How to understand your destiny and purpose. How to know your purpose in life. ♦ Destiny to seek the truth

Every person is born with a certain life purpose. He is here to embody it, to do what is destined by fate itself. And if he does this, if he follows his heart, then he is happy. He realizes that he does not live in vain, that the world needs him. Such a person enjoys the activities that he performs. He is satisfied with himself and his life.

Decide soon, otherwise, you can do a lot of damage. You must know what you want in your life, in your professional career and in your goals. Therefore, it is important that you think about your job and that you consider all the pros and cons before making a decision.

Of course: this year you will have an unexpected expense that you will have to pay by the middle of the year. It is important that you take care of your diet, your health and lifestyle habits and if necessary, see your doctor to avoid any serious complications.

Follow their advice and listen to their criticism as you learn to improve as a person. A person who has the knowledge or belief that The Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days is the Kingdom of God on earth, will strive to achieve the best result in your assignment, whether it is your family responsibilities or that you are in the Abehitas class, in the deacons quorum, or in the council of young adults or special individuals. But when one is not interested in God or man, there will not be enough training or methods that can help in any way.

Otherwise, if a person does not go his own way, he is not happy. He does not receive positive emotions from work, he experiences subconscious guilt. He is not doing his own thing and this is reflected in his karma.

He feels an emptiness that cannot be filled.

The Universe will “treat” such a person, guide him to the true path. Therefore, it is so important to give up false paths, to understand your true desires and begin to fulfill them.

It is through service that we learn to serve. The more we care about others, the less time we have to worry about ourselves. In the very costume of the miracle of service is the promise of Jesus Christ, which "loses" itself at the expense of devotion to others, we will only find ourselves. Serving a neighbor gives more value our personality.

Instructions: How to understand your purpose

In fact, our inherent importance increases when we dedicate our efforts to the good of our fellowmen. George Macdonald, a Scottish writer and poet of the last century, emphasized that "through the love professed by another person and, in turn, thanks to that person's love for one, we can approach his soul." Of course, each of us needs to be loved, but we must “give” and not just “receive” if we want to have fullness in life and heightened feeling purpose of our existence.

Only doing what you love can make life full, give it meaning.

Why does a person betray himself, forgetting about his purpose in life?

1. Lack of faith in yourself.

If you do not believe in yourself and that it is realistic to achieve your goal, you give up, give up and resign yourself to the small. You go to a job you don't want to go to and hate yourself for it.

Often the solution lies not in changing the circumstances around us, but in changing our attitude towards this circumstance. The challenges we often face are often true service opportunities. One day one of the Commanders-in-Chief remarked one day: If we are not careful, we may suffer the frost of disappointment; we can freeze in one place, from the cold of unattainable expectations.

For those whom we are trying to serve, we must help them understand for themselves that God not only loves them, but also constantly remembers them and knows their problems and needs. There is no doubt that our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to young man from the age of the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith, to give him instructions pertaining to all mankind, did not make a simple and sporadic visit to just one person on this planet.

In fact, everything is possible. The main thing is to act and believe in success.

For example, you want to become a writer. Don't believe that this is possible. You read on the Internet that it is not real, that novice authors earn little. And the chances that your books will be published are small. And there is no money for self-printing. You found out about it and gave up. And this is the wrong approach.

God never does anything by accident, but by design, as a loving father always loves. We know their goals; we also have goals in life. So a loving Heavenly Father, who gave commandments to people to prevent human suffering, cannot forget the needs of each of his children.

It has been said that even the very hairs of the head are excellently numbered; Doesn't this teach us that nothing, even the smallest thing imaginable, can happen by chance? But if it has been declared that even the smallest and most insignificant is under divine guidance, we must think that the greatest events in life, such as the form and time of our coming into the world, our parents and other related circumstances with our birth and general condition, all of them correspond to the eternal purposes, direction and decision of Divine Providence.

You could look more globally at your desire and understand that it is not even necessary to publish. You can sell your own books online. Or write articles for your own and other sites. You can save money and publish your book. You can be the lucky one that the publisher still publishes.

If you give up and go the wrong way, you have lost yourself. Lack of faith and patience has ruined you. If you believe in yourself, then your desire will lead you forward. You will not betray yourself and will do what you are drawn to. You will be happy

But usually, through another person, He fills our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the Kingdom. The people of the Church need strength, support and mutual guidance, both in the community of believers and in the conclave of disciples. In the Doctrine and Covenants we can read how important it is to "help the weak, hold the hands, and strengthen the weak knees." As the contrasts deepen between the systems of the world and God's power the faith of the members of the Church will be severely tested. One of the most important things we can do is express our testimony through service, which in turn will have spiritual development, a greater commitment to the cause, and a greater ability to keep the commandments.

