Yesenia - the meaning and origin of the name. Yesenia: the meaning of the name and character Yesenia Alekseevna the meaning of the name

The roots of the origin of the name go back to the distant past. Some sources claim that the meaning of the name Yesenia comes from the Arabic Yasmin, which means "beautiful." Others - that the word Yesenia (the meaning of the name) originates from the ancient Greek language, and in

translated as "foreigner". The secret of the name determines the character, habits, family life and even the future profession of a person. Yesenias are beautiful, but no one pays close attention even to their appearance, since these people have strong energy.


What is the character of the girl who is called Yesenia? The significance of this determined such traits in her character as smiling, affability, to some extent kindness. He will always try to come to the aid of anyone, even an unfamiliar person, will support him. You can always rely on her, at work she is a responsible employee. Often such people reach the top of the career ladder, become good leaders. A leader with clearly defined strong-willed qualities, organizational skills, and stress resistance is Yesenia. The meaning of the name obliges these people to clearly think through the situation and their actions, which is why they become the head of the team.

Family life

The same ones are also manifested in However, this is a caring and loving wife with a vulnerable soul. Being naturally open, she cannot stand rudeness on the part of her husband, this upsets her and greatly offends her. Yesenia, the meaning of the name clearly speaks of this, is independent in any manifestations.

He does not strive for early marriage, he prefers to graduate from college, start working and earn money, and only then start a family, and he tries to live separately from his parents. Since Yesenia is a good housewife, comfort and order reign in the house, she is a skilled cook, clean, although she likes to sleep for a long time. Nevertheless, she is happy in marriage if her betrothed understands that she will not change and will always remain the way he loved her.

Are there any flaws in the character of a girl named Yesenia? The meaning of the name determines not only positive character traits, but also predetermines negative ones. Representatives of this rare name have a quick temper. This creates difficulties in communicating with colleagues at work and loved ones. Also, a few opinions about himself and his own, although perhaps it is this self-confidence that leads Yesenia to the heights of her career.

Diminutive forms: Senya, Senia, Yesenka, Esya, Enya, Yesi.

Variations on the name: Yesenia, Hessenia, Hesenia, Spring.

Ruler Planet: Mercury.

Zodiac sign: Gemini and Virgo.

Day: Wednesday.

Stone: agate, emerald, sapphire, topaz.

The day of the angel in the calendar does not appear.

Patron animal: fox.

Charm plant: parsley

Famous people with a rare name Yesenia

  • Yesenia (the main character of the famous Mexican melodrama, a gypsy);
  • Yesenia Volzhankina - Latvian track and field athlete;
  • Yesenia Adame, who played roles in the films Angels and Demons, Dear Doctor, CSI: Miami (TV series);
  • Medina.

The name Yesenia became widespread in Russia after the appearance on TV screens of a Mexican-made motion picture with the same name, which in the second half of the 70s. last century became the leader of film distribution. Today, when future parents choose the name of the main character of the film for their daughter, they often associate it with a gentle, caring, well-mannered person. They forget that the meaning of the name Yesenia, which leaves an imprint on the formation of character in the future, may be completely different.

The history of the origin of the female name Yesenia

The origin of the name Yesenia has several versions:

  1. According to Lal's dictionary, "spring" is interpreted as "autumn", which suggests the idea that girls born in the autumn period were called with a similar name.
  2. According to other sources, it is necessary to delve into the history of the Slavs, among whom the name Spring, consonant with Yesenia, was very popular.
  3. From the point of view of historians, the appearance of the name is associated with a modification of the male name form Hassan, which in Arabic means “beautiful”.
  4. Another interpretation says that Yesenia is a phonetic variation of the ancient Turkic name Isania.
  5. According to the most daring and original version, the formation of the name form Yesenia is directly related to the name of the Russian poet Yesenin.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl

According to the interpretation of the meaning of the name form, it is believed that a girl named in this way will become kind and balanced, wise and reliable.

Early childhood

The baby under the auspices of the name Yesenia is tolerant and kind. Distinguished by curiosity, eloquence, mobility and sociability, she often gives parents a reason to be proud. However, the prudence of the girl, named Yesenia, is not enough. This often leads to rash acts that do not cause negative consequences only because of the good nature of the child and the absence of malicious intent.


