For how long can you pump up the hands of a girl. How to pump up the hands of a girl? Proper training and exercises.

Many girls are faced with such a problem as sagging muscles in their arms. As a result, even a slim figure looks ugly. That is why it is important to know how a girl to dry her hands at home so that they are taut. It is worth saying that the muscles in this area allow you to visually correct the existing imbalances of the figure, for example, wide hips and shoulders. You can train your arms along with your back.

How to pump up the hands of a girl?

Since the muscles in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body are not voluminous, results can be achieved in a short time. Do not be afraid that training with additional weight will make the figure ugly and masculine, because for this you need to take sports nutrition and use a lot of weight. You can train your hands 2-3 times a week. It is important to note that shaking hands at home is important for girls once every 2-3 months. change the complex or swap exercises, as the muscles get used to the load and progress will stop. Perform each exercise in several sets of 15-20 times.

If it is not possible to visit a fitness center, you can learn how to pump up a girl’s arms at home. This is not so difficult to do, but these exercises are important, since not only the muscles of the arms, but also the back are strengthened, which is very useful for the spine and joints. The girl does not need large arm muscles at all, so home workouts should be enough.

How to pump up the hands of a girl at home

Most often, the need for pumping this particular zone occurs in women or due to muscle flabbiness with age, which without physical exertion can already appear by the age of 35, as well as due to muscle flabbiness from sudden weight loss, which can happen at a young age. .

How to pump up the arms of a girl: exercises

Do not be afraid of muscle pumping. To get pumped up, like a bodybuilder's arms, you need to work hard with a lot of weight. Knowing how to pump up a girl’s arms at home, small dumbbells of 1-2 kg are quite enough. Instead, you can use half-liter water bottles. A large number of repetitions will remove excess body fat, and with special diligence, it will help create a small relief.

The warm-up is aimed at working all the muscles and warming them up, then they perform exercises on the front of the arms, and then on the most problematic place for women - triceps - the back muscle of the arms.

Warm up

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Slowly raise your arms up as you inhale, lower as you exhale. Repeat up to 10 times.

Feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. Start with the rotation of the hands, then at the elbow, then the windmill from the shoulder. Perform to mild fatigue.

Take dumbbells. Hands pressed to the chest. To pump up the arms of a girl at home, lunge with your foot and throw the opposite arm forward. Up to 10 times for each hand.

Push-ups from the wall are not only good for the arms, but also for the chest.


Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells bend and unbend alternately at a fast pace. 30 times for each hand. You can repeat 2-3 times.

Sitting, the knees form a strictly angle of 90 degrees. The elbow rests on the area just above the knee. Arm with a dumbbell to bend and unbend is not very fast. To pump up the hands of a girl at home, perform to fatigue.


Feet shoulder-width apart, torso tilted parallel to the floor. Find support with your free hand. The upper part of the arm with dumbbells should be pressed against the body. Bend and unbend this arm. Change hands after fatigue.

Can be done sitting or standing. Both hands with dumbbells are high above the head. Elbows are pressed to the head. Bend and unbend your arms at the elbow. To pump up the hands of a girl at home, do it very slowly to the point of fatigue. Repeat again.

How to pump up a girl's hands beautifully

For many women and girls, the very thought of building muscle leads to a state of shock. For some reason, the image of a bodybuilder with embossed muscles immediately appears. But, by the way, without a special diet, hard training, a specific lifestyle and, as a rule, taking special drugs, it is almost impossible to achieve such results (the same applies to men). How can a girl build muscle so that it benefits?

Firstly, there is much less testosterone in the female body than in the male body. Namely, this hormone is responsible for building muscle. Therefore, all women's fears about transformation into a muscular scarecrow that frightens many men are absolutely groundless. Quite the opposite: regular physical activity will make a woman much sexier and more attractive: a thin waist, high breasts, beautiful legs without signs of cellulite ...

Most women worry that as a result of training, weight is added. Indeed, a few kilograms will appear, but is there a difference between fat and toned muscles? You will not look full from this, on the contrary, the figure will become more toned and clear. In addition, physical training is a great way to strengthen the immune system - so that you will not be threatened by respiratory and vascular diseases.

