How to be a sad person

There are times when you can't delay. If you have mental discomfort, it must be quickly removed before it captures you completely and poisons your life for a long time. In such cases, depending on where you are now and how much time you have, you need to deal with sadness so that it does not develop into depression. This article will tell you how to stop being sad and start enjoying life again.

You will have to identify the triggers for your condition. Are you suffering from depression? Has there been a recent event in your life, such as the death of a family or being fired from a job? Can memories of past trauma, such as abuse or psychological fears, be repressed?

Finding out what happened or what led you to feel this way brings awareness and can start the engine needed to help yourself. As a person with a lot of depression and anxiety, it's okay to have your bad moments. This makes you undeniably human and imperfectly perfect. Then focus on giving yourself positive reinforcement. Even when you feel like hurting yourself, go back and think of the good things about yourself. Remind yourself of all the things you did well.

How to stop being sad: is the event worth your sadness?

If something oppresses and upsets you, if something prevents you from enjoying life, first of all stop for a moment and ask yourself the question: What is my problem compared to Eternity? To stop being sad, try to mentally imagine your problem in this perspective, against the backdrop of endless space and time.

Give yourself a pat on the back. Were you able to work on time despite waking up late? You are amazing. Celebrate all the small accomplishments and things we so often take for granted. He will make you feel like a hero. Also, do what you enjoy. Even if you find them tiresome or boring, doing something will slow your mind down to focus and turn away from your suffering. Get lost in a video game or follow your favorite character in a novel. Get outside and play one of your favorite sports.

Look at it first from a bird's eye view, then from a height of 10,000 kilometers, as if from the window of a flying plane, then cast a glance at it from space, as if flying over the Earth in a spaceship, and finally, moving further and further away from the Earth to infinity, first of our Galaxy, and then of the entire vast Universe ...

The action of something will keep your mind busy and away from your thoughts. And surrender to the people who bring you happiness. You don't deserve any terrible people in your life. You deserve love and respect in everything. if you have Good friends and relatives, keep in mind, have fun with them and tell them your thoughts and dilemmas. understand and help you.

Which can also help get yourself involved in charitable groups and volunteering. It allows me to get out of my shell and use my voice as it is the only way to help my therapist. It may seem scary, but it will help you relieve your burden from someone who will work with you. Remember that you are worthy and not worthless.

It is possible that when you do this, the cause of your anxiety or anger will seem so tiny and frivolous to you, so unworthy of your attention, and even more so of your worries and spent nerves, that you will simply throw it out of your head and move on through life. Fun and happy.

Leaving these petty troubles behind, overboard your ship of life. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. And you will breathe a sigh of relief and say to your problems: "Goodbye forever. Good riddance. I don't want to see you again." I was taught this technique by a friend of mine many years ago.

You bring a lot of goodness and are amazing to this broken world with your presence. The independent lone rebel archetype romanticizes easily but never works, even in fiction. You don't have to accept yourself as a complete loner, everyone needs some company, but you also don't have to be a complex college. Learn to force yourself to do things you don't really want to do regularly and according to your self-imposed schedule. The rest of my tips don't work if you can't do it.

This is a very simple and effective way to deal with sadness and realize how small and insignificant it is because of what you are experiencing so much at the moment and what you are wasting your precious nerves on. As William James said, God can forgive us our sins, but the nervous system can never. Even if, as they say now, nerve cells are still restored, it is still a pity to waste them on trifles. Or do you disagree with me?

It's part of growing up and something you'll need to accept if you're going to survive there. You'd be surprised how many adults can't do this one fundamental thing. Find something you like or get used to and force yourself to reconnect to it. It can be anything that doesn't require more than a night a week of your time, and doesn't have to have anything to do with loud nightclubs or drunken parties. Before I went to university, I liked to play hacker bag.

These people became my friends and we did more than just juggle and "undo" retired bikes together, but becoming a junior bike mechanic was an unexpected side effect of deciding that a hack bag would be a better use of my time than a deeper one. penetration into depressive depression.

Draining emotions as a way to stop being sad

Call a psychotherapist (if you have one) or a close friend or girlfriend, that is, a person whom you completely trust. Sometimes we just need to talk. Pour out your soul. It is very harmful for our mental health to keep our fears and problems to ourselves.

And getting rid of them and getting rid of them is much easier by voicing them. However, there are times when it is easier to tell about something very intimate and sore not to a close, but, on the contrary, to a complete stranger.

Something similar can happen to you if you can find something social to do at least once a week. Do this once a week to check in with old friends and beloved family. This is easy to do when you're deep in it and isolated, so it's vital to invest at least an hour a week calling the people you were closest to before moving to university. This prevents them from drifting away from you, and it fuels a strong relationship that can sustain you for the rest of your life.

