Read dead water public concept. E.g

Supporters of the BER usually claim that they have not yet seen a worthy criticism of the BER. I do not think that the following information is the very "worthy criticism", but I consider it useful to read it.

Some of Kuznetsov's conclusions about the KOB are, to put it mildly, unexpected and over the head, for example, the author claims that the Internal Predictor of the USSR is part of the Global Nadi Judean Predictor, that "Dead Water" works for the interests of the Jews and is an instrument of his salvation in Russia.

This work appeared back in 1997, but I stumbled upon it just now. As far as I know, it is not discussed among the supporters of the KOB, at least I did not find it on the KPE forum, although Kuznetsov stood at the origins of the movement, participated in the publishing house of the first edition of "Dead Water" (as I understand it) and conducted seminars in St. Petersburg ( after he was replaced by Dmitry Slavolyubov).

Before proceeding to the text "On the Origin of the VP", which basically deals not with the MV, but with the role of Jewry in the historical process, I recommend watching a video where Kuznetsov himself talks about his position, otherwise you never know what will be published on the Internet. Although, the information on the video and in the text basically coincides - in the text there is more detail about Jewry, and on the video there is a big digression into the history of Russia (the assassinations of Paul I, the Napoleonic wars, the influence of Angia, the creation of the USA - very interesting).

Description of this video on youtube: - Kuznetsov Evgeny Grigorievich visiting ROD with COB (original) - Origin of the Internal Predictor of the USSR - KOB - Masonic stub for the crowd

These are my short comments and theses on the work of Evgeny Grigorievich Kuznetsov "On the origin of the Internal Predictor" (VP USSR), written somewhere in 1997.

Concept Public Security(KOB) of Russia (KOBR) began to be distributed since 1989 by samizdat under the name “Depressurization”, later Leningrad State University and the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences (the TOR for research was signed by the deputy director of this institute Andrey Afanasyevich Kokoshin) prepared the work “How do you reorganize Bnai -Brit "(from Hebrew. "Sons of the Covenant", a group of Jewish Masonic lodges in the USA, the organizational platform of the CPSU), since 1992 known as "Dead Water" (a term already from the "New Era", New Age, meaning the period of preparation for the meeting Savior, Hebrew Moshiach) by E.G. Kuznetsov, from which he officially refused in 1995 (the first Nikolai Starikov did not take place). Until the final break in October 1996, he led the KOB seminar in St. Petersburg. He was replaced by Dmitry Vadimovich Slavolyubov.

In general, the question remained open. But I think you should not ask clarifying questions (useless) to the author. Rumor has it that the concept was developed in Scotland (the center of Freemasonry). Hence the Celtic symbolism of the KPE, but the Celts, or rather the descendants of the degenerate Boii (called themselves Great Russians), before the Jews, settled at the top of power in Novgorod (the original name in their way is Slavia) and Moscow, where, not by chance, then the first heresy came Judaizers. The concept was finalized in Israel, the symbolism also resembles the Star of David, but the pyramid of knowledge is much smaller than the pyramid of power. Then the doctrine was introduced anonymously by samizdat into the middle level of the CPSU and the KGB, and only after local revision, a circulation of 5 copies fell into the leadership of the USSR.

Public Safety Concept "Dead Water" aims to disseminate basic knowledge about the reality around us. Some points in KOB may be controversial. But, having studied a series of lectures from Konstantin Petrov, I learned a lot of interesting and useful things for myself.

From how we perceive the world, depends on our behavior, and ultimately . To me, for example, until recently, the Universe seemed like a great chaos, in which only occasionally something orderly arises by chance. Perhaps that is why my actions were just as chaotic and unsystematic, and the result was far from the most outstanding so far.

So, it's time to take care of your worldview. According to BER, people are available two models of perception of the world:

  • kaleidoscopic;
  • mosaic.

Our formal education offers precisely kaleidoscopic perception - a multitude of objects that are practically unrelated to each other. As a result, a complete picture does not emerge. We do not see the mosaic that these disparate pieces could really show us.