How to get started

Please note that you should not immediately grab the dumbbells or the barbell. Training should be started gradually - severe muscle pain after a too exhausting workout can nullify all desire to build muscle. First you need to do general aerobic exercises for the whole body. This can be running, outdoor games (for example, the same tennis), cycling, swimming. This will allow you to gradually accustom the muscles to the load.

Continued training

After the muscles get stronger, you can begin to perform more serious exercises. By the way, keep in mind that fat is not burned at all in those places that are aimed at training. The volume will only increase further. That is why preparation will be useful - due to an increase in the energy consumption of the body, the fat layer will decrease, and tightened muscles will take its place. Pay the most attention to the press, buttocks, hips and chest.

Now you understand how a girl can beautifully pump up the muscles of her arms and other parts of her body. It is better to do this with an experienced instructor who will tell you which exercises are right for you.

The fitness training program for girls usually includes 2-3 isolated shoulder exercises. These can be exercises such as the Seated Dumbbell Press and the Dumbbell Side Raise.

If your program has basic exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, bench press), then the shoulders are already receiving a load and you will not need a large number of isolation exercises (involving mainly one muscle group).

How often do shoulder exercises for girls?

Due to the fact that the deltas get a load in many basic exercises, it is more than enough to do 2-3 isolating 1 time per week. Only those girls who purposefully try to build up as much muscle mass as possible will succeed in "pumping" their shoulders; regularly training with heavy weights, eating a calorie surplus and using drugs that increase testosterone levels. If your goal is a slender body without excess fat and you eat accordingly, then you will not be able to pump up big shoulders.

Number of repetitions and approaches

If your goal is weight loss, it is best to follow 12-15 reps in 3 sets for each exercise. Beginners are also advised to do at least 12 repetitions in order to remember the technique. Start with the lightest dumbbells and try to do more reps each workout than the last. When you can easily do all 15 repetitions, you need to take heavier dumbbells.

If the main goal of training is to increase muscle mass, then the recommended number of repetitions for girls is 10-12 reps / 3 sets.


  • sit on a bench with a back (to reduce the load on your back);
  • starting position - arms bent at the elbows, shoulders slightly below parallel with the floor;
  • squeeze the dumbbells up, while not bringing them together, and do not unbend your arms to the end (they remain slightly bent at the elbows);
  • do not perform the exercise sharply - rise by 2 counts, return to the starting position by 2-3 counts;
  • do not bring your elbows forward, they always look to the sides.


  • take the dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing you;
  • bend your elbows and press your shoulders to the body (do not spread your elbows to the sides);
  • squeeze the dumbbells up, rotating your wrists at the moment when the elbows are at the level of the chin;
  • lower the dumbbells down by rotating your wrists in reverse order.


  • starting position - standing, hands with dumbbells should be on the front of the thighs;
  • raise your arms through the sides, lower;
  • raise your hands in front of you, lower;
  • dumbbells should be raised until the shoulders are parallel to the floor or slightly higher;
  • you should not lift the dumbbells with a jerk or help yourself with the help of the torso - this will reduce the load on the deltas.


  • take dumbbells, arms slightly bent at the elbows;
  • pull the dumbbells up with the help of the muscles of the shoulders, trying to involve the biceps and triceps as little as possible;
  • the shoulders are always above the forearms, the purpose of the exercise is to raise the shoulders to parallel with the floor or slightly higher, and not to touch the chin with the dumbbells.


  • lie on an incline bench face down;
  • slightly bend your arms with dumbbells at your elbows;
  • raise your arms up through your sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor;
  • do not throw your hands down, keep muscle tension.

Building is great. But much better than a slender figure looks taut. And this is achieved not only by exercises for the press or buttocks. The rest of the muscles also need training, and above all - With age, they begin to sag and lose shape very quickly. The result is flabby arms that give away a woman's age, no matter how slim she may be. At the same time, a girl does not have to build muscle mass, as bodybuilders do, it is enough to keep herself in good shape.

What do you need for exercise?

If for some reason it is not possible to go to the gym, do not despair. The answer to the question of how to pump up a girl's arms without a gym lies on the surface. Everything can be achieved at home. Moreover, the apartment is a unique place where, if desired, you can find all the necessary equipment for training. Don't have dumbbells? But there are water bottles.

