Mental ray of attention. Development of concentration of attention: what opportunities does it open up? Spotlight how to use it

Children easily focus their attention on what they like and want, and instantly become distracted about what they are not interested in and what they do not want to do. Children need not only be taught how to concentrate - they know how to do it! - how much to teach. Adult people, at least many adults, need to be taught how to concentrate, and this ability, the ability to concentrate one's attention on important, and not just interesting things, is a thing of exceptional importance for an adult.

The ray of attention is the energy that we can control, and the circle of attention is the area to which we distribute the energy of our attention. What we fix our attention on begins to stand out as some definite, clear figure against a general vague background. Increasing the circle of attention, we make our attention wider, narrowing - more concentrated. Concentration is a narrowing of the scope of attention, or, more precisely, maintaining it strictly at the right level. Our attention does not always have to be focused, sometimes it is necessary that we carefully scan the whole area.

Special forces are taught to disperse their attention so that in dangerous areas one can see everything around at once, instantly reacting to danger from any point. Similarly, an experienced driver behind the wheel does not look at any particular point: he looks wide, at the whole road. And if he suddenly focuses his attention on a billboard or a conversation with a fellow traveler, he is distracted from seeing the whole road and may have an accident.

However, in other situations, when there is no danger, and the task is difficult, you need to be able to narrow your circle of attention, concentrate on a narrow task so that nothing distracts you. So that nothing but a task exists for you for a while. Narrowing our circle of attention, concentrating on the most important thing, we begin to act in this area as efficiently as possible.

Attention Concentration Tests

We invite you to check the level of concentration of attention of yourself, and if you are also a leader, the level of absent-mindedness of your subordinates. The next three tests of attention are the most reliable tests that currently exist in psychology.

Münsterberg technique is a continuous literal text, among which there are words. The task of the subject, reading the text, is to find these words as quickly as possible. You have two minutes to work. Before taking the test, print it out on paper, find a stopwatch, or ask a friend to be the judge. Each found word is underlined with a pencil. After the subject finishes, it is necessary to count the number of underlined words and compare with the correct answer.

So here's the text to work with:

bsolntsevtrgshchoirayonzshguchnonews'khhegchyafactsukexamtrochagsch gceubkhama'hockeytruitsiftsuigatelevisionzhpzhdregshchknodvoperceptiontsukengoizchsimtbyreportagejourlafyviewefbeaucompetitionfnyuwskaybeautifullifezheyeyudshschglojinepppprswimminyachvtjheftasenlabgshdshchiutrrilfoundationszh.

In this test, 23 words are encrypted. If you miss 2 minutes, it means that your attention span is below average. If in 2 minutes you have found all the words, this is a good result. If you even have time left - this is a great result. If you found less than 23 words, then for each missing word you add a 5 second penalty (the threshold time is exactly 2 minutes).

If you found more words, you either remembered the ancient language or you need to check with a psychiatrist.

Schulte tables are a set of numbers (from 1 to 25) located in random cells. The subject must show and name all the numbers from one to twenty-five as quickly as possible. You can fix the numbers only with a glance or with a pen, but do not leave marks. Five tables for five attempts are given. It is necessary to record the time spent on this work.

Evaluation of results. If you spend no more than 40 seconds on each of the tables, your concentration is at a good level. No more than 50 seconds - the concentration is at a sufficient level. More than 50 seconds - weak concentration.

Method "10 words". This test is based on the close relationship between attention span and short-term memory. The subject is read ten random words, selected without obvious semantic and associative connections. After a single reading, it is proposed to reproduce all the words in any order. If you work on your own, you need to read ten words only once, carefully reading each concept, and reproduce them by bending your fingers.

5 sets of 10 words are given (for five attempts).

  1. Book, rose, domino, yacht, rabbit, glasses, brick, nest, needle, double bass.
  2. Swamp, prince, cat, shop, school desk, football, cloud, jellyfish, picture, thermometer.
  3. Axe, thunderstorm, wine, armor, zoo, samurai, factory, weight, baron, ore.
  4. Cinema, apple, teapot, miracle, rhinoceros, October, finish, brush, grain, paper.
  5. Cabbage, sword, pillow, road, saw, hill, fence, pipe, wedding, mosquito.