Every university has some form of mental health services using them. Depression can become a very serious disorder, it can kill you and damage your thinking just as badly as a "proper" psychosis. It's not something you can get rid of or just get rid of, you can't cure yourself of it, you need help. He clings to your ass like an insecure toddler, dragging you down to the point where you can no longer move. A licensed therapist can help you get that scream of rugrat off your back so you can start living your life instead of trying to hide from it.

For example, a random fellow traveler on a train or plane. Such impromptu confessions do not oblige anyone to anything: they talked and parted in different directions, and everyone went on in life in his own way. But they are very helpful to those who need to speak out and remove the stone from the heart.

Go to the temple for confession or just talk with the priest, or even better - with your spiritual mentor (if you have one). Previously, having your own confessor was the norm. This is a rarity these days. It's a pity! After all, each of us, even the most independent and independent, sometimes needs the good advice of a wise mentor.

Overcoming depression is very similar to recovering from a major physical injury. You will need medicine and you will need time to heal. You will be left with scars and you will never be depressed. The only benefit to your recovery is that you will know better how to manage it, how to rejoice, and, save you, become an optimist. Do it in one step and disregard the previous steps as they have already been taken and don't worry about the next steps as the way can change at any moment.

To stop being sad, analyze if you have a stone of resentment in your soul. If you want to yell at someone or say nasty things that you will probably regret later ... As soon as this wave rolls over you and a lump rises to your throat, take a very deep breath, hold your breath and count to at least ten. Then exhale very slowly.

Just worry about fighting depression and finishing classes, and the rest will take care of itself. What is the best way to approach someone who might be overwhelmed? It's hard to see someone you care about sink into sadness and not know what to say or do to help.

What is depression?

The first step is to understand, as far as possible, what your friend is going through. From the outside, depression can look like a regular sadness - one that affects our entire lives from time to time and drives us down before we eventually move on. Depression, however, is more extreme: symptoms last longer, emotions are more intense, and everyday life just harder to maintain. Jeffrey DeGroat offers this example.

Repeat this at least three times. If you manage to do this before the anger completely takes possession of you and begins to splash out, most likely, the severity of the moment will pass. And then the angry tirade will not fall on someone's unfortunate and, quite possibly, innocent head. It is important to suppress anger at the very beginning. At the very first moment of its birth.

While a friend who is depressed may not study for weeks at a time, avoid spending time with friends and family for weeks on end and may also fail in class or lose their job. Depression is not sadness. Sadness is common, normal, and many say it's important to us as humans. You may be able to cheer up a sad friend with jokes, encouragement, or problem solving. Depression, on the other hand, is a medical illness or disorder that can sometimes be devastating.

You can no longer talk to or distract a person from depression than you can talk to or distract someone from a flu or a heart attack. Often people with depression don't understand why they have such an overwhelming sense of despair, or at least extreme apathy. Sometimes it doesn't make any sense.

It has the ability to grow like a snowball rolling down a mountain. Word for word. Accusation after accusation. Further more. The further, the more difficult it is to stop this growing lump, which threatens to turn into a real avalanche, sweeping away everyone and everything in its path.

If you decide to fight sadness and defeat it, remember that anger is dangerous because it clouds our mind like no other emotion. As Montaigne said, no passion darkens the clarity of judgment to such an extent as anger. Of course, you need to strive to control yourself and your emotions.

Real depression is not sad when something in your life goes wrong. Real depression is sad when everything in your life is going right. Looking back on my own experience, it can feel like you're in dark hole like the air is squeezed out of you, and at worst you feel completely numb. But people who are depressed are usually very good at pretending otherwise for fear of scaring people. If you want to know more about what it's like, read this incredibly brilliant and accurate explanation of Hyperbole and Half.

Unfortunately, depression is difficult even for mental health professionals to pinpoint and treat because there are several different forms of the disease, from debilitating major depression to more unique forms such as postpartum depression.

But, on the other hand, it is very harmful and even dangerous for health to keep them in oneself all the time and accumulate them indefinitely. From time to time, it is simply necessary to throw out the accumulated negative emotions and get rid of them. Only it is desirable to do this without prejudice to others. There is different ways chill out.

You can fight on the water. Just turn on the faucet and pour out all your anger. The jet of water will take it away with it, and you will wash yourself and feel great relief.

The most important thing to know is that depression is more serious than sadness and therefore there are some things that are better said and done than others. It's hard to be outside too and not know why someone you care about suddenly shows up in the junkyard and no longer enjoys the things they used to or should love. As a friend, the best thing you can do is listen and be there for the person.

