How to get good emotions. Emotion management. Emotional Intelligence ©. How is a person different from an animal? Attention

Everyone likes positive people - people who are hard to anger even in the most difficult life situations, people with whom communication is easy and relaxed. But even in the most calm and non-conflict persons, negative emotions can arise that are not easy to ignore and suppress.

Sometimes even if a person wants to be positive, there are cases in which it is very difficult to restrain your negative emotions, because usually there are plenty of people who want to spoil your mood.

Although the feeling is very personal, emotions are not a private experience. Emotions affect relationships, career development, parenting, and self-esteem. How successfully you cope with daily problems is highly dependent on your current emotional state. For example, when you feel gloomy or sad, you are more likely to interpret even ordinary events negatively. When something goes wrong, it may feel less of a personal insult if you're already in a happy mood.

Emotions are embodied, which means that they don't just happen in your brain or in your heart, they involve neurotransmitters and the release of chemicals and are, in fact, extremely complex. Recall the time you entered the room where bad news had just been received. The energy is palpable - you feel the low mood of others. This is also true when someone is so excited that his or her enthusiasm seems contagious.

However, positive emotions can be made central to your subconscious mind by refusing negative feelings in one way or another.

In order for positive emotions to prevail over negative ones, you yourself must want to be more positive, making your own steps towards peace and tranquility for this.

There are a lot of all kinds of trainings that can quite simply evoke positive emotions in a person, maintaining such positive emotions for a long time. Quite a simple, but quite effective training with a purple bracelet. The essence of the training is that a purple bracelet is put on one hand, and if a person begins to feel anger, resentment, negativity, irritation, the purple accessory is transferred to the other hand. The goal of the training is to subconsciously replace the negative with positive emotions, having lived for 21 days so as not to shift the jewelry.

When something that we perceive as bad, negative or scary, the chemicals released by our body are much stronger than the chemicals. This means that we feel negatively stronger than we feel positively. To take full advantage of our positive emotions, we need to focus on them in a concentrated way so as not to perceive them as neutral rather than positive.

There are 10 common positive emotions, which are listed below in order of most common to least common. Each one is associated with an action that you can use to increase the number of sensations, as well as a potential outcome that increases your awareness of emotions.

For some, this training may smack of primitivism, because it is hard to believe that a person with the help of an ordinary bracelet can subconsciously set himself up for positive emotions. The danger of this procedure is that psychologically weak person may not cope with negative feelings on their own, causing even more dangerous internal conflicts.

The benefits and harms of positive emotions

Love is one of the most tangible of the 10 positive emotions, and perhaps the most difficult to describe. To some extent, this includes small pieces of the other nine positive emotions. Love is described as an intense feeling of deep affection, or the experience of sacrificing someone else's well-being over your own. It also happens when you remember that you share a common humanity with the rest of the world. Love is often physically felt as an expansion in the heart or chest, as well as softening of the eyes or swelling of the throat.

To prevent this from happening, a person himself must set himself up for positive emotions, realizing simple truths, the understanding of which will ensure the attraction of positive and success in all matters.

And yet, how to set yourself up for positive emotions, and start thinking positively ...

Firstly, if you start thinking positively, all the people around you will subconsciously notice this. Positive emotions will help to achieve the goal, to adequately accept failures, perceiving them not as a hit, but as a useful life lesson.

Love allows healing, encourages courage, and binds us in ways that enhance greatness, dreams, and growth. Loving yourself is a way to enhance your experience of that emotion. Too often we spread our love to family, friends and pets, but not to ourselves. Focus on your own heart and fill it with love for all that you are and all that you do.

The main types of positive emotions

Joy is a positive emotion caused by well-being, success or good fortune. There are feelings of excitement or excitement. Joy is like bubbles in champagne - they make an already good thing even better. Doing something that feels like a game to you is a great catalyst for joy. Take a hike, swim, throw a party, or paint a picture. The game looks different for each person, so find out what is the most playful for you and pay for that time.

If this happened, then we did something wrong. If our friends and relatives turned away from us, then our actions were wrong in their understanding.

Remember the positive emotions that you had in your life.

Although many people say that you don’t need to remember the past, on the contrary, if you remember the good things that happened to you in the past, you will receive additional arguments that positive emotions can be in your life, that you can think and perceive life with a positive .

How is a person different from an animal? Attention!

Gratitude is a feeling of reverence for something that is given to you. Focusing on how you receive helps increase the power of gratitude. The ability to receive kindly is part of the universal law of giving and receiving that strengthens social bonds.