Evaluation of results. You have a good concentration of attention if after one reading you can reproduce 8 or more words. The concentration of attention is satisfactory if you can reproduce 7 words. The concentration of attention is weak if it is possible to reproduce less than 7 words.

"You claim that you can exist simultaneously in different points space?
- For your reality.
- Like this?
- Here comes the spider. You put your hand in its path, the spider turns around. You place your other hand. For a spider, your hands are two different creatures, but it is you alone: ​​both in front and behind at the same time.

Vladimir Serkin "Shaman's Laughter"

At its core, consciousness is a non-local phenomenon and can move its attention (assembly point) to any place convenient for it, splitting into an unlimited number of attention rays that penetrate and further split to study objects of interest. The Creator can “view/study” billions of galaxies at the same time, but to study smaller details - planets, seas, forests and other deserts, he needs conscious carriers of His attention, through whose senses He explores and improves the created worlds. Thus, one can say that each Living being, from stone to galaxy is viceroy Supreme Intelligence- the bearer of his ray of attention, helping Him to study himself from all possible sides, where He is both the observer and the observed. Even atoms and entire universes are nothing but a variety of His attention rays, manifested in a certain way, frequency and form.

Man, being a fractal of the Creator, has several rays of attention - let's conditionally call them the "ray of the Soul" and the "ray of the Personality". The personality ray can move its attention to several places, otherwise you would not be able to walk, sing and juggle at the same time. But the ray of the Soul (assemblage point) is fixed in a person, which makes him tune in only to the physical reality (FR) and ignore the rest. This statement is true for the “ordinary” (“daytime”) state of consciousness, but in dreams, meditations and under hypnosis we can shift the bearing ray of our Soul’s attention and move to other worlds.

To some extent, one can compare the seed of the Spirit, born from the next crop of the Creator, and grown in different worlds by dividing itself into souls, each of which further divides itself into incarnations, with a snowflake:

The sowing of the Seeds of the Spirit takes place at the highest levels of Big Reality and then “leaks” into denser and more detailed layers, dividing itself until further movement becomes problematic in terms of expediency and entropy. The Consciousness of the One Creator (the absolute unlimited Unity) multiplies by division, like the cells of any organism known to us.

Everything is fractal and everything is similar, why reinvent the wheel if you can simply repeat the well-known and working processes at different levels?

With such reproduction, information is transferred from one field of consciousness to another (the sy of the Higher Self to the soul or from the Seed of the Spirit to the incarnation), which gives the latter a noticeable head start and potential for development. At the same time, if the Spirit is playful and friendly, its incarnations will have similar qualities. If he is set to go through the "destruction" program, then something similar will happen with his incarnations (military actions, murders, etc.)

From the Absolute Unlimited Unity (collective mind), consciousness is divided further and further, passing through the stages of absolute unlimited diversity (collective mind with aspects of individuality), acquiring new aspects at each new turn (fractal), and becoming a more individual unit - personality - on the most detailed level. In our particular case, the Tree of the Absolute grows through multiple non-physical realities (energy systems), gradually condensing into physical worlds full of forms and matter.

Then the process of folding back into Oneness begins, where each individualized part brings its own piece of the experience it has collected. There is an exhalation-inhalation (Breath of Brahma) . Thus, the collective mind is divided into parts and assembled again - it goes from a state of low entropy to a high one and back, collecting itself into more and more balanced states according to the principle of the Rubik's Cube.

Soul - this is a selected, purer part of the Absolute, initially carrying Light as part of its core, which is the source for the functioning of the shells of the Soul. This Light is the true Light of the initial development of the Absolute, when the System for learning, development and expansion (the Universe) was created.

The Soul is placed in the conditions of self-development and is subject to these conditions so that the correction of the external components of the System of education and development of the Soul will allow the Absolute to receive a separate experience in terms of its coefficients and direction. This experience would allow for a versatile development, including the experience of the development of the Monad and the experience of the development of the Soul, as well as the experience of self-determining and self-developing Systems that are outside the Monad system and outside the Soul system.

