Feng Shui air bell. Bells and bells - magical and healing

In the distant past, people believed that the ringing of bells protected from evil spirits. This ring called the parishioners to the service and accompanied the wedding on the way from church to home. To prevent trouble with animals, bells were hung around their necks. They were sewn onto their robes as amulets that would protect those wearing the robes. There is a tradition in China - it is necessary that the house “sound”, otherwise the house will not normal life. Therefore, the inhabitants of China associate the ringing of bells with the sound of the house. Such notes of your home, “to, re, mi, fa”.

The sounds of the home correspond to the five elements of feng shui: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each of the elements corresponds to five musical keys - “do, re, mi, salt, la”. On this basis, a Chinese set of 5 bells, called fun-lin, was invented. These bells create the "sound" of the house and protect it, creating a favorable atmosphere in the house. When the notes sound in unison, the home is provided with peace, prosperity and comfort. Hang at least one Chinese bell in the center of the apartment in which these notes sound, and your life in the house will become a real joy.

But modern planning usually involves the presence of a wall in the center of the dwelling. If this is your layout, use other bells that match the notes indicated.

More about bells: “to”. The bell with this note should be made of ceramic, yellow or brown, preferably with drawings in the form of mountain hills or rocks. This bell should be placed in the southwest or northeast of the house.

"Re". This bell must be metal, white or gray color with the image of a clock or a jug. It should be located in the western or northwestern part of the apartment.

Bell "mi" wooden. Gamma green and other colors, located in the east or southeast.

Salt note. A bell with this note can be made from any metal, but you need to decorate the bell with feathers or bows of red threads, you can depict any triangular figure on it. It must be hung strictly in the south.

And finally, "la". The bell can be made of ceramic, metal or wood, always blue or blue. You should paint the bell with various wavy lines. It should be located in the north of the house.

But, if your house does not have at least one bell with a note, then instead of happiness, problems and disappointments will come to your house. The lack of a “do” note leads to health problems for the owner of the house. If you have not hung a bell with the note “re” in your home, then health problems will haunt the hostess. Without the note "mi" troubles can happen with children. The absence of the “salt” bell leads to financial difficulties in the family. And if there is no bell with the note “la” in the house, then the house itself is under threat.

Thus, any problems of the inhabitants of the house or the house itself can be solved by adjusting the correct tone of the bells in the house.

The bell can sound from a light gust of wind. Therefore, it is better to hang the bells at an open window or front door, that is, in a draft. Each bell must hang on a cord made of natural material. They should hang at such a height that the inhabitants of the house do not touch their heads. You can hang 3 bells nearby at once, the laces on which they hang must be tied with three knots. This will provide additional protection to the home and the people in it. Before hanging the bell on a string, take the bell in right hand, go to the front door and say: "Evil forces away from home, good spirits, stay here." Then slowly go around the house around the perimeter counterclockwise, go into every corner, ringing the bell at the same time. Upon completion, open the front door, ring it three times and close it. And after that, you can hang a bell.

Photo: Werayut Banjongkaew/Rusmediabank.ru

Bell ringing has long been attributed special properties.

It was believed that it protects from evil spirits, protects from the evil eye and other negative influences. The bells were rung not only in connection with church services but also on days of dramatic events or epidemics.

Many Slavic peoples in the old days it was customary to bathe in springs and springs when the bell rings. This allegedly contributed to health, and the girls helped get rid of freckles and become more beautiful. And under the Christmas bell ringing, the red maidens gathered to tell fortunes about marriage. The greasy coating, which was removed from the bells during cleaning, was used by our ancestors as a healing ointment against various skin diseases.

Today, researchers from the Institute of the Lithosphere decided to check whether the miraculous beliefs about are at least partially true. They managed to find out that the ringing bells emit ultrasonic waves that inhibit the vital activity of many pathogens - for example, they destroy influenza viruses, jaundice, typhoid bacillus and other infectious agents.

In the old days, small bells were endowed with no less power. Most often, bells were used as amulets, sewn on clothes as protection against the evil eye and spoilage, hung over cribs, hung them on trees near burials ... They also believed that medicine or plain water poured into a bell cured ailments, especially those associated with the organs of speech. So, the Serbs gave water to the children from the bell so that they would quickly start talking.
Before the invention of electric bells, bells were hung over the entrance to the house, over the gate or gate, tied around the neck of livestock. This was done not only so that the owners could hear when the guest arrives, or so that the cattle would not get lost. The ringing of bells also dispelled "impure" energy and protected cows, sheep, and goats from witchcraft and other evil things.

Now in stores of esoteric goods you can find special bells, which, according to ancient Chinese teachings, need to be hung over doors to clear the space and attract positive qi energy into the room. But in order to make the bell "work", you need to follow certain rules.

First of all, you should not buy Chinese bells made of plastic - they are "lifeless". You can only purchase artifacts made of metal, crystal or clay.