With the achievement of school age, Yesenia becomes fickle and changeable. The girl is distinguished by an excellent sense of humor, optimism, goodwill, courage and determination, qualities that, combined with unplannedness, do not allow her to predict her next step. The bubbling energy, activity and infinity of ideas make it impossible to predict which of the ideas Yesenia decided to turn into reality today. In studies, such qualities of success will not bring because of the poor ability to concentrate. However, among her peers, the girl will achieve recognition and love thanks to unbridled fun, positive thinking and organizational skills.


In adulthood, always energetic, cheerful and kind, Yesenia acquires qualities that were so lacking in the past - prudence and responsibility. A woman is distinguished by diligence, commitment and constancy. The combination of these characteristics makes her nature unique. She is great at getting along with people, easily adapting to any environment. Accepts care even from those around her who are not quite nice. It will be more and more difficult with the professional sphere, since the meaning of the name will not endow the fair sex with leadership abilities, without which it is almost impossible to reach the highest peaks.

When are birthdays celebrated

There is no such name in Orthodox Christmas time. The child, named Yesenia, receives Holy Baptism under the consonant name of Yesia, who was a devotee of the Hieromartyr Pankratius. Esia's Memorial Day is celebrated on June 20.

Character and fate associated with the name

Due to the rarity of a beautiful name, the character formed under the influence of its meaning has been studied by few scientists. The indisputable characteristics that all researchers agreed on are tolerance, benevolence, sociability, unscrupulousness, cheerfulness, optimism and positive. The combination of these qualities makes Yesenia popular in society and helps to build a good career. Otherwise, the character is determined not only by the name, but also by the sign of the zodiac, astrological symbols, education at an early age and the environment later.

Yesenia enters into marriage quite late, which is associated with the desire to achieve a position in society, and then start a family. Only after becoming a full-fledged, financially independent person, Yesenia will look towards serious relationships, which she will not be able to create with everyone. The future husband must meet all her requirements and take the first step towards a meeting. In a happy marriage, Yesenia will become an excellent wife, mistress and ideal mother, full of warmth and affection. If the man turns out to be not the one she was looking for, then Yesenia will quickly break the marriage bonds.

Middle name compatibility

Among the most suitable names of the girls' fathers, who are planned to be named with a beautiful name form, Arkady, Viktor, Pavel, Mykenty, Albert, Adolf, Igor, Dmitry stand out. In combination with the above patronymics, the meaning of the female name will be the greatest and best influence on the formation of character. Before you name your daughter Yesenia, you should also pay attention to the consonance of the name with the patronymic, as well as the surname.

What male names will have a happy family life

A girl who is under the protection of the name Yesenia has a rather complicated relationship with the male half of humanity. Despite the goodwill, responsiveness, ability to make contact, the fair sex is in no hurry to bind themselves in relationships, preferring career growth.

The female name Yesenia is best combined for marriage with such male name forms as:

  • Matvey;
  • Sergey;
  • Novel;
  • Arseny;
  • Denis;
  • Gregory;
  • Eugene;
  • Artemy;
  • Igor;
  • Makar;
  • Anton;
  • Victor.

Talismans for the name Yesenia

The name Yesenia has a number of talismans that help shape the character and protect the bearer from negative influences.


Stones that attract well-being to the bearer of the name Yesenia are:

  • Agate - a stone brings prosperity, longevity, good health to the owner, spiritually enriches, enhances eloquence, gives strength and helps to quickly overcome material hardships.
  • Emerald - acting as a talisman, the talisman stone drives away nightmares, and also helps to cope with insomnia, eliminates depression, protects against the evil eye and other adversities.


Iron, being a symbol of the name, personifies the strength, firmness and courage inherent in Yesenia.


Of the plant flora, the name form of Yesenia corresponds to celery, wreaths of leaves of which in ancient Greece were crowned with the heads of victorious warriors. A symbol of nobility, valor and celebration.


The most fruitful period for achieving the set goals and making serious decisions is in the spring.

