. In Rome, Amur corresponded to him.

Persephone. Daughter of Demeter, kidnapped by Hades, who dragged her to his underworld and made her his wife. She spends part of the year upstairs with her mother, the rest of the time she lives underground. Persephone personified the seed that is sown in the ground and comes to life at the time when it comes to light.

The patroness of the hearth, family and sacrificial fire.

Pan. Greek god of forests, patron of shepherds and flocks. Presented with goat legs, horns and a beard with a flute in his hands.

Goddess of victory and constant companion of Zeus. The divine symbol of success and a happy outcome is always depicted in a pose of rapid movement or with wings. Nika takes part in all musical competitions, military enterprises and religious celebrations.

And that is not all Greek names gods:

  • Asclepius - greek god healing.
  • Proteus is the son of Poseidon, a sea deity. He had the gift to predict the future and change appearance.
  • Triton - the son of Poseidon, brought news from the depths of the sea, blowing into the shell. Depicted as a mixture of horse, fish and man.
  • Eirene - the goddess of peace, stands at the Olympian throne of Zeus.
  • Dike is the patroness of truth, a goddess who does not tolerate deceit.
  • Tyukhe is the goddess of good luck and a successful event.
  • Plutus - ancient greek god wealth.
  • Enyo is the goddess of furious war, causing rage in the fighters, bringing confusion into the battle.
  • Phobos and Deimos are the sons and companions of Ares, the god of war.

The religion of Ancient Greece refers to pagan polytheism. The gods played important roles in the structure of the world, each performing its own function. The immortal deities were like people and behaved quite humanly: they were sad and rejoiced, quarreled and reconciled, betrayed and sacrificed their interests, were cunning and were sincere, loved and hated, forgave and avenged, punished and pardoned.

In contact with

The behavior, as well as the commands of the gods and goddesses, the ancient Greeks explained natural phenomena, the origin of man, moral principles, and social relations. Mythology reflected the ideas of the Greeks about the world around them. Myths originated in different parts of Hellas and eventually merged into an ordered system of beliefs.

Ancient Greek gods and goddesses

The main gods and goddesses belonging to the younger generation were considered. The older generation, which embodied the forces of the universe and the elements of nature, lost its dominance over the world, unable to resist the onslaught of the younger ones. having won, the young gods chose Mount Olympus as their home. The ancient Greeks singled out 12 main Olympic gods from all the deities. So, the gods of Ancient Greece, the list and description:

Zeus - God of Ancient Greece- in mythology it is called the father of the gods, Zeus the Thunderer, the lord of lightning and clouds. It is he who has the mighty power to create life, to resist chaos, to establish order and a fair trial on earth. Legends tell about the deity as a noble and kind being. The Lord of Lightning gave birth to the goddesses Or and Muses. Or govern the time and seasons of the year. Music brings inspiration and joy to people.

Hera was the wife of the Thunderer. The Greeks considered her the absurd goddess of the atmosphere. Hera is the guardian of the house, the patroness of wives who are faithful to their husbands. With her daughter Ilithia, Hera relieved the pains of childbirth. Zeus was famous for his passion. After a three-hundred-year marriage, the lord of lightning began to visit ordinary women who gave birth to heroes from him - demigods. Zeus appeared to his chosen ones in different guises. Before the beautiful Europe, the father of the gods stood like a bull with golden horns. Zeus visited Danae as a golden shower.


Sea god - lord of the oceans and seas, patron saint of sailors and fishermen. The Greeks considered Poseidon a just god, all punishments of which were sent to people deservedly. Preparing for the voyage, the sailors offered prayers not to Zeus, but to the lord of the seas. Before going out to sea, incense was offered on altars to please the sea deity.

The Greeks believed that Poseidon could be seen during a strong storm on the high seas. His magnificent golden chariot emerged from the sea foam, drawn by swift horses. The lord of the ocean received dashing horses as a gift from his brother Hades. The wife of Poseidon is the goddess of the noisy sea, Amphrita. The trident - a symbol of power, gave the deity absolute power over the depths of the sea. Poseidon was distinguished by a gentle character, sought to avoid quarrels. His loyalty to Zeus was not questioned - unlike Hades, the ruler of the seas did not dispute the primacy of the thunderer.