The goals of the development of the Soul - to go the way in the development of various systems of shells in various manifested Systems, with various coefficients of interaction with the Energy of the Soul; to accumulate and develop such potentials, when all the shells will be permeated with a single glow of the Soul, identical, synchronous with the glow of the Absolute, but appearing and carrying qualitative and quantitative characteristics of different properties. That is, the development of the One takes place through the diversity of form. During the passage of various experiences, the inner part of the Soul - what is called the core - either remains the same, original, which was injected at the time of the creation of the Soul, or expands. Also, the goals of the development of the Soul include the expansion and penetration of its internal vibrations into all systems of development.

Souls are constantly being created to change the internal parameters of existing systems, so the age of all Souls is different.

Monad - this is an organized system of development, maintenance, training of the Soul and Mind in various Systems and dimensions. Monad concentrates and collects the experience of different levels of cognition, different levels of intensity and different levels of vibrational background. This is necessary in order to unite and realize this experience on the basis of the monadic Mind, to transmit additional impulses for more and more development of the monadic branches and systems of the Mind and Souls present on the monadic branches. This system is designed to concentrate, collect, develop, elevate and combine different levels of experience.

The functions of the Monad include - regulation of all energy-exchange processes of the human body), except for the 12th dimension (microworld), as well as control and monitoring of the passage of the incarnation path of a person. The Monad is the main responsible Mind for organizing the acquisition of experience and the actual creation - a person (in relation to the system Soul - Higher "I" - TataMonad).

TataMonad - this is the narrowest branch of the Monadic tree with more limited parameters.

TataMonad usually refers either to a certain manifestation of close civilizational incarnations of individuals, or to a group of civilizations that are close in their parameters, namely: energy characteristics, development coefficients, directionality coefficients (when the Soul of the Monadic tree was embodied only in humanoid, or only in energy civilizations) .

For an approximate understanding of this division, you can read

The nucleus of an atom is the same star as the Sun and many other stars in space. As soon as you have been able to immerse yourself down to the nuclei of atoms, the direct Path from the sun to the Sun becomes open to you. If you stick to the center of the Flow, not succumbing to turbulence, then you can instantly realize what thousands of earthly lives. The knowledge obtained in this way will be incredible for perception and, all the more so, for a reasonable description. The brain and tongue are capable of conveying only a glimpse of the Greatness and Power of the Creator of creators.

Even if you are aware of the illusory nature of time, you think in terms of the sequence of development. However, each of you is both a person, and a star, and an atom, and the universe, and the Creator - all at once. But the discreteness of Consciousness does not make it possible to feel it and use such a gift. Therefore, not all of your actions lead to the expected results; from the standpoint of a person, you cannot see, and even more so, manage the entire chain of consciousnesses gaining experience within the framework of one Monad. It is subservient only when the Consciousness of the Spirit is attained. Awaken in the Spirit as you walk the Solar Path.

Information in the Universe is paramount. It is impossible to build realities without information that carries descriptions of physical laws, states of matter, interaction of fields, etc. The quality of the information that consciousness operates on determines the quality of the reality that this consciousness can project around itself.

But before building them, the information needs to be streamlined through the prism of a conscious observer (and his "packed" experience), who will have to dive into the created realities in order to study them (gather experience through the provided sense organs), creative addition and evolutionary development. In other words, the Creator first exhales the worlds, and then inspires them with conscious particles of Himself, and all these parts of Him have their own vibration frequency inside and outside the electromagnetic spectrum shown here:

The fact is that human (and not only) consciousness is a continuation of the spectrum shown above, because EVERYTHING is consciousness inside the bosom of the Creator, or rather in its . The higher the consciousness, the higher its vibration.
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The primary task of consciousness is to structure reality by analyzing and processing the information previously received by its rays of attention. The division into rays of attention and the multifaceted information collected in previous experiments help the consciousness in this difficult work.

Ecology of life: Managing your attention is a common skill, and it can and should be trained. The main array of exercises for developing concentration of attention ...

What to pay attention to and what not, we can decide for ourselves: of course, provided that we can control our attention.

Managing your attention is a common skill, and it can and should be trained.