So, the meaning of the beautiful and rather rare name Yesenia promises its bearer a lot of positive character traits, the development of which for the most part depends on many external factors and the temperament of the child himself.

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Short form of the name Yesenia. Enya, Esya, Yesenka, Senya, Senia, Yesi.
Synonyms for Yesenia. Hesenia, Yesenia, Hesenia, Spring.
Origin of the name Yesenia The name Yesenia is Russian, Slavic.

The name Yesenia has several versions of origin. The Slavs had a male name Yesenya (Yeseny), possibly from which the female name Yesenia could also appear. According to the explanatory dictionary of V.I.Dal, the word "esen" means "autumn", and therefore it is quite possible that Yesenya, Yesenia is the worldly name of a child born in autumn.

The second version of the origin of the name Yesenia, oddly enough, completely contradicts the first: it is assumed that Yesenia appeared from the Slavic name Spring, when the girl was affectionately called "spring", and, in the end, the name Yesenia appeared.

Some believe that the name Yesenia was invented in Russia during the years of the NEP, and it was formed from the name of the famous Russian poet of the Silver Age - Sergei Yesenin. It is quite possible that it was at this time that the male name Yeseny was also invented, which is much less common than the female name.

According to another version, the name Yesenia is of Greek origin and means "distant stranger." The name Yesenia is consonant with the name Xenia, which is translated as "guest", "foreigner".

There is also a variant that the name Yesenia comes from the Arabic male name Hassan, which means “good, beautiful” in translation. Moreover, this version is one of the main ones, along with the version that the name comes from the Old Slavonic "Esen".

In 1975, Alfred B. Krevenna’s melodrama with Jacqueline Andere in the title role Yesenia was released in the USSR, which became the absolute record holder of annual rental in the entire history of the USSR, surpassing such films as Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears and Pirates of the 20th Century . After this telenovela of the same name, Yesenia's name became popular in the USSR, today's Russia.

Despite the unusualness, it remains a fact that the name Yesenia is used with quite enviable regularity among Hispanic girls in naming. It can be both the main and the middle name, and it is also pronounced as Khesenia or Yesenia.

A girl named Yesenia is always ready, to the best of her ability, to come to the rescue. You can rely on her, Yesenia will not leave you in trouble and protect you. The girl too easily forgives people for their mistakes and vices, seeks to understand them. At the same time, Yesenia cannot be denied practicality and some resourcefulness.

Yesenia loves animals. She can get a dog for herself, but she will try to throw off the duties of a walk on her loved ones. The fact is that Yesenia loves to sleep in the morning, although if necessary she can get up early and go on business. Winter Yesenia is often quick-tempered, tends to interrupt in a dispute, does not allow her interlocutor to speak out and cannot do it herself. Despite all this, she is a believer. The girl is kind to others, often gives alms, goes to church, but does not like to demonstrate these traits of her character. In general, this is a fragile, tender, beautiful and energetic girl, she can be prudent and obstinate.

At work, Yesenia quickly takes a leading position. Despite the softness of character, a good organizer comes out of the girl. Yesenia's work is helped by her strong will and stable psyche. The girl independently makes decisions, strives for well-being at work. Before committing any act, Yesenia maturely weighs the pros and cons, and therefore she rarely makes mistakes. Yesenia is a restrained and unhurried worker, she does not make sudden rash decisions. Yesenia, especially born in October, knows her worth well as a specialist. She determines the attitude of her superiors and colleagues well, knows who to trust and who will trust her, and who should not be counted on.

Yesenia rarely enters into an early marriage. She must first graduate from college, get on her feet. Financial independence from her husband is important for a girl. Yesenia seeks to avoid any dependence on her husband and parents. The girl always takes care of herself and her home. She is clean and cooks well. But since childhood, all her toys and dolls have been kept in her house. The girl is a good housewife and in marriage, as a rule, she is happy.

Even after marriage, Yesenia continues to maintain a close relationship with her girlfriend. In the family, the girl is the leader. She is caring, but prefers to live apart from her parents. A husband can easily offend her with a rude word.