Lord of the underworld. Hades and his wife Persephone ruled over the kingdom of the dead. The inhabitants of Hellas feared Hades more than Zeus himself. It is impossible to get into the underworld - and even more so, to return - without the will of a gloomy deity. Hades traveled the surface of the earth in a chariot drawn by horses. The eyes of the horses blazed with hellish fire. People in fear prayed that the gloomy god would not take them to their abode. A favorite of Hades, the three-headed dog Cerberus guarded the entrance to the realm of the dead.

According to the legends, when the gods shared power and Hades got dominion over the kingdom of the dead, the celestial was dissatisfied. He considered himself humiliated and held a grudge against Zeus. Hades never openly opposed the power of the Thunderer, but constantly tried to harm the father of the gods as much as possible.

Hades kidnapped the beautiful Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeter, by force making her his wife and ruler of the underworld. Zeus had no power over the realm of the dead, so he refused Demeter's request to return her daughter to Olympus. The distressed goddess of fertility stopped caring about the earth, drought came, then famine came. The lord of thunder and lightning had to conclude an agreement with Hades, according to which Persephone would spend two-thirds of the year in heaven, and a third of the year in the underworld.

Pallas Athena and Ares

Athena is probably the most beloved goddess of the ancient Greeks. The daughter of Zeus, born from his head, she embodied the three virtues:

  • wisdom;
  • calm;
  • insight.

Goddess of victorious energy, Athena was portrayed as a powerful warrior with a spear and shield. She was also the deity of clear skies, having the power to disperse dark clouds with her weapons. The daughter of Zeus traveled with Nike, the goddess of victory. Athena was called upon as the protector of cities and fortresses. It was she who sent down just state laws to Ancient Hellas.

Ares - deity of stormy skies, the eternal rival of Athena. The son of Hera and Zeus, he was revered as the god of war. A warrior full of rage, with a sword or a spear - this is how Ares was depicted by the imagination of the ancient Greeks. The god of war enjoyed the noise of battle and bloodshed. Unlike Athena, who fought judiciously and honestly, Ares preferred fierce fights. The god of war approved the tribunal - a special trial of particularly cruel murderers. The hill where the courts took place is named after the warlike deity Areopagus.


God of blacksmithing and fire. According to legend, Hephaestus was cruel to people, frightened and destroyed them with volcanic eruptions. People lived without fire on the surface of the earth, suffering and dying in the eternal cold. Hephaestus, like Zeus, did not want to help mortals and give them fire. Prometheus - a titan, the last of the older generation of gods, was the assistant of Zeus and lived on Olympus. Filled with compassion, he brought fire to the earth. For stealing fire, the Thunderer doomed the titan to eternal torment.

Prometheus managed to escape punishment. With visionary abilities, the titan knew that Zeus in the future was threatened with death at the hands of his own son. Thanks to the hint of Prometheus, the lord of lightning did not unite in a marriage alliance with the one who would give birth to a parricide son, and strengthened his dominion forever. For the secret of maintaining power, Zeus gave the titan freedom.

In Hellas there was a holiday of running. Participants competed with lit torches in their hands. Athena, Hephaestus and Prometheus were symbols of the celebration that gave rise to the Olympic Games.


The deities of Olympus were characterized not only by noble impulses, lies and deceit often guided their actions. God Hermes is a rogue and a thief, the patron of trade and banking, magic, alchemy, astrology. Born by Zeus from the Mayan galaxy. His mission was to convey the will of the gods to people through dreams. From the name of Hermes came the name of the science of hermeneutics - the art and theory of interpretation of texts, including ancient ones.

Hermes invented writing, was young, handsome, energetic. Antique images depict him as a handsome young man in a winged hat and sandals. According to legend, Aphrodite rejected the advances of the god of commerce. Gremes is not married, although he has many children, as well as many lovers.

The first theft of Hermes - 50 cows of Apollo, he committed it at a very young age. Zeus gave the kid a good "bashing" and he returned the stolen. In the future, the Thunderer more than once turned to the resourceful offspring to solve thorny problems. For example, at the request of Zeus, Hermes stole a cow from Hera, into which the beloved of the lightning lord turned.