Don't have hands? But there is a chair! The most important thing is desire and willpower. Below we will tell you how to pump up a girl's hands.

And if everything is more or less clear with desire, then a lack of willpower can become a serious problem on the way to achieving a beautiful hand shape. So, to complete the following set of exercises, you will need:

  • mat;
  • dumbbells or any weight, at least water bottles;
  • crossbar;
  • chair;

Most of the above can be easily found in any apartment, so doing at home is not only possible, but necessary.

How to pump up a girl's hands and remain feminine at the same time?

The main rule is to train often and little by little. The regularity of classes is an indispensable condition for the formation of beautiful, but not pumped muscles. Loads also play an important role. It is better to leave heavy dumbbells for the stronger sex, replacing them with light ones weighing up to 1.5 kg. For those who don’t know how to pump up a girl’s arms, water bottles can be the best substitute for exercise equipment. They will perfectly fulfill the role of dumbbells and keep family budget. But more on that later. There are many other equally effective exercises that will answer the question of how to beautifully pump up a girl’s arms.

Exercise 1. Classic push-ups

This exercise works not only the arms, but also other muscle groups. In particular, an excellent load goes to the abdominal muscles and back. In addition, pectoral muscles are trained, which help maintain a beautiful bust shape.

Exercise 2. Dips, or reverse push-ups

Starting position - sitting on a bench or on a chair. Hands are shoulder-width apart and rest against the seat, and legs are extended and barely touch the floor with the heels. Bend your arms until your elbows are parallel to the floor and slowly return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 approaches. You need to be careful with this exercise, as there is a chance of muscle strain.

Exercise 3. Extension of arms with dumbbells

How to pump up a girl’s arms with dumbbells and avoid building muscle mass? The answer lies on the surface - you need to take small dumbbells. But often, in pursuit of a quick result, girls try to give their muscles as much stress as possible. However, training must be approached wisely.

So, consider the first Take them in your hands and lift them parallel to the floor. Now, as you inhale, raise it above your head, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Do 10-12 approaches.

Exercise 4. Working out the biceps

Do not be afraid of the name of this exercise, since the muscles in girls grow very, very reluctantly, and it is almost impossible to pump over. The starting position for the exercise is standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hand from the dumbbell to chest level, and then pull it towards you, making sure that the elbow remains parallel to the ground. Lower your arm while raising the other and repeating the exercise. Do 10-12 approaches.

Exercise 5

Thinking about how to pump up the hands of a girl, we must not forget about pull-ups. This is not a barbell, so it will not bring harm to the figure. Moreover, hanging, like pull-ups, is one of the standards that children pass at school up to and including the 11th grade. Performing this simplest exercise, you make an effort to bend your arms. At this time, and this, as you know, is one of the most problematic areas. It is these muscles that begin to sag with age.

Exercise 6. Hanging on the bar

Starting to shape the arms, many mistakenly believe that the greater the load on the biceps, the better. But this is not an answer to the question, a girl or a guy. The bicep is just one of many muscles. Triceps deserves much more attention. To work it out, a simple hang on the crossbar is used. This is just the case when the more you hang, the better.

Exercise 7. Study of the shoulder joint and ligaments

The shoulder is the most vulnerable and traumatic place. In addition, he is never given due attention during training. Meanwhile, it is the beautiful line of the shoulder that will allow you to wear open dresses and seductive T-shirts. The easiest way to work out this part of the muscles with dumbbells or other weights.

To do this, you need to slightly bend your legs and tilt the body so that it is parallel to the floor. On inspiration, the arms fall down, parallel to the legs, and on exhalation, they wind up behind the back. In this position, it is recommended to linger for 5-10 seconds so that the muscles receive the necessary static load.

Precautions for those who are interested in how to pump up a girl's arms with dumbbells

The weaker sex often sins by going to extremes. Therefore, any fitness activity, especially at home, can end up in a hospital bed. In order to prevent this from happening, the most important thing is to gradually increase the load, and in the case of dumbbells, do not unbend the arm completely so that the above set of exercises is not a complete answer to the question of how to pump up a girl's hands. It is best to select a program individually with a good coach.

