How to properly fumigate a house with wormwood. Herbs for fumigation: which ones to choose and how to use them correctly

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This procedure has been known for a long time. Our ancestors were sure that magical smoke serves as a connecting link between heaven and earth, between earthly and otherworldly forces. Thanks to fumigation, the space is cleared of negative energy, and residents strengthen their health. But in order to really achieve such an effect, fumigation must be carried out correctly.

How to properly fumigate a room?

First of all, pay attention to your emotional state. Irritation, anger, resentment, fatigue, nervousness are a serious reason to refuse the procedure until the emotional state is balanced.

A regular shower, meditation, breathing exercises, and light physical activity will help you calm down faster.

It is desirable that no one was at home. Or explain to the household the seriousness of the intention. They can even help you if they read prayers to themselves at this time.

Start fumigating the room from the threshold, moving clockwise. Don't miss a single corner. Make sure that the smoke fills the room moderately, your eyes should not water, and you should not experience discomfort from the procedure.

It is most convenient for this action to buy incense sticks with incense suitable for you or church candles, or, as in ancient times, use herbs.

If you use herbs to cleanse the space with smoke, then put them in a pile in a pan (preferably with a plastic handle so as not to burn your hands), set fire to it and put it out immediately so that the grass simply smolders, forming cleansing smoke.

What herbs are used for fumigation and what is their power?

Herbs are the most popular and most affordable space cleaner. In addition, herbs collected with one's own hands are a more effective remedy, because you endowed them with additional power - your own energy. One or the other has its own distinctive properties.

St. John's wort. It is he who is most often used for fumigation. He was "given the title" of anti-demonic weed. St. John's wort absorbs a lot of sunlight, namely, demons and other evil spirits are afraid of him.

Fumigation with St. John's wort is also beneficial for health. Inhalation of its smoke helps with infertility, fatigue and depression go away. St. John's wort smoke is very useful in the initial stages of colds.

Thistle will not give rest not only to devils, but also to all other unwanted otherworldly vibrations. Be sure to keep above the threshold, so as not to let damage and the evil eye into the house.

Thistle smoke is bitter and poisonous, so be very careful. Cleansing will be strong, but before the procedure it is better to send children and the elderly out of the house, and after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room.

Thistle smoke is good for asthmatics. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to put the flowers of the plant on smoldering coals and breathe in smoke.

Sage. If quarrels and conflicts often occur in your home, fumigating with sage will help neutralize negative energy. In addition, if you suspect that you or your loved ones have been damaged, sage is the first assistant from an energy attack.

As for health, sage has a rejuvenating effect, prolonging years of life. In addition, this miracle herb attracts good luck and success.

Oregano. It also inhibits the accumulation of negative energy. Oregano fumigation especially helps those who are often overcome by mental anguish, black thoughts.

Sagebrush. The smoke of wormwood not only relieves negative energy, but also helps to calm thoughts and concentrate. Promotes clairvoyance and prediction of the future. It is observed that during fumigation, emotional-sensual people see creatures of another world.

It is useful to fumigate the patient with the smoke of wormwood, it especially helps with herpes zoster.

Juniper. Frees the house from unwanted entities, clearing its energy.

Juniper smoke neutralizes stress, promotes peace of mind, directs thoughts and feelings towards goodness and grace, bestows inner strength. It is very useful to fumigate the room with frequent infectious diseases.

This is just a short list of herbs that are known and still used to fumigate the room. Do not miss the opportunity to protect your home and improve your health. Fumigation is the most accessible and cheapest way to do this.

Fumigating a house with herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space that people have used since ancient times.

It is bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it is filled with negative energy, it is even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. That is why it is necessary to clean from time to time. Such energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular general cleaning of an apartment.

With quarrels, stress, etc. primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all this hangs like "energy clusters" around the house.


Sage is a powerful purifier.
Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, difficult emotional experiences, clears the space.
After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, as if it neutralizes the remnants of "mental dust" after sage.


Wormwood helps to clear the "atmosphere" from irrelevant extraneous influences - someone else's or your own thoughts "not on the case." Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house.
It is used to fumigate a sick household. If you hang a sprig of wormwood over the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to protect your home.


Purifies the atmosphere and banishes various unwanted entities, guards the house, protects against damage and other magical attacks, purifies energy, purifies and refreshes the air. The disinfecting effect has been known since ancient times - cellars were disinfected with juniper smoke in the villages, barrels were treated for salting, and plague barracks were fumigated.

St. John's wort

It reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks by evil people, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.