Warning: you should not train concentration of attention directly during responsible affairs. Why? Any new business, especially against the background of tension, interferes with the main occupation. Separate these things: when you're busy, get busy and don't get distracted by concentration. If you train concentration of attention (correctly!), then do not do anything else at this time.

The main array of exercises for developing concentration of attention is attention ray control training. There are dozens and hundreds of exercises that train the control of the attention ray, we offer here only the simplest ones, for example.

Exercise "Line"

Task- on a blank sheet of paper with a pencil, very slowly and smoothly, draw a line and focus all thoughts and attention only on it.

As soon as you catch yourself on a distraction, make a small peak upward, as on a cardiogram, and continue.

A good level of concentration if there is not a single peak in three minutes.

Exercise "Colorblind"

With outward simplicity, this is a rather difficult exercise.

Call out loud as you read the following colored word color text. It is the colors, not what is written. Well, if after training you, in principle, managed to do this without errors.

Red. Green. Blue. Yellow. Violet. Orange. Brown. Blue.

Red. Black. Green. Blue. Yellow. Brown. Black. Green. Blue.

Violet. Blue. Yellow. Black. Red. Orange. Brown

Exercise "Fly"

This exercise requires a board with a 3 x 3 nine-cell playing field drawn on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine).

The sucker plays the role of a "trained fly" here.

The board is placed vertically, and the facilitator explains to the participants that the movement of the "fly" from one cell to another occurs by giving commands to it, which it obediently executes.

According to one of the four possible commands ("Up!", "Down!", "Right!" or "Left!"), the "fly" moves to the next cell according to the command.

The starting position of the "fly" is the central cell of the playing field.

Teams are given by the participants in turn.

The players must, relentlessly following the movements of the "fly", prevent it from leaving the playing field.

After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each of the participants represents in front of him.

If someone loses the thread of the game or sees that the "fly" has left the field, he gives the command "Stop!" and, returning the "fly" to the central cell, starts the game again.

"Fly" requires constant concentration from the players: if one of them is distracted even for a moment or think about something extraneous, he will immediately lose the thread of the game and will be forced to stop it.

Usually the game is lively, arouses interest and stimulates the participants to further work.

Some athletes tend to overestimate their mindfulness. The psychotechnical exercise "Fly" can be especially useful for a coach when it is necessary to dispel this illusion.

In groups that do not have sufficient experience in working with attention, prolonged observation of a moving "fly" usually leads to tension and fatigue. Participants increasingly begin to slip off the object of their concentration, stray and eventually interrupt the game.

Therefore, the facilitator must monitor the condition of the players and finish the exercise before the group begins to grow irritated and lose interest.

Work "to exhaustion" is justified only in those cases when the members of the group set themselves a special task: to test and train the stability of their attention, that is, the ability to long-term concentration on the subject.

An important characteristic of attention is its volume - the breadth of the area to which it can be simultaneously extended. When, looking at your full dress, you suddenly notice a hole eaten by a moth, the area of ​​​​attention instantly narrows to the size of the discovered defect. It happens as if by itself. But we can also arbitrarily regulate the breadth of our attention.

Exercise "Two flies"- a more difficult version of the previous exercise. There are two flies on the field - fly one and fly two. Flies take turns walking, for example: "Fly one - up", "Fly two - to the right."

The rules and the task are the same: mentally do not lose flies and do not make mistakes. Three minutes without errors is a good result.

The second series of concentration exercises

Reflection is a condition for conscious control of your attention and your life.

Reflection helps the individual to realize where he is, what he is doing, and what needs to be done next.

Exercise "Where is my attention directed"

Ask yourself from time to time:

  • What am I doing now?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • Where am I investing my resources now?
  • Am I sure this is what I need to do?
  • What is my time doing now?
  • Should I keep investing in it?
  • Is this really what I need right now?

In order not to forget to do this, it is useful to hang in large letters in front of your eyes a few of these questions from this list. You will unwittingly remember them and control your resources and attention. Learn to see yourself!

Exercise "Reflexive reading"

Have you ever controlled your own reading process? Have you noticed that you often run your eyes over the lines, but your thoughts are somewhere far away, are you already thinking about something extraneous?