And this is no coincidence. Our society has remained, as in ancient times, essentially slave-owning. fifty families superoligarchs owns half of the world's wealth, overthrow the rulers, unleash wars and organize revolutions around the world. They are supported by the so-called elite: oligarchs, politicians, bankers. Below is the layer between the elite and the crowd: stars cinema, show business and sports. So - crowd, which can be divided into intelligentsia and specialists, and into workers and peasants.

And no matter in national or international This social pyramid is presented to the packaging - it is still essentially based on exploitation.

Knowledge is also unevenly distributed. Holistic knowledge is owned by modern slave owners. Partial- an elite that is something like overseers. And fragmentary knowledge is given to slaves so that they can perform their functions. At the same time, significant pieces were pulled out of fragmentary knowledge so that it was impossible to put together a whole picture from them, like from puzzles.

For example, we only know about three branch. There are actually five of them:

  • Conceptual(the direction of movement is chosen).
  • ideological(this direction is made attractive to people).
  • Legislative.
  • Executive.
  • Judicial.

Work also incorrectly divided into physical and mental. Actually it happens:

  • managerial;
  • productive.

And we need to strive to cover the entire society with managerial work, developing self-government as much as possible.

Our world contains three components:

  • Matter.
  • Consciousness (information).
  • Measure.

Measure is a multidimensional matrix of all possible states of matter.

Information- an image that cannot exist without a carrier - matter.

Matter— matter, plasma, particles and quanta, fields, physical vacuum.

By transmitting information to someone, we thus influence him. And therefore it turns out that any process of information transfer is a process of managing a person.

People themselves can be divided into the following categories, depending on what is the driving force for them:

  • no driving force lowered;
  • instincts - animal;
  • habits - zombie;
  • intelligence - demon;
  • intuition (conscience, measure) - human.

Now a little about the ways of subordinating entire countries and peoples.

If they want to destroy some country or people, or subjugate and take possession of their wealth, it is not at all necessary to wage war. War, in its essence, is the most primitive means for this. The arsenal of ways is quite wide:

Ways of submission

material ways

  • destruction(war, slavery);
  • genocide(cigarettes, alcohol, drugs);
  • economic(loans, credits);

Information ways

  • factual(religions, ideologies, parties);
  • chronological(story);
  • worldview(which is good, which is bad).

The BER is also very well described, which can be applied both to other people and to yourself. This will be discussed in the next article.

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AT recent times, due to the availability of the Internet, it (the “Dead Water” COB) has become widespread, including thanks to the so-called “Kobovites” wandering around various forums, with the stupid persistence of sectarians imposing their “the best holistic worldview in the world” on everyone.
And similar to annoying forum zombie trolls.

BER is written in a dead, computer-program language. There are no contradictions within this “worldview system”. Don't waste time looking for them. Silly.
The mechanism of such "revelations" is simple.
Such information is not from egregor and not from the so-called inform-field or noosphere.
From the World of the Dead, the programmer sends a signal to the brain. The required program is activated. Need images? Impulse through the right leash of the epiphysis to the right, "shaped" hemisphere.
Do you want to pee, abstract? Get through the left leash to the left ... Done!
Several dozen volumes, like seeds ...
And how do you think Comrade Lenin wrote? The same one that Vladimir Ilyich ... With a liquefaction of the brain. medical fact it's just called something else...
An scribbled 55 thick volumes. And there is a lot of unpublished, although the published is called P.S.S.
Yes, how cleverly he composed, you rogue, you won’t find fault! And you won’t find fault because the program is written through a person. You can't argue with a computer.

In order to understand the inconsistency of Life with COB, it is necessary to get out of its framework (measure) and become Alive.
With all this, it provides a fairly high-quality description of the current management of social processes.
More precisely, a description of its external manifestation.