2. For the sake of money.

If you idealize money and put it above everything, then you can deceive yourself and not fulfill your destiny. You may get far, but the feeling of emptiness will not allow you to enjoy your results. Money will not fill this vacuum.

It is important to do what you came into the world for. And make money at the same time.

Talents and Skills

Richards said something that represents a real challenge. It is something that tests every layer of our being and is a simultaneous demonstration of our intelligence, knowledge, character and wisdom. Spirituality contains a great source of security and cannot exist without service put into practice.

However, very often what we need as an incentive to keep the commandments and serve others is simply that the Spirit renews our memory of things we already know, instead of receiving new inspiration and revelation. It has been said that "memory is the belly of the soul", establishing an analogy in that it receives the truth, digests it and nourishes us. The Holy Spirit stimulates our memory as well as our understanding. We must do what we already know well; simple, direct and concrete things.

3. For the sake of others.

Often parents and society try to interfere in your life by imposing false ideals on you, leading you astray. They shouldn't be allowed to do this. Take responsibility and let yourself make the big decisions in your life. Separate other people's opinions from your own impulse. And tell them: "No, I will do what is important to me, and not what you want me to do."

This is one of the reasons that we, as Latter-day Saints, must live worthily, have the influence of the Holy Ghost, and have constant company to guide and direct us. Your guidance is far more important than your teaching methods, although they can be very helpful.

Purpose by numerology

If you and I were good leaders, we would periodically reflect the qualities of those who gave us some ministry, who guided us and who taught us. If we were to select only two or three people who have had influence in our lives, what would we consider among their actions so that they can help us in critical or important points our life? It is quite incredible that when we roam through our memories, we remember someone we remember as a result of the technique that used and characterized them; but those who remember more and more will be those who gave us some service, those who loved us and understood us, helped us and showed us the way to follow through the light of their own example.

How to know your purpose?

In order to determine your purpose in life, do the following exercises:

1.A game of imagination

Imagine that you are in a magical land where everything that you can only dream of is possible. Any of your intentions will come true. You are a magician capable of materializing the life you dream of.

If we focus our attention on the simple principles and facts of service, we will soon realize that the aspects relevant to the organization lose some of their significance. Often in the past, those aspects of the Church were like walls that kept us from the people, preventing us from fulfilling personal work the way we should. As we worry less about getting credit for an organization or individual, we will be more concerned about serving the one we should be giving our human and religious attention to.

In this way, we will also find ourselves less preoccupied or preoccupied with our organizational identity and more determined to know our true and inner self that guides us, as true children of God, to help others achieve the same spiritual sense of oneness and integration.

Represented? Wonderful. Now answer yourself the following questions:

2. How do I live?

3. What do I do?

4. How do I use my wealth?

These answers will point you to your purpose in life.

2.Memories from childhood.

In order to find out your vocation, you can turn to your own childhood and remember who you dreamed of becoming when you were a child. As a rule, in these years a person knows about his main intention in this world. Just remember him. Ask yourself questions:

In identifying this bond that unites us, we must never lose sight of the example set by Jesus Christ. He said in the instructions given to his Nephite disciples. So raise your light to shine before the world. While giving the same instructions, Jesus allowed the people to approach him and the crowd of Nephites to "feel and see" his resurrected body. In a sense, and much less sacred, but in the same meaningful sense a committed leader, whether male or female, can allow those they wish to serve to "feel and see" the great power and authenticity of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Who did I want to become?

What did I like to dream about?

What was particularly attractive to me?

And now it's time to check whether you really want your dream to come true. To do this, imagine that you have become what you wanted to be. How do you feel? Do you like this role? If yes, great. If not, imagine yourself in a different role.

It is interesting to highlight the fact that as Jesus Christ, the light we desire and must hold high, there are many reminders of his face properly placed before us: the name of the Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; the blessings of the sacrament; baptismal prayer; our way of praying that says "in the name of Jesus Christ." Because his name is so holy, we must be extremely careful and careful about how we use it and we address it, but we must always have our Big Brother as a great example that we must follow because it is his Church, and it bears his name, and it meets in the same way, based on his gospel.

