Love divination “Fight for love. Fortune telling Lenormand - Restoring relationships Fortune telling whether the relationship will continue

This alignment will show how your partner feels about marriage, how he would like to see his future spouse the way he sees you. With the help of divination Wedding ring»on Madame Lenormand's oracle cards, you will also find out what you should change in yourself, what or who prevents the creation of your family, which will help you get married sooner, and also what is the prospect of creating a family with your chosen one.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Lenormand - Silence. Sometimes it happens that the person with whom you communicated suddenly moves away from you, stops responding to your attempts to get in touch with him. This happens quite often in relationships, when a man does not consider it necessary to explain to a woman the reason for his departure, believing that in this way he can put an end to a love affair. However, there are situations when there are reasons for "silence"; a person can have any life difficulties that he does not want or cannot talk about. In order to find out the reasons, we suggest using this alignment. With the help of this layout, you will find out what is really happening, what are the reasons, whether the person will get in touch at the time you have chosen, and how relations will develop in this case in the future

Fortune telling on the oracle Lenormand - Marital status of the partner. This alignment will help you clarify the situation related to the personal life of the person of interest. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about his marital status, the presence of children, relationships in the family or personal life, if there is no family, you will find out what he wants to get from a relationship with you, how he plans to develop relationships with you, and also what is the prospect relationship with him

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Tosca. With the help of this divination, you can find out what to do to calm the longing, if someone can help with this, and what will be the final result. This divination is used in complex life situations when it is difficult to endure the pain of parting with a loved one

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Three secrets. This divination is universal; it can also be used for love divination to open important aspects relationships that are not yet available to you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is accessible, understandable, obvious in a relationship for you, and what escapes your attention. You will also learn a secret that will soon be revealed to you, will become a revelation

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Just a friend. This divination is used in a situation where you need to find out more about a person who is a friend. This fortune-telling will show what goal this person pursues in a relationship, what he expects, what are his true feelings, thoughts about relationships, can this friendship develop into love

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Hyades. This alignment symbolizes the constellation Hyades. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how communication with a new person will take place in your life, how the beginning and development of the intended communication will proceed, and what the outcome will be.

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Crescent. This alignment will help analyze relationships, find out how compatible you are, what unites you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out whether your views on life, attitudes towards marriage, work, and money converge.

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Bow. This alignment is used in case of a conflict in a love relationship. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is in your partner’s heart, what his steps towards reconciliation will be, and also what you can do on your part to reconcile

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - The truth is out. This fortune-telling will show what relationships mean to you, what would you like to change in them, what are you afraid of in a relationship with a loved one, and also what would your partner want to change in a relationship, are there common ground between you, what are the prospects for the development of relations

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Love horseshoe. This alignment will give a description of the relationship: in the past, present and future. With the help of this divination, you will also learn about your hopes, fears and expectations associated with relationships, likely conflict situations that you may have to face.

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Work on breaking up relationships. This fortune-telling will show the main reason for the destruction of relationships. With the help of this alignment, you will find out who contributed to the breakup more - you or your partner, what is happening in the relationship at the moment, and also find out if it is possible to continue the relationship in the future

Auto layout — Teresa Michelson

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - The road of love. This complex layout is designed for a detailed analysis of relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what connects you with your partner, what common views on relationships unite you, and where your views differ. This alignment will show how relations will develop in the future (for any given period)

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - The Mysterious Triangle. This alignment will show the situation in the relationship at the moment, the causes of problems in the relationship. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how relationships will develop in the near future.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - Pros and cons. This layout is effective in cases where love relationship are in the development stage, but are in doubt, as well as when it is necessary to determine once and for all whether it is worth continuing relations with a partner, what are the prospects for this union

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - Nostalgia. This fortune-telling is well suited for situations where partners have parted, but feelings and pleasant memories haunt and again and again return them to the idea that not everything is lost.