None of the men will refuse beautiful hands with embossed muscles, because the hands are the visible part of the body, which can most often be shown to others. Well, when the muscles are given by nature, in all other cases the question becomes relevant: how to pump up your arms at home quickly and efficiently?

Professionals have given enough recommendations on how to pump up your hands at home. It remains to listen to the advice and start training. Experts say that if you train correctly, then in a month or two you can get beautiful embossed arms, having worked out the pectoral muscles in parallel.

Exercises with which you can quickly pump up the relief muscles of the hands at home:

  • Flexion and extension. Perhaps the most simple exercises, which will not be difficult to perform correctly. At home, in order to quickly pump up your hands, it is recommended to use a barbell from improvised means. A few simple rules regarding the question of how to quickly pump up your arms with a barbell:
  1. Decide on weight. To quickly pump up your hands from home, you should not immediately take exorbitant weight, this will lead to a violation of the technique. The first month of training you need to learn how to do the exercises correctly, and after that add weight.
  2. Before extensions and flexions, a warm-up is always necessary, with the help of which the athlete will stretch a little, warm up the muscles and improve blood flow.

At home, the complex is correctly performed as follows:

  1. The man should stand against the wall, while the back remains straight.
  2. The neck is taken with a wide grip, the brush wraps around the neck from below.
  3. We raise-lower the bar to the chest and away from the chest, without moving the elbows.
  4. At the bottom point, the elbows are not fully unbent.
  5. After several approaches, the grip is changed. The brush is located above the neck and the barbell is pulled to the chest.

During the exercise, not only the shoulders work, but also the back of the man.

  • Exercises with dumbbells. It differs from the previous method. Below we will tell you how to pump up your arms with dumbbells yourself at home in three ways:
  1. Lifting dumbbells alternately. The technique is simple: a man, sitting on a bench or stool, raises and lowers his hand from a dumbbell. At the top point, you need to make a stop and count to 3-4, then slowly lower your hand.
  2. The second method is called "hammer". Both hands work at the same time. The technique is no different from the previous one.
  3. Dumbbell rows to build the back of your shoulder. We are talking about the back delta, which even some professional athletes forget about in the process of training. Meanwhile, pumping up the back of the delta is easy. The man should lie on the bench with his stomach, while inhaling, the dumbbells rise up to the level of the chest, and the elbows are spread to the side. As you exhale, lower your arms slowly.

Any of the proposed techniques allows you to pump up your arms and get beautiful shoulders after a month or two of training with increasing weight at home. The advantage of training with dumbbells is the ability to give different loads to the hands, taking into account the anatomical features of the man. How much weight can each take specific man to pump up your arms, it's hard to say. It all depends on the degree of fitness and the ability to endure physical activity.

  • Many are interested in how to pump up your arms at home with push-ups and whether it is realistic to do it. The answer is to pump up your hands in this way is quite real. With the help of push-ups from the floor, you can strengthen the muscles of the hands and pectoral muscles. Moreover, there is more than one exercise of a similar plan to perform at home. Push-up technique:
  1. Classic. The man takes the emphasis lying on slightly bent elbows. The palms are located at the width of the chest. We start pushing. Please note that at the bottom point, the shoulders form a right angle with the forearms. The chest does not touch the floor.
  2. Narrow grip push-up technique. The difference from the previous one is a large and index fingers both hands should touch. Narrow grip allows you to work out the back of the hands.
  3. Wide grip push up technique. Hands are placed wider than shoulders. During the exercise, not only the arms work, but also the pectoral muscles.

There is also a technique of push-ups from the floor with cotton, with legs thrown back. Such a large number of different ways to perform the exercise allows you to pump up different muscle groups exclusively with push-ups. How many push-ups a man should do at a time is not specified. Everything will depend on the fitness and the ultimate goal of the athlete.