Try listing your favorite moment of the day or thanking someone every day for something they do for you that you might otherwise take for granted. Serenity requires little effort and provides a sense of security and comfort. When you enjoy peace, you help make this moment last. By understanding this, you actually increase your efficiency.

Avoid negative information

Today, in the media, on TV, on the Internet, you can read and see so much bad and negative things that you start to think about how hard, bad, negative our life is. Do not let this kind of information reach you, drive it away from you, thereby protecting your brain from negativity.

Positive emotions and heart

When you have a calm moment, close your eyes briefly and allow yourself to go deep into the physical sensations that accompany the moment. Interest happens when you explore something that fascinates you. As you gain knowledge, this curiosity to learn more actually increases the upward spiral that can motivate you to keep learning. Interest manifests itself in a wide range of activities and may include actually participating in an activity or simply learning about something.

Hang out and befriend positive people.

Positive emotions will become habitual for you if you communicate and make friends with positive people. Such people will help you forget about the negative, and perceive the world easier.

Read books, watch movies, listen to music in a positive way.

The positive emotions we received through books, music and TV shows have a very good effect on the subconscious of a person, charging him with energy and good mood for a long time.

Notice what interests you and take action. Take a class, register for a webinar, or attend a conference. Hope often comes from bad experiences where, instead of giving up, you look and believe there will be a better future. Hope plants the seeds of resilience and allows us to see that yesterday and today do not dictate tomorrow. Hope is a hot ash pan that allows your inner fire to ignite.

Positive and negative emotions

The practice of looking for the small good in every situation increases potential feelings of hope when something negative happens. Pride is a feeling of pleasure for achieving socially significant achievements. Being proud promotes further achievement and encourages you to think big. Pride is sometimes perceived as a negative emotion; as long as you don't use pride in comparison to others, it can help boost your self-esteem.

Remember, when you hear a song that you like, you immediately switch to its perception, leaving everything else aside.

Work should bring not only money, but also pleasure.

Achieve this in modern world, perhaps, although not so easy, because we can not always find a job that would be to our liking, and even bring money.

Take the time to think about and think about your best attributes. Be grateful for your skills and acknowledge where you are still learning. Remember to take pride in what you put in, as opposed to something that comes naturally. Entertainment is fun for the carefree. A funny movie, an enjoyable conversation, or witty gameplay are just a few examples of sources of entertainment. It's no surprise that when men and women list their best desirable partner traits, a sense of humor tops the list.

Be intentional and make pleasure part of your regular diet. Watch a comedy, laugh with your kids, ride a rollercoaster or dance. Inspiration comes when you witness excellence and then strive for it. Ignite your personal goals - enthusiasm will make you succeed.

However, if you do find such a job, you will not even notice how much your life will begin to change. After all, what you do with a positive, will surely give the same positive result.

Do not remain indifferent to the problems of others, and then luck will not leave you.

There are people who do not live richly, but believe that helping people is the greatest happiness in life. For some, these words may seem pathetic, but you can’t even imagine how unusual you will feel when your actions help someone get out of a difficult situation. life situation. You will feel a lot of positive when you know that your help for someone has become a lifeline. Positive emotions will be provided for your good deed.

Go in with your habits and notice if there is an area that seems stagnant or settled; then shake it up by setting a new target or doing something different. Fear happens when you are overwhelmed by greatness. Nature, music or art are the three areas that evoke feelings of fear. When we feel a sense of awe, it connects us to others who share our experience and the world around us.

Take a walk and pay attention to the beauty that surrounds you every day, and which often goes unnoticed. A flower garden, a tall tree, the night sky, or a rainbow are all that can evoke this feeling. Prosperity doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time. In fact, feeling the full range of emotions is great. People who truly thrive can find good emotion in the midst of chaos, just as they can find it in times of ease.

Smile and positive emotions will follow you.

A smiling person attracts with positive. Smile and people will be drawn to you. When a person smiles, he gives his positive to others. Get up and go to bed with a smile, smile and laugh as often as possible.

Don't forget about healthy way life.

If you reconsider you are full of negativity and everything is bad for you, reconsider your lifestyle - maybe you are doing something wrong. Exercise and rest so that the body has time to regenerate.

Your emotions are always under your control. With a little focused awareness, you will discover all 10 and make them part of your personal recipe for emotional balance. Renew your sense of trust and optimism about your life and the world around you with Deepak and Oprah's new 21 day meditation experience, hope in uncertain times - for free! Learn more.