As a home amulet, a bell made of silver or steel is most suitable. It should be hung where air flows constantly, for example, on a window or above front door where it will be rocked by a draft.

It is desirable that the length of the thread or rope on which the bell will be hung be 7 centimeters - this sacred number. Color will suit any. You can braid three threads into a pigtail - this will enhance the magic of the bell. In this case, one thread should be red, the other white, and the third black. Threads or ropes must be of natural origin - from wool, linen, cotton or hemp.

You can hang a bell on a curtain or next to it, tie it to any decorative element - a bow, frill, lambrequin. But curtains and decorative ornaments should not be dark in color - the latter already absorb the negative. In addition, make sure that direct electric light does not fall on the bell, otherwise its power will be neutralized. But the direct sunlight of the amulet is even shown.

If your bell is made of crystal or clay, then it should not be large in size. You need to hang such bells on a red satin ribbon, the edges of which are wrapped with black or white thread.

There should not be too many patterns on the bell. But if there are no drawings on it at all, then take red ink and draw three stripes in a circle.

If the bell is broken, this indicates an attack from some " dark forces". In this case, it should be replaced. Also, if you notice that the ringing of the bell has changed, become “sader”, or it has stopped ringing at all, then the amulet has exhausted its power.

When you buy to replace the old one, it must be larger than the previous one. But throwing away the old bell is not worth it - close it inside with bread crumb and hide it in a secluded place. A year later, you can start using it again - say, no longer at home, but in the office.

The bell can also become your personal amulet. To do this, wear it on the key like a keychain. If there are any difficulties along the way, for example, public transport does not arrive for a long time, you cannot catch a passing car, take out your “amulet” and call them, “commanding” the problem to be solved. The result will not keep you waiting!

Those who dream of meeting their "half" need to hang at home or carry a bunch of two paired bells. Their ringing will attract a potential partner to you faster.

From hoary antiquity, it was believed that the ringing of bells scared away evil demons. The bell chime called the parishioners to the service, bell ringing escorted the wedding couple from church to home. on the neck of animals - so that trouble does not happen to them, they were sewn to clothes - like protective amulets. Druids decorated sacred trees with bells. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire associated the ringing of bells with the sound of the house: according to Chinese tradition, the house must “sound”, otherwise life is impossible in it.

"Do", "re", "mi" of your apartment
The sound of the house correlates with: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of these elements corresponds to 5 tones of the ancient Chinese musical mode - pentatonic scale - "do", "re", "mi", "sol", "la".
Hence - and the traditional Chinese set of 5 fun-lin bells, guarding and voicing the house, creating a habitable habitat. If these notes sound in unison, harmony, peace, prosperity reign in the house. If you want to achieve this effect, hang one Chinese bell in the middle of your apartment that uses these notes.
However, the layout of our apartments is such that sometimes there is a wall in the center of the apartment. In this case, you can use Valdai bells, the sound of each of which corresponds to the indicated notes.

A bell with a note “to” should be made of ceramic, brown or yellow, it’s good if it has a pattern in the form of mountains, rocks, located in the southwest or northeast of your apartment.

A bell with a “re” note made of metal (copper, iron, bronze, silver, gold) of white, gray or ocher colors, a jug or a clock should be depicted on it, it should be placed in the western or northwestern part of the house.

Bell with the note "mi" - made of wood, in green tones, with the image of flowers, placed in the east or southeast.

A bell with a note of "salt" - from any material, but this bell must be decorated with feathers, bows made of woolen thread, mostly red, any figures with a triangular ornament should be depicted on it, hung in the south.

Bell with a note "la" - can be ceramic, metal or wooden, always blue or light blue, painted with wavy lines, located in the north.

If there are not enough notes

  • The loss of the sound “do” from the general chorus means problems or illness in the owner of the house (head of the family);
  • loss of "re" - from the hostess (wife);
  • "mi" - trouble with children;
  • fake "salt" - warns of a financial crisis in the family;
  • "la" - about the threat to the house itself.

The meaning of this ratio is that certain problems of households could be solved by setting the desired tone of home bells.

The bell must sound
The bell should sound - for example, from the vibrations of the wind. Therefore, it should hang in a draft: at the front door, on the window. You need to hang it on a thin cord made of natural materials. The height is such that it does not touch his head. To enhance protection, you can hang 3 bells at once. The laces on which they are suspended must be tied with three knots.

Guardian Ritual
The active use of the bell as a protector of the house begins with a certain ritual. Before hanging it on a string, the bell must be taken in the right hand. Go to the front door and, ringing three times, say: “ Evil spirits leave my house, good spirits, stay with me.” After that, ringing the bell, slowly go around the whole house around the perimeter, counterclockwise, going into every corner. Upon completion of the bypass, you must open the front door. Ring again three times and close. And only after that hang the bell in the right place.