Be honest and express your concerns. Your friend may be primed and willing to discuss their feelings, and your invitation to talk may be exactly what they're waiting for. You could say something like: I noticed that in recent times you seemed completely unimportant.

Another way to release anger and aggression without harming others: beat a pillow or a punching bag. At the same time, you can imagine that in front of you is the same person who is an annoying factor for you, awakens the beast in you and acts on you like a red rag on a bull in a Spanish bullfight.

Beat her with all your might until you feel that you feel better, that you are discharged. it sure sign the fact that you got rid of the anger accumulated in you and, at least for a while, you can live in peace.

I'm sorry you feel this way - no advice or positive platitudes. But its hard to go from wanting to die to suddenly cheer up. If you say, “I want to die,” and everyone else says, “Oh, cheer, there is so much to live,” sometimes it can be hard to hear. It's not like you suddenly say, You know what?

You cannot solve your problems. Your job is to become a better listener and just be there for the person. What do you even need to be depressed about? - Could you just break out of it?

  • There is nothing wrong with you.
  • It's all in your head. - Your life is great.
Make sure they know you are there for them. If your friend is in denial about any issues or doesn't want to talk, don't force them to admit they are depressed, doctor. Instead, keep in touch often, just like you do. Check eating well, sleeping well, getting sunlight and exercising.

You can do intense exercise, run a few kilometers (or at least walk this distance at a fast pace), swim in the pool, play a game of tennis or do yoga. Any physical activity helps to relieve stress, dissolve anger and make it evaporate (directly and figuratively).

If you need to get rid of irritation and relieve fatigue, if you need to relax and if you have at least half an hour of time for this, take a warm bath or shower. In this case, it is advisable to wash your hair. Water will take away all the negativity with it, and in addition, headache.

Even doing just one small thing daily, like making your bed every morning, can help when you're feeling down.

Don't take it personally. Also, trying to help someone under emotional stress can be draining and stressful for you, so remember to take care of your own emotional health. Enlist the help of others. You can get guidance from a professional to help you find the best strategy to help your loved one. You can also talk to friends to do the same.

If, on the contrary, you want to get out of the state of apathy and cheer up, it is better to take a contrast or cold (at least cool) shower. And even better - douse yourself with cold water, decisively splashing it on the top of your head. It will shake you up and bring you out of your sleepy stupor.

How to deal with sadness: exercises and techniques

If you have a person in front of you that is unpleasant for you, for example, the so-called emotional vampire, and you know that he feeds on your energy, as soon as you succumb to his provocations and lose your temper, try the following trick.

Exercise Waterfall

Imagine that you are separated from this person by a wall of water, That you are surrounded on all sides by a powerful waterfall. You see him through the water column, but he cannot do you any harm, no matter what he says and no matter what he does, since you are reliably protected from him.

If you're at home and you're feeling on edge... drop everything and lock yourself in your room. Ask your family not to disturb you for at least twenty minutes. And even better - until you yourself are ready to go out to them.

To stop feeling sad, hang a “Do not disturb” sign on the door, lie down and try to relax. If you own autogenic training or know how to meditate, do one or the other. By the way, 20 minutes of daily autogenic training or meditation helps to maintain peace and tranquility in the family.

I think that twenty minutes a day is not too expensive a price to pay for your peace of mind, as well as harmony in relationships with family and friends. What do you think? As a rule, it is they who get the most. We rarely lash out at strangers and unfamiliar people, or at our boss and co-workers. With them, we, as a rule, albeit with the last of our strength, but keep ourselves in hand. Everything usually goes to our dearest and most beloved people. And this is wrong. This should not be.

If you feel sad, reading a good book can help. As one of the possible options, I can recommend wonderful books with wonderful pictures by Bradley Trevor Grieve. Flipping through it and looking at funny pictures of animals, it is simply impossible not to smile and not stop moping. If you are a believer, the Bible, Koran or other sacred text (depending on your religion) can help overcome despondency.

Listen to your favorite music. Many women are well helped by the sounds of wildlife: the sound of rain, the splash of the surf, the singing of birds. Classical music is also a win-win. Music has huge force spiritual impact. This is one of better ways restoring peace of mind and balance.

Once we conducted an experiment and observed the miraculous properties of classical music in action. We had a colleague who, because of a mere trifle, could make a real scandal and lose his temper so much that then he could not come back for a very long time.

One fine morning, we turned on classical music in the office, and it played quietly and unobtrusively for most of the day. And this is what we noticed: on this day, even our emotionally unbalanced colleague was unusually sweet and courteous to everyone, never once raised his voice to anyone, did not slam the door and did not throw a single object.