Positive thinking sounds helpful on the surface. But "positive thinking" is also a bland and fluffy term that's easy to dismiss. In the real world, it rarely carries the same weight as words like "work ethic" or "perseverance." But these views are subject to change.

Eat healthy food, because it is the wrong diet that can cause a bad mood.

Take care of yourself to the fullest. Analyze your day and think about what to do to make it better.

Self-tuning is one way to make positive emotions mainstream.

Like the purple bracelet training and others, these trainings and exercises can help remove negativity from your life. Come up with your own method of self-tuning. Always imagine what you want the most.

Benefits of positive feelings and emotions

Research is beginning to reveal that positive thinking is much more than just being happy or exercising optimistic attitude. Positive thoughts can actually create real value in your life and help you build skills that last much longer than a smile.

The impact of positive thinking on your work, your health and your life is studied by people who are much smarter than me. One such person is Barbara Fredrickson. Fredrickson is a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina and she has published a landmark paper that provides amazing information about positive thinking and it affects your skills. Her work is among the most used and cited in her field, and it is surprisingly useful in Everyday life.

If suddenly you have bad thoughts again, pinch yourself. So subconsciously you set yourself up to avoid negative emotions. Again, simple but effective. Drive depression away. May it not be in your life.

It may be that no matter how much you want, you will not be able to drive the negative out of your life, replacing it with positive emotions, on your own.

What Negative Thoughts Do to Your Brain

Want to test my ideas? Play with me for a moment. Let's say you're walking through a forest and all of a sudden a tiger steps into the path ahead of you. When this happens, your brain registers a negative emotion - in this case- fear. Researchers have known for a long time that negative emotions program your brain to take a certain action. For example, when this tiger crosses your path, you run. The rest of the world doesn't matter. You are completely focused on the tiger, the fear it creates, and how you can get away from it.

Then we advise you to contact a specialist. The mentality of our people does not yet allow us to correctly perceive the word "psychologist". However, do not be afraid to consult with a person who knows everything about such problems, who can direct your thoughts in the right direction, suggesting what to do so that positive emotions begin to prevail over negativity.

In other words, negative emotions narrow your mind and focus your thoughts. At the same time, you may have the option of climbing a tree, picking up a leaf, or grabbing a stick, but your brain ignores all of these options because they seem out of place when the tiger is standing in front of you.

The problem is that your brain is still programmed to respond to negative emotions in the same way - by turning off the outside world and limiting the options you see around you. For example, when you are fighting someone, your anger and emotions can consume you to the point where you cannot think of anything else. Or, when you're stressed about everything you need to get done today, you might find it difficult to start anything because you're paralyzed by how long your to-do list has become. Or, if you're not feeling well, or not eating healthy, all you think about is how little power you have, how lazy you are, and how unmotivated you are.

How often do we want to cheer ourselves up! However, everything around seems to be conducive to the opposite: conflict with colleagues, a broken heel, an unsuccessful ticket, and much more. And, sometimes, it happens that the mood disappears for no apparent reason, and you can only guess how to get positive emotions and regain your good mood. It turns out that helping yourself is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple recommendations.

How to get positive emotions

Remember that no one will ever be able to charge you with positive emotions if you yourself do not allow it to be done. Therefore, the first thing you should do is sincerely wish to get rid of the depressed state and bad mood.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The result of your torment due to your own failure will be either compassionate or malevolent glances, and you absolutely do not need either of them. Learn to laugh at yourself in odd situations and perceive your mistakes as a constructive, positive experience.

Open the window wide open and look around at everything that is around. You will be convinced that life is beautiful, and the sky, the sun and the gentle breath of the breeze simply will not leave room for sadness in your soul.

Recall a funny or just a bright episode that happened to you or your friends. Re-experience the positive emotions associated with it, and you will definitely not want to return to sadness.

Organize a meeting with old friends and have fun. However, remember that the purpose of this meeting should in no case be complaints about a failed life.

Move more! You are probably familiar with the term “muscle joy”. Take a walk or go in for sports, as you definitely won’t be able to get positive emotions while sitting on the couch.

Pamper yourself. Cook your favorite meal or get your favorite treat, buy yourself a new outfit, get a new haircut, book a massage. These simple actions will immediately lift your spirits.

Learn to enjoy the little things. So you will very soon realize that you are always surrounded by positive, and that even in the most seemingly unpleasant situation there are positive, joyful features.

In general, there are countless tricks in the world with which you can cheer up, you just need to dream up a little and choose from them the one that you accept more. And most importantly - you need to learn to meet every new day with a smile on your face, and under no circumstances give in to despondency.

Psychology of self-development