3. Exercise "Searching for your mission in three days"

To complete this exercise, you will need to write down three questions for yourself in three days. You ask yourself every question for a whole day and immediately write down any options that come up. Think about the question, doing any business. And when new ideas come up, mark them on paper.

Some observers may wonder why we care about such simple things when we live in a world completely surrounded by dramatic issues. However, one of the greatest benefits of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it gives us a general perspective on the people of this planet, including ourselves, so that we can appreciate things that have true value and importance, while avoiding us being imprisoned in a variety of inferior causes competing for the attention of mankind.

We were told that during the last few days the society would have to present some of the social symptoms that existed in Noah's time. Very few adjectives fit to describe Noah's contemporaries, but apparently his neighbors were very disobedient to God's commandments for whom the earth was corrupted, and it is significant in the letter that the society was filled with violence. Violence, as well as corruption, usually occurs as a result of selfishness.

Day 1 - What do I really want to do with my life? What activity is close to me? What occupations are most attractive to me?

Day 2 - What are my talents and abilities? What can I do best?

Day 3 - How can I benefit people? What is my work useful?

After completing this task, take the answers to all three questions and start analyzing the results. Your purpose in life will be indicated by common ground in certain answers.

Those who currently keep the commandments will be removed from the world, with the same certainty that happened to Noah with his seemingly strange act of building the ark long before the flood. As we advance our simple and worldly service efforts and strive to keep God's commandments today, we will no doubt have to face some of the ridicule that Noah and his company of eight received during the pre-flood period.

Noah's neighbors simply could not understand the urgency of the task he undertook. Likewise, we should not expect many others to understand our urgent need to perfect simple things such as family, chastity, and doing missionary work.

4. If it doesn't work find your purpose in life described ways, you can go the other way:

You don't have to consciously know about it!

You can use your feelings in the following meditation: imagine regularly, as if you have found your destiny and are doing what you love. Are you happy. You have a job you love. You feel positive emotions ... and after a while (for someone earlier, for someone later, the universe will help you find what you really want to do.

Hi all! Today I would like to highlight a topic that is very useful and necessary for many people, since until recently I myself was looking for my own answers to these questions. What is my purpose and meaning of life? What is my talent? What to do, where to work, where to go to study?

Surely, these questions tormented every second person, and only a few knew from childhood what they wanted to do in life and faithfully followed their path. But history knows a lot of examples when, by the middle or even towards the end of their lives, they suddenly realized that they would not like to devote their lives to this at all. Many people discover their true meaning of life... only at the moment of death, and it's terrible to understand that you lived your life "in vain"...

Many people are looking for themselves, their life's work and can spend many years of their lives on it, and most of them graduate from more than one institute, but they understand that this is again not what he wanted. It’s good when you are young and already aware of your destiny, but it’s not so bad if you have been working in some area for a long time, and you are already quite a few years old. The main thing is the desire to understand yourself and change your life. And my post, I hope it will help you.

"A gift is a unique ability inherent in a person, and a talent is a unique ability comprehended by a person."

Our soul comes into this world with certain inclinations of talent, experience and character traits. But if a person does not have an understanding of why he needs these talents, then they may remain unrealized, undiscovered, unclaimed by people and the world.

The mission of each of us, as Renard writes, is to show our gift and thereby change the world for the better. At birth, everyone is given a talent that, when revealed, helps us create the creation that we must give to the world.

When we do what we have a soul for, we experience joy, inspiration, interest, we are full of enthusiasm: everything comes easily to us and it is not difficult for us to concentrate on this work. Being engaged in other than our own business, we quickly get tired, doubt all the time, feel doomed and discouraged, we are scattered into thousands of petty worries and responsibilities. From this follows the conclusion:

When you do what you have a talent for, people are willing to pay you for it, and the more skill and psychic energy you put into your work, the more it is valued.

When we do what we have a talent for, we bring out the best in us and we express ourselves. Talents are stored in our soul, and we carry them from life to life. Therefore, when we suddenly start doing something for which we have a talent, we feel that the soul is singing. And what we are ready to put our soul into becomes a masterpiece. In every masterpiece there is a piece of the soul of the one who created it. Even Karl Marx said that "Wealth is nothing else but the absolute manifestation of a person's creative talents."

And today I propose to do a series of psychological exercises to identify your gift.


Imagine yourself in a bookstore. There are 7 books in front of you. Which one will you choose? (Maybe 2-3, it's not more):

1 book - "How to grow flowers."

2. "How to make the body perfect in 10 days."