Now, quite often, when entering a house, office or store, you can see feng shui pendants hanging from pipes or feng shui bells hanging on the door. They are also called "wind music" Feng Shui. They often fit well into the interior, as they are very beautifully decorated and look quite aesthetically pleasing, but still their main advantage is the cleansing of space. These "beautiful little things" reduce the level of negative energy in the room and help resolve conflicts.

feng shui wind music

It is recommended to hang “wind music” feng shui in those places where there are air vibrations, so that these feng shui bells ring periodically, making pleasant and useful sounds. They are also sometimes called air bells, or wind chimes, or Chinese bells. In order to choose the right feng shui air bells, you first need to determine what you want to get from them and of course you need to choose the right direction for placement.

What should be the feng shui bells or "wind music"?

feng shui bells

Due to their design, these are vertically suspended hollow tubes, between which there is a “pendulum tongue” (it strikes the tubes) and the whole structure makes a pleasant melodic sound. Feng Shui bells perfectly convert negative energy into positive energy in the cavities of their tubes. These are the basic rules of "correct" bells - HOLLOW tubes.

The next thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this talisman is the material from which it is made. There are metal (aluminum, copper, brass or even silver), wooden or bamboo, glass or ceramic (porcelain), clay.

The number of pipes in the "wind music" Feng Shui is also quite important. In China, it is believed that bells with seven, eight or nine pipes sound best. Looking ahead, I want to say that they are also found with a different number of tubes (two, three, four, five, six) and are also widely used. But we'll talk about this later.

Where to hang "wind music"?

to protect 5 tubes

Before answering the question "where to hang?" you need to decide for yourself what you want from this talisman. With it, you can protect your home from negative energy or use it to activate energy in a particular sector.

For guard:

In places where energy stagnates and it needs to be given movement (these can be places formed by sharp or right angles of the walls of the room). Periodically touch the “tongue” of the bell so that a pleasant melodic ringing is “born” and the talisman works in full force.

In long narrow corridors or if the door is opposite the window, in this case, the energy flows in a swift stream without stopping in the room. Hanging the “wind music” feng shui here, you will help the positive energy to linger and dissipate around the house.

Outside, for example, if there are “secret arrows” outside the window (to neutralize the feng shui bell is hung in the window opening).

Above the front door, to cleanse the energy "coming" into the room.

According to the general rules of feng shui to protect the room from sha qi, "wind music" should be placed as follows:

wind chime bamboo
  • Metal bells in the northern, western and northwestern sectors.
  • Wooden or bamboo in the eastern and in the south - eastern sectors.
  • Ceramic (porcelain) in the northeast or southwest sectors.

For protection in traditional Feng Shui, air bells with five tubes are usually used.

To activate by sector:

Sector Helpers and Patrons

(North-West) for the acquisition of support in life - metal "wind music" Feng Shui with 6 tubes.

Sector of Love

(Southwest) to improve existing relationships or to attract new ones - ceramic (porcelain) "wind music" with 2 tubes.

Sector of Children and Creativity

(West) for the implementation of creative plans, for improving relationships with children or if you wish to have a child - a metal air bell with 7 tubes.

Career Sector

(North) for career advancement. Getting new opportunities for self-realization in the service or changing jobs for a better one - metal "wind music" Feng Shui with 6 or 7 tubes.

wind music metal

Sector of Study and Self-Improvement

(Northeast) for self-improvement or successful study - ceramic air bell of 8 tubes.

Family Sector

(East) to improve relations in the family and with their environment - a wooden "wind chime" with 3 tubes.

Wealth Sector

(Southeast) to improve the financial situation - a wooden "wind chime" with 4 pipes.

Sector of Success

(South) for success and realization of oneself in life - wooden "wind music" from 9 pipes.

The number of tubes must match the number of the selected sector.

According to the ancient oriental teaching called Feng Shui, the bell is the most powerful apotropaic and talisman. The bell has properties to protect the house from negative energies, and its ringing from the slightest breath of breeze brings both good luck and happiness.

Where can you hang this talisman?

If you hang bells in front of the entrance to the house or directly above the entrance door, then their ringing will drive away all negativity, evil energy and misfortune. To bring good luck to the house in the love sphere, it is necessary to hang such a bell in the bedroom, preferably above the headboard. This will also have a positive effect on family relationships. For healing, healing, or maintaining good health, bells can be hung near windows so that they can protect against incoming diseases. If the purpose of hanging the bells is to attract good luck in the financial sector, then the auspicious place for the bell to ring is the kitchen (preferably hung over the table).

How to make such a talisman as a bell work?

Hanging bells is a kind of ritual. And in order for the bell to start working, it is not enough to hang it in the right and appropriate place. The bell must be charged with a certain positive energy by putting it on a ribbon of any color. The red color of the ribbon brings love and love harmony, while the green color has a positive effect on health and financial condition. The blue ribbon brings happiness to the house, as well as success and good luck in all endeavors.

An important factor is that during the time when the bell is hung on the tape, you need to think and make secret desires that are important to you. The more desirable the wish is, the greater the likelihood that the wish will come true!

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