He was simply unrecognizable. We could hardly believe our eyes and ears. This was a vivid and clear evidence of the beneficial effect of music on the human psyche. By the way, music therapy is effectively used in medicine to treat stress and depression. I myself once tried it on myself when I was in the process of divorcing my first husband. And I must say that the result was amazing!

To stop being sad, watch a good comedy at the cinema or on video, or go to a concert of your favorite comedian. It's a great mood booster.

How to actively deal with sadness

For many, a walk in the fresh air and communication with nature has a beneficial effect. It relieves stress and calms. Especially if you manage to touch mother nature - in the truest sense of the word: - walk barefoot on the morning dew, on water, grass or earth, - hug a birch tree that takes away negative energy and charges us with positive energy.

However, you should be careful, because some trees, such as aspen, are a kind of tree vampires, have the exact opposite effect on people and can cause malaise and headaches.

Feeling unwell, irritation, fatigue and even pain can be relieved by your home friend. Sometimes, to stop being sad, to get rid of stress and tension, it is enough to stroke a cat or play with a dog. They somehow miraculously free us from. any negativity and charge us with positive energy, cheer us up and fill our head with positive thoughts, and our heart with joy.

Do your favorite thing, hobby. This will help shift your focus and relieve tension and irritation. Start creating something with your hands or your head, whichever you're better at. Use your gray matter and imagination.

The main thing is to do it creatively and with pleasure. For me, for example, one of the best ways to relieve stress is to take care of my favorite flowers: dig in the ground in the country or tinker with indoor plants at home. How to ground yourself so that all the negative charge goes into the ground.

When we arrive in a village and I suddenly disappear somewhere, my family knows where to find me: among rose bushes, on an alpine hill or in a Japanese rockery garden. In general, if we are not busy with anything, just sit and be sad, then we run the risk of falling into melancholy.

If you decide to fight sadness and conquer it, be busy. Even ancient Greek doctors knew that work is one of the best medicines for sick nerves, and, moreover, the cheapest. Bernard Shaw believed that the secret of our unhappiness is that we have too much leisure to think about whether we are happy or not.

When we are busy with something, we don't have time for worry, fear, and other negative emotions that fill our mind when it's not busy with anything else. On the one hand, nature does not tolerate emptiness, and on the other hand, it is a law of psychology that a person cannot think about two things at the same time.

Therefore, we ourselves can choose how to fill our thoughts, how to become full-fledged mistresses of our consciousness. After all, the quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life. As the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius said many centuries ago, a person is not what he thinks of himself, he is exactly WHAT he thinks.

Try not to push yourself to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Well, if you are already there after all, take immediate action. You already know what. Don't wait for outside help. Remember: everything is in your hands, because the salvation of a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself. So use the magic wands and don't let yourself drown in the quagmire of the blues and in the swamp of stress!

Different people react differently to all the delights of the seasons, and our mood very often changes precisely because of the weather. Someone likes a light life-giving spring breeze, someone needs warm summer days, someone prefers to watch the colorful leaves on the trees, and there are those who are looking forward to the crunch of snow-white snow under their feet.

Something this year, autumn has lingered at our place and there is some kind of feeling of uncertainty in nature. It seems that snow should already be instead of morning fogs, but it is still not there. Some people like it, because indeed, this weather is better than melting snow water under their feet, and some are already looking forward to snow and frost with great impatience to ski, snowboard, sled or just play snowballs with children or friends. But, alas, whether we want something or not, nature has its own schedule and we cannot change it. This is where people get confused. Everything seems to be fine, but something is not right.

You know, walking down the street, you notice: you meet some completely sad people, but you really want to say to everyone: “Well, why are you sad? Smile at the world and the world will smile at you! And it really is, if you look at the world with a smile, it will answer you in the same way. When a passer-by smiles at you in response to your smile, you will become doubly cheerful and your thoughts will be more pleasant. You will remember that your loved ones are waiting for you at home, that today you can meet with friends, that right now and here you can come up with something ingenious and unique, and tomorrow start implementing all your plans, and that everything will work out for you! We all need to believe in ourselves!

Just imagine that from today you will begin to live differently: in the morning you will wake up with a feeling of complete happiness, and you will be ready to give it to your loved ones. When you come to work, you look at it in a completely different way. You will have full strength and energy for new ups and downs and projects, your attitude to work will change, and you will be noticed as a different person. You will be appreciated! And those feelings that will be with you will be transferred to other people, and life itself will spin you in its unique dance of love and warmth.

Only later, after many, many years, will you remember your past and remember that wonderful day when you decided to change and smile at the world, you will understand that life is beautiful, and you need to live it in the best possible way!

Remember, there is such a children's song "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone ..."

Smile more often to each other, and the world will indeed become a little brighter!

Psychology of self-development