Let's summarize briefly.
The basis of "Dead Water" consists of several basic provisions(highlighted in bold):

"Trinity" (
Matter - Information - Measure).
A pitiful tortured attempt to describe Life and everything that exists in limited philosophical categories.
The trinity is dead.
From the position of the dead view, you can do whatever your heart desires. One can look into Kabbalah and try to measure and digitize Life. You can make a fuss, strain your "wired" brain and beautifully, scientifically substantiate any nonsense. To substantiate the fact that force (in other words - energy) is a transitional form of matter. It will be very convincing. And conceptually. After all, "it's all about understanding the terms!".

Enough has already been said about Mer.
By the way, thoughtlessly and brainlessly often quoted by the apologists of the KOB as confirmation of the universal regularity: "He created every THING and measured it with a measure" is an empty argument.
It has nothing to do with life. Life, Living, Man is not a THING.
What he made, he measured.

"Types of the psyche".
Such a stratification in the context of the BER, with a call to acquire "human mentality", - idiocy. You won't get. Impossible. Life is not a hypermarket.
"Build the psyche" due to many reasons that do not depend on the individual. In particular, this is impossible due to the information “imposed” on the human psyche from other personalities, to whom the soul was previously attached.
Sharik can only be made into Sharikov. Professor Preobrazhensky learned this well, unlike the newly-minted nerds.
But it is possible to hypocritize on this subject. Long, beautiful and exciting. Calling on everyone to become a kind of "Mother Teresa".
Although, of course, everyone needs to become more humane. But this is not relevant to the discussion.
By the way, the writers of KOB took these strata from the Christian writings of the bishop Vasily Kineshma. Modernizing and giving them a scientific look.

In addition to all this, the “intelligent collective” subtly, in a petty Jesuit way, rode through the “I”, through the Foundation. Having pumped into the subconscious of a herd of "shit-eaters" kondrashka at the sound of the word "I".

"Priorities of GMS (Generalized Controls)".
In view of the above information, the highest, main control priority is not indicated. The lower ones are correct.

"Life" circumstances cannot be. To characterize Life, this phrase is unacceptable. mutually exclusive concepts. Nonsense.
The use of such words is sometimes permissible in everyday speech. Inertially, recklessly.
But not in the definition (s.s.v.) basic concepts.
"Standing" - immobility, static.
Life has no "standings". Life is growth and movement.

Vital - co-existence. Life must proceed in the dialogue mode of Life Speech.
It is a Living Language, as opposed to the software-dead language of circumstances.
A sentence often used in the old days: “Life says that (like) a spring flows” - meant life in Lada, contentment and joy. Conversation of Living with Life and Life with Living.
"Dead Water" operates with dead concepts, for even deeper programming for self-suffocation.

"Dynamic Programming Method (DPM)"- you can say, "quintessence" DOTU, its "algorithmic expression".
And they talked about it. I will duplicate:
any "programming", "modeling" is possible only within the framework of the execution of the program of the soul. As long as there is no Self, there is not Will, but its surrogate. In order to always live by one's own Will, it is necessary to be a YAR. Not a person, but the Self.

Usage TIR under conditions of suffocation, it is similar to using it with maggot inside a sewer pipe.
Maggot identified and shaped "vector of management goals" according to "God's will". He thinks that he is carried by the "stream of Life" and the "wind of Omnipotence" in accordance with his "righteous" aspirations. Maggot is happy! It floats, swaying, carefully monitoring the rest of the "vectors" and confidently managing all processes by PFC, enjoying the knowledge of all seven of its points (did not fill up, did not eat up, memorizing them, and even came up with his own eighth point, becoming "conceptually powerful"). But:
1. Maggot fails to expose mine vector of goals and live by the Self due to its absence and the presence of systemic limitations, having a “freedom of choice” limited by a measure and a smelly pipe-fishery. He cannot even think about freedom-choice, due to ignorance of the essence of these words. You can't look behind the pipe...
2. The sewer pipe-God’s providence “on the drum” is the vector of goals and aspirations of the righteous maggot, if he suddenly, on a whim, starts a “new life” from Monday ...
And the sewer pipe is God's business in this case, for sure, it is algorithmically insensitive to the nature of the cause-and-effect conditions in the life of a maggot. She's just a pipe, even when lined with gleaming "mosaic-holistic" pictures.