Attention is a capricious thing, and especially with a weak concentration, a person is constantly distracted, and even then he can no longer remember what he read about. The efficiency of such reading, of course, is small.

Careful reading involves capturing not only the general meaning, but also the entire depth embedded in the text by the author, all the details and nuances - of course, if this is not a newspaper for speed reading and not tabloid-detective reading for killing time.

It makes sense to train in this exercise on non-empty material, on books worth reading and seeing depth in them.

The exercise is to fully concentrate on the text, completely immerse yourself in it with your attention, read each line without distraction, search and find everything that the writer put here.

Read at a comfortable pace, do not set records, but set the task to think about all the meanings and nuances.

At the same time - part of the focus on self-reflection. We noticed that you are distracted - turn on your strong-willed qualities and again direct the beam of attention to the main task.

The exercise is similar to the exercise with the second hand, but instead of what the arrow is interesting for, you are looking for what the text is interesting for.

If you have enough strong-willed qualities and concentrated and reflective reading becomes a habit, you will be able to see more in any text than ordinary readers see, perceiving books half-heartedly, like entertainment in the subway.

The third row of concentration exercises

Emotional balance.

Exercise "Breathing"

This is a good exercise not only to increase concentration before an important matter, but also to quickly eliminate unnecessary excitement, for example, before a public speaking.

Breathing a little more deeply, concentrate on the process of breathing. Watch in detail with your mind's eye as the air enters through your airways into your lungs, slowly filling and expanding them. And then, after a pause, just as slowly leaves, passing in the opposite direction. Lead time - according to the circumstances. Work 3-5 minutes.

Exercise "Smooth surface of the lake"

Especially effective for reducing excessive emotionality and inner concentration.

Imagine before your mind's eye an absolutely quiet, windless expanse of the lake. The surface of the lake is completely calm, serene, smooth, reflecting the beautiful shores of the reservoir. The water of the lake is mirror-like, clean, even, reflecting the blue sky, snow-white clouds and tall trees. You simply admire the surface of this lake, tuning in to its calmness and serenity. Work for 5-10 minutes, you can describe the picture mentally listing everything that is drawn on it.

Exercise "Rosary"

An ancient oriental way of focusing and eliminating disturbing thoughts.

Slowly sort out the rosary, fully concentrating on this lesson, directing your focus only to the process itself. Listen to your sensations in the area of ​​​​contact with your fingers and immerse yourself in them, achieving calmness and awareness. If there are no rosaries, you can replace them by scrolling your thumbs. Cross your fingers together, as many people do when thoughtful, and scroll thumbs concentrating only on this process.

Exercise "Film Reel"

On inner concentration and ordering of emotionality.

Imagine that you are watching a video recording of today (or yesterday) of your life - from the side, as in a cinema hall. Remember in every detail how the day went. How they got up, what they did in the morning, prepared to leave the house, how they left, what were the small and significant events of the whole day, with whom and what they talked about, what happened in the late afternoon. Remember carefully and in detail, trying not to miss a single picture. If an important meeting or negotiations awaits you now, once again mentally scroll through the most important, key theses and positions on which you will build your conversation.

Exercise "Mental relaxation"

Sit on a chair (chair) comfortably, but as straight as possible, leaning on the back.

With your mind's eye, begin to view and relax the parts of your body to which you direct your mental focus.

First, direct your attention to the very bottom - to the foot of your right foot, stop on this area for a few seconds, completely relax it with an internal order, rise higher.

Achieve complete consistent relaxation of all areas of the body, but still not falling off the chair, minimal control still remains.

This good way not only to train concentration, but also to relax unnoticed by the environment. This exercise usually takes 5-7 minutes.

Exercise "Sphinx"

With outward simplicity, this is a more difficult exercise than the previous one.

It is necessary to be on a chair absolutely calmly, completely motionless, not moving, stopping any involuntary muscular movements. The state is relaxed, it is not required to strain. Let go of thoughts, let them also come and go in a relaxed way, without purposely directing them anywhere. Well, if you achieve a comfortable motionless state of the wise sphinx within 15 minutes.