The wealth of Yesenia's soul is not revealed to others immediately and not to everyone. However, the first impression a girl makes is warmth. She is friendly, affectionate and smiling to everyone, even to those who may not be pleasant to her. At the same time, Yesenia does not seek to create a false impression of herself. The girl is observant, has good intuition, she notices the shortcomings of people and this helps her find an approach to them. It happens that Yesenia is not sure of her actions. She chooses a girlfriend for a long time, but this friendship becomes strong and long. Yesenia loves all kinds of rituals, she goes to weddings with pleasure.

Yesenia's name day

Yesenia does not celebrate a name day.

Notable people named Yesenia

  • Yesenia Volzhankina ((born 1983) Latvian athlete, at the 2010 European Championships in the heptathlon she took eighth position, with a score of 5616 points, which is a personal record. Volzhankina's coach is Yuri Ostashev.)
  • Yesenia Butorina ((born 2003) a promising young gymnast)
  • Yesenia (gypsy, the main character of the Mexican melodrama of the same name)
  • Yesenia Centeno Sosa ((born 1971) Cuban athlete)
  • Yesenia Valencia (Cuban actress)
  • Gil Yesenia Hernandez Escobar ((born 1983) Chilean winner of the Miss Earth 2006 beauty pageant)

According to Dahl, the name Yesenia means autumn, and the word "esen" - means the same as autumn. Perhaps Yesenia was originally the worldly name of a child born in the fall. There are other versions of the origin of the name:

  • - the Slavs had the male name Yesenya (Yeseny), from which the female name Yesenia could also appear;
  • - it is possible that Yesenia appeared from the Slavic word Spring, when the girl was affectionately called "spring", which led to the appearance of the name Yesenia.
  • - some believe that the name Yesenia was invented in Russia during the years of the NEP, and it was formed from the name of the poet Sergei Yesenin.

As you can see, you can’t say for sure where such an unusual name came from. In any case, the female name Yesenia has a positive meaning: it personifies harmony with nature, the wind of wandering, beauty and love.

In English, the name Yesenia is usually written as Esenia or Yesenia. There is no fixed spelling of the name.

In 1975, the melodrama "Yesenia" with Jacqueline Andere in the title role was released in the USSR, which became the absolute record holder of annual rentals in the entire history of the USSR, overtaking such films as "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" and "Pirates of the 20th century." During the year, this film was watched by 91 million viewers. After this film, the name Yesenia became popular.

A short form of the name Yesenia: Enya, Esya, Yesenka, Senya, Senia.

Most often you can hear the full name of Yesenia, because it is very harmonious, attractive, easy to pronounce. A big plus for the name is that age does not matter to him: it is suitable for both a baby in a stroller and an adult woman.

At baptism, the priest will most likely call Yesenia Xenia or Evseivey - it is these options that are most similar to those that are present in the church calendar.

Jacqueline Andere

Yesenia's patrons

  • Planet - Mercury
  • Gemini
  • totem animal- Lark
  • Name color - Variegated colors
  • Plant - Celery
  • Stone - Agate and Emerald

The nature of the name

All the beauty of the soul of a girl with the beautiful name Yesenia is far from being revealed to everyone and not immediately, but the first feeling after meeting her can only be described with warm words - after all, she immediately makes a bright positive impression. A charming smile, affectionate tone, good upbringing and friendliness do not go unnoticed by others. In addition, Yesenia has amazing powers of observation and intuition, which allows her to notice the slightest changes in the mood and behavior of people, which helps to quickly find an approach to them.

Yesenia is a harmonious personality, she does not have any pronounced good or bad character traits. We can safely say that the disadvantages in the character of this girl are practically absent or successfully compensated. She is always ready to help, help out, support in difficult times. This is the man who will never leave you in trouble. The girl is very kind and quick-witted, she quickly forgets all grievances and forgives mistakes, tries to find an explanation and justification for their actions. Such openness often plays a cruel joke with her - the world around her is not always ready to share joy, and this often becomes a cause for disappointment.