3. "How to assemble a gramophone yourself."

4. "How to help a person during depression."

5. "How to make a film."

6. "How does the brain work?"

7. "How to become president?"

Choosing a book helps determine the direction of talent by showing WHAT you are interested in. The same is said about those books that you most often buy or just read (take, for example, from friends), as well as magazines, websites or articles on the Internet.

1 direction "Man - nature". People with such a talent like to dig in the ground, grow something, take care of someone or something. These are gardeners, trainers, etc.

2 direction - "Man - body". Such people like everything connected with the body - both their own and someone else's. These are athletes, acrobats, trainers, dancers, massage therapists, models, hairdressers, etc.

3 direction "Man - technology". Such a person likes to delve into different mechanisms, assemble and disassemble, invent, and also manage what moves - an airplane, a truck, an excavator.

4 direction - "Man - man". A person likes to treat, teach, educate, and it doesn’t matter who, even adults. The desire to help is inherent in him. These are teachers, doctors, psychologists, rescuers, policemen.

6 direction - "Man - sign system". Such a person likes to find patterns in everything, put things in order, laying everything out according to a certain system, create new structures, learn the laws of the universe and invent new ones. These are scientists, programmers, inventors.

7 direction - "Man - society". When a person is able to take responsibility for many people, is ready to make decisions, can lead, control, direct and inspire. Managers, military, politicians and ideologists.

As a rule, a person may have several talents or interests in life, but you need to determine WHAT you like to do, what you can easily do, and what you can simply show your creativity, hobby and passion in. In the following table, you need to check the boxes next to the directions you have chosen, and note where exactly all three boxes will be.

I'll give my example. I chose books 4, 5, 6 and 7. By nature, I am a leader and I can manage, this is the 7th direction, but I can’t say that I would like to do this specifically, coming up with something new in this area, in general, I would say that there is no creativity here, which is so necessary for me, so I put only 2 checkmarks, the same about the 6th direction, but in 4 and 5 I put all 3 checkmarks, and then I will understand myself in order to narrow these two directions and reveal what It is one thing that expresses the essence of my gift and talent. By the way, I can also say about the 2nd direction, because I used to go in for sports professionally and I have a cult of a beautiful body, however, I would not want to create something new, i.e. I can (could be) an athlete, but not a coach at all (I absolutely don’t like this), or I really like to dance, but I hate to come up with new dances and, moreover, learn movements (there was also a choreographic experience). However, I really like to be photographed, and this is just my hobby, which I am fond of. Thus, each of you can sit, think, remember your experience and reflect on each specific direction...

After you have carefully completed the previous exercise, move on to the next one, where you will learn the signs of talent.


1. The ability of a person to do something better than others or in a different way, in a new way.

2. We are capable of doing this activity indefinitely! We do not get tired, but on the contrary, we gain strength and feel the rise. Sometimes, we do not even think whether we will receive money for it or not. Of course, it's good if we get it, but even if not, it's not so important. Something inside us makes us do it.

3. When we feel bad - psychologically or physically, we take up this activity, and everything goes away ...

4. We are ready to put our soul, passion and time into it. Other people feel it.


The following table should answer allquestions, and compare with the areas of talent that you identified in yourself in the previous exercise. In the last column, indicate, in accordance with your answer in the second column, the direction of talent that you have.


If the previous exercise was difficult for you, or you still haven’t decided on your talent, then write down 5 of your talents and ask 5 to 15 of your friends, girlfriends, relatives or colleagues to also name your talents, at least three. Pick out something in common from everything you wrote down. Record your result in the following table. A simple conclusion follows from this - talent is what we do better than others, what brings us pleasure and for which people are willing to pay us money.

For example, if you love to sing but don't have a strong voice and charisma, then people won't pay you for it and come to your "concerts", and this will be classified as a hobby that you can and should do for fun.


Oddly enough, this exercise alone will help you understand your talent, for me personally it was very effective. You need to relax, lie down, breathe slowly, throw away all problems and worries, meditate... Imagine yourself on the ocean, on a desert island. You feel good there, the sun is warm, the seagulls are singing, the brackish wind blows your hair... It may seem that it is too good there, and you don't feel like going anywhere... Enjoy this moment. And suddenly you are informed that in order to return to normal life, where you already have EVERYTHING you want, you need to create such a masterpiece, or do what you do best, which only you can do with your abilities, talents, skills and knowledge. You only have an hour for this.

Psychology of self-development