Exercise "Sculpture"

Perhaps you have seen in tourist places people in special paint who work as living sculptures. Often these are actors whose developed concentration allows them to remain motionless in difficult poses for quite a long time.

God forbid working as a dummy, but this is a useful exercise to test and develop voluntary concentration.

The easiest level is a regular straight pose. If you can in a state of complete stillness, but in a relatively relaxed comfortable state, 10 minutes is a good result.

Complicate the pose - raise your arms, tilt your head, turn your body and again achieve complete immobility.

It is clear that the more difficult the pose, the more difficult the exercise and the less control time.

The disadvantage of this exercise is that it can be done in public only once - before the arrival of emergency help.

If you do this for half an hour a day (preferably in segments of 5 minutes), then concentration skills develop on average in two months. And it's worth it. I wish you success!published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

Entered interest Ask I would like to bring to the public discussion:

Attention question: If the inner levels of this universe are essentially an illusion, how real are the outer levels?

Answer: Again, what is reality and what is illusion? (Are we buying or selling?)

That ray of attention (a part of the higher Self), which the essence of a person on earth possesses, is only a small bud on a huge fractal tree of the attention rays of the higher WE, and it depends on what to compare with. In our (humanoff) case, the existence of the illusion of separation is implied, the illusion of NOT identifying the kidney (Man) with the tree (Creator), where it seems to the kidney (it "believes") that it is sovereign-autonomous, and this distorts reality from the point of view of branches (avatars -VYA-sublogos-logos, etc.), not to mention the tree. However, the measure of this particular illusion cannot be applied to assessing the degree of illusory nature of parallel realities, because the rules in them are completely different (they are incomparable with ours by definition, and often incomprehensible with the tools given to us - we just don’t smell them from here. About the same way as a daisy cannot comprehend a cow, a milkmaid cow, and a milkmaid an astrophysicist - we lack the tools of cognition and accumulated experience of perception, there is nothing to compare with, and there is nothing, in fact).

At the inner levels of the matryoshka, the illusion of separation is complete, but the “higher” we rise, the more it becomes clear (“remembered”) that everything is a single organism that cognizes itself by different methods, through different actors, penetrating itself with different types and concentrations of rays attention, for which the concepts of time, space, gravity and other input basic data have different meanings, depending on the current scenario (and the concentration/orientation of the Creator's attention beam in it).

We attract attention to ourselves by our own behavior - who plays more interestingly, more attention is paid to him.

People, as individualized particles of the Unified Consciousness, being a fractal similarity of the Creator, further divide their attention, if necessary, to their own needs. If there was no such possibility, we would just look at one point - we would arrive in an alpha state, and we would not be able to fully use the tools given to us.

For example, from childhood we learn to control and direct our attention in the right direction when riding a lisaped - control our body, monitor balance, muscle tension, joint bending, weight distribution, and obstacles in the way of movement. Each of these functions takes a certain percentage of attention, somewhere more, somewhere less.

If one or more of these functions fails, and the discoverer of great truths who has missed the birds flies head over heels from the mountain, his attention completely switches to the gravitational factor, the protection of the physical suit, and other manifestations of the instinct of self-preservation - attention is turned off from one point, and increases to another. At the same time, the experience is developed by a person, a lisaped, a mountain, a road and even sand at the same time - they all have different "types" of consciousness and participate in the action to one degree or another, and the entire experience is recorded as a voluminous holographic memory cell of the local Akashic Records.

Analyzing information from the Akashic Records as actions develop, our higher aspects direct their attention to entire civilizations and worlds, directing the rays of attention in the most promising direction.

Thus, attention = development = energy

Without a unified system of organs and sense activators in each separate world, it is impossible to make a full assessment between realities. It's like sending a fish into space and asking it to assess the situation with radiation. Well, the fish does not have a Geiger counter with them, even if you crack! And if there were, then there is no brain to use it, and the finger still needs to be grown to press the button.

Reality, in my personal understanding, is the very "here and now" where attention is concentrated(creative energy) of our consciousness, or rather, its carrier beam, the reading head of the player of scenarios of the higher We, logos, etc.