In general, you should not think that you are living a full life.
You will be a “maggot” until you become, I will say a “terrible” word, soulless. Not suffocated. That is, until you destroy your soul - an alien program that exploits you according to someone else's plan.

Why is there so much said about COB?
She certainly deserves it.
The information of the World of the Dead "flashes" very hard.
The revelations of this "panopticon", supported by real knowledge, but based on a cannibalistic essence, mistaken by the flock for philanthropy, are dangerous in their plausibility.
As a result, Life loses those who are seeking, pure, sincere, who love the Great Russia, but who, due to “dead circumstances”, did not have the opportunity to grow the Self in themselves.
KOB, enticing with beautiful patriotic words, deadens them "on the rise". Like a drunken hunter, in vile courage, point-blank shooting with buckshot the beautiful, light breath of the multi-colored Life ...

148 Of course, also Jews.

149 Two or three people is already a team.

151 Enough General Control Theory (ed.).

152 Professor Zubov V.I. described those management processes that were accessible to his understanding. That is, only those information about which was brought to the levels of his consciousness and allowed to be published.

154 At night, in chilling ominous nightmares, giant, foul-smelling kosher Pace came to them and, smiling mysteriously, grimacing and winking, claimed their rights to the KOB, demanding to indicate - still them as authors by surname, by name, not forgetting the father. Otherwise, they threatened to become forever the personal accessory of the hairstyle of each of the representatives of the VP.
The constant and unrelenting sticky-diapery fear of the "intelligent team" in front of such an ugly prospect in any case, and eventually resulted in a preemptive VP copyright opus on copyright, with its funny horror story about "mystical, extra-legal retribution." ▲ - may turn out to be inevitable for individuals diligently studying BER. ▲

Recently, due to the availability of the Internet, it (the “Dead Water” COB) has become widespread, including thanks to the so-called “Kobovites” wandering around various forums, with the stupid persistence of sectarians imposing their “best in the world” to everyone " holistic worldview.
And similar to annoying forum zombie trolls.

BER is written in a dead, computer-program language. There are no contradictions within this “worldview system”. Don't waste time looking for them. Silly.
The mechanism of such "revelations" is simple.
This information is not from egregor and not from the so-called inform-field or noosphere.
From the World of the Dead, the programmer sends a signal to the brain. The required program is activated. Need images? Impulse through the right leash of the epiphysis to the right, "shaped" hemisphere.
Do you want to pee, abstract? Get through the left leash to the left ... Done!
Several dozen volumes, like seeds ...
And how do you think Comrade Lenin wrote? The same one that Vladimir Ilyich ... With a liquefaction of the brain. It's a medical fact, it's just called something else...
An scribbled 55 thick volumes. And there is a lot of unpublished, although the published is called P.S.S.
Yes, how cleverly, after all, he composed, rogue, you won’t find fault! And you won’t find fault because the program is written through a person. You can't argue with a computer.
So, others...

In order to understand the inconsistency of Life with COB, it is necessary to get out of its framework (measure) and become Alive.
With all this, it provides a fairly high-quality description of the current management of social processes.
More precisely, a description of its external manifestation.

Let's summarize briefly.
The basis of the "Dead Water" is made up of several basic provisions (highlighted in bold):

"Trinity" (
Matter - Information - Measure).

A pitiful tortured attempt to describe Life and everything that exists in limited philosophical categories.
The trinity is dead.
From the position of the dead view, you can do whatever your heart desires. One can look into Kabbalah and try to measure and digitize Life. You can make a fuss, strain your "wired" brain and beautifully, scientifically substantiate any nonsense. To substantiate the fact that force (in other words - energy) is a transitional form of matter. It will be very convincing. And conceptually. After all, "it's all about understanding the terms!".