Apollo and Artemis

Apollo is the Greek god of the sun. As the son of Zeus, Apollo spent the winter in the lands of the Hyperboreans. In Greece, the god returned in the spring, bringing the awakening of nature, immersed in hibernation. Apollo patronized the arts, and was also the deity of music and singing. After all, together with the spring, the desire to create returned to people. Apollo was credited with the ability to heal. As the sun casts out darkness, so the celestial cast out ailments. The sun god was depicted as an extremely handsome young man with a harp in his hands.

Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and the moon, the patroness of animals. The Greeks believed that Artemis made night walks with naiads - the patroness of the waters - and shed dew on the grass. At a certain period in history, Artemis was considered a cruel goddess who destroys sailors. Human sacrifices were made to the deity to gain favor.

At one time, girls worshiped Artemis as the organizer of a strong marriage. Artemis of Ephesus was considered the goddess of fertility. Sculptures and pictures of Artemis depicted a woman with a large number of nipples on her chest to emphasize the generosity of the goddess.

Soon the god of the sun Helios and the goddess of the moon Selene appeared in the legends. Apollo remained the deity of music and art, Artemis - goddess of the hunt.


Aphrodite the Beautiful was worshiped as the patroness of lovers. The Phoenician goddess Aphrodite combined two principles:

  • femininity when the goddess enjoyed love young man Adonis and the singing of birds, the sounds of nature;
  • militancy, when the goddess was portrayed as a cruel warrior who obliged her followers to take a vow of chastity, and was also a zealous guardian of fidelity in marriage.

The ancient Greeks managed to harmoniously combine femininity and militancy, creating a perfect image of female beauty. The embodiment of the ideal was Aphrodite, carrying pure, immaculate love. The goddess was depicted as a beautiful naked woman emerging from the foam of the sea. Aphrodite is the most revered muse of poets, sculptors, artists of that time.

The son of the beautiful goddess Eros (Eros) was her faithful messenger and assistant. The main task of the god of love was to connect the life lines of lovers. According to legend, Eros looked like a plump baby with wings.


Demeter is the patron goddess of farmers and winemakers. Mother Earth, as they called her. Demeter was the embodiment of nature, which gives people fruits and cereals, absorbing sunlight and rains. They portrayed the goddess of fertility with blond, wheaten hair. Demeter gave people the science of arable farming and crops grown by hard work. The daughter of the goddess of winemaking Persephone, becoming the queen of the underworld, connected the world of the living with the kingdom of the dead.

Together with Demeter, Dionysus was revered - the deity of winemaking. Dionysus was portrayed as a cheerful young man. Usually his body was entwined with a vine, and in his hands the god held a jug filled with wine. Dionysus taught people to take care of vines, to sing exuberant songs, which later formed the basis of ancient Greek drama.


Goddess family well-being, unity and peace. The altar of Hestia stood in every house near the family hearth. The inhabitants of Hellas perceived urban communities as large families, therefore, in the pritanei (administrative buildings in Greek cities), the sanctuaries of Hestia were always present. They were a symbol of civil unity and peace. There was a sign that if you take coals from the altar of the pritanei on a long journey, then the goddess will provide her protection on the way. The goddess also protected strangers and the afflicted.

Temples to Hestia were not built because she was worshiped in every home. Fire was considered a clean, cleansing natural phenomenon, so Hestia was perceived as the patroness of chastity. The goddess asked Zeus for permission not to marry, although Poseidon and Apollo sought her favor.
Myths and legends have evolved over decades. With each retelling of the story, new details were acquired, previously unknown characters appeared. The list of gods grew, making it possible to explain natural phenomena, the essence of which ancient people could not understand. Myths passed on the wisdom of the older generations to the young, explained state structure, asserted the moral principles of society.

The mythology of ancient Greece gave mankind many plots and images that are reflected in the masterpieces of world art. Throughout the centuries, artists, sculptors, poets and architects have drawn inspiration from the legends of Hellas.

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