Yesenia always perceives what is happening with a positive and a slight smile, regardless of the situation. Such a power of spiritual strength and kindness always attracts many people to her person. In any company or team, she does not go unnoticed, and often even a leader, since some softness of character does not deprive her of organizational abilities. Well, in her work, her will and perseverance always help.

Yesenia Raevskaya

With all this, Yesenia can be described as a rather practical nature. She can be quick-tempered and emotional, in a dispute she stands her ground and never stops it first. Fragile and tender, she can be both obstinate and prudent.

In all areas of life, Yesenia is used to making decisions on her own. Any act is carefully weighed by her, so she rarely makes mistakes and is a responsible, restrained and unhurried worker.

Love, family and marriage

Yesenia is at first very attached to her parents, but later she prefers to live separately, and reign already on her territory. She approaches the decision to marry with some apprehension, rather thoroughly, unhurriedly. In general, for a girl accustomed to independence, this is a rather serious step. If there is a suitable man, understanding, reliable, with similar habits, then marriage with him becomes quite happy and long-term.

As a hostess, Yesenia is almost flawless - household chores are solved quickly and efficiently, children feel warmth, love and care. In the family, she is usually a clear leader, everything is done only with her approval, and you just have to put up with her independent character and the fact that Yesenia devotes a lot of time to work and career.

Rare in Russia, but very beautiful and melodic, soft and melodious name Yesenia is common in Spain. In this country, this is the name of an unusually elegant, bewitching flower.

Origin and meaning of the name

The literal translation from the Turkic name Yesenia is a jasmine flower, beautiful, from Greek - a foreigner, far away. Presumably, the origin of the name originates from the Turkic name Isania (intact, healthy) or the male name Hassan (beautiful).

In Rus', according to the interpretation from Dahl's dictionary, the meaning of the name Yesenia is consonant with "autumn", presumably the name Yesenia - autumn, girls born during this period of the year were called. Until today, the mystery of the name Yesenia has not been solved, some philologists argue that the phonetics of the name is also consonant with spring - the time of flowering and renewal of the forces of nature.

Characteristics of the owner and fate

The soft pronunciation of the name Yesenia is completely incompatible with the firm, purposeful character of the owners of this name. A strong will and the desire to achieve what was conceived are characteristic of these seemingly calm and balanced women.

In order to slightly soften the harsh nature of the energy of this name, it is given to a girl with a soft energy meaning of a patronymic (Nikolai, Ilya, Alexei).

The female name Yesenia gives its owner great demands on her actions and thoughts, and does not give way to the close people around her. It should be noted that a woman with this name is more strict with herself than with others. Therefore, from childhood, it is not necessary to point out to the child his mistakes and mistakes, the girl herself perfectly analyzes the events and understands how the situation can be corrected.

The character of Yesenia can be described in one word - the Winner. For this woman, there are no barriers in her career. Not in love - she always achieves what she wants.

Career and profession

This child knows what profession he will choose at school, has an intellect developed beyond his years and a seriousness of aspirations unusual for children. The name Yesenia for a girl is a guarantee of success in any profession.

There is practically no specialty in which Yesenia does not become a recognized leader and eventually a boss. She has excellent analytical skills and can calculate any situation seven moves ahead.

Family and love

Yesenia has the best marriage relations with men who can recognize her undeniable leadership and authority. Such a woman knows how to love selflessly and selflessly, they never forgive betrayal or betrayal. Yesenia's family is created late, as they try to find an ideal that corresponds to all ideal ideas about the object of love, they choose men much older than themselves, they are usually happy in marriage, where there are no more than three children.

It is not easy with them, since Yesenia does not like to show her feelings, it is difficult for her chosen one to understand whether she is sincerely disposed towards him. Girls with the name Yesenia need to be taught from childhood to demonstrate emotionality, since in their personal lives it is precisely because of their closeness that these women can have many problems.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

There is no such name in the Orthodox calendar. Consonant with the name of Yesenia is the beautiful and sonorous church name of Yesia, a student of the martyr Pankratius.

Name day dates in 2018

The name day of Yesia (Yesenia) is celebrated June 20. But, if you follow the historical meaning of the name, then this gentle, unusual name can be given to girls born in spring and autumn.

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