At the same time, the ray of attention can move along the "vertical of Creation", split, go to other "realities", and exchange information between them according to the principles of optical fiber - transmitting requests and answers about the state of the game in both directions. Coming from the energy worlds and plunging deeper and deeper into matter, the rays of the Creator's attention penetrate deeper and deeper into the details of their Creation, weaken many times, lose their clothes (memory) to fit themselves into sub-carriers (VYa-avatars-humans), and acquire a relative individualized free will within conditioned scenarios.

For example, at the time of reading these lines, the reader's reality will be here, on planet Earth in 2013, and after a couple of hours, he will move to another reality called "dream", but this dream will be as "real" as the current one . Your personal attention will almost completely immerse yourself in it, leaving only basic motor functions to maintain physical. space suit – an adapter for interacting with the current dream (do not confuse the automatic reflexes of the space suit with the ray of attention of the soul. The former are practically unchangeable, the latter constantly evolves and exchanges data with higher and lower aspects).

At the same time, please do not forget that your current ray of attention is projected here from another avatar or energy body, as we have recently learned, and in some cases through chains of avatars leading up to the BO and beyond.

An interesting avatar kebab turns out, isn't it? The beam of attention of the VE permeates with its fractal skewers an almost unlimited number of avatars, each of which can consider itself more real than the next, and dream of its own kind).
"Expansion of consciousness or awareness", to which we are so often called from above, in fact, means the conscious identification of a kidney with a branch, oneself with the surrounding world - turning the beam of attention back to the source.

In other realities/dreams, we may have other avatar suits (in the form of reptiles or dragons, for example) that may exist semi-autonomously (so to speak), without our 100% attention.

Let's say I gave my 50 avatars 1% of my attention beam, and left 50% for myself, because. it is the local incarnation that is most important to me (although how can you be sure of this, and suddenly everything is the other way around?). During my absence from those "dreams", the script freezes and waits for my return. But this is judging by linear time. In the realities of our EE, everything happens at the same time, and we can enter and exit it at will, learning new lessons as needed. For example, work through personal fears through nightmares.

Dreams remind us of the multidimensional essence of man. That is why, getting into dreams, we always know where we are and what we are doing, extremely rarely find ourselves in a complete stupor from what is happening - we simply merge into parallel aspects of ourselves and continue the game, which until then, from our three-dimensional point of view, was in the mode "Pause", but from the point of view of the natives, it was perfectly played without us, just at a different pace. Paying attention to this game, we press the "Play" button. Having played and filled the game scenario of sleep with the energy of our attention, we retreat, leaving the worlds created by our (collective) thoughts to develop further. And most likely, from our point of view, this development takes place in a slow mode, due to a lack of attention energies.

In the "Pause" mode, avatars of people become plants - time freezes for them

I suspect that the time factor itself has to do with the amount of attention given to an object or action. After all, we know from our earthly selves that in a deep concentration of attention, time flies faster - in a movie or on a date, for example. It is also known that time does not exist for high-vibration entities - it slows down as it "ascends" along the planes and dimensions. Thus, in relation to the 3D world, higher worlds can process information much faster, up to instant.

Entities and worlds created by our thoughts can be slowed down or accelerated due to our attention, both in a dream and in reality. And the more attention we feed them, the more they accelerate, and the more "real" they become for us, approaching our own vibrations. That is why we are fed propaganda from screens and pages - in order to form that thin the world, which is pleasing to the system and instill in it ourselves.

What happens in our dreams, who projects them to us and why, and also how the dreams of some individuals are used to influence the masses in order to form a “reality” that is convenient for the System, I think it should be clear, but this topic is for a separate post.

During meditations, hypnosis or astral exits, the main beam of attention can be divided and moved - partially go to other worlds, "return to the past", remaining in the "here and now" - the most concentrated point of our attention, the reading head of the player human essence, and passing information to all players. A person can physically feel the warmth of the tropical sun, the smell of the sea and the heaviness of iron boots, being under the covers and in pajamas on his sofa. Let me also remind you of the case of one operator girl who conducted a ray (of attention) of the sun through herself to talk with the Earth at one of last year's sessions. Her physical nose was physically burned. And this is in St. Petersburg, in the month of November! Moreover, a trace of the bandage that was on her during the session was visible. What is it, if not erasing the line between "realities"?