A very simple and pleasant way to spice up a room is to light an incense stick when you are cleaning the room. The smell will penetrate into your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to clean this space. The scents you use are very important. varies from one situation to another, and your needs for different scents change accordingly.

How to carry out fumigation?

If the plants were tied in a bunch during drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire. The bundle should continue to smoke. Hold the bunch over some kind of fireproof dish, there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can put it out right away if something is wrong.
If you fumigate with coniferous needles or small-leaved plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, put them in a low jar, set fire to it. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.
Pour pine needles or leaves into a strainer. As it starts to smoke, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This "construction" must be monitored to avoid fire.
Remember that the smoke must be very strong.
Start work clockwise from the east corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.
In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse-grained salt wonderfully removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect and flush it down the toilet.
Here is such a practice for energy cleansing of space and body. It is recommended to conduct it regularly and also as needed - a serious illness of the household, major quarrels in the house, a large crowd of people.

According to the source

Cleansing - fumigating the house with herbs

Today, more than ever, the question of the cleanliness of the home is raised. Fumigating a house with herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space that people have used since ancient times. It is bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it is filled with negative energy, it is even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. That is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time. Such energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, like a regular general cleaning of an apartment. With quarrels, stress, etc. primary heavy thought forms are formed around us - all this hangs in "energy clusters" around the house.

Sage is the strongest purifier.

Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, difficult emotional experiences, clears the space.

After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, as if it neutralizes the remnants of "mental dust".

It is used to fumigate a sick household. If you hang a point of wormwood over the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to protect your home.


Juniper has a strong cleansing potential. The smoke of burnt juniper needles perfectly helps to cope with the creatures and influences of the other world, cleanse the unfavorable aura in the apartment. Juniper can also help a person in removing the evil eye or damage. It helps to get rid of the action of a love spell, from envy and ill-wishers. Sometimes we become victims of the negative influence of creatures from the other world. When this happens, we either fall under their will, or we resist, but from this we begin to get sick - in this case, inhaling juniper smoke helps a lot.

Fumigation with juniper stimulates, restores peace of mind, directs thoughts and feelings to noble goals. Eliminates stress reactions and destructive emotions: irritability, aggression. It prevents the spread of infectious diseases, purifies and refreshes the air, clarifies the senses, gives inner strength on days when not everything works out.


Wormwood helps to clear the “atmosphere” not only from mental dirt, but also from irrelevant extraneous influences, someone else’s, or your own, “irrelevant” thoughts. Fumigation with wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. In shamanic practices, wormwood is also used for fumigation when preparing a space for shamanic work, to improve concentration and open the ability of clairvoyance and predicting the future. Wormwood is also used to fumigate a sick household, as it perfectly neutralizes negative energy. If you hang a sprig of wormwood over the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to ward off evil spirits and protect your home.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.

It is necessary to hold the end of the beam on the flame of a candle or a fire until the end of the beam turns red, then you need to blow out the fire, the beam will begin to smolder. When fumigating a person or a room, you can use a fan or a bunch of feathers, directing the stream of smoke in the right direction, or wave the bunch itself clockwise. Start fumigating from the basement. Go around all the rooms around the perimeter and clockwise. If there is no basement, then the first room, which is fumigated with wormwood - bedroom! After that, open all the windows and ventilate the entire room for as long as possible. In addition, you can use candles, one per room. Throw away the cinders after they have burned. The old way also helps: laying one fresh egg in each corner for a couple or more days. Eggs absorb negative energy.

In order to protect the house from induced evil, the threshold and door handle are rubbed with wormwood. It is also effective if once a week the floors of the house are washed with water, to which a decoction of wormwood was added. If you have your own yard, then insert a few branches of wormwood between the twigs of your broom. This will protect you from damage by damage if damage was poured into your yard or thrown to you.

Now wormwood is not thrown into food, but it is hung on the windows or placed between the frames. If you hang a sprig or bunch of wormwood on the left side of the front door or put it in a vase, then this will be enough to ward off evil spirits and protect your home. A decoction of wormwood is added to the water that is used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in the room. To protect yourself from the effects of evil spirits and to protect yourself from other people's influence, if you go on a visit or you have a public performance, after bathing, pour an infusion of wormwood grass over yourself from head to toe. The dose is irrelevant here. In order to protect the house from induced evil, the threshold and door handle are rubbed with wormwood. It is also effective if once a week the floors of the house are washed with water, to which a decoction of wormwood was added. If you have your own yard, then insert a few branches of wormwood between the twigs of your broom. This will protect you from damage by damage if damage was poured into your yard or thrown to you.