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Fateful meeting. This alignment will show whether the meeting of the future life partner will take place, under what circumstances it will happen, how relationships will develop, what the person destined by fate will be like, and also what needs to be changed in yourself in order to attract love into your life

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Wounded heart. This alignment will help you find out about feelings for each other, what the relationship looks like at the moment, what actions of yours or your partner’s actions can cause you mutual resentment and disappointment, and what are the prospects for the development of relations in the future

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Secret Veil. This layout will help you find out if your partner has a secret from you, what area of ​​life he is swinging, what is the essence of the problem, why is your partner hiding it, what will it lead to

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Former love. This fortune-telling will characterize the relationship; you will learn what this relationship was for you and your ex, how you perceived each other, and why you cannot let go and forget your former love

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Family photo. This alignment is used to analyze family relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how relationships really develop and how you perceive them, as well as what to expect in family relationships soon

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Weekly layout for relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how relations will develop over the next week, what feelings, thoughts will prevail during this period, as well as the outcome of the week

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Half the kingdom for the prince. This fortune-telling will help you get more information about the man of interest; what kind of women he likes, what connects you with each other, what he is afraid of in a relationship with you, and also what you need to do to win him

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - Karmic connections. This interesting alignment will show you what your relationship with a person was like in past life What united you, what feelings did you have for each other. You will find out what your karmic tasks are in this life and what this karmic connection will bring

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - True Love. With the help of this divination, you will find out if this is really real love, will you be happy together, does your chosen one think about creating a family, a wedding, what can interfere with your happiness and what awaits you in the future

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Karmic trace. This layout is designed to search for the karmic meaning of relationships, the causes of a love affair. This fortune-telling will show how your loved one perceives you, what feelings you experience, what awaits your union in the future

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Companion of life. This alignment will help you get to know the person with whom you are going to connect your fate better. You will find out what unites you, what you are opposite in, how your relationship will develop in the future

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - The reason for loneliness. This divination will help you understand the reasons for your loneliness, how to eliminate them, the lessons that you need to learn. With the help of this alignment, you will find out what are your chances of establishing a personal life over the next year.

In the life of every person there are so-called love triangles. And it is not always possible to understand whether these relationships are worth the struggle or whether a person who divides his love into three should be thrown out of life. The situations are different. This free divination will help you understand how to properly solve such a delicate problem. It will tell about your relationship with a partner and about his relationship with a third party. Based on this, you can understand who is his rival, just a passing fad or something more.

Make a layout

How does your partner feel about you?

The first position, “What your partner feels for you,” will help you assess the seriousness of his feelings, tell you how important you are to him and whether he is ready to fight for the development of your relationship.

How does he feel about his opponent?

The second position "What he feels for the opponent" will tell you what is behind his attraction to another person. By comparing the meaning of the Tarot cards in the first and second position, you will understand who has the first place in his heart.

How does the opponent feel about him?

The third position "How the opponent feels about him" will help you gauge the seriousness of her intentions. Whether she treats your lover as a trophy on a love hunt or is really in love with him, you will understand from this card.

What happens if you start fighting for a relationship

The fourth position “What will happen if you start fighting for a relationship” will tell you what will happen if you try to return your love by any means. A positive card indicates that the struggle will bear fruit. Negative warns that it is pointless to fight.

To perform divination, select the desired deck, press and hold the image of the deck of cards below on the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Divination Restoring relationships. A very interesting and popular alignment, it is used when you need to find out how you can restore relationships with your loved one, boss, relatives. Such versatility of this prediction makes it a very useful common one. The applied interpretation of card values ​​is very interesting, it is very concise and at the same time quite informative. Conducting the layout will not cause you any difficulties, you will have to think a little about the interpretation, since you will need to interpret the meanings of seven cards, and this is not so little.

Online divination technique:

We will predict using the Lenormand card deck. Imagine a person with whom there are difficulties in communication, throughout the whole scenario, keep his mental image in your mind. Mix the deck well and slide part of it towards you with your left hand. Then, from any place in the deck, take out seven cards in turn and lay them out in front of you with the pictures up, after which you can begin to interpret the fortune-telling. For divination on our website, tune in and click on the deck of cards located below on the page.

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