But let's get back to the topic of this scribble ... I myself am no longer glad that I started ...

So, the consciousness of a person can also “flow” back into the main carrier ray of attention - it becomes part of the higher Self, logos, or the universe, for example, but the latter more often occurs during near-death experiences. The ray of attention turns from a bud to a branch, from a branch to a trunk, from a trunk to a root.

The higher aspects of the Creator also act according to this principle: they turn their attention to those scenarios (planets, galaxies, universes) in which they are most interested in playing, and unfold it as they get carried away with the game, and the role of each lower aspect is to interest their VYa personal performance. That is why time is being used up now - we are being given more attention, but what we will do with it is already our choice.

If a person in life plays an active game on the side of a certain polarity (light or darkness), he attracts forces corresponding to his vibrations, both in support of development and as a restraining (balancing) factor.

His reality is saturated due to the attracted attention, and he gets the opportunity to more actively influence what is happening - he becomes a co-creator of the surrounding scenario. If the entity arrives in a constant balance of polarities, it does not attract much attention, does not learn enough lessons, and does not have the opportunity to develop as quickly as in the previous case. That is why there is such a struggle for our souls - without a tug-of-war from one polarity to another, the game is not worth the candle, it does not generate enough experience, but it also depends on which bell tower you look from ...

Thus, answering the original question with this ocean of delirium, we can say the following:
(Recall the question: If the inner levels of this universe are essentially an illusion, how real are the outer levels?)

Everything is an illusion
Everything is reality
Both concepts are flexible and depend only on the point of view of the observer, or rather on the level and concentration of the ray of attention that the Creator directs to points 1 and 2 through the observer.

From quotes:

What advice would you give to beginner esotericists? What can be the first steps of seekers?

Don't trust the words, no matter who wrote them. Rely only on your sense of truth. No one can be taught anything, you can only awaken the knowledge that is inside, hear its awakening, catch the resonance with the words spoken to others and those that sound inside you.

From the last article, you learned how important the synchronous work of logical and abstract thinking is in deductive intuition.

For the full functioning of intuition, one more attribute is necessary - Attention. It, too, must work in sync with sensory sensitivity and logical analysis.

In psychology, there are concepts of sensory attention and intellectual attention.

sensory attention occurs when objects act on the sense organs. It provides a clear reflection of objects and their properties in the sensations and perceptions of a person. Thanks to sensory attention, the images of objects that arise in the mind are clear and distinct. Sensory attention can be visual, auditory, olfactory, and so on.

intellectual attention It is aimed at more efficient functioning of such cognitive processes as: memory, imagination and thinking. Thanks to this attention, a person remembers and reproduces information better, creates clearer images of the imagination, and thinks clearly and productively.

It would seem that everything is there, everything is fine, and what other skill are we talking about?

There is a nuance!

The above types of attention work with information coming from the physical world. Intuitive signals contain information of an energetic nature. Human eyes and ears perceive information from the material forms of the surrounding space, and para-organs capture the invisible essence of what is happening in the situation. This is a different level of reality, a different mode of perception.

Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize physical and sensory attention. Then it will be possible to consciously see, listen and notice what is happening, and at the same time, intuitively determine the degree of threat or benefit, regarding the future development of the situation.

So, to synchronize attention, you can create energy rays of attention.

There are two types of them:

  1. Sensory beam - tactile sensitivity.
  2. Intelligent beam - maximum concentration on many details.

This article discusses sensory beam - tactile sensitivity. In order not to talk much, but to give more opportunity to try it yourself, we offer a technique taken from the training "Deductive intuition":

Technique "Hand - ray":

  1. Concentrate your attention on your chest:
  • there is a sensitive center,
  • feel it in your body.
  1. Imagine how a sensitive ray grows from this center:
  • it can be represented in the shape of your hand,
  • try to stretch your "ray hand" to the table you are sitting at and touch it,
  • focus on your feelings, how do you feel?
  1. Practice touching different objects.
Psychology of bed relations