Enough has already been said about Mer.
By the way, thoughtlessly and brainlessly often quoted by the apologists of the KOB as confirmation of the universal regularity: "He created every THING and measured it with a measure" is an empty argument.
It has nothing to do with life. Life, Living, Man is not a THING.
What he made, he measured.

"Types of the psyche".
Such a stratification in the context of the BER, with a call to acquire "human mentality", is idiotic. You won't get. Impossible. Life is not a hypermarket.
"Build the psyche" due to many reasons that do not depend on the individual. In particular, this is impossible due to the information “imposed” on the human psyche from other personalities, to whom the soul was previously attached.
Sharik can only be made into Sharikov. Professor Preobrazhensky learned this well, unlike the newly-minted nerds.
But it is possible to hypocritize on this subject. Long, beautiful and exciting. Calling on everyone to become a kind of "Mother Teresa".
Although, of course, everyone needs to become more humane. But this is not relevant to the discussion.
By the way, the writers of KOB took these strata from the Christian writings of the bishop Vasily Kineshma. Modernizing and giving them a scientific look.

In addition to all this, the “intelligent collective” subtly, in a petty Jesuit way, rode through the “I”, through the Foundation. Having pumped into the subconscious of a herd of "shit-eaters" kondrashka at the sound of the word "I".

"Priorities of GMS (Generalized Controls)".
In view of the above information, the highest, main control priority is not indicated. The lower ones are correct.

"Life" circumstances cannot be. To characterize Life, this phrase is unacceptable. mutually exclusive concepts. Nonsense.
The use of such words is sometimes permissible in everyday speech. Inertially, recklessly.
But not in the definition of basic concepts.
"Standing" - immobility, static.
Life has no "standings". Life is growth and movement.

Vital - co-existence. Life must proceed in the dialogue mode of Life Speech.
It is a Living Language, as opposed to the software-dead language of circumstances.
The sentence often used in the old days: “Life says that (like) a spring flows” - meant life in Lada, contentment and joy. Conversation of Living with Life and Life with Living.
"Dead Water" operates with dead concepts, for even deeper programming for self-suffocation.

"Dynamic Programming Method (DPM)"- you can say, "quintessence" DOTU, its "algorithmic expression".
And they talked about it. I will duplicate:
any "programming", "modeling" is possible only within the framework of the execution of the program of the soul. As long as there is no Self, there is not Will, but its surrogate. In order to always live by one's own Will, it is necessary to be a YAR. Not a person, but the Self.

Usage TIR under conditions of suffocation, it is similar to using it with maggot inside a sewer pipe.
Maggot identified and shaped "vector of management goals" according to "God's will". He thinks that he is carried by the "stream of Life" and the "wind of Omnipotence" in accordance with his "righteous" aspirations. Maggot is happy! It floats, swaying, carefully monitoring the rest of the "vectors" and confidently managing all processes by PFC, enjoying the knowledge of all seven of its points (did not fill up, did not eat up, memorizing them, and even came up with his own eighth point, becoming "conceptually powerful"). But:
1. Maggot fails to expose mine the vector of goals and live by the Self (independently) due to its absence and the presence of systemic restrictions, having a “freedom of choice” limited by a measure and a smelly pipe-fishery. He cannot even think about freedom-choice, due to ignorance of the essence of these words. You can't look behind the pipe...
2. The sewer pipe-God’s providence “on the drum” is the vector of goals and aspirations of the righteous maggot, if he suddenly, on a whim, starts a “new life” from Monday ...
And the sewer pipe is God's business in this case, for sure, it is algorithmically insensitive to the nature of the cause-and-effect conditions in the life of a maggot. She's just a pipe, even when lined with gleaming "mosaic-holistic" pictures.