  • Bar exercises. Allow at home to quickly work out the muscles of the back, pectoral muscles and arms. To properly train on the uneven bars, you need to learn some rules:
  1. Before training on the uneven bars, be sure to warm up. It is important that the muscles stretch and become more flexible. Warming up will prevent possible injury.
  2. For beginners, it is better to use a standard grip on the uneven bars. An overly wide hand position increases the risk of injury.
  3. The regularity of the exercise on the uneven bars will be the key to the success of training.
  4. The ideal number of approaches is 4-5, with repetitions - from 8 to 15.
  5. It is important to maintain tension in all muscle groups, both during lowering and when lifting the torso. Failure to do so simple rule can cause the pectoral muscles to overstretch and cause injury.
  6. Exercises on the uneven bars are performed quickly, but without jerking.

If a man wants to give an additional load on the pectoral muscles, then the bars must be placed wider. Also, giving a load on the large pectoral muscles, you need to make sure that the legs do not touch the floor, but are bent at the knees and pulled up to the body. The elbows should be apart and the back slightly rounded. Technique is often posted on video on the Internet.

  • Exercises on the horizontal bar. You can easily pump up your hands on the horizontal bar. In addition, this method has one, but a big advantage - classes on the horizontal bar do not require any material costs and the execution technique is often quite simple. Basic techniques that allow you to quickly pump up your hands on the horizontal bar:
  1. Reverse grip pull-ups. To do the exercise correctly, hands are shoulder-width apart. The palms should face the athlete. At the top point, the chin touches the crossbar or rises above it.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar using a direct grip. The palms look away from the athlete. The technique is identical to that described above.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with different grips. To hold them, the hands must look in different directions. Change the grip of the hands should be every 5-7 times.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar have their own trick. For the training to be most successful, the first approach must be carried out to the maximum. The second approach is less intense. After all repetitions and a break of several minutes, the man should push himself off the floor the maximum number of times. It is preferable to do the first week in a day or two. Each type of pull-up can be found on the video on the Internet.

When a Personal Trainer Doesn't Hurt

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result by exercising at home, so when the question arises of how to pump up big arms, professional athletes advise exercising in the gym. It does not hurt to seek advice from a personal trainer even if the execution technique seems correct, but it is not possible to achieve the required volumes. Professionals give such advice regarding the question of how to pump up huge hands:

  • Training solely the muscles of the hands is unproductive.
  • To achieve impressive results, especially in the initial stages, be sure to perform all the basic exercises: squats with a barbell, deadlift, bench press.
  • Knowledge of anatomy is welcome. To work out different muscles of the hands, you need to know how they work and where they are located.

When asked how to pump up big arms, professionals answer that it is best to perform the following exercises:

  1. Give a load simultaneously on the biceps and back, as well as the pectoral muscles and triceps. This combination is considered a bodybuilding classic. Complexes can be seen on training videos.
  2. Combination of biceps with pectoral muscles and triceps with back. Exercise can be done every other day. This will allow you to relax individual muscles and start training with renewed vigor.
  3. Simultaneous training of biceps and triceps. The method is good because it allows you to train both muscle groups at the same time, but for this training you will have to allocate a separate day a week.

Some athletes, when asked how to quickly pump up their hands, answer - do supersets. The easiest way to do them is in the gym, since the concept of a superset implies an almost non-stop training process involving different muscle groups in turn. However, professionals warn against abuse in this way. In the form of supersets, 1-2 workouts per week or 5-6 per month can take place.

Instant or slow

And finally, we will highlight the issue regarding the multiplicity of training. Many men think that daily activities will give a more significant effect. This statement is not entirely correct. Muscles do not grow during training, but exclusively between them. Therefore, it is not worth training for a whole month every day. When asked how much per month you need to do, professional athletes say the following:

  • The ideal training schedule is a purely personal matter. How much a man needs to train can only be advised by a personal trainer after assessing the fitness of an athlete.
  • If there is no opportunity to train in the gym and a personal trainer is not available, then the advice is this: it is better to do 9-12 times a month, taking a break between workouts of 2-3 days.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to pump up the muscle mass of the hands. The size and relief of the muscles remain for a long time - a month, two, - without dynamics. In such a situation, you should think: are the workouts built correctly? In this case, professionals advise watching a training video, analyzing the exercises of other athletes in the gym, and asking for help from a personal trainer. A radical change in the training scheme, a fresh look at the usual set of exercises will allow you to “stir up” the dormant arm muscles and make them work.

Psychology of self-development