Thyme (thyme)

This is a very strong herb, the main sphere of its influence is fertility. Thyme is able to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, people. Smoking from thyme calms the nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, and cuts off the action of energy vampires. thyme also helps against spoilage, pacifies the brownie, drives out the poltergeist (when a violent spirit makes noise at night, leans on sleepy household members and strangles them).

In villages, this herb is often used for fumigating premises, for example, cowsheds and cows after calving, for fumigating milk pots, hunting tackle, and also fumigated places infected with the disease with the smoke of thyme, fumigated with it also frightened children. Fumigation: set fire to a pinch, put out the fire and fumigate the room or person.


This plant is used mainly for fumigating rooms, as a means to exorcise evil spirits. They also fumigate newborn children with smoking grass. However, large doses of rue can have a hypnotic effect on a person, which some use to open the "third eye".


Sage is a powerful purifier. Smoke drives away negative energies formed as a result of quarrels, heavy emotional experiences, clears space, destroys equally good and mental and emotional harmful forms. After sage, it is recommended to use wormwood, it somehow neutralizes the remnants of “mental dust” after sage.


In smoking, this plant is rarely used, thistle smoke is very bitter, eats the eyes and throat. Evil spirits drive out, but it’s also difficult for people to stay in such a haze, so you need to fumigate with thistles with caution and after the ritual, be sure to ventilate the room. In addition, with bronchial asthma, it is recommended to smoke dried crushed thistle leaves or put them on smoldering coals to breathe smoke.


Before bathing a mentally ill person, the bath is fumigated with oregano, throwing dry grass on a hot stove.


Nettle is an aggressive defender, not only does it absorb all the harmful magic that you or your territory has been exposed to, but also redirects it back to the offender. Therefore, it is recommended to fumigate things and buildings for which neighbors or enemies feel fierce envy. Protection is built on the principle of destruction and counteracting evil sorcery. That is, it will not protect from troubles due to fate or its own negligence, but it will destroy other people's spells, expel all evil spirits, help remove the evil eye from a person, avert danger.


Rosemary protects against evil eye and spoilage, promotes the return of interest in life and the development of intuition. Fumigating with rosemary smoke helps keep love and peace in the home.

St. John's wort

It reliably protects against negative entities and damage, as it is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants, protects the house from negative energies and attacks by evil people, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.


A very simple and pleasant way to spice up a room is to light an incense stick when you are cleaning the room. The smell will penetrate into your room, filling it not only with a pleasant aroma, but also helping to clean this space. The scents you use are very important. Energy changes from one situation to another, and your need for different scents changes accordingly.

To exorcise harmful entities

cleaning should be done in 2-3 stages. Take a mixture of 4 parts juniper, 2 parts pine needles (or cedar), and 1 part cloves. Dip the room with this mixture with the windows and doors closed, let it brew, then completely ventilate. The next stage is the final cleaning - fumigation with sage and wormwood. After such an expulsion procedure, of course, it does not hurt to simply clean up the room, wash the floor, etc.

How to carry out fumigation?

If the plants were tied in a bunch during drying, then first set fire to one edge. When it flares up, blow out the fire. The bundle should continue to smoke. Hold the bunch over some kind of fire-resistant dish, there should be a bucket of water nearby so that you can immediately put it out if something is wrong.

If you fumigate with coniferous needles or small-leaved plants, then from practice - take candles in metal cases, put them in a low jar, set fire to it. Place a small metal strainer on top of the jar.

Pour pine needles or leaves into a strainer. As it starts to smoke, start moving around the rooms and fumigating. This "construction" must be monitored to avoid fire.

Remember that the smoke must be very strong.

Start work clockwise from the east corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the room, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.

From personal practice, juniper smells best. But sage smokes best of all - such smoke is obtained that the neighbors immediately come running.

When you're done, thoroughly ventilate the room, while creating a clear intention for all unwanted guests to leave. To do this, open a large window or balcony for a few minutes and wish the evil spirits to leave your house, saying similar words: "As the smoke leaves my house, so do troubles, illnesses, etc. leave my house."

In addition to fumigation, ordinary coarse-grained salt wonderfully removes all kinds of energy pollution. Scatter it in the corners for 2-3 days, then collect and flush it down the toilet.

Here is such a practice for energy cleansing of space and body. It is recommended to carry it out regularly and also as needed - a serious illness of the household, major quarrels in the house, a large crowd of people.

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