In general, you should not think that you are living a full life.
You will be a “maggot” until you become, I will say a “terrible” word, soulless. Not suffocated. That is, until you destroy your soul - an alien program that exploits you according to someone else's plan.

136 Of course, also Jews.

137 Two or three people is already a team.

139 Enough General Control Theory (ed.).

140 Professor Zubov V.I. described those management processes that were accessible to his understanding. That is, only those information about which was brought to the levels of his consciousness and allowed to be published.

141 The unusual phrase "Internal Predictor of the USSR" was already presented in the first edition of Dead Water. It only remained to decipher it according to your "understanding".

142 At night, in chilling ominous nightmares, gigantic, foul-smelling kosher Pace came to them and, smiling enigmatically, grimacing and winking, claimed their rights to KOB, demanding to indicate - still them as authors by surname, by name, not forgetting the father. Otherwise, they threatened to become forever the personal accessory of the hairstyle of each of the representatives of the VP.
The constant and unrelenting sticky-diapery fear of the "intelligent team" in front of such an ugly prospect in any case, and eventually resulted in a preemptive VP copyright opus on copyright, with its funny horror story about "mystical, extra-legal retribution."

143 There is no desire to stir up what has “been overgrown with past”, however, it should be noted that a lot of outright lies, half-truths and silences are wound around the issue of the origin of “Dead Water”.

145 P.S.S - Complete Works (ed.).

146 There are no living souls. Forgive me for the hidden tautology.

147 Sura 25. This literal translation Qur'an, and not a subjective "translation of meanings".

148 Strata (from Latin stratum - "layer"), stratification - stratification, distribution. A concept sometimes used in sociology.

149 "Four different types of the human psyche, four types of dispensation of the soul." Bishop Vasily Kineshma (1876-1945).

150 See below for the meaning of the term "shit-eater".

151 This strange association arose as a result of communication with some "conceptual" ones.

152 Full control function, DOTU (ed.).

153 The hypothetical possibility of acquiring personal ownership of an in-pipe "mosaic-holistic picture of the world"— may turn out to be inevitable for individuals diligently studying BER.

154 A very "important" point of "Dead Water".

156 From the word "hacker".

157 Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich, 1945-2009 Major General of the Space Forces. In 1997, he organized a congress of KOB supporters, at which the All-Russian People's Movement (NDKB) was created, which still functions under various abbreviations (ed.).

158 Abbreviations are being played on - Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov and Checkpoint.

Sorry, if not quite on topic, but IMHO this copy is worthy of being placed in the Kunstkamera in a place of honor. We are talking about Major General of the Military Space Forces Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov, who was dismissed according to the following wording - "For engaging in informal scientific activity". He (or not he?) developed the Concept of Public Security (CSS) and Enough general theory management (DOT).

This passage struck a chord with me:

"EXPLANATION about grammar
In the above text, the spelling is “education”, not “education”; "distribution", not "distribution"; "happening", not "happening"; "fix", not "fix", etc. - These are not typos. The current spelling, playing up the indistinctness and lisping of everyday oral speech, prescribes before hissing and deaf consonants in the prefixes “without-”, “voz-”, “from-”, “raz-” the voiced “z” should be replaced with a deaf “s”, as a result of which the named "morphemes" in the composition of the word lose their meaning. Since we don't like meaningless spelling, we have begun to move from it to spelling that expresses meaning in our works. For the same reasons, it is better to write "playing along", "prehistory", etc. contrary to that senseless-lisping “spelling” that everyone was taught at school.

In general, comrades have multiplied on the Internet, like rabbits. Here is a list of their sites:

and discussions and advertising on other sites;topic=80.0

Hunting for Blavo, I once again found Petrov. True, the site is aggressively Orthodox and with a distinct anti-Semitic odor, but I did not disdain to fish out a pearl of knowledge from this dunghill. ;-)

All-Russian People's Movement "Toward the Power of God"(Excerpts)

Other names: Conceptuals, Inner Predictor of Russia, Dead Water Teaching, General Petrov's movement.

Printed publications: magazine and newspaper "Knowledge Power", three-volume "Dead Water" (Concept of Public Security of Russia (KOBR)), collection of documents "Russian State Ideology".

Description: A pseudo-patriotic social movement that has the features of an occult cult, using, among other things, elements of neo-paganism and Sufism.

Specific goals of activity: seizure of power, control over information space Russia, the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship, declares the desire for the physical destruction of the Orthodox Church and all those actively preventing the spread of the Dead Water ideology.

Doctrine: The movement speculates on patriotic feelings, has several levels of initiation. The movement sets out its history of the development of mankind as a controlled progressive process, which is controlled by a secret group of especially dedicated persons, who have the general name of the Global Nadi Jewish Predictor, also known as the External Predictor. Important, in their opinion, is the possession of some secret "Knowledge", giving "Power", which, among other things, is reflected in their slogan "Knowledge - Power, power to the people." AT ancient egypt the owners of this knowledge were the priests, when the Jews came out of Egyptian captivity, their leaders (members of the Egyptian priestly caste) took out with them secret knowledge through which they gained power over the world. The Jews are a tool in the hands of the Outer Predictor. Jews, due to circumcision, turn into biorobots that are easy to manipulate, since this operation, performed on the 8th day, (What, after all, on the 8th day? but what about the Jewish women with chakras? ;-)))"disturbs the entry into the activity of the heart and higher chakras, which are responsible for love, as well as for higher spiritual and intellectual activity." According to the authors of the doctrine, Christianity is a sabotage of the Jews against the goyim with an attempt to plant a religion of the weak, which makes it impossible to resist the intervention of the External Predictor. In the same sense, they interpret the adoption of Orthodoxy by the holy Prince Vladimir, since in Christian Baptism he accepted, consciously or not, the coding program Slavic people, who, before Christianity, was allegedly highly moral, clean and non-drinking, and in addition, he possessed the "All-Light Letter", which allowed him to control the weather, tectonics, etc. After the Baptism, the Russian people lost real knowledge, began to drink too much and degrade. According to the doctrine, the salvation of the people and the revival of the Great Empire is possible only through familiarization of the entire people or most of them with the doctrine of "Dead Water", which is supposedly capable, like fabulous dead water, of uniting the fragmented members of the body of a single Russian people, and the implementation of the doctrine supposedly will revive our people and will revive the Empire. At the same time, the authors unequivocally warn everyone and everyone: "The measure of the bloodiness of the coming events in Russia will be determined by the measure of the development by all sections of our society of the knowledge that we bring to people." The movement actively uses Orthodox terminology, makes extensive use of excerpts from Holy Scripture, while at the same time arguing that the original texts of Scripture have long been lost and changed by church scribes, moreover, deliberately. Holy Bible is reinterpreted to please the doctrine, while the authors reach outright blasphemy, arguing and "justifying", for example, that the God who led the Old Testament Israel is Satan himself. The authors of the doctrine do not hide their hatred for the Orthodox Church, although they try not to advertise it much at the first meeting. Among the literature of the movement, the book "Questions to Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga and the Hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church" is in circulation, which includes 64 pages of A4 format, which are filled in small print. The questions themselves (and there are only three of them) occupy less than half of one page. And the rest of the volume of the book is filled with blasphemy against God, the Church, the saints of the Orthodox Church. This book has a clearly pronounced propagandistic, god-fighting character, written in a living language in a pseudo-scientific style, with many "bold discoveries" by the authors of "Dead Water", which they willingly "gift" to the Russian people, allegedly misled and deceived by the Church. The movement "Towards God's Power" seems to be extremely dangerous for society, since along with the scientific type of teaching, serious analytical study and individual constructive elements of programs, this movement forms a strong prejudice that Orthodox Church not only does it not keep the Divinely Revealed Truths and the Grace of God, but there is a religion of Satanism that contributes to the genocide of the Russian